IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 22, Issue 7, Ver. 6 (July. 2017) PP 64-74 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845.

Local Press and Interest Conflict at Local Election in Central Sulawesi

Achmad Herman Ph.D Student at Faculty of Social Science and Politics, Airlangga University, Lecturer at Tadulako University, , Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia

Abstract: Press is sometimes used to refer to both print and electronic media. This term is also often called media or mass media Press is a complicated and sometimes contradictory phenomenon. The attempt of journalism to get the truth in a blurry world is by sorting out from the beginning the fact of the misinformation that goes with it. This definition helps us to use the word of right and wrong every day by deconstructing those words. Our goal is truth even though it does not seem simple. Because of the complexity, journalists attempt to replace the word of truth with the term of fairness (not one side) or balance. In Central Sulawesi, local journalists assume that local press cannot maintain their independence and professionalism in covering the elections simultaneously. Some local press tends to be biased and aligned in covering the elections simultaneously, does not completely neutral and impartial to all competing parties or candidates. There are also indications or allegations of some journalists who are directly or indirectly involved as successful teams of candidates for elections simultaneously.

Keywords: local press; conflict; local election; media

I. INTRODUCTION For the people of Central Sulawesi, print media is still a source of credible and adequate information. Besides the price is cheap, the information presented is very diverse, especially localities. Although other electronic media also exist, such as local radio and television, print media is still in demand as an information center. The reason is because the electronic media is still often constrained of technical broadcasting, moreover the contours of Central Sulawesi region is surrounded by large hills and mountains. The print media in attendance varies greatly in terms of ownership, political party affiliation, national networking media to party media. According to The Asia Foundation survey released in 2004, more than 90 percent of people use the media as a source of general election information (LSPP Team, 2005). Ofcourse it really open the abuse of media as medium “flirting” between media owners and local political elites. It starts from transactional agreement to provide space of political advertisement, including the inauguration of local officials till publications that blow up election campaign activities. This condition is worse if the media owner or person in the media organization structure is one of the candidates of election participants. What happened is that the local press became a momentary interest apparatus to mobilize constituents in the electoral district. it is clear of deviation forms, the press can not function as the traditional conception of the press: the fourth assembly of democracy which means the press as the pillar of the power superintendent. Lukmantoro's research (2008) says that specifically the local press (the print media) is easy to claim as a public space for the local community, so the print media becomes like domain for imaginable community to communicate. it means that local print media has a high affinity with the readers. Even there is a print media that tricks its readers with technical representations as if the event is a fact of a reality. While research of Hidayat (2008) explains that the signals of direct elections is a period of transition to democracy because the condition of the voters is still mobilized by a figure and money politics practices. In other words, the process of elections is still colored by political and business conspiracy between heads of regions and political and business clients. This practice of loyalty said by Nordholt and Klinken is the shadow state in relation to decentralization policy and regional autonomy in the post Soeharto period. According to him, decentralization in Indonesia does not always result in democratization, good governance and civil society strength at the local level. Even the corruption, collusion and political violence once belong to the New Order, but now it turns into a patrimonial pattern at the local level. For example, entrepreneurs, politicians, criminal groups untill actors in society or social, economic and political forces outside the government and mass media or the press constitute a social institution. In other words the truth in the press is a complicated and sometimes contradictory phenomenon. The attempt of journalism to get the truth in a blurry world is by sorting out from the beginning the fact of the misinformation that goes with it. This definition helps us to use the word of right and wrong every day by

DOI: 10.9790/0837-2207066474 64 | Page Local Press And Interest Conflict At Local Election In Central Sulawesi deconstructing those words. Our goal is truth even though it does not seem simple. Because of the complexity, journalists attempt to replace the word of truth with the term of fairness (not one side) or balance. These two terms are difficult to tend to be abstract and vague, for example, not one side to whom? or how to test the fairness attitude?

