Managing SoftwareManaging Darwin Darwin Trainer, CSI on 64 Sanoy - , PrincipalConsultant & bit Windows - AND Scripts 1

• • ENG This sessionisan abridged version ofourcourse CSI – – – Principal Consultant and Trainer . Put Applications on , and to Help Application Provisioning Specialists... Provides Training and Resources… - - 52 Windows7 Application Support Engineer

Darwin Darwin

Sanoy 2

Windows OS Windows 64 64 - - binaries bit Edition bit bit Drivers 64 - bit bit 64 64

- bit Hardware (Most “Business Class” HW for last 6years)last HWfor Class” “Business (Most Hardware bit

- bit Software Spectrum 64 64 - binaries bit bit Drivers 64 - bit Compatible Edition - bit bit

Windows 7 Windows UAC + API

64 Win7 Win7 32 binaries WOW WOW - bit Drivers bit - bit bit WOW64 WOW64 ()

Compatible Win7 Win7 32

binaries Edition WOW WOW 64 - bit bit -

bit bit

“Just “Just Works” XP 32 binaries 32

- bit bit - bit bit • • • • 32 Reuse Legacy Binaries SimultaneousMaintenance of Both Target XP, 32 Win7 – – – Minimize Minimizeof number Minimizeof sourcenumberfiles. - bit Middlewarebit Why Mixed 32 64 and number/complexity

- bit and 64 bitand compiles.


- bit: installers.

- Bitnesses bit? • • • • • • Duplicate32 1.5 Threads EachUseMore 512KB (32 64 & around EXEs 20% Larger 32 Only 64 – – – - .NET Framework.NET 32 32 bit Services OK bit Services Gbytes - - bit bit System32 - bit, Signed Driversbit, Signed Allowed WinSxS

Bigger onDisk(1.1isSysWOW64Bigger - bit Environment


- bit Platform

- bit)

) • • • • • to load 32 reg using process Level redirections certainof pathsfile and OS. By tricking 32 EXES Design which allows 64 Windows(32) WOW64 =


- bit insteadOS DLLs of 64 - On WOW64 Defined bit processes to think they are on a 32 Windows64 - bit Windows to supports 32

- bit.

- - bit bit • • • • Thunking x64 =64 32 = Bitness 64 - bit Platform Nomenclature

= HowMany Bits - - bit bit

= translating

differentbitness ? • • • • • WOW6432Node \ \ “32” mean in Filenames ending Legacy Locations RESERVEDfor SysWOW64 =32 System32 =64 Naming and FoldersNaming and - bitWindows DLLs = 32 - bit Windowsbit DLLs - bit Registrybit 64 nothing

- bit


. A Bunch Of DLLs With Me In My Process The OSThroughProcess Eyes ABC.EXE ABC.DLL XYZ.DLL Process (ABC.EXE)

Advapi32 ComDlg32.DLL Sechost Shell32 Kernel32.DLL NTDLL Ole32 User32.DLL


Windows Injected.DLL Custom Function Custom IAT Shlwapi. RegCreateKey IAT ABC.EXE RegCreateKey

DLL InjectionDLL & API Interception


- >6c9b

>2e7f DLL

- - >2e7f

> 6c9b

Process (ABC.EXE)

ReportGen. IAT [6c9b] RegCreateKey




- - >2e7f ADVAPI32.DLL > 6c9b RegCreateKeyW

(code) • Used ForUsed

– – – AppVirt AppCompat WOW64


- V) Windows 64 - Bit

SysWOW64 Redirected to WOW64 (64 (32 \ Windows \ Windows - - Wow64Win.dll bit bit Windows DLLs) bit Windows DLLs) WOW64 Architecture

System32 Load \ \ SysWOW64 User32.dll \


\ User32.dll

math.exe(32bit) NTDll.dll



bit Processbit

HKLM Redirected to HKLM Wow64CPU.dll \ (64 (32 Software HKLM Write \ - - Software bit bit Software Registry) bit Software Registry) HKLM



\ Wow6432Node

\ Software \ Wow6432Node \

Math Wow64.dll

\ Math Bitness math.exe (32 32 - bit bit Process - bit) 

: Processes and Binaries

Arithmatic.dll Arithmatic.dll (32 

stats.exe (64 stats.exe (32 Arithmatic.dll Arithmatic.dll (64 - bit) IPC

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bit) - bit)

Load 

 math.exe (64

64 - bit bit Process - bit) • • • • • .HTA/.HTM= 32 .REG= 64 .PS1 =64 .VBS, .JS .CMD/.BAT= 64 Default Script Execution = - - bit bit 64


bit - -

bit bit • • • • Admins / StandardAdmins Users) 32 Binaries Watch:TheyMay on You Impact Missthe 64 ofFull Most ThirdParty Will Default Services 32 The – – – - (64 Software Distribution Agent DesktopManagement Agent bit VBScript w/outbit VBScript Will UAC Admin Virtualize (Protected Bitness

of Agentthe WillDictateEXE Bitness Script Engine Other Environments - bit)

- bit For AWhile

- bit Agent • • • • Registry Redirection Path to System32 Scriptable Objects Calls to 32 – – – – match software. Pushing HKLM Do You Have Custom Subfolders? PS: New VBS: Script Bitness Engine Impacts CreateObject - - Object bit EXEs \ Software

are Ok inx64

32/64 Bit are different \ needsredirection to • • VBScript PowerShell MustActivated Be Per – – – – – – Elevate“ Regsvr32vbscript.dll Elevate“ RemoteSigned % RemoteSigned % windir windir Per \

% % JscriptRe \ \ .dll sysWOW64 system32 \ \ sysWOW64 System32 - Bitness Bitness Configuration

- \ Registeringis cmd.exe” \

\ Powershell.exeSet cmd.exe” \ Powershell.exeSet

- Per bitness - - bitness ExecutionPolicy - ExecutionPolicy • • Errors SetACL – – – Code: 800A01AD Code: "ActiveXcomponent can't create ' object 64 and 32 64 and 32 • Register BOTH

(Good) Extensions Example - - bit ScriptablebitCOM Object EXE bit '. • • • • .REG: shell.exe .PS1: .VBS: .CMD/.BAT: ... … ......


\ \ \

SysWOW64 SysWOW64 SysWOW64 SysWOW64

Force 32 \ \ \ \ WindowsPowerShell regedit.exe cscript.exe cmd.exe



\ v1.0 \ power • • • • 32 Wbemscripting Can force cross bitness access with two new Defaults to bitness of caller Has Bitness on Registry Provider – – - “__ “__ bit Script Read RequiredArchitecture ProviderArchitecture WMI Registry Access

properties 64 - bit Registry ", 32 ", TRUE • • • • • • and Win7 64. One small modification to run 32, Win732 onXP Worksfor XPandWin7. 64 Does nothing if desired bitness not available (e.g. If it not run in desired bitness. Re Snippet of code at top of script. Retrofit Scripts for 32 - - bit on 32 calls script desiredw/ bitness. - bit OS)


bit Bitness (In (In full course the code providedis for .CMD/.BATVBS, and .PS1) Working