Narrative report


08-23 March 2014 Nampula and Cabo Delgado provinces in the north of

29 April 2014 | 19h00 Public presentation at Franco-Mozambican Cultural Centre | Maputo

Coproduction CulturArte & Esculturas Humanas, on the behalf of Pamoja – a panafrican network of production and residencies financed by the Europen Union (ACP Cultures+). Mwendo was also financed by Institut Français – program Afrique et Caribes en Creation.

MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014


Brief presentation of the project………………………………….………….……… Page 3

Organization/planning day by day …………………..………….………….…..…. Page 4

People and institutions involved ………………………………….…….………… Page 11

Events ………………………………………………………………….………………….….. Page 13

List of traditional dances and number of people involved ……………. Page 14

Interviews …………………………………………………………………….….………….. Page 18

Presentation at CCFM ………………………………………………….………………. Page 19

Publicity ……………………………………………………………………..…….…….…… Page 21

Video of the research ………………………………………………………………….. Page 24

Importance of the research and perspectives of the project …...... Page 25

What could have been different? ………………………………………………... Page 25


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… BRIEF PRESENTATION OF THE PROJECT ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

MWENDO project is based on a research of the traditional dances of Mozambique, taking into account the particularities of each region. The project arises from the desire of two artists who share the enthusiasm for research and investigation of traditional African dances, joining forces under the research and documentation of traditional Mozambican dances. They are Benedito Cossa, dancer and choreographer, co-founder and artistic director of the Contemporary Dance Company Esculturas Humanas interested in incorporating references traditional dances in contemporary languages; and Atanásio Nhussi, dancer, choreographer and assayer of the Song and Dance National Company, researcher and professional archivist.

The first phase of the project (under the title Mapiké) was held from 04 to 28 February 2013 , where both artists had the opportunity to try together several ideas, discovering at the end of this process the need for further research base in order to fortify the project. Given the opportunity to develop deeper research component through the research residency within the Pamoja project, the proposal turned into an investigation on the ground based in the initiated project.

During the period of 16 days, both artists traveled to the northern provinces of Nampula and Cabo Delgado in order to investigate with local people some of the traditional dances of north of Mozambique where they had the opportunity to investigate, record, document, but also to have exchange moments, through interviews and exchange practice traditional dances.

This working process ends with a presentation of the research results at Franco-Mozambican Cultural Centre, on the 29th April 2014. Here both artists will have the opportunity to share with the public the material collected as photos, video, audio recording, texts and interviews in the form of a lecture and opening conversation with the public.


Esculturas Humanas is a Cultural Association created in 2002 by a group of young dancers interested in the development of Contemporary Dance as a language and medium of artistic expression. The group was founded by Benedito Cossa (artistic director), Bernardo Guiamba and Edivaldo Ernesto. The dancers studied at Song and Dance National Company (CNCD), in Maputo, and they consolidated their knowledge on Contemporary Dance at 1st Choreographic Development Internship organized by CulturArte, in Maputo, between 2003 and 2005. Esculturas Humanas is also a Contemporary Dance Company interested in developing a choreographic research based on the symbiosis between Traditional African Dance and Contemporary Dance.

“Considering tradition as fundamental in the construction of our identity and, at the same time, the biggest richness of our culture, we believe on the need of exposing and investigate the habits, the characteristics and the history of African culture, particularly, from the Mozambican people. We believe, in one hand, in the value of tradition which belongs to the past and is our identity and origin, and, on the other hand, in the value of the contemporary, which is our reference in present time and space.”


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ORGANIZATION / PLANNING DAY BY DAY ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

DAILY JOURNAL by Benedito Cossa and Atanásio Nhussi

2 weeks: from 08 to 23 March 2014

2 Provinces: Cabo Delgado and Nampula | 2 Cities: Pemba and Nampula 8 villages: , Naputa, Chiúre, Miralene, Nacivare, Moma, Chalaua and Nulone

Day 1 08/03/14, Saturday | MAPUTO » PEMBA

We took a taxi and arrived at 08:55 at Maputo International airport. After checked-in we were waiting for the time to board. Took off at 10:25 and arrived two hours after in Pemba (capital of Cabo Delgado province). Around 12:30 we were greeted by Professor Mwanga that took us by taxi to Tambo Tambulani Tambo* as planned for hosting us, once they are partners of Esculturas Humanas Association. Arriving at Tambo Tambulani Tambo we were welcomed by a few elements, as Victor Raposo, from the Tambo Association and went looking for a place to eat. We were told the same day coincided with Pemba Carnival which lasted two days. After the meal, we met Mbanguia at the Cultural Center with its own name accompanied by Fenias Matebule (Humorist) and Professor Mwanga. Then, we went to the Pemba Provincial House of Culture where we met the technical team, teachers and various artists and individuals present in the festivities of Carnival. At 03:53 we caught a taxi and to return.

*Tambo Tambulani Tambo: the Culture Association Tambo Tambulani Tambo was founded in 1995 with the mission to promote cultural values for them to be valorized in the society and for culture to contribute to the development culturally, socially and economically of the province Cabo Delgado, the country and the world in general. To get on with this mission the Culture Association Tambo Tambulani Tambo creates cultural activities, mostly music, theatre and dance as well as getting involved in defending and promoting the rights and opportunities for artists.

People: Professor Mwanga; Victor Raposo; Mbanguia; Fenias Matebule. Institutions: Tambo Tambulani Tambo; Mbanguia Cultura Center; Pemba Provincial House of Culture Accommodation: Tambo Tambulani Tambo Events: Pemba Carnival

Day 2 09/03/14, Sunday | PEMBA

We have drawn up the plans of the trip and did some sightseeing in the afternoon watching the Carnival of Pemba 2014. Due to these unexpected festivities we were obliged delay our plans.