II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Local Press in Indonesia In Indonesia, linguistically, the term of press is sometimes used to refer to both print and electronic media. This term is also often called media or mass media. If it refers to Press Law no. 40/1999 Article 1 paragraph 1 and 2, the definition of the press is distinguished from the press company. If the press is a social institution and a mass communication vehicle conducting journalistic activities such as searching, obtaining, possessing, storing, processing and conveying information in writing, voice, images, sound and images, data and graphs or in other forms using print media, electronic media, and all kinds of channels available. While the press company is an Indonesian legal entity that organizes the press business including print media companies, electronic media, and news agencies, and other media companies that specifically organize, broadcast or distribute information. According to Oetama (1987) that the presence of the press (especially print media) can not be separated from the services of Gutenberg (1450) who invents the printing machine. The implications of the findings, humans are able to read meaningful syntax (sentences). Another case with McLuhan who calles the press and mass media generally as the extension of man (human extension) means that the nature of human and the need for human essence is to communicate. He declares himself, he speaks, he receives and conveys a message, he dialogues and he declares and develops his life of society. He also explains that the press and mass media became the work of the human culture that is growing and expanding, so the need for expression and communication is not adequate unless it is assisted by instruments that are able to convey messages simultaneously, quickly and widely. He also add that the press is an organic unity observed from interenal relations that are more evident when it is caught as opposing tendencies or as complementary dynamics and therefore it makes the press more effective at running its roles. The local press both on a regional and national scale that develops in the world actually has already plagued than in Indonesia. National coverage is taken peep because of the high cost of distribution and coverage. In the United States, for example, local newspapers such as the Washington Post, The New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, or the Los Angeles Times actually rule the media consumption in their respective regions. According to Mahtoem Mastoem, in the United States is very difficult to publish a national newspaper because each city has its own segments, needs and pride. Since the 1950s until now, most of the newspapers that exist are local or regional newspapers. The United States, which is often referred to as a mecca for world newspapers, has more state newspapers or state newspapers. Similarly in European countries, local newspapers are more existent and growing.

2.2 Media In View of Critical Theory and Political Economy Theory of Media The idea of critical theory is closely linked to a group of German philosophers, including Horkheimer and Adorno that the texts are found at the Frankfurt School, the Dialectic of Enlightenment (Dialectic der Aufklarung, 1944), and published before any book by Raymond Williams, Clifford Geertz, or Stephen Greenblatt. The critical theoretical tradition is now carried out by Jurgen Habermas, that his written provides more comprehensive than his predecessors, the sharp criticism of modernity that reaches from Hegel and Marx to Nietzsche and Heidegger and to Foucault and Derrida. Critical theory is a school of thought that emphasizes reflective and critical assessment from society and culture by applying knowledge of the social science and humanities. In the term, critical theory has two meanings with different origins and histories: first it derives from sociology and the second it derives from literary criticism, which is used and applied as a general term that can describe a theory based on criticism; Thus, Max Horkheimer's theory describing the critical theory is “to free man from their enslaving state”. In philosophy, the term of critical theory describes the neo-Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School developed in Germany in the 1930s. Frankfurt's theory is about the critical methods of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud. Critical Theory states that ideology is a major obstacle to human liberation. Critical Theory is founded as a school of main thought mainly by five theorists of the Frankfurt School: Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Walter Benjamin, and Erich Fromm. Modern critical theory has been increasingly influenced by György Lukacs and Antonio Gramsci, as well as the second generation of Frankfurt School scholars, especially Jürgen Habermas. In Habermas's work, critical theory transcends theoretical roots in German idealism, and develops closer to American pragmatism. Concern for social "basics and superstructure" is one that remains of Marxist philosophy concept in many contemporary critical theories. While critical theories have often been defined as Marxist intellectuals, their propensity to denounce some Marxist concepts and to combine Marxian analysis with other sociological and philosophical traditions has caused accusations of revisionism by

