EGTA, Ethyleneglycol-Bis(P-Aminoethyl Cm

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EGTA, Ethyleneglycol-Bis(P-Aminoethyl Cm Abbreviations h, hour n, number in study, group (material in parentheses Hepes, N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2- N, normal (concentration) for explanation only) ethane sulfonic acid NS, not significant HLA, human histocompatability No.(s), number(s) ADP, adenosine diphosphate leukocyte antigens OD, optical density AMP, adenosine monophosphate Ig, immunoglobulin osM, osmolar ATP, adenosine triphosphate IU, international unit(s) osmol, osmole(s) ACTH, adrenocorticotropin i.m., intramuscular Mosmol, microosmole(s) A, ampere(s) i.p., intrapeiitoneal mosmol, milliosmole(s) MA, microampere(s) i.v., intravenous % (with numeral), percent mA, milliampere(s) °K, degree kelvin P, probability A, angstrom (10-8 cm) kcal, kilocalorie(s) POPOP, 1,4-bis[2-(5- BCG, Calmetti-Guerin bacillus kcycle, kilocycle(s) phenyloxazolyl)]benzene BMR, basal metabolic rate kg-m, kilogram-meter(s) PPO, 2,5-diphenyloxazole 0C, degree Celsius liter(s), liter(s) RQ, respiratory quotient r, correlation coefficient Mul (not A), microliter(s) rpm, revolutions per minute cpm, counts per minute ml, milliliter(s) RNA, ribonucleic acid cps, counts per second nl, nanoliter(s) (millimicroliter) s, second(s) Ci, curie(s) pl, picoliter(s) (micromicroliter) Ms, microsecond(s) MCi, microcurie(s) m, meter(s) ms, milliseconds mCi, millicurie(s) cm, centimeter(s) s, sedimentation coefficient cycle/min, cycle(s) per minute km, kilometer(s) sp act, specific activity cycle/s, cycle(s) per second mm, millimeter(s) SD, standard deviation 2 D, dalton cm , square centimeter(s) SE, standard error kD, kilodalton cm3 (not cc), cubic centimeter(s) SEM, standard error of the mean d, density Mm or 10-6 m (not M), micrometer(s) S, Svedberg unit of sedimentation DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid (micron) coefficient (l0-'3 s) DEAE, diethylaminoethyl pm, picometer(s) (micromicron) t test, Student's t test dpm, disintegrations per minute nm, nanometer(s) (millimicron) TCA, trichloroacetic acid dps, disintegrations per second Meq, microequivalent(s) Tris, tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane eV, electron volt(s) meq, milliequivalent(s) U, unit(s) keV, 103 electron volt(s) M, molar MU, microunit(s) MeV, 106 electron volt(s) fM, femtomolar mU, milliunit(s) EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetate mM, millimolar UDP, uridine 5'-diphosphate EGTA, ethyleneglycol-bis(P-aminoethyl MM, micromolar dyn-s-cm- , units of peripheral vascular ether)-N,N'-tetraacetic acid nM, nanomolar (millimicromolar) resistance OF, degree Fahrenheit pM, picomolar (micromicromolar) V, volt(s) FFA, free fatty acids mol, mole(s) kV, kilovolt(s) GSH, glutathione, reduced fmol, femtomole(s) ,MV, microvolt(s) GSSG, glutathione, oxidized Mmol, micromole(s) mV, millivolt(s) g, gram(s) mmol, millimole(s) vol, volume(s) kg, kilogram(s) nmol, nanomole(s) (millimicromole) W, watt(s) (voltampere) /g, microgram(s) pmol, picomole(s) (micromicromole) kW, kilowatt(s) mg, milligram(s) mol wt, molecular weight wk, week fg, femtogram(s) mo, month wt, weight ng, nanogram(s) (millimicrogram) NAD, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide yr, year pg, picogram(s) (micromicrogram) NADH, nicotinamide adenine cal, gram-calorie(s); convert to joules(J) dinucleotide, reduced g-cm, gram-centimeter(s) NADP, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide g, unit of gravity phosphate tp half-life NADPH, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, reduced The Journal ofClinical Investigation (ISSN 0021-9738) is produced monthly for S120 per year (postal surcharge in Europe only, $25 net) by The Rockefeller University Press, 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021. Second-class postage paid at New York, NY and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Order Service, The Rockefeller University Press, 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021. The Editors ofthe Journal ofClinical Investigation gratefully acknowledge the assistance ofthefollowing reviewers who servedfrom August 1984 through July 31, 1985. R. Abela Barry G. W. Christine Baylis Kurt J. Bloch Charles R. Paul J. Cannon Herbert Abelson Arnason John W. Baynes A. J. Block Brinkman III Donald J. Capra George Abraham Claude Arnaud Gilbert Beaven Lutz Block William A. Briscoe Martin C. Carey N. N. Abumrad Peter S. Aronson William S. Beck Colin Bloor Michael R. Bristow Robert M. Carey Dolph Adams Edward R. Arquilla Elmer L. Becker Conrad Blum Arthur E. Broadus Ralph Carmel John W. Adamson Bradley A. Arrick Pamela Becker Barry S. Blumberg Samuel Broder Marc G. Caron Peter Agre Jose Arruda Warren Beeken Malcolm E. Brodin Frank Carone G. Aguilera Arthur Asbury Jose Behar Blumenthal Jerome Brody Vincent Carrai Tahir Ahmed Gerd Assmann Harold Behrman Thomas F. Boat Michael Brody Oscar Carretero Philip Aisen Richard Aster Richard Beliveau Gunter Boden John T. Brosnan S. Carriere Alan C. Aisenberg Elisha Atkins Norman H. Bell Helga Boedtker- Edward Brown Dennis Carson Petar Alaupovic Paul C. Atkins William R. Bell Doty Elmer B. Brown Angelina Carvalho Qais Al-Awqati John P. Atkinson David Belier Harold Bohlen Eric Brown P. Casellas David F. Albertini Harvey Auerbach George Beller Irving Boime Michael S. Brown F. Castellino A. Michael Albisser Thomas M. Aune David Bellnier Herbert L. Robert Brown Kevin Catt Edward A. Gerard Aurbach Earl P. Benditt Bonkowsky Alex C. Brownie Ralph R. Cavalieri Alexander Dennis A. Ausiello D. Bennett Susan Bonner-Weir G. G. Brownlee Luca Cavalli-Sforza R. Wayne Steven D. Aust Joel S. Bennett Robert J. Bonney Hal E. Broxmeyer T. E. Cawston Alexander K. Frank Austen Robert M. Bennett Joseph V. George Broze Peter Cech Stephen Aley Anne P. Autor Van Bennett Bonventre Henri Anthony Cerami Charles A. Alford, Mary Ellen Avery William M. Robert M. Brunengraber Bruce A. Chabner Jr. Louis V. Avioli Bennett Bookchin John D. Brunzell R. S. K. Chaganti A. Alfrey Lloyd Axelrod Dale Benos Wayne A. Border Saul W. Brusilow Alan Chait D. G. Allen Bernard M. Babior Merrill Benson Paul Bornstein Marion Buck B. Chakrabarti Chester A. Alper Fritz H. Bach Barry Bercu Walter Boron V. M. Buckalew John R. G. Challis R. Alpern Michael K. Bach Melvin Berger Niels Borregard Rebecca H. Phillip C. Chan David H. Alpers Robert Bache Nathan A. Berger Adele Boskey Buckley Yun-Lai Chan Leonard C. Altman F. W. Bachmann Richard Bergman Bonno N. Bouma John Buerkert Harold Chapman Edward P. Amento Howard P. Baden Edward Bergofsky Jacques Jean Ruth E. Bulger Herbert Chase Arthur J. Ammann John Badwey Paul D. Berk Bourgoignie Ward E. Bullock, Lewis R. Chase Bernard D. Amos Harold Baer Tomas Berl Henry Bourne Jr. Dennis E. Constantine Anast Marco Baggiolini Nathaniel Berlin Homer Boushey Glen S. Bulmer Chenoweth H. Clarke Om Bahl Richard Berlin Laurence A. Boxer Ruben D. Bunag Neil S. Cherniack