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Tarleton Village Plan September 2003 Tarleton Village Plan a/w 20/08/03 9:12 am Page 3


The process of drawing up this Village Plan has truly been a steep learning curve for all those who have taken the time to be actively involved.

Personally I never envisaged the work that was to evolve when the Rural White Paper came out in 2001. The community of Tarleton have been remarkable in working together to get this milestone of producing the first Village Plan through the Vital Villages Initiative in the area of West .

I hold in extremely high regard all those volunteers who have freely given their time and worked effortlessly to gather, analyse Contents and interpret information. However, this is only part of the process of working towards making Tarleton a better place to live for current and future generations. The areas outlined in the Action Plan will be Page 3 Foreword achieved with further effort, something that I am sure the Page 4 Introduction community of Tarleton is quite capable of achieving. Page 6 Tarleton Village Plan Process Page 8 Traffic, Transport And Travel Many thanks to all those involved over the last 21/2 years. Let us Page 9 Housing And Development keep up the good work in the future. Page 10 Crime And Safety Page 12 Facilities For Young People Page 13 Community And Sports Facilities Page 14 Employment Nadine Ashcroft Vice Chair Tarleton Parish Council Page 15 Environment Page 16 Education And Training Page 17 Community Involvement And Activity This Village Plan is a significant landmark of a process that started Page 20 The Future in 1997, as a result of the communities reaction to significant Page 22 Summary and Conclusions housing developments in the village. Page 23 Acknowledgements Page 24 Bibliography Little did we know back then that the 2001 Rural White Paper was to provide the format on which residents could base their Page 26 Appendix 1 - Action Plans strategy for managing change. From those humble beginnings Page 34 Appendix 2 - Proposed many more people became involved bringing new talents and Supplementary skills to the task ahead. Planning Guidance The Village Plan provides us with the ‘Roadmap’ for the future and will prove to be a most powerful tool, which can be used to influence a wide range of issues and projects in the coming years. The power of the Village Plan lies in the fact that it is based upon true consultation with effective engagement of the local community. Through the Village Plan each member of the community can be assured that their individual voice is amplified for maximum influence.

It is therefore with a great sense of pride that I commend to you, your Village Plan for Tarleton.

Our vision is of a living countryside with thriving rural communities and access John Hodson to high quality public services. Chairman Tarleton Parish Council

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The Rural White Paper “Our Countryside, A Fair Deal for Rural ” was presented to Parliament in November 2000. The vision set out states:

‘Living in the countryside has a great deal to offer. People value the quietness and sense of space, the beauty of natural surroundings, the traditions and sense of community. But over the last twenty years, the pace of social and economic change has put increasing pressure on rural communities. While some have attracted new businesses, many have lost local services and jobs in agriculture and other traditional industries. Poor quality development has encroached on some valued landscapes and wildlife habitats have declined. Young people have left more remote rural areas, while some villages close to cities have become commuter dormitories’

In January 2001 the residents of Tarleton took the first step to producing this Village Plan.

A Village Design Statement was started after initial consultation at a public meeting. A Core Design Team comprising of members of the community groups was set up. The community showed great interest and came forward with enthusiasm and have willingly given their time to make this document what it is today, a comprehensive audit of the communities views.

The Core Design Team secured funding to be able to progress the vision of completing a Village Design Statement for Tarleton Parish. A financial budget was set and the work began.

In the Autumn of 2001 the Countryside Agency pointed the Village Design Group in the direction of the REAL (Rural Evaluation and Action for Lancashire) team, based at Community Futures in Preston. A Community Audit was carried out and the evidence gathered during the Village Design Statement Residents Survey and the REAL survey and consultation workshops form the basis of this “Tarleton’s Village Plan”.

Our vision is of a working countryside, with a diverse economy giving high and stable levels of employment.

