Optimum Tariffs on Exhaustible Resources: Theory and Evidence for Gasoline∗

Julien Daubanes and Lisa Leinert

CER-ETH, Center of Economic Research at ETHZ, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich

Preliminary and incomplete version, January 12, 2012

Abstract Domestic consumption on oil products largely differ across countries, ranging from very high subsidies to very high taxes. The empirical literature on the issue has highlighted the role of revenue-raising (Ramsey commodity taxation) and externality-correction (Pigo- vian taxation) motives for national taxation. Isolatedly, the theoretical literature on non- renewable-resource taxation has emphasized the role of the optimum-tariff dimension of taxes which reflects countries’ non-cooperative exercise of their market power. This paper reconciles these two strands by comprehensively addressing the issue. First, we propose a multi-country model of national taxation where there are oil, modeled as a pol- luting exhaustible resource, and regular commodities. Domestic welfare is maximized with respect to domestic taxes under a revenue-collection constraint. The optimal domestic on oil consumption not only consists of a Ramsey inverse-elasticity term and a Pigovian term, but also of an optimum-tariff component. In fact, resource exhaustibility implies a form of supply inelasticity that magnifies optimum-tariff arguments. Second, based on a multiple regression using a data set with a large number of countries, we test the power of the optimum-tariff tax component in explaining national gasoline taxes. We find strong evidence that this component plays a crucial role in countries’ taxation of gasoline.

JEL classification: Q38; F12; H20; H70 Keywords: Non-renewable resources; Domestic taxation; Ramsey taxation; Pigovian taxation; Optimum tariffs; Gasoline

∗We thank participants at the RESEC Seminar (Zurich, 2010), the 2nd SAEE Student Chapter Workshop (Zurich, 2010), the meeting of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics (Lucerne, 2011), the RESEC Summer School (Vulpera, 2011), the 18th EAERE Annual Conference (Rome, 2011), and at the EAERE-FEEM-VIU Summer School (Venice, 2011). Particular thanks go to Saraly Andrade de S´a, Alain Ayong Le Kama, Antoine Bommier, Lucas Bretschger, Ujjayant Chakravorty, Massimo Filippini, Reyer Gerlagh, Chistian Gollier, Matti Liski, Juan-Pablo Montero and Henri Waisman. Daubanes is very grateful to Pierre Lasserre for letting him develop some ideas that partly originated in their joint research (Daubanes and Lasserre, 2011). 1. Introduction

The statistical dispersion of taxes on oil products has attracted scholars’ interest toward the factors driving governments’ adoption of those taxes. Surprisingly, the empirical and theoretical literatures dealing with the issue of oil taxation have followed different trajectories. A natural first hypothesis is that countries set their domestic taxes on oil products in order to raise revenues as well as to correct external effects of oil use. The underly- ing theories for such motives of taxation have been developed in the literature and are well known as Ramsey taxation and Pigovian taxation. Ramsey commodity taxation theory addresses the problem of a government con- cerned with social welfare but in the need of collecting a set amount of tax revenues; thus seeking to minimize the deadweight loss of taxation by evenly spreading distortions across sectors.1 Its most famous result is the ”inverse-elasticity rule”: under simplifying conditions, commodities should be taxed at rates that are inversely proportional to the price elasticity of demand on each market. As oil demand is relatively price inelastic2, the theory calls for relatively high taxes applied on the final consumption of oil products; all the higher as revenue needs are great. In fact, this simple and insightful rule assumes that distortions are only determined on the demand side: producer prices are given, either because countries are extremely small or because returns to scale are constant as they should be in the long run.3 However, long-run oil supply cannot be perfectly elastic since it results from an extraction decision. Therefore, when countries recognize their effect on prices, domestic demand and world supply combine to determine the tax distortion on the oil market;

1The literature originated with Ramsey (1927) and Pigou (1928) and was further consolidated by Baumol and Bradford (1970), Diamond and Mirrlees (1971a), Dasgupta and Stiglitz (1974) and Atkinson and Stiglitz (1980), among others. 2Berndt and Wood, 1975; Pindyck, 1979; Hausman and Newey, 1995; Krichene, 2002. 3In Ramsey’s original closed-economy setting, the general inverse-elasticity rule (1927, p. 56) reduces to its demand component only when supply is perfectly elastic.

1 Daubanes and Lasserre (2011) showed that account must be taken of the non-renewable character of oil to extend Ramsey’s insight to the case of such a commodity. Pigovian taxation consists of setting a tax in such a way as to correct a market failure due to an external effect generated by the production or the use of a commodity.4 A internalizes the external damages (benefits) and should be set equal to the marginal damage (benefit) evaluated at optimal quantities. The most often cited external effects of fuel use are pollution and congestion; both call for positive taxes whose magnitude should reflect how a country is contributing to, and subject to, such effects. The recent availability of reliable, relatively-large-scale data has allowed empirical analyses of the determinants of oil taxes. This literature has focused on Ramsey and Pigovian taxation motives. Hammar et al. (2004) and Rietveld and van Woudenberg (2005) clearly and exhaustively addressed the question of how well factors thought to be characteristic of those motives explain actual international differences in final fuel prices. Their main result is that countries mainly tax fuel with a view to raising revenues.5 Among these studies, none has addressed optimum-tariff arguments. As we will explain later in this introduction, their methods sometimes reveal the need to do so. Parry and Small’s (2005) contribution on gasoline’s national taxation justifies the focus on the revenue-raising and corrective objectives of taxation. From a small-country model where producer prices are given, they derive a formula for the optimal national tax on gasoline.6 The formula consists of a Ramsey term and of Pigovian terms (one cor- responding to pollution and an other to congestion). Since the exhaustible character of oil implies that the supply of oil products cannot be perfectly elastic, the insensitiveness of international producer prices of oil products must be interpreted as reflecting that

4The related literature originated with Pigou (1912 and 1920) and was further developed by Baumol (1972). 5The analysis of Liddle and Lung (2010) delivers the same message. In Dunkerley et al. (2010), the median voter departure from the representative agent standard aggregation should not hide that the underlying theories of taxation are Ramsey taxation and Pigovian taxation. 6They compute it for the US and the UK. Ley and Boccardo (2010) reproduced Parry and Small’s computations for other countries.

2 countries are extremely small on the oil market. In fact, this assumption is at the root of their result; the common practice in the empirical literature to focus on revenue-raising and corrective objectives can be justified on this ground. As earlier anticipated by Bizer and Stuart (1987), because the oil price is endogenously determined so that domestic taxes affect it7, the determination of optimal taxation policies ”requires modeling equi- libria in a game of policy played by different countries.” (p. 1019). When account is taken of this remark, we will see that the optimal domestic tax on oil products consists of an additional optimum-tariff component. The resource economics literature has emphasized the ability of domestic taxes on non-renewable-resource consumption to improve countries national surplus, even when revenue constraints and pollution are assumed away. This is clearly the case in Bergstrom’s (1982)8 multi-country model of oil trade where countries selfishly set their excise taxes on oil in order to maximize national welfare. In Nash equilibrium, their constant-rate optimal taxes on the costlessly-extracted resource are given by a ”rule relating the equilibrium excise tax rates to demand elasticities and market shares” (p. 194). Bersgtrom’s rule implies that oil-importing countries should impose positive taxes on oil domestic consumption while oil-exporting countries should set them nega- tive.9 As a result, the final price of oil in importing countries is above the international price of oil while it is below this level in oil-exporting countries. Introducing revenue constraints and pollution damages in Bergstrom’s canonical trade model, we will show

7According to Karp and Newbery (1991) ”the evidence for potential market power on the side of importers is arguably as strong as for oil exporters” (p. 305); see also Liski and Montero (2011). For an empirical validation of the effect of US states’ gasoline taxes on the producer price, see Chouinard and Perloff (2004): the lower consumer incidence of federal or big states taxes must rely on some producer incidence. 8Following his contribution, Amundsen and Sch¨ob(1999), Rubio and Escriche (2001), Liski and Tahvonen (2004), Strand (2008) and Daubanes and Grimaud (2010) have introduced a pollution ex- ternality caused by the use of the resource; they explored how the rent-extracting effect of domestic taxes showed by Bergstrom and the willingness to regulate pollution combine to determine countries’ optimal taxes on the resource. This literature has not attempted to empirically validate its findings on the factors of oil taxation. An exception is Bretschger and Valente (2010) to the extent that they show oil-importing countries’ relative income to positively depend on the level of their domestic oil taxes. 9Bergstrom focused on oil-importing countries and omitted to comment on the second part of the proposition. However, this is immediate from Bergstrom’s analysis and consistent with the optimum- tariff theory. More on this further below.

