Vol. 64, No. Wednesday, June 22,1963 One Section, 12 Pages Protestors Liberal is Appointed Blockade As Regents Chair By ROBIN STEVENS r - % Nexus Managing Editor \ Livermore The U.C. Board of Regents voted last week to appoint Yori Wada, one of the more liberal members of the board, as its new chair for a one year By PETE STEF ANISKO term beginning July 1. and Wada has a history as one of the Regents most prone to listen to JOE OPPENHEIMER student concerns, and according to Mark Schwartz, UCSB Associated Special from the Students President, with Wada as chair “ students will have more input Daily Californian on the decisions the Regents make.” Cheering as police buses took Wada said, “ The new Student Regent’s term begins on July 1, and I blockaders to Santa Rita Jail, over would like to give the maximum opportunity to address the Regents. I 3000 protestors rallied Monday also expect to be receiving more input from the Student Body against nuclear weapons design President’s Council.” and production currently going on at the U.C.-managed Lawrence Wada’s views on issues recently on the A.S. agenda are the same as Livermore National Laboratory. those of UCSB Associated Students. “ Mr. Wada’s stands on many issues It is uncertain when the 1,028 coincide with student interests, such as nuclear weapons, the divest­ protestors will be released from ment of South Africa and most importantly tuition,” Schwartz said. Santa Rita Jail because they are Wada is against university ties with Lawrence Livermore and Los refusing arraignment to reduce the Alamos scientific laboratories, both of which conduct research in the sentence of two years probation nuclear weapons field. Wada said he has not yet formulated any plans to plus eleven days in jail, or the $250 implement his ideas because the issue will not come before the Regents fine the Alameda county Deputy until 1985 when the University’s contract with the labs expires. District Attorney is seeking, the Schwartz said although he could not predict what action the new chair blockade sponsor, the Livermore would take, Wada could not help but to “ try to do something about what Action Group said yesterday. The charges against the he believes in.” 'The appointment of a new Regents’ chair came as somewhat of a protestors include blocking a surprise. Although the position of chair is a one year appointment, roadway, giving false iden­ tradition has been that of automatic appointment for a second year. tification and resisting arrest, the “ Part of the decision to replace (W. Glenn) Campbell rested upon the district attorney said. fact that his term (as a Regent) would be out by the end of next Fifty of the 1,028 blockaders February, before his term as chairman was finished,” Wada said arrested are U.C. Berkley He added that “ some members of the liberal side of the board didn’t students, a LAG spokesperson want him to serve another term.” said. Political activist Daniel NEXUS/Tom Truong Elsberg and Berkeley school board Sandpiper profile: svelte from beak to legs! The Regents currently maintain a liberal majority, and Campbell member Barbara Lubin were was known for his conservative views. The change to Wada as a chair among those arrested. infers a significant shift in the formulation and implementation of “I am glad I’m arrested,” Dispute Over Water University of California policies. Lorinda Gilmore of Berkeley said In a statement at the meeting, U.C. President David Saxon stated that leaning out the bus window. “ It one of the most important jobs of the new chair would be to unify the feels good and I was treated Board of Regents. gently,” she added. Retention Proposal “ I think one of the first tasks I face is to heal the wounds of the The Livermore Lab is one of two meeting last week,” Wada said in an interview. “ We will need to im­ U.C.-operated labs which produce plement the will of the majority of the Regents, but at the same time and design nuclear weapons for the Cause for Filing Suit allow the opposition to express themselves openly and fully.” U.S. government. By JOHN BURSCHINGER Monday was International Nexus Staff Writer Disarmament Day, with anti­ nuclear protests throughout the The Goleta Water Board and the City of Santa Barbara have filed suit I.V. City hood Plans county. Demonstrations ran coast against the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors and the other to coast, but the Livermore protest major county water agencies in a dispute over the state water supply was by far the largest. retention agreements. Face Further Delays The protest was organized so The suit, filed Friday June 10, alleges that the agreements are illegal, By VANESSA GRIMM McKelroy said. The commission blockaders would be arrested in unfair to county residents, and should be subject to environmental Nexus Editor-in-Chief advised the IVCC to submit the groups of about 12, as they knelt, or review. These agreements specify how state water is to be distributed. The disapproval by the State application without the offshore lay in the street. Police, however, The plan includes both county and local water agencies. Lands Commission of offshore area and return for recon- were delayed in removing the If the present proposal is implemented, a fraction of the cost is to be boundaries in the Isla Vista in- sideration after LAFCo grants protestors, as they had to wait for paid by the local water purveyors. The county would then be ac­ corporation proposal has caused approval of the incorporation enough buses to carry the groups. countable for the difference. Nine of the local water agencies have the Isla Vista Community Council proposal, he said, Lab Director Jack Kahn said signed the agreement. The City of Santa Barbara and the Goleta Valley to delay the date of submission of McKelroy said the commission there were fewer protestors and Water District, however, have to date refused to sign. the plan to the Local Agency feels concerned about the legal fewer arrests than last year, in­ According to Goleta Valley Water District Director Donna Hone, the Formation Commission. status of the community. “ They dicating outside support for the city and the water district — which provide water to about half the The questioned boundary con- fear that taking this action (ap- blockade has gone down. Last year county’s residents — have refused to sign the agreements until sub­ tains Platform Holly. The council proval of the offshore boundaries) four thousand protested and 1,178 stantial changes have been made. Negotiations have been underway for had hoped to include this area to would be to fly in the face of were arrested. the past several weeks, but the two sides remain at odds on several obtain a percentage of the tax LAFCo,” he said, Although the blockade left lab issues. revenues from the oil,drilling. All The commission’s actions have employees stranded in their cars, Hone maintains the agreements are illegal on several grounds. She proposed boundaries pertaining to placed the community in a catch- most of those waiting to go to work cites the fact that the proposal does not include an environmental im­ the tidelands must be approved by 22. “ Approval of the State Lands did not seem perturbed with the pact report which is mandated by the California Environmental Quality the commission. Commission has to be obtained,” protestors. Act (CEQA). “ The environmental laws have mandated that every step The commission, however, Robert Perkins, LAFCo executive Police remained stonefaced list be reviewed, we will not let them get through this loophole,” Hone unanimously decided to deny the director, said. “ It would not be through most of the activities, said. IVCC request. Community legally proper for them (IVCC) to while the protestors enjoyed Hone also said the general plan for the county does not, contrary to music, costumes and cameraderie. state law, include a water plan. “ With out the plan we don’t know what government members claim coast include those offshore areas Many wore anti-nuclear slogans the county will do with the water once they get it. An important question oil politics affected the com- lacking the approval of the State while a few dressed as President is who gets the water and where does it go,” Hone explained. mission’s decision. “ They (the Land s C o m m issio n .” Th e commission) said they don’t want procedure is mandated by the Reagan, Mahatma Ghandi, Uncle Hone also believes the agreements constitute an unlawful delegation Sam and even trees. of public duties because the county would ultimately be liable if a another player in the game,” Municipal Organization Act which Carmen Lodise, IVCC community became effective in 1978, he said, “ Since the trees can’t be here purveyor were to undertake a water project and then default on its affairs director, said. The council has chosen to today we’re speaking for them,” payments. “ One area would have to raise taxes to cover the in­ The commission meeting held in proceed with the offshore boun- said “ Doug Fir,” a tree planter. debtedness of another area. It is immoral if its not illegal,” Hone said. late May was only attended by one daries in the proposal, however, The prevailing mood, however, Hone also believes the agreements constitute an illegal gift of public of the commission members, because it does not want to lose the seemed to be summed up on one funds because taxpayers countywide have paid more than $8 million Lieutenant Governor Leo Me- area if LAFCo does approve the sign a protestor carried: “ Police during the past 20 years to retain state water rights. The agreements do Carthy. The other two members, proposal, Lodise said. The IVCC are people too.” Several times not require participating agencies to pay back any of these costs. “ This State Controller Ken Cory and hopes to have the cityhood ap- demonstrators questioned police seems to be the use of county assets for a particular group,” Hone said. State Finances Director Michael plication before LAFCo by mid- about nuclear arms. The property tax surcharge currently used to pay for the state water Franchetti sent representatives. July. “ Do you have any children,” one entitlement is unlawful under the provisions of Proposition 13, the McCarthy chose to deny the Additionally, IVCC has been protestor asked. property tax initiative passed by voters in 1978, Hone said. “ Under request without prejudice to give plagued by problems in their “ No I don’t,” the officer said, Proposition 13, the voters of the county must approve a tax override like the council opportunity to lobby the petition gathering efforts. LAFCo looking straight ahead. the one proposed by the county,” she explained. absent commission members and requires that petitions be sub- “ These are my grandchildren,” Santa Barbara County Supervisor Bill Wallace agreed with the Goleta to begin an appeal process, Leo ipitted which account for 25 per- the woman continued pointing to Valley Water District. “ I voted against the agreement. I believe the McKelroy, press secretary for cent of the residents in the pictures pinned to her shirt. “ I just Goleta Water Board is right and that the agreements without the CEQA McCarthy, said. proposed area, Lodise said. want them to be safe.” review are illegal. The agreements are unfair, the purveyors put up The commission has also in- Presently, 2800 signatures have One officer in the police chain small change and the taxpayers will have to put up the big money,” formed the council that it will be been obtained and the council has did take time to answer whether Wallace said. willing to grant approval once the set a target figure of 4000 by July 1, she had any conflict of interest County Supervisor DeWayne Holmdahl has a different opinion. “ I community has been incorporated, Lodise said. (Please turn to pg. 10, col. 3) (Please turn to pg. 10, col. 3) 2 Wednesday, June 22,1983 Daily Nexus Solstice Celebration

