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Ver8 - The Leader September 2015 Issue 2:Exec Report No.7 March 2008.qxd 21/09/2015 12:26 Page 1 NAPDPRINCIPALS AND DEPUTY PRINCIPALS Embedded in our folk memory is the terrible upheaval of the Famine years, so we know suffering and we know that urge to seek security and opportunity. We need to revive that folk memory right now and to reach out to our fellow humans who are in deep distress. Unlike Kos and Lesbos and Sicily, our island has been largely detached from the tragedies that have been unfolding on a scale not seen since the end of World War II. If we regard ourselves as Europeans, we need to stand up to be counted. If we regard ourselves as leaders, we must stand up and to offer practical assistance, making our schools – l Places of welcome for the children who will eventually reach these shores and need to be educated l Places where, through learning and teaching, we raise awareness of our role and responsibility as global citizens l Places that will focus the energy and generosity of the Irish people through a myriad of fund-raising events September/ A Publication of the National Association of October 2015 Principals & Deputy Principals 01 NAPDPRINCIPALS AND DEPUTY PRINCIPALS Ver8 - The Leader September 2015 Issue 2:Exec Report No.7 March 2008.qxd 21/09/2015 12:26 Page 2 LifeLife InsuranceInsuraance Has your Life Insurance policy got you and your family covered? Ivan Ahern, Director, Cornmarket Group Financial Services Ltd. ForFor most ooff us it’sit’s not a case ofof if wewe need in the eeventvent ooff youryour untimelyuntimely death.deatth. If youyou WEIGHING UP UP YOURYOUR OPTIONS OPTIONS LifeLiffee Insurance,Insurance, butbuut rratherather howhow muchmuch LifeLife hahaveave a mormortgage,tgage, chances areare thatthat youyou will Once youyou know wwhawhatt ttypeype ooff ccoverover yyouou InsuranceInsurance wwee rreallyeally nneed.eed. But befbeforefoore takingtaking alralreadyready havehave one ofof these policiespolicies because require,require, the nenextxt ststepep is to shshopop araroundound ffoforor the out a policy or renewingrennewing yyourour eexistingxisting one, yyourour lender would hahaveve insisted upon it best policpolicyy aatt the bebestest prprice.ice. NAPD members it’sit’s vvitalital ttoo knknowow wwhathat tytypepe ooff policpolicyy mmakesakes whwhenhen ttakingaking ououtt yyourour mormortgage.tgage. can availavail ofof Cornmarket’sCornmarket’s FreeFree LifeLife InsuranceInsurance the most sense ffororr yyouou and will best prprotectotect HoHowever,owever, the llikelihoodikelihood is thathatt yyouou araree youryour lolovedved onesones.. CComparisonomparison ServiceService. ThisThis freefree serviceservice comparescompares papayingaying mormoree thathann yyouou should bbe,e, as most 6 insurersinsurers to bringbring youyou: It’sIt’s a ttopicopic thathatt ccan bbee ddifficultifffficult ttoo ddelveelve babanksanks aandnd brbrokersokers ononlyly deal wwithith one into,into, but the ffactacct is thathatt the ppracticalractical iinsurancenssurance ccompanyompany wwhichhich offersoffffers neitherneither protectionprotection and ppeaceeace ooff mind thatthat this ththee best rrates,ates, nor the best terms.terms.. YouYYoou areare covercover prprovidesovides araree too iimportantmportant to iignore.gnore. enentitledntitled to rrevieweview ththisis popolicylicy aatt ananyny ststageage The checheapestaapest priceprice LifeLife InsurInsuranceance and MorMortgagetgage PrProtectionotection araree to see if thertheree is a bettebetterr deal aavailable.vailable. on thethe marmarket,ket, twotwo opoptions,tions, bbutut howhow dodo yyouou knowknow eexactlyxactly IIff youyou araree iinn the processprocess ooff takingtaking out a whatwhat type is righrightt ffoforor you? you? momortgage,ortgagetgage, youyou areare frfreeee to shop aroundaroound forfor plusppusalus anan additionaladdaddtoaitional yyourour oownwn MorMortgagetgage ProtectionProtection policy.poolicy. YouYYoou 5%5% discount!discount! AnsweringAnswering jjustust ttwowo vveryery straightforwardstraightforward araree notnot obligedobliged to taktakee out the policypolicy youryour questionsquestions can be a grgreateat wwayay to establish momortgageortgage providerprovider offersoffffers you.you. wherewhere yyourour nneedseeds llie:ie: ThanksThanks to CCornmarket’sornmarket’s uniqueunique PricematchPricematch 1 Do others dependdepend on youyou financially?financially? SERIOUSSEERIOUS ILLNESSILLNESS COVERCOVER GuarGuarantee,raantee, ththisis serservicervice ensurensureses thathatt NAPD 2 DoDo youyou own own youryoour own own home? LifeLiffe InsuranceInsurance coverscovers the worst-caseworst-case scenario,scenario, membersmembers enjoyenjoy ththehe lolowestwest possipossibleble prpriceice IfIf youyou have have answered