3 that Bergstrom’s rule combines with Parry and Small’s (2005) Ramsey and Pigovian tax components. Bergstrom’s excise tax is not a trade tariff, but is formally equivalent to it when importing countries have no reserves at all like in Karp and Newbery (1991).10 Much of his insights survive when countries set proper tariffs instead of domestic consumption taxes (Brander and Djajic, 1983). In fact, forces at work in Bergstrom (1982) are the same as in the old optimum-tariff literature – originating with Bickerdike (1906) and consolidated by Graaff (1949-1950) and Johnson (1951), among others – which investigated how a country benefits from trade taxation. The resemblance with results on domestic taxation supposes that domestic taxes are not unlike tariffs. This is the point of Friedlander and Vanderdorpe (1968) and Dornbusch (1971), showing that a tariff dimension of domestic consumption taxes arises when countries are constrained on their tariffs.11,12 Thus, optimum-tariff arguments are relevant to the issue of optimal taxation of domestic consumption: in essence, one country’s optimal domestic tax on a traded commodity reflects its effect on the international price of the commodity, manipulating the country’s terms of trade in the country’s favor. Such exercise of one country’s market power through its taxation policy requires that the commodity’s supply is non- perfectly elastic and culminates in the case of an inelastically-supplied commodity. The exhaustible character of oil implies that cumulative oil supply is inelastic in the long term. This particular form of long-term inelasticity must be the reason why the problem received so much attention in resource economics. Perfect inelasticity of the resource stock generates pure economic scarcity rents accruing to producers. The tax competition problem can then be interpreted as a ”fight for the rent” and has found a particular echo as such in the resource literature, referring to the ”rent-capturing”

10When consuming countries and producing countries are disjointed, as in many treatments of non- renewable resource taxation, domestic consumption and domestic production respectively coincide with imports and , implying that domestic taxes are perfectly equivalent to tariffs. 11The results heavily relies on the property that a tariff can be reproduced by the combined use of a domestic and of a domestic production subsidy; see Mundell (1960, p. 96). 12A justification for such constraints may be the existence of international tariff agreements. On this, see, e.g., Friedlander and Vanderdorpe (1968) and Keen (2002).

4 dimension of oil taxes. This paper is not about tariffs per se, but about all taxes that are added (deducted) to (from) the international producer price to determine the final price domestic consumers face in each country. In this respect, we will emphasize, in line with the above resource- extraction-taxation literature, the tariff dimension of domestic taxes. Domestic taxes differently affect heterogeneous individuals within countries. Hence, as is well-known from the public economics literature, distributional objectives, when they cannot be reached by other means of transfer, may bias countries’ optimal taxes, whether they are applied to raise revenue (Diamond and Mirrlees, 1971b) or to correct externalities (e.g. Cremer et al., 2003). The same remark must apply to tariffs or to domestic taxes pursuing the same objective as tariffs. Distributional effects imply that political economy theories may combine with optimal taxation theories addressed here. Such complications are out of the scope of the present paper; as in many conventional treatments, we will assume a representative agent per country. Would optimum-tariff arguments have any relevance for oil domestic taxation in the real world? Could this theory help explain the international distribution of oil taxes? Two elements suggest the answer to these questions should be positive. First, the optimum-tariff theory has recently received renewed attention by Broda et al. (2008) who empirically showed the importance of countries’ market power exercise (or terms-of-trade manipulation) in taxation decisions by finding strong evidence that countries’ relative market power and world supply elasticity have been crucial factors of domestic tariffs. Second, this theory seems to have a crucial explanatory advantage. Basic observations on the international distribution of oil taxes suggest that importers tax oil consumption while most of exporters subsidize it. In other words the latter set a domestic price lower than the international price at which they . This feature is very consistent with Bergstrom’s theoretical predictions and with the optimum-tariff theory while neither revenue-collection nor negative-externality-correction motives can account for negative taxes on oil.13 This has not handicapped most of the empirical studies on oil taxation

13As noted earlier, distributional effects are not addressed here. However, such considerations are

5 restricting their attention to OECD countries, mostly oil importers. An exception is Rietveld and van Woudenberg’s (2005) paper where OPEC and non-OPEC countries were given a different treatment in the regression analysis, making their public-finance empirical model consistent with very low prices in the former subgroup.14 Rietveld and van Woudenberg also consider border tax competition between neigh- boring countries (Kanbur and Keen, 1993) by integrating the prices in neighboring coun- tries to explanatory variables. This must interestingly capture part of the intra-regional homogeneity in taxes, but also leaves their observed inter-regional heterogeneity (e.g. between Europe, Middle East, Africa...) unexplained. On the other hand, countries within the same region often have similar situations vis-`a-visthe market for oil prod- ucts while their production and consumption patterns widely vary from one region to another; the optimum-tariff dimension of domestic taxation should thus be expected to link the latter intra-regional homogeneity and inter-regional heterogeneity to their counterparts in terms of taxation patterns. This paper aims at reconciling the empirical and the theoretical literatures on the factors of domestic oil taxation. Our contribution is twofold. In a first theoretical part, we show how Ramsey and Pigou taxation motives combine with the optimum- tariff dimension of domestic oil taxation to determine the optimum domestic tax on oil consumption in each country. We propose a highly stylized multi-country model of national taxation where there are oil, explicitly modeled as an exhaustible resource, and some conventional commodities. Equilibrium national taxes on oil consumption consist of three separable terms, each weighted according to the cost of raising tax revenues: a Ramsey, open-economy inverse-elasticity component, a Pigovian component and a Bergstrom’s optimum-tariff component. In a second part, we revisit the empirical literature on the factors of domestic gasoline taxation by introducing an optimum-tariff variable. Theory suggests the optimum-tariff at the root of the very popular belief that some countries subsidize oil in order to operate transfers to some groups of consumers; see e.g. Gupta et al. (2002). As they argue, such subsidies do not reach their supposed equity objectives. 14This distinction was meant to control for the ”presence of alternative tax base”. It can also be interpreted as the recognition that public-finance variables alone cannot account for oil subsidies.

6 dimension of oil taxes to depend on the long-term cumulative net imports, i.e. the long-term difference between domestic consumption and production. We compute the optimum-tariff variable by approximating the long-term relative difference between con- sumption and production. Based on a multiple regression model and using a data set consisting of a large number of countries, we show that this variable powerfully explain national gasoline taxes. The strong evidence provided by this paper consolidates recent empirical findings on the relevance of the optimum-tariff theory for inelastically-supplied commodities.

2. A model of national oil taxation under a revenue constraint

Optimum taxation `ala Ramsey easily extends to an international framework as long as supply elasticity is infinite. However, the supply of a non-renewable resource cannot be so as it is a flow extracted from a limited stock; in fact, a standard Hotelling representation implies that long-run total reserves are perfectly inelastic. It is thus interesting to see how Ramsey’s problem carries over to a multi-country setting in the presence of a non- renewable resource. This requires modifying the traditional treatment of optimum commodity taxation in at least two respects. First, the extraction of a non-renewable resource has an in- tertemporal dimension; the problem should thus be addressed in a dynamic setting. In the absence of revenue constraint and under simplifying conditions, we know from Bergstrom (1982) that the intertemporal dimension vanishes to deliver clear and in- sightful messages on the optimal taxation problem. The same simplification should be expected with revenue constraints. Second, the Ramsey problem should be interpreted as a game-theoretic problem. The strategy of each government is its set of domestic commodity taxes, chosen with the view to maximizing national welfare while raising a specific amount of fiscal revenue. From Bergstrom’s (1982) paper, we know that the strategic aspect of the problem is crucial and that it should modify the optimal domestic tax on oil consumption in a way that depends on each country’s aggregate position and power over the oil market. Finally, there is the consideration of negative externalities

7 arising because pollution/congestion. Our problem essentially consists in extending Bergstrom’s framework by imposing country-specific revenue constraints and by assuming external damages from domestic oil consumption. In the sequel, we do so in a highly stylized fashion; in particular, we borrow standard assumptions from the optimum-commodity-taxation literature and adapt them to a dynamic setting as in Daubanes and Lasserre (2011). 2.1 The model

The economy consists of n ≥ 2 countries indexed by i = 1, 2, ..., n, each represented by one consumer. There are m ≥ 1 conventional, producible commodities indexed by j = 1, ..., m and oil, that will be indexed by j = 0.

