2019 HISTORICAL INFORMATION Table of Contents 5515 Security Lane, Suite 1110 Rockville, Maryland 20852 Founding of the Society .......................................... ii Phone: 240-290-5600 Fax: 240-290-5555 Officers & Council ............................................... ii
[email protected] Biophysical Journal .............................................. ii www.biophysics.org The Biophysicist ................................................ ii Committees ................................................... ii Subgroups ................................................... iii Future Meetings ............................................... iii Past Officers .................................................. iv Past Executive Board Members .................................... iv Past Council Members .......................................... v Past Biophysical Journal Editors & Editorial Board Members .............. vii Past Annual Meetings ........................................... xii Past BPS Lecturers .............................................. xiii Past Symposia Chairs & Topics ................................... xiii Past Award Winners .......................................... xxi Constitution & Bylaws ......................................... xxviii This document is provided by the Biophysical Society for the personal use of the members of the Society. Any commer- cial use is forbidden without written autho- rization from an officer of the Society. The use of photocopies of these pages or por- tions thereof as mailing