Wacker Earns One More Year
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TCU Daily Skiff Tuesday, November 27, 1990 Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas 88th Year, No. 49 Super Frog keeps crowds laughing By HAL MOFFATT Straight, a sophomore arts and sci- the various frog parts because they Sanders said he started out as a de- Special to the Skiff ence pre-major, said she saw Super arc so big," Straight said. "The hard- signated alternate. He has since Frog during her freshman orientation est part was getting used to the logged about 200 hours in the suit. Win-starved TCU fans celebrated and immediately became interested smell." Super Frog was voted the All- in the stands whenever the Horned in playing the part. Straight said the most difficult as- America Mascot at the National Frogs scored a touchdown this sea- "To my knowledge, no girl had pect of the audition was the silence. Cheerleaders Association camp last son. But when there was a lull in the ever done it before me," Straight "There was only one judge in the summer at Southern Methodist Uni- action, Super Frog captured the at- said. "I didn't think I'd have a chance whole coliseum. There was no one to versity in Dallas, and Super Frog is a tention of the crowd. because the character is a guy." laugh," she said. four-time Universal Cheerleaders Whether it's running into goal Straight attended a meeting last The list of those selected was Association camp champion. posts, being carried up the stands by spring with Carolyn Dixon, associate posted the night of the audition. Only two people used to play the fans or just running up and down the athletic director who sponsors Super Straight said she was ecstatic when part of Super Frog, Sanders said. sidelines, Super Frog is Frog. Dixon said Straight and other she learned she had been chosen. But Straight said she loves being entertainment. prospective Super Frogs would have Three others also were chosen from on the crew of five. TCU students Greg Glass, Billy to audition for the part by performing the audition. "It's really nice because if I have a Half icld, Stacey Roberts, David San- a two- to three-minute skit in Daniel- David Sanders, a senior public really busy schedule someone can ders and Suzy Straight all act as Meyer Coliseum. relations/advertising major, returned Super Frog. "We were given a week to try on to the Super Frog squad. See frog, page 2 Super Frog Musicians score first Wacker earns dual concert one more year By PATRICIA PATTISON TCU Daily Skiff By JEFF BLAYLOCK TCU Daily Skiff The TCU Concert Chorale will perform Bach's B Minor Mass at 8 TCU head football coach Jim p.m. today with the Fort Worth Wacker received a one-year rollover Chamber Orchestra. contract extension Monday. Wacker, John Giordano, Fort Worth Sym- who had one more year on his con- phony conductor will direct the per- tract, will be TCU's coach through at formance in Ed Landrcth Hall Audi- least the 1992 season. torium, marking the first time the "I'm thrilled to death," Wacker chamber orchestra and the TCU Con- said. "The future has never looked cert Corale have performed together. belter. I believe in the next couple Ron Shircy, concert chorale direc- years we arc going to do something tor, said the 45-mcmber chorus, really special with this football made up primarily of vocal perfor- program." mance music majors, has been pre- Director of Athletics Frank Win- paring all semester for the perfor- deggcr had recommended the con- mance ol one of choral music's most tract extension to Chancellor Wil- difficult works. liam E. Tucker earlier Monday "This is generally conceded to be morning. one of the most difficult baroque The contract is unique because it Jim Wacker pieces to perform, and for that reason will be renewable after each season it isn't performed much," Shircy and will always give Wacker, 53, two His program made one of the na- said. "We've been working all fall to years to work with, Windcggcr said. tion's fastest turnarounds in 1984 by get this piece under control and gel The contract will not have to be re- winning eight of its first nine games. ready." newed but will "rollover" The 8-4 Frogs went lo the Bluebon- Robert Garwell, dean of the col- automatically. net Bowl, die Frogs' first bowl game lege of fine arts and communication, "This is a complete vote of confi- since the 1965 Sun Bowl. agreed with Shircy about the diffi- dence in him and his staff," Windcg- But he learned early during the culty of the Bach work. gcr said. "As long as Wacker is at 1985 season that seven of his players, "It is undoubtedly one of the most TCU, he will always