Arbitrage possibilities will establish a single producer price pj(t), for each good j = 0, ..., m, at each date t ≥ 0, that suppliers receive regardless of the country in which they

i sell. At each date t, each country i imposes an ad valorem consumption tax θj(t) > −1 on good j so that the consumer price for this good is

i i  qj(t) = pj(t) 1 + θj(t) . (1)

The quantities of goods j = 0, ..., m consumed and supplied by country i = 1, ..., n

i i at date t ≥ 0 are respectively denoted by xj(t) and sj(t). Storage is not possible so that goods must be consumed as they are produced. Since the resource is non-renewable, all countries’ exhaustibility constraints

Z +∞ i i s0(t) dt ≤ S0 (2) 0

i must be satisfied, where S0 is the initial size of country i’s stock of oil.  i i=1,...,n For given taxes Θ ≡ θj(t) t≥0 j=0,...,m, world competitive markets lead to the equilibrium allocation xi (t) , si (t) i=1,...,n ; in the sequel, a tilda on the top ej t≥0 ej t≥0 j=0,...,m of a variable or function will mean that this variable or function is evaluated at the competitive equilibrium for given taxes Θ. Defining country i’s welfare as the discounted sum of instantaneous national surplus W i(t), the national optimum-commodity-taxation problem of this country in a multi-

8 i  i  country economy consists in choosing a set of taxes Θ ≡ θj(t) t≥0 j=0,...,m in such a way as to maximize national welfare in competitive equilibrium while raising a set amount of discounted revenue Ri(0), taking as given the taxes of other countries Θ−i ≡

 k k6=i θj (t) t≥0 j=0,...,m: Z +∞ max W i(t)e−rt dt (3) i f Θ 0 Z +∞ m X i i −rt i subject to θj(t)pej(t)xej(t)e dt ≥ R (0), (4) 0 j=0 where r is the international discount rate. It is assumed that the set of taxes capable of levying Ri(0) is not empty. Financial markets allow expenditures to be disconnected from revenues so that the constraint (4) does not bind the government at any particular date. Hence, the government accumulates an asset ai(t) over time by saving tax revenues:

a˙ i(t) = rai(t) + T i(t), (5)

m i P i i where T (t) ≡ θj(t)pej(t)xej(t) denotes the current tax revenue. Normalizing the initial j=0 amount of asset to zero, the problem of maximizing (3) subject to (4) is equivalent to the maximization of (3) subject to (5) if

i −rt i lim aj(t)e = R (0) (6) t→+∞

is satisfied. As in Ramsey (1927), Baumol and Brandford (1970), Atkinson and Stiglitz (1980) and traditional contributions deriving the inverse-elasticity rule of optimum commodity

i i  taxation, we assume that the demand Dj qj(t) of country i = 1, ..., n for any commodity i0 j = 0, ..., m depends only on its price, with Dj (.) < 0. Moreover, following Baumol and Bradford (1970), Atkinson and Stiglitz (1980) and many other treatments of optimal commodity taxation, we assume, as it should be in a long-run perspective, that the supply of conventional, producible commodities j = 1, ..., m by any country i is perfectly

elastic, i.e. that marginal costs of production are constant. Let cj denotes the marginal

9 cost of producing good j = 1, ..., m regardless of the country in which the good is

15 produced . In competitive equilibrium, we must have pej = cj for all j = 1, ..., m. As far as oil is concerned, the exhaustibility constraint (2) implies that supply cannot be infinitely elastic even with a constant or zero marginal extraction cost. Following Bergstrom (1982), we assume that marginal costs of extraction are zero. However, Hotelling’s analysis shows that, in competitive intertemporal equilibrium, the producer price must satisfy

pe0(t) = ηe(t), (7) where ηe(t) is the current-value unit Hotelling rent and must grow at the rate of interest over time (e.g. Dasgupta and Heal, 1979):

rt ηe(t) = ηee . (8)

At any date, the net consumer surplus, the net producer surplus and the oil rent of country i are respectively

m i Z xej (t) i X i−1 i i CSf (t) ≡ Dj (x) dx − qej(t)xej(t), (9) j=0 0

m i X  i  i PSf (t) ≡ pej(t) − cj sej(t) + pe0(t) − ηe(t) se0(t), (10) j=1

i i Φe (t) ≡ ηe(t)se0(t). (11)

All damages internalized by country i from its use of oil are given by the money- metricized function16

i i i  Ωe (t) ≡ Ω xe0(t) , (12) with Ωi0(.) > 0.

15Assuming that each country had a different constant marginal cost of production would imply that, in equilibrium, only the countries with the lowest cost produce. As no profits are derived from constant- returns-to-scale production schedules, our results would immediately survive the restriction that only a subset of countries produce. 16Only internalized damages are relevant to optimal taxation; restricting attention to such damages simplifies the exposition.

10 Then, Wfi(t) in problem (3) is the sum of the consumer surplus, the producer surplus and the oil rent, net of the damages17 of country i. This formulation aims at making the scarcity value of oil explicit, whether producers are interpreted as owners of the resource

aware of this value or as buying the resource at its scarcity price ηe(t). The present-value Hamiltonian associated with problem (3) of maximizing discounted national welfare subject to the intertemporal revenue constraint (5) with (6) is

i i i i  i i i i  −rt i i i  H a (t), (θj(t))j=0,...,m, λ (t) = CSf (t)+PSf (t)+Φe (t)−Ωe (t) e +λ (t) ra (t)+Te (t) ,

i i i  where λ (t) is the co-state variable associated with the state a (t) and where {θj(t)}t≥0 j=0,...,m is the vector of control variables. λi(t) can be interpreted as the date-t current unit shadow cost of levying one dollar of present-value revenues through commodity taxes in country i. From the maximum principle, λ˙ i(t) = −rλi(t) so that λi(t) = λie−rt, where λi denotes the present-value shadow cost of levying tax revenues: tax revenues should be discounted according to the date when they are collected. Because of the deadweight loss of commodity taxation, λi is always greater than or equal to unity.

i i−1 Since in equilibrium pej(t) = cj and qej(t) = Dj (.), the first-order condition for the i i dqej (t) i choice of the tax θj(t) on conventional commodity j = 1, ..., n reduces to − i xj(t) + dθj (t) e i i i i i dxej (t)  i i  dqej (t) i λ cjxj(t) + θj(t)cj i = 0, where qj(t) = cj 1 + θj(t) implies i = cj and xj(t) = e dθj (t) e dθj (t) e i i i dxej (t) i0 Dj(qj(t)) implies i = Dj (.)cj. Hence, the on good j = 1, ..., m for e dθj (t) i i∗ λi−1 xej country i is θj = i i0 , or equivalently, λ −Dj (.)cj i i∗ i∗ λ − 1 (1 + θj ) θj = i i , (13) λ −εej i i0 i qj Dj (.) where εj ≡ i is the price-elasticity of demand for good j in country i, which is xj constant under stationary market conditions. Ad valorem consumption taxes applied on conventional, producible commodities are thus satisfying the standard inverse-elasticity rule of optimum commodity taxation. They vanish when the optimal covering of revenue needs does not imply the introduction of distortions (λi = 1) and are strictly positive otherwise.

17Since tax revenues of country i are given over the horizon, they can be treated as a constant that does not need to enter the objective.

11 i Following Bergstrom (1982), we restrict the on oil θ0(t) to be constant over time in every country.18 Unlike the world producer price for conventional, producible commodities, the world producer price of oil, which is, in the absence of cost, the unit Hotelling rent, is affected by

i dηe i taxation. Hence, the first-order condition for the choice of θ0 by country i is − i x0(t)− dθ0 e dsi (t) dxi (t) dxi (t) i dηe i i dηe i e0 i0 e0 i i i dηe i i e0  θ0 i x0(t)−ηx0(t)+ i s0(t)+η i −Ω (.) i +λ ηx0(t)+θ0 i x0(t)+θ0η i = 0, dθ0 e ee dθ0 e e dθ0 dθ0 ee dθ0 e e dθ0 rt i i rt where we have used that, in equilibrium, pe0(t) = ηee and qe0(t) = ηe(1 + θ0)e , which dqi (t) e0 dηe i rt rt implies that i = i (1 + θ0)e + ηe . dθ0 dθ0 e Integrating over the horizon with R +∞ si (t) dt = Si , where Si is given so that 0 e0 0 0 i R +∞ se0(t) i R +∞ i i dt = 0, and denoting by Xe0 ≡ x0(t) dt the equilibrium cumulative oil con- 0 dθ0 0 e i i i R +∞ dxe0(t) dXe0 i∗ i dXe0 sumption of country i, which implies i dt = i , the condition yields θ0 λ η i = 0 dθ0 dθ0 e dθ0   dXi   i i i∗ dηe i i0 e0 dηe i i (1 − λ ) ηXe0 + θ0 i Xe0 + Ω (.) i + i Xe0 − S0 ; rearranging gives the following e dθ0 dθ0 dθ0 necessary condition for the optimal tax on oil:

 i∗ dη 1  dη  i i  i 1 + θ e i0 e 1 X − S λ − 1 0 dθi η 1 Ω (.) 1 dθi η e0 0 θi∗ = 0 e + + 0 e . (14) 0 i dXi i i dXi i λ e0 1 λ η λ e0 1 Xe dθi i e dθi i 0 0 Xe0 0 Xe0

i This expression of the optimal tax on oil for country i involves the effects of θ0 on the present-value equilibrium producer price ηe and on the equilibrium cumulative oil i consumption in country i Xe0. These effects will be derived shortly. The world oil market clearing condition

Z +∞ n n X k k rt X k D0 ηe(1 + θ0 )e dt = S0 (15) 0 k=1 k=1 implicitly determines the equilibrium present-value producer price of oil ηe as a function of oil taxes. The right-hand side of this equality being given, it implies, by differentiation with

i respect to θ0, the effect of country i’s tax on the world present-value producer price of 18As Bergstrom (1982) noted (p. 198), ”The analysis of a Nash equilibrium in varying strategies is, in general, much more complicated, both conceptually and as a matter of computation.” In fact, this is not so in the case of conventional goods. It must be remarked that the property of Bergstrom’s model in the isoelastic-demand case, that there is a Nash equilibrium in which all countries choose a constant even if variable tax rates are possible carries over to our setting.

