
Request title: Treatment of /Renal Cell Carcinoma

Reference Number: F4066 Date of Response: 15/07/2021

Further to your Freedom of Information Act request, please find the Trust’s response, in blue bold text below:

Request and Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust Response

I am researching the incidence and treatment of melanoma and renal cell carcinoma. Could you please answer the following three questions; Q1. How many patients have been treated in the past 3 months with the following agents for renal cell carcinoma:

Avelumab + * ≤5 Axinitib * ≤5

Cabozantinib * ≤5 0 Lenvantinib + Everolimus 0 9 Nivolumab + * ≤5 6 + Axitinib 0 11 0 0 Other 0

* ≤5.

In accordance with section 40 (2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we are unable to provide figures where the number of patients is less than or equal to five and could risk the identification of those patients and breach Caldicott principles.

This follows NHS Digital (formerly HSCIC) analysis guidance (2014) which states that small numbers within local authorities, wards, postcode districts, CCG’s providers and Trusts may allow identification of patients and should not be published.

Q2. How many patients have been treated in the past 3 months with the following agents for melanoma (any stage):

Cobimetinib * ≤5 Dabrafenib + 11 + * ≤5 Ipilimumab * ≤5

Ipilimumab + Nivolumab * ≤5 Nivolumab 18 Pembrolizumab 23 Trametinib 0 0 Vemurafenib + 0 Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy * ≤5 Palliative care only 0

3. If possible, could you please provide the patients treated in the past 3 months with the following agents for metastatic melanoma ONLY:

Cobimetinib 0 Dabrafenib * ≤5 Dabrafenib + Trametinib 7 Encorafenib + Binimetinib * ≤5 Ipilimumab * ≤5 Ipilimumab + Nivolumab * ≤5 Nivolumab 16 Pembrolizumab 16 Trametinib 0 Vemurafenib 0 Vemurafenib + Cobimetinib 0 Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy * ≤5 Palliative care only * ≤5