Portable TV Sets
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Electronics WorldDECEMBER, 1964 50 CENTS DESIGN TRENDS IN RECEIVER FREQUENCY CONTROL NEW SCR DEVELOPMENTS ELECTRONIC TIME -DELAY RELAYS Portable TV Sets V9OW1+i2L2NtHOZOutS 994/01 www.americanradiohistory.com ELECTRONICS COMES ALIVE WITH CUSTOM TRAINING KITS You get your hands on ac- tual parts and use them to =GET A FAST START WITH build, experiment, explore, NRI'S ABSORBING, NEW discover. NRI pioneered -4CHIEVEMENT KIT and perfected the "home lab" technique of learning Delivered to your door - at home in spare time. ?verything you need to Nothing is as effective as -flake a significant start in learning by doing. That's he Electronics field of "BITE- SIZE" LESSON why NRI puts emphasis on HOBBY? CART =ER? tour choice! This new TEXTS PROGRAM YOUR equipment, and why it in- PART -TIME EARNINGS? ;tarter kit is an outstand- TRAINING AT HOME vites comparison with MAIL COUPON TO NRI ng, logical way to intro - Certainly, lesson texts are equipment offered by iuce you to NRI. What's any necessary. NRI's pro- Whatever your reason for other school. Begin now n it? Your first group of grammed texts are as wanting to increase your this exciting program of esson texts; a rich vinyl simple, direct and well il- knowlledge of Electronics practical learning =iesk folder to hold your created lustrated as 50 years of ... whatever your educa- by NRI's Research and De- ;tudy material; the indus- teaching experience can tion . there's an NRI ry's most complete velopment Laboratories. make them. They are care- instruction plan to fit your It's the best way to under- Radio -TV Electronics Dic- fully programmed with NRI needs. Choose from three stand fully the skills of the major ionary; valuable refer - training kits to make the training programs nice texts; finest technicians -and things you read about in Radio -TV Servicing, In- lesson answer make sheets; pre- addressed their techniques come alive. You'll experi- dustrial Electronics and en- your own. velopes; pencils; pen; ence all the excitement of Communications or select engineer's ruler, and even original discovery. one of seven specialized )ostage. No other school courses. Mail coupon for ias anything like it. NRI catalog now. DISCOVER THE EXCITEMENT OF NRI ELECTRONICS TRAINING Founded 50 years ago -in the days of wireless -NRI pioneered the "learn -by- doing" method of home -study. Today, NRI is the oldest, largest home -study Electronics School, offering the kind of instruction that makes learning exciting, fast. You build, test, experiment, explore. Whatever your interest, your need, your investigate . i education, the wide variety of NRI training plans . find out about the NRI Achievement Kit. Cut out and mail the postage -free card now. No salesman will call. NATIONAL RADIO INSTITUTE, Electronics Division, Washington, D.C. 20016. 50 YEARS OF LEADERSHIP IN ELECTRONICS TRAINING www.americanradiohistory.com ,r GOOD -BYE HELLO thread -up problems! new mailing ease! FREE long -roll bonus! FREE short -roll bonus! A self- threading reel with purchase New heavy -duty plastic mailer with of 7" roll of double or triple length tape! each "Living Letter" tape! No more tape fumbles, even with boxing gloves on! Just lay tape New high- strength, dust -free case for "Living Letters" makes inside this reel, start recorder -and watch the reel thread -up auto- handling, storage, mailing of taped correspondence the easiest, matically. Takes any tape thickness or leader tape. Releases freely most secure ever. Conforms to new postal regulations. Address on rewind. Get one free in the special pack shown. Just purchase label included. Built -in post holds reel securely. New reel, tool a regular 7" reel of either double or triple length SCOTCH' Brand Fits all reel -to -reel recorders. Only 3 " reel available that holds full Recording Tape (up to 6 hours recording time at 3'/4 ips). See 600' of triple length tape (an hour recording at 3% ips).150" and 300' your dealer for this long -roll bonus. lengths also offered. Look for new "mailbox" display at your dealer. "SCOTCH "ANO THE PLO D DES,GN ARE REG. EMS OF 3M CO.. 5T. PAUL. MINN 55119 019.1. 