Public Document Pack

Meeting of: Township Action and Resources Delegated Sub-Committee Date: Thursday, 11th January, 2018 Time: 6.15 pm. Venue: Rochdale Town Hall, The Esplanade, Rochdale, OL16 1AB

This agenda gives notice of items to be considered in private as required by Regulations 5 (4) and (5) of The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) () Regulations 2012.

Item AGENDA Page No No. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies for absence.

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or personal and prejudicial interests they may have and the nature of those interests relating to items on this agenda and/or indicate if S106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.

3. URGENT ITEMS OF BUSINESS To determine whether there are any additional items of business which, by reason of special circumstances, the Chair decides should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency.

4. ITEMS FOR EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC AND PRESS To determine any items on the agenda, if any, where the public are to be excluded from the meeting.

5. MINUTES 4 - 10 To consider the Minutes of the meeting of Rochdale Township Action and Resources Delegated Sub-Committee held 19th October 2017.

6. HEALEY AREA FORUM 11 - 15 To note the minutes of a meeting held Thursday, 21st September 2017

7. SPOTLAND AND FALINGE AREA FORUM 16 - 21 To note the minutes of a meeting held Monday, 2nd October 2017

8. MILKSTONE AND DEEPLISH AREA FORUM 22 - 27 To note the minutes of a meeting held Monday, 16th October 2017

9. CASTLETON AREA FORUM 28 - 33 To note the minutes of the meetings of the Area Forum held Tuesday, 14th November 2017 (Annual General Meeting and the Ordinary meeting)

10. SPOTLAND AND FALINGE AREA FORUM 34 - 40 To note the minutes of a meeting held Thursday, 16th November 2017

11. KINGSWAY AREA FORUM 41 - 43 To note the minutes of a meeting held Thursday, 23rd November 2017

12. BAMFORD AND OAKENROD AREA FORUM 44 - 49 To note the minutes of a meeting held Monday, 4th December 2017

13. MILKSTONE AND DEEPLISH AREA FORUM 50 - 53 To note the minutes of a meeting held Monday, 4th December 2017

14. BALDERSTONE AND KIRKHOLT COMMUNITY MEETING 54 - 56 To note the minutes of a meeting held Tuesday, 5th December 2017

15. BRIMROD, MARLAND AND SUDDEN AREA FORUM 57 - 59 To note the minutes of a meeting held Thursday, 7th December 2017

16. ROCHDALE TOWNSHIP COMMUNITIES AND ENGAGEMENT 60 - 61 PRIORITY GROUP To note the minutes of a meeting held Wednesday, 18th October 2017

17. OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDER - 62 - 70 ON-STREET PERMIT PARKING PLACES (DISABLED BAY) (24 HOURS) - ROCHDALE The Sub- Committee to consider objections to the proposed Traffic Regulation Order, Borough of Rochdale ((Civil Enforcement of Traffic Contraventions) (Various Streets) (Rochdale Township) Order 2008) (Amendment) (No.142)

18. OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDER - 71 - 81 MALVERN STREET WEST AND CLAREMONT ROAD, ROCHDALE The Sub-Committee to consider objections to the proposed Borough of Rochdale (Malvern Street West, Rochdale) (Prohibition of Driving) Order and the Borough of Rochdale ((Civil Enforcement of Traffic Contraventions) (Various Streets) (Rochdale Township) Order 2008) (Amendment) (No. 141)

19. OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDER - 82 - 90 INGS LANE, ROCHDALE The Sub-Committee to consider objections to the proposed Traffic Regulation Order, Borough of Rochdale ((Civil Enforcement of Traffic Contraventions) (Various Streets) (Rochdale Township) Order 2008) (Amendment) (No.132)

20. ROCHDALE TOWNSHIP FUNDS 2017/18 91 - 129 The Sub-Committee to consider a report that enables Members to allocate expenditure and resources from the Rochdale Township Fund 2017/18 to proposed projects across the Township

Rochdale Township Action and Resources Delegated Sub-Committee Members: Councillor Shakil Ahmed Councillor Sultan Ali Councillor Cecile Biant Councillor Kieran Heakin Councillor Kathleen Nickson Councillor Billy Sheerin Councillor Patricia Sullivan Councillor Peter Winkler Councillor Mohammed Zaman

For more information about this meeting, please contact Peter Thompson Governance and Committee Services, Rochdale Borough Council, Level 2, Number One Riverside Rochdale OL16 1XU

Telephone: 01706 924715 e-mail: [email protected]

Agenda Item 5


MINUTES OF MEETING Thursday, 19th October 2017

PRESENT: Councillor Cecile Biant (Chair); Councillors Shakil Ahmed, Sultan Ali, Heakin, Sheerin, Sullivan, Winkler, Zaheer and Zaman.

OFFICERS: N McKendrey and V White (Neighbourhoods Directorate) and C Denyer (Resources Directorate)

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Shaun O’Neill and 2 members of the public

APOLOGIES 16 Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Nickson

DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 17 There were no declarations of interests.

URGENT ITEMS OF BUSINESS 18 There were no urgent items of business

MINUTES 19 DECISION; That the minutes of the Rochdale Township Action and Resources Delegated Sub-Committee held on 29th June 2017, be approved as a correct record

BALDERSTONE AND KIRKHOLT COMMUNITY MEETING 20 DECISION: That the minutes of the Balderstone and Kirkholt Community Meetings held on 20th June and 14th September 2017, be noted.

BAMFORD AND OAKENROD AREA FORUM 21 DECISION: That the minutes of meeting of Bamford and Oakenrod Area Forum held on 4th September 2017 be noted

BRIMROD, MARLAND AND SUDDEN AREA FORUM 22 The Sub-Committee considered the minutes of the meeting of the Brimrod, Marland and Sudden Area Forum held on 22nd June and 14th September 2017.

Further to minute 3 of the meeting held on the 14th September 2017 - Minutes of the Last Meeting and Matters Arising - the Sub-Committee requested that the Director of Neighbourhoods be advised of the excellent work undertaken by officers to removal of the fly tipping and the clean-up of the area.

Page 5 Further to minute 4 – Police and Communities Together- the Committee were advised of the ‘Safe Drive Stay Alive’ Campaign for new drivers. Details of the event scheduled to be held on Thursday 9th November 2017 from 7pm to 8.30pm at the Middleton Arena are available on the website at

DECISION: That the minutes of meetings of the Brimrod, Marland and Sudden Area Forum held on 22nd June and 14th September 2017 be noted.

CASTLETON AREA FORUM 23 DECISION: That the minutes of meeting of the Castleton Area Forum held on 27th June and 15th August 2017 be noted.

CENTRAL ROCHDALE AREA FORUM 24 DECISION: That the minutes of the meetings of the Central Rochdale Area Forum held on the 24th July and the 18th September 2017 be noted.

HEALEY AREA FORUM 25 DECISION: That the the minutes of the meeting of the Healey Area Forum held on 27th July 2017 be noted.

KINGSWAY AREA FORUM 26 DECISION: That the minutes of the meetings of the Kingsway Area Forum held on 15th June and 31st August 2017 be noted.

MILKSTONE AND DEEPLISH AREA FORUM 27 DECISION: That the minutes of meeting of the Milkstone and Deeplish Area Forum held on 17th July 2017 be noted.

NORDEN AREA FORUM 28 The Sub-Committee considered the minutes of the meetings of the Norden Area Forum 13th June and 12th September 2017.

Further to minute 3 of the meeting held on the 12th September 2017 – Police - the Sub-Committee requested that the Director of Neighbourhoods be advised of the excellent work undertaken by officers with regard to the their speedy response and management of the recent travellers’ encampment on Caldershaw Road, Rochdale

DECISION: That the minutes of meetings of the Norden Area Forum held on 13th June and 12th September 2017 be noted.

Page 6 SPOTLAND AND FALINGE AREA FORUM 29 DECISION: That the minutes of the meetings of the Spotland and Falinge Area Forum held on 13th July and 24th August 2017 be noted.

ROCHDALE TOWNSHIP CLEAN AND GREEN PRIORITY GROUP 30 DECISION: That the minutes of meetings of the Rochdale Township Clean and Green Priority Group held on 20th July and 28th September 2017 be noted.

ROCHDALE TOWNSHIP COMMUNITIES AND ENGAGEMENT PRIORITY GROUP 31 DECISION: That the minutes of meeting 9th August 2017 of Rochdale Township Communities and Engagement Priority Group be noted.

PRESENTATION - SECTION 106 AGREEMENTS/DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTIONS 32 The Sub-Committee received a report and a presentation, of the Assistant Director (Planning and Development) on Section 106 Planning Agreements and the suggested process for the Township to identify potential schemes for the funding that was available.

The Sub-Committees were informed that matters relating to formal sport and affordable housing Section 106 agreements would be considered by the Cabinet but that matters relating to the local open space agreements within Pennines Township were to be brought forward for consideration by future meetings of the Pennines Township Delegated Sub-Committee.

From 1st April 2015 the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations had been tightened to restrict the pooling of more than five contributions to any specific piece of infrastructure. The Local Planning Authority were required to identify the use of any monies prior to planning permission being determined, with commuted sum payments limited to ‘major’ developments. As a result Section 106 discussions were now encouraged to form part of pre application process to provide greater developer certainty.

The Sub-Committee were advised of the section 106 formal sport projects compiled for the Township using the Playing Pitch strategy and other projects previously identified by Councillors and Sports Governing Bodies. Members of the Council had been requested to provide any comments they may have with regard to these schemes by no later than 30th October 2017.

Decision: That the presentation be noted.

Eligible for Call-in: No.


Page 7 33 The Committee considered a report of the Director of Neighbourhoods that advised Members of objections and representations received in relation to a proposed introduction of a Traffic Regulation Order on Ashworth Street, Mount Street and Lower Sheriff Street, Rochdale.

The Sub-Committee was advised that the proposed Traffic Regulation order introduced prohibition of waiting restrictions on the south side of Ashworth Street from its junction with Mount Street for a distance of 10 metres in an easterly direction and from its junction with Lower Sheriff Street for a distance of 10 metres in a westerly direction. The proposed Traffic Regulation order also introduced prohibition of waiting restrictions on the east side of Mount Street from its junction with Ashworth Street for a distance of 10 metres in a southerly direction and on the west side of Lower Sheriff Street from the junction of Ashworth Street for a distance of 13 metres in a southerly direction, and the introduction of No Waiting restrictions from Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm on the south side of Ashworth Street from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Lower Sheriff Street to a point 10 metres east of its junction with Mount Street.

The proposed restrictions on Ashworth Street were proposed in order to remove parked vehicles from the south side of the street, the effect of which would be to increase the available carriageway width in order to enable vehicles to pass between Mount Street and Lower Sheriff Street and would allow refuse collection vehicles to service Falinge Mews. The proposed restrictions on Mount Street and Lower Sheriff Street would prevent parking near to the junction of Ashworth Street and would improve the traffic flow conditions in the area.