Anderson Alfred L. Baker Sam Bernal Barry Bowman H. Franklin Bunn Alan Cherrington Donald C. Ann Baker Joseph R. Bertino A. E. Boyd III Steven Burakoff Paul A. Chervenick Anderson Carol J. Baker G. M. Besser James L. Boyer John Burch Russell W. Chesney Porter Anderson H. J. Baker Ernest Betyitler Samuel Boyer Thomas J. Burke Joseph Cheung R. A. Anderson Steven P. Baker K. C. Bhuyan Thomas Boyer Thomas F. Burks Shu Chien Robert Anderson Barbara J. Celso Bianco Thomas Bradley Kenneth D. William Chin Robert E. Ballermann Wilma Bias Allen J. Brady Burman N. Chiorazzi Anderson Michael Banda John Bienenstock Roscoe 0. Brady Thomas Wade A. M. Chonko Sharon Anderson A. D. Bankhurst Dennis Bier Joseph D. Brain Burns Inder Chopra Thomas Andreoli Arthur Banner Robert Bigley John Brand Ian M. Burr George Chrousos Janine Andre- Jose J. Barbosa Edward G. Biglieri Richard Branda Gerard M. Burrow W. H. Churchill Schwartz Bart Barlogie John P. Bilezikian Johnathan Braun Maria G. Buse Milos Chvapil Reubin Andres Peter Barnes David Bilheimer Eugene Braunwald James Butler George Cianciolo Aubie Angel Roland Baron Neil Birnberg N. Brautbar Vincent P. Butler, Henry N. Claman Nicholas R. Trevor Barrowcliffe Michael J. Bishop Jr. Margaret R. Clark Anthonisen William H. Barry B. Bistrin Lewis Braverman D. Allan Butterfield Richard A. F. Clark Harry N. Donald Bartlett ingemar Bjorkhem W. C. Breckenridge John E. Jacqueline Claus- Antoniades David Bass Ann B. Bjornson Patrick Brennan Butterworth Walker Nobuo Aoki Robert Bast William G. Mike Brenner Peter Byers Loran Clement Thomas T. Aoki Daniel Batlle Blackard Neil A. Breslau Edward Cadman John A. Clements Carl Apstein William T. George L. Jan L. Breslow Jacques P. Caen Rex A. Clements William P. Arend Batsford Blackburn Bryan H. Brewer Stephen M. Cain David R. William J. Kenneth Bauer Perry Blackshear George Brewer Steve Calderwood Clemmons Arendshorst Bruce Baum Roland C. Blantz Kenneth Bridges Edward J. Frederick R. Cobb Irwin M. Arias John Baxter Terrence F. Kenneth Brigham Campbell Jack W. Coburn Allen I. Arieff Steve Baylin Blaschke Richard F. Robert Campbell Charles G. Amin Arnaout David Baylink Bennett L. Blitzer Bringhurst Mitzi Canessa Cochrane Shamshad Alvin Davis Richard M. Effros Waldo R. Fisher Norman Gant, Jr. Ira D. Goldfine Cockcropt Jean-Michel Dayer George S. Garret A. Alan Garber James Goldie Frederic L. Coe Adolfo J. DeBold Eisenbarth Fitzgerald Jerry D. Gardner David I. Goldman Martin G. Cogan John R. Dedman Shiomo Eisenberg Thomas B. Kenneth Gardner Robert Goldman Alan S. Cohen William M. Deen Barry Eisenstein Fitzpatrick Lal C. Garg Steven Goldring Allen B. Cohen Ralph A. DeFronzo G. H. Elder Herbert Fleisch Peter Garlick Alan Goldstein Harvey J. Cohen Leslie J. DeGroot Keith Elkon Norman Fleisher A. Garner Allan L. Goldstein Michael Z. Cohen Christoph DeHaen William Elliot David C. Flenley James C. Garrison Gideon Goldstein Richard Cohen Laurence M. Jerrold J. Ellner John R. Fletcher Stanley Gartler Ira M. Goldstein Francis Sessions Demers Peter Elsbach Jeffrey S. Flier Judy Gason David A. Cole Pierre De Meyts Stephen Embury Alan M. Fogelman Haralambos Gavras Goldthwait Robert W. Robert H. Demling Stephen G. Anthony Ford- J. Bernard L. Gee Eugene Coleman Lawrence Den Emerson Hutchinson Marlys H. Gee Goldwaisser Barry S. Coller Besten Andrew Engel John Fordtran Malcolm Gefter Darrel Goll Robert Colman Frederick P. William D. Bernard G. Forget Raif S.
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