Library Oberlin College Libraries Perspectives
A Newsletter Fall 2017, Issue No. 57 of the Library Oberlin College Libraries Perspectives LIBRARY AND MUSEUM COLLABORATE clifford thompson to speak at friends ON MELLON FOUNDATION GRANT dinner SUPPORTED BY A $150,000 PLANNING CLIFFORD Press published his winning book of essays, GRANT awarded by the Andrew W. Mellon THOMPSON followed by Thompson’s memoir,Twin of Foundation, the libraries recently embarked ’85, recipient Blackness, in 2015. Thompson’s essays on on a series of new initiatives with the Allen of a Whiting books, film, jazz, and American identity Memorial Art Museum (AMAM). With the Writers’ have appeared in publications including aim of strengthening collaboration between Award for the Wall Street Journal, the Village Voice, the libraries and the museum, the grant will nonfiction the Threepenny Review, the Iowa Review, support a number of exciting developments. in 2013 for Commonweal, Film Quarterly, Cineaste, An intensive planning phase will lay the Love for Oxford American, the Los Angeles Review of groundwork for expanded organizational Sale and Books, and Black Issues Book Review. His first and curricular collaboration. An on-campus Other Essays, novel, Signifying Nothing, was published summit planned for June 2018 will bring will be the in 2009. In 2018 Other Press will publish together staff from leading libraries and featured his book J.D. & Me, part memoir and part museums at colleges and universities around Clifford Thompson ’85 speaker reflection on the work of Joan Didion. the country. at the Thompson is also a visual artist; one A goal of the project is to expand staff Friends of the Libraries annual dinner on of his paintings, Going North, appears in expertise and capacity for more intentional, Saturday, November 11.
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