Alternatives considered: The Committee could consider recommending that the proposal be abandoned. Should the Committee decide to not introduce the restrictions proposed then the issues with parked vehicles, which were reported to Rochdale Township, would not be addressed.

The Committee considered the views of Mr Khan, a member of the Golden Mosque on Lower Sheriff Street, Rochdale, who addressed the Committee in relation to his objections to the proposed Traffic Regulation Order.

In considering the report Members raised several concerns in relation to the proposed traffic regulation order.

Decision: That the proposed Traffic Regulation Order, Borough of Rochdale ((Civil Enforcement of Traffic Contraventions) (Various Streets) (Rochdale Township) Order 2008) (Amendment) (No.124) Order be implemented, as advertised.

Reasons for the Decision: In order to address the issues outlined in the submitted report it was necessary to introduce the proposed Order as originally advertised

Page 8 Eligible for call in: yes

OBJECTIONS TO EXPERIMENTAL TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDER - SMITH STREET, ROCHDALE 34 The Committee considered a report of the Director of Neighbourhoods that advised Members of objections and representations received in relation to a proposed introduction of the proposed Traffic Regulation Order, Borough of Rochdale (Smith Street, Rochdale) Experimental (Prohibition of Motor Vehicles), Experimental (Prohibition of Motor Vehicles (Except Buses)), Experimental Suspension of the (Borough of Rochdale (Smith Street, Rochdale) (Prohibition of Motor Vehicles (Except Buses)) Order 2013), Experimental Suspension of Part of the (Borough of Rochdale ((Civil Enforcement of Traffic Contraventions) (Various Streets) (Rochdale Township) Order 2008)(Amendment)(No.99) Order 2015) and Experimental Prohibition of Waiting Order 2017.

The Sub-Committee was advised that concerns had been raised by members of the public when the new bus station opened relating to the safety of pedestrians wishing to cross Smith Street. Elected Members had requested that the Highways Service consider these concerns as at the time pedestrian desire lines between the town centre and Number One Riverside resulted in pedestrians conflicting with buses using the bus station.

Removing the conflict between buses and pedestrians had required the introduction of a new Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) on Smith Street to prohibit its use by motor vehicles at its eastern end. Buses were required to use Water Street to access the bus station. In discussions with Transport for Greater Manchester, it was agreed that if a TRO were promoted, it would be in the form of an experimental order so that the impact on buses could be fully assessed over a period of time. An Experimental TRO had been introduced on 29th January 2017 and during the 6 month objection period, 4 objections had been received. The objectors main concerns were in relation to the potential for a delay to bus services which the order created.

Alternatives Considered: The experimental order could not be made permanent but this would not address the conflict between pedestrians and buses.

In considering the report Members of the Committee raised concerns in regard to the introduction of the proposed Traffic Regulation Order prior to the redevelopment of the town centre having taken place.

Decision: That the proposed Traffic Regulation Order, Borough of Rochdale (Smith Street, Rochdale) Experimental (Prohibition of Motor Vehicles), Experimental (Prohibition of Motor Vehicles (Except Buses)), Experimental Suspension of the (Borough of Rochdale (Smith Street, Rochdale) (Prohibition of Motor Vehicles (Except Buses)) Order 2013), Experimental Suspension of Part of the (Borough of Rochdale((Civil Enforcement of Traffic contraventions) (Various Streets) (Rochdale Township) Order 2008)(Amendment) (No.99)

Page 9 Order 2015) and Experimental Prohibition of Waiting Order 2017 be implemented, as advertised.

Reasons for the Decision: In order to address the issues outlined in the submitted report it was necessary to introduce the proposed Order as originally advertised

Eligible for call in: yes

ROCHDALE TOWNSHIP FUNDS 2017/18 35 The Committee considered a report of the Director of Neighbourhoods which updated the Sub-Committee on revenue and capital expenditure, commitments and balances of Rochdale Township Fund 2017/2018, to enable the Sub-Committee to allocate funds to proposed projects.

The Sub-Committee were asked to note the expenditure, commitments and balances of Rochdale Township Funds 2017/18 as detailed in Appendix 1 and 2, the decisions made under delegated authority as detailed in Appendix 3 to the submitted report and to consider and approve, defer or refuse the allocation of funds to proposed projects detailed in Appendix 4. Members of the Rochdale Township Action and Resource Sub-Committee were requested to note that the projects had been identified for funding from Rochdale Township Funds 2017/18. Members were asked to decide whether to approve, reject or defer the allocation of revenue and capital funds to the proposed projects listed in Appendix 4.

In order to reduce the potential for carry forward of funds during 2017/18, Members were asked to agree to give delegated authority to make decisions on any deferred projects to the Townships & Communities Manager, in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and opposition spokesperson of the committee.

Alternatives considered - in considering the report, Members were asked to decide whether or not to approve the allocation of funds to projects/schemes as appropriate.

DECISION: 1. That the expenditure, commitments and balances of the Rochdale Township Funds 2017/18, as detailed in Appendices 1 and 2 of the submitted report be noted; 2. That the decisions made under delegated authority as detailed in Appendix 3 of the submitted report be noted; 3. That the Townships and Communities Manager, in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and opposition spokespersons of the Committee, be given delegated authority to make decisions on any deferred projects. 4. That applications for Township Funds, (as outlined in Appendix 4 of the submitted report); and be dealt with as follows:-

Page 10 Applicant Project /Scheme Decision RP/05/17 Rivington Street Car Parks Approve an allocation of Repairs £7,510 from the Township Revenue Fund

Reason for decision: The management of the Rochdale Township Fund is delegated to the Rochdale Township Action & Resources Delegated Sub Committee to determine. The Rochdale Township Funds are allocated to projects that benefit the Township’s community and environment, and realise the Township priorities. The Sub-Committee undertook monitoring and a review of the use of the Rochdale Township Funds to ensure continued efficient and effective use of those Funds.

Eligible for Call-in – Yes

Page 11 Agenda Item 6


MINUTES OF MEETING Thursday, 21 September 2017

PRESENT: Councillors Heakin, O'Neill and Wazir, A. Evans, M. Whittle, J. Whittle, D. Barnett, S. Dixon, N. Dixon, E. Waro, M. Bennion, J. Kennedy (Chair), G. Bowden – Witt, T. Ayrton, J. White and E. Ward.

OFFICERS: PC P. Jones, PSCO N. Bond, PCSO Stewart, and G. Finch (Township & Engagement Officer).

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Sheila Acton, Jim Murphy and Val Heather

WELCOME, INTRODUCTIONS AND CODE OF CONDUCT 134 The Chair, John Kennedy welcomed all to the Forum and asked everyone to abide by the Code of Conduct for the duration of the meeting.

He explained that the regular Chair, Sheila Acton could not attend due to illness. Forum members expressed their best wishes to Sheila.

GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE INCLUDING PACT MEETING 135 PC Phillip Jones, PCSO Nicola Bond and PCSO Andy Stewart attended the meeting for this item.

GMP representatives apologised for not attending the previous area forum meeting. It was explained to the Forum that a replacement PCSO for the area would be in place in the next couple of weeks. Residents were reassured that the Healey Ward is a low demand area, however it was acknowledged that GMP visibility in the area is important.

It was reported that during the last three months there had been 10 residential burglaries (three on Joy Street), 3 Community burglary’s (all garden sheds), 2 theft’s of motor vehicles and 7 theft’s from motor vehicles.

In response to concerns raised by residents at the previous area forum meeting the following comments were received:

- Uncertainty about the role of Neighbourhood Policing

It was accepted that the focus on Neighbourhood Policing has lessened in recent months due to officers being diverted to hot spots. Residents were assured all Officers are fighting for Neighbourhood Policing to remain.

- Lack of contact numbers for local GMP representatives.

The following details were given:

Rochdale Police Station – 0161 856 8549

PC Phillip Jones – [email protected] PCSO Nicola Bond – [email protected] PCSO Andy Stewart – [email protected]

Page 12 In addition residents were encouraged to contact 999 in an emergency, 101 for non- emergency incidents.

A number of forum members expressed their dissatisfaction with the 101 service.

- Homewatch members had not received a Homewatch newsletter for several months

It was acknowledged this had now been received.

Residents raised the following concerns:

- A resident asked if GMP had the facilities to upload dash cam images.

The Forum was informed that at the present time GMP does not have the facilities to upload such images, however efforts were being made to install more upto date IT.

- A resident raised concerns about speeding on Shawclough Road.

It was accepted that speeding is a problem in many areas however it is difficult to increase surveillance unless speeding is reported as a continuous problem and accidents due to speeding have occurred.

GMP were aware a parking bay, for police vehicles had been installed on Shawclough Road, therefore it will be used by traffic police which may deter some drivers from speeding.

- Concerns were raised about bikes on footpaths in the Town Centre.

GMP were aware of this problem and were attempting to address the issue.

It was agreed that the PACT priorities over the next three months would be – Speeding, Burglary and anti-social behaviour, primarily drug dealing.


1. A resident commented that only certain parts of the Common had been cut recently and that urgent attention was required to cut other areas on the Common.

The Township and Engagement Officer agreed to report this.

2. The Forum was informed that an additional meeting of Spotland and Falinge Area Forum would be held on Monday 2nd October 2017, commencing 7pm at Spotland Methodist Church. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the findings of the TBA perimeter air sampling survey. Because the TBA site is within the Healey Ward, Ward Councillors and residents where being invited to this meeting.

Page 13 3 Memorial Benches

A resident commented that a memorial bench had recently been sited on the Common. It was asked if Environmental Management could provide details on the process involved for actioning these request and if the Area Forum could be informed when future installations are to be sited. It was also asked if any future installations could be in-keeping with existing furniture.

4 Do Not Feed Geese Signs

Following concerns raised at previous Forum meetings about visitors to Syke Pond feeding the geese a discussion took place about the introduction of ‘do not feed the geese’ signs near to the pond.

Following discussion, it was agreed that two signs should be placed near to the pond. Members Funds (Councillor Heakin) would support this project.

UPDATES ON ISSUES RAISED AT PREVIOUS MEETING 137 The following updates were provided:

1. Syke Road / Dewhirst Road Traffic Survey

This survey has now been commissioned.

2. Syke Pond Project.

The Forum was informed that no progress had been made on this project. The reason for this is that discussions are taking place at Cabinet regarding Section 106 monies and until these discussions have occurred progress cannot be made.

A lengthy discussion took place about the state of the area surrounding the pond and the paths across the Common. Residents expressed their concern that no progress had been made and where sceptical about the work being undertaken.

The Forum was reassured that once the outcome of discussions at Cabinet are known this would be communicated to the Forum.

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCES AND APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 27 JULY 2017 138 Apologies had been received from Sheila Acton, Jim Murphy and Val Heather.

The minutes of the Area Forum meeting held on Thursday 21st September 2017 were approved as a correct record.

Page 14 MATTERS ARISING FROM THOSE MINUTES NOT LISTED AS AGENDA ITEMS 139 The following matters were discussed:

1. Shawclough Road Sign

An update was provided on the costs received from Environmental Management in relation to a Rochdale In Bloom type sign and a train silhouette. The proposal is to place these installations on the triangular piece of land at the junction of Shawclough Road and Dell Road, opposite the Healey Public House.

