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M a u i s u SUBSCRIBE NOW Ffncf M «w R aadm CHEVROLET^ BUICK • CMC $129 (313) 343-5578 QMC 26125 VAN DYKE, CENTERLINE, Ml 48015 $14.50 OFF THE NEWSSTAND PRICE (Just south of 696 on Van Dyke) 1899 dwn. 36 mcfiti lease. 10,000 mies per year. pk£ tax. tliie,()iale Must Qjality for Conquest or Lo^ See Salesperson lor delate. Extras KV2/14 Grosse Pointe News VOL. 75, NO. 39,28 PAGES SEP 2 5 m SEPTEMBER 25,2014 ONE DOLLAR DELIVERY 71<Z) One of Am erica’s great com m unity newspapers since 1940 GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN Complete new s coverage of all the Pointes C h a se C lo s in g e n d s in a t a lk s cloud of dust By Brad Lindberg Chase c o n tin u e SUx^'Writer Dionne flipped on his cruiser’s emergency lights By Kathy Ryan GROSSE POINTE EARMS and tailed the Impala two StaffWriter — A fleeing felony suspect blocks to the 500 block of wound up under a pile of Washington in the City of GROSSE POINTE PARK — public safety officers and is Grosse Pointe. Transparency, or a lack of it, appears to be going nowhere fast. The suspect turned up a at the center of discord between a group The suspect, James Brian driveway into a backyard, of citizens and city administrators. Ciaramitaro, 37, lately of abandoned the car and ran. The focus of the newly formed citizens St. Clair Shores but mainly “He hopped a wooden group. Diverse GP, is whether city officials a drifter, faces three felony fence and the chase was had the legal right to close off Kercheval counts in Grosse Pointe on,” Rosati said. at Alter without the approval of the Park Farms. Dionne removed the igni city council. He’s considered a sure tion key from the Impala The issue was raised once again at fire candidate for a recent and called for reinforce Monday’s city council meeting, and car theft and two home ments. brought heated exchanges between city invasions in Chesterfield Officers from the Farms, administrators and members of the group. Township. City and Grosse Pointe Park resident Graig Donnelly addressed Pennsylvania state police Park converged on the the council, saying that while forming a want to extradite him for area. subcommittee of the city’s planning com burglaries in Harrisburg Ten minutes later. Farms mission was a good first step in allowing and Reading. Officer Matthew Hurner citizens to participate in discussions “He’s a bad guy, all right,” saw a man matching the regarding development. He again asked if said Detective Lt. Richard suspect’s description — the city had followed proper channels in Rosati, head of the Farms skinny, wrap-around neck closing Kercheval to through traffic. detective bureau. “He has tattoo, wearing green army “How was the decision made?” he asked. an extensive criminal his fatigues and a blue T-shirt— PHOTO BY BRAD LINDBERG “Did the city council vote on it?” tory. Many are burglaries. standing at the bus stop on Wrists cuffed and prospects grim, habitual offender He was on parole in Kercheval at Muir on the James Brian Ciaramitaro, 37, of no known permanent See TALKS, page 3A Pennsylvania.” Hill, five blocks from the address, heads down the back stairway from Grosse Ciaramitaro probably bail out spot on Washington. Pointe Farms Municipal Court to a holding cell. wouldn’t be in custody in “(He) looked directly at the Farms if he didn’t have (me), dropped his can of crossed paths with the flee Dionne said. a lead foot. Red Bull, turned 180 ing suspect and pursuing “Trupiano did a nice Officer Thomas Dionne degrees and ran south on officers. sprint and tackled him in a saw him squeal the tires of Muir down the middle of “Honey, run home — cloud of dust,” Rosati said T h ie v e s a 2003 black Chevrolet the road,” Hurner said, fol now,” Farms Lt. Andrew “I showed up next and we Impala turning from lowing. Rogers ordered a little girl put him in cuffs.” northbound Fisher to The man ran up a drive crossing Mapleton. Initial charges were: westbound Waterloo, one way on the east side of 1 . possessing and receiv block from R ichard Muir. Catch ing stolen property, ta r g e t Elementary School, as “He hopped the fence Farms Sgt. Antonino 2 . receiving stolen prop classes let out at 3:35 p.m. onto Mapleton,” Hurner Trupiano saw Ciaramitaro erty, Friday, Sept. 19. said. backtrack across Kercheval 3. possession of narcotics “There were many chil The incident developed and start to climb a fence at paraphernalia, dren on the corner and at too long after the school- the side of Henry Ford 4. possession of danger h