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Tarleton Village Plan Process Action Plan Areas

The residents of Tarleton Parish which includes the hamlets of The following sections detail the main areas of interest Holmes, and have produced this Village Plan document. It attempts to identify the qualities that are Each section starts with a “Village Vision” which is presented valued in the village by its residents. The plan was conceived as follows: with the purpose of ensuring that future development and change and areas of concern identified by residents during the Community Audit are executed in sympathy with the village’s past as well as its present. This shows the views of the community which have been The Tarleton Village Plan is the result of consultation with the adopted as a “Village Vision” or “Core Statement” villagers over the past 2 1/2 years This consultation has included public workshops, exhibitions and the opportunity for each villager to participate in the Village Design Statement Residents’ Survey during the summer of 2001. Some of the opinions of Tarleton have been recorded as: The Countryside Agency worked in partnership with the Northern Parishes (Tarleton, Rufford, and • The lack of village amenities and the strains being imposed Hesketh with Becconsall) to carry out a Public Transport on existing amenities. Survey. A questionnaire was distributed to all households and the findings are incorporated within this Village Plan. • The perception of unfettered growth in the building of ‘executive’ properties. The Community Audit carried out in March 2002 has also supplied valuable information that is contained in the • The lack of recognition for the needs of this farming and document “Tarleton Past Present and Future”. horticultural village.

In April 2002 Tarleton Parish Council applied to the • The increasing volume of traffic which, as well as being Countryside Agency for a Parish Plan grant which was duly a general nuisance, generates feelings of danger for awarded. This was used to complete the Village Plan and pedestrians and cyclists, leading to a ‘self’ reinforcing spiral commission expert help to assist in specialist areas. of increased car use even for the shortest of journeys within the village. An example of the expert help was the Village Plan Traffic Analysis that has been presented to residents and the • The volume of HGV traffic within the village and the recommendations are incorporated in the Village Plan. inadequacy of the existing roads network.

The Village Plan was designed to gather the views of the • New developments and growth in house building has The surveys, reports or forums used to form the Action Plan community evidence any need and to be used by individuals contributed, and will continue to contribute, to the loss of areas are; and groups ie schools and voluntary organisations, as a valuable fields and green space with the tendency to build up resource to support project ideas as a recognised point of to the ‘green belt’. • Northern Parishes Public Transport Assessment Survey reference. • The contribution by new developments to the traffic • Village Design Statement Residents Survey This is your Plan and is part of an ongoing process. It will problems being experienced. influence important decisions. • REAL Quality of Life Questionnaire • A decline of community feel and character of the village. • The Young Peoples Survey • The lack of low cost housing forcing many young people brought up in Tarleton to move out of the village when • Community Workshops setting up home on their own. • Atkins Traffic Analysis Report • The inadequacy of facilities for young people. • Primary Care Trust Working Group • The lack of community and leisure facilities. Meetings on Agriculture Workers

• The perceived lack of influence that can be exerted on the planning process by the villagers of Tarleton. Our vision is of a protected countryside in which the environment is sustained and enhanced, and which all can enjoy.

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Traffic, Transport and Travel Housing and Development

The community should work together to resolve conflicting The rural character of the village should be maintained by needs in order to ensure that quality of life is not affected sustainable planning by people going about their everyday business

Through the consultation carried out during the Village Design Statement Survey residents expressed strong views about the future character of development in Tarleton.

When residents were asked about aspects of life in Tarleton that gave rise to concern, most of the issues could be related to the rate, size and extent of recent developments and Traffic Transport and Travel proved to be extremely high on the anxiety regarding the impact of any future developments. agenda for residents and businesses in the area. The Village Design Group have worked in partnership with 90% of residents either own or have access to a motor vehicle Planning Aid who have produced draft areas to submit as and there seems to be a general reluctance to use public Supplementary Planning Guidance. transport. Local businesses depend heavily on the local road network to earn their living. Action Plan Outcomes There is a defined lack of public transport. • That the areas identified as eligible for Supplementary • Survey the type of housing resources already built in Planning Guidance be submitted to WLDC. Tarleton and compare to the needs survey to establish the degree to which existing resources can satisfy the needs of • That residents are encouraged to feed their views into the community. The WLDC Housing needs survey carried the development of a Local Development Framework for out in 2001 should be incorporated in the findings. the district. Action Plan Outcomes

• Take forward recommendations of the Atkins Report. • Take forward recommendations of the Northern Parishes Public Transport Assessment Survey.

We want to improve transport • Produce a plan for Tarleton providing details of housing to for all in rural areas making best meet the shortfall between the resources available and the community needs. This plan needs to be owned by the We want young families to be able to use of car, bus, rail and people of Tarleton and controls need to be established to ensure housing availability at the appropriate cost level is live in the communities where they community transport achieved. grew up. • Put mechanisms in place to review the Tarleton Housing plan at regular intervals to ensure that changing community needs are identified and the housing plan updated to be compatible.