Accommodation: Tambo Tambulani Tambo


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014

Day 3 10/03/14, Monday | PEMBA

We arrived at 10:40 at the Provincial Directorate of Education and Culture but, before that, the driver took us to the Direction of Education and Culture of the City. We had some difficulties to obtain the credential on time to be able to travel, since the director was absent. We left our luggage at Baía Guest House where we stayed one night. Again, we had to improvise and make new plans and some contacts after a conversation with Jorge Tadeu and his wife who works in Helvetas** in the area of draft water holes; she has experience of the fieldwork and suggested several contacts and people that could be useful for our work.

**Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation was founded in 1955. In Mozambique it is implementing project activities in water and sanitation for rural communities and villages; food security of smallholders; revenue-generation for farmers; adult literacy campaigns, civic education, skills development of partner organizations and support of small initiatives in culture.

People: Jorge Tadeu and his wife Institutions: Provincial Directorate of Education and Culture; Direction of Education and Culture of the City; Helvetas Mozambique Accommodation: Baía Guest House

Day 4 11/03/14, Tuesday | PEMBA » ANCUABE

At 11:00 we caught a flatbed car which ran to Macomia. We went down at the intersection of Almeida where we caught a motorcycle, and then we follow with the luggage to Ancuabe. We arrived there at 12:03 and went directly to the Ancuabe District Government. Then, we pass by the Police Station, where we have to present ourselves as visitors and finally went to the Directorate of Cultural Education, Science and Technology, Youth and Sports. At 13:30 we were at Domingos Guest House as we had to wait for the director of Culture who had gone on a mission service. After meeting the rooms and settling in, we left around 16:30 to make a site reconnaissance. We had some difficulties of access to food, so we ended up ordering fish for dinner at Domingos Guest House where we make the plans for the trip around Ancuabe village. After that, we went to meet the Director of Education Culture and Science Technology Youth and Sports, Mr. Manuel Chuvi Pajume, who had commissioned two technicians to accompany us on the trip to Naputa: Tomé André Technical Guide from the Department of Education and Culture and Muhibu Laisse Technician from the Department of Education and Culture.

People: Manuel Chuvi Pajume - Director of Education Culture and Science Technology Youth and Sports, Tomé André, Muhibu Laisse – technicians for Culture and locals guides Institutions: Ancuabe District Government, Ancuabe Directorate of Cultural Education, Science and Technology, Youth and Sports Accommodation: Domingos Guest House

Day 5 12/03/14, Wednesday | ANCUABE » NAPUTA

At 07:25 we woke up well despite the pain caused by the trip by truck and motorcycle the day before. At 08:00 we went searching for breakfast at the market since the guest house was too expensive for our pocket. After breakfast we pass to the market again to supply 8 liters of fuel. At 11:10 we were ready to leave down the road that makes 12km from Ancuabe to Naputa.


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014

When we arrived to the village, there were already dancing groups waiting for us. Once arrived, we presented ourselves to the Director of Naputa’s Complete Primary School, Professor Beata Bento. We went to where the groups were concentrated practicing the local dances, we were greeted by the District Chief and local Head of Culture and entered to a house that they use as the secretariat of the neighborhood; we had to explain all the project and what brought us there and just then we were allowed to go to see the dance groups presentations. We attended the performances of two different local traditional dances: IputuKulu and Nzobe-Muafil. After three sessions with the two groups we called the chiefs to give our thanks (300MT per group and 250MT to the village head and 250 MT to the head of culture). Then, the village chief invited us to have a meal in his house. As we saw the collected material was not enough, we decided to stay overnight locally. The guide and technician of Education and Culture Department Muhibu Laisse had to leave this afternoon. We stayed with the other guide and technician, Tomé André, exchanging with the groups, asking them to sing and translating the songs as well doing the filling of the investigation formularies (inquiries) of each group. As the Iputukulu group had the main drum broken we were forced to give them 200MT for the skin of the drum. The fact that we had some money to this group, the Nzobe- Muafil group informed the village chief and we also had to give them the same amount. Here we had access to the history of each group and other details of the area in terms of cultural manifestations. This evening, we improved a bonfire where storytellers and invited groups improvised their dances; it was a funny and a marvelous night. Atanásio Nhussi, together with Tomé André, was collecting the stories and tales and I (Benedito Cossa) was filming and photographing the dances. I slept at around 03:40 in the house of the Naputa Village Chief, Mr. Rodrigues Mussa Bwanari; others rested around 05:00 in the yard outside his house.

People: Tomé André, Muhibu Laisse (both guides and technicians of Education and Culture Department); Director of Naputa Complete Primary School, Professor Beata Benta; Mr. Rodrigues Mussa Bwanari, Naputa Village Chief Institutions: Naputa Complete Primary School Accommodation: home of Naputa Village Chief, Mr. Rodrigues Mussa Bwanari Event: 3 performances with local groups of IputuKulu and Nzobe-Muafil traditional dances

Day 6 13/04/14, Thursday | NAPUTA

Second day in Naputa. We woke up at 07:00, tired but with a willingness to work. We had breakfast with rice, nhemba beans and fafu left at dinner the day before, accompanied with tea. We were told that this dish of fafu with nhemba beans was the cooking food for slaves in colonial times to be consumed before going to the fields; with the times, it became a habit of Makua people. At 08:20, after the meal, arrived the Naputa Village Regulus Mr. Ntikita which also gives the name to the village naNtikita (Naputa is also called naNtikita because of the name of the Regulus); we had the pleasure of meeting him and later make him an interview. Around 09:00 start arriving group members to the photography session of instruments and props used in the traditional dances that we had agreed with the groups. After the photography session we said goodbye to everyone. But we note that one of the tires of the motorcycle of Tomé André, our guide, had problems with air what gave us a delay to come back to Ancuabe. There was no power in that village, we had to charge the phones and machines batteries with solar panels. Already returned from Naputa to Ancuabe, we went again to see the Head of Culture Mr. Manuel Chuvi Pajume to give him the report and some of the material of the visit to Naputa (naNtikita).