- Rochdale In Bloom type sign – An estimate of £1100 had been received.

- Train silhouette – An estimate of £2250 had been received.

It was agreed to progress the Rochdale In Bloom type sign, however a decision on the silhouette was deferred to allow further investigations to take place.

2. The 10000 Trees Project

The Township and Engagement Officer informed the Forum that representatives from the City of Trees Project Team and Environmental Management had visited the Common yesterday. The purpose of this visit was for Officers to form a view of the type and numbers of trees required for this project.

The Forum was also informed that a criterion for the project was that primary school children should be involved in the preparation and planting of trees.

The Forum would be informed of any future developments.

3. Bus Shelters – Dewhirst Road.

This project was nearing completion. A resident commented that a number of items had been discarded near to one of the bus stops.

This would be reported.

4. Additional Trees – The road with no name and target hardening

The Forum was informed that an on-site meeting to discuss the above had been arranged for Wednesday 27th September 2017, commencing 2pm outside Syke Community Base. Forum members were encouraged to attend.

5. Speeding on Shawclough Road

A resident stated that the letter he had submitted in August regarding concerns about speeding on Shawclough Road to a Ward Councillor and Highways had not been responded to.

In response to a question Ward Members acknowledged their support for traffic calming measures and understood the concerns of residents. It was also acknowledged that the mini – roundabout suggestion was reasonable.

Page 15 COUNCILLORS' NEWS 140 Ward Councillors informed the Forum of the following issues:

1. The new market in the Town Centre opened today.

2. It appears that there are not as many beggars in the Town Centre. The introduction of Town Centre Wardens seems to have assisted in reducing numbers.

3. A Task and Finish Group from within the Council had been established to look at homelessness.


1. Work on the base will be completed in time for the next Area Forum meeting.

2. The Conservation status request for the area will be looked at soon.

DATE AND TIME OF THE NEXT MEETING 142 14th December 2017 at 6.30pm, Syke Community Base.

Page 16 Agenda Item 7


MINUTES OF MEETING Monday, 2 October 2017

PRESENT: N. Morrell, J. Hayes, K. Lawrence, K. Salisbury, P. Salisbury, R. Down, A. Rawsterne, F. Healey, C. Forden, , L. Thomas, T. Le Monnier, R. Hudson, R. Watkins, C. Faulkner, J & J Ashworth, D. Bale, S & S. Davison, J. Brierley, D. O’ Brien, A & V Somerville, D. Phillips, R. Le Monnier, K. Riclardsi, N. Brierley, , B. Holden, S. Ashworth, H. Barlow, M. Knight (Rochdale Online), P. Massey (Chair), B. Fitton, M. Burnside, N & L Wild, J. Sherlock and J. Addy.

OFFICERS: N. Rogers (Rochdale Borough Council), J. Carrington (Bureau Veritas), S. Hodge (Bureau Veritas), W. Meston (Rochdale Borough Council) and G. Finch (Township & Engagement Officer)

COUNCILLORS: Councillor W. Cocks and Councillor M. Holly

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE; Councillor Surinder Biant, Councillor Cecile Biant, Councillor J. Gartside, Tony Lloyd MP, B. Penty, Barbara and John Oliver and Ian Sturrock.

WELCOME, INTRODUCTIONS, APOLOGIES AND CODE OF CONDUCT 90 The meeting was chaired by Phil Massey who welcomed everyone to the meeting and reminded the Forum of the purpose of the meeting.

It was explained that because of the location of the TBA site Councillors and residents from Norden and Healey Wards had also been invited to the meeting.

The Forum was asked to abide by the Code of Conduct throughout the meeting.

Apologies had been received from Councillor Surinder Biant, Councillor Cecile Biant, Councillor J. Gartside, Tony Lloyd MP, B. Penty, Barbara and John Oliver and Ian Sturrock.

PRESENTATION ON THE FINDINGS OF THE TBA PERIMETER AIR SAMPLING SURVEY FOLLOWED BY QUESTIONS 91 Nicola Rogers (Rochdale Borough Council) and two representatives from Bureau Veritas, Simon Hodge and John Carrington attended the meeting for this item.

Because residents had been provided with a link to the report prior to the meeting The Forum was provided with a brief overview of the monitoring exercise, which included details of;

- The scope of the monitoring exercise

- The rationale for choosing sampling locations – permanent and variable

- The purpose of the preliminary sampling exercise

Page 17 - The strategy considered for long term data collection (phase 2) of the exercise

- Sampling methodology adopted

- The total number of samples taken

- Findings

It was also commented that although it is accepted that there is no safe level of airborne asbestos the World Health Organisation states that fibre levels below 0.0005 fibres per millimetre are not a significant risk. The level of detection for phase two of the exercise falls into this category. As a consequence there does not appear to be any evidence to suggest there is any significant risk to health of those living or working in the area around the TBA site. The report has also been shared with Public Health England.

The report will also be shared with Senior Elected Members of the Council tomorrow.

The following issues were raised by residents;

A resident commented that at this moment in time the land is settled, however should disturbance occur how many fibres would be released? An example of motor bikes using the land was given.

Response – It is accepted that any land disturbance could potentially release asbestos fibres into the air, however it is very difficult to quantify.

Several residents raised concerns about the validity of the monitoring exercise. Residents were of the opinion that additional monitoring was required, more sampling locations should have been identified and more data should have been collected. In reality the monitoring exercise accounts for a very small window of time. As a consequence clarity was sought about the extent of the monitoring that took place.

R - A series of monitoring locations were established around the former TBA site which determined airborne fibre concentrations at monthly intervals over an eighteen month period. The monitoring network comprised of four permanent stations which were selected due to prevailing wind direction, with additional sites selected for monitoring depending on the wind direction on the survey date. Air monitoring used two different types of analysis – Phase Contrast Optical Microscopy (PCOM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Monitoring was not continuous but administered over a 2 hour period. In total 103 samples were taken. One asbestos fibre was found during phase one at Harridge Avenue, no fibres where found during phase two including Harridge Avenue.

A resident asked if sampling frequency had been changed during the monitoring exercise?

R – Yes. The following events occurred during the course of the survey which required adjustment to the planned sampling frequency;

- A few months were missed due to prolonged bad weather which prevented air sampling;

Page 18 - Illness of the consultant attending the site;

- Unauthorised dumping occurred on the TBA site which resulted in an increase in the number of variable sampling locations on Woodland Road immediately adjacent to the dumped waste piles.

- An intrusive ground investigation was conducted by the site owners own consultants (RSK Group) during November 2016 to January 2017. Phase 2 monitoring was subsequent extended to ensure any ground disturbances were covered.

A resident commented that damp conditions can significantly reduce fibre detection. Therefore is it possible to identify when samples were detected to understand the weather conditions at the time.

R – Yes

It was asked if the raw data from the survey could be made available?

R – Yes

Was the monitoring station at Harridge Avenue re-visited following detection of the fibre at the monitoring station?

R – Yes and nothing else was found.

A resident commented that a report drafted in 2005 suggested using more sensitive methods to aid sampling because certain types of air sampling methods are poor at detecting low levels of asbestos exposure. It was asked if the content of this report had been taken into consideration?

Another resident cited a further incident where information from the Secretary of State was available, however he doubted this information would have been taken into account.

R – It was acknowledged that the content of the 2005 draft report had not been taken into consideration. It was agreed that this report should be forwarded to the Council.

It was also accepted that technically it would have been possible to increase sampling volumes, however increasing sample volumes eventually becomes self- limiting because of other particulates. It was commented that the techniques used – PCOM and SEM are accepted industry standards.

A resident commented that he had spoken to RSK Group representatives who had informed him that they have no knowledge of other surveys or other information on the site being available.

R – Senior management at RSK Group are using historical data, the Atkins Report and the results of their intrusive site survey to provide a detailed understanding of the site.

Page 19 It was asked what the cost of the air sampling survey was, who paid for it and if terms of reference for the exercise where agreed.

R - Rochdale Borough Council commissioned the survey at a cost of £26000. Terms of reference were agreed and satisfied.

A discussion took place concerning the use of the Armley Factory in Leeds as a comparator with the TBA site. Residents were of the opinion that this was not justified as the TBA site was much larger and ‘unique’ in terms of the production of asbestos

R – It was commented that the comparison was made to demonstrate the air sampling techniques used elsewhere and data collected.

Residents commented that the site is still accessible and used by the public on a daily basis. Concerns were also raised about the safety of the buildings.

R – The Forum was informed that the land owners are responsible for site security and ensuring buildings on site are safe. The land owners are aware of their responsibilities to undertake site inspections.

It was asked what response times can be expected if a fire occurs on site.

R – Bureau Veritas can be on site in ninety minutes with sampling analyst on site within 4 hours. Results would follow shortly after this.

A resident asked if it was true that lessons had been learned from the two fires that had occurred at the site.

R – It was agreed this was the case as a site specific emergency plan was produced to deal with any future incidents. Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service facilitate this procedure.

A resident asked what triggers the emergency plan

R – Unsure. Will investigate further

Concerns were raised by a number of forum members that residents and other interested parties did not have a platform to discuss the TBA site. It was asked if the TBA working party which once existed could be re-established. This view was further supported by another member of the Forum who commented that they do not feel the community is any further on than we were twelve years ago. Reasons given were that the sampling techniques and methodologies used are flawed and inadequate, the knowledge of local people has been ignored and the uniqueness of the site has not been taken into consideration. We need to move forward and assurances need to be given regarding public health.

R – The suggestion concerning the re-establishment of the TBA Working Party will be investigated.

A discussion took place about the site not being legally classified as contaminated land. An opinion was given which argued that the land was not classified as contaminated because there is a possibility that the site could be used for development purposes in the future. Contrary to this, a draft Council report was presented which indicated the site should be determined as contaminated land.

Page 20 The same resident questioned why legal advice sought by the Council and paid for from public finances about the Council’s responsibilities towards the site and site owners cannot be made public.

R – It was confirmed that the TBA site is not determined contaminated land and the legal advice given would have been privileged information. However the concerns raised will be passed on.

It was asked how residents can activate an emergency situation

R – Residents were encouraged to contact Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service or the Police in an emergency. The Councils Contact Centre could also be contacted.

A resident asked if a contingency plan for site security existed should the existing land owner abandon the land.

R – There is no evidence to suggest that the landowner is considering abandoning the land

Because of concerns raised during the Forum about the lack of progress being made with the site a resident asked if a deal had been done with the land owners. In the opinion of one resident this view was fuelled further because of the Council’s desire to develop the Akzo Nobel site in Littleborough.

R – Although the Council wants a sustainable future for the whole site, no deal has been done.

A resident commented that Central Government should be approached to assist with dealing with the TBA site

R – This suggestion would be referred accordingly

A resident asked if the intrusive site survey carried out by RSK Group on behalf of the land owners had been completed. If so do we know when it will be available.

