Kuwait fiscal FIFA bans reserves hit Chuck Blazer Emsak: 03:12 record $592 Fajer: 03:22 from soccer Dohr: 11:53 billion for life Asr: 15:28 Maghreb: 18:51 9 46 Eshaa: 20:21 Min 30º Max 46º FREE www.kuwaittimes.net NO: 16577- Friday, July 10, 2015 Kuwait ‘noble’ unity foils evil sedition bids: Amir Page 8 Local FRIDAY, JULY 10, 2015 Local Spotlight This is why the niqab scares me ! By Muna Al-Fuzai
[email protected] e can all recall the time when we were young and our mothers used to advise us Wnot to speak to strangers out of fear they might kidnap us. As we grow older, we mix with lots of strangers in life, but we tend to remember that tip when something goes wrong. My mother, may Allah rest her soul in peace, was not an excep- tion, but she did not tell me anything about black- clad persons - I mean people who cover their faces with the niqab. The school of life taught me that I should be careful. No thanks to terror groups who make us feel scared being close to any person who wears the niqab, regardless of the fact that he or she is a terrorist or not. This is now becoming a general per- ception about the niqab all over the world. Here is why: A Pakistani man was recently arrested dressed like a woman in a black abaya and niqab. The ‘woman’ was talking on a cell phone near a mosque This is now becoming a general perception about the niqab all over the world.