Special Libraries, July-August 1961
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San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1961 Special Libraries, 1960s 7-1-1961 Special Libraries, July-August 1961 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1961 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, July-August 1961" (1961). Special Libraries, 1961. 6. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1961/6 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1960s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1961 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. baini~igSpecial Librariam - 111 brary Schools, Nonprofessiool~al )uuses and on the Job . SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Putlin~linouled~r to Work OFFICERS DIRECTORS President SARAAULL EUGENEIj. JACKSON Unit'ersit) of Hf~nrln~ General Motors CorP~~r~rtiori.Il.'.rrren. ;\fici?inuu Hou.iton 4. Texus First Vice-president and President-Elect LORRAINECIBOCH ETHELS. KLAHRE Char1e.r Brurzirtg Co.. INL-. Frderul Rr~er1.eBank oi Cletwl.rnd. Clrt.zl.tud. Ohiri Mount Prospert, Illboir Second Vice-president U'. ROY HOLLEMAN FLORINEA. OLTMAN School of Library Scienre Bibliogruphic A.rs;~tu~crBv.~nrh. Air Unil.er.tity Li/w.zr> Uwi~er.rityof Southern Cidiforni.i Mmwell AFB, A1ub.ttn.z Los Angeles. Culifomi/c PAULW. RILEY Secretary College of Bu~inr.r.!Admi~iirttx!io~ MRS. JEANNEB. NORTII Bostotl College Lockheed Mis.ri1e.r 6 Spar? Diz .. Pdo Alto. C,rlif. Chestnut Hill. Mar rachusetl.r Treawrer EDWARDG STRABLE OLIVFE. KFKNEDY J. 1r alrrr. Thomprorr Co. Room 5600, -30 Rorkefrlltr P1.tz.t. Nrtc York, N I' C~ICUPO.- .. , I~~INOIJ Immediate Past-President MRS.ELIZABETH R. ~~SHER WINIFREDSEWELL Metropolitan Museum o! Art ~VirtioncrlLibrq of Mrdicine, W,ishington, D. C. New York, hTeu,York EXECUTIVE SECRETARY. BILL M WOODS Special L~brariecAssoctdtion 31 East 10 Strert, New York 3, Nea York MEMBERSHIP Dues: Sust~iing- $100 ; Active -- $1 5 ; As.rociute - $10; Afili.itr - $15; Student - $2 : Emeritus- $5 ; Life- $250. For qualifications, privileges and further information, write the Executive Secretary, Special Libraries Association. .-- - -- - - - . - - - - - - -- -- . -- PUBLICATIONS Aviation subject headings. 1949 .............. $1.75 Map collections in the U. S. and Can- Bibliography of engineering abstracting ada ; a directory, 1954 .......................... services (SLA bibliography no. 1). National insurance organizations in the 19.55 .......................................................... 1.50 United States and Canada, 1957 ........ Bibliography of new guides and aids to Nicknames of American cities, towns public documents use 1953-1956 (SLA and villages past and present, 1951 .... bibliography no. 2), 1957 .................... 1 .50 Picture sources: an introductory list, A checklist for thr organization, opera- 19S9 ........................................................ tion and evaluation of a company li- SLA directory of members. as of Octo- brary, 1960 .............................................. 2.00 ber 2 1, 1960 ............................ members Contributions toward a special library nonmembers glossary, 2nd ed., 1950 ........................ 1.25 Source list of selected labor statistics, Correlation index document series & PB rev. ed.. 1953 ........................................ reports, 195.3 .......................................... 10.00 Sources of commodity prices, 1960 ........ Special Libraries Association-its first Creation & development of an insur- fifty years, 1909-1959, 1959 ................ ance library, rev. ed., 1949 .................. 2.00 Special Libraries Association personnel Directory of special libraries, 1953 ........ 5.00 survey 1959. 1960 ................................ Fakes and forgeries in the fine arts, 1950 1.75 Subject headings for aeronautical engi- Guide to Metallurgical Information neering libraries, 1949 .......................... (SLA Bibliography no. 3), 1961 ...... .b.00 Subiect headings for financial libraries. Guide to the SLA loan collection of 1954 .......................................................... classification schemes and subject head- Technical libraries, their organization ing lists. 5th ed., 1961 .......................... 4.00 and management, 1951 ........................ Handbook of scientific and technical Translators and translations: services and awards in the United States and Can- sources, 1959 ........................................ ada. 1900-1952, 19J6 ............................ 3.00 Visual presentation. Our library. 