R19.0106 Freepost RTXU-ETKU-KECB Planning Policy Islington Council Town Hall Upper Street London N1 2UD 17 October 2019
[email protected] ISLINGTON COUNCIL LOCAL PLAN: REGULATION 19 CONSULTATION Thank you for consulting the Home Builders Federation (HBF) on the draft Islington Local Plan Regulation 19 consultation version. James Stevens, the HBF’s Director for Cities, has prepared this response and he is the lead contact for all things in relation to the Islington Local Plan. The Home Builders Federation (HBF) is the principal representative body of the house building industry in England and Wales and our representations reflect the views of discussions with our membership of national and multinational plc’s, through regional developers to small, local builders. Our members account for over 80% of all new housing built in England and Wales in any one year. Recent research by the Government has estimated that housebuilders have made a significant contribution to the nation’s infrastructure, providing some £21 billion towards infrastructure of all types including affordable housing since 2005. We would like to submit the following comments on the draft Plan and we would like to be involved in the examination-in-public on those matters relevant to these representations. 1. What is the role of the local plan The plan period Para. 1.2 states that the Local Plan will cover the period 2020/21 to 2035/36. Policy H2: New and Existing Conventional Housing provides a housing target that runs only to 2028/29. We acknowledge that the Draft London Plan is only able to identify a housing land supply up to 2028/29 (thereafter London’s capacity is more uncertain and will need to be reassessed) and we acknowledge that footnote 8 to the Draft Islington Local Plan (DILP) refers to the annual target that is set by the DLP being rolled forward for the period post 2028/29.