12 − R +∞ Di0(.)ert dt dηe 1 0 0 oil, given by the elasticity i = n . This elasticity also writes dθ0 ηe P R +∞ k k0 rt 0 (1+θ0 )D0 (.)e dt k=1

i i dηe 1 −1 Xe0ξe0 i = i n ≤ 0, (16) dθ0 η (1 + θ0) P k k e Xe0 ξe0 k=1

i i dXe0 qe0(0) i i R +∞ i0 rt i dq0(0) ηe(1+θ0) 0 D0 (.)e dt where ξe0 ≡ i = i is the elasticity of total cumulative demand Xe0 Xe0 for oil in country i, that we define as the long-run elasticity of the cumulative oil demand to the present-value consumer price, evaluated at the equilibrium allocation. Note that,

i0 i i D0 (.)q0 in the isoelastic case, it is exactly equal to the flow demand elasticity ε0 ≡ i x0 previously defined.

i Since the present-value equilibrium consumer price of oil in country i is qe0(0) = i i ηe(1 + θ0), it follows by differentiation with respect to θ0 and by use of (16) that n P Xkξk i e0 e0 dqe0(0) 1 1 k=1,k6=i i = i n ≥ 0. (17) dθ0i q0(0) (1 + θ0) P k k e Xe0 ξe0 k=1

In turn, Xi = R +∞ Di qi (0)ert dt implies e0 0 0 e0

i i dXe0 1 i dqe0(0) 1 i = ξe0 i ≤ 0. (18) dθ i dθ i q (0) 0 Xe0 0 e0 Substituting these elasticities into (14) and simplifying yield the following expression for the optimal tax on oil in country i:

 n    P k k i Xe0 ξe0 !  i0  i i i∗ λ − 1  k=1 i∗ 1 1 Ω (.) 1  Xe0 − S0  θ =  + θ  + +   . (19) 0 λi n 0 i λi η λi n  P k k  −ξe0  P k k  Xe0 ξe0 e −Xe0 ξe0 k=1,k6=i k=1,k6=i

This complex formula brings up simple insights. Unlike for conventional goods, the optimal tax rate on domestic oil consumption consists of three terms. The first one in equation (19) is the generalization of the Ramsey inverse-elasticity term for a traded commodity whose world producer price is affected by taxation. It features an inverse-elasticity rule but depends as well on the rest of the

13 world’s demand elasticities and market share. The second term is the standard Pigovian tax. Like in Sandmo’s (1975) famous contribution on optimum commodity taxation with externality-generating goods, it is weighted according to the need of raising revenues. The third term corresponds to an optimum-tariff component. As in Bergstrom (1982), this component of the optimal tax depends on the country’s position on the oil market – it is positive for an oil importer and negative for an oil exporter – and on the rest of the world’s market share weighted by demand elasticities. Recalling that the elasticity of Hotelling reserves is nil, it appears that the denominator of this term is also the elasticity of the residual supply – i.e. net of the rest of the world’s consumption – that country i faces. The difference between this term and the original tax rate in Bergstrom (1982) is the intervention of the cost of levying revenues λi. Like the Pigovian term in Sandmo (1975), the optimum-tariff dimension of the optimal tax on oil should be weighted according to the need of raising tax revenues. When the revenue constraint (5) is not binding, the cost of levying revenues reduces to unity, λi = 1, and it is not necessary for the government to impose distortions to its economy. However, unlike the Ramsey tax (13) for regular commodities, the oil tax given by (19) does not vanish in this case. When λi = 1, the first, Ramsey distortionary term is equal to zero and the tax reduces to the sum of its second and third terms, which are respectively the Pigovian component and the tariff component of the tax. The Pigovian term is corrective and should be set equal to marginal damages to maximize welfare even in the absence of any revenue-collection constraint. The third term can also be interpreted as being corrective as it participates to country i’s welfare maximization even in the absence of revenue constraint. In Boadway et al.’s (1973) words, ”domestic commodity taxes introduce a distortion while optimum tariffs eliminate a distortion” (p. 397, their italics). Once the mechanism by which a domestic tax takes the dimension of a tariff (Friedlander and Vanderdorpe, 1968) is understood, the same remark applies to the third term in (19). Hence, as long as these two terms, computed for λi = 1, raise a fiscal amount equal to or greater than Ri(0), a unitary value for λi is indeed compatible with the problem of country i’s government; neither regular sectors, nor the oil sector

14 are imposed Ramsey distortions in that context. Keeping in mind from Boadway et al.’s remark that the Pareto-improving tariff dimension of the commodity tax is corrective in a similar way to a Pigovian tax, the following observation by Sandmo (1976, p. 38) applies to our problem: ”taxation need not be distortionary by the standard of Pareto optimality. But it seems definitely sensible to admit the unrealism of the assumption that the public sector can raise all its revenue from neutral or Pigovian taxes, and once we admit this we face the second-best problem of making the best of a necessarily distortionary tax system. This is the problem with which the optimal tax literature is mainly concerned.” On this ground, attention should be restricted to the most relevant case where λi > 1, for all i = 1, ..., n. The following proposition summarizes our findings.

Proposition 1 When the revenue-collection constraint (5) binds the government of country i = 1, ..., n, so that λi > 1, its optimal tax rate on oil (19) not only consists of an open-economy Ramsey term and of a Pigovian term, but also of an optimum-tariff component.

Recalling that the optimal tax on regular commodities j = 1, ..., m (13) solely consists of a Ramsey tax rate, an immediate consequence of Proposition 1 is the following. Optimum tariffs, while irrelevant in the optimum taxation of conventional, producible goods, are crucial for the optimum taxation of an exhaustible resource. This should not come as a complete surprise. It is standard in the optimum-taxation literature to assume supply of commodities to be perfectly elastic. The non-renewable nature of oil implies a long-run perfect inelasticity such that short-run supply cannot be infinitely elastic. In other words, while the producer price for conventional commodities is given in competitive equilibrium by the marginal cost of production, the producer price of oil, which is also the unit oil scarcity rent, directly depends on taxes. In fact, had we assumed supply of non-oil commodities not to be perfectly elastic, the optimal commodity tax on those goods would have taken an optimum-tariff dimension as well. However, this shows that the long-run supply inelasticity on the oil market,

15 which is very peculiar to oil, implies trade-related motives for taxation to be especially important for this commodity. Hence, to conclude, not only revenue-raising and externality-correction motives for taxation determine countries’ optimal taxation of domestic oil consumption, but also optimum-tariff motives; the latter being especially important in the oil sector. The following section will measure the ability of an optimum-tariff variable, derived and computed from above expressions, to explain actual national taxes on a major oil product, gasoline. This variable will be shown to play a critical role in explaining gasoline taxation.

