MID-TERM SEMI-ANNUAL EXAMS PLAGUES Vol. IX WAKE FOREST, N.C., FRIDAY, JANUARY 22,1926 No.13 INTERESTINGPAPER WAKE FOREST TO DEMONS ROUT DEVILS AND ON SCIENCE HEARD DEBATE ARIZONA HANK GARRITY RESIGNS AS BY CHEMISTRY MEN IN WINGATE HALL TIGERS SUCCUMBS TO. WOLVES I WAKE FOREST ATHLETIC COACH ' +-------------------------- J. W. Beavers Speaks on "Manu­ "Cactus Jumpers" to Meet the ----------------+ facture of Alcohol Motor Deacon Debaters Thursday, Team Springs Surprise and De­ Rhodes Scholar Resignation of Coach Takes Fuel From Molasses" March 18th Golden Bough feats Fast Duke Quint on Spoke To Students Changes Method Place Immediately; Long Ne­ Their Own Court Tuesday Morning NEW OFFICERS ELECTED TEAM IS TO BE SELECTED Electing Members gotiations With Trustees HIGH SCORER R. ELLINGTON L. Humber, Wake Forest "Crystals" To Be Published; Will Debate the Present System M em b ersh IP. L'xmx 't e d ; p u blic IRUMORS AS TO SUCCESSOR "Grad," Speaks on ''Inter- Spring Banquet To Be of Prohibition in Open Tapping To Be Used As Miracle Man Placed Wake For- Wake Forest Loses to State by national Thought" Held Soon Four-Point Margin in Hardest Forum Ritual est at Pinnacle of North Fought Game of Season on "Internationalism in Thought" was The Golden Bough Society held one Carolina Athletics the theme pursued by R. L. Humber, On Monday night, January 11, the With the University of Arizona of the most important meetings of the Local Floor. Greenville, N. C., in an address de­ Lavoiser Chemical Society held its opening the Wake Forest debating year on last Friday night immediate- Henry Garrity, head coach of livered to the student-body Tuesday first meeting since the holidays. The schedule on March 18, the Wake For- ly after the Lyceum lecture. The Wake Forest for two and a half Demon Deacon basketball stock, ac­ morning in Wingate Hall. Mr. Hum­ program was carried out with unusual est devotees of forensic encounters, meeting was attended by practically years, tendered his resignation as cording to the activities of said Dea­ ber, since graduating from Wake For­ interest being displayed. The paper as well as the people of the neighbor- the entire membership and was char- head of the coaching department cons during the past weelt, is decided­ est, has distinguished himself in scho­ of the evening w.as presented by J. W. ing towns, will have an opportunity acterized by much interest and en- here after a meeting of the Execu­ ly on the rise. Of three games played, lastic fields, having studied interna­ Beavers. Mr. Beavers took as his sub- to hear one of the best debating teams thusiasm. tive committee of the trustees of the the Deacons won two and lost one. tional law at Harvard, Oxford, and the ject the "Manufacture of Alcohol in the country. This team from the I Hierophant L. B. Mosely announced institution held in Raleigh yester­ ·' The Clemson Tigers and Duke Univer­ University of ·Paris. He won the Motor Fuel from Molasses." Sou!hw~st has by far one of th~ most that the principal purpose of the meet- day afternoon. The meeting of the sity were the two defeated teams, and Rhodes Scholarship while at Harvard, In the course of his paper, the speak- dist~nct.Ive records of any debating or- ing was for the consideration of the Trustees was called to consider cer­ N. c. State barely nosed out a victory and, after finishing . the required er showed how the once considered gamzah~n that has come under the proposed changes in the constitution tain charges against Garrity concern­ over Captain Ober's team after Wake courses at Oxford, continued his by-product of sugar manufacture, observatiOn of the Wake Forest Conn- relative to the election of new mem- ing his conduct while acting in the Forest's second half rally fell short studies at the University of Paris. The molasses, has now been converted cil since it began its negot~ations for bers to the Golden Bough. After much official capacity as coach here; but four points. speaker ably pointed out that we must commercially into a motor fuel which debates la~t fall._ The ~losmg of the discussion, an amendment was passed it is understood by a signed state­ Wake Forest's 27-24 victory over have a greater regard for European can be manufactured for 14 cents a contract With this debatmg team rep- which will materially decrease the ment from Garrity and the chairman Duke University Saturday night was culture and thought; that by trans­ gallon. resenting the University of Arizona number to be elected. The ne\v amend. of the Trustees' committee, issued the outstanding feature of the week planting thoughts and ideas of the "Since the enactment of the Vol- marks, quite an extension of Wake ment states that the membership shall immediately after the conference, from a Baptist standpoint. Duke has two continents, we become better ac­ stead act," said Mr. Beavers, "the Forests. range of contest. not exceed twenty-five at an,Y given that an amicable agreement was an unusually strong quint this year quainted and thus be enabled to sugar factories and distilleries, which 0~ th;s te~m from the Anzon~ U~1- time, with the exception of the spring reached and the charges were with­ and were rated to lick the locals. Gar­ strengthen our over-strained rela­ used the molasses to make alcoholic vers!ty Is RICha~d Pattee, a semo~ m semester of 1926, when it may reach held. rity's men, however, showed unexpect­ tions. beverages, have been forced to aban- the college of Liberal Arts, who lS a the maximum of thirty. An addi- While it has been rumored on the ed strength and turned the tables on "Thought," declared Mr. Humber, don the manufacture Qf these alco- veteran debater. He was a member tiona! amendment was introduced campus for several weeks that Gar­ "the boys from Dull:e." "does not regard frontiers, nor can it holic drinks. Therefore, the distil- of :he t~am which_ won _the undisputed which will require that in order to be rity was under fire from the Board of In the Clemson game Wake Forest be restrained by barriers. We must leries as well as the manufacturers umvers1ty. champiOnship of the Far eligible for Golden Bough member- Trustees, it was generally thought he walked away from the South Caro­ introduce into our conception of have been interested in finding some West last_ year, and was leader of. the ship the candidate must receive no would remain at the College through linians in the first half, the score thought something of the European. new use for the alcohol. The manu- team whtch defeated Oxford Umver- less than five votes two of which shall the baseball and basketball season being 25-11 in favor of the Deacons Dante belongs to us as much so as facturers of internal combustion rna- sit~, . England, by an overwhelmin_g be faculty votes a~ a prerequisite for of this year. at the intermission. The Tigers came Shakespeare belongs to the Italians. chines are eager to find a cheaper deCJslOn. The second member of this consideration This amendment was His sudden resignation leaves the back hard in the second half and cut We are an economic unit and must co­ fuel. In some countries where there team is Fennimore Cooper, who wa~ passed prim~rily as a safeguard to basketball team, which l1e has Wake Forest's lead to six points as operate. America's greatest contribu­ is a li'mited supply of petroleum, busi- a member of the debate s_quad at Ar:- prevent "legislating" candidates into coached through the Carolina game, the game closed. The final score was tion to European thought would be a ness suffers for the lack of extremely zona two years ago a~d 1s an ~xpen- the organization. coachless. 40-34. fusion of Liberalistic ideas." high price of petroleum. The use of enced speaker. H~ IS the sc10~ of The question of a public ceremony Just what provisions will be made Joe Ellington was the high scorer Speaking of European affairs he alcohol as a fuel is of special inter- two of the most Important famtlies 1 of the tapping of the niembers to be to take care of the remainder of the of the week for Wake Forest, account­ said: "Their resources are not ex­ est not only because of the unlimited of Arizona ~nd Northern Mexico •. bei~g elected was brought before the society, cage season is not known, though it ing for 36 of the 100 points scored hausted but only impaired. They are supply, but also because of the sim- half Amencan and half Spamsh m with the result that a committee was is probable that Phil Utley, Bob by the Deacons in the three games. 1Jeginning to realize that the human ilarity between the gasoline and alco- blood. Carlton W~cart, the third mem- appointed to submit a ritual to the Hayes or John Caddell will finish out .James was in a close second place individual must be considered. Europe hol engines. There has been few ber of. the sq_uad,_ IS one of the leade:s society. It is expected that some na- the season with the quintet. with 33 points. James is still the is at the dawn of a new era." changes in a gasoline engine to en- at _A;I~ona In literary and dramatJC tionally known speaker will address Hayes is coaching the Freshman leading Wake Forest scorer for the Before entering into the discussion able it to burn alcohol.
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