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Classics, Orthodox, and Marxist Analysis, and by the Marxist Leninist philosophers. Martin Jay has stated that the best first generation of critical theory is understood by not promoting a certain philosophical agenda or ideology, but as "a bully from another system. Critical theory is a term for a certain theoretical orientation sourced from Hegel and Marx, systematized by Horkheimer and his colleagues at the Institute of Social Research in Frankfurt, and developed by Habermas. Generally this term refers to a critical element in German philosophy that is begun with Hegel's critical reading to Kant. More specifically, critical theory is linked to a certain orientation to the philosophy "born" in Frankfurt. A group of people who is known as members of the Frankfurt School are theorists who develop an analysis about the changes in Western capitalist society, which is a continuation of Marx's classical theory. They working on this research institute are Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse and Erich Fromm in the late year of 20s and early year of 30s. After moving to the United States because of Nazi pressure, members of the Frankfurt School directly witness a media culture that includes movies, music, radio, television and other mass cultures. In America at that time, entertainment media production is controlled by large corporations without any state intervention. This gave rise to a commercial mass culture, which is characteristic of capitalist society and focus of critical cultural studies. Horkheimer and Adorno develops a discussion called "cultural industry" which is a term for industrialization and commercialization of culture under capitalist production relations. Another character who becomes identical with critical theory is Jurgen Habermas. He joins the Institute of Social Research at the university of Frankfurt, re-established by Horkheimer and Adorno, in the postwar decade of the second world. This paper attempts to elucidate critical theory by reading the minds of Adorno and Habermas. The first represents the generation of the 'founders' of critical theory, while the second is the successor who reads and contextualises critical theories in the prevalent period called postmodern. As an introduction we will first present the position of critical theory in the context of philosophical mind. The threat of self-destructive, this enlightenment includes the fear of reasons that are being extinguished, leaving civilization in ruins. Furthermore, philosophy seems impotent to deal with this threat; It knows “no rule or purpose that can be applied or the abstract to replace them”, it is "simultaneously strange and sympathetic to the status of quo". Critical theories, however, seem to be able to rediscover the power of dialectics, whose philosophy has been abandoned or forgotten. The most important expression in Adorno and Horkheimer's statement about their concern is the observation that is rational enlightenment like other ways of thinking including "reversal seeds”. Habermas’ traces says that reversal through Marx's ideological critique suspected by thought that the identity of bourgeois’ ideals directly manifested in institutions - such as individual states, corporations company , colleges, or fashion established by thought in the media or in certain houses publication. Although Habermas is understood to not say so, to update about critical theory and to combines Derridean deconstruction right at the point where Habermas may wish to exclude it. The critical model of the theory itself on Marx's critique about ideology, which asserts that the institution's meaning presents a "double face," indicates not only the ideology of the dominant class, but also "the starting point for immanent criticism of structures that elevate it to public interest status”. Habermas warns that the criticism can be adapted to serve the interests of "the dominant part of society". Relating to critical theory, the political economy of the media becomes a questionable aspect in this school. Political economy theory is also inseparable from the relevance of McNair’s thingking (1999) about the three approaches in explaining the content of the media, namely the political economy approach, the organizational approach and the culturalist approach. The political economy perspective is fundamentally related to aspects and leadership and other factors that unite the media industry with other industries, as well as with political, economic and social elites. In the study of political economy of media, it seems that the content and intentions contained in media messages are determined by the basic economic of the media organizations that produce them. Commercial media organizations must understand the needs of advertisers and must produce products that are able to obtain the most customers. According to Golding and Murdock (1987), the political economy approach has three important characteristics, firstly, holistic means that the political economy approach sees the interrelated relationship between various social, economic, political and cultural factors around the media and seeks various effects of this factor. Secondly, historical, it means that the analysis of political economy links the media position to the global and capitalistic environment where the process of change and the development of the economic constellation are an important thing to be observed. Third, the study of political economy holds to the philosophy of materialism, that means referring to the real things in the reality of media life.

III. Methodology 3. 1. Research Approach This research uses qualitative method with critical approach. This approach attempts to show the limitations of empirical research. Critical research is not only merely an empirical restatement, but also shows that this study is a series of ideological practices. Qualitative research is a set of interpretive practices that does

DOI: 10.9790/0837-2207066474 66 | Page Local Press And Interest Conflict At Local Election In Central Sulawesi not favor any methodology. Qualitative research is not tied to any single scientific discipline. Qualitative research also does not use a set of different methods that are purely its (qualitative research), that can use semiotics, and that analysis discourse to statistics though.

3. 2. Research Sites (Selection of Three Researched Media) This research is conducted in Central Sulawesi through the consideration that research in relation to the local press is still relatively very small, especially concerning local press and local politics while research related to elections or local elections in Central Sulawesi has not existed. The media used as the object of this research is the print media, they are Mercusuar, Media Al-Khairaat and Radar Sulteng. The reasons for choosing the print media are based on: a. Media representation. The three media are easy to be obtained, cheap price, most accessed and still the main preference of Central Sulawesi people in obtaining information about the events occurred in the vicinity. b. Basic media. Mercusuar as the oldest print media in Central Sulawesi and still exist untill now, even has media network of eight newspapers spread in Sulawesi region (Central Sulawesi, West Sulawesi and Gorontalo) such as Kaili Post, Tonakodi, Sulteng Post, Poso Raya ( Poso, Tojo Una-Una, Morowali), Banggai Raya (Banggai, Banggai Islands, Banggai Laut), Rakyat Post (Toli-Toli, Buol) Gorontalo Raya (Gorontalo) and Sulbar Raya (West Sulawesi). While Al-Khairaat Media is a medium of moderate Islam owned by the biggest religious organization in Central Sulawesi, namely Al-Khairaat (such as Muhammadiyah or Nahdlatul Ulama) and it has a wide network in eastern Indonesia. Then, Radar Sulteng (as a subsidiary of Kaltim Post company and part of Jawa Pos News Network), at previous time it joins with Mercusuar because they has different management principles, so both of the media decide to be separated. c. Media Segmentation. All three media have segmentation that is general or can be enjoyed from various age, education, working to religion. Media Al-Khairaat (MAL) is a media based on Islam, but the percentage of religious news is only about 20 percent of the content.