3. An empirical analysis of the determinants of national taxes on gasoline

Gasoline is the most important oil product and is mostly consumed by individuals; this is why gasoline taxes have been considered to provide the ideal measure of oil products’ final-consumption taxation level. There is another practical consideration. The availability of data on gasoline retail prices at a relatively large scale allows the computation of national taxes/subsidies on gasoline consumption. To explain the international distribution of gasoline taxes, the existing literature has mainly focused on revenue-raising and externality-correction motives for taxation. In the light of the theoretical Section 2, this means giving a particular attention to the key factors traditionally thought of as determining the first two terms of Formula (19) – in our words, the Ramsey and Pigovian tax components. This section aims at measuring the explanatory power of the optimum-tariff dimen- sion, as we termed it, of domestic taxation. In the light of the existing empirical litera- ture, this would mean measuring the role of factors thought of as determining the third term of Formula (19), that is the optimum-tariff component of the theoretical domestic oil tax. A more direct and efficient approach consists in isolating the meaningful part of this theoretical term and to compute it for each country, so as to treat it as an explanatory

16 variable.19 It is particularly adapted to our purpose. First, quantities (domestic con- sumption and production) are crucial in the optimum-tariff dimension of the tax, but may individually affect other tax components. Second, this method permits the isolation of one single variable as the one representing the optimum-tariff dimension of domestic taxation. The analysis will consist of several steps. We will first consider the gasoline taxes and the optimum-tariff variable in isolation. Their relationship will also be examined in a regression analysis where other factors identified as being of importance by the related literature are controlled for. 3.1 Computing gasoline taxes

Transportation and distribution costs represent relatively small parts of gasoline before- tax retail prices. Moreover, a substantial part of those costs are retailing costs and margins from the distribution activity, whose contribution to gasoline prices is very homogeneous across countries. Finally, the cost of transporting oil products, at any stage and at the final stage in particular, includes some fixed parts which make it ”practically independent from the distance of transport” (GTZ, 2005, p. 68); its homogeneous contribution to gasoline retail prices is considered to be of ”minor influence”. For these reasons, the distribution of oil products’ final prices is generally thought of as reflecting almost exclusively the distribution of domestic taxes on those products. The difference between final prices and taxes is the international producer price that is, in first approximation, common to all countries. Therefore, any arbitrary estimation of the producer price is suitable to compute domestic taxes, without implying any loss of information. Following GTZ (2009), the US gasoline retail price (average cost-covering price including industry margin, VAT and US-$ 0.10 for road funds) ”may be considered as the minimum international benchmark for a non-subsidized road transport policy”. Let us thus compute the 2008 gasoline domestic taxes by taking the differences between final gasoline prices and this international benchmark price.

19This way of proceeding is reminiscent of the introduction of specifically-defined interaction variables.

17 What matters is that the procedure captures all taxes, whether they are applied specifically (per unit) or proportionately (ad valorem) and whatever the stage at which they are applied, which are added to the producer price to determine final consumption prices.20 On the other hand, this procedure does not give an exact measure of the actual level of taxes applied on gasoline. In this respect, the IEA’s direct measurement of exclusive- of-VAT national taxes on gasoline in OECD-member countries is more reliable. The comparison of taxes computed as above from the final gasoline prices given by GTZ (2009) with the IEA’s gasoline taxes on the OECD subgroup of our sample shows that the ordering of countries according to their taxes is the same for either tax measure. After selecting countries according to the availability of data for the variables con- sidered in this section, our sample not only consists of all OECD countries, but also of all OPEC countries and of Brazil, Russia, India and China, among others (92 countries overall). On this large sample, taxes on gasoline are very heterogenous. They range from the negative US-$ −0.54 per liter in Venezuela to as high as US-$ 1.39 per liter in Hong Kong. Other subsidizing countries (having negative tax rates) include Algeria, Angola, Irak, Iran, Kuwait, Libya, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. Countries with relatively high taxes on gasoline include Japan, Taiwan and all countries within Europe. 3.2 The optimum-tariff variable and gasoline taxes

The optimum-tariff dimension of optimal taxes on exhaustible resources is given by the n 1  i i  P k k last term on the right of Formula (19): λi Xe0 − S0 / −Xe0 ξe0 . k=1,k6=i Computing this term requires to cautiously interpret its components and to accord- ingly make pragmatic choices. First, while our analysis shows the optimum-tariff term to inversely depend on the cost of public funds λi prevailing in each country, its should be clear from the analysis of Section 2 that the intervention of λi stems from the combina-

20Computed taxes are expressed in per unit terms. Since dividing them by the international producer price common to all countries yields their ad valorem equivalent, both expressions are exactly equivalent as dependent variables.

18 tion of the optimum-tariff dimension of domestic taxation with other taxation motives.

Specifically, absent any binding revenue-collection commitment, λi would take a unitary n  i i  P k k value, as in Bergstrom (1982). It follows that the term Xe0 − S0 / −Xe0 ξe0 is fully k=1,k6=i capturing the optimum-tariff dimension we aim at isolating out. Second, the optimum-tariff component in any country i’s tax depends on the elas- ticity of demand in all other countries. Although those elasticities can be computed for some countries, limits on data availability would have too high a cost in terms of the size of our sample. Following Bergstrom (1982) in his simulations, we assume here that domestic demands are isoelastic and identical across countries. Hence, demand elastic- ity evenly contributes to the optimum-tariff component of all countries; we are left with n  i i  P k the country-specific part of it, Xe0 − S0 / −Xe0 . In the latter expression for any k=1,k6=i country i, the denominator is the rest-of-the-world’s cumulative gasoline consumption. To the notable exception of the United States, countries’ domestic consumption of gaso- line is often small relative to world consumption; let us assume the denominator to be common to all countries. We are left with the difference between long-run cumulative domestic consumption and domestic production (or net cumulative imports),

i i Xe0 − S0, (20) which is the most fundamental part of the optimum-tariff component of the tax. The analysis of this term yields two immediate predictions regarding the tax setting behavior of countries. First, it predicts that the balance between cumulative quantities consumed and produced in equilibrium over the horizon determines whether the tariff component of the tax is positive or negative. That is, if the equilibrium cumulative consumption of one country is larger than its cumulative supply (i.e. the country is a net cumulative importer), the tariff term (20) positively contributes to its domestic tax and vice versa. Secondly, the magnitude of this term for one country in absolute value is all the higher, the greater the absolute value of cumulative net imports of this country over the horizon relatively to the rest-of-the-world’s cumulative consumption over the same period. Thus, large importers in terms of world consumption are expected to set

19 higher taxes than otherwise similar countries with lower shares. A comparison of gasoline taxes in top-importing and top-exporting countries gives a first indication that the sign of those taxes often coincides with the sign of the theoretical tariff component: all countries among the top-ten importers set positive taxes whereas 7 out of the 10 top exporters (Russia and Norway are notable exceptions21) subsidize the domestic use of gasoline (Table 1).

Table 1: Top exporters and importers of oil (1) (2) Rank Exporters Tax Importers Tax 1 Saudi Arabia -0.40 The United States 0.00 2 Russia 0.33 Japan 0.86 3 United Arab Emirates -0.11 China 0.43 4 Iran -0.46 Germany 1.00 5 Kuwait -0.32 South Korea 0.95 6 Norway 1.07 India 0.53 7 Angola -0.03 France 0.96 8 Venezuela -0.54 Spain 0.67 9 Algeria -0.22 Italy 1.01 10 Nigeria 0.03 Taiwan 0.38 For columns (1) and (2), data is taken from EIA. Taxes are in US-$ per liter.

Further comparison of the actual domestic gasoline taxes with the theoretical optimum- tariff component requires to compute the latter. The theoretical model of Section 2 does not make any distinction between the raw resource as it is extracted and the retailed oil product which is transformed from the resource. This simplification is usually made on the ground that transformation processes are linear so that it can be seen as a mat- ter of normalization. Had we modeled the transformation stage under conditions of competition, flows relative to the transformation industry would have disappeared from formulas. In other words, the relevant supply quantity is that of the extracted resource to which the rent is attached, while the relevant consumption quantity is the normalized quantity of the transformed product. On the other hand, the simplification is without loss of generality only when the resource has a single transformed derivative. Gasoline is the most important, although non exclusive, of several oil products. Its taxation affects the world rent associated

21In the sequel, it will turn out that Norway is a recurrent aberrant point of our analysis.