Belly Dancers, Playing Cards and Pac Man fever were just a few of the spectacular entries in Santa Barbara’s annual Summer Solstice Parade held last weekend. Yesterday was the official solstice — the longest day of the year. By Catherine Bowman

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The Deity Nexus is published by the Frees Council and partially funded through the Associated Students of the University of CeRfomie, Santa Barbara daily except Saturday and Sunday during the school year, weekly in summer session. ^

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Vanessa Grimm, Editor-in-Chief Rob Corsini, Editorials Editor Potential for The Daily Nexus Robin Stevens, Managing Editor Heidi Drewes, Campus Editor Student Input

In a milestone appointment, the Regents of the University of California recently named Yori Wada, a liberal Japanese-American, as its new chair. Wada will be replacing W. Glenn Campbell, a conservative who was ap­ pointed to the Regents by former California Governor Ronald Reagan. The significance of this appointment is that the liberal Regents are now a majority in U.C.’s highest controlling body. This shift in the dominant ideology of the Regents could have a strong impact upon the policies and programs of the university that have been askew from the interests and needs of its students. U.C.’s involvement with the Lawrence Livermore nuclear weapons laboratories in northern California has been strongly sup­ ported by the conservative board members, a position that in recent years has been met with snowballing opposition by U.C. students and the general public. However, Wada has openly scrutinized the university’s involvement in these labs along with his fellow liberal Regents. Yet another conservative policy Wada has denounced is the university’s investments in South Africa, a predominantly black nation ruled by a white minority, racist government. Many people have questioned these in­ Ellen Goodman vestments, but the positions of the con­ servatives have consistently prevailed. In principle, Wada has claimed he is against Real World Not So Different tuition for undergraduate and graduate By ELLEN GOODMAN balance instant gratification with postponement, fun with students with exceptions in the medical, dental By now the annual academic harvest is nearly over. H ie work, the short run with the long run. We have learned to and certain other professions. This position black robes have been returned to the rental companies. resist the paralysis that can come with ambivalence. The clarions used to call seniors have been hung up for Today’s commencement is less and less of a demarcation defies not only the conservative board mem­ another year. line between childhood and adulthood. Today’s un­ bers but also die dominant political ideology in Soon, the last of the new crop of graduates will be dergraduates, graduates and post graduates sound more Sacramento and in Washington D.C. However, gathered in. The long winding procession of hundreds of alike. I guess we are sharing “ the real world.” if W ada is sincere he w ill undoubtedly have the Ellen Goodman is a syndicated columnist. thousands of men and women, all decked out in com­ overwhelming support of the U.C. students. mencement clothes, will have moved over that border from the academic worldto the “ real world.” . Wada has openly discussed his intentions of For as long as I can remember, adults have made a sharp increasing student and faculty input into the distinction between undergraduate and postgraduate life. decision making processes of the Regents, a everybody else. The only We have thought of college students as young people M yths policy that has never been sincerely pursued in planted in a secure but distant place called academia. At cost is that you have to constantly live in fear, and the past. Nevertheless, Wada’s appointment times, we believed that their concerns were as unrelated to Editor Daily Nexus: ours, as Sanskrit is to accounting. We have called our own with your own conscience. will be a welcome relief to the Associated I feel like I ’ve been world the “ real” one. Or have you buried it so far Student representatives throughout the entire raped...filled with myths of Yet having watched two commencement last week, seen that you no longer feel? It is system who have been utterly frustrated by the the ideal that do not conform eating you from the inside. two groups of students emerge from th-.ir black husks as to the people governing — or policies of the conservative Regents. fully certified graduates, the line that separates their lives perhaps it is the people that You, too, will die, but your A student’s initial response to Wada’s ap­ from ours doesn’t seem so solid anymore. This generation hold no true values of human death will be slower and of young people has had to operate under remarkable pointment may be a positive one, however, rights. We’re expected to more painful. You are killing stress. T^ey are less like we were at their age and more like there are some confounding circumstances. automatically support our yourself — do you know? But W C a u government no matter what there are those that love First, Wada’s appointment only occurred after When my cohorts, as the demographers like to describe occurs — no matter that we even you, too, and they will bitter dialogues were given between the liberal us, were graduated from colleges two decades ago, there have murdered thousands of stand up. They will con­ and conservative factions on the board. was a place for us in the world. We assumed that we would people in Vietnam — many stantly show you the truth be welcomed into the adult community. In the final voting, Wada received 16 votes, of them American. Off to the that they find. They believe Ours were not the good old days, but there was a sense one against and 7 abstentions. These figures are slaughter house, boys. Get in in the power of life — in the that if you followed a predictable course, you would be misleading because in order to secure the line, your turn will come ability to heal. They will not eligible for predictable rewards. There were ladders to be soon. Do we truly want stand in line for the appointment Wada needed a simple majority of climbed and anyone coming out of college had already people to think and make slaughter — they will stay the full 28 members of the board. In essence the gotten a few rungs upon the rest. their own decisions based on alive as long as they can, so It’s not the same for this generation. The degrees that I abstentions were votes against Wada, he was careful evaluations and that the truth they find may saw awarded last week cost $40,000 a piece. But no appointed by a two vote margin. This indicates heartfelt truth? No. The guarantees came with the pricey diplomas. These seniors governing only need robots be known to all. And there that new liberal policies will still face for­ didn’t go to college to become upwardly mobile, but as a to play the role of villain that will always be more of them, midable opposition. defense against downward mobility. they deny. No matter that because the disease becomes Secondly, George Deukmejian is the On their way to commencement, they heard the advice of thousands more have died in harder to conceal, and those governor of California and since he makes the their elders in stereophonic sound. In one ear, there were E l Salvador by U.S. guns. that see it are repulsed. We concerned parents talking about tangible results, rewards appointments to the Board of Regents it is Justice for the few, the who kill ourselves are indeed for the educational “ investment.” In the other ear, there privileged — there is only so sick. Do we want to heal? obvious that any new vacancies will be filled by were concerned teachers trying to encourage them to much room in the life boat, Deana Oliver conservatives. Any such appointments would pursue some unquantifiable love of learning. so you may as well kill off Senior, UCSB only dull the present meager liberal edge. If their heads were full of mixed messages about their own futures, they were equally uneasy about the future. More than anything else, Wada’s ap­ According to the polls, most of them, like most of us, believe pointment represents a potential for change a nuclear war is likely to occur in the next decade. within the policies of the Regents towards Surely they aren’t the first generation to live with the becoming more in tune with the function of bomb. In the fifties, we were led into the school bomb higher education and the needs of the students. shelters and taught howto “ duck and cover” if a mushroom cloud appeared overAjpe horizon. We had our own nuclear For this potential to be actualized and to nightmares. maintain the integrity of the University of But we also had a greater measure of faith in authority. California, Wada must bridge the diverse Even our naivete served the purposes of a comfortable political gaps within the Board of Regents. youth. Today’s college generation is far more cyncial about the notion of nuclear-age national “ security.” This crop had clearly been raised in less-settled weather. What they were asked to do isn’t easy: To go for the degree in the midst of doubts about its value. To plan for the future in the midst of doubts about its reality! To create their own Write/Write/Write lives, their own sense of purpose, their own plans without the guideposts, the predictable rewards. The Nexus welcomes letters to the editor. All letters Yet, in an odd way, it has been pretty good preparation must be typed, double-spaced on a 60-space line. In order for postgraduate life The fact is that out here, in “ the real for us to print as many letters as possible, letters must be world,” we, too, have learned to function in the midst of limited to 400 words and include a legible signature and doubt. phone number. The Nexus reserves the right to edit when In the real world we, too, have learned to go through life necessary. A box for the letters is located in the Nexus adjusting and readjusting the course, questioning its values offices under Storke Tower. and our value. We have learned — or tried to learn — how to Daily Nexus Wednesday, June 22,1963 5 CASEY'S GARAGE ARTS Foreign Car Specialists