R – The Forum was informed that the land owners had been contacted on numerous occasions requesting information about the site survey. No responses had been received therefore it is not possible to provide a timeframe for receipt of the report.

A member of the Forum commented that based on discussions at this meeting it was evident that the land owners are doing very little to progress matters and they seem to be ignoring calls for site / safety inspections. Therefore it was necessary for the Council to consider regulation and enforcement and refer the matter to the highest levels.

R – The concerns raised will be passed on and the Council’s position regarding enforcement will be investigated.

A resident asked if RSK Group could be approached directly to find out if they have completed the intrusive site survey

R – Yes, this could be done.

Page 21 Action Points from meeting

1. Information identifying the weather conditions when the airborne sample was detected should be made available.

2. The raw data from the survey be made available

3. The draft report compiled in 2005 be forwarded to Nicola Rogers

4. Investigate the Emergency Plan ‘trigger points’ and provide details to the Forum.

5. Investigate if the TBA Working Party could be re-established and the outcome be forwarded to the Forum.

6. The concerns raised regarding the TBA site not being determined as contaminated land be reported.

7. A request that the legal advice received by the Council in relation to responsibilities for the site be made available to the public be investigated and findings reported back to the Forum.

8. A request that Central Government be contacted to ascertain if they are willing to assist in progressing issues relevant to the TBA site be passed on and any response be made available to the Forum.

9. Rochdale Council’s enforcement powers in relation to the site should be investigated.and findings reported back to the Forum.

10.RSK Group to be asked if they have completed the intrusive site survey and findings be reported back to the Forum.

DATE AND TIME OF NEXT SPOTLAND & FALINGE AREA FORUM 92 Thursday 16th November 2017 at 7pm (including Annual General Meeting) at Spotland Methodist Church.

Page 22 Agenda Item 8


MINUTES OF MEETING Monday, 16 October 2017

PRESENT: Councillors Brett, Zaheer and Zaman, M A Khan, S. Mohammed (Chair), M. Javed, F. Shahid, R. Shahid, A. Nawaz, I. Ahmed, K. Sheulz, H M Ikram, S. Ahmad, M. Sajid, M. Yassin, H. A Malik, M. Saleem, M.Arshad, S. Ali, M. Zakid, M. Alam and B. Hussain.

OFFICERS: M. Reynolds (Public Realm Inspector), G. Finch (Township & Engagement Officer, D. Shirazi (GMP), T. Ahmed (GMP) and A. Cowell (Highways).


INTRODUCTIONS AND APOLOGIES/CODE OF CONDUCT 91 The Township and Engagement Officer welcomed all to the meeting. It was explained that the meeting would be in two parts; part one would be the Annual General Meeting which would see the election of the Area Forum Chair and Vice Chair for the next twelve months. Part two would be the ordinary meeting concentrating on the PACT, Open Forum and the results of the highways traffic survey.

The Forum was reminded about the Code of Conduct and asked to comply with the code throughout the meeting.

Apologies had been received from Ann Beasley.


Shahid Mohammed was elected Chair of the Forum for the next twelve months and took the Chair at this point.

Ahmed Nawaz was elected as Vice Chair of the Forum for the next twelve months.

MINUTES OF AGM HELD ON 26 SEPTEMBER 2016 93 The minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on the 26th September 2016 were approved as a correct record.

GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE INCLUDING PACT MEETING 94 Sgt D. Shirazi and PC Ahmed attended the meeting for this item.

It was reported to the Forum that:

- GMP thought that the recently held community event at Stoneyfield Park was beneficial and had helped to bridge the gap between residents and agencies.

- Work has been undertaken around the Freehold estate to address anti-social behaviour issues.

- GMP where aware of the problems being caused by fireworks.

Page 23 - The ‘dark nights initiative’ had recently been launched which encourages residents to make sure their homes are safe.

- Consideration is being given to setting up traffic operations within the Ward.

- A day of action was recently held targeting scrap dealers in the Sparthbottom area of the Ward.

Residents raised the following issues:

- Agreed that the recently held Stoneyfield Park event was well received.

- Concerns were raised about speeding in the Ward.

- The 101 service is ineffective. Residents were encouraged to report issues via the GMP website.

- Drug dealing in many parts of the Ward, King Street South was identified as being a problematical area.

- Littering was identified as a problem in many parts of the Ward with King Street South being identified as a problem area. Residents were encouraged to report incidents of this nature. This could be done via the Township Office – [email protected], Ward Councillor Surgeries or the contact centre – – 0300 303 8884.

It was also reported that on the spot fines can be issued for littering offences if evidence is available. In some cases evidence may need to be forthcoming from residents.

- Prostitution was identified as being a problem in the Ward. Richard Street and the back of Deen House were identified as problem areas.

GMP acknowledged they were aware of this and that this issue is regularly raised at Forum meetings. It was explained that a great deal of work is undertaken including working across multi-agencies and undercover operations in attempts to combat this type of activity. Individuals identified as using the services of prostitutes will receive a warning letter and the monitoring of vehicle registration is also undertaken.

It was asked if individuals using the services of prostitutes could be named and shamed. It was acknowledged this is something that could be considered.

- Concerns were raised about the number of beggars in the Ward and outside of Mosques.

GMP and the Council were aware of the problems caused by beggars. Initiatives have been introduced to combat this occurrence, however more work, across agencies in needed.

Residents were encouraged not to give money to beggars. The Forum was also informed that a ‘task and finish group has been set up within the Council to look at this particular issue.

Page 24 The Police were thanked for the work they undertake in the Ward and for attending tonight’s Area Forum meeting outside of their shift rota.

OUTCOME OF THE TRAFFIC SURVEY RECENTLY UNDERTAKEN IN THE WARD 95 Andrew Cowell, Highways attended the meeting for this item.

The Forum was informed that this survey had been undertaken as a result of concerns raised by residents about congestion and parking problems within the Ward. The survey focussed on the streets and roads close to the Station and was primarily concerned with evaluating if residents only parking schemes (ROP) would benefit the area.

In summary it was found that the majority of streets surveyed did not suffer from commuters parking in residential areas for prolonged periods to the extent where a ROP should be introduced. Where commuters were found to be present on residential streets spaces were available.

Although some streets within the area do suffer more than others, such as Durham Street, and Kent Street, for example, it would not be possible to introduce a scheme in these areas in isolation. ROP schemes should generally be considered on an area wide (zonal) basis so that they do not result in the initial problem being transferred on to adjacent streets.

The Forum was also reminded of other considerations that should be taken into account, for example:

- There must be a minimum 65% support for a scheme to be introduced.

- A maximum of two permits are allowed for both residents and businesses. Therefore a household with a third vehicle would be unable to park anywhere in the zone.

- There is a £25 charge for each permit per year.

- There would be an impact on visitors to any schools, mosques and community centres in the area as only two permits would be allowed for each facility.

Residents made the following comments;

1. What time was the survey conducted.

Response: The survey was conducted on Wednesday 28th June between 6am and 7pm.

2. A resident stated that Milkstone Road, Tweedale Street, Kent Street and Durham Street where the major problem areas.

Response: These problem areas are known and will be looked at as part of the wider study. Parking restrictions / one way systems could be considered.

3. Would it be possible for TfGM to extend the station car park.

Page 25 Response: TfGM had already been contacted about this and there are currently no plans for additional parking facilities to be made available.

4. A resident commented that the timeframe for the survey was not long enough. It should have been extended past 7pm because of people visiting restaurants.

5. A resident commented that the problems can only be eased if all stakeholders work together. More car parks would help resolve some problems of congestion.

Response: The Forum was informed that Highways are currently looking at identifying the publically owned sites in the area.

6. A number of residents agreed with the conclusions of the survey.

7. A resident commented that the road layout along Milkstone Road / Tweedale Street / Station Road is dangerous and does not help traffic flow and that the road layout should be reconfigured.

Response: The Township and Engagement Officer informed the Forum that this issue / question had been raised many times at Forum meetings. The Forum was reminded that there were no plans to re-configure the layout of the road.

8. A resident commented that the community had been misled over the focus of the survey.

Response: It was explained that the survey that was undertaken should be seen as the starting point.

9. A resident commented that the road layout at the junction of Tweedale Street, Milkstone Road and Lower Tweedale Street should be returned to its former configuration.

The Forum agreed that a working party be established to help identify the areas within the Ward that suffer from highway related problems.

OPEN FORUM 96 Residents raised the following issues:

1. Travellers on Durham Street and Drake Street

It was acknowledged that the Council was aware of both of these incidents and that the local authority had a legal process to follow. The Forum was also informed that the Council and other agencies are doing their best at minimising these type of incidents.

2. Parking bay – Back Oldham Street

A resident commented that the parking bay on Back Oldham Street was unnecessary and did not help parking problems in the area. It was acknowledged that this was being investigated by Highways.

Page 26 3. Traders selling cars

A resident expressed his concerns about the number of cars being sold by traders in the area around Castlemere Street which aggravated the congestion and parking problems in the area. It was explained that an exercise had been undertaken recently by Council staff which failed to find illegal practices regarding the sale of cars being evident.

4. Fireworks

Residents raised concerns about the illegal selling of fireworks. It was explained that shopkeepers need to obtain licences to sell fireworks. Residents were encouraged to report traders if they had evidence that shopkeepers were acting illegally.

5. John Street Bus Lane

Some residents criticised the introduction of the bus lane on John Street saying it was ineffective and caused congestion.

MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS/MATTERS ARISING/UPDATES 97 The minutes of the Milkstone and Deeplish Area Forum held on Monday 17th July 2017 were approved as a correct record.

No matters were arising. The following update was provided.

1. Medina Cash and Carry Cash Machine.

No progress had been made on this. An enforcement notice had been issued and Legal where dealing with the on-going process.

COUNCILLOR UPDATES 98 Ward Councillors reminded the Forum of the importance of attending surgeries to raise issues with their local councillors. Councillor Surgery details are listed below:

Councillor Surgery Details

First Saturday of each month 10.00am – 11.00am at Deeplish Community Centre, Hare Street, Rochdale 11.00am – 12.00 noon at Sudden Community Centre, Cheltenham Street, Rochdale

Third Saturday of each month 10.00am – 11.00am at Castlemere Community Centre, Tweedale Street, Rochdale 11.00am – 12.00 noon at Sparthbottom Community Centre, Norman Road, Rochdale

No appointments necessary, just drop in at any of the above centres during the surgery time.

DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING 99 Monday 4th December 2017 at 6.30pm Deeplish Community Centre

Page 27 Page 28 Agenda Item 9



Tuesday 14 November 2017 Castleton Community Centre, Manchester Road, Castleton, Rochdale


Present: Y. Salt (Chair), F. Salt, R. Smith, S. Woodall, J. Brogan, J. Tighe, A. Simpson, M. Webb, S. Whitworth, B. Partington, M. Darlington, M. Hirst, S. Hirst, A. Simpson and P. Webb

Councillors: Sheerin and Hornby

Officers: M. Robinson (Planning - Rochdale Council) and R. Hudson (Townships - Rochdale Council)

Apologies: T. Brogan, R. Davison, Councillor Rashid, D. Lodwig (Rochdale Council) and PC M. Farmer (GMP)

1. WELCOME, INTRODUCTIONS AND APOLOGIES All were welcomed to the meeting and apologies were received.

2. CODE OF CONDUCT The code of conduct was circulated. All attendees were asked to abide by the code for the duration of the meeting.

3. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR, VICE CHAIR AND SECRETARY Chair - A nomination of Yvonne Salt was made and seconded. In the absence of any other nominations Yvonne was appointed.

Vice Chair - No nominations were made.

Secretarial duties would continue to be carried out by the Townships and Engagement Officer.

4. MINUTES OF THE LAST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 22 NOVEMBER 2016 The minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting held on 22 November 2016 were agreed as a true and accurate record.


Tuesday 14 November 2017 Castleton Community Centre, Manchester Road, Castleton, Rochdale


Present: Y. Salt (Chair), F. Salt, R. Smith, S. Woodall, J. Brogan, J. Tighe, A. Simpson, M. Webb, S. Whitworth, B. Partington, M. Darlington, M. Hirst, S. Hirst, A. Simpson and P. Webb

Councillors: Sheerin and Hornby

Officers: M. Robinson (Planning - Rochdale Council) and R. Hudson (Townships - Rochdale Council)

1. INTRODUCTIONS & APOLOGIES/CODE OF CONDUCT Introductions were made and all were welcomed to the meeting. The code of conduct was circulated. All attendees were asked to abide by the code for the duration of the meeting.

Apologies: T. Brogan, R. Davison, Councillor Rashid, D. Lodwig (Rochdale Council) and PC M. Farmer (GMP)

2. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING/MATTERS ARISING/UPDATES The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

3. GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE Apologies were noted from PC Farmer (GMP). An update and figures were later provided as follows:

September 2017: Burglaries 5 October 2017: Burglaries 9 November 2017: Burglaries 5

PC Farmer now covers Norden, Bamford and Castleton as an area police officer. A new PCSO called Lauren Whelan covers Castleton. PC Farmer spends a lot of her time now out on warrants, arrests and files for court which leaves the PCSOs on each area to do high-visibility patrolling, reassurance visits and visits in relation to crimes. PC Farmer has completed cannabis warrants which were positive.

YCA (youths causing annoyance) has increased slightly again on Moorpark. PCSO Whelan has attended the youths’ addresses and advised them in front of parents. YCA has also occurred on Newchurch Street near to the chip shop.

Page 30 There has been report of a couple of wheelie bin fires on Croydon Square. Any information in relation to this from local residents to be passed to either PCSO Whelan or PC Farmer.

Burglaries in Castleton have been around the new estate off Manchester Road. Houses have been targeted for the high powered vehicles on their driveways. A home watch scheme has been started which is growing across the whole estate. Information is passed to residents from police if any suspicious activity is reported. All residents are reminded to lock all doors and windows, remove valuables from view, leave lights on timer switches and do not leave keys on display or in locks.

A Christmas party will be held at the community centre this year on 13 December 2017 between 12-2pm. All are welcome to come along for a coffee, raffle and listen to pupils from St Edwards’s Primary School singing carols.

Residents are always encouraged to attend PACT meetings to report police and crime related issues. The meetings for the rest of the year are as follows:

21 November 2017 19 December 2017

All meetings take place at Castleton Community Centre at 7.00pm to 8.00pm

4. CASTLETON MASTERPLAN Mark Robinson attended the forum to speak about the Castleton Masterplan. He advised the forum that the previous Masterplan had centred on the train station and that there had been increased levels of patronage to bring the line back through Castleton in recent years. Since this time the Council has secured funding from different resources to complete a feasibility works/study for the viability of opening up the arch to the railway bridge. Land has also been secured for a car park and platform. It was concluded from the study that the arch could be opened up so all that it is waiting for now is for Network Rail to sign it off. It was also commissioned to look into the condition of the rail line to support the Castleton extension of the East Lancs railway’s heritage line from Heywood into Castleton. It was discovered that the line is capable of supporting the link.

All of this information signifies that the Masterplan needs renewing. The Council would give 6-12 months to consult on the different site allocations for development of land and open space. Attendance at the forum will be scheduled in again around March of next year to update residents on the Network Rail decision and any feedback.

Residents raised questions about whether ELR are aware of safety concerns at Tetrosyl and queried whether there would ever be a legal requirement for public consultation to be held before planning departments consider major development proposals.

Discussions were held about residents’ ongoing concerns over the Tetrosyl site particularly the extra HGV vehicles using Royle Barn Road. Planning permission for the use of the site has not changed so this cannot be restricted or controlled. It was advised that there could be the potential for traffic management to be included in the new Masterplan. A request for several other sites to be included in the Masterplan was discussed, eg Carcraft and Maltings Lane.

Residents requested the contact details for HSE to write to them about their concerns. Contact for HSE: Harvey Tucker, HSE, 2.2 Redgrave Court, Merton Road, Bootle L20 7HS.

Page 31 Email [email protected]. Tel No. 020 3028 3858. The HSE reference for the application at Tetrosyl is

Councillor Sheerin can address any matters on behalf of anyone as requested to do so and any future meetings with the HSE could be arranged via Councillor Sheerin.

5. OPEN FORUM Gypsy Lane trees/bushes A resident reported overhanging bushes/trees near to the former Woolworth’s Club which were impeding users of the pavement. Action: Townships to raise with the Council’s Environmental Management Department

Royle Barn Road litter It was reported that there is a high volume of litter along Royle Barn Road. Action: Townships to escalate with the Council’s Environmental Management Department

Haulage firm traffic issues Discussions held about a haulage firm in the area applying for use as an operating centre and whether the vehicles will use the Tetrosyl site, adding to the vehicle movements and associated issues. Objections can only be made if a resident is situated in direct vicinity of the site location.

Chaucer Street grids/gullies A resident reported three grids/gullies need flushing or cleaning out as they are causing flooding. Action: Townships to report the issue to the Council’s Highways Department

Chemical odours Noxious fumes have been noted coming from some industrial units on Royle Barn Road, near to the astro centre and woodland area. The smell is a regular occurrence (2-3 times per week) and the odour is similar to a resin/bonding agent.

Residents also commented that there is a frequent chemical smell near to a factory situated near to the railway bridge on Gypsy Lane near the canal side. Action: Councillor Sheerin requested that residents note the unit/factory site’s name for the matters will be reported to the Council’s Environmental Health Department.

Partington Street parking problem A resident asked about the feasibility of putting double yellow lines at the top of Partington Street (adjacent to Heywood Road) to prevent cars parking on corners. Discussions arose about the enforcement of cars parked on corners being a police matter and not the Council’s remit. Action: Councillor Sheerin to escalate matter to PC Farmer (GMP) to see if anyone can speak to the vehicle owners.

6. REPORTS Castleton EC Residents Councillor Sheerin circulated a diagram from the visible impact assessment by owners Robert Scott for the re-submitted application received in Planning for an extension to the warehouse on Cowm Top to make it 50 yards longer. Councillors are objecting to the

Page 32 proposal.

Councillor Sheerin also advised that plans to build a battery to store electricity in containers behind Kirklee Road looks likely to be approved.

Friends of Carnegie Castleton ‘True Serenity’ business will take a large space usage within the building when completed hopefully within the next 12 months. There is also the hope to put a historic centre within the building to display Castleton’s excellent industrial heritage. More fund raising is required. A ‘ Night’ will be held within The Blue Pits Inn on Saturday 25 November 2017 to raise money.

Friends of Castleton Station/Support the Oldham, Rochdale & Manchester Rail Lines/East Lancs Railway Recent surveys carried out on pensioners’ use of the station.

St. Gabriel’s ‘Babes in the Wood’ pantomime will commence in February. The Christmas fair will be held on 26 November 2017 at 12pm featuring Father Christmas, raffles and Gaelic coffee stall.

Rochdale Township in Bloom An amazing judging day was experienced at the Southport festival and attended by the Mayor. Rochdale swept the board for awards, with Castleton’s Railway Station winning a silver gilt. Children from local primary schools; St Gabriel’s, St Edward’s and Castleton Primary School had all helped in planting flowers, which looked amazing this year.

The Rochdale Township won top marks and gold this year and will now proceed to represent the North West in next year’s competition ‘Britain in Bloom’. What an achievement!

7. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Moor Park ASB Councillors updated the residents at the forum in GMP’s absence that they had escalated matters to GMP regarding teens kicking balls near to Moor Park, Castleton. Parents have been addressed and matters have ceased. Residents were advised that the Council can also assist in matters of similar anti-social behaviour complaints and can deploy the local Public Realm Inspectors to assist residents alongside officers from GMP.

Castleton Swimming Pool Councillor Sheerin updated that the swimming pool is up and running and recommended its use to residents as it is an excellent facility in the village. Times of opening are displayed at the baths.

Castleton Christmas Lights Switch On Event The event will be held on Monday 27 November 2017 at 6pm at the Christmas tree at the side of the Carnegie Building and afterwards inside.

Councillors’ Surgeries Surgeries at 10.30am–11.30am at the following venues: First Saturday in month – St Aiden’s Church Hall Second Saturday in month – Castleton Community Centre

Page 33 Third Saturday in month – Chesham Community Room Fourth Saturday in month – Castleton Community Centre

8. DATE & TIME OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday 27 February 2018 at 7pm Castleton Community Centre


Thursday, 16 November 2017 Spotland Methodist Church, Rooley Moor Road, Rochdale


Present: P. Massey (Chair), B. Holden, M. Rashid, J. Moss, B. Penty, A. Foster, A. Meek, A. Thomas, J. Brierley, F. Healey, P. Knowles, Mr & Mrs Forden, C. Faulkner, T. Powers, J.Killour, M.Coats, Mr & Mrs Somerville, R. Down, N. Morrell, R.Heap, N. Wild, A. Rawsterne and D. O’Brien.

Officers: PC P. Jones, PC S. Firth, PCSO D. Smout, G. Finch (Township & Engagement Officer) and I. Trickett (Environmental Management).

Councillors: Cocks, S. Biant and C. Biant

Apologies: S. Ashworth, J. Addy, T. Lloyd MP and M. Oliver

93 WELCOME, INTRODUCTIONS, APOLOGIES AND CODE OF CONDUCT The Township and Engagement Officer welcomed everyone to the meeting. It was explained that the meeting would be in two parts; part one would be the Annual General Meeting which would see the election of the Area Forum’s Chair and Vice Chair for the next twelve months. Part two would be the ordinary meeting, concentrating upon the PACT and Open Forum.

The Forum was reminded about the Code of Conduct and asked to comply with the code for the duration of the meeting.

Apologies had been received from Steve Ashworth, Jason Addy, Tony Lloyd MP and Monica Oliver.