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Crime & Safety

Our aim is to sustain and enhance the distinctive environment, economy and The community of Tarleton seek to live or work in a safer social fabric of the English countryside for the benefit of all. village, with a reduced fear of crime

Although crime and safety is a high priority for Tarleton, the findings suggest that 86% of residents have never been a victim of crime. However, it did show that some residents have a significant fear of crime.

The success of the Crime and Community Safety week held in the Autumn of 2002 and the interest stimulated encouraged residents to set up Neighbourhood Watch Schemes and to get their personal possessions marked. It was encouraging to know that Tarleton residents are willing to help themselves.

Action Plan Outcomes

• That the community be consulted on whether they wish the current Police Station to be relocated to a more central location within the village.

• That self help schemes such as Neighbourhood Watch and how residents can protect their own property be publicised regularly in partnership with . We will fund a new programme of town and village plans, to help 1,000 communities map and safeguard their most valued features and influence future development plans.

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Facilities for Young People Community and Sports Facilities

To provide accessible recreational and leisure facilities That the community engages the young people to take on through partnership. To encourage healthy lifestyles and board their views to enable them to take their ideas and to promote social, sports and community activities visions forward commensurate with the population of the village

Although it is recognised that Tarleton has a number of good The creation of new youth facilities is seen to be something facilities and services, much of the community feel that greater that is much needed in Tarleton. This view was expressed by provision should be made particularly for recreation and all sections of the community, not only the young people. It leisure, which should be accessible by all ages. was clear that young people should be given the opportunity to Scouts, engage themselves in positive recreation and leisure activities. Many local facilities are already seen to be well provided, and Guides are serving Tarleton well. Residents feel that they have easy A group of young people, with the support of Lancashire Youth or fairly easy access to a post office, doctor, corner shop and and Community Service, participated fully in the Village Plan and a bank which suggests good local provision. A high percentage consultation process. They have formed their own group ATC of residents believe they have easy access to a park or outdoor (Tarleton Youth Action Group), had elections and campaign recreation area and fairly easy access to a medium or large to the appropriate authorities for the facilities they have supermarket. consulted with their peers on. Action Plan Outcomes The evidence gathered during the Community Audit has already been used to support two funding bids for Sports • Support to be given to any proposal to improve Facilities, indoor facilities at Tarleton High School and an facilities used by other groups, i.e: older people outdoor facility at Carr Lane Sports Ground. and uniformed groups that could provide a It was felt that due to the amount of community rooms facility that is accessible by the whole community. available and the potential for the development of Carr Lane Action Plan Outcomes Sports Pavilion that an expensive resource such as a Village Hall • A directory of community groups and facilities could not be sustained in Tarleton in the long term. It was available for hire be compiled and publicised, • That a facility be sought to provide a meeting quite clear that residents were not aware of the facilities that were available for use for gatherings or meetings and this will with tariffs so community organisations know place for young people. be addressed in the Action Plan. what facilities are available and at what cost. • Residents be encouraged to come forward to • That the community are given the means and volunteer for Youth Work. the opportunity to develop social and hobby clubs to meet their social and creative needs. • That the TYAG receive the appropriate support Church to enable them to facilitate campaigning for and • Investigations be carried out to see if any sites facilities. Village are available which could be transferred to, Youth Clubs and developed for use by the community. • That funding from levies on builders is directed to areas identified in theVillage Plan.

We want everyone to have the basic services they need - shops, health and We will help Town and Parish councils develop a new role and give communities education - close at hand. To support services at the heart of village life. the opportunity to help shape their future.

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Employment Environment

That employment opportunities in the village be encouraged That increased importance be paid to retaining open green to widen the types of jobs available, so that residents can space within the developed village. To protect, manage and live and work within the village settlement maintain the environment.

The employment opportunities within Tarleton are small in The people of Tarleton have a vision for their future – which relation to the size of the population of which the majority includes protecting and enhancing the natural environment commute to nearby towns etc. in order to work. However a which gives Tarleton its very special character. high percentage of local jobs are in the growing and packing industry that currently employs a significant number of migrant The environment is still clearly important. workers due to the difficulty in attracting local people to the industry.

A Business Working Group has developed from the Community Action Plan Outcomes Audit and they intend to take forward business issues. • Promote sustainable recycling that is sufficient to meet the needs of the community.

