Minutes of a meeting of Hinderwell Parish Council 7th December 2017, 7pm at the Parish Office, Hinderwell

1712-00 Those Present Cllr A Jackson, Chairman; Cllrs: J Bailey, C Jackson, S Wilson, D Seymour, C Rogers, G Boulton, N Fowler, J Wakefield, M Dalton. Mrs C Barker, Clerk.

1712-01 Apologies Cllr Longster – another appointment and Cllr Watson – Medical reason. Proposal to accept apologies from Cllr C Jackson, seconded Cllr Fowler.

1712-02 Declarations of interest None.

1712-03 Minutes of Previous Meeting Minutes for November meeting accepted as a true record. Proposed by Cllr C Jackson and seconded Cllr Seymour, signed by Chairman.

1712-04 Matters Arising Peacocks – Clerk reported the 3 remaining peacocks were still evading capture. Car Parking Issues – Meeting had been held with Manager of Co-op store re installation of 6 x bollards on pavement to protect pedestrians from cars. Co-op asked to fund the cost £1,000. Barrass Garden – NYMNPA advised that the area could be claimed as “Public Open Space”. Sub committee formed to look into this legal procedure. Mobile Phone Masts – Hinderwell’s under construction. Legal matters delaying Staithes mast. Hinderwell Street Lights – NorthernPowergrid working in the village presently. Electricity to Hinderwell War Memorial – Clerk reported delay because a sandstone meter box is required and that NYMNPA now require planning permission. Badger Hound’s Post Box – Royal Mail have still to relocate the post box. Arriva Bus LED display – Now reported that issue resolved and LED display reads “Staithes “. Staithes Bus Stop lintel – Repair required. Clerk seeking quotes. Bus Stop H’well - £1500 applied for from Locality Budget. Work to be completed within 12 months. Website – Up and running. Algae, Broomhill Terrace – NYCC still not replied. Cllr Fowler advised that someone had fallen there recently and sustained a serious injury. Cowbar landslip – Cllr Longster to provide photographs. Hinderwell Village Notice Boards – New locations approved at Hinderwell Garage and Bus Shelter. Staithes Art Weekend parking – No parking wardens attended over the weekend – Cllr Nock to be asked to take this further.

1712-05 NY Police Report Chairman read out the Police report.

1712-06 Reports from Borough and County Councillors No reports submitted.

1712-07 Planning Matters NYM/2017/00782/NM- 12 Nettledale Close, R’wick Bay: alterations and extension to conservatory and porch - No objections Electronic Consultations: NYMNPA want paper free consultations, this may cause operational difficulties, Clerk to check further.


1712-08 Finance - Authorisation of cheques Cheques and payments to the value of £6032.09 authorised. Proposed Cllr Wakefield, seconded Cllr Fowler. Clerk advised that External Auditor for 2017/18 would be PKF Littlejohn LLP.

1712-09 2018-19 Budget Councillors discussed the Precept. Proposed by Cllr Wakefield to leave it unchanged for the financial year 2018-19. Seconded Cllr Jackson. Vote taken – unanimous.

1712-10 Correspondence Email re starting a Men’s Shed/Women’s shed in Staithes area: Support idea in principal. Letter re horse riders in Staithes: Resident complaining about horses/ponies galloping on grass verges. – Clerk to reply that it is a Police matter on advice from NYCC Representative. Local Government Boundary Commission: Changes planned locally. Letter re Bus Stop: Residents now want bus stop on Hinderwell Lane reinstating. Clerk to contact them and advise that only NYCC have the authority to reinstate the bus stop. If the majority of residents want the bus stop back we will support it. Citizens Advice requesting financial support. Clerk to invite them to apply for a Section 137 Grant.. Email re parking issues in Staithes. Clerk to advise them to contact Scarborough BC. Loftus Town Council: invitation to attend their Civic Carol Service on 17 December. Letter from resident re issue of parking notices West End Close, Hinderwell. Clerk to advise that SBC issues the notices, not HPC and noted that the writer has already contacted SBC. Letter re sheds in St Hilda’s Old School car park – Clerk to advise that they are there with the permission of the relevant bodies and the sheds’ purpose benefits the community. Letter re parking issues at Runcible Spoon – Clerk to reply that parking issues are dealt with by Scarborough Borough Council and speed calming by NYCC Highways. The moving of the bus stop to further along the High Street should free up more parking spaces nearer to the business. St Hilda’s Almshouses– notice to HPC to vacate 37 High Street within 6 months. Clerk to seek new premises.

1711-12 Parish Maintenance NYCC advise re Street Light Improvement Scheme to replace 44,000 street lights in North with LED lamps Parish bench broken at Rectory field gate on A174. Kerbstone broken between Kippers Corner/phone box on High Street, Staithes.

1712-13 To notify Clerk of matters for inclusion on the Agenda for the next meeting

Meeting closed at 9.15pm Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 4th January 2018, 7pm, Parish Office, Hinderwell

Moved By:

Seconded by:

Resolved that the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 07.12.2017 having been circulated be taken as read and approved by the Council.

Chairman to sign: