Categories with Fuzzy Sets and Relations John Harding, Carol Walker, Elbert Walker Department of Mathematical Sciences New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 88003, USA jhardingfhardy,
[email protected] Abstract We define a 2-category whose objects are fuzzy sets and whose maps are relations subject to certain natural conditions. We enrich this category with additional monoidal and involutive structure coming from t-norms and negations on the unit interval. We develop the basic properties of this category and consider its relation to other familiar categories. A discussion is made of extending these results to the setting of type-2 fuzzy sets. 1 Introduction A fuzzy set is a map A : X ! I from a set X to the unit interval I. Several authors [2, 6, 7, 20, 22] have considered fuzzy sets as a category, which we will call FSet, where a morphism from A : X ! I to B : Y ! I is a function f : X ! Y that satisfies A(x) ≤ (B◦f)(x) for each x 2 X. Here we continue this path of investigation. The underlying idea is to lift additional structure from the unit interval, such as t-norms, t-conorms, and negations, to provide additional structure on the category. Our eventual aim is to provide a setting where processes used in fuzzy control can be abstractly studied, much in the spirit of recent categorical approaches to processes used in quantum computation [1]. Order preserving structure on I, such as t-norms and conorms, lifts to provide additional covariant structure on FSet. In fact, each t-norm T lifts to provide a symmetric monoidal tensor ⊗T on FSet.