Action Plan Outcomes • Promote the potential for Community Groups to raise funds through recycling. • That investigations be carried out as to the potential use of the former Tarleton mill, and other disused buildings for light industry/technology. • Reduce the amount of dog fouling by siting more dog litter bins and educating dog owners • Identify suitable potential sites for employment/self employment. of the appropriate bye laws.

• Link in with organisations to provide advice on business start ups. • Address the issue of derelict sites that are an eyesore in the parish. • Carry out an audit of local employment opportunities and profiles. • Consider extending the public footpath network.

• Publicising the Countryside Stewardship scheme to encourage landowners to promote farming methods that will protect and enhance the environment.

• Draw up a plan to protect and enhance the conservation areas within the village that encourages owners of properties and land to enhance the area rather then develop it and detract from it. We want a diverse rural economy that attracts new businesses which fit with their surroundings, and provides opportunities for all.

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Education and Training Community Involvement and Activity The community should have access to adult education and employment based training That residents have information disseminated to them by local means so they can express their views freely to the appropriate authorities

Education and training is another aspect of life that those taking part in the consultation would like to see developed. In order to make any change sustainable and effective, the A small percentage of residents are currently engaged in a course of study, although a higher percentage expressed an interest in Community feel they must be involved in all stages of any taking up some form of adult education. process that affects them. Participation in the REAL process is evidence that a substantial number of local residents are taking Work has commenced with Adult Education Providers, facilitated by the Learning Skills Council, to look at consulting with an active part in the information collection and decision making residents on what courses they feel they would like to engage in. Since the Community Audit, Tarleton Library has become a process, and this is something they want to continue. Learndirect centre offering residents access to a variety of courses. Tarleton Parish Council has a website Adult education courses are available at various venues within easy reach of Tarleton and a new provider of Adult Education (www.tarletonpc.ukfreedom.com). The website gives courses at Tarleton High School commences courses in the Autumn of 2003. information about Parish Council Meetings and local initiatives.

Action Plan Outcomes Action Plan Outcomes • Continue working in partnership with • That Tarleton Parish Council produce a Lancashire and Colleges to quarterly newsletter that is distributed to all carry out a study into relevant training households. provision to provide local courses. • That an information point be set up locally to disseminate information

• That residents be encouraged to participate in consultation with Tarleton Parish Council, West Lancashire District Council, Lancashire Police Authority and any other relevant authorities.

We will use new technology to give rural areas the benefits and opportunities of the Our vision is of a vibrant countryside which can shape its own future and with its digital age - on lifelong learning, skills, job search, health and other public services. voice heard by Government at all levels.

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The Future

We want to look after, restore and conserve the landscape, wildlife, architecture and traditions that make our countryside special.

Previously residents from Tarleton have allowed other people from outside of the village to make our decisions for us. What happens in Tarleton in the forthcoming years is up to us. We have seen a large amount of change over the last 30 years and that change is not going to disappear. We can choose to do nothing or be proactive to preserve what is important to us. During the Village Plan process we have proved that we locally have the skills and talents to take issues forward in a professional manner. The evidence so clearly shown in this Village Plan tells the Local Authorities or those who live in the village and not engaged in the community, that we have people with strong opinions and commitment in our midst. The Action Plan will be reviewed on an annual basis and a master copy will be updated so the community can see what has been achieved. By this means the community can regularly address the needs and requirements that arise as appropriate.

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Summary and Conclusions Acknowlegements

The Village Plan for Tarleton has been undertaken Thanks are due to the numerous members of the enthusiastically and has been effective in engaging the community who have enthusiastically engaged in the community. process required to complete this Village Plan.

Areas that the community have identified as extremely Without the dedication and commitment of these local important to them have been consistent throughout all the people this process would not have happened. Several consultation carried out. people have given a large amount of their spare time to see this process through to the stage it is at today. (see • The production of this Village Plan formalises the views the inside back cover of the booklet) of residents and the Village Plan has been formally adopted by Tarleton Parish Council. What was most encouraging was the amount of young people who have shown, and continue to, show an • Areas that will be taken forward in the formal Action interest. Plan include: The Tarleton Village Design Sub Group of Tarleton Parish • The impact of development on the village Council led the production of this document. infrastructure and appearance Without the outside help from the REAL Team from • The lack of Community and Sports Facilities. Community Futures, Martyn Lawrenson Lancashire Youth and Community Service, Martin Trengrove and • Facilities for the young people Barrie Moreton from West Lancashire CVS, Martin Putsey and Penny Ginty from Planning Aid and the kind • Lack of Police presence in the area. support of Robert and Carole from the Cock and Bottle whilst we prepared for our events life would not have • Transport, particularly the volume of cars and been as easy! heavy goods vehicles. Thanks also to Roy Hymas and Jo Parr from the • Concerns about the environment. Countryside Agency who have supported us with their professionalism and patience to get us to this important Copies of supporting reports and raw data are available on milestone of producing OUR Village Plan. CD ROM and in hard copy at Tarleton Library.