have two-year including All-America running back difficult works in choral literature to contract lo work with." Kenneth Davis, were receiving pay- perform," Garwell said. "It's a great Tucker said the progress Wacker ments from an alumni-sponsored honor for our students to be perform- has made in building TCU's football slush fund thai had been set up prior ing it with the chamber orchestra." program was a factor in the decision. to Wacker's arrival at TCU. Wacker In addition to current members of "We needed to sec progress, and dismissed the players from the learn, the chorale, several TCU choir we have," Tucker said. "We expect and Windcggcr turned the matter alumni will perform. lo sec more progress, and we shall." over to ihe NCAA. "Many of them have wanted to Wacker has a 33-54-2 record in The NCAA imposed Ihe harshest perform this piece all their lives and eight seasons at TCU. He is 137-87-3 penalty ever assessed a college team, really wanted to work to be a part of in 20 seasons as a head coach. He had and TCU hasn'l had a winning sea- it," Shircy said. "It's very fortunate won two straight NCAA Division II son since. for us that they arc going to be a part national championships with South- The penalty imposed included of tonight's performance because west Texas Stale before taking the bans on postseason play and live tele- they've helped step in to fill in some job at TCU in 1983. vision appearances and considerable areas of difficulty." Wacker took over a program that reduction in scholarships Ihe learn Tonight's performance reflects had won only 14 games in the lasl 10 could give. Only ihe death penally well on TCU and TCU's music de- years and had only three winning assessed SMU four years ago has TCU Daily Skiff/ Trip Meade partment, Garwell said. seasons since 1959, ihe lasl year been harsher. The holiday season officially started last tions. The Tandy Center in downtown was en- TCU went to the Cotton Bowl. His See Concert, page 2 Thursday, including the advent of decora- dowed with the Christmas spirit. first-year Frogs went 1-8-2. See Wacker, page 5 Britain will remain Inside Texas lawmakers anticipate Hype Columnist examines our ally, professor says generation and its quirks. trade agreement with Mexico Page 3 By EVAN RAMSTAD from the four stales adjoining More Customs agents also will be By STACEY KOSIER day morning after hearing the advice Associated Press Mexico. needed, he said. TCU Daily Skiff of party leaders and Cabinet minis- Thatcher falls President Bush and Mexican Pres- Bentsen will meet with Salinas ters, Thatcher announced that she Britain is at war, but it's not DALLAS — A free trade agree- ident Carlos Salinas dc Gortari were Wednesday in Mexico Cily to dis- Margaret Thatcher resigned from would resign. with another country. ment between the United Slates and nol expected to delve into specific in- cuss where the "trouble spots" will the position of prime minister of Bri- "1 think everybody was sur- Page 3 Mexico can work only if roads, frastructure problems during their be during the negotiations, which are tain Thursday, ending her era as the prised," said James Riddlespcrgcr, bridges and olher improvements are two-day meeting that began expected to yield a pact in 1992 or longest-serving British leader of this professor of political science. "I made in border towns, Texas busi- Monday. 1993. ccnlury. think everyone thought Margaret A&M wins ness leaders and lawmakers said Sen. Lloyd Bentsen, D-Tcxas, vis- Bentsen chairs the Senate Finance Thatcher's decision to step down Thatcher would remain in power and The Aggies march over the Monday. ited Brownsville Monday to sec Committee, which has jurisdiction came after she failed Tuesday by four run for office again. She would have Horned Frogs 56-10. Texas, which has the nation's whether the city could handle the in- over trade mailers and will have lo votes to get the necessary 56-vote had it (the office), if it had not be- Page 4 longest, most populated border with creased traffic from its Mexican approve the agreement. majority of over challenger Michael come evident that she no longer had Mexico, is the slate lhal will likely neighbor, Matamoros, that a free The Border Trade Alliance will Heseltine in the batUc for leadership the support of her parly." gain the most from the lifting of trade trade agreement would likely bring. present studies to Congress and fed- of the Conservative Party. She re- "She didn't make the decision to barriers between the two countries. Trucks face wails of at least 30 mi- eral agencies nexl month about the ceived 204 votes and Heseltine re- step down," he said.