The Warburtons of Poynton and Torkington
The Warburtons of Poynton and Torkington Last Updated 23rd June 2019 ©2019 Ray Warburton Table of Contents Preface -- Poynton 2 Surnames 3 Descendants of Joseph Warburton & Hannah Marsland First Generation 4 Second Generation 7 Third Generation 20 Fourth Generation 38 Fifth Generation 54 Place Index 56 Person Index 66 1 PREFACE This family is descended from Joseph Warburton (abt 1767-1844) who appeared in Marple, near Stockport, Cheshire in the 1790s and later moved to Torkington. Many of his descendants worked in the coal mines at Poynton. Surnames A Aldred, Allen B Barnes, Barratt, Beard, Bell, Bennett, Booth, Bowden, Bowler, Brookes, Broom, Brown, Butterworth C Chatterton, Clayton, Clegg, Cocks, Compstone, Cooksey D Davenport, Davies E Edwards F Fielding G Gelder, Goodwin H Hallam, Hammond, Handford (nee Newton), Hartley, Hibbert, Hopwood, Howard, Howells J Jackson K King, Kinsey L Langton, Lloyd M Malpas, Marland, Marshall, Marsland, Metcalfe, Moore, Moorhouse, Mottershead, Mottram, Mountany N Nicholls O Oldham P Pearson, Potts R Rawlinson, Richardson, Ridgway, Rowbotham S Sanders, Sellers, Shaw, Siddall, Smith, Sockett, Still T Tickle, Torkington (nee Oldham), Tymm U Unknown W Warburton, Ward, Whittaker, Wilde, Wilson, Wood 3 Descendants of Joseph Warburton & Hannah Marsland First Generation 1. Joseph Warburton. Joseph was born abt 1767. ■ Census for Torkington, Cheshire, in 1841. Joseph (72) is a labourer living with Hannah (66), Charles (20) a coal miner, Hannah (16) a reeler of cotton, Ellis (26) a coal miner, Mary (22), and grandchildren David (2), and Margaret (2 mths), the children of his son Ellis. Son Martin is living with, or next door to Joseph.
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