National and State Dignitaries Will See Scale S' Inauguration
TODAY, INSIDE TODAY, EDITORIALLY e Students For McCarthy e Challenge · 8 Martin Luther King •South American Project e Student Affa.ira. Commit• l tee . au ar e Broughton Endorse~nt .. - . .;, Best Newspaper In The Two Carolinas " ~t VOLUME LID * * * Wake Forest University, Wiustolt&dem, North Carolma, MODday, Aprl 8, U18 * * NUMBER 2% '----~~----------------------------------------------------------~~------- ·-~~.--~---------------------------------------------------------* National And State Dignitaries What 'Pro Humanitate' Means For University For mMid~ this University bas ell:• Will See Scale_s' Inauguration isted for 1M yean. Its parpose bas bee11 to tara Ollt preachers, pedagv• , ~ . pes plltifciiiiiS, aad •..........,. Gf other servlllds of mau. 'fu accomplish t.hls, Wake Fonst bas cbosen to rematD a smaD, ~ sdlool wflh a Vice President Humphrey someUmes rowdy per80D8llty. Will this collltiDue? During &he nat six issues, Old Gold & Black wtJl puiJ Iish sill: articles oa bow Wake Forest ·To B~ Featured Speaker caa best serve m&DkiDd dUrfDg the aext 25 years. The articles will be wrH1eD BEAM By LINDA. CARTER inauguration. There will be a limited by sill: very differeDt, but very bow· 1 the MANAGING EDITOR number of unreserved seats in Wait ledgeable aDd outstanding abmud. They e A& Hundreds of state ald. 113tioml. digni Chapel. are Gerald JobasOil, GHbert T. SliepbeD oa to taries will 11S8emble here 'I"hur5day to A group of 150-200 student leaders will son, c. B. Dfane, Dr. Jolla W. Cbaod IShip hoillOO" Dr. James Ralph Scales as he have reserved seats on the main floOI' of ler, Rep. Fra2lk TllompsOD, aadl Mrs. officially becomes the eleventh Presi the chapel and tickets for 500 additional Donia w.
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