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BAR & EATERY Magnolia Center 5112 Hollister Avenue, Santa Barbara, C A 6 Wednesday, June 22,1983 Daily Nexus Talking Heads Funk It Up ■ By HUGH HAGGERTY sweat. shakes. Quite a few guest Government” on the Heads’ The genius of David Byrne Real artsy-types will artists appear filling in in first album. and crew is uncontainable. probably be disappointed in ' just the right places. After almost three years, this album just a bit because While the old disco music Hold tight — Wait till the which was well-spent doing it doesn’t reach new fron­ (Bee Gees, Sylvers etc.) party’s over solo albums and a tour for a tiers the way Remain In remains stagnant, the funk Hold tight — We’re in for live album, the Talking Light did. Great album that revival is coming on strong nasty weather Heads have released the it was, Brian Eno and Byrne given the boost by white There has got to be a way long awaited follow-up to had used the band to puppet artists like Bowie, Material Burning down the house Remain In Light. Syn­ their zany ideas of com­ and the Talking Heads thesizing the Tom Tom bining pop music with getting into the soul tunes Here’s your ticket pack your Club’s white funk with the African rhythms. The other originated by black bags time for jumpin’■ soaring textures and band members were largely funksters like Bootsy overboard rh y th m s o f B y r n e ’ s left out of the creative Collins, Kool and the Gang, The transportation is here Catherine Wheel and Jerry process and so eclectic Eno Chic and Prince to name but Close enough but not too far Harrison’s The Red And The was finally ejected making a few. Maybe you know where you Black, the Heads have come Speaking In Tongues a The opening track, are out with what may be the tremendously successful “ Burning Down The House,” Fightin’ fire with fire Another dance floor killer In short, each track on party album this summer. group project. David Bryne is one of the strongest and is “ Girlfriend Is Better.” It’s Speaking In Tongues jumps Speaking In Tongues is just continues to spew out his shows Byrne to be taking a All of David Bryne’s lyrics got a groove that’ll get your oh its own and if you would the thing to create tem­ supreme paranoia and the healthy tact opposite the are sheer poetry and a grandpa goose-steppin’ porary dance epilepsy and music, composed by the complacent nature of a song singer of such power is a ’round the sofa. Whoa, like to be “ overpowered by work up a hot summer whole band, shimmies and like “ Don’t Worry About the rarity in pop music. Grandpa! funk,” then buy it. James Bond .007 (Continued from pg.5) game in which both par­ enveloped in sheer style, played by Maud Adams, is a ticipants give new meaning while die technique remains virtuous woman who plays to the word “ style.” forever supple. spiritual guru to a group of Khan is the most capable Also staying in touch with highly trained, very of all the Bond antagonists, the Bond heritage are the beautiful females. Khan, making most others look like obligatory Bond scenes: the W H ER E: SANTA BARBARA BUSINESS COLLEGE rather than maintaining mere street thugs in com­ stuff-shirted “ Q” and his allegiance with Octopussy, parison (the way he eats weapons rooms, the ever-in- 740 STATE STREET undermines his trust with those sheep eyes... Now wait Miss Moneypenny, and her and enters the world of that’s culture!), while Roger the warm self­ W H E N : THURSDAY, JUNE 23 political espionage and Moore, in his sixth ap­ acknowledgement that, yes, ANYTIME BETWEEN 5-7 PM world upheaval in his quest pearance as James Bond is we’re watching a Bond for power. James Bond more likable than ever. movie (fo r instance, a enters the story and it is his What keeps Moore alive as smake charmer plays the FOR: OPENING OF NEW STORE JULY 31 job to pull the world out of James Bond through six Bond theme as Moore walks BENEFIT FOR HOSPICE Khan’s wicked grasp and episodes is his class and wit. the streets of New Delhi). push himself into the open Both he and the Bond writers arms of Octopussy’s bed. As have allowed the character It is things like this that always, the adventure is to grow, increasing his make going to see James NO PORTFOLIO OR EXPERIENCE NECESSARY quick and witty; the in­ believabiUty. Like fine wine, Bond movies a cultural MEN ESPECIALLY ENCOURAGED 682-9518 nuendo, cute and sexy. Bond and Moore have aged institution, a form of en­ gracefully. Even as they tertainment in the real Never before have we seen crawl on the outsides of movie tradition. If for no the Bond character so airplanes and over the tops other reason than to be just resourceful. The best scenes of trains, one knows they’ll entertained, go see Oc­ are those between Bond and never pull a muscle or break topussy; and leave the Kamal Khan; one in par­ a nail. For that is the essence moralizing to your grand­ ticular is a backgammon of the Bond mystique: to be mother.