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Planning Green Paper: Delivering a Fundamental Change (December 2001) Tarleton Village Design Statement (2002) Rural Evaluation and Action for Lancashire Report - Tarleton Past Present and Future (2002) West Lancashire District Council Adopted Local Plan (1996) Northern Parishes Transport Grant Needs Assessment Survey (2002) Rural White Paper - A Fair Deal for Rural England (2000) Northern Parishes Public Transport Assessment Survey

Abbreviations used in the Action Plan Tarleton Village Action Plan CSG Community Services Grant DEFRA Department of Food and Rural Affairs LC Lancashire Constabulary LYCS Lancashire Youth and Community Service TDG Tarleton Design Group TPC Tarleton Parish Council TVI The Villages Initiative TYAG Tarleton Youth Action Group VV Vital Villages Programme WLDC West Lancashire District Council NPPT Northern Parishes Public Transport

We want to help farming and related industries become more competitive, diverse, modern and sustainable.

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Low Cost/No Cost Low Cost/No Cost

The Action How it will Priority Partners Timescale Lead Resource The Action How it will Priority Partners Timescale Lead Resource be tackled Responsibility Implications be tackled Responsibility Implications

Support any Allow access to High TDG As required TDG As identified Promote Newsletters, use Medium TDG Ongoing TDG Minimal proposal to the findings from TPC Neighbourhood of Police Mobile LC improve current the community Watch and unit and displays in facilities within audit Community public places the village that Safety Schemes are accessible by the whole community

Conduct a Traffic Speed tests and High TPC Within 3 LCC Request LCC Investigate Potential sites to Medium TDG Ongoing TDG Busines As identified Calming Review pedestrian desire LCC months carry out review disused buildings be identified Business Group line surveys to fully WLDC that could be Group understand the used for light TPC movement of traffic, industry/ and HGVs in technology particular, within the Tarleton area. This would include traffic counts, vehicle destination surveys and speed monitoring

Enter into Meeting to address High TDG On receipt of TPC Admin costs Promote the Distribute Medium TDG Ongoing TDG None discussions the effect of HGVs TPC Traffic Calming only potential for promotional with growers on the village Growers Review community material required centre and the groups to raise possibility of using funds through alternative vehicle recycling types

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Low Cost/No Cost Low Cost/No Cost

The Action How it will Priority Partners Timescale Lead Resource The Action How it will Priority Partners Timescale Lead Resource be tackled Responsibility Implications be tackled Responsibility Implications

Link in with Questionnaire to Medium TDG Ongoing TDG Business As identified Support the By listening to the Medium TDG 3-6 months TDG Youth As identified organisations that businesses to Business Group TYAG to enable views of young LYCS Volunteers in provide business identify Group them to people and TYAG partnership with start ups and employment campaign for supporting to keep LYCS develop a opportunities and facilities and to them safe within Northern profiles and the meet their needs the village Parishes Business need to develop a identified through environment Group localised business the process. group Investigate the Identify sites for Medium TPC 6 – 9 TDG As identified siting of additional dog litter bins. months WLDC Liaise with adult Work in Medium TPC Ongoing TPC Minimal dog litter bins and education partnership with promoting dog Promote dog providers to adult education fouling bye laws fouling bye laws ensure that providers by via the Parish quality and varied ensuring Council courses are representation Newsletter available to at the education residents group of the West Lancs Forum

Encourage Advertise for Medium TDG 3-6 months TDG Potential Publicise the Work in Medium TDG 9- 12 months DEFRA None volunteers to volunteers. The TPC application to Countryside partnership with DEFRA enable the Parish Council to VV CSG to Stewardship the environment establish of a consider wider use equip building Scheme agency to contact youth drop in of the pavilion at local businesses to facility Carr Lane promote the scheme