94 APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR, VICE CHAIR AND AREA FORUM SUB GROUP Following nominations and voting the following residents where appointed Chair and Vice Chair of the Area Forum for the next twelve months:

Chair – Philip Massey Vice Chair – Mohammed Rashid

95 MINUTES OF THE LAST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF 29 SEPTEMBER 2016 This item was withdrawn as the minutes had been previously agreed.

96 GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE INCLUDING PACT MEETING PC Phil Jones, PC Sarah Firth and PCSO Dan Smout attended the meeting for this item.

The Forum was informed that there had been an increase in anti-social behaviour, criminal behaviour, burglary and off-road biking incidents. It was explained that there was no specific pattern to the anti-social behaviour and criminal activity, however Rooley Moor had been identified as an hot spot for off-road biking.

It was also commented that GMP are working in partnership with Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum (RMNF) to address this problem and that RMNF were attempting to develop a working relationship with the Lord of the Manor to deal with incidents of this nature. It was commented that

Page 35 attempts were also being made to obtain more support from GMP’s Off-Road Bike Team and residents were reminded to use the off-road bike log sheets for recording incidents.

Anti-social behaviour incidents had recently been dealt with on Martin Lane, Ravendale Close and Meadowview.

The Forum was informed that GMP would be holding a surgery at Spotland Library on Monday 27th November 2017, 5pm – 7pm.

Residents were also informed of Operation Dark Nights which aims to target hot spot burglary areas.

Residents raised the following issues:

1. Concerns were raised about the anti-social behaviour that was occurring in Falinge Park – fires, vandalism, drug dealing, burglary – and asked when GMP patrols would commence in the park.

GMP commented that they were aware of anti-social behaviour issues in the park, however patrols / responses are data lead. GMP agreed to re-visit this.

2. It was stated that the 101 service is ineffective and if it was possible to speak to someone to discuss these concerns.

GMP were aware of the problems being experienced but unsure who could be contacted to discuss these concerns in more detail. A Ward Councillor also commented that this had been reported via the Greater Manchester Mayor’s Office.

3. A resident asked what other contact numbers / addresses could be used to report incidents because of the ineffectiveness of the 101 service.

0161 856 8549 [email protected] [email protected]

4. A resident asked how many Police Officers were on duty after 6pm in Rochdale.

Although this was difficult to quantify precisely as numbers can vary depending upon demand it has been known that six Officers have had to cover the Borough.

97 MINUTES OF THE AREA FORUM MEETINGS HELD ON 24 AUGUST 2017 AND 2 OCTOBER 2017, MATTERS ARISING AND UPDATES Minutes of the Area Forum meeting held on Thursday 24th August 2017 were approved as a correct record. Updates with regards to the actions requested at this meeting had been circulated prior to the meeting and are as follows:

Action Update Clarification sought on which residents’ Response sent to resident. Please see representatives have been involved in the below: development of the emergency response plan for the TBA site. A multi-agency site incident plan was developed in 2014 after the fire on site in Jan 2014. At that time the Council involved the TBA Working Party Members and a draft

Page 36 plan was circulated. The plan was amended and incorporated the information and local knowledge provided by the group members. The final version of the incident plan was provided to the group.

The resident who is proposing to restore the Resident informed this would be possible. Meanwood School fencing asked if it would be possible to obtain a fence panel to undertake restoration work.

Cutgate Road – traffic calming and 20mph Scheme advertised zone

It was asked if it would be possible to Council policy is to advertise in press, on circulate notification of Traffic Regulation website and lamp posts. Orders and Planning Applications relevant to the Spotland and Falinge Ward via the Forum database.

Additional meeting for TBA Meeting arranged

Overgrown hedges / trees – Beaufort Street / Reported Woodland Road

A resident asked why the ornate roof tiles Informed that these tiles will be used during had not been replaced on Meanwood School phase two of the building work. following the completion on the building work.

Safety concerns were raised about the Stop signs cannot be used at roundabouts. junction at Spotland Bridge and if stop signs could be introduced at the roundabout.

A resident asked if the barrier between Highways fear that if the road was re-opened Bridgefold Road and Pits Farm Avenue could it may become a rat run. be removed.

A resident asked if gates could be installed Being considered by residents within the perimeter fences that divide Innes Close and the open space on Ings Lane.

A resident asked why alleygates could not be Installation of gates does not meet installed on land adjacent to his property on alleygating criteria. The resident has been Rupert Street. informed of this.

It was requested that copies of the footway Please refer to additional attachment on maintenance programme be provided. email distributed to Spotland & Falinge database.

It was reported that the potholes on Cutgate Work completed Precinct Car Park had not been repaired.

Page 37 A resident asked if monies had been £3200 was received. Investigations ongoing received from the building contractor who regarding current position regarding the used the land on Ings Lane as a site income. compound.

A resident asked if a representative from the Representative invited TBA land owners could attend the meeting that is to be organised once the perimeter air sampling survey results are known.

Minutes of the Area Forum meeting held on Monday 2nd October 2017 were approved as a correct record.

Updates regarding the action points raised on the 2nd October were circulated to residents at the meeting and can be accessed via the link below.

Action Points – TBA Meeting

A number of comments were made by residents about the responses received, these included:

‘Cannot understand why the land is not designated as contaminated land’

‘Great shame that the responses have been circulated at this meeting – not enough notice given for everyone to comment on the responses’

‘It is clear that no Government money is available to develop the site’

‘Only one way forward – development’

‘The Council is between a rock and hard place’

‘Evident that the Council will use the planning process to develop the site’

‘Contingency plan is not good enough’

‘’What would happen if the owners decided to walk away’

‘Obviously a risk has been identified – no contingency plan’

‘Set up working group’

‘What documents does the Council have in connection with the TBA site’

Following further discussion the Forum supported the idea of re-establishing the TBA Working Group. A resident commented that if this group was to be set up it may be beneficial for the Working Group to be constituted. The same resident offered to help with developing a constitution if this was the desired way forward.

It was advised that in order for the Working Group to be re-established it would be necessary for Rochdale Township Committee (RTC) to be asked if they were willing to support this. A resident commented that he would attend the next meeting of RTC to ask the question.

The Forum also requested that Nicola Rogers, Service Manager attend the next meeting of the Area Forum to clarify some aspects of the responses given to the action points raised from the meeting on the 2nd October.

Page 38 98 MEMBERS/WARD FUNDS The Forum was informed that £6000 was available in Ward Funds. £2000 had been committed to Ward ‘In Bloom’ projects.

Financial support had been allocated to the following projects from 2017/18 Members Funds:

Councillor Cecile Biant

Rochdale Sports Club – Cricket Clock - £499 Making Memories Group – Fridge/Freezer - £379.99 Making Memories Group – Sound System - £243.97

Funds remaining - £877.04

Councillor Surinder Biant

Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum Consultation Event - £937

Funds remaining - £1063

Councillor Wendy Cocks

Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum Display Equipment - £1000 Denehurst Park – Benches and Bins - £750

Funds remaining - £250

A resident stated that the footpath opposite Preston Street was in poor condition and asked if Ward Funds could be used to improve the area. The Township and Engagement Officer agreed to investigate this request.

99 COUNCILLOR UPDATES/NEWS Each of the Ward Councillors provided a written update regarding current work issues. A link to these updates is provided below.

Councillors’ Report

A Ward Councillor informed the Forum that the road layout near to College Bank / Falinge flats may need to change if work on the flats commences. Information will be provided when available.

100 OPEN FORUM Ian Trickett, Environmental Management attended the Forum meeting to discuss ‘in bloom’ projects and the proposals for the development of Ings Lane play area.

The Forum was informed that Rochdale Township had been very successful in this year’s ‘In Bloom’ competition and plans were already gathering pace for next year’s event. It was explained that Spotland and Faling Ward had expressed interest in being more involved in next year’s competition and discussions had already taken place concerning appropriate projects.

It was explained that the ‘In Bloom’ competition was community driven and not the Councils. The ‘In Bloom’ Committee were thanked for all their hard work and support.

Information was presented to the Forum which outlined the proposals for developing Ings Lane Play Area. A link to the plan can be accessed below.

Page 39 Plan – Ings Lane Play Area

Generally the Forum was supportive of the proposals outlined however it was asked / suggested;

- If fencing could be erected around the whole site?

Additional funding would be applied for.

- Part of the land suffers from waterlogging and that this would need to be addressed.

Environmental Management are aware of this and will investigate further.

- Could a climbing frame be included on the site?

This will be considered.

- Could CCTV be considered?

Cost prohibitive, however local PCSO could be asked to increase patrols once the work has been completed.

- Other funding may be available as the site is looking to develop an all- inclusive play area.

- How much is the project costing?


- It would not be possible to insure the new development because insurance costs are prohibitive.

Residents raised the following issues:

1. A resident asked what would be happening now that the Dellar Street traffic survey has been completed.

It was explained that the findings of the survey recommended that no further action is taken, as there is no evidence to support that vehicles are speeding along Dellar Street.

A resident commented that he thought the traffic survey was conducted in the incorrect place.

2. A resident raised concerns about traffic problems / congestion on Handley Street and that more enforcement was required.

The Township and Engagement Officer agreed to report this.

3. A resident asked where the £3200 that was accumulated from the building contractor using part of Ings Lane as a site compound would be spent.

It was advised that investigations are still ongoing regarding the current position of this income.

4. A resident asked if there had been any developments with the piece of land at the corner of Edenfield Road and Ings Lane.

This would be investigated further.

Page 40 5. A resident asked if there was any update on the Cutgate Road traffic calming measures.

The Forum was advised that the Traffic Regulation Order had been advertised and it was understood that no objections had been received. As a consequence the work will be progressing.

6. A resident raised concerns about developers having the opportunity to apply for Section 106 contributions to be reduced. The Mellor Street development was cited as an example.

It was explained that the Government had changed the legislation in respect of Section 106 contributions and developers were within their rights to do this. It was suggested that the Section 106 Officer be invited to a future meeting of the Forum to fully explain the current situation with regards to Section 106 contributions.

7. A resident stated that the Environment Agency had been spotted near to the TBA site.

8. A representative from Vintage Worx attended the meeting to inform the Forum of the work that is undertaken by this organisation in the Ward and the classes that are available to residents. A link to the winter timetable is available below.

Falinge Park Winter Timetable

It was also explained that an application had been submitted seeking a community asset transfer of the Falinge Park building.

The Forum was also informed that Vintage Worx has access to gardening equipment and tools should ‘in bloom’ representatives want to borrow them.

Environmental Management and the Ward Councillors were thanked for the support they offer the organisation.

9. The Forum was informed that the next meeting of the Friends of Denehurst Park is on Thursday 30th November 2017, commencing 6.30pm.

