Yankees Consolidate New Britain Landing
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------------------------- ------------------------ Ject. He aUted that if a study Avlattpn Student William Palm was to be made that it should be ROOFING er, eon of Mr. and Mra. l»uis Rol)b to Head made by a committee that under- Gettinji; Ready About Town Palmer of 171 South Main .street, stoo«i child delinquency thorough IS - who has been taking his basic ASBESTOS SIDING lAK GRILL' ly, and not by any one group who 'WHERE GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHER" training at the San Antonio, Tex Loral Seoiits could not understand the actions For Big Rush CaplHin D«vkl McCollurti of as. Air base, has been aaslgned for (SIXTEEN PAtlES) PRICE THREE CENTS of a growing boy or girl. He cited % INSULATION (Claaallled Adverttalng os Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN,, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1943 rx)nip«ny H, 8Ut« Guardt, r*- advanced work, at the pre-flight many cases wjiich have appeared VOL. LXIII., NO. 66 qucats n itn ib o n of hi* a n lt to r** DINE AND DANCE training school at the same fleld. SiHTPPils Raynioiiir Mer in the Juvenile courts which should Mail Pouring in Ht^rc; E xpert workiiHMixhlp. AU work port at tha atata armory next He was graduated from Manches never have been brought up, cases guaranteed. IteaBiinable ertres. .T o the Lilting Tunes of Monday nl«ht for the State Guard ter High school last June. cer; Annual Re|>ortH which, if understood, would have Additional Carriers, to No obligation for an mttinat*. DON MAC AND HIS RHYTHM MASTERS Parade and Review for Governor .saved the courts a lot. of trouble. Start Satiirilay. Writ*. DELICIOUS FOODS -r- MODEST PRICES! Allied Shipping Blasted by German Bombers at Bari KaJdwln In the Hartford State Read at Meeting. The bad girl or bad boy problem if Armory not later than T p. m. Chapman Court, Older of Ama French Units Win Yankees Consolidate ranth, will hold its annual meeting handled properly in their , early Sherwood J. Robb was named years will .save many a youth from Incoming mail at th« Manches Burton Insulating Co. ROAST b e e f h a l f BROILERS tomorrow evening at 7:45 in the 180 Oxford St. H artfo rd Membera of Waablngton Lodge, Masonic Temple. The biisirieaa will chairman and Stuart Segar vice- becoming a criminal in later years, ter post office ia heavier than STEAKS VEAL CUTLETS usual for «o early in December. Phone Hartford S‘2-4518 UO.L.. will meet at their hall on Include the reports of all commit chairman rtf the Manchester Dis was the speaker's conclusion. FRIED CLAMS CHOW MEIN Eaat Center atieet tomorrow tees and the election of officers Against Germans trict, Boy Scouta of America, last Starting Saturday each carrier n ig h t a t 7:4R and proceed to Oie for the year 1944. A Christmas will be assigned additional help Our Kitchen Chwes At It P. M. New Britain Landing; night.at the annuiial meeting and Thomaa G. Dougan Funeral Home party will follow with Mrs. Bel- Belli Slioloiii Noles ers and it is expected that the mail AI.ICE COP'KAN ' . <v __ to pay their reapecta to their for ledna Nehson chairman of the re banquet held a t the Y. M. C. A. will be delivered to the homes on (Known As Uueen Alice) 30 OAK STREET TEL. 3894 mer .member,, William Reid. freshments committee, and Miss Mr. Robb who succeeds Raymond SPIRITUAL MEUIUM In Central Italy Beatrice Juul chairman of .deco lime thia year. Fine Wines — Liquors and Rcer Mercer, stated that as the chair Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son rations. Members are requested tc) 'F rid a y ,'D e c . 17: Evening .serv The stamp and parcel post win B om W ith a Veil. There will be a a^cial com bring a small gift for the grab- man of the various committees has ices St 8 p. m. Rabbi B. W oythaler dow will be open again on Satur Readings Oaily, Including Sunday, Aerial Attacks munication of Manchester I,K)dge bag. not .vet been named, he would an will apeak on ‘The Apostle" by day until 3 o'clock instead of clos 0 A. 51. to 0 P. M .| Or By App<ilnt- of Masons in the Tenip'e tomor Score Outstantling J\azis PlcdSC nounce the complete slate at a Sholem Asi h. ing a t 1 o'clock and the same nient. In the Se^oe of the Peo row night at 7;3«. The Fellow- hours will be observed on Sunday ple for Years. cesses in Mountain ^ y eraft dcgiee will be exemplified. Roberta Hynds. 