20 with the raw resource. Supply and demand quantities should thus be taken as those of petroleum production, whatever its final use.22 This follows Bergstrom (1982) who noted that irrespective of the oil product for which we aim at computing the theoretical tax, ”the numbers needed in order to make such estimates are the shares of the world’s total oil consumption consumed and produced in the country of interest” (p. 199). EIA production and consumption data appropriately comprise petroleum production and the consumption of all oil products derived from it. There is another issue. In expression (19), the horizon over which the cumulative quantities are evaluated is the entire theoretical horizon. Those variables aim at captur- ing the respective long-term position of countries on the oil market. Hence, its relevant empirical counterpart is a sufficiently long past interval of time. We proxy cumula- tive consumed and supplied quantities in equilibrium by the cumulative amounts of petroleum consumed and supplied for as far back in history as possible, i.e. since 1980. In the following we will denote the variable which represents the optimum-tariff di-

mension of the domestic tax on gasoline for country i by OTi; we define it in the following fashion, which measures the difference between long-term cumulative consumption and production, but in relative terms. It conserves all sign and monotonicity properties of expression (20):

2007 2007 X i  X i  OTi ≡ ln 1 + x0(t) − ln 1 + s0(t) , (21) t=1980 t=1980

i i where x0(t) and s0(t) are respectively domestic oil consumption and production of coun- try i during year t. In other words, we approximate cumulative quantities of (20) by 2007 2007 i P i i P i Xe0 ' x0 (t) and S0 ' s0 (t). The exclusion of year 2008 ensures that con- t=1980 t=1980 sumption terms are not endogenous to the 2008 tax. Plotting these computed values against the actual tax rates of each country clearly shows a positive relationship (Figure 1). Countries with a higher optimum-tariff com-

22The approximation arises from the obvious difference between the theoretical tax base which covers all oil products and the tax base to which a gasoline tax is applied. Its justification should be that gasoline consumption is very much correlated with consumption of oil products in general and that gasoline taxation is very representative of the way countries tax other oil products

21 ponent set higher taxes and vice versa. The associated correlation coefficient is 0.53. Figure 1 also shows a non-linear fit of the relationship. Its shape shows that the lin- ear model overestimates the tax of countries having polar values of the optimum-tariff component (i.e. for the main importers and exporters) while it underestimates it for intermediary-value countries. A clearer view on this relationship is provided by the evolution of kernel-estimated densities of actual taxes associated with the levels of the optimum-tariff component (Figure 2). The estimated density functions are almost always uni-modal, with a high concentration around their mode. In other words, for any level of the optimum-tariff component such as we computed it, countries have rather similar taxation patterns. Moreover, the mode associated with each optimum-tariff level is increasing, also showing the positive relationship between this index and the actual taxes. Countries whose optimum-tariff components are very high are concentrated around a very high level of taxation. Countries with very low optimum-tariff components are concentrated around or below the zero-tax level. In the sequel, we address the question of how well the optimum-tariff-component variable we have computed from Section 2 explains domestic gasoline taxes in a regression analysis. The main objective is to confirm the strong relationship found when the two variables were taken in isolation as in this section by showing that it survives the introduction of factors that have been identified to be crucial in existing empirical studies on the topic. 3.3 Regression analysis (INCOMPLETE AND OUTDATED)

The set of Section 2’s optimal taxes (19) reflects a static Nash equilibrium in the level of oil domestic taxation. Thus, in line with the approach of the previous section, the regression analysis will focus on a cross-sectional explanation for actual tax levels rather than on an explanation for their evolution over time.

22 ● Hong Kong SAR. China

● Turkey

● Malawi

Mozambique ● Zambia ● ● Netherlands ● Malta Norway ● ● Portugal Italy Finland ● ● Germany● ● Ireland ● Denmark

100 ● France ● Belgium

United Kingdom ● Peru Japan ● Sri Lanka ● ● Luxembourg Sweden ● Albania ● Austria ● ● ● Senegal ● Cote d'Ivoire Switzerland ● MoroccoBulgaria● Cyprus Brazil ● Hungary ● ● ● Costa Rica ● Greece● Spain ● Kenya Moldova Estonia Uruguay● ● ● ● Bangladesh ● ● Paraguay Gabon Cameroon ● Iceland ● ● Latvia ● Romania ● ● India● New Zealand ● Singapore Colombia Dominican Republic

50 ● ●

● China Tunisia ● Chile Papua New Guinea ● ● BhutanPhilippines● Ethiopia Russian Federation ● Ghana ● ● ● SouthThailand Africa ● BotswanaNicaragua Actual Tax Actual Tax ●● Guatemala ● Syrian Arab Republic ● ● Pakistan Kazakhstan ● ● ● Honduras Argentina ● ● El Salvador Canada ● Mexico ● ● Australia ● Jamaica

Bolivia ● ● Panama Sudan ● ● Jordan Nigeria ● ● United States 0 ● ● Angola Malaysia● Ecuador ●● Egypt. ArabIndonesia Rep. ● United Arab Emirates

● Trinidad and Tobago ● ●Algeria Oman

● Kuwait● ● Qatar Bahrain ● Saudi Arabia ● Libya ● Iran. Islamic Rep.

−50 ● Venezuela. RB

−2 0 2 4 6 8 Optimum− Component

Figure 1: Scatter plot for computed optimum-tariff components and actual taxes


From the previous section, we inherit the computation of the 2008 domestic taxes on gasoline consumption. This dependent variable is taken as reflecting the national level of taxes on oil products. We also inherit the computation of the optimum-tariff components

23 Estimated Conditional Density

Conditional Density 0.010


Optimum_Tariff_Component −2 0 2

4 100 6 50

0 8 Actual_Tax −50

Figure 2: Conditional density from the back of taxes, as per (21), which reflect the optimum-tariff dimension of domestic taxes; the factor of most interest here. Those components will be directly treated as an explanatory variable in the regression analysis. There is a potential endogeneity issue. As its expression (21) makes clear, the optimum-tariff component associated with one country depends on this country’s con- sumption, production and on world consumption. There is no reason why the domestic taxation of consumption should affect domestic incentives to produce oil; in fact, the presence and quantity of oil in one country may be thought of as being completely ex- ogenous. On the contrary, the domestic consumption of oil products must be affected by, although not exclusively, their domestic taxation. We find, however, an absence of correlation between, on the one hand, taxes and

24 consumption, and, on the other hand, consumption and the optimum-tariff component. Therefore, the latter variable cannot be endogenous to the tax. The equilibrium national tax in equation (19) consists of three terms. The first term on the right hand side represents the taxation due to the Ramsey motive. In line with the previous literature on this topic, we use debt as an indicator for a government’s need to raise revenues. Following the Ramsey taxation motive, we argue a higher level of debt measured in units of GDP results in higher taxes on gasoline. Data on debt in the year 2008 is taken from the CIA World Factbook, 2009. To circumvent the possibility that debt is endogenous to the tax on gasoline, we alternatively use debt/GDP from 2003 (CIA World Factbook, 2004) and test its predictive power for observed taxes on gasoline in 2008. The revenue raising motive has been considered to be the most important determinant of taxes on gasoline, so far. Rietveld and van Woudenberg (2005) find that the pure revenue raising motive best explains taxes. This result is confirmed in a comparable way by Hammar et al. (2004). Liddle and Lung (2008) refine the above result by showing that the need to raise revenue Granger-causes gasoline taxes. The second term on the right-hand side of equation (19) describes damages arising from consumption of the polluting, non-renewable resource. The consumption of gaso- line may cause two sorts of externalities- a global externality (global warming) and an externality that matters only locally (e.g. traffic jams, noise, bad air arising from traf- fic). We include CO2 emissions per capita to proxy global externalities. As proxy for local externalities, we use cars per capita from the World Bank database. In the previ- ous literature, countries with higher CO2-emissions were not found to have significantly higher tax rates. Local air pollution has been found to have a minor influence on tax setting. Goel and Nelson (1999) find that gasoline tax rates respond to non-compliance to the US Clean Air Act.23 Contrasting results are found by Ley and Boccardo (2010) and Rietveld and van Woudenberg (2005). The latter used car density as proxy for local externalities and do not find a significant impact on the level of taxes. Thus, we rather

23The Clean Air Act is a United States federal law which aims at controlling air pollution on a national level.

25 expect a moderate effect of the variables related to the Pigou motive in our regressions. In order to assess the robustness of our result, we include a variety of additional variables. We use a measure for trade openness (trade/GDP) from the World Bank for the year 2008 for two reasons. First, trade openness estimates the degree of interaction between countries and could therefore possibly represent the degree of tax competition among neighboring countries. Rietveld and van Woudenberg (2005) find that regional tax competition matters where the tax rate is lower in countries with higher, regional competition. Second, trade openness indicates the degree to which a country participates on world markets in general and could therefore indicate the degree to which it also participates on the world crude oil market. In order to test the moderating effect of trade openness for our optimal tariff component, we introduce an interaction variable which measures whether the optimal tariff component increases when we increase the degree of participation in world trade. Furthermore, we include the level of taxes on income to account for the general propensity of a country to use taxes and to account for the ability of a country to raise revenue via direct taxes rather than indirect taxes. Furthermore, we control for the degree of political freedom, unemployment and GDP per capita in order to capture further country specific effects. The political rights indi- cator is taken from the freedomhouse, an organisation that has annually evaluated the state of freedom in each country as experienced by individuals. The index measures the degree of freedom in the electoral process, political pluralism and participation, and functioning of government. It is discretely coded with categories from 1 to 7. 1 representing the most free and 7 representing the least free. Summary statistics for the variables considered can be found in Table A in the Appendix. Note that we standardized the observations in order to receive comparable coefficient estimates.