3.3 Data Source The object of research in CDA is all data sources such as documents, discussion papers, parliament debates, speeches, cartoons paper, photos and other media sources including political treatises and pamphlets. Furthermore, in this study the sources of data are: a. Primary data used are the texts contained in the local press that is Mercusuar, Media Al Khairaat, Radar Sulteng during August to December. Then based on Fairclough’s analysis tool, the researcher also conducts in-depth interviews through an interview guidance instrument that is adapted to the character of the informant, location setting and some other technical tools such as strategy or technique in conducting interview (creativity of the researcher) to journalist in all three media. The data analyzed in this research is news related to simultaneous local election during the campaign period based on the schedule that has been set and stated in the Regulation of the General Elections Commission (ROGEC) no. 2 of 2015 about the stage, program and schedule election of the Governor and Vice Governor, Regent and Vice Regent and / or Mayor and Vice Mayor on May 27, 2015 to December 5, 2015. The campaign rule itself is also contained in the Regulation of the General Elections Commission number 7 of 2015 about the Election Campaign of Governor and Vice Governor, Regent and Vice Regent and / or Mayor and Vice Mayor. The analyzed news is about the election of Governor and Vice Governor. The reason is because it is represented only by two pairs of candidates (head to head), coming from the same family and ethnic as well as the different coverage in each media, especially the quick count results. b. Secondary data taken in this study is included the archives in the media that is researched especially in relation to the historical aspects of the media. In addition, professional organizations such as AJI and PWI are also asked to help in identifying the history of local press journey in Central Sulawesi.

3. 4. Data Collection Techniques This research uses several stages in collecting data, they are: (A) Identification problem stage. This thing is begun from the researcher's interest toward the phenomenon of the growth of the local press accompanied by the political dynamics situation in Central Sulawesi. In addition, the lack of research or scientific articles relating to the local press in Central Sulawesi, underlies the researchers to make a more comprehensive study to present the press condition in Central Sulawesi. Even the press museums in Solo, Central Java does not display any evidence or traces of the press in Central Sulawesi, whereas the local press has existed in the days of struggle at that time. (B) Observation stage is to conduct a direct observation toward the local political dynamics occurring in Central Sulawesi and local press coverage of it, especially related to general elections and local elections. (C) Deepening stage. The deepening is done through the interaction between researchers and informant in an depth interview process based on the interview guidelines desired by this study. Excavation of information from various perspectives of resource persons will provide enrichment in this study. DOI: 10.9790/0837-2207066474 67 | Page Local Press And Interest Conflict At Local Election In Central Sulawesi

3. 5. Data Analysis Techniques Starting from the critical approach of this research, then the interpretation stage between the results of the analysis and the theoretical framework will produce a new understanding about the phenomenon. That is why, the research will use the framework of the CDA of Fairclough, which requires that in order to gain a full understanding of the text, its analysis must be put in a cultural social context and actor’s background making the text. As in the following Fairclough analysis framework:

Picture. 1 Norman Fairclough Analysis Level

The first dimension is discourse as text. The focus is on text content, linguistic features of discourse, choices and patterns in vocabulary (eg, words, metaphors), grammar (eg, transitivity, modalities), semantics, cohesion (eg, relationships, schemata), and text structure (Eg, episoding, turn-taking systems) should be systematically analyzed. The use of passive verb forms in news reporting, for example, can have the effect of obscuring agents of political processes. It is included in the textual dimension of inter-textuality: how a particular text is related to or interpreted in terms of other texts or other discourse, so the text analysis aims to reveal the meaning behind the language used. The second dimension is discourse as a discursive practice. Discursive discourse practices include all the factors that contribute to the production of the text. Discourse practice refers to the production and reception of messages, so discursive practice mediates text with a socio- cultural context, it means that the relationship between social culture and text is direct and related to discursive practice. At this level it is necessary to conduct in-depth interviews with editorial by observing the news production process. The third dimension is discourse as a socio-cultural practice. It relates to the social, ideological and hegemonic practices prevailing in society and how these practices are shaped by discursive practices. Socio-cultural practices, which include discourse, reflect not only reality, but also have an effect on the social structure and can play an active role in social change. There are three levels of analysis to clarify this sociocultural practice: situational, institutional and social. These three levels of analysis are not directly related to the production of the text, but they determine how the text is produced and understood.