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Low Cost/No Cost Medium/High Cost

The Action How it will Priority Partners Timescale Lead Resource The Action How it will Priority Partners Timescale Lead Resource be tackled Responsibility Implications be tackled Responsibility Implications

Draw up a plan Identify the Medium TDG Over 12 TDG None Produce Parish Tarleton Parish High TPC 1-2 months TPC £750.00 to protect and recommendations TCAG months Council Council to enhance the from the appraisal WLDC Newsletter disseminate conservation documents and information areas carry out an audit through a of the newsletter recommendations not carried out

Produce a Questionnaires Medium TDG 3-6 months TDG Funding Set up a Resource Carry out Medium TDG Within 12 TVI Funding obtained community & to be sent to all TYAG obtained Information Point feasibility study TVI months from Lloyds TSB youth directory groups that on the need for Foundation operate in the a community Tarleton area resource centre

Identify and Potential areas to Medium TDG 9- 12 months TDG As identified investigate be identified by TPC any sites that the community can be transferred to and developed by the community

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Strategic Strategic

The Action How it will Priority Partners Timescale Lead Resource The Action How it will Priority Partners Timescale Lead Resource be tackled Responsibility Implications be tackled Responsibility Implications

Look at the A partnership Medium TDG Ongoing TDG Business As identified Review Action Partners to review High TDG Every 12 TDG To be identified recommendations between TDG, Business Group Plan the Action Plan TPC months in the Atkins TPC and the Group and publicise Report and the growers be results NPPT Survey developed to look at a sustainable solution to the traffic problems

Look at the need Work in Low TDG 12 – 18 TDG To be identified Submit areas Submit High TDG 4-6 Months TDG Admin costs to commission a partnership with TPC months identified as Appendix II TPC environmental West Lancashire WLPCT eligible for SPG formally to survey PCT to look at status to WLDC WLDC for the impact on adoption the environment of modern living and practices

Produce a Work in Medium TDG 6-9 Months TDG Admin costs Produce a Look at the Low TDG 18- 24 months TDG Admin costs young persons partnership with TYAG Tarleton shortfall between WLDC Action Plan the Young People, Youth Housing Plan the houses Lancashire Youth Groups available and the and Community LYCS communities needs Service to draw up an Action Plan to meet the needs of the Young People of the Parish

32 33 Tarleton Village Plan a/w 20/08/03 9:13 am Page 35 34 We want to ensure that rural needs are taken into account. the Conservation Area will be encouraged provided that it does not itself detract from character of area. (PPG15) Lancashire District Council. Development which contributes towards the removal of features that detract from character setting of the area. It must respect, retain or enhance those features quality identified in appraisals prepared by Wes Development in or adjacent to any of Tarleton’s three Conservation Areas must not detract from the character, appearance or Conservation Areas areas of priority identified within the Community Audit” will recommend the direction of Section 106 agreement payments to groups and projects in Parish of Tarleton in accordance w Council’s Policy with regard to Section 106 Agreements states community facilities. (PPG1 & Planning Green Paper with Daughter Documents, ‘Planning Obligation Tarrifs’). Tarleton Parish Developers of new housing should make an appropriate contribution towards the provision infrastructure, including social and and provide a range of house sizes to meet the needs whole community. integrate the development into wider landscape. New housing should, where appropriate, include a variety of house types landscape of the wider locality. Landscaping, particularly along external boundaries which adjoin open countryside, should hel The design and layout of new developments must also be informed by the wider context, particularly townscape particularly in terms of scale, siting, the use materials and detailed features. (PPG1/PPG3) All new housing development in Tarleton should be designed and laid out so that it relates well to any adjacent buildings Residential Development design and important open spaces such as the Boskins corner of Blackgate Lane/Church Road etc. (PPG1/PPG17) New development on infill sites within the village must respect, and enhance wherever possible, balance between appropriate new development must have regard for historic field patterns. (PPG3/PPG15) than that proposed on sites already have planning permission, would be detrimental to the rural character of village. New development in Tarleton should be confined to the existing settlement boundary. Further growth on greenfield land, other General Principles Guidance Supplementary Planning Appendix 2 - Proposed Creating Sustainable Residential Environments “That Tarleton“That Parish Council adopts as policy that the Parish Council Any p to ith t