PSYCH 1 STUDENTS: “Intro to Psychlogy” by Coon sells new for $23.95 or USED for $17.95 COMPUTER SCIENCE 5 FO STUDENTS: “Problem Solving & Struc. Prog with Furtran” by Holdien Sen's news for $19.95 - or USED for $14.95 E O O M -j S i UDENTS: “ECONOMICS” by Fischer sells new for $25.95 or USED for $19.45 GOOD CLEAN USED COPIES OF THESE AND MORE TITLES ARE IN STOCK NOW. WE ARE THE USED TEXTBOOK SPECIALISTS — CHECK US OUT. 6553 PARDALL RD. Open “ Your complete, off-campus college store” In Isla Vista Mon-Sat 9-5:30 9 6 8 -3 6 0 0 Daily Nexus Wednesday, June 22,1983 7 By HUGH HAGGERTY changed at all. But then, Daytime outdoor shows sticking to a successful don’t have that ambience of B-52s Cruise By The County formula is nothing new in the a real “ event” happening pop music world. that night concerts complete Opening the show was The with fancy lighting have. Bowl On A Sunny Afternoon Tan. Their pub-rock, good as The crowd is usually a bit it is, was misplaced in the inhibited being so con­ nicest guy on earth, let’s meaning to the term “ B- crouched, trotted and of the B-52s songs have expanse of the County Bowl. spicuous of itself out in the meet and have a baby,” the girls.” (Bottle blond and scowled as he jammed on the explosive live potential but And if the Red Rockers’ ho- light. The B-52s easily tongue is planted firmly in red? I really hope those surf-licks which charac­ this was never realized in the hum performance was any overcame the drawbacks cheek and a good time is to things were w igs!) Cindy terize many of their songs. band’s regurgitation of their indication of things, their Sunday afternoon at the be had by all. Don’t bite Wilson’s yellow dress was F red ’s mummy dance studio material. They did do new album will soon be in the County Bowl and had most of down. quite a spectacle when she during “ Mesopotamia” was an extended version of bargain bins. When the high- the crowd doing “ ’bout a The band was smartly shook about. cool and the girls nicely “ Dance This Mess Around” point of their show is an old million dances” but then dressed for the occasion. The B-52s ran through complemented the stage but it could’ve been taken cover ( “ Shakin’ All Over” ) what else do you do at a B- Singer was their happy hits rather action. One bothersome straight from the Party M ix there’s definitely something 52s concert? decked out in a cool summer quickly but their charisma thing about their live per­ E.P. wrong with die original The band opened with leisure suit, guitarist Ricky made up for the short show. formance is that some of the Since thereleaseof TheB- material. “Song For a Future Wilson had a gaudy tourist There’s nothing very special drum tracks are taped (the 52s in 1979, they have been Generation” from outfit, drummer Keith about the musicianship in stage didn’t look quite right the epitome of polyester Whammy! and did a loosely Strickland wore fashion the band but they’ve got the when Keith left his drum kit new-wave with an image choreographed two-step with which very well could’ve stage presence and the to play keyboards or guitar) reflecting loud clothes and taped music. Singing things been from Yellowstone know-how to get a rapport leaving out that spice of Valley Girl-type naivete. like “ Wanna be the lady of Clothing, while going with a receptive spontaneity which bands like Three albums and two EPs the universe, wanna be the and gave new audience. Ricky Wilson the Police use so well. Many later, the band has not 'Attractions The UCSB Art Museum is prints by artists Mark formation call the Arts and showing three great exhibits Tobey, Jack Tworkov, Joan Lectures Ticket Office at opening today and con­ Tanner and Robin Vac- 961-3535. tinuing through July 31. In carino. Museum hours are 10 Young Frankenstein with the main gallery, an a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday thru Gene Wilder will screen exhibition of 125 photographs Saturday and 1 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, June 26. This is the by the French photographer Sundays and holidays. For first film in the Arts and CHINESE RESTAURANT Jacques-Henri Lartigue will further information call 961- Lectures “ Comedy On be on view. The works in the 3013 or 961-2951. Film ” series. The hilarious AUTHENTIC MANDARIN, . exhibition focus on the first British film Monty Python SZECHWAN HUNAN CUISINE half of Lartigue’s 80-year and the Holy Grail will show SEAFOOD SPECIALTIES career from 1902 to the early Tuesday, June 28. Tickets SPECIAL DISHES, FIRST TIME ’40s. His photographs reflect The Preservation Hall are $2.50 for general ad­ an almost childlike delight SERVED IN SANTA BARBARA. Jazz Band will perform in mission and $2 for students. with the world, and have SPECIAC PARTY SERVICES UCSB’s Campbell Hall All screenings will be in become emblems of a Wednesday, June 29 and Campbell Hall at 8 p.m. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK bygone and romantic era. Thursday, June 30 at 8 p.m. Discount tickets for the 11:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. The South Gallery will show This New Orleans band has whole series are available. LUNCH - 11:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. recent contemporary been performing their Call 961-3535 for information. FRIDAY & SATURDAY TO 10:30 p.m. bronzes by New York famous music, which they Cinderella, will screen sculptor Harry Roseman created decades ago, every Friday, June 24 at 7 p.m. in and the West Gallery has 1567-8131» summer for 13 years in Campbell Hall as part of “ Gifts from Jesse and Nancy Santa Barbara. Now in their Arts and Lectures “ Family LUNCH SPECIAL - ONLY $3.15, Scrvtd 7 Days a Weak Alexander.” This exhibition 60s, 70s, and 80s, these Films On Fridays” series. includes: Appetizer. Soup. Fried Rice. Entrees of represents gifts made to the musicians still play with a Tickets are one dollar at the the Day. Tea & Cookies. museum over a period of young spirit and joy that is door for all seats. Series 5688 CALLE REAL, GOLETA (Naar Holiday Inn) . several years and includes symbolic of New Orleans tickets are also available. drawings, paintings and Jazz. For tickets and in­ Call 961-3535 for information.


• 4V2< Copies • Resumes • Over 40 Paper Colors • 3 Types of Binding • Business Cards (2 Day Service) • Rubber Stamps • AND Kodak Film


COLOR I Kodak color print! MALLET M Now open at 7am for Pay lor three, get the fourth color print free, PHOTOS processed by Kodak Oiler CONTINENTIAL BREAKFAST! ends July 20. 1983 See us lor Made from once color details picture no smaller than 1 '/*- • STORKIES SPECIAL (English muffin, * x t W o r larger than 3 V i- i Ash Ira Æ—mmBÊmi **x5” . Offer notepplicable to egg, Canadian bacon, & cheese) J Æ m Kodak negatives or slides. k V J • CROISSANTS, DANISH, BLUEBERRY, EXPIRES JUN E 30, 1983 BRAN, & ENGLISH MUFFINS. • GRAPEFRUIT, JUICES, COFFEE, LTERNATIVE and much more. "Â Goleta location only. COPY SHOP 250STORKERD. GOLETA 968-0688 6540 PARDALL ISLA VISTA 968-1055

