Cyprus Police Academy

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Cyprus Police Academy CONFERENCE ON ACCESSION Brussels, 11 January 2002 TO THE EUROPEAN UNION - CYPRUS - CONF-CY 4/02 Document provided by Cyprus PUBLIC Chapter 24: Cooperation in the Fields of Justice and Home Affairs ACTION PLAN FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE SCHENGEN ACQUIS (Revised December 2001) A. BORDER CONTROL A.(I) External Border Control (I) Current Situation (a) Legislative transposition Cyprus΄ legislation is considerably aligned with the Schengen acquis. The current legislation empowers the Police and other law enforcement authorities, to carry out the function of border control. In the framework of Cyprus’ harmonization process, the Carriers Liability Law was enacted on 23.3.2000 in accordance with SCH/Com-ex (p8) 37 def. “Action Plan to Combat illegal immigration”. The Law will enter into force upon accession. (b) Implementation and enforcement of the Schengen acquis Cyprus has two international airports, two main seaports and four small seaports. The organizations responsible for immigration and border control issues, are the The Services involved in border control are the Police, (the Ports and Marine Police, the Police Airwing and the Police Aliens and Immigration Department) the Department of Customs and Excise, the Aliens and Immigration Service of the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Interior, the Civil Aviation Department and the Cyprus Ports Authority. These Services cooperate with each other and with foreign law enforcement agencies (in compliance with the Schengen acquis SCH/COM-ex(93) 9-14.12.93) in a satisfactory manner and coordinate their actions through a number of coordination mechanisms which bring together two or more of these Services for discussion of border control issues and for policy decisions. Such coordination mechanism is the institution of meetings of three types: - The ad-hoc meetings which involve all the border control services; 20009/02 CONF-CY 4/02 1 EN Conseil UE - the regular weekly meeting between police officers, customs officers and foreign drug liaison officers, and - the regular contacts between customs and police liaison officers. The ad-hoc meetings concern all the services involved in border control issues and are held whenever the need arises, i.e. when there is a problem that needs to be addressed comprehensively or when a change of policy is being studied. Such meetings are usually arranged by the Police or the Department of Customs and Excise. The institution of weekly meetings between Police Officers, Customs Officers and Drug Liaison Officers of the diplomatic missions of other countries, which is in operation since the 1990s, addresses specifically law enforcement issues in the field of drugs. Where the need calls for common action, the necessary coordination is being done either at the meetings or it is referred at a bilateral/multilateral cooperation level between the services involved. In addition to the above, and on the basis of the MOU signed between the Department of Customs and Excise and the Police on 29.8.2001 in order to enhance and upgrade the existing co-operation between the two services concerning the fight against drugs, both Services have appointed liaison officers who are in regular contact and who facilitate communication between the two Services and discuss problems of operational nature. When needed, there is flexibility that joint police/customs operations are organized, upon consent of the two Services, in areas of their jurisdiction i.e. drugs, illegal arms trafficking and trafficking in human beings etc. The Aliens and Immigration Service of the Ministry of Interior is the main Authority for the implementation of migration policy which is formulated by the Council of Ministers and the Minister of Interior. Furthermore, the Aliens and Immigration Service is responsible for the administrative control and registration of Aliens as well as for the issuing of residence permits to Aliens. The Police Aliens and Immigration Department is responsible for carrying out the operational control of Aliens within the territory of the Republic, for staffing the legal points of entry/exit to the Republic and for the recording, storing and processing of statistical data concerning Aliens. In addition to the above, the Police Research and Development Department has been designated as the contact point for information exchange within the framework of the Early Warning System, CIREFI and EUROSTAT. The Police and the Aliens and Immigration Service of the Ministry of Interior cooperate in exchanging information through a computer network. 