People: Tomé André, Naputa Village Regulus Ntikita, Mr. Manuel Chuvi Pajume Institutions: Naputa Complete Primary School Accommodation: home of Naputa Village Chief, Mr. Mussa Rodrigues Event: photo session with traditional groups of IputuKulu and Nzobe-Muafil traditional dances


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014

Day 7 14/03/14, Friday | NAPUTA » CHIÚRE

We woke up early at Domingos Guest House and prepared the luggage to move on. We went to the Directorate of Culture to say goodbye, but before we took the opportunity to ask Tomé André to translate some of the songs and tales we had collected. We ended up taking a bit of time, and unable to accomplish the departure scheduled and left Naputa at 14:32. We had to go to the market to buy a liter of fuel. We went by another route which took an hour and 35minutes and said goodbye to the guides. We took a van (informal transport) and we arrived around to 17:30 to Chiúre. It was suggested to us that we stay at Rufaro Guest House to be close to everything, the Administrative Post, to the Police Station, the District Directorate of Education, Culture, Science and Technology, Youth and Sport and finally the House of Culture District Command. Again, we had to present ourselves to have permission to make our research around.

People: Tomé André Institutions: Ancuabe Directorate of Cultural Education, Science and Technology, Youth and Sports, Chiúre Administrative Post, Chiúre Police Station, Chiúre Directorate of Cultural Education, Science and Technology, Youth and Sport, Chiúre House of Culture District Command. Accommodation: Rufaro Guest House

Day 8 15/03/14, Saturday | CHIÚRE

Early morning we were prepared to go to Local Administration, to the PRM Command, DDECJDCT and House of Culture to introduce ourselves and stamp the credential that allowed us to be in the territory without problems. Once reached the Administration, was not the "PS" (Permanent Secretary), who was having a meeting at STAE (Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration, as there is at the moment a great census campaign for the next presidential elections). So, we decided to go to the PRM Command (the Police Station) and then to the DDECDJT, before Mr. Saveque, the “PS”, receive us. After him, and while someone was stamping our credential, we were greeted by Mr. César Cassita - head of CJDs Bureau. Then, they took us to Chiúre House of Culture, where there were: Mr. Crisanto Bombessi Kangonyo and Mr. Martins Miúdo, both technical of the House of Culture who were our new guides. After much discussion and interviews with Mr. Martins Miúdo, we finally met the Director of Education and Culture, Mr. Fernando Ticho. It was a rich conversation with him and he told us everything about the actual situation of the arts and culture in Chiúre district. Finally, we returned again to the administration to get the last stamp on our credential.

People: Mr. Saveque, the Permanet Secretary of the Administration of Chiúre; Mr. César Cassita, head of CJDs Burreau; Mr. CrisantoBombesse Kangonyo and Mr. Martins Miúdo, both technicians of the Chiúre House of Culture; Mr. Fernando Ticho, Director of Education and Culture departments in the Chiúre House of Culture. Institutions: Chiúre Local Administration, Police Station (PRM Command), District Direction of Education Culture and Science Technology Youth and Sports (DDECJDCT), Chiúre House of Culture Accommodation: Rufaro Guest House

Day 9 16/03/14, Sunday | CHIÚRE » MIRALENE

We took the breakfast (fried potatoes with eggs) in the restaurant of the famous Saide, a Tanzanian based in Chiúre. We begin with the contacts with Mr. Martins Miúdo, the one who was available to give us a ride in his old motorbike to take us to Miralene, which was our goal for this day to make our research work on Cilema and Nchanchala dances. Most of them were


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014

sons of the head of the group who coincidentally owns two groups, Mr. Miguel Afonso. Nchanchala dance is practiced by young boys dressed with Inkonta Makua, which is the capulana dressed on the traditional way. It was not easy to guaranty the travel to Miralene village, and we had to pay Mr. Martins Miúdo to have his guidance and transport. He argued: since we have rainy weather, the road gets cut and any car goes there; besides that he had to make the trip go and return twice. Finally, we negotiated the price we had to pay him 200 MT for both trips. In fact it was a risky trip and both of us felt in the river with the motorcycle, but fortunately nothing serious happened in these short accidents. Then, at the end of the day, we came back to Chiúre village to keep working the day before in another village.

People: Saide (Tanzanian owner of a restaurant in Chiúre); Mr. Martins Miúdo, technician of the Chiúre House of Culture; Mr. Miguel Afonso Accommodation: Rufaro Guest House

Day 10 17/03/14, Monday | CHIÚRE » NACIVARE » CHIÚRE

Nacivare is a 15kms trip south from Chiúre. As this village is on the way to Nampula and there is serious lack transport in the district, we catch an Ambulance as mean of transport, but anyway we had to pay. At Nacivare village we could document the Kirimo dance which suffered transformations in the name. It was formerly called Kirimo as in other places, but here (in Nacivare) the dance changed its name to Diamond dance. When we asked why the change, they said: "because we discovered diamonds in that mountain (pointing to a mountain)"… This dance has a peculiarity of being danced by female teenagers and men follow the girls on musical instruments. This group participated in the Sixth National Festival of Folk Dance in Chimoio City, in 2010. As it was a bit early to start the presentations of the groups in Nacivare, Atanásio had time to translate some lyrics on local language with Mr. Martins. As we were in the south of Cabo Delgado province, the dominant local language was Emakua. Due to the limited time in each place where we were going, we always had a lot of work accumulated in the audio recorder and we were depending a lot on local guides who were fluent in each local language. The guides were in fact a very important help in all this process. Again, we came back to Chiúre village to spend the night at Rufaro Guest House.