i 1 Daily Nexus 9 tE e «p s » »unrue c'.u.u: mu c'.u.u: I l ¥ l 4 1 vjNttne- s l e e p e r s > > ■ 5915 COI H (BY OA IK BOIT.) HID Thelatest reincarnation of The American Society of Starch blockers are I folding (Please turn to pg. 10, col. 3) col. (Pleasepg.10, to turn “ protein supplemented fasts trace elementsresponsible. Unfortunately, may routine medical supervision be is no guarantee of safety. A Rochester showed not show up that in the routine investigators concluded that the liquid protein diet was Cambridge University for being promoted by “ coun­ to their...friends and “ continuous and immediate of protein, potassium or study at the University of cardiac complications did electrocardiographtest. The should be terminated ding pen­ further studies of the designed by a scientist at obese people under medical supervision. The regimen is selors” products sellwhothe neighbors usually without protein, fat, vitaminsminerals. and However, it Cambridgethe Diet. Bariatric Physicians say metabolism and nutrition of cause of such arrhythmias.” such ofcause adequate medicalvision. super­ provides The beverage carbohydrate, supplies only calories 330 a day. As of midhave been several July reports of there hospitalizationsreported dehydration, deaths due depletion, and shock or to cardiac potassium irregularities of people on very low caloriesafeonly if dieters are under diets are supervision by a physicianknowledgeable diets.” such in the another questionable and still diet found forsome local sale stores. They in are bohydrate) each meal and supposed amylase, to inactivate an digest starch. With the pill, enzymesay the pill promoters, can you eatcalories toup 400 of starch (complex,not absorb That’s car­ any because calories. passes through the digestive the tract food digested. without During months that starch blockers the getting few secreted by the pancreas to were complaintswere received beingby promoted, OfOi 962-8616 PERKINS ANTHONY downstairs PSYCHOS and less). Lowcalorie liquid proteindietspeople killed 60 Thedeathswere due in 1977. to sudden caused byabruptchanges in heart heart attacks rhythm. No one knows beats. Researcherssuggested that deficiencies have îlwyY* BitJu tffttkq rfcfc.. why the diets altered heart a ltim e BAD BOVS in: BILL action Ugh. James Bonus MGM/UA ROGER MOORE MURRAY STRIPES DAN AYKROYD EDDIE MURPHY A COLUMBIA PICTURES RELEASE RICHARD PRYOR S u œ CHRISTOPHER REEVE

IP G l«s>

­ ®

\ The greatest danger but now but the dieter has more to worry about. From diarrhea to death. The side effects ofsome diet regimes seriously.

should be consideredseems to strictest come diets from (400 calories the H 8H H R l e s s GERE in PICTURE RICHARD b r e a t h upstairs ■ SsshntLM a H Ak M u t t t S A PARAMOUNT PICTURE BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM all time time all Takea bus ‘ ACADEMYAWARD WINNER ^ U s h d ô n c ë action high. high. | action opposite Encanto£1 Hotel It's os os forIt's os you con go. NICK NOLTC Near Near Santa Barbara Mission James Bomfs Bomfs James fo u n d s new ALEXANDER SALKIND presents game to play. MGM/UA ROGER MOORE toa matinee. David's fother boughthome him computer.a Now, he's EOOIE MURPHY



» J * MEET r

N By JERIBy V,R.D. STUCK Weight loss can be ■ iim ■ m iiim tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiD iiH iiiir finti * m Severe Dieting May CauseExtreme wap And Dangerous Health Problems S FOCUS dangerous business. For decades the major problem K % with most diets is that they didn’twork. Most still don’t, r r

S m e e t s o y l e s s GERE in STEREOPHONIC IV RICHARD Sera«« Privala b r e a t h PERKINS w m T ANTHONY lu ti I CUM EVIL DEAD LINDA BLAIR S R SYLVESTER STALLONE _ « FIRSTB U M » ol svsryltilng they had... they svsryltilng ol RR LINDA BLAIR SCHEIDER CftAXSfSSttSAT !« SOARS! 1/ I 917 S. 917 Ava., KaNayg Calata 2000 ctwfcwd wonwn stripped wonwn ctwfcwd 2000 A COLUMBIA « I BLUE mm Ü t h u n d e r r a n Saata Barbar« Saata PICTURES RELEASE B EVERY 7 7 « J L WA naetlaa H59 ja. ta 4 a Bar iwfa SUNDAY! SANTA BARBARA SWAP BARBARA SANTA 967-0744

a ir v ie w 251 N F a irvte w 966 9382 OINEMA 6050 6050 Hollister Ave 13 17 State Street o ad 70MM ÏF hina ARLINGTON R f l CENTER C REEVE REEVE


STUDENTS 18188188181181188118

970 Emb. del M arfE b a non-profit corporation non-profit a

Isla Vista Legal Clinic Vista Isla ofgame. a r p r w r This service is sponsoredb yA .S . SILENI IME SILENI o u t IS DAN AYKROYD is THE STAR WARS SAGA CONTINUES... Hours M-F 9-5, M-W 6-8pm Aipipiaiaa. •64 8377 BILLY DEE WILLIAMS • ANTHONY DANIELS.». • ANTHONY WILLIAMS DEE BILLY Some very fanny busmes*. fanny very Some Landlord/Tenant, Consumer & Call Call 968-9798Appointment for PLACES BRAINS TtayT* sst|Mt|Mlta|itck. FREE LEGAL FREE SERVICES MO, 12 MO,midnight 12 MARK HAMILL • HARRISON FORD • CARRIE FISHER FISHER • CARRIE FORD • HARRISON HAMILL MARK RETURN™ 12 noon 3:00,6:00, noon 12 THE MAN TRADING Hollister and rairview UNm u m listi Usar -W Akinddifferent THERE... H E ’S ROY SCHEIDER WITH TWO DAILY PERFORMANCES AT: o MGM/UA STEVE MARTIN 8 Wednesday, June22,1983

f t U U l i Daily Nexus Wednesday, June 22,1983 9

FOCUS Santa Barbara Succeeds as Orchid Capitai of the World

B y G W E N LA C Y acreage of over 2 million sq. ft. in the local area. The orchid who managed the show for a number of years recalled, Celebrating a half century of success this year, Santa industry’s gross value has increased steadily over the past “ The real expansion of the orchid industry was in the 60s Barbara has become the orchid capital of the world. It number of years and Hall believes it will continue to do so when maristem propagation was established; this enabled began as only a hobby in the 1930s but has grown into a for many years. the growers to produce 100 to 1000 identical plants from major industry grossing over seven million dollars in the “ Santa Barbara has the ideal weather conditions needed one; this also greatly changed the value of orchids from past year. for growing orchids, especially near the coast where warm $500-1000 for a single plant to $5-50 a plant, with more and County Agriculture Commissioner, Graydan Hall, ex­ days and cool night breezes help the plants thrive,” John more people able to purchase orchids the industry grew to plains that orchids are divided into two categories — cut Rowe of Orchids by Rowe INC stated. Because of these meet the demand.” flowers and potted plants — which together cover an ideal conditions, “ Santa Barbara is the leading grower of Kallman said he really enjoyed doing the show. Having been the son of one of the first orchid growers in Santa Barbara, he was no stranger to the industry, but he had to resign when he was offered the position of County Super­ visor. Bruce Van Dyke proceeded Kallman as the show’s manager in 1973 and has contributed to its continued suc­ cess.