20009/02 CONF-CY 4/02 2 EN The Aliens and Immigration Service of the Ministry of Interior as well as the Police Aliens and Immigration Department exercise the power vested in them by the Aliens and Immigration Law and Regulations, according to the general or specific instructions issued by the Minister of Interior. In addition, the Police and the Department of Customs and Excise cooperate with the Civil Aviation Department and the Cyprus Ports Authority for the effective surveillance and security of airports and ports. Finally, officers from all services dealing with border control participate in training courses organized either at the Department of Customs and Excise or at the Cyprus Police Academy. Since the beginning of accession negotiations with the E.U, Cyprus has adopted a series of measures in order to be in line with the Schengen acquis. To this effect, the following actions were taken:- - Purchase and installation of a centralized computerized system, known as AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System). The installation of the system was completed on January 2001 and it is now operating. Furthermore, training on the operation of the system, was completed. - Preparation for the establishment of N.S.I.S and the upgrading of the Police computer network. The Police is in the process of preparing the technical specifications of the required equipment. To this effect, an action plan was set up. International tenders will be invited for the acquisition of this equipment. The second and third phases of the NSIS project have been approved to be financed under the New Financial Regulation of the European Union. Their implementation will start in 2002 in parallel with the implementation of the first phase. - New patrol and coastal surveillance equipment has recently been acquired. Specifically, on December 2000, the fleet of the Port & Marine Police was complemented with two speed-boats for better surveillance of Cyprus’ coastal areas. Furthermore, the purchase of a new radar system, two patrol boats and three helicopters is scheduled for the years 2001 and 2002 at an estimated cost of EUR 67.470.000. - Purchase of equipment for the identification by the Police of forged/falsified travel documents in compliance with Council Recommendation 398Y0617(01), dated 28/5/1998. The equipment is in place and operating since July 2001. - Furnishing Cyprus´ diplomatic missions with stop-list data through CD – ROMS, on a monthly basis. The data is used for purposes of visa applications. 20009/02 CONF-CY 4/02 3 EN - Intensification of aerial and sea patrols in order to prevent illegal immigration, smuggling of goods etc. In this framework, police vessels and helicopters are systematically patrolling the coastal line of the country. Moreover, manned coastal observation posts have been established at high- risk areas. The Police Airwing patrols five hours per day on average and covers approximately 220.000 nautical miles per year. Joint port and marine patrols are on a 24hour basis. - The aerial space area patrolled by the Police via helicopter and aircraft, was expanded up to 60 nautical miles, for a more effective control of air and sea borders. - The Police established special units in the Police Aliens and Immigration Department which concentrate their efforts on collecting and evaluating information, on patrolling the high-risk areas and on organizing and executing operations relating to combating illegal immigration. - As of 1/1/2000, Cyprus exchanges illegal migration data with CIREFI, through EUROSTAT. Moreover, Cyprus Police stated its readiness to connect its computer databases with the “Early Warning System”. - A number of Police officers attended various training sessions, either abroad or in Cyprus, in order to enhance their knowledge on matters related to smuggling of guns, illegal immigration, etc. - At the entry/exit-points of the Republic, customs control has been enhanced through new equipment acquired by the Customs and Excise Department: - four new latest technology Heinmann X-ray machines - three inspection kits CT30 contraband team - three material identification systems for screening of strategic material - two ultrasonic pulse devices - Twenty-five radiation pagers. - All customs officers at the Investigation Section of Customs Headquarters and Preventive Services of Customs Stations have undergone refreshment- training courses on customs controls. (II) Planned Activities Short-term priorities (up to 1.1.2003) Legislative transposition - Compliance with Article 3 (Crossing of External Borders), Article 5 (Conditions for entry, excluding para 1(d)), Article 6 (Common standards for external border control), Article 7 (Cooperation and information exchange connected to external border control) of the Schengen Convention. 20009/02 CONF-CY 4/02 4 EN Implementation and enforcement of the Schengen acquis - Upgrading and expansion of the existing Police computer network, i.e. installation of new terminals at Larnaca Airport, linking new Police Stations on the System, discs replacement, memory upgrading etc. - Implementation of the N.S.I.S. project (for compliance with SCH/com-ex(94) decl.14 rev. - 22.12.94 – “S.I.S”). To this effect, Cyprus has already adopted an action plan and is currently preparing terms of reference for the implementation of the relevant project. It is noted that financing for the second and third phases of the project was approved under the New Financial Regulation. - Purchase of coastal Radar System at an estimated cost of EUR 25.950.000. - Purchase of two patrol boats at an estimated cost of EUR 10.380.000.
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