101 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING Thursday 8th February 2018 at 6.30pm Spotland Methodist Church

Page 41 Agenda Item 11 KINGSWAY AREA FORUM

Thursday 23 November 2017 Newbold Baptist Church, Milnrow Road, Rochdale


Present: M. Topham (Chair), S. Curzon, E. Curzon, C. Clegg, G. Lowthion, B. Smith and J. Wilcox

Councillors: Shakil Ahmed

Officers: R. Hudson (Rochdale Council) and PC Walsh (GMP)

Apologies: Councillor Lynne Brosnan, Councillor Daalat Ali and C. Tweedale

1. INTRODUCTIONS AND APOLOGIES/CODE OF CONDUCT All were welcomed to the meeting and apologies were noted. Attention was drawn to the code of conduct, a summary of which was read out. All attendees were asked to abide by the code for the duration of the meeting.

2. MINUTES FROM THE LAST MEETING/UPDATES The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and the following updates were provided.

Pakeeza Dairies Ltd – liquid/residue near canal next to the bridge The matter was escalated to United Utilities. No further update.

Milnrow Road – speed survey placement The local Ward Councillors were emailed to consider the request to fund another survey on a different place on the same road. No further update.

Croxton Avenue – speed humps A resident stated that Highways reported there are no recorded accident statistics to support the necessity of speed humps. The Chair recommended residents note and photograph any further accidents in support of this request.

Belfield Lane – speed humps Highways inspected the speed humps and reported that they are still within the criteria set out within the regulations and do not require attention.

Milnrow Road – request to remove waiting restrictions The matter was raised with the Council’s Highways Department. No further update.

Albert Royds Street/Rochdale Road corner – dangerous crossing corner The matter was raised with the Council’s Highways Department. No further update.

Woodbine Street – street lights This matter was escalated to Eon and resolved.

Page 42 Newbold Street (corner) – street light This matter was escalated to Eon and resolved. A resident advised there was still one street light out on the footpath. Action 1: Issue to be reported to Eon

Croxton Avenue Loop – signs The matter was raised with the Council’s Highways Department. The update received from Highways as follows: the matter has been investigated, the lines have not been maintained for many years and are currently almost non-existent and hence ineffective. Records show there have been no recorded accidents at the junction in the last three years. It has therefore been determined that the lines are unnecessary. The advice provided by the Department for Transport is that give way or stop lines should only be considered where a minor road intersects with a major road. Where no markings are provided then no one has priority and the junction should be treated as courtesy junction by all motorists. Experience has shown that where junction marking are provided then the speeds on the route given the priority increase. Additionally National policy requires us to reduce to the minimum the use of signs and lines on the public highway thus reducing the clutter caused by them. A further consideration we must give is that of future maintenance costs.

Newbold Moss and Croxton Avenue – resurfacing Highways have been requested to inspect and consider the resurfacing of the full roads. No further update.


Burglary dwelling Last quarter 35 Previous quarter 31 This type of burglary occurred in the areas of Buersil Avenue, Sedgley Avenue, Newbold Estate and Belfield/Croxton Avenue and it was mostly forced entry along with a couple of insecure premises. One was a distraction burglary where the victim was asked to retrieve a football from the back garden and the burglar entered and stole from the property.

Burglary other: Last quarter 10 Previous quarter 17 This crime occurred mainly in the Oldham Road/Dodgson Street area.

Robbery: Last quarter 3 Previous quarter 8 Two robberies were reported in Crawford Street in October.

Theft of motor vehicle: Last quarter 7 Previous quarter 9 Thefts occurred mainly in the Newbold area.

Theft from vehicle: Last quarter 8 Previous quarter 17 Thefts occurred in the Newbold area which is proving a hot-spot.

Criminal damage: Last quarter 59 Previous quarter 60 This crime occurred in the Newbold area with three incidents being on the Metrolink.

ASB: Last quarter 69 Previous quarter 70 1/3 of the incidents occurred in the Newbold area with the hot-spot locations being the Metrolink and Morrison’s areas.

Good news Three drug warrants were executed on Waterman View and a large amount of suspected A class drugs and cannabis were discovered resulting in three arrests. The suspects are currently under investigation while further enquiries take place. Regenda Housing is aware of the warrants and will be looking into tenancy enforcement.

Page 43 Crime prevention advice Residents were advised to make sure a light is left on while out, especially early evening and night time to help prevent being an easy target for burglars. Do not leave cars unattended while you de- frost them during cold weather, even for a few seconds as there are criminals who will walk the streets looking for opportunities to take vehicles in these circumstances. Insurance companies are unlikely to pay out if the owners have left the keys in the vehicle.

PC Walsh advised the forum that he is also covering Kirkholt as there is no beat officer in that area at present. He advised that GMP has halved the officer numbers on the streets so the emphasis has to be on the more serious vulnerability issues and crime hot-spots and repeat matters.

4. OPEN FORUM Speeding vehicles on Rosefield Street Residents advised there was a problem with speeding vehicles on Rosefield Street and they enquired, along with the Chair, whether there was the possibility that they themselves can take upon the role of ‘community speed wardens’ to check speeds of vehicles. Action 2: Contact GMP for advice about community speed initiative.

Parking issues near Croft Shifa A request was made for additional assistance from Parking Services in targeting illegally parked vehicles on double yellow lines near to the Croft Shifa building. Action 3: Contact Parking Services to request additional patrols are carried out.

Footpath rear Newbold Moss A request was made for an update from the Council’s Environmental Management Department’s Officer J. Simpson to attend a site to look at the land levels near to the footpath at the rear of Newbold Moss onto Rochwood. Action 4: Raise the matter with J. Simpson in Environmental Management

Litter/Grot spots Littering and fly tipping grot spots were highlighted for the Public Realm Inspector/Council’s Environmental Management team to address with premises owners; including the industrial waste bins situated at the bottom of Pine Street (one-way street near to Newbold Post Office) and also a takeaway on Milnrow Road that isn’t properly disposing its waste. Action 5: Report issues to Environmental Management

5. WARD NEWS The kick pitch at Robinson’s Common is still progressing nicely with a planning permission being submitted. A wild flower meadow to be planted near to the area along with an allotment is planned.

The forum was asked to consider any local community groups or identify areas of need which could potentially benefit from a Township grant from Ward or Member’s Funds.

6. DATE AND TIME OF THE NEXT MEETING Thursday 15 February 2018 Newbold Baptist Church, Milnrow Road, Rochdale


Monday 4 December 2017 Bamford Chapel, Norden Road, Rochdale


Present: B. Griffiths, A. Shorrock, B. Colligan, H. Colligan, R. Mallinder, A., Smith, K. Smith, D. Armbrister, W. E. Griffiths, P. Galvin, S. Grindrod, S. Nangle, R. Doyle and I. Sturrock

Councillors: Pat Sullivan

Officers: Rochdale Borough Council: Stuart Hay (Township) and Diane Lodwig (Public Realm Inspector)

Apologies: Councillor Ian Duckworth, Councillor Jane Howard, Graham Morris, Geoff Sherratt and Tasneem Akhtar

1. WELCOME, INTRODUCTIONS AND APOLOGIES The Chair welcomed all to the meeting.

2. CODE OF CONDUCT A copy of the code of conduct was circulated with the papers, and all were asked to abide by the code for the duration of the meeting.

3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING The minutes of the last meeting held on Monday 4 September 2017 were agreed as an accurate record with the inclusion of attendee Angela Smith who was present but not recorded and the following updates were given.

Path near St Michael’s Church weeds The cobbled area outside St Michael’s Church is owned by the church.

Blocked drains The blocked drains on Norden Road and Woodtop Avenue were inspected and cleared and numerous drains on Norden Road have been replaced as a result of investigations. The problematic drain on Clay Lane near the Treatment Plant has been sealed over and concern has been expressed that despite two further drains on Clay Lane which are actually uphill, there is now a situation where there is 150 metres of tarmac road and surrounding acres of land which used to drain into that one and only effective drain when it was unblocked. Surface water in heavy rain is now forming a big puddle at the top of Greenvale and then running down the road where in heavy weather there is virtually a river running down the road. Highways Maintenance has been asked what plans are in place to re-open the sealed drain or improve drainage along the lane.

Emergency Services sirens The Emergency Services’ driver policies and procedures including the use of emergency equipment were highlighted together with a consultation exercise conducted by Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service and made available, showing that emergency equipment must be used

Page 45 appropriately and only where necessary. Rigorous driver training is undertaken by all drivers to entitle them to drive specific vehicles and use emergency equipment with the threat of prosecution and discipline for noncompliance with the policy and procedure. The Services recognise that the very nature of their work leads the public to associate personnel with a high standard of driving skill, behaviour and road craft. Emergency equipment is fitted to provide advanced warning of the presence of the emergency vehicle to afford maximum protection to other road users who are entitled to the warning it provides and staff have legal obligations when utilising the equipment. Drivers have the responsibility for ensuring that they arrive at the scene of an incident safely and without any undue delay and it is not acceptable for a driver to choose not to use emergency equipment when it is necessary.

Memorial on Bury Road The memorial on Bury Road near Mellor Street was inspected by Enforcement Officers and was sensitively tidied up.

Links View estate environmental issues Links View was visited and cleaned up.

4. POLICE AND COMMUNITIES TOGETHER Greater Manchester Police were not able to send a representative but provided the following crime statistics since the date of the last meeting up until yesterday (3 December 2017).

Burglary dwellings Three in September on Tern Close where offenders forced a rear patio door; Brooklands Court where offenders gained entry via a rear window and an attempt on Links View. Key times were between 0000 and 0500 hours and property stolen was cash and jewellery.

In October there was five burglary dwellings. Oxford Avenue where offenders gained entry via the rear conservatory, stole the vehicle keys and the Mercedes vehicle was later recovered in Middleton. Bittern Close where an offender smashed a rear window and alarm box off the wall, gained entry and conducted untidy search before leaving. The other three were attempts. Greenvale Avenue where the offender tried a door handle, was seen by neighbour and chased off; Bramley Road where the offender tried the door handle, no entry gained and the other on Hawthorn Road where the offender used a ladder and tried a rear window in attempt to gain entry, offender disturbed and made off.

In November there was six offences. Arnside Drive where offenders climbed onto garage roof gaining access to the roof of the property and removed glass from the skylight to gain entry. Bury Road where offenders smashed a rear window and the alarm box was ripped off the wall. Winsford Drive had a rock thrown through the conservatory door. Two on Bramley Road, one attempt and the other a smashed patio window, Norford Way where five males approached the property one of which tried the door handle before leaving the area possibly in a pale blue car. Three males were arrested nearby and a decision to charge is pending. Property stolen was cash and jewellery.

Thefts from motor vehicles Sixteen thefts from motor vehicles over the period. Three thefts were from insecure vehicles and two were thefts of number plates. DNA was left at the at Brooklands Court offence and it has been forensically examined and the results of which are awaited. There has been one theft of a Ford Transit van from Sandhole Lane and one attempted theft of a motor vehicle from Edgemoor Drive.

A burglary operation is currently ongoing due to the increase in burglaries in the Bamford and Norden areas. Three offenders have been arrested by neighbourhood officers believed to responsible for burglaries in Rochdale and Bury; this was a result of the deployment of The Force helicopter.

Page 46 Greater Manchester Police urge everyone to please report any suspicious activity and to be extra vigilant over the next few weeks in the run up to Christmas.