IV. DISCUSSION In Central Sulawesi, local journalists assume that local press cannot maintain their independence and professionalism in covering the elections simultaneously. Some local press tends to be biased and aligned in covering the elections simultaneously, does not completely neutral and impartial to all competing parties or candidates. There are also indications or allegations of some journalists who are directly or indirectly involved as successful teams of candidates for elections simultaneously. This gets serious attention, because it relates to the dignity of the local press as a whole. Please note that the local press is also required to maintain public confidence to always be proportional and fair in presenting the facts in the public space. This belief must inevitably be maintained with professional and ethical attitudes in all situations and in all coverage, including in simultaneous local election coverage. For example, one of the fundamental reasons for separation of Mercusuar and Radar Sulteng is the difference of views in the context of company management. On the other hand, some say that the Jawa Pos does not understand the context of the problems that occurs in Central Sulawesi.The Mercusuar considers that there is a local press that to this day its coverage contains only bureaucratic imagery, it means that the interests of the local political elite have controlled the local press itself, so when the elections, there is a very large local press to give space for news on certain candidates, while others are hardly covered. There is even a journalist who became one of the candidates, although the media does not firmly admit it. For the local press, the issue of serving to the public interest by upholding neutrality and independence in the local election coverage simultaneously receives various responses. There are some as media of candidate’s imaging and some see it as factor of media sustainability, for example as revealed by the leader of Mercusuar company, that says that: “Our media is sometimes used as an imagery barometer. In the context of local politics like local elections yesterday, the Mercusuar has always been an option. It means that the newspaper leader is the same as DOI: 10.9790/0837-2207066474 68 | Page Local Press And Interest Conflict At Local Election In Central Sulawesi the islamic school leader. They also have mass (readers), because we know that we are not big newspapers, have big capital and have a great influence to the public. In our media, almost all local election, we give opportunity to all candidates. Moreover, people or candidates know that if Mercusuar is an integral part in the history of Muhammadiyah's birth in Central Sulawesi.” The Mercusuar in the local election moment provides the same space for candidates to introduce themselves to constituents or voters. This is reflected in the coverage made by his journalist who reviews the success of the competing candidates. In other words, this candidate's imagery is packaged in soft news and placed on the front page of the daily, as in the following reviews: "Please compare Palu city now with 10 years ago. Yes, obviously different. it can not be denied that Palu city is now developed in various fields. If in previous time we rarely see buildings, now a row of shopping and hospitality centers compete for the market. The economy of Palu continues to grow from year to year. This is what makes investors compete to invest in this Palu city. This certainly not separated by the intervention of the mayor. Two periods, Rusdi Mastura as Palu leader has provided something satisfactory for the government and especially his citizens. The development in Palu takes place continually, so it takes different nuanca for his citizens. Now, the community is served with a choice of shopping centers, entertainment access that is more innovative and of course job opportunities for job seekers. Program that reduce the number of destitution to the point of zero, this program is certainly serious effort, because the destitution is still a serious problem in every region even in various countries. Cudi responded by making a program Padat Karya. ". Furthermore, the importance of the local press serves to the public interest, for Radar Sulteng is trying to support the sustainability aspect of the local press itself, even the contradiction between the function of the press as a public interest and business interests is a thing that can be combined well, as revealed below: “If the press is serving to the public interest, of course it ignores the aspect of media sustainability. How to reconcile between these two things, in fact it is also not something that is contradicted and people impresses when we talk about the press as the industry that is sometime considered contradictory with the function of the press to serve to the public interest. In fact it is not because of our experience. If the media ignores the public interest aspect in the news, it will get law public, it means that it will be left by reader. Therefore, despite the media is not owned by a certain political class or a certain business interest, but when it is about media policy, that interest will be isolated by itself. This media needs sustainability and that can encourage directness media is public as reader so that it is not left.” If you see what Radar Sulteng reveals, that the public interest becomes important and aims to create a peaceful atmosphere of elections. As written by these daily are: "...every general and local election like happening now becomes an exciting momentum for the people. Because of this phase people choose their leaders directly, either to select a new leader or to maintain existing leaders. Everything is based on people’s choice and their belief as Jokowi once asserts that it needs to take political joy in facing democracy celebration. Joy is because all people can participate and vote freely. In the context of the local elections, every citizen participates in determining the regional head. Indirectly they determine the direction of regional development for the next five years. at election day, there is no social stratification. The voice of a poor citizen is equal to a wealthy citizen. That is why election day is called a party of democracy...". A different matter is proposed by the editorial staff of Media Al Khairaat who says about the indirect intervention of the Executive Board of Al Khairaat although it is not in the form of direct rebuke, but the news will always be consulted to Executive Board Al Khairaat so that media interest does not clash with the interests of the institution as a whole, As the explanation: “So far there has been no direct intervention. No one directly rebukes or gives any news. Usually we give restrictions, for example the institution of Al Khairaatan is consulted, so institutionally it is usually consultation. Al Khairaat has an attitude, and we must see how the model of the notification. For example, about the governor's election. Al Khairaat is institutionally taking an attitude to side with one of the candidates and it is remarkable that his journey until there takes side. Politically, Al Khairaat only twice supports one of the candidates, the first in 1980s and the second in 2015 and are at the time both of them are lost.” When editorial staff Al Khairaat supports in the local elections or momentum of local politics, then Media Al Khairaat has duty to secure the decisions or edicts by giving space or portion of a great news, for example the news realise of editorial staff Al Khairaat announcement. This notice is announced in Parigi Moutong District, which is the district as a ballot of the Number 2 of , who is success to lead the district for two consecutive periods, as in the following reports: "Chief of Al Khairaat Habib Sayid Saggaf Al Djufri socializes the information issued to support the pair of candidate governor Rusdi Mastura with his vice Ihwan Datu Adam. In front of thousands of the campaign participants the couple No. 1. Rusdi Mastura and Ihwan Datu Adam, Parigi Moutong District, Habib Saggaf explains that his decision to issue the support of Rusdi-Ihwan is solely for people interest and not for material and individual interest. Based on this information, there are many abnaul (team/children) who are

