SHERRY BAKER: MORMON MEDIA HISTORY TIMELINE: 1827-2007 MORMON MEDIA HISTORY TIMELINE: 1827-2007 Sherry Baker, PhD Associate Professor Department of Communications Brigham Young University
[email protected] 360 BRMB 801.422.7022 1 SHERRY BAKER: MORMON MEDIA HISTORY TIMELINE: 1827-2007 Editorial Note This timeline is a work in progress. It is posted currently as a PDF file in order to make it available in a timely manner to scholars who are working on Mormon media history, or any other scholarship for which it might be helpful and informative. It is anticipated that the timeline eventually will be reworked into media formats that will make it more accessible, and that will allow it to be updated, enhanced, and corrected over time. If you wish to comment upon this Mormon Media History Timeline, contact Sherry Baker at
[email protected]. Acknowledgments This project was funded primarily by generous grants from the Wendell J. Ashton Research Professorship Fund, and by research assistantships funded by the Department of Communications, Brigham Young University. It also was supported by an Annual Fund Faculty Grant for Excellence in Research and Creative Activity from the College of Fine Arts and Communications. I am grateful for this support. I also wish gratefully to acknowledge the assistance of Dawn Love Magoffin, Master‘s student in the Department of Communications, for her assistance in researching and compiling the information in this timeline. Thanks also to other graduate and undergraduate students who contributed to this work, including Tahlea Jankoski, Tony Nisse, Cooper Whitman, Andrew Spencer, and Michael Stice. I wish also to acknowledge a debt to all of the authors upon whose work we relied in compiling this timeline.