People: Mr. Martins Miúdo, technicians of the Chiúre House of Culture; Diamond dance group Accommodation: Rufaro Guest House

Day 11 18/03/14, Tuesday | CHIÚRE » NAMPULA

Early in the morning we went to the Saide’s restaurant where we have the usual breakfast, fries along with the eggs. We had to go to say goodbye to the guides, the two technicians of Culture: Crisanto Bombessi Kangonyo and Martins Miúdo. When we finished all the “salamalecums” and checked out at Rufaro Guest House we were ready to depart towards Nampula. This trip was a spectacle of passengers without identity cards interacting with the police officers, which made the trip last many hours. We found a lot of police officers trying to control illegal immigration coming from northern countries. Finally we just arrived in Nampula around 20h00; a whole day just travelling. Once arrived in Nampula city, there was another battle of where to sleep. But finally we got a place to stay at Cremildo’s family house.

People: Mr. Crisanto Bombessi Kangonyo and Mr. Martins Miúdo, technicians of the Chiúre House of Culture Accommodation: Cremildo’s family house


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014

Day 12 19/03/14, Wednesday | NAMPULA

A whole day in Nampula city to have the stamps on our credential which were absolutely necessary to have authorization to be around and to have local support to make our work. After having breakfast at Cremildo’s family house, we went to do all the bureaucratic process of having the credential stamped and all the authorizations. Again the same “ritual” of presenting us in every governmental institution as Police station, Administration of the city, Provincial direction of Education and Culture, as well Nampula House of Culture.

Institutions: Police station, Administration of the city, Provincial direction of Education and Culture, and Nampula House of Culture. Accommodation: Cremildo’s family house

Day 13 20/03/14, Thursday | NAMPULA » MOMA

It was the most painful trip of all travelling period; about 185kms south of the capital city, Nampula. We woke up very early to catch up the first cars because they won’t return the same day. The adventure began when we left Cremildo’s house. We picked up the still standing “machibombo” (the name given to buses in Mozambique); we entered and sat for over two hours because we had to wait passengers fill the bus. This is how transports works in provinces; no schedules and no previewed times to leave anywhere and always have to wait the bus is full, because it must have the maximum of passengers to justify the effort of making a trip. After a while, everyone started to get annoyed the confusion was installed when the drivers of different buses started to discuss. Then we had to take another car and the delay was already too much. Finally we got a transport, but we travelled under incredible bad conditions. Arrived at Moma we went directly to meet the Director of Education, Culture, Science and Technology, Youth and Sports of Moma District, Mrs. Deolinda André Laço Mussequesse, who wanted to personally receive us. There, we also found Mr. Domingos António, Head of Culture, Youth and Sports of Moma, who made two trips to pick us up by motorcycle, one each time, with a distance of about 4km from the “bus station” to the Moma Directorate of Education and Culture. After all, we only arrived to our destiny around 17:00. After Mr. Domingos António picked both of us we met another guide, Mr. João Mucussete Nabula, Moma Technical Human Resources, Social Welfare and Social Assistance. After securing the rooms where we were going to sleep, we finally had time to have dinner. After that, we could agree the schedule for the following day with the two guides, António Domingos and João Mucussete Nabula.

People: Director of Education, Culture, Science and Technology, Youth and Sports of Moma District, Mrs. Deolinda André Laço Mussequesse; Mr. Domingos António, Head of Culture, Youth and Sports of Moma; Mr. João Mucussete Nabula, Moma Technical Human Resources, Social Welfare and Social Assistance Institutions: Moma Directorate of Education and Culture Accommodation: Cremildo’s family house

Day 14 21/03/14, Friday | MOMA » CHALAUA » NULONE » CHALAUA

We woke up at 6 a.m. to take the road to Chalaua and the motorbikes that will take us were already supplied for the three hours trip from Moma to Chalaua village. Reached Chalaua, we were welcomed by the school coordinator Mr. Abudo João Samuel, who interrupted his classes we receive us. Brought chairs and beneath a bustling mango tree we did the formal presentations, while someone were stamping our credential letter in the school office. We were


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014

seeking the third motorbike which was bringing Mr. Rino Rafael Alves, former coach of Culture in Chalaua, and currently working as a supervisor in the local market. Rino informed us that the administrative post of Chalaua has four different major locations namely: Chalaua Headquarters, Bequeira, Namiwi and Nailokoni, each one with different little villages. Prior we depart to Nulone village under Regulus Guerra administration, we went to the guest house where we were going to sleep and ate something before leaving. Two by two in the motorbikes we took the 13km road to Nulone village where we met the Mwakanyeke group (Mwakanyeke means “care”). When we arrived to the village the dancing group was preparing everything for the presentation already scheduled. The musicians were digging the grave to get the pot that serves as a sounding board for the music which accompanies the dance. It was a special moment because even the technicians of Culture never saw this dance practiced in their original surroundings. Even them were taking photos and recording the presentation. It was like us, the strangers coming from Maputo, were contributing to their chance to see and get more knowledge of their own culture and traditional dances of their region. After that we also had the opportunity to interview some elements in order to understand the context of this particular dance called Mwakanyeke. At the end, we got a rooster as a gesture of thanks, which later was our dinner at Abudo’s João Samuel. Before we left, we did a round table to talk and discuss about our experiences with: Abudo João Samuel, ZIP director at Chalaua Headquarters; Domingos António, Head of Moma Bureau of Culture; João Mucussete Nabula, Moma Technical Human Resources, Social Welfare and Social Assistance; Rino Rafael Alves, Former coach of Culture in Chalaua; Artur Pedro Nahiari Halani, Former coach of Culture in Chalaua. In Chalaua Headquarters we had dinner with the sacrificed rooster brought from Nulone under the administration of Regulus Guerra and we looked for the transport for the next day, so we know exactly what time we should wake up.

