Altmore Forest Scoping Study

Community Survey

Thank you for participating in this survey. It should take around 5 minutes to complete.

This survey is being undertaken by Outdoor Recreation NI on behalf of Mid Ulster District Council to help inform a Development Plan for Altmore Forest. The Scoping Study aims to assess potential for outdoor recreation, environmental products, and accompanying visitor servicing at the site taking into consideration its surroundings.

By completing this survey, you are consenting to your responses being used to inform this study. Your responses will be treated anonymously. The statistics and trends which your responses contribute to will be held on file for a retention period of 5 years, to allow us to perform our duties in accordance with the contract.

For more information, Outdoor Recreation NI’s Privacy Policy is available at

Please circle your answers and provide text as required

Q1. How would you describe your gender?

Female Male Prefer another description Prefer not to say

Q2. What age bracket do you fall into?

Under 18 18-25 26-35 36-45

46-55 56-65 Over 65

Q3. Are you a parent or guardian of any children?

Yes No

Q4. Do you have reduced/limited mobility or any other disability?

Yes No

Q5. What Council area do you live in?

Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council

Ards and North Down Borough Council

Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council

Belfast City Council

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council

Derry City and District Council

Fermanagh and District Council

Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council

Mid Ulster District Council

Newry, Mourne and Down District Council


Q6. Currently there is no formal provision for recreation at Altmore Forest. However, it is possible to enter parts of the forest and make use of a network of forest service roads for recreation. Have you ever visited any section of Altmore forest?

Yes (proceed to question 7) No (skip to Question 11)

Q7. Over the past year, how frequently have you visited Altmore Forest?

Daily A few times per week A few times per month A few times in the year Just the once

Q8. What recreation activity have you undertaken most often in Altmore Forest? Tick one

Walking or hiking Running A day out or picnic Cycling Observing wildlife Camping Other (Please state)______

Q9. On a typical visit to Altmore Forest, do you:

Visit on your own Visit with your family Visit with a spouse/partner Visit with friends Visit as part of an organised group (please specify) Visit to attend an event (please specify) Other (please state)______

Q10. How do you typically travel to Altmore Forest?

Car Bicycle Walk Other

Q11. Thinking about future visits to Altmore Forest, please tick your level interest in the following aspects of an outdoor recreation experience at the site:

High interest Moderately Limited interest No interest interested Spending time outdoors Exercise Wildlife and natural features History and heritage of the area Taking in views of the wider landscape Socialising with others Exploring a new place Spending time somewhere familiar ‘Getting away from it all’

Q12. Please tick your view on the priority of the following emerging ideas for developments at Altmore Forest. Please be assured that nothing at this early stage of Development Planning is ruled in or out, and this is just to aid developing the picture of community demand and factors for success across the area.

Top Priority High priority Moderate Low Priority Not a priority Priority Formal car parking facility at the forest Toilet facilities at the forest Walking Trails Mountain biking trails Horse-riding trails and horse trailer parking facilities Wayfinding (maps and arrow posts) Organised events and activities Environmental improvements A visitor Centre A traffic free connection to nearby Cappagh Village Cafe Play facilities Facilities for overnight stays - Caravanning, camping, glamping.

Q13. Please outline any other Top/High/Moderate priority forest development ideas that you feel may have been omitted from the previous question (Q12)

500 characters or fewer.

Q14. If facilities at Altmore Forest were developed, how frequently would you envisage visiting?

Daily A few times per week A few times per month A few times in the year Just the once

Q15. Besides Altmore Forest, what sites/facilities do you use most regularly for outdoor recreation and outdoor leisure time?

I walk/run/cycle/horse ride on local roads I visit other forests, parks, and trails within my Council Area (please state below) I travel to forests, parks and trails outside my council area (please state below_ I normally use football or other formal outdoor sporting facilities (normal – pre-COVID) I am not currently actively engaged in outdoor recreation Other (please state below)

Please state: ______

Q16. How important do you think the development of recreation facilities at Altmore Forest is to the local community?

Very important Fairly important Important Slightly important Not important Don't know/Not applicable to me

Q17. Any other comments?

500 characters or fewer.