hmsDDvn neJnsEi icfrhD G Aitkinson M Huyton Barker M K Moody Eric Pitchforth Gerry Hogg Dick Ralph M Barron D Tunstall Ann Buck John and Helen Archer EP & D Coward K Fuller Mrs D Reilly Richard Cresswell Anne Jones K Allen Mr & Mrs Pyefich Len Faiclough M Lennon from signing in sheets and some signatures were unreadable or people did not always take the time to sign in. Graham Holt Mrs Jackson D A Southworth J & R Hayes Ray Ball Mr W Riley Apologies to any person who attended meetings or workshops and their name does not appear here. The names were abstracted B Smith Rod and Diane Frobisher Dallas Cohen D Devine Barbara Brady Holy Trinity Christine Holt Pathfinders M Allen Peter and Janet Lynd Hilary Tompkins Air Training Corps Ann and Barry Bryan Sheila and John Halshaw Tarleton Scout Group Jim and Pat Lawson M Taylor C Davenport C I Ashcroft Jim Doran Janet and Derek Lowe J C Dandy G Buffey Matthew Taylor M & G Goodwin Peggy and Len Cropper Brian Sumner D Thomas Neil and Jane Cropper Ann Jones Mark Sutton L Ball T Murphy M Miller Brian Riley Dot Fricker N Small wood M Riley Matt Foster N Gautrey R Hodge C Williamson Gwyn Morgan Crabtree Graham J Taylor I Bond Jamie Hogg E J Morgan Mr & Mrs Wright D Thomas Ben Dover S Gautrey Chris Cardinal R Tomes Kirsty Smith Richard Taylor J Jackson Keith Garlick Norman Williamson JE & JA Wignall Margaret Moody Amy and Norman Pedder Dot Fricker J Taylor Mark Francis B Ford Mr & Mrs Ball John Dawson Lew Stott G Wilson David Huyton Claire Walton Tom Stafford Michelle Howard Heather and Peter Draper Alan Walker Andrea Wilson Chris Burns Beverley Walker Pat Emma Walsh and John Heap C M Huyton C & M Huyton Sam Taylor Hugh O’Hare Kath Coley Cynthia Moore M Taylor Darren Jones I Burke H Gordon Josie Stafford Bobby Walker Simon Campbell Margaret Summerfield Judith Walker Pat Stott Sam Iddon Tom Daniel Edwards Roy Hiscock Melling Pam Thomas Stephen Taylor Anthony Elliot Susan Murphy Mike Ebdey Steve Dicker B A Holme Paul Jackson Hayley Caunce Karen Walton u Lauren Barton Gareth Johnson Helen Randle Dick Blackstone Elaine Smith n Brian Birkby Norman Leigh John Hewitt Carole Thompson Janet Byard James Ball Sharon Yarwood Stephen Edmondson Steve Barrett Sheila Hague Elaine Jackson B W Balshaw Len Hoare Claire Williamson Steve Walton Chris Stringfellow Janet Edmondson Thelma Davies John & Betty Parkinson Lynn Currie ValJames Walker Hiscock Joan Birkby Margaret and John Tarpey Roy Barbara Cardinal Culshaw Alan Cardinal Mr & Mrs T Ball Paul Rouse Kaye Barrett Gail Hodson Minnie Wright B Balshaw Nick Shaw Lesley Standish Gore John Hodson Dave Rydings John Caunce John Moore Nadine Ashcroft Margaret Rouse David and Joan Johnson TonyBob Coley Hardiker Mark Hawksley Geoff Hill Mary Melling John Massam Margaret Vickers Gerald Davies Sara Simpson Ian Tomlinson Mary Stringfellow Helen Dicker June Iddon Graeme Simpson Tony Jeynes Eric Vickers Gavin Simpson David and Ada Johnson Glenys Simpson meetings or workshops Many thanks are due to all those who worked hard or took the time attend nge aro d here cha Wa r nte ve e Want to see d e I liv mor t n ich e fa o s h ci d g n w lit o in i ght my family ie m h ity rou up s n e B in fo T u er Ta r y h rl y b m d or current a et o s ve life f nd f o u i m o of utu n n t p o ity re I g c m al re li • u t u s k p e s q id e H o h u e e d e r t J h n o t t w u e Cam s p G n f e . i i v e h s l I l o w a e b h r t d y t p o o t • e r I a m m k J v s i n u T u l l f a l o u w s o o t a d a l

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