People: Mr. Abudo João Samuel, school coordinator; Domingos António, Head of Moma Bureau of Culture; João Mucussete Nabula, Moma Technical Human Resources, Social Welfare and Social Assistance; Mr. Rino Rafael Alves, former coach of Culture in Chalaua; Artur Pedro Nahiari Halani, Former coach of Culture in Chalaua ; Regulus Guerra; Mwakanyeke group Institutions: Moma Directorate of Education and Culture Accommodation: Chalaua Guest House Event: Mwakanyeke dance presentation; round table with the Chalaua and Moma cultural agents

Day 15 22/03/14, Saturday | CHALAUA » NAMPULA

We prepare ourselves to leave and we stand at the bus stop. After several attempts to get the car to Nampula, we finally got one that took us and we arrived to Nampula around 17:00. Again, we spent almost an entire day only to go from one place to another. Arrived to Nampula, we get back to Cremildo’s who welcomed us again for the last night before our departure back home.

Accommodation: Cremildo’s family house

Day 16 23/03/14, Sunday | NAMPULA » MAPUTO

This was the day to return to Maputo. At Nampula airport we took the flight back home at 19:10. After arriving in Maputo we had to transcribe all the notes and recorded material in order to prepare the public presentation of the research residency of 16 days. From 24th May until 29th April we spend time: reorganizing all the collected materials (videos, photos and audio recordings, inquiries and daily journal.); and editing the video for the public presentation. At the same time, we were also promoting our work organizing invitations and publicity supports.


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014


PEOPLE AND INSTITUTIONS INVOLVED ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… PEOPLE # Name Place/locality Interaction

1 Professor Mwanga Pemba Welcoming to Pemba 2 Mbanguia – Pemba House of Culture Pemba Welcoming to Pemba 3 Fenias Matebule - local artista and humurist Pemba Welcoming to Pemba 4 Jorge Tadeu Pemba Welcoming to Pemba 5 Manuel Chuvi Pajume - Director of Education Pemba Welcoming to Pemba Culture and Science Technology Youth and Sports 6 Tomé André – Technician of the Education and Ancuabe Permission for visit and Culture Department and local guide research 7 Muhibu Laisse – Technician of the Education and Ancuabe Local guide for research – Culture Department and local guide accompaniment to Naputa 8 Professor Biata Beta – Director of Naputa Complete Ancuabe Local guide for research - Primary School accompaniment to Naputa 9 Mr. Mussa Rodrigues – Naputa Village Chief Naputa Welcoming to Naputa 10 Regulus Ntikita Naputa Welcoming to Naputa 11 Mr. Saveque, Permanet Secretary of the Naputa Welcoming to Naputa Administration 12 César Cassita, Head of CJDs Burreau Chiúre Permission for visit and research 13 Martins Miúdo, technician of House of Culture Chiúre Permission for visit and research 14 Fernando Ticho, Director of Education and Culture Chiúre Local guide for research departments in the Chiúre House of Culture 15 Crisanto Bombesse Kangonyo, technician of the Chiúre Permission for visit and Chiúre House of Culture research 17 Saide Chiúre Local guide for research 18 Miguel Afonso Chiúre Welcoming to Chiúre 19 Director of Education, Culture, Science and Miralene Welcoming to Miralene Technology, Youth and Sports of Moma District, 20 Mrs. Deolinda André Laço Mussequesse Moma Permission for visit and research 21 Mr. Domingos António, Head of Culture, Youth and Moma Permission for visit and Sports of Moma research 22 Mr. João Mucussete Nabula, Moma Technical Moma Permission for visit and Human Resources, Social Welfare and Social research Assistance 23 Mr. Abudo João Samuel, school coordinator Moma Welcoming to Moma 24 Domingos António, Head of Moma Bureau of Moma Permission for visit and Culture research 25 João Mucussete Nabula, Moma Technical Human Moma Permission for visit and Resources, Social Welfare and Social Assistance research 26 Mr. Rino Rafael Alves, former coach of Culture in Moma Permission for visit and Chalaua research 27 Artur Pedro Nahiari Halani, Former coach of Culture Moma Permission for visit and in Chalaua research 28 Regulus Guerra Moma Welcoming to Moma


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014


# Name Place / Interaction locality 1 Tambo Tambulani Tambo Cultural Association Pemba Accommodation

2 Mbanguia – House of Culture Pemba Welcoming to Pemba 3 Provincial Directorate of Education and Culture Pemba Permission for visit and research 4 Direction of Education and Culture of the City Pemba Permission for visit and research 5 Helvetas Mozambique Pemba Contacts and advises 6 Baía Guest House Pemba Accommodation 7 Ancuabe District Government Ancuabe Permission for visit and research 8 Police Station Ancuabe Permission for visit and research 9 Directorate of Cultural Education, Science and Ancuabe Permission for visit and Technology, Youth and Sports research 10 Domingos Guest House Ancuabe Accommodation 11 Directorate of Cultural Education, Science and Chiúre Permission for visit and Technology, Youth and Sports research 12 Administrative Post Chiúre Permission for visit and research 13 Police Station Chiúre Permission for visit and research 14 House of Culture Chiúre Permission for visit and research 15 Police station Nampula Welcoming in Nampula 16 Administration of the city Nampula Welcoming in Nampula 17 Provincial direction of Education and Culture Nampula Welcoming in Nampula 18 Nampula House of Culture Nampula Welcoming in Nampula 19 Moma Directorate of Education and Culture Moma Welcoming in Moma

Total of people with whom the artists interact: 28

These were people with whom artists Benedito Cossa and Atanásio Nhussi interact and contributed positively to their research work.

Number of institutions with whom the artists interact: 19

These were the most relevant institutions that helped and facilitated the work of both artists in the different places they visited.