HAIRCUTS and WAVES In I.V. next to Bannandoz’s 085-1209

^A U TO SUPPLY FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC AUTO PARTS ft ACCESSORIES FREE TUBE of STA-LUBE NEXU8/B*ry4 Rounbaum H A N D C cymbidiums, whose season lasts from Oct. to early June,” with purchase of Greenhouse Delights. Rowe explained, adding that the phaelaenopsis which similarly has no season and can bloom any time of the year, $10.00 or more also does exceptionally well here. Expires July 8,1983 The orchid business is very competitive, especially since the United States has such strict import laws and receives no government assistance in the growing and export 15% DISCOUNT process compared to other countries, such as Holland, Australia and New Zealand which are all large contenders FOR ALL in the orchid industry. For growers in the U.S. Easter and STUDENTS Mother’s Day are the busiest tim es. (Except on oil, There are approximately 20 growers, of various sizes, in ' manuals or tools) the Santa Barbara area specializing in the cut flower business. Growers specializing in plants do so on a much Gear up your car for the trip home! wider scale, shipping their orchids all over the world. Gallup & Stribbling of Carpenteria are currently the largest 290 Stork« Rd. orchid growers in the country. The first display of orchids was organized by Bert ___ Goleta, on Storico 9 Hollister Kallman in 1946. The event was officially named the Santa V 968-9688 6 9 Barbara International Orchid Show in 1953 and has been an annual tradition since. County Supervisor Robert Kallman r WE BUILD BETTER ^ f WORLD HEALt R\ BODIES ORGANIZATION LISTED MEDICAL SCHOOL

Saint Lucia Heiath Sciences University is MANDARIN GARDEN tocated on the island of St. Lucia in the West Indies. Openings are available in M o n g o l i a n B ar-B-Q the September ’83 clsss.

j - Buy 1 Dinner OFFERING: • 36 month M.D. degree program For $6.95 & Get • Instruction in English The Second For • Clinical clerkships in the U.S. Only $1.00 • W HO— listed— Students egilible to take the ECFM G Dinner includes: soup, bisquits • Graduates have been accepted into egg rolls, rice, tea, specialty training in U.S. Hospitals vegetables & choice of meat • Transfers especially welcome GOOD WITH COUPON ONLY Saint Lucia Health Science University EXPIRES JUNE 28,1983 Beginning Level Ulvancod Level "Tho Swsat Sot Henry Garcia Co.; 1 Riverwalk PI., 700 N. St. Mary's San 9:30-10:30am Tu-Th l.on C .IR n m T ll. T h Antonio, Texas 78205 (512) 226-8444 Telex 767524 8:30-10.00am Sat Matriculation Sept ' J a n ______M a y ______1 9 ______Power Walle in, 7:00-8:00am Intermediate Level 9 6 6 - 6 4 6 6 9:00-10:15am MWF Nam e__ Tu. Th. Address 1325 State St. S.B. Teen Class 10:30-11:4Sam Sat (Next Door to Arlington Theatre) 10:30-11:30am 4:00-5:15 M-W C ity______.___State______Z ip ______Phone ( ) ______MWF 5:30-6:45pm M thru F Sun-Fri 5-9:30, Sat 4:30-10 For more information call toll free 1 -8 00-22 7-3800 Ext. 416 Closed Mondays ^ 4 7 i L F a i n ^ 10 Wednesday, June 22,1983 Daily Nexus blockade planned for photographer working for Protestors... Wednesday are brought to Newsweek was arrested. He jail, Dildar Goldenberg said (Cont. from front page) and ten other journalists BOB'S support the movement. in a telephone interview were interviewing problems being assigned to Diving Looker “ Why should they make from Santa Rita jail blockaders behind police the blockade. things for war,” she asked. yesterday. lines. After getting out of “ Nothing I ’d like to an­ Also Alexis fears what would All but 30 or 40 of the men jail; Browne sat in the lab’s swer now,” Sharon Paster, Ctoae to Campus happen in the event of in jail are also refusing badge 233 of the U.C. police, No Parking Problem another war. “ If we have arraignment until Wed­ press room with a sling on said. another war, all these people nesday’s demonstrators are his left arm and told LOW, LOW PRICES Ages of the demonstrators will die,’’ she said. jailed, a LAG spokesperson reporters, “ as far as I ’m ALL THE TIME varied from preschool to The women in jail are said. concerned (the officer) Full Airfills . . . $1.00 beyond retirement. Alexis going to refuse arraignment Early in the day, Rick made an illegal arrest and NAUI Scuba Classes Skjelbred, 11, was there to until protestors from the Browne a free-lance assaulted me.” Custom Made Wet Suits t Rentals • Repairs • Information Water Suit Filed... 500 Botello Rd., Goleta (Cont. from front page) Phone 967-4456 Also named as defendants in the suit are Santa Barbara believe the county is correct. We recieved reports from all County, the Flood Control and Water Conservation District, (Turn North at the entrance our purveyors, considered all sides, and went ahead with to the Cinema and Airport Drive-In County Assesor William Cook, the cities of Lompoc and ; theatres,' in the 6000 block at Hollister.) the agreement. We negotiated as far as we could. Now its Santa Maria, the Santa Ynez River Water Conservation up to the courts,” he said. CLOSED SUN. & MON. OPEN TUE.-SAT. 9-6 District, the Buelton Community Services District, the A key issue in the suit is what constitutes a project and Morehart Land Company, the Santa Barbara Research will therefore require an environmental impact report. Corporation and the Carpinteria, Montecito and Sum- “ The key is the definition of a project. The county hired an merland water districts. experienced attorney, Sue Tresher. She advised us (the board) that it was not a project,” Holmdahl said. Hone is optimistic about the court case, but pessimistic The Best Games According to a statement from County Counsel Kenneth about negotiations. “ I really think we will win the court Nelson, his office has researched all the issues involved in case. But, as of how, the county does not seem willin g to In l.V . are at the suit, and he believes the county’s legal position is solid. negotiate,” Hone said. MOST GAMES Computer Experience... 2 Plays 250 (Continued from pg.3) education. combines the microcomputer instruction with a half day of Sinister Popeye sporting activities such as tennis, swimming and soccer for Front Line Mr>Do Marcus said with the money generated from this summer the additional cost of $80 (per two week session). school program, the Microcomputer Lab will be able to Pole Position q * |,ept support more lab acquisitions in addition to paying for In addition, another UCSB Extension program, KID- salaries. COMP, conducted by Marcus for the past three years, of­ Man «Joust The sessions are a half-day long and cost $250 for two- fers after-school classes for young people all throughout the | Bump ’n Jump weeks. Children ages 10 through 13 may enroll in a day year. KIDCOMP has been very successful, according to camp option (also organized by UCSB Extension) which ** And All Your Old Favorites Weisman. G»m e Room Diet A wareness... Sun. - Tlturs. (Cont. from pg. 8) 903 EM BARCADER O small intestine, it travels to Many scientists are not cereal rather than less to D EL N O R TE 10:30 a.m. to Midnight the Food and Drug Ad­ the large intestine where Fri. - Sat. convinced that starch replace excess fat. Fat not ISLA VISTA ministration about nausea, bacteria ferment it, 10:30 a.m. to 2 a.m. blockers work in humans carbohydrate is the highest 968-9071 vomiting, diarrhea and producing gas and diarrhea. and there is concern about calorie food substance. TWO FREE GAMES stomach pains. In five cases At this time the Food and impurity of the commercial people using starch blockers Drug Administration starch blocker preparation. Starch blockers only per­ had been hospitalized. These discontinued sales of starch Pne par person • Expires June 27,1983 More importantly, most petuate the myth that starch side effects are not sur­ blockers until manufac­ consider the wisdom of is high in calories. The SHS prising. When food is not turers submit scientific blocking carbohydrates Nutritionist is available for digested or absorbed into the proof that the pills are both from the diet. We need more more information at 961- safe and effective. bread, potatoes, rice and 3371.

