43152 1961 SIR.Pdf
CENSUS OF INDIA, 1961 VOLU~1E XI MYSORE PART VI VILLAGE SURVEY MONOGRAPHS No. 26 VILLAGE SURVEY MONOGRAPH ON SIRWAR Editnr K. BAL\SUBRA\\['\'NYA~r fit Ihl' II/dian Admillislratii'e Sl'rl'iCl', SUjJerintnzdent 0ICmsus UPfrotioJls, /lfysore 7 . ,. MAP OF MYSORE (Showing Villages selected Fo,. ". 16· ·r.:'.... · ":'~~>:- .. :;:~:~ . DIU IS' 15· ARABIAN SEA i8tr;ct .. a/uk tL 7 S' 7 8· ~retJared by. K.V.LAXMINARA9'",HA FOREWORD hUIIl "\ bric[ accolillt of the tests of selection will help ,\pan !<i\illg', ~J the fouudatiolls- of dClllOO-rar>hv0) in this sub-continent, a hundrcd years of the Indian to explain. :\ minimulll of thirty-five villages was to CenslIs has also produced 'elaborate and scholarly be chosen with gTeat care to represent adequately accollnts of the yariegated phenomena of Indian life__:_ geographical, occupational and even ethnic diversity. sometimes with no statistics attached, but usually Of this minimulll of thirty-five, the distribution was "'ith just enough statistics to give empirical ullder to be as follows: pirllling to their conclusions'. In a country, largely illiterate, where statistical or Ilumerical comprehen (II) ,\t least eight village, WCle to be so selected sion of elen snch a simple thing as age was liable to that cach of them '\'QuId contain one dominant COllllllllllity ,\·ith Olle predominating occupa he inaccurate, all ultderstanding of the s()< ial slruc t JOIl, e.g. {i,hClllllll. fore,it "'ollero;, .ihum cult tun: \I"a, esselltial. It \ras mOle II('CCS,;1r\ to attain a broad understauding of what was happ~u ing' arou ud \:111)1" ]>()Itt'l" \I (';1 I'l'b , ~;t1(-lllakers, quarT ,,·orl..('I'o;.
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