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… EVENTS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

# Name/description Place / Interaction locality 1 Performances of traditional dance IputuKulu Naputa Local community, dance groups of IputuKulu traditional dance 2 Performances of traditional dance Nzobe-Muafil Naputa Local community, dance groups of Nzobe-Muafil traditional dance 3 Photo session Naputa Local community, dance groups of IputuKulu and Nzobe-Muafil traditional dances 4 Performance of Nchanchala traditional dance Miralene Local community and Nchanchala group

5 Performance of Cilema traditional dance Miralene Local community and Nchanchala group

6 Performance of Kirimo (Diamante) traditional dance Nacivare Local community and Diamante group

7 Performance of Mwakanyeke traditional dance Chalaua Local community and Mwkanyeke group

Number of the most relevant events during the residency: 7

Many people attended the performances and it is difficult to say how many people were present as there were presentations within the local communities. The groups were all prepared at the artist’s arrival because they were informed in advance that they will receive visits. It was very important the role played by local governmental institutions that collaborate and contribute a lot to create the best conditions for the artists reception within each community.


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… LIST OF DANCES AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE INVOLVED ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

# Name of the dance Name of the group Province District Locality Village Nr. artists

1 Nzobe Muafil Cabo Ancuabe Nacuale Naputa 8 musicians + 12 dancers Delgado

2 Iputukulu Iputukulu Cabo Ancuabe Nacuale Naputa 4 musicians + 6 dancers Delgado

3 Nchanchala Nchanchala Cabo Milamba Miralene 5 musicians + 11 dancers Delgado

4 Cilema Nchanchala Cabo Chiure Milamba Miralene 4 musicians + 9 dancers Delgado

5 Kirimo Diamante Cabo Chiúre - Nacivare 5 musicians + 6 dancers (Diamante) Delgado

6 Mwakanyeke Mwakanyeke Nampula Moma Chalaua - 3 musicians + 8 dancers

Number of people involved in the events: 81

A total of 81 people were involved as performer and/or musicians at the 7 events (including 6 performances and 1 photo session) that happen during the research residency period.


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014

Description of each traditional dance:

1. Nzobe-Muafil – danced by women; men participate on drums. Dance with ancestral origins whose name was Muafil, the tree used to make the drum. Usually danced at the afternoon at the end of a working day in the fields. Usual clothing and ornaments: capulana skirt and blouse, rattles in the hands and feet, capulana tied in the hips. Musical instruments: 8 drums and whistle.

2. IputuKulu – Formerly danced by men but women are also dancing it today. In its origin is a dance that comes from Nangologolo by slaves forced to work in the plantations of sisal. It was usually practiced in the afternoon and evening after work in the field and rituals. Today it is practiced at any time. Usual clothing and ornaments: shawls, vests and straw hats. Musical Instruments: 4 drums (iputukula, nkiri, nkoni, jhunju).


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014

3. Cilema – Dance of ancestral origins practiced by adult or middle-aged women that aims to reflect the interaction between different generations. Played by men. Danced at any time of day or night, in funeral ceremonies, festivals, weddings, moments of enchantment after promises. Usual clothing: long skirts with white scarf on her hips, capulana blouse and headscarf. Musical Instruments: drums.

4. Nchanchala – Originates from the name given to the dried cassava, the staple food of the local population. Originally from the neighboring village of M'mala (Chiúre). Danced at any time of day, at parties, weddings, funerals and initiation rites. All usually play sitting on a log. Danced by young men; formerly danced with the belly out, but this detail there is no longer any denoting shame by nakedness within young boys. Usual clothing: capulana tied the traditional way around the hips. Musical Instruments: 6 drums, whistle and irons.


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014

5. Kirimo (Diamante) – Dance practiced by young girls or adolescents. The music played by men is accompanied with singing and clapping in the beginning. Changed the name from Kirimo to Diamante due to an episode that says that diamonds were found in the mountains around the village. Usual clothing: capulana skirt and blouse and scarf around the hips. Musical instruments: drums, rattles and irons.

6. Mwakanyeke – Dance performed by men only; due to their violence women do not participate. Characterized by acrobatic movements with somersaults and wielding machetes serving as a prop; movements with strong theatrical character. Usual clothing: skirt of straw and bare torso and as a machete. Musical instruments: drums, horn, rattles, whistle.

Photo credits: Esculturas Humanas


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014

...…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… INTERVIEWS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


# PEMBA / Cabo Delgado 1 Victor Raposo Tambo Tambulani Tambo 2 Jorge Tadeu Tambo Tambulani Tambo 3 Fernando Matibule Tambo Tambulani Tambo 4 Estevão NBC 5 Pira Tambo Tambulani Tambo secretary 6 Abel Tambo Tambulani Tambo member 7 Marcelino Ngalilo Ndigano Culture technician # ANCUABE / Cabo Delgado 1 Manuel Chuvi Pajume DECJCTD 2 Tomé André Culture technician and guide 3 Muhibu Laisse Culture technician and guide 4 Rodrigues Mussa Bwanari Village chief 5 Beata Bento School director 6 Régulo de Naputa Regulus 7 Iputukulu group Dancers and musicians 8 Nsope group Dancers and musicians # CHIÚRE / Cabo Delgado 1 César Casita Head of the department of Culture Youth and Sports 2 Fernando Ticho Director of Chiúre Direction of Cultures, Youth and Sports 3 Martins Miúdo Culturetechnician and local guide 4 Crisanto Bombessi Kangonyo Technician of the Chiúre House of Culture # MIRALENE / Cabo Delgado 1 Miguel Afonso Chief of Cilema and Nchanchala groups 2 Elementos do grupo Cilema Various elements of Cilema and Nchanchala groups (x about 10) # NACIVARE / Cabo Delgado 1 Afonso Mahalike Cultural animator 2 Sumahili Cardoso Chief of Kirimo group # NAMPULA / Nampula 1 Justino Cardoso Visual artist 2 Dovel Custódio Casa Velha de Nampula # MOMA / Nampula 1 Deolinda André Laço District director Mussequesse 2 Domingos António Chief of department of Culture, Youth and Sports 3 João Mucossete Nabula Human Resources technician # CHALAUA / Nampula 1 Abudo João Samuel School director 2 Rino Alves Rafael Cultural activist 3 Artur Pedro Nahiare Halane Culture technician