5. MCCARTHY AND STONE The McCarthy and Stone Retirement Lifestyles Limited planning application to demolish number 91 Norden Road and develop a thirty apartment building with access and parking on the brownfield site at the rear, which was recommended by Planners and supported by the public, was approved at tonight’s (4 December 2017) Planning and Licensing Committee. An amount of funding from the developers has been identified to provide facilities for the local community. A play area had been an early suggestion but the community will be consulted.

6. OPEN FORUM Friends of Bamford Group Anne Shorrock gave the below presentation about the newly formed Friends of Bamford Group and made a copy of it available to all:

Bamford is a fabulous place to live. We nearly have it all here: nice homes, good schools, friendly churches, civilised, friendly and diverse neighbours, plenty of pubs and restaurants, reasonable access to the motorway network, and we're right on the edge of beautiful countryside. We've even have great community spirit, as demonstrated last January, when our Green Belt was, and still is threatened, and hundreds turned out to protest at what we hold dear being taken away, a community coming together with one voice in time of adversity.

So what if we could somehow capture that community spirit all the time, and use it to make Bamford an even better place to live for all of us? For all its advantages, Bamford is a bit short on community facilities and organisations, where people can get together. What if the few existing community groups, like yourselves Bamford Forum, and any other community organisations out there, could all connect with each other for the benefit of all of Bamford? What if some new community organisations, social as well as voluntary, could be started, to connect people? That is the basic idea behind Friends of Bamford.

As an example, think of Bamford like a department store, with many different departments within it, all individual, but connected.

Existing Departments: Bamford Forum; Green Belt Action Group; Bamford Chapel; St. Michael's; both primary schools; Scouts; Cubs; Brownies; Guides; Playgroups. Example 1: Bamford Chapel Film Club. People may like the social side of the film club, especially older people who may live alone, but don't know about it if they don't already go to Bamford Chapel, or perhaps they believe it's only for church-goers. Example 2: St. Michael's and Bamford Chapel's Christmas Fairs have been held on the same day, to the detriment of both. If you don't already have connection to one of those, you wouldn't know about them. Not everyone attends church, or has a child or grandchild at primary school. Same applies to all other organisations. If you're not already involved, you may not know about them.

New Departments: (1) Make Bamford Beautiful: Wildflowers on verges. Daffodils on The Green. Bamford in Bloom competition (part of the Rochdale Township in Bloom family). Volunteers wanted, will bring social involvement as well as improving village. Pride in the area. Hope it will snowball, make everyone take more pride in the area, reduce vandalism etc. (2) Developing Bamford Green into a usable community space: Community Garden with seating? Wildlife garden? Improving wood with bluebells, bird boxes, bat boxes, wildflowers? Play area? We hope to have a General Meeting in the New Year. All welcome to obtain opinions from the wider community about what we can do with The Green. (3) Seasonal events on The Green for all. Candlelit carol singing on The Green on Sunday 17

Page 47 December at 4.30pm! Please come along! (4) Dog Walking Group. (5) Social Groups, e.g. Walk & Talk, Ambling not Rambling for less physically able. (6) Book Group. (7) Ideas from community. What sort of community groups they would like to start or see. Neighbourhood Watch Scheme? (8) Neighbourhood Plan to say how we would like to see Bamford in the future, in conjunction with Save Bamford Green Belt and Bamford Forum.

So how are we going to do it? Facebook. Not everyone's cup of tea, but not exclusively for the young. Don't dismiss it as not for you, children and grandchildren may do it for you, tell you about it, if not on it yourself. Useful tool. Email mailing list. Please let us have your email addresses tonight if you are interested or email the Chair Susan Smith. Streetwise Magazine. "Nextdoor" Community Message Board (email). Posters. Word of Mouth. Group leaders, ie. Rev. Bradley (Bamford Chapel); Angela Smith (Chair, Green Belt Action Group); Bamford Academy Community Forum; St. Michael's PTA; Scout Leaders, etc. Tell all your friends and neighbours.

FRIENDS OF BAMFORD is about connecting people improving and enhancing community spirit, and making Bamford a better place to live, not just nice homes but a connected and thriving community where everybody matters, and where everybody who wants to can be involved.

This won't happen unless people get involved. We need YOU, the residents of Bamford! Come to Carol Singing on The Green on Sunday 17 December at 4.30pm, bring tea lights in a jam jar and join in traditional community carol singing.

Thank you for listening and I look forward to hearing from you. I wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas.

Oulder Hill Precinct improvement works Councillor Sullivan outlined the scheduled Oulder Hill Precinct improvement works for early New Year which the Ward Councillors funded. Following successful public consultation and the approval of a Traffic Regulation Order, regulations will be implemented to clear, protect and make safe nearby junctions, stop parking on the pavement and limit parking outside the shops to three hours to stop all day parking. This provision will make spaces available for shoppers to keep the area thriving and vibrant. Hanging baskets will be installed and the planters improved and freshly stocked. Those parking all day may be displaced to the nearby surrounding area but action at the Precinct was necessary. Parking availability at Bamford Precinct has reduced since the expansion of the dentist surgery where there are now eleven dentists, but all the land is private.

Speed checks Greater Manchester Police have recently conducted speed checks in the area and the results will be requested for the next meeting together with any other checks conducted between now and then.

Sandy Lane, Bury Road and Roch Valley Way Junction The junction of Sandy Lane, Bury Road and Roch Valley Way remains one of the busiest junctions. Ward Councillors have been speaking with residents and they are championing improved pedestrian facilities.

Overhanging bushes and shrubbery A resident complained about bushes and shrubbery from private gardens significantly impeding the footpath. Diane Lodwig explained that, when given the details direct, she will write to the

Page 48 householders requesting they cut back the bushes and shrubbery, and if the work is not carried out, she can and will serve Notice for the work to be done and if not done the Council will do the work and charge the householders.

The Bamford Greenbelt Action Group Angela Smith gave an update on The Bamford Greenbelt Action Group:

Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, has tasked out the coordination of all current and pending submissions on the use of brownfield sites and put a stop on the process until that is complete.

The Group have organised an anniversary walk to start at 10am on Saturday 20 January 2018 meeting on Bamford Green with bacon butties after. Last year’s event was incredibly well attended.

Bamford signs Councillor Sullivan has asked for Bamford signs to be installed on Norden Road to identify and highlight the start of Bamford from Norden.

Norden Road junction traffic lights Queues and waiting times have recently got longer at the traffic lights on Norden Road at Bury and Rochdale Old Road, and some residents thought it was due to two sets of road works on Edenfield Road diverting traffic. The timing of the light sequence will be checked.

Bamford Christmas tree This year’s Bamford Christmas tree is looking really good, as is the new green surrounding fencing which blends in and is in keeping.

The Ward Councillors hold a surgery from 10am to 11am on the first Thursday of each month in Bamford Chapel, although they often go beyond 11am. Ward Councillors contact details are available on the Council website:

Councillor Ian Duckworth Telephone: 01706 648393 Email: [email protected]

Councillor Jane Howard Telephone: 07870 172144 Email: [email protected]

Councillor Pat Sullivan Telephone: 0161 762 1129 or 07967 985240 Email: [email protected]

Rochdale Borough Council Officers:

Stuart Hay, Township Officer Telephone: 01706 922230 Email: [email protected]

Diane Lodwig, Public Realm Inspector Telephone: 01706 922226 Email: [email protected]

7. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING Monday 5 March 2018 at 6.30pm in Bamford Chapel

Page 49 Page 50 Agenda Item 13


MINUTES OF MEETING Monday, 4 December 2017

PRESENT: ; Councillors Zaheer and Zaman, M. Javed Masood, Dr, M. Salim, H. Abdulmalik, M. Sajid, M. A. Khan, S. Ahmad, Y. Younas, A Nawaz and S. Mohammed (Chair)

OFFICERS: Sgt D. Shirazi, PC Ahmed, PCSO M. Beaver, PCSO M. Nasir, M. Reynolds (Public Realm Inspector) and G. Finch (Township & Engagement Officer)

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Councillor Brett and A. Beasley

INTRODUCTIONS AND APOLOGIES/CODE OF CONDUCT 100 The Chair welcomed all and asked that everyone respect the Code of Conduct for the duration of the meeting.

Apologies had been received from Councillor Brett and Ann Beasley.

GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE INCLUDING PACT MEETING 101 Sgt D. Shirazi and PC Ahmed attended the meeting for this item.

GMP reported that drug dealing is a major issue in the Ward at present. Two warrants had been executed recently with an amount of drugs being seized. It was also reported that a number of individuals arrested had received custodial sentences.

Operations had also taken place on Lincoln Street to combat prostitution. Two individuals were due to appear in Court on prostitution charges in the coming months. Work was also being undertaken with other agencies to combat this type of activity.

Residential burglaries have also increased over recent months. Although no specific pattern has been identified in terms of residential areas being targeted, Friday’s and Monday’s between 4pm and 11pm are when most incidents occur. Residents were encouraged to remain vigilant and report suspicious activity.

Residents were also encouraged to make any CCTV images available to the police.

It was also reported that car theft has also seen an increase and there have been reports of a tow truck being used to steal cars. Investigations are ongoing.

GMP also commented that they had received reports of a scrap yard in the Ward being involved in shipping cars overseas. Investigations are ongoing.

Residents raised the following issues;

- Concerns were raised about the ineffectiveness of the 101 number.

GMP acknowledged that they were aware of the problem. It was stated that the average time to answer a 101 call was 7 minutes whereas 999 was answered in 30 seconds. Work was ongoing to improve the situation.

Page 51 - A resident commented that he did not believe that the area received fair treatment from GMP in terms of how they responded to incidents.

Following discussion it was agreed that the resident was referring to a personal issue which the police and other agencies had been involved in. It was recommended that further conversations on this issue be conducted in private.

- A resident raised concerns about the behaviour (at times drunken) of a number of individual who gather close to the corner of Church Stile and Drake Street.

GMP stated they are aware of this nuisance and do observe the situation. They also commented that they had spoken to licensed premises in the area not to sell alcohol to individuals who appear to be intoxicated.

GMP where thanked for attending the Forum meeting and the work they undertake in the Ward.

OPEN FORUM 102 The following issues were raised;

1. A discussion took place about the poor attendance at recent Area Forum meetings.

It was agreed that more should be done to promote the Forum meetings. Mosque’s, social media, Community Centre’s and Crescent Radio being identified as possible options for raising the profile of the Area Forum.

2. The Forum was informed that five listening events have been organised to provide residents with the opportunity to inform the Council of areas in the Ward that suffer from highway related problems.

These sessions follow on from and support the recent traffic survey that was undertaken in the Ward.

The dates and times of the sessions are as follows;

- Deeplish Community Centre – 10th January 2018 – 6.15pm – 7.15pm

- Deeplish Community Centre – 15th January 2018 – 10am – 12noon

- Deeplish Community Centre – 22nd January 2018 – 6pm – 7pm

- Castlemere Community Centre – 29th January 2018 – 6pm – 7