Regression equations

For the estimation of the regressions, we proceed stepwise in that we first include only the variables for the Ramsey and Pigou motive to establish results similar to the ones

26 in the existing literature. The regression reads

τi = α + β1Di + β2COi + β3LPi + ui, (22) where τi denotes the tax rate of country i. Di is debt as percentage of GDP of country

2 i, COi are CO -emissions per capita, LPi denotes the local pollution as measured by cars per person in country i. ui is the residual and βi ∈ {1; 3} are coefficients. As a variation, we replace the data on debt from the year 2008 by data from the year 2003, denoted by D2003. Next, we add the net market power index as computed under (21) to (22):

τi = α + β1Di + β2COi + β3LPi + γBi + ui, (23) where Bi is the optimal tariff component or net market power index for country i and γ the associated coefficient. As we have seen earlier, the relationship between the net market power index and the tax can also be described by a u-shaped graph so that we

2 include a second-order polynomial, denoted as Bi . Last, the regression equation is extended to

τi = α + β1Di + β2COi + β3LPi + γBi + g(Ci) + ui, (24) where g(Ci) represent the control variables as described in the previous section. We use the Breusch-Pagan test for heteroskedasticity to see whether we need heteroskedasticity-robust estimation procedures. Additionally, we apply Hsiao’s spec- ifications test (Hsiao et al., 2007) to check if the parametric linear model provides consistent estimates. The null hypothesis is that the parametric model is correctly specified (H0 : P r[E(yi|xi) = f(xi, ρ)] = 1) against the alternative that it is not

(HA : P r[E(yi|xi) = f(xi, ρ)] < 1). A rejection of the null hypothesis hints at the need to use more flexible specifications of the model.

Semi-parametric model

As an alternative to a linear model, we consider a semi-parametric model. As the model in equation (19) predicts an additive relationship of the determinants of the optimal

27 tax, we chose to estimate a partially linear, additively-separable regression model. It requires the effects of the exogenous variables to be additive in nature, as satisfied in our model, but in turn does not impose any restrictions regarding the parametric form of the variables. Thus, the relationship between endogenous and exogenous variables can be non-linear. Furthermore, while a parametric approach assumes the marginal effect of an exogenous variable on the endogenous variable to be the same across the entire range of values, a semi-parametric model provides with non-constant marginal effects.24 The non-constant marginal effects can be illustrated best with graphical methods such as partial regression plots.25 The slope of the partial regression plot is equal to the estimated regression coefficient in the semi-parametric model. Point-wise 95-percent confidence intervals indicate the precision of the estimated effects. Conveniently, the in- sample fit measure, R2, is directly comparable to the corresponding linear model and is used to compare the fit of the semi-parametric model to the fit in the linear specification (24). The structural form of the additive model is given by

z X τi = α1 + fj(xj) + ui (25) j=1

where z is the number of continuous regressors and fj(xj) is a non-linear function of the

continuous, exogenous variable xj. The data is assumed to be identically and indepen-

dently distributed with E(u|Xi) = 0 but allow for a conditionally heteroskedastic error

2 2 26 process E(ui |x) = σ (x) of unknown form. The structural form in equation (25) is a restrictive case of the general smooth function. If the assumption of additivity is supported by the data generating process, the result of a semi-parametric model is even more efficient than a non-parametric model.

24Note that due to the non-constant marginal effects, the regression output will not provide estimated parameter coefficients. 25Note that, in contrast to the simple scatter plot used earlier, a partial regression plot takes the effect of other independent variables in the model into account when plotting the exogenous variable of interest against the response variable. 26Note that we did not include all variables considered in the parametric part for the semi-parametric regression. We only included debt, CO2 per capita, the net market power index, and political rights where the latter enters linearly.

28 For more details, we refer to Wood (2004) or Robinson (1988).


The results for the estimated coefficients, the model fit and the test statistics is shown in Table C in the Appendix. Before turning to the discussion of the regression results, we shortly present the re- sults of the various statistical tests performed and the explanatory power of the models.

Test results and model fit The result of the Breusch-Pagan test (p{hetero}) reveals that the null hypothesis of homoscedastic variance can not be rejected for any of our regression specifications. While one might conclude the presence of homoscedasticity, we are rather carefully accepting this conclusion. As the Breusch-Pagan test actually only tests for a specific form of heteroskedasticity27 that can not be easily verified, one might encounter in this test the possibility of a very low power of the test statistic. Thus, we have decided to use robust standard errors which does not change the significance levels of the estimated coefficients. The null hypothesis of correct specification in the Hsiao test (p{correct specification}) is rejected in some of the models. Due to the possibility of mis-specifications, we apply a semi-parametric model. In line with the results of the Hsiao test, we find that the adjusted R2 measure is higher in the semi-parametric models, compared to all parametric models. However, the increase in explanatory power is not huge (increase from 52% to 56%).

Ramsey taxation motive As far as the Ramsey motive of taxation is concerned, we investigate whether debt drives tax setting decisions. We find that the magnitude of debt in a country influences the size of the tax significantly only in the small model (column 1). In this case, it is positive

27It assumes a linear relationship between the error variances and the regressors.

29 and highly significant, indicating that the higher a country’s debt, the higher its tax on gasoline. However, if we go beyond the Ramsey and Pigou taxation motive and include the tariff motive, debt is not a driving force of tax setting decisions anymore. This result is confirmed in the semi-parametric regression as the partial regression plot for debt in Figure 3 shows a rather flat slope.

Pigou taxation motive From our regression results, it follows that countries with higher CO2-emissions have sig- nificantly lower taxes. The parameter estimate is negative and significant in the smaller models but lose significance in the models with control variables. This result stands in sharp contrast to the use of taxes as an instrument to combat climate warming but coincides with findings in the previous literature. Furthermore, from Table B in the ap- pendix, we see that income per capita and emissions are highly correlated. Thus, richer countries have higher emissions, but do not necessarily set higher taxes on gasoline. In further analysis, one needs to take care of possible outliers in the observations on CO2 emissions as indicated by the wide standard error bands in Figure ??. Local pollution, proxied by cars per capita, does not have a significant effect on taxes in any model. Thus, we can conclude that externalities arising from the use of petroleum products have not played a significant role in tax setting decisions in the world, so far.

Control variables Columns 5 to 8 of Table C in the Appendix display the result of the control variables. We find that the level of income tax in a country is significant and positive in all speci- fications. It reveals that countries with higher income tax also tend to set higher taxes on petroleum. GDP per capita, however, is not significantly associated with the level of tax on petroleum in a country. The political rights indicator is significant and negative (due to the coding of 1 being the most free country). Thus, less democratic and free countries set lower taxes. Trade openness does not impact the level of the tax on oil products, nor does the interaction variable of trade openness and the net market power

30 index. Thus, we do not find support for regional tax competition affecting significantly the distribution of taxes for our database. Furthermore, there is no evidence to believe that the influence of the net market power on the size of the gasoline tax depends on a country’s trade activities. Unemployment also does not.

The tariff component of taxes The theoretical tariff component of gasoline taxes is represented by the computed net market power index in the way described in Subsection 3.2. It seems to be of great importance according to our results: the coefficient of the first-order polynomial is posi- tive and significant on a 1% level in all specifications. Countries with higher net market power set higher taxes and vice versa. Note that the estimated coefficient is the highest among all estimated coefficients. The parameter estimate of the second order polyno- mial is also significant but on a 5-10% level only, but provides with the second highest estimated parameter coefficient. The signs of the two estimated coefficients are in ac- cordance with the results in section 3.2. The partial regression plot in Figure 3 does not add new insights as it reveals a slightly u-shaped form, proving the result of the parametric regression and the scatter plot. The close standard error bands indicate that the estimated function is very precise. In the parametric regression, the inclusion of the optimal tariff component more than doubles the explanatory power, increasing it from 16% in the small model to 36% in the model without control variables (column 4). Investigating the results in column 7 and 8 in greater detail, we can summarize that accounting for other motives of taxation do not alter the result. The significance of the optimal tariff component is not reduced by the inclusion of the control variables. Neither political freedom nor income or unemployment are able to explain the variation in taxes as good as our optimum tariff component. Thus, strategic motives are present in taxation decisions of countries.

31 4. Conclusion

In their paper, Broda et al. (2008, p. 2032) pointed at the lack of evidence that countries set tariffs in response to their market power; this is why optimum tariffs theory has been controversial in international economics. Not only a tariff stricto sensu, but also a domestic commodity tax can obey the logic of a tariff. Meanwhile, the theoretical literature on non-renewable-resource taxation has often emphasized that large countries may set their domestic oil taxes strategically. Optimum tariffs, or strategic domestic taxes, are magnified on exhaustible resource markets as they can be interpreted as rent capturing. The relevance of the optimum-tariff arguments on markets for non-renewable resources is clearly justified by our findings. On the one hand, our theoretical model shows how standard arguments of the opti- mum tariffs theory carry over to the specific case of domestic taxation of non-renewable resources. On the other hand, we show that the predictions of the optimum tariffs theory greatly improve our understanding of observed taxes on oil products. Our find- ings thereby consolidate recent evidence by Broda et al. (2008) for the relevance of the optimum tariffs theory.


