Refereed article The European Journal of Spatial No. 69 Development is published by August 2018 Nordregio, Nordic Centre for Spatial Development and Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment. To cite this article: Boussauw, K., Van Meeteren, M., Sansen, J., Meijers, E., Storme, T., Louw, E., Derudder, ISSN 1650-9544 B. & Witlox, F. (2018). Planning for agglomeration economies in a polycentric region: Envisioning an efficient metropolitan core area in Flanders, European Journal of Spatial Development, 69. Publication details, including Available from: instructions for authors: Online publication date: August 2018 Indexed in Scopus, DOAJ and EBSCO Planning for agglomeration economies in a polycentric region: Envisioning an efficient metropolitan core area AUTHOR INFORMATION Kobe Boussauw, Joren in Flanders Sansen Cosmopolis Centre for Urban Kobe Boussauw, Michiel van Meeteren, Joren Sansen, Evert Meijers, Research - Department of Tom Storme, Erik Louw, Ben Derudder, Frank Witlox Geography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium Email: Abstract
[email protected], To some degree, metropolitan regions owe their existence to the ability
[email protected] to valorize agglomeration economies. The general perception is that agglomeration economies increase with city size, which is why economists Michiel van Meeteren tend to propagate urbanization, in this case in the form of metropolization. Department of Geography, Contrarily, spatial planners traditionally emphasize the negative Loughborough University, consequences of urban growth in terms of liveability, environmental quality, Loughborough, UK and congestion. Polycentric development models have been proposed Email: m.van-meeteren@ as a specific form of metropolization that allow for both agglomeration economies and higher levels of liveability and sustainability.