The A PUBLICATIONustrian OF THE MISES INSTITUTE Vol. 4, No. 1 January – February 2018 PAGE 4 BOB MURPHY ON UNIVERSITIES, KRUGMAN, AND THE STATE OF AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS The ustrian A PUBLICATION OF THE MISES INSTITUTE 3 Jeff Deist – From the Publisher From the publisher 4 Bob Murphy on Universities, Krugman, and the State of Austrian Economics 7 Coming Events 15 David Gordon on Inequality, Capital, and the Problem of Piketty 18 Congratulations to Dr. Karl- Friedrich Israel; A New Book of Austrian Insights; and A Collection of Essays by David Gordon 19 The Mises Institute in Orlando; and A Sequel to Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson Published 2018 (six times per year) by the Mises Institute under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. http:// Publisher: Jeff Deist Editor: Ryan McMaken Managing Editor: Judith F. Thommesen Contributing Editors: David Gordon Joseph T. Salerno Mark Thornton Mises Institute 518 West Magnolia Avenue Auburn, AL 36832-4501 334.321.2100 | Fax: 334.321.2119
[email protected] | The Mises Institute is a nonprofit organiza- tion. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Note: the views expressed in The Austrian are not neces- sarily those of the Mises Institute. The Austrian | January/February 2018 | 3
[email protected] • @jeffdeist common humanity. How else can we explain Piketty’s bizarre hostility for capital accumulation, the greatest engine for alle- viating poverty in human history? Will progressives ever admit From the publisher that growing the pie is more important than slicing it? If anything, the ordinary Westerner (what much of the Jeff Deist world would give to be just that!) lives a material life not much different than a billionaire.