A Summary statistics

Table 2: Summary statistics Variable Mean Std. Dev. Min. Max. N tax 0.721 0.443 -0.28 1.65 97 debt 46.605 31.085 3.7 189.3 97 debt 2005 56.915 38.827 0 200.69 94 govexp 32.295 10.696 13.7 57.8 96 co2 pc 6.847 8.577 0.07 55.38 97 vehicles 265.102 239.862 2.26 819.79 87 B 0.154 0.226 -0.21 0.6 97 trade 96.443 65.194 25.83 438.09 96 Polrights 3.146 2.072 1 7 96 income tax 29.346 13.447 0 57 96 unempl 9.788 7.812 0.5 48 90

B Correlation matrix

Table 3: Cross-correlation table

Variables tax debt co2 pc vehpc B incometax gdppc Polrights trade unempl tax 1.000 debt 0.312 1.000 (0.002) co2 pc -0.322 -0.096 1.000 (0.001) (0.352) vehpc 0.084 0.140 0.153 1.000 (0.438) (0.195) (0.158) B 0.526 0.287 -0.293 0.195 1.000 (0.000) (0.004) (0.004) (0.070) incometax 0.513 0.292 -0.364 0.014 0.196 1.000 (0.000) (0.004) (0.000) (0.899) (0.056) gdppc 0.125 0.165 0.745 0.273 0.002 0.091 1.000 (0.222) (0.106) (0.000) (0.011) (0.985) (0.376) Polrights -0.524 -0.285 0.022 -0.105 -0.431 -0.428 -0.360 1.000 (0.000) (0.005) (0.835) (0.337) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) trade 0.122 0.034 0.221 0.293 0.296 -0.192 0.379 0.028 1.000 (0.236) (0.745) (0.031) (0.006) (0.003) (0.063) (0.000) (0.788) unempl -0.099 -0.075 -0.189 -0.066 -0.036 -0.005 -0.289 0.129 -0.168 1.000 (0.356) (0.485) (0.074) (0.559) (0.733) (0.967) (0.006) (0.227) (0.117)

C Regression results

33 Table 4: Regression results (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) debt 0.25∗∗ 0.14 0.080 0.058 0.055 0.057 0.052 (0.100) (0.094) (0.094) (0.089) (0.091) (0.090) (0.093) co2 pc -0.32∗∗∗ -0.34∗∗∗ -0.20∗∗ -0.15 -0.12 -0.13 -0.12 (0.099) (0.10) (0.094) (0.093) (0.092) (0.093) (0.097) vehpc 0.100 0.14 0.010 0.039 0.042 0.045 0.036 0.028 (0.10) (0.11) (0.096) (0.093) (0.084) (0.085) (0.084) (0.085) debt 2005 0.079 (0.11) govexp avg 0.025 (0.017) vehpc avg -0.00 (0.00) co2 avg -0.013 (0.018) b 0.45∗∗∗ 0.90∗∗∗ 0.55∗∗∗ 0.54∗∗ 0.57∗∗ 0.66∗∗∗ 0.79∗∗∗ (0.10) (0.20) (0.20) (0.21) (0.22) (0.23) (0.21) b2 -0.50∗∗ -0.34∗ -0.34∗ -0.37∗ -0.42∗ -0.49∗∗ (0.20) (0.19) (0.20) (0.21) (0.22) (0.19) income tax 0.26∗∗∗ 0.27∗∗∗ 0.20∗∗ 0.25∗∗ 0.19∗ (0.095) (0.097) (0.100) (0.094) (0.096) trade 0.040 0.051 0.060 0.035 0.044 (0.098) (0.11) (0.099) (0.11) (0.092) polrights -0.25∗∗ -0.25∗∗ -0.32∗∗∗ -0.29∗∗ -0.27∗∗ (0.10) (0.10) (0.12) (0.13) (0.13) int trade -0.024 (0.11) unempl 0.021 0.054 -0.067 (0.10) (0.10) (0.084) gdppc -0.013 (0.11) cons -0.010 -0.021 0.011 0.0043 0.011 0.016 -0.015 -0.016 -0.064 (0.100) (0.11) (0.091) (0.088) (0.078) (0.082) (0.081) (0.082) (0.074) N 87 84 87 87 84 84 77 77 86 adj. R2 0.162 0.091 0.311 0.355 0.506 0.499 0.517 0.506 0.538 0.56 p{hetero} 0.78 0.8 0.8 0.46 0.86 0.86 0.49 0.40 0.57 p{correct} 0.31 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.30 0.26 0.53 Standard errors in parentheses ∗ p < 0.1, ∗∗ p < 0.05, ∗∗∗ p < 0.01

34 Table 5: Regression results (1) (2) debt 0.25∗∗ (0.100) co2 pc -0.32∗∗∗ -0.34∗∗∗ (0.099) (0.10) vehpc 0.100 0.14 (0.10) (0.11) debt 2005 0.079 (0.11) N 87 84 adj. R2 0.162 0.091 p{hetero} 0.78 0.8 p{correct} 0.31 0.01 Standard errors in parentheses ∗ p < 0.1, ∗∗ p < 0.05, ∗∗∗ p < 0.01

Table 6: Regression results (1) (2) debt 0.14 0.080 (0.094) (0.094)

co2 pc -0.20∗∗ -0.15 (0.094) (0.093)

vehpc 0.010 0.039 (0.096) (0.093) b 0.45∗∗∗ 0.90∗∗∗ (0.10) (0.20)

b2 -0.50∗∗ (0.20)

cons 0.011 0.0043 (0.091) (0.088) N 87 87 adj. R2 0.311 0.355 p{hetero} 0.8 0.46 p{correct} 0.00 0.02 Standard errors in parentheses ∗ p < 0.1, ∗∗ p < 0.05, ∗∗∗ p < 0.01

35 Table 7: Regression results (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) debt 0.058 0.055 0.057 0.052 (0.089) (0.091) (0.090) (0.093) co2 pc -0.12 -0.13 -0.12 (0.092) (0.093) (0.097) vehpc 0.042 0.045 0.036 0.028 (0.084) (0.085) (0.084) (0.085) govexp avg 0.025 (0.017) vehpc avg -0.00 (0.00) co2 avg -0.013 (0.018) b 0.55∗∗∗ 0.54∗∗ 0.57∗∗ 0.66∗∗∗ 0.79∗∗∗ (0.20) (0.21) (0.22) (0.23) (0.21) b2 -0.34∗ -0.34∗ -0.37∗ -0.42∗ -0.49∗∗ (0.19) (0.20) (0.21) (0.22) (0.19) income tax 0.26∗∗∗ 0.27∗∗∗ 0.20∗∗ 0.25∗∗ 0.19∗ (0.095) (0.097) (0.100) (0.094) (0.096) trade 0.040 0.051 0.060 0.035 0.044 (0.098) (0.11) (0.099) (0.11) (0.092) polrights -0.25∗∗ -0.25∗∗ -0.32∗∗∗ -0.29∗∗ -0.27∗∗ (0.10) (0.10) (0.12) (0.13) (0.13) int trade -0.024 (0.11) unempl 0.021 0.054 -0.067 (0.10) (0.10) (0.084) gdppc -0.013 (0.11)

cons 0.011 0.016 -0.015 -0.016 -0.064 (0.078) (0.082) (0.081) (0.082) (0.074) N 84 84 77 77 86 adj. R2 0.506 0.499 0.517 0.506 0.538 0.56 p{hetero} 0.86 0.86 0.49 0.40 0.57 p{correct} 0.05 0.05 0.30 0.26 0.53 Standard errors in parentheses ∗ p < 0.1, ∗∗ p < 0.05, ∗∗∗ p < 0.01

36 D Partial Regression Plots

Figure 3 displays the partial regression plots for the net market power index, debt, CO2- emissions per capita and the income tax. The dashed lines give the 95-percent confidence intervals. 2 2 1 1 0 0 s(b,1.74) s(debt,1) −1 −1 −2 −2

−1.5 −0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 −1 0 1 2 3 4 b debt 2 2 1 1 0 0 s(co2_pc,7.66) s(income_tax,1.5) −1 −1 −2 −2

−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 −2 −1 0 1 2 co2_pc income_tax

Figure 3: Partial regression plots of the net market power index, debt per unit of GDP, CO2 per capita and income tax


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