In Defence of Trotskyism Price: Waged: £2.00, 3€ Concessions: 50p, Number 2 Summer 2011 Imperialism’s offensive against the world’s working class has sharply intensified since the credit crunch crisis began in 2008. Hand in hand with this goes the offensive against the ideol- ogy of global working class liberation, revolutionary Trotskyism. The political and ideological collapse of all the soft left groups who refuse to call for an anti-Imperialist United Front with- out political support with Gaddafi and who continue to back the counter-revolutionary rebels of Benghazi and demand the overthrow of Gaddafi on behalf of Imperialism is shocking. Today new ideologues and renegades join the old swamp of opportunism; Karl Kautsky finds a new champion in Lars T Lih. Max Shachtman and Raya Dunayevskaya, previously only de- fended by Sean Matgamna, find new adherents in Cyril Smith, The Commune, Permanent Revolution, the Movement for Socialism, etc. István Mészáros and Cliff Slaughter et al seek to trump the Bolshevism of Lenin and Trotsky with the counter-revolutionary reformist dross of history from the likes of Kautsky. IDOT does battle with all these petty bourgeois ideologues, enemies of humanity's communist future. Bibliography In Defence of Trotskyism is published by the Socialist Fight Group. Contact: PO Box 59188, London, NW2 9LJ. Email:
[email protected] đoàn kết là ,اتحاد قدرت است . ,Unity is strength, L'union fait la force, Es la unidad fuerza, Η ενότητα είναι δύναμη sức mạnh, Jedność jest siła, ykseys on kesto, યુનિટિ થ્રૂ .િા , Midnimo iyo waa awood, hundeb ydy chryfder, Einheit ist unità è la ,אחדות היא כוח ,Stärke, एकता शक्ति, है единстве наша сила, vienybės jėga, bashkimi ben fuqine Ní neart go ,الوحدة هو القوة ,resistenza, 団結は力, A unidade é a força, eining er styrkur, De eenheid is de sterkte chur le céile, pagkakaisa ay kalakasan, jednota is síla, 일성은 이다 힘 힘, Workers of the World Unite! In Defence of Trotskyism page 2 Revolution.