BYE BYE CLASSIFIED ADS SHAKEY’S! RIGHT THE FIRST TIME Special Notices Papers typed near campus Travel ______968-5631______The Isla Vista Youth Project W e’re changing our Name needs volunteers to tutor for Round Trip the summer program. If you ______Rides______London fro m .... $669 [but not our great quality) are Interested in young children Amsterdam___ $738 and would like to help-pleas? Ride needed 1 or 2 preferably 2 Paris...... $769 to call Nancy or Susie at 968-261} will share expenses to Florida or 963-2997. i or vacinity. 685-2393. Frankfurt...... $699 ■ U Zurich...... $755 Movies Tokyo...... $689 THE GREAT GOLETA LEARN Tal A v iv ...... $869 War Games is a great movie! WITHOUT So say's I, Mr. T .G .W ., and if Sydney...... $799 you are new to the campus this World Wide Discount Fares GRADES! One Way Fares On Request PIZZA CO. summer I want you to know Experience that one of the more fun things T.E.E. Travel PEER to do Is to go over to the Post, 2922 De La Vina C-2 ★ Sandwich Bar Now Open! COUNSELOR Office In the bottom of the > S.B. 93105 TRAINING UCen and read what old D. (806)669-0062 — Grinders, Subs— this summer at the Plant has written as the Quote ★ Try our New Deep-Dish Pizza] COMMUNITY for the Daylill______Rent a COUNSELING MOTORHOME ★ We Now Deliver to CENTER Autos for Sale . CAMPER or CAR th. G R E A T (Formerly IV Human Relations Ctr) I.V. & Goleta Have Fun & Learn '60 V W , Very Sharp. Runs fro** — ***Wtefc ^ G O L E T A Valuable Counseling Good. '66 engine. New interior, 968-2565 « Skills paint and tires. $1,000 Call 968-2222 By July 1 or drop by evenings. 682-3848. A WEEK MM.EAOE FREE our office at 75 Datsun b210 good condition 970 Emb. del Mar Suite H 9 cities We ’ll be looking forward Above the Post Office excellent gas mi. Call eveings (Closed Friday) 963-2351.______IN EUROPE to serving you as always f Guide to castle-hotels P ? „ z VW'73. Sedan 412. Excellent and 4000 campgrounds. bringing you fantastic pizza, condition. Good mpg. $1500. SHARE-A-CAR INC. 965-7991. 61, Studiestraede sports T.V., top notch movies Personals 1554 Copenhagen V. DenmarkX on our large screen DEPENDABLE TRAN­ Telex 15730. Jolly Summer is here!!! Yea!! SPORTATION 1967 Chevy and lots of fun. Blscane. Low orig. miles. No beauty contest winner. Jeff Typing 961-3828 days- 968-6710 eves. IMPROVE YOUR PAPER ★ $2 Off Any Family Size Pizza Papers edited for spelling and Miscellaneous with Student I.D . Card grammar. $1.50 per page. Call Sandy at 964-3800. General Electric electric dryer. Works fine $50. Compugraphic PROFESSIONAL TYPIST flat top light table $200 or best No job to large or small 6396 Hollister Ave. • Goleta offer. Jeff 961-3828 days, 968- Pica or Elite type. 6710 eves. 964-7304. Daily Nexus Wednesday, June 22,1983 11 ORCHID SPORTS BOWL • Bowling * Open 24 Hours Endorsement Craze Begins • Billiards - Video Games • Jack's Grill & Kitchen Olympics Have Arrived At Markets OPEN LANES ALL WEEKEND By BARRY EBERLING sources of athletic nutrition, Southland. How will you getting corn flakes because C O U N TR Y M USIC Nexus Sports Editor M & M’s and Snickers. bridge the troublesome gap the Chicken is on the box. In Ever wonder where the But Hostess has not been between Lake Casitas and other words, it’s probably D AN CIN G • Thurs-Sat Nite Olympics Committee gets its left out in the cold just the Forum? The answer is good advertising strategy. ORCHID BOWL - GALLEON ROOM money? You can find one because the name ‘snack’ is Hertz, the official Olympics 5925 Calle Real • Goleta • 967-0128 source at your local market. already taken. It was named rent-a-car. Sure, we’re more Already companies are the official Olympics’ expensive than Budget or shelling out bucks so they supplier. Twinkies, of Avis, but so what? You’ll want to tackle those endless can put the Olympics’ seal course, is found on many M on their products. For training tables (if nothing miles of L.A. traffic in the example, Fuji is the official else, they make good most luxurious car you can film of the Olympics. Accept sponges). get. nosubsitutes. It’s hard to guess exactly -Minolta binoculars — So If you’re tired of Isla Vista how an Olympics’ tie-in is you spent all that money on water, you can always buy supposed to effect buyers. tickets and ended up so far SltNtHta SPECIALS! some Arrowhead. That’s Surely no one will switch to back that you can’t even tell Arrowhead, the official Arrowhead or Snickers when the event is starting. Olympics’ water. Take that because of it. Will they? Not to worry. Minolta puts Sparkletts. Maybe the endorsement is you right in the thick of the Hungry? Not to worry. aimed at children. They action. Minolta. We make a Just pick up some Camp­ could bug mom and dad to last row seat a front row bells, the Games’ official get the Olympics’ brand. bonanza. soup. Then you can get your Or perhaps the ad­ —Air Ambulance In­ BROOKS SUPRA COURT LOW daily supply of monosodium vertising’s effect is ternational Inc. — You’re Leather court shoe from Canada, you don’t trust glutamate the Olympics’ subliminal. You ’ll un­ Slightly blemished; Broken sizes 1 9 " way. consciously connect M & M ’s American hospitals and that Actually, there is nothing with the Olympics and pass awful Los Angeles inversion INTER CAPITOL ' outlandish about these items up Reese’s Pieces. Unless layer has got you down. Our Leather court shoe 19" bearing the Olympics’ seal. you subliminally like E.T. worldwide patient tran­ Film, water and soup all better. sportation is on call 24 hours. NIKE MEADOW have some connection with Whatever the reasoning, We’ll get you to your home SHOE SALE Mesh upper court shoe Some Slightly Blemished Sold in 1982 for 29.99 either the summer or winter some really natural en­ turf, but fast. (Note: 1 9 " Games. Other endorsements dorsements have yet to be Olympic marathoners can FEATURING SUCH MODELS AS: NIKE LADY SPIRIT are less appropiate though. made. Here are some sales take advantage of our Slightly blemished; Just look at the official pitches that should exist: — special discount rate). NIKE ELECTRA If perfect $30 " snacks of the Olympics. Hertz — The ’84 Games will Buying Olympics makes 19 They are those two reliable be sprawled all over the about as much sense as NIKE LADY ELECTRA NIKE LEATHER CORTEZz NIKE ENFORCER Slightly blemished; If perfect $42 NIKE LADY ENFORCER LOW 26" REEBOK LADY HURRICANE NIKE EQUATOR TOPOF-THE-UNE RUNNING SHOE CONVERSE COLORED Sold in 1982 for 46.99 HIGH TOPS 29" ADIDAS JUNIOR CLEATS NIKE INTERNATIONALIST.1ST TOPOF-THE-UNE RUNNING SHOE Sold in 1982 for 48.99 29" 1 9 " EACH OR BROOKS VANTAGE Sold in 1982 for $39.99 29" K-SWISS TWO FOR Men's and Ladies' Leather court shoe $30 1982 Model 34" OTHER SUMMER SPECIALS GRAVITY GUIDANCE INVERSION SYSTEM SALE MOHAVE" TWO PBISON/ / Y M 1100 DELUXE TWO SEASON TBIT / W / \ g r a v ity guider / J \ i \ Rea42500 ¿09 1 1 9 " - L f Y \ 1150 PORTABLE Alpenlite Paul Smith (above) recently signed with the Seattle Mariners. Team­ ^ / ' ' - 4 6RAVITY GU,DER 1 O Q 9 9 ll/Tf ^Reg 299.00 1 S S PAC-MASTER mate Dan Yokubaitis will also be tackling the minors, in his case for the Slightly blemished San Francisco Giants organization. NExus/TomTmoos Standard Size INVERSION BOOTS Reg. 85.00 6 4 " If perfect 139.99 AUTHENTIC 6 9 " 5k SHORT SLEEVE A RUGBY SHIRTS ALPENLITE & Discontinued colors KANGAROO BAGS TENNIS Sold in 1982 for 29.99 DAY PACKS $ 1 3 .“ EACH O R Slightly blemished RACKETS t w o fo r $ 2 4 Standard Size including Head, Prince, Kennex, Yonex, and Wilson LADIES' FLEECE WARM-UPS FREEZE-DRIED STRINGING Slightly Blemished FOOD $12.99 to $36.99 HOODED TOPS If perfect $23 RANTS If perfect $24 2 0 % OFF

14"EACI t or T W O f o r $23 CLOTHING including Head, Adidas, Natty, AU Newcombe, West-1, Jantzen, NIKE MESH SHIMMEL TOPS SPEEDO * DOLFIN VUARNET Michele Palmer, & Dashin’ Drawers QUICKSILVER SUNGLASSES Slightly blemished 6M EACH OR SW IM W EAR CATEYE STYLES 39®9 SHOES 2 FOR $11 2 0 % OFF all the top brands 1230 State St.

Copeland’sPRICES GOOD THROUGH 5 29 83 Quantities limited to stock i GOLETA SPORTS CENTER L Mon, Tues, Sat 9:30-6 Wed-Fri 9:30-9 5708 Hollister 9 6 4 -8 7 0 3 Sports Sun 12-5______12 Wednesday, June 22,1983 Daily Nexus P rp W iJ9 9 f J i j RECREATION CLASSES Sign up front of UCen Wednesday, June 22 from 1 lam —2pm

CLASS FEE IN8TR DATES ARTS AND CRAFTS 12-3 pm W M t Campus KUn JunoSO-Juty 23 CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS 2. Pottery. Baku Wkahp. 12-3 pm Wsst Campus KHn July 0. July 10 Aquatics (See Pages 14 3101 3. Spinolo* ft Weaving 3-0 pm ■M p. 400R m .no Juns20-July21 Gymnastics (Sao Papa 01 7-0 pm Bldg. 440 Rm. 110 June 27-July 20 4 0 pm BMg.440Rm. 110 June27-Juty2S Weekly Secatone DANCE D EXERCISE Begin June 27 4 Badet. Beginning 0 :300:0 pm RG 2120 Juno 23July 21 70:10 pm RO 2120 Juno 20 July 21 00:10 pm RG 2120 Juno27-July20 Juna27-July20 S J e n Pensai 07:10 pm RG 1420 OUTDOOR REC CLASSES m Jasa Danas H R 0 1420 Juno27-July20 42. Scuba Staff I 310 pm TV A /Pool 11. JaasBExercise 12001200pm R01270A Juno 1-July 20 43. Scuba Staff 1 310 pm TBA/Pool (Faculty O Staff) 44. Windsurfing Timas to be arranged Sundonca/S. B. 12. JaaOhafcbal 00:10 pm Juno 27-July 20 Juns23Juty21 1*. Jaxx e t w oh i I 40:10 pm - OUTDOOR REC TRIPS 0007 0 0 pm Juno 27-July 20 M. JaaOfaiMhiM Sequoia Backpacking 0:30000 pm Juna23July21 July 7-10 « . J a u ft Excretas II Owens River Canos .7-000 pm Juna20-July 10 Ju ly 1317 10. OaSWOanaa Catamaran Cruise to 0 4 pm Juna20-July21 Ju ly 22-24 17. Olim eli » Ouawplh an Santa Crus Island GENERAL INTEREST RG 1120/ Juna23July21 Campus Ostaps SESSION II - AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 27 7 0 pm RG1270A Juno33July21 20. Photography, Sap. BO W Rory 0 0 pm ORm. 100 Juna 27-July 20 DANCE Cf EXERCISE 21. Photopfophy . Int. BO W Knpotiom OO pm Bldg. 440 Rm. 100 Juno2B-July 21 47. Ballet. Beginning 0:334:4$ pm RG 2120 Aug. 2-Aug. 20 Buch. 1034 Juna23July 10 40. Badet. Intermediate 7-0:10 pm R O 2120 Aug. 2-Aug. 20 7 0 pm Enp. 1132 Juna 27-July 20 40. J a u 3 Exercise 12431230 RG1270A Aug. 1 Sept. 30 OOOOpn Ph alp» 3023 Juna27-July 20 (Faculty ft Hayes) 00. J a n 3 Exercise I 30:10 pm Aug. 3 Aug. 24 PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES 01. Jass 3 Exercise II 1:337:40 pm Aug. 1-Aug. 24 30. AOilOa. OaiJwnlng 0 7 pm RG127BA Juna 27-July 20 7 0 pm RG1270A Juno 27-July 20 PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES 1011 am RG 2120 Juna 27-July 20 02. Aikido. Beg/lnt Ota 37 pm Aug. 1-Aug. 24 20. Pancine. Int/AOv 11-12 pm RG2130 JOna 27-July 20 03. Selling Basics 13 Practice Smith 3 4 pm Aug. 1-Aug. 0 20. OoM 00:30 pm Rob Gym Raid Juna20July 21 04. Sailing Basic» II3 Practice Smith Aug. 3 Aug. 12 Campus Court» Juna20-July21 SO. Sailing Bad e » 13 Practica Smith 1-0 pm Aug. 13Aug. 10 3 0 pm RG 2227/SB Harbor Juna 23July 20 SO. Sailing Basic » II3 Practice Smith Aug. 22-Aug. 20 3 0 pm RG 2227/00 Harbor Juno 23July 20 Swimm ing (Sea Pages 14 3 IS) lO p m RG 2227/00 Harbor J una 21 July 20 Tennie. Beginning Hays 8:334:30 Aug. 1-Aug. 24 lO p m RG 2227/08 Harbor Juno22July27 BO. Tennis. Beg/lnt 0:304:30pm Aug. 2-Aup. 20 1-0 pm RG 2227/00 Harbor Juna23July20 SO. Tennis. Bag/lnt 311am Aug. 3 Aug. 27 Pagas 14310 00. Tennis. Int/Adv 3337:30 pm Aug. 1-Aug. 24 0:300:30 pm East Courts Juno 27J u ly 20 01. Tennis. Int/Adv Aug.3Aug.27 0:30700 pm East Courts Juna 23July 21 O i l am East Courts July 2-July23 CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS 0:207:30pm East Courts Juna 27J u ly 20 Aquatics (Baa Pages 14 310) 11 am-1 pm t Courts July2-July 23 Gymnastics (Sea Page 0) 41. T amila. A dvawssd East Court» Jwne20Juty21 Tennis. Beginning 41a. W alpht Trainine loa s4> 11 am-12 pm W alpht Room Juno 27-July 20 Begin Auguxt 1

Registration: 8am— 12pm & 1pm—4pm Weekdays at the Rec Trailer Special Evening Registration Mon & Tues — June 27 & 28


• Open to all campus and community members, • Sign-up at the Recreation Trailer • F or information call 961-4406

Full membership (June 20-Sept. 3) $55

Summer Session only ( June 20-July 30)

Summer Hours: Monday thru Friday 11 am - ipm Saturday 9 am - 3 pm Sunday Closed SSsS^i