1953 .. TECHNICAL BOOK REVIEW7 INDEX-Subscription. $7.50; Foreign, $8.00; Single copies, 756 SPECIAL LIBRARIES is published bv Special Libraries Association, monthlv September to April, bimonthly May to August. at 73 Main Street, Brattleboro, Vermont. Editorial Ofices: 11 East 10th Street, New York 3. ~e&Yorl;. Second class postage paid at Rrattlehoro. Vermont. ............. ...... ..... -. .... .... POSTMASTER: If undeliverable, send Form 3519 to Special Libraries Association, 31 East 10 St., New York 3, N. Y. ..................................... -. .- .. -.. Guide to the SLA Loan Collection of Classification Schemes and Subject Heading Lists, 5th ed. Bertha R. Barden and Barbara Denison, Compilers A completely revised and expanded list of 788 classification schemes and other systems for organizing special collections on deposit at Western Reserve Uni- versity's School of Library Science as of March 20, 1961. Items are arranged alphabetically by subject. Subject index and appendices. 104 pages 1961 $4.00 Guide to Metallurgical Information SLA Bibliography No. 3 A PROJECTOF THE METALSDIVISION Elizabeth W. Tapia, Editor Librarians and researchers will find this an invaluable guide to the book and journal literature and other information sources in the field of metallurgy. It up-dates Richard Rimbach's long out-of-print How to Find Metallurgical Injoy- matio~z and extends its coverage to societies, trade associations, research insti- tutes, government agencies and technical services as well as to microforms, translations and theses. Author and Agency, Book and Journal Title, and Subject Indexes. 96 pages 1961 $4.00 SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION 31 East 10th Street, New York 3, ~ewYork A New Reprint In Preparation Zeitschrift fur Kristallogra p hie, Mineralogie und Petrographie Volumes 1-50, 1877-1912 (Approx. 40.000 pp. including General Index to Vols. 1-50) Cloth bound set .....................$1,475.00 Paper bound set ..................... 1,350.00 Single volumes, paper bound .......... 25.00 Volumes 1-10, 1877-1885 (Available October 1961) Volumes 11-50, 1886-1912 (Approx. 10 vols. available bi-monthly) Address ovdevr avd inyuivies to JOHNSON REPRINT CORPORATION New York and London 11 1 Fifth Ave., New York 3, N. Y. 17 Old Queen St., London, S.W.l, England JULY-AUGUST 1961 For the first time! and built to last manufacturers' catalogs-the invaluable historical records of 1 1 American industrial progress-are classified, located, and described for you! Whether you're planning a modest library addition or a completely new unit, make sure you're getting the most for your money -take a good look at Standard furniture before you buy. You'll see many of the rea- sons why it will stay beautiful and sturdy - even after years of heavy-duty use - such as the careful, precise, warp-and-check-free construction, the mortise and tenon joining, the selected northern hard maple woods, hand rubbed to a satin finish. lists over 10,000 catalogs arranges them by broad subject category These are among the reasons why Standard furniture was specified by the New York tells you where each is located Public Library, New York, Board of Educa- tion, and scores of other institutions. offers descriptive data on each catalog Lawrence Romaine, antiquarian bookman in Middleboro, Rlass., has examined, classified, and described thousands of manufacturer's indus- trial catalogs housed in over 150 Make it a point to check with Standard while museums, libraries, historical soci- you're planning. In fact, our planning serv- eties, etc., throughout the country. ice, available to you without cost, will be Collectors xvill use his guide to clas- pleased to help. sify and date their holdings; re- Why not send for our illustrated 20-page searchers, by using the extensive brochure today. index, can trace the history of ev- erything from an adze to a zither. Please visit us in booth 1011 at the ALA Show, Cleveland, July 9th-14th. Priced at $15 net pp. R. R. Bowker Company 62 W. 45th St., New York 36 10 Columbus Circle New York 19, N. Y. SPECIAL LIBRARIES NIBBEMU @@MVEMUQ QEh"iWO@ES LIRE 8DE@ON!,[lV DE80@MED TT@ REP OMDOWODMIL 8@OEMUO8U8 BBh"iEA8U @B MEW DEWELODWEMU8 CURRENT CONTENTS OF CHEMICAL, PHAR- MACO-MEDICAL & LIFE SCIENCES is-a com- Current prehensive weekly service that lists the tables of contents, most of them in advance, of more than 600 primary scientific journals. With this service, the scientist is given a unique, con- venient method to scan the title pages of journals of interest to him without physically handling thousands of individual issues per year. Spending about one hour per week, he can easily check off articles of interest. CURRENT CONTENTS also provides, when possible, author addresses so scientists can