Total of interviewees: 31


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… PRESENTATION AT CCFM ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Speakers Benedito Cossa & Atanásio Nhussi | Coproduction CulturArte with Associação Cultural Esculturas Humanas on the behalf of PAMOJA – a panafrican network of production and artistic residencies, beneficiary of the program ACP Cultures+ by the ACP Group of States financed by European Union | Sponsorship European Union and Institut Français – Programme Afrique et Caraibes en Création | Support Franco-Mozambican Cultural Centre, Ministry of Culture, Direction of Culture of Eduardo Mondlane University, UEM Informatics Centre and Kioske Digital.


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014


Franco-Mozambican Cultural Centre, as a partner of CulturArte and Pamoja project, offered the presentation room and technical support for MWENDO public presentation at CCFM auditorium on the 29th April at 19h00. The presentation included an 10 minutes introduction with Atanásio Nhussi opening and contextualizing the event; then there was a 35 minutes video edited by Benedito Cossa with all the research and documenting work both artists did in both provinces of Nampula and Cabo Delgado; and finally, after the video presentation, there was a debate/talk of about 30 minutes with the audience about the research work on traditional dance. The audience participated in the debate and many interesting questions rose, questioning the documentation on traditional dances and the fact that there is a lack of knowledge, research and documentation on that subject. Also many people congratulated the artists for the work they did and were enthusiastic for the continuation of this kind of research work.

The presentation room has 144 seats. 84 seats were occupied in the presentation day. The audience was mostly: dancers of contemporary dance and traditional dance, students and teachers from Eduardo Mondlane University as anthropologists, representatives from the Ministry of Culture and ordinary public.

The entry was for free.

Public presentation at CCFM auditorium. © Iqbal / Esculturas Humanas


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014

CCFM made publicity on their website espet%C3%A1culos/, newsletter, through e-mail and facebook inviting the dance community, public in general and the local press to accompany the public presentation.

An informative sheet (similar to the press release9 was delivered to the audience in order to introduce the presentation of Mwendo project.

The public presentation was documented by video and photo by different photographers. Costs charged by CulturArte.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… PUBLICITY ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Radio interview: Just before the beginning of the residency, on the 7th March, the artists gave an interview at Maputo Corridor Radio 105.9 FM with the journalist Bernícia Cotela.

Then, all the publicity was mostly made through internet (e-mail and facebook mostly) by CulturArte and CCFM.

Facebook event: Here there is the link of the event on FB:

Posters: There were also printed 16 posters (15 A2 and 1 A0) to be delivered within strategic places in Maputo.

Press release: a press release in Portuguese and English was sent to a large list of journalists.

TV interviews: the artists went to 2 TV stations to give interviews and talk about the residency and public presentation at CCFM. It was on 28th April at Miramar TV, and on 29th April at TVM.

Invitation letters: there were distributed around 100 invitations among partners and general public including dancers and students, a part of them who attended the presentation.


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014


Apresentação da Residência de Pesquisa MWENDO De BENEDITO COSSA & ATANÁSIO NHUSSI

CENTRO CULTURAL FRANCO-MOÇAMBICANO 29 de Abril 2014 (terça-feira) | 19h00 | Entrada livre

Os artistas Benedito Cossa e Atanásio Nhussi apresentam os resultados da residência de pesquisa MWENDO, no auditório do CCFM, no dia 29 de Abril (3ª feira), às 19h00. Esta apresentação sob a forma de conferência/debate e conversa com o público é o resultado do período de residência que os artistas realizaram nas Províncias de Nampula e Cabo Delgado entre 08 e 23 de Março 2014 sobre danças tradicionais da região norte de Moçambique.

Esta residência de pesquisa é uma coprodução da CulturArte com a Associação Cultural Esculturas Humanas no âmbito do projeto PAMOJA – uma rede pan-africana de produção e residências artísticas que pretende fornecer apoio a vários artistas Moçambicanos num programa que se prolonga até Março de 2015. Após o 1º Laboratório CulturArte que se realizou em Fevereiro de 2013 em Maputo e que contou com a apresentação de várias propostas coreográficas, o projeto MWENDO foi um dos projetos selecionados para apoio sob condições de coprodução. Deste modo, a CulturArte pretende dar continuidade ao trabalho de promoção, apoio e divulgação de artistas Moçambicanos e contribuir para a sua distribuição e difusão a nível nacional e internacional.

MWENDO (que em suaíli significa “viagem”) tem como base a pesquisa sobre danças tradicionais de Moçambique e surgiu da vontade dos artistas Benedito Cossa e Atanásio Nhussi unirem esforços no âmbito da investigação e documentação das danças tradicionais moçambicanas. Esta apresentação é o resultado de um processo de pesquisa no terreno de 16 dias em várias localidades das províncias de Nampula e Cabo Delgado, onde tiveram não só a oportunidade de investigar, registar e documentar danças tradicionais locais, mas também onde puderam explorar a componente de formação e troca de experiências, envolvendo artistas, entidades e participantes locais quer através de entrevistas, quer através de momentos de partilha e intercâmbio.


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014

Intervenientes Benedito Cossa e Atanásio Nhussi | Coprodução CulturArte com Associação Cultural Esculturas Humanas no âmbito do projeto PAMOJA – uma rede pan-africana de produção e residências artísticas, beneficiário do programa ACP Cultures+ um programa do Grupo de Estados ACP financiado pela União Europeia | Financiamento União Europeia e Institut Français – Programa África e Caraíbas em Criação | Apoio Centro Cultural Franco- Moçambicano, Ministério da Cultura, Direção de Cultura da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Centro de Informática UEM e Kioske Digital.