o u s e s the crosswalk,” said day ended at Richard to Medical Center-Cottage. ous drugs, Dionne, monitoring the lock down campus or cor “Trupiano ran the sub 5. fleeing and eluding By Brad Lindberg area from an unmarked ral students. ject down and held him as StaffWriter patrol car. Children walking home additional officers arrived,” See CHASE, page 9A GROSSE POINTE FARMS — In one of four home invasions reported within five days this month, a woman reporting a sto len bicycle in the 100 block of Touraine didn’t realize a burglar initially tried to break into her house. In another, a woman on Waverly Lane didn’t realize the late-night shuffling sound in the kitchen was a burglar steal ing her purse. In the third and fourth, both in the 200 block of Merriweather, a resident found her neighbor’s stolen purse and its con tents strewn on the ground. There are no suspects. None of the cases are tied to a St. Clair Shores man Grosse Pointe Farms police captured Friday afternoon. Sept. 19, flee ing a traffic stop, soon to realize he’s sus pected of two home invasions each in Chesterfield Township and Pennsylvania. PHOTO BY BOB BRUCE T ouraine On Touraine, a woman reported the theft of a gray Trek Neko-S hybrid bicy A powerful evening cle from her attached garage between 10 Members of the Grosse Pointe North and Grosse Pointe South girls’ field hockey teams held its annual Stick it to p.m. Friday, Sept. 19 and 9 a.m. the next Cancer game last week. Players for both schools wore a jersey with the name or names of people they honored on morning, Saturday, Sept. 20. the back. It was a full house and all the money collected went to various cancer foundations. For the story on the game, see section C. See HOUSES, page 3A Opinion............ 8 A ■ H ealth............. 4B P o i n t e r o f D exter “Tripp” K ennedy Obituaries........ 6 B Home: Grosse Pointe Farms Autos............... .. 7B Occupation: Assistant Organist, Classified ads .. lOB e r e s t Christ Church Sports............. ... 1C See story, page 4A Performing Sunday, Sept. 28 56525 10011 Schools............ 5C PHONE: (313) 882-6900 ♦ FAX: (313) 882-1585 ♦ MAIL: 21316 Mack, GPW ♦ ON THE WEB: grossepointenews.com ♦ E-MAIL: [email protected] See our ad iti CARPET CLEANING GRATIOT STORE 586-791-0560 35950 GRATIOT AVE. • CLINTON TWP. MACOMB STORE ONLY *29.95 Per Room (2 Room Min.), must mention ad. |g 586-226-2266 Appli.ince Video M 20201 HALL ROAD S between Romeo Plank <1 Card Ril. (J U illily SALES • SERVICE • PARTS ■ ROCHESTER STORE c e n C u R lo n 800.722.8855 586-774-0090 ” 248-652-9700 seHvices Inc. I I www.backerlandscaping.com www.sargentappliance.com 528 MAIN ST. • ROCHESTER Isn’t that better* www.CenturionServices.com GROSSE POINTE NEWS, SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 BUSINESS City Bark next in Village By Brad Lindberg Things like that.” affiliates received exten StaffWriter The Barkery, a sole- sions to their site plan proprietor operation, is approval until deciding CITY OF GROSSE on Kercheval between “to go in a different direc POINTE — When City Notre Dame and Cadieux. tion,” Jackson said. Bark opens next month in Pet Supplies Plus is Judson obtained coun the back of Kercheval moving into front comer cil approval this month to Place, it will be the third space of Kercheval Place erect an exterior wall pet-related store in the facing Kercheval. sign with letters larger Village. Judson is the daughter than normally allowed. Bark owner, Jamie of the owner of Pointe “City ordinance Judson, denies compet Alarm. restricts letters to 12 ing with two other pet Her business shares a inches,” Jackson said. stores in downtown City storefront with show “They’re asking for 16 of Grosse Pointe, The rooms for the alarm com inches. We think it fits Barkery and Pet Supplies pany and its affiliate, with the scale of this Plus. Grosse Pointe building.” “Nothing overlaps,” Electronics. “It’s very important for Judson said. “The space was origi a business to have ade She said her inventory nally going to be occu quate signage because 50 consists of “very unique pied by Pointe Alarm and percent of our clientele PHOTO BY RENEE LANDUYT pet stuff, things you’ll the electronics business,” will be drawn by the never find at a big-box said John Jackson, the sign,” Judson said. pet store. Things for you city’s planning consul “That’s why we’re asking Back to the Hill and pet lovers too, things tant. for a little bigger sign Coldwell Banker Weir Manuel has moved back to the Hill and is located at 102 for your home, artwork.