answered yesyes to either of of these bubutut itit’s’s also iimportantmportant to cconsideronsider the on the policiespolicies thatthat areare quotequoted.d. The lowestlowest € quesquestions,tions, ththenen yyouou neeneedd some fformorm ooff finfinancialnancial iimpactmpact thathatt sufsufferingffffeering a serious PricematchPricematch offeredoffffered is 13.13 forffoor MortgageMortgage € pprotection.rotection. illnillnessness ccouldould hahaveve on yyouou and yyourouur ffamily.amilyy.. ProtectionProtection Plans andannd 15.1515.15 on TermTTeerm LevelLevel ShShouldhldhould yyouou sufsufferfffffeer a seriousi illillnessillness,, rregardlesseegardldless PlansPl per month.monthth. TheTTh 5%5% discountdidiscount on theth LIFE INSURANCEINSURANCE ooff whether or not this illness keepskeeps youyou out lowest price quoted is subjectsubject to a minimum ooff work sufsufficientlyffficiently longlong enougenoughh to involveinvolve a premium of €20 per month. LifeLife InsuranceInsurance is ddesignedesigned to pproviderovide youyou loslossss ooff salarsalary,yy,, the realityreality is thatthat youyou maymmay ffaceace with the assurassuranceancce thathatt yyourour dependendependentsts sisignificantgnificant eextraxtrae expenses.xpenses. wiwillll be looklookeded afafterftteer ffinanciallyinancially iiff yyou’reou’re no SeSeriouserious IIllnessllness CCoverover payspays yyouou a llumpump sum llongeronger thertheree to pproviderovide ffoforor them. WWithoutithout iiff yyouou araree ddiagnosediagnosed wiwithth a sspecifiedpecifieed iillnessllness a LifLifefee IInsurancensurance ppolicy,oolicyy,, yyourour lolovedved ones mamayy ththatat is ccoveredovered on the popolicylicy (e.g.(e..g. hearheartt ffaceace ggreatreat ffinancialinanciaal ddifficultyifffficulty if sometsomethinghing aattack,ttack, cancercancer).). The llumpump sum ththisis bebenefitnefit should hhappenappen too yyou.ou. It prprovidesovides a llumpump prprovidesovides can be vitavital,l, as eextraxtra cash is ooftenfftten ssum,um, wwhichhich can enensurensure thathatt yyourour debts araree nneededeeededdd tto papayy ffoforor mmedicaledicaldi l billbillsbills,, ttrtravelaveell tto aandnd taktakenen carcaree oof.ff.. Thee amounamountt ooff monemoneyy yyourour frfromom hhospital,ospital, papayy ffoforor eextraxtra cchildcare,hildcaree, etcetc.. popolicylicy wiwillll papayy ououtt ddependsepends on tthehe llevelevel ooff ccoverover yyouou taktakee outout.. See whatwhat youyou couldcould save!save! MORTGAGE PROTECTIONPROTTECTION ToToa availvail ooffC Cornmarket’sornmarket’s FREEFFREE Life Liffee InsuranceInsurance ComparisonCompaarison ServiceService, MortgageMortgage ProtectionProtecttion iiss designeddesigned toto paypay ((01)01) 408 62862833 wwww.cornmarket.ie/life-insuranceww.cornmarket..ie/life-insurance call ttodayoday oor gogo ttoo . tthehe outstanoutstandingding bbalancealance ofof youryour mortgagemortgage CornmarketCornmarket GroupGroup FinancialFinancial ServicesServices Ltd.LLttd. isis regulatedregulated byby thethe CentralCentral BankBank ofof Ireland.Ireland. A membermemmber ofof thethe IrishIrish LifeLiffee GroupGroup Ltd.Ltd. 09/15 10653 NAPD Life 10 6 IrishIrish LifeLiffee AssuranceAssurance plc is regulatedregulated by the CentralCentral Bank ofof Ireland.Irelandeland. AvivaAviva LifeLiffee & PensionsPensions U.K.U.K.K Limited,Limited tradingtrading as AvivaAviva LifeLiffee & 53 PensionsPennsions Ireland,Ireland, isis authorisedauthorised byby thethe PrudentialPrudential RegulationRegulation AuthorityAuthority inin thethe U.K.U.K. andand isis regulatedregulated byby thethe CentralCentral BankBank ofof NAPD IrelandIrelland forffoor conductconduct ofof business rules. FriendsFriends FirstFirst LifeLiffee AssuranceAssurance CompanyCompany Limited is regulatedregulated byby the CentralCentral Bank ofof Ireland.Ireland. NewNew IrelandIreland AssuranceAssurance CompanyCompany plc isis rregulatedegulated by the CCentralentral Bank ofof Ireland.Ireland. A mmemberember ofof Bank ofof IrelandIreland Group.Group. Lif fe e Thee RoyalRoyal LondonLondon Mutual InsuranceInsurance SocietySociety LimitedLimited is authorised byby the PrudentialPrudential RegulationReguulation AuthorityAuthority in the United 09 KingdomKingdom andand is regulatedregulated by thethe CentralCentral BankBank ofof IrelandIreland forffoor conductconduct ofof businessbusiness rules.rules. ZurichZurich LifeLiffee AssuranceAssurance plc is regulatedregulated / 1 byby the Central Central Bank of ofIr Ireland.eland. TelephoneTTeelephone calls maymmay be recordedrecorded for ffoor quality controlcontrol and trainingtraining purposes.purposes. 5 Ver8 - The Leader September 2015 Issue 2:Exec Report No.7 March 2008.qxd 21/09/2015 14:28 Page 3 COMMENT “It is too simplistic to attribute the change to that photo of Aylin Kurdi.