12-year-old later date. S aturday, Dec. 18: C hildren's so . No Further Details of '.Annual Re|Kirt Read as last week when ...the parcel post 169 Church Street, Hartford, Conn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert services st 10 a. m, Readera: and stamp window was open dur Plione 6-3074 Fighting; Have Been 1 EvCrV C luld Japs Suffer Low Cost Hynda of 45 Pleaisant street, who Annual reports were given by X. Action at Arawe; An- / Commissioner Hayden Griswold, Jackie Bursack and Phyllis Sjlver- ing the afternoon from noon until In Forward Positions j , w rrt has been seriously ill for the past 4 o’clock. I Xmas Special \ nouncenient Iiulicatcs TAIX CEDARS eight weeks, and underwent a ma Finance Chairman Harry Maid- •stein. ment and Advancement Chairman, For Some Time; Sup-j IS I iC 1 Oy Real Setback Gains Era^ jor operatjoji at St. Francis hos Sunday, Dec. ’9: Religious, •qb Little If Any Addition pital, Hartford, U slowly improv Raymond Mercer. The reporLs school for children at 9:30 a. m. Range and Fuel ply Lines Hit Again.' ------- BINGO ing. showed that acouting in Manches- Hannkah social and supper will In Invasion Is Ended al .^Opposition After ter for 1943 built a solid founda take place at 7 p. m. at the Tem I PHILCO RADIOS A i- Goebbels Readying Wur- TOMORROW NIGHT tion and that for •1944 there ahoul() ple. OLD OIL Allied Headquarters, B rie f’ Skirm ishes Ac- AT 8 O’CLOCK Satuiilay evening the Covenant be an increase in membership and Tuesday. Dec. 21: Religious TICKET PRINTING giers. Dec. 17.—('T’)—French Weary German Pgo- Lnited States Will Have conipanyiug Amphibi League of the Covenant-Congre activities. There are at jSreaent 2.’>0 school for children at 3:45 p. m. RECORDS troops, entering the war on Laufling Obviously Is ORANGE HALI. gational church will have Its an pie for Their Gloom- Scouts and 70 Cub Scouts, with Adult.class on "Jewish Customs" .Must be turned In for sal METERS To Be Prepared to ous Landings, Dec. 1 .5 . nual Christmas party. The poalor, 10 troops and .wo Cub Packs. the European mainland for Aimerl at Conqufsl of 23 REGULAR GAMES AT Kev. Charles Jolinsoii, will give a will hold the last session at the vage It you want to keep iest Christmas of W ar. I.«ave« To E n ter HervU-e playing the new onea. Meter prints amount of de the first time since 1940, P,ay Increasing Price S3.00 A GAME FOR 25c! brief talk on the Holy land, in the home of Mrs. J. Rubinow at_7:30 have scored outstanding suc Entire Islunil anil the Genei’al MacArthur’Sj^iead- Field Scout Blxecutive Roy Card p. m. ~ 3</]0 each paM tor old reo- livery on your slip for your In Blood and Tears. region -of Christ’s birth. who has been working with the protection. cesses against the Germans Storkhlom. Dec. 17.— (A*)-- Dr. Seizure of Rabaiil. (liiarlers. New Guinea! I)ec. 7 SPECIAL GAMES Board meeting of Hadas.sah at orda irrespective of quantity. 17.—(/P) — American troops troops of Manchester and of He 8:.30 p. m. in mountain fighting in cen Paul Joseph Goebbels and his SWEEPSTAKES bron and Andover will leave this W ashlngton,. Dec. 17—i/P)—The Wa.shington, Dec. 17.—lA^i— The that invaded the Arawe p e n -\ Charles Everett Cannon, 20, son Wednesday, Dec. 22: Hebrew for L. T. Wood Co. i tral Italy, it was announced propaganda machine have begun $5.00 WEEKLY PRIZE of Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Cannon, position the first of the year to KEMP'S today. The French have bee^ in preparing the war-weary German invasion of New Britain, obviously start of the long-awaite<l campaign insula of New Britain island enter the service of his country. adults at 3 p. m. Nutrition cla.ss at $25 WAR BOND of 45 Lancaster road, is enrolled 7:30 p. m. Inn. 51 Bissell St. Tel. 4496 •forward poaltlona alongalde Brit people for their gloomiest Christ aimed at conquest of the entire is for Rabaul. together with, the cost Wednesday are consolidating Mr. Card has been of gr*eat assist 768 »laln St. Tel 5880 ish and American aoldiera for MONTHLY PRIZE for basic training in the Navy Thursday, Dec. 23: Religious mas since 1939 by promising land and seizure of Rabaul. not ly conquest at Tarawa island, their positions, while the V-12 unit at Worcester Polytech ance to the .scoutmaslera and com tome time, but their pretence waa Allied '/easels He aflame in the Italian harbor of Bari, Adriatic seaport north of the Italthn heel, closes that period of the war in To Be Given December 2i mitteemen of this district and the school for children at 3:45 p. m every child a toy—and a home only threatens the Japanese with American Air Force has suc nic Institute at Worcester, Mass.