The artists Benedito Cossa and Atanásio Nhussi present the results of the research residency MWENDO in the auditorium of the Franco-Mozambican Cultural Centre in Maputo, on April 29 (Tuesday) at 7 p.m.. This presentation in the form of lecture/discussion and debate with the public is the result of the period of residency the northern provinces of Nampula and Cabo Delgado from 08 to 23 March 2014 on traditional dances of northern Mozambique.

This research residency is a coproduction of CulturArte with Associação Cultural Esculturas Humanas under the project PAMOJA - a panafrican network of production and residencies that aims to provide support to various Mozambican artists, a program which runs until March 2015. After the 1st Laboratory CulturArte held in February 2013 in Maputo that included the presentation of various choreographic proposals, MWENDO project was one of those selected for support under conditions of co-production. Thus, CulturArte intends to continue to work to promote, support and dissemination of Mozambican artists and contribute to its distribution and dissemination at national and international level.

MWENDO (which in Swahili means "travel") is based on the research on traditional dances of Mozambique and arose from the desire of the artists Benedito Cossa and Atanásio Nhussi join efforts in research and documentation of traditional Mozambican dances. This presentation is the result of an intensive research process of 16 days in various locations in the provinces of Nampula and Cabo Delgado, where they had not only the opportunity to investigate, register and document local traditional dances, but also where they could explore the component training and exchange of experiences, involving artists, organizations and local participants either through interviews or through moments of sharing and exchange.

Speakers Benedito Cossa & Atanásio Nhussi | Coproduction CulturArte with Associação Cultural Esculturas Humanas on the behalf of PAMOJA – a panafrican network of production and artistic residencies, beneficiary of the program ACP Cultures+ by the ACP Group of States financed by European Union | Sponsorship European Union and Institut Français – Programme Afrique et Caraibes en Création | Support Centro Cultural Franco-Moçambicano, Ministério da Cultura, Direção de Cultura da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Centro de Informática UEM and Kioske Digital.

...... + Info: [email protected] | +258 82 353 79 21 | FB: Culturarte Mozambique ......

Centro Cultural Franco-Moçambicano: Av. Samora Machel, nº 468, CP 491 Maputo – Moçambique


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014

PRESS LINKS Maputo/1423863681201841

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… VIDEO OF THE RESEARCH ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

The video of the research which was presented at CCFM on the 29th April, and edited by Benedito Cossa with material collected by Benedito Cossa and Atanásio Nhussi, can be seen at the following link: | Password: esculturasMwendo2014


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014


IMPORTANCE OF THE RESEARCH AND PERSPECTIVES OF THE PROJECT ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

The project brought to the artists above all, a greater knowledge of some of the northern traditional dances and the possibility to share this knowledge with the dance community and public in general through a public presentation. At the same time, they had the opportunity to document it and therefore to contribute to the preservation of ancestral memory and culture.

The artists had the possibility to interact with local people from the villages they visit, who still practice the traditional dances as part of the daily life of their communities. There, the artists did a research in order to document some of those traditional dances and in order to contribute to keep them alive out of a closed circle in a far and remote location inaccessible to the most part of the contemporary dance community which they belong. At the same time, they consider that those traditional dances are a great inspiration for contemporary dance practitioners. Coming back home in Maputo, they will be able to share what they researched and what they learnt with other colleagues and discuss and exchange ideas and concepts that might contribute to their contemporary dance practices. They came inspired not only in terms of movements but also in terms of strength of cultural richness.

Mwendo project intend to continue in the future, but it will depend on the support that might arise from this first step of the research. Because it is a purpose of the artists Benedito Cossa and Atanásio Nhussi to continue this kind of research in other provinces. Thereby they intend to contribute to the documentation of the Mozambican traditional dances.

For the people they met, they could perceive the importance of their practice on traditional dance as a cultural richness that they should preserve and keep practicing. Besides the preservation of their identity as a community, they are also the live archive of an ancestral knowledge and experience.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

What the artists consider that could have been different are particularly the following points:

- The type of inquires they made for the research. Considering the different answers and collected material in terms of theoretical contents, the type of inquiries made could have been more accurate according to the information and answers they expected from the people and groups they interviewed and within the contexts they made the researching work.

- The period of the research. They consider the two weeks research residency very short considering the results they expected in the beginning. Also because there are many setbacks on the ground that delayed the research and the documenting work.


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014

- The artists consider the budget a bit small considering the costs involved. Specially the cost of the per diem and technical support. At the end of the process, including the video editing period, they noticed that that expend much more time working than the residency time. There was the period of the research residency on the ground, from 08 to 23 of March, but then, there was the editing and report period from 24 March to 29 April and then finishing the report until the beginning of May. At the end the working period was much longer, almost 2 months, than they thought because the editing, organizing and reporting period required much more concentration and time to work.

- Technical and logistical support. The artists also considered that could have been more useful to have more technical support particularly because they were only two persons doing the work on the ground and then also editing the video material. This is directly related with the nature of the project but also the budget available. So it was not possible to give more technical or logistical support during the research residency period on the ground. It was very helpful the support of the local administration of the villages that could help a lot in terms of logistics as the local transports that are very complicated in the provinces.

This report was written by

Ana Lúcia Cruz Pamoja regional coordinator CulturArte

From material written and collected by

Benedito Cossa and Atanásio Nhussi


Maputo, 12th May 2014


MWENDO Pamoja Research Residency | Narrative Report | 08 -23 March and 29 April |2014

Project supported by


On the behalf of Pamoja – a panafrican network of production and residencies

A coproduction

This project has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this project are the sole responsibility of Studios Kabako and CulturArte and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.