3M CO. magnetic Products Division COMPANY December, 1964 1 www.americanradiohistory.com DIRECT CRYSTAL CONTROL TO 160 mc N OW With AOC Plug -In Transistor Oscillators Portable Signal Standards Signal Generators For Receiver Alignment Band Edge Markers Frequency Markers For Oscilloscopes Quick- Change Plug -In Oscillators Accessory Cases HIGH FREQUENCY (20 mc - 160 mc) Five transistor oscillators covering 20 mc - 160 mc. Standard 77 F calibration tolerance ±.0025 ° /o. The frequency tolerance is ±.0035 ° /o. Oscillator output is .2 volts (min) across 51 ohms. Power requirement: 9 vdc @ 10 ma. max. OSCILLATOR OSCILLATOR OSCILLATOR CRYSTAL TEMPERATURE TEL CRYSTAL CRYSTAL CRYSTAL! TYPE RANGE TYPE -40 F to 150 F (LESS FREQUENCY PRICE PRICE OT -24 20 -40 mc CY -7T ±.0035% $ 9.10 20 -60 mc $ 6.90 OT -46 40 -60 mc CY -7T -4-.0035% 9.10 60 -100 mc 12.00 OT -61 60 -100 mc CY -7T ±.0035% 15.00 101 -140 mc 15.00 OT -140 100 -140 mc CY -7T ±.0035% 15.00 OT -160 110 -160 mc CY -7T ±.0035% 15.00 141 -160 mc 18.00 tE NORTH LEE OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. LOW FREQUENCY (70 kc - 20,000 kc) Four transistor oscillators covering 70 kc - 20,000 kc. Trimmer capacitor for zeroing crystal. When oscillator is ordered with crystal the standard will be ± .0025 ° /o. Oscillator output is 1 volt (min) across 470 ohms. Power requirement: 9 vdc @ 10 ma. max. OSCILLATOR OSCILLATOR OSCILLATOR CRYSTAL TEMPERATURE TOL. CRYSTAL CRYSTAL (LESS CRYSTAL) TYPE "F TO 150 F FREQUENCY PRICE TYPE RANGE -40 -- PRICE OT -1 70 -200 kc CY -13T -4-.015% $7.00 70-99 kc $22.50 100 -200 kc 15.00 200499 kc 12.50 01 -2 200 -5,000 kc CY -6T 200 -600kc +.01% 7.00 600- 5,000kc ± .0035% 7.00 500 -849 kc 22.50 850 -999 kc 15.00 12,000 kc CY -6T ±.0035% 7.00 OT -3 2,000- 1,000 -1,499 kc 9.80 500-2 999 kc 6.90 OT-4 10,000- 20,000 kc CY -6T ± .0035% j-00 3,000- 999 kc 4.90 11 000- 20,000 kc 6.90 AOC OSCILLATOR CASES Small portable cases for use with the OT series of plug -in oscillators. Prices do not include oscillators. (When oscillator and crystal are ordered with FOT -10 case a 7T F tolerance of ± .001% may be obtained at $2.00 extra per oscillator/ crystal unit. When oscillator /crystal units are ordered with FOT -20 case, a single unit can be supplied with temperature calibration over a range of 40° F to 120" F. Correction to = .0005 %. Add $25.00 to the price of FOT -20 and oscillator /crystal unit.) FOT -20 For high accuracy calibration requirements. Includes battery and output jack, output meter circuit and battery check, as well as thermistor temperature measuring circuit. $87.50 FOT -TO Basic case with battery and FOT-10 output jack for general wider FOT-2C tolerance applications. $14.50 MT -1 Oscillator board mounting kit. Order direct from International Crystal Mfg. Co. $4.95 2 CIRCLE NO. 189 ON READER SERVICE PAGE ELECTRONICS WORLD www.americanradiohistory.com DECEMBER 1964 Eleclroiìics \\oIi(I (.0 NTE NT'S VOL. 72, No. 6 25 New SCR Developments Donald Lancaster lieretttiv are much I''ss ecpensire, are voit spit-pro- NI olio fit tr,ttiNto.ttts, awl able to conduit in both direr-tutus. 28 Portable TV Sets Leslie Solomon 31 Capacitance Nomogram Frank D. Gross 32 Recent Developments in Electronics 34 FM- Stereo Demodulator J. W. Englund, L. Plus & H. A. Hansen llr.i ^n of u raul(11,1,-1 er(1aptrt llrll u.r, ruril,rrl,ur It-,uut.Isis. The irr nit l,- //itil , lri_h Hi,is, irnnirntitr ,nr,l nrl rrnlli, s_ Using Hook -up Wire Joseph Fart's THE seven portable TV sets shown on the cover are only 39 Substituting Silicon for Germanium Transistors william O. Hamlin a sample of the ever- increas- ing number of battery por- tables soon to be made available. Starting at top 42 Early Vacuum Tubes Paul G. Watson center, and proceeding clockwise, they include the G -E 9 -inch, Panasonic 44 Electronic Time -Delay Relays Louis E. Frenzel, Jr. 9 -inch, Realtone 6 -inch, Del - monico 41/2-inch, Sony High -Speed Electronic Printer A. W. Edwards 4E 5 -inch, Sharp 6 -inch, and the Philco 9 -inch sets. The Advances in Photosensitive Devices John R. Collins three open sets show the h ¡W/o ll: flit cliff!! l trhut,en.ihr ilf 11,1, prrlHr rrl m,rae nari typical printed -board tech- nI rrnbiaertiror, filerl HHdr th,., Hait, re.pund tnarv 1111,1 intprre niques used for ease of .,vl.itil it. I r -rrictN i ruliltrrl. I' ,r1,,, Jt .ntoller. maintenance. Except for the Delmonico, each of 52 Design Trends in Receiver Frequency Control Jim Kyle these sets must be operated 7 /te (1'011 rlerl r.Í.s pertr11111 111t4 the Hsr of milli/teed nuulnl,r(in sterne rrquirr from an external battery (not 1/Ir utmost neutral in receiver ttlairt_. I Ihr lutc.st terhnigtrt's /iii rrr ltiet.irt,: shown). Each can be oper- Hrh rrrrrrrnrl ore rle,rrilnrf. inr(ndin_ t1i_itnl lurrtin_ und frequenre' svnt/tesis. ated from the ordinary a.c. power line. (Photo: Jay 75 Organ Kit Uses Diode Switching Seymour, Burns Bros. N.Y.) Electronics World 1964 Index (Vols. 71-72) For the Record (Editorial) W.