DOI: 10.9790/0837-2207066474 69 | Page Local Press And Interest Conflict At Local Election In Central Sulawesi doubt if Rusdi Mastura does win in the election of governor. He acknowledges that there are some people who are concerned about this edict. “What will happend if Rudi not win, Al Kahiraat will be ashamed. For me either to lose or to win is the second, the most important is the assertiveness to convey the truth ... ". The interview provides an understanding that in the local press especially the news room section, the making of the text does not stand alone or the journalist is not independent in writing an event. For example, Mercusuar in producing news texts, the first thing that should be done becomes barometer as imaging. For Radar Sulteng, it more serve to the public interest but on the other hand economic factors must also be considered, because politics and business are something that can be profitable. While Media Al Khairaat must be constrained organization in the independence of the news, there are certain aspects that is always consulted to the organization of the Executive Board of Al Khairaat. It means that as long as the information or news written does not disturb the interests of the organization, then the news can be loaded. The three local press see on local elections and politics. In presenting political events such as local elections, the local press is easy to be influenced by various interests. This conflict of interests that makes the local press often provides information to the public. Independence and impartiality in journalist coverage are caught in the flow of media ownership and other instantaneous political interests, such as an agreement with the local political elite. This issue is the main substance in the implementation of the ethics code that is trying to avoid the occurrence of interest conflict because this code of ethics creates a space of freedom for journalists to convey correct and objective information. Ideally, all journalists are expected to do their work properly and correctly so that she/he can be said to be an ethical journalist that is a journalist who will not prioritize his personal interests, his family, his group, rather than the interests of the general public.

V. CONCLUSION Local political discourse constructed by the local press basically aims to reinforce political support. Economic power is a consideration of the local press in securing financial resources so that the press can mantain and always cooperate with the government or local political actors. The discourse constructed by the local press is actually within the framework of building a business in its medium. It means that if the orientation leads to business, positive discourse will be given. For aspects of media sustainability, the local press attempts to integrate economic interests and public interests. In the context of local politics in Central Sulawesi, The owner of the media has a certain political flow or a certain business interest, but if it is related to media policy, the interests are eliminated by itself.

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Achmad Herman. "Local Press And Interest Conflict At Local Election In Central Sulawesi." IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) 22.7 (2017): 64-74.

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