Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
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There will be a meeting of the Board of Directors on Wednesday 14 November 2018 at 11.00 in The Deakin Learning Centre, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ (*) = paper enclosed (+) = to follow AGENDA General business Purpose 11.00 1 Welcome and apologies for absence For note 2 Declarations of interest For note To receive any declarations of interest from Board members in relation to items on the agenda and to note any changes to their register of interest entries A full list of interests is available from the Director of Corporate Affairs on request 3* Minutes of the previous Board meeting For approval To approve the Minutes of the Part 1 Board meeting held on 12 September 2018 4* Board action tracker and matters arising not covered For review by other items on the agenda 11.05 5 Patient story For receipt To hear a patient story 11.20 6* Chair’s report For receipt To receive the report of the Chair 11.25 7* Report from the Council of Governors For receipt To receive the report of the Lead Governor 11.30 8* Chief Executive’s report For receipt To receive the report of the Chief Executive Quality, access standards, workforce and finance Purpose 11.45 9* The items in this section will be discussed with reference to the Integrated Report and other specific reports 9a* Quality (including nurse safe staffing) For receipt To receive the report of the Chief Nurse and Medical Director 9b Access standards For receipt To receive the report of the Chief Operating Officer 9c Workforce For receipt To receive the report of the Director of Workforce 9d Improvement For receipt To receive the report of the Director of Improvement and Transformation 9e* Financial performance For receipt To receive the report of the Chief Finance Officer 12.20 10* 2018/19 Workforce Influenza Vaccination Programme For receipt To receive the reports of the Director of Workforce 12.30 11* Cambridge Transition Programme For receipt To receive the report of the Director of Strategy and Major Projects Governance and assurance Purpose 12.35 12* Education, learning, training and development For receipt To receive the report of the Director of Workforce 12.50 13* Learning from deaths report For receipt To receive the report of the Medical Director 12.55 14* Board Assurance Framework For approval To receive the report of the Director of Corporate Affairs 13.00 15* Board assurance committees – Chairs’ reports For receipt 15.1 Quality Committee: 7 November 2018 • Infection Control Annual Report 15.2 Performance Committee: 7 November 2018 15.3 Remuneration and Nomination Committee: 7 November 2018 Other items Purpose 13.05 16 Any other business 17 Questions from members of the public 18 Date of next meeting For note The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on Wednesday 16 January 2019 at 11.00 in The Deakin Learning Centre, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ. 19 Resolution That representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of this meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest (NHS Act 2006 as amended by the Health and Social Care Act 2012). 13.20 20 Close 2 Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors held in public on Wednesday 12 September 2018 at 11.00 in The Deakin Learning Centre, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ Member Position Present Apologies Dr M More Trust Chair X Mr D Abrams Non-Executive Director X Ms N Ayton Director of Strategy and Major Projects X Dr E Cameron Director of Improvement and Transformation X Mr A Chamberlain Non-Executive Director X Dr A Doherty Non-Executive Director X Mr S Higginson Chief Operating Officer X Ms L Szeremeta Chief Nurse X Dr M Knapton Non-Executive Director X Prof P Maxwell Non-Executive Director X Prof S Peacock Non-Executive Director X Ms S Pointer Non-Executive Director X Mr P Scott Chief Finance Officer X Dr A Shaw Medical Director X Mr R Sinker Chief Executive X Mr I Walker Director of Corporate Affairs * X Mr D Wherrett Director of Workforce X * Non-voting member In attendance Position M G Burgess Assistant Trust Secretary (minutes) For particular items Ms J Loudon Lead Governor (for item 84/18) Dr J MacDougall Guardian of Safe Working (for item 91/18) 79/18 Welcome and apologies for absence Apologies were received from Shirley Pointer. Lorraine Szeremeta was welcomed to her first meeting as Chief Nurse. 80/18 Declarations of interest Standing declarations of interest of Board members were noted. 81/18 Minutes of the previous meeting The minutes of the Board of Directors’ meeting held in public on 11 July 2018 were approved as a true and accurate record. 1 82/18 Board action tracker and matters arising not covered under other agenda items Received and noted: the action tracker. 83/18 Chair’s report Mike More, Trust Chair, presented the report which had been circulated. Noted: 1. The Reverend Dr Derek Fraser (Lead Chaplain), Damian Hebron (Head of Arts), Sharon McNally (Deputy Chief Nurse) and Anna Shasha (Head of Midwifery) would all be leaving their roles at the Trust in the near future. The Board of Directors expressed its thanks for their hard work and dedication and wished them well for the future. Agreed: 1. To note the contents of this report. 84/18 Report from the Council of Governors Julia Loudon, Lead Governor, presented the report which had been circulated. Noted: 1. The Scrutiny and Performance Governor/Director Working Group had met on 5 September 2018 and received an update on the work of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP). Further discussions were planned with the STP Interim Chair and Interim Accountable Officer. 2. The Communications and Engagement Governor/Director Working Group had met on 5 September 2018. Work was ongoing to increase the diversity of governors and the Trust membership. Following the introduction, the following points were made in discussion: 1. The importance of the Carers’ Strategy was highlighted and it was proposed that it be presented to a future meeting of the Board of Directors. Agreed: 1. To note the activities of the Council of Governors. 2. That the Carer’s Strategy would be presented to a future meeting of the Board of Directors. Minute Action Executive Target date Ref lead/s 84/18 Carer’s Strategy to be presented to a Chief Nurse To be future meeting of the Board of Directors. scheduled 85/18 Chief Executive’s report Roland Sinker, Chief Executive, presented the report which had been circulated. 2 Noted: 1. Staff were thanked for their input into the Trust’s Provider Information Return (PIR) to the Care Quality Commission (CQC). While the exact timescale for the CQC inspection was still to be confirmed, it was likely to be within the next six months. 2. While the position on capital, Delayed Transfers of Care (DTOC) and capacity was broadly on track, the underlying position remained fragile. 3. Led by the Director of Workforce, work continued on diversity, organisational culture and meeting behaviours. 4. Led by the Director of Improvement and Transformation, work continued on patient pathway transformation and the Cost Improvement Programme (CIP). 5. The Trust continued to work with Royal Papworth ahead of its move to the Cambridge Biomedical Campus. The move was now planned for April 2019. 6. The main focus of the STP was Emergency Department performance, DTOCs and system finances. The importance of building strong GP and social care engagement and the development of a locality model was highlighted. 7. The Trust continued to work alongside Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service on fire safety and compartmentation. 8. Work was ongoing on Epic optimisation and transition to the new IT contract. 9. The Trust had been asked to co-write the research and innovation workstream of the NHS 10 Year Plan. 10. The Trust continued to play a leading role in the implementation of the UK Life Sciences Industrial Strategy particularly with respect to cancer, data and medical technology. Relationships continued to be strengthened with all industry and campus partners. Following the introduction, the following points were made in discussion: 1. Bed occupancy remained high with a shortfall of between 100 and 200 beds as set out in the Trust’s Capacity Plan. 2. Phase 2 of the Trust’s Capacity Plan would aim to address capacity challenges alongside a system-wide commitment to address DTOCs. 3. Achieving the DTOC target of 3.5% would free up approximately 50 beds. This was therefore only part of the solution and reducing length of stay and improving demand management would also be required. 4. Options for additional capacity on site included a modular build on the 2020 land and additional inpatient space on the top floor of the Addenbrooke’s Treatment Centre. Discussions regarding capital continued through the STP. 5. Approximately 100 beds would need to be freed up in order to undertake the required fire safety works. 6. If agreement on capital had not been reached by December 2018, discussions would need to take place on future service provision. 7. The importance of a system-side approach to the capacity challenges through the STP was highlighted. 8. There were currently four drivers to the financial challenges facing the STP: structural deficits, market forces and funding, acute capacity and utilisation of the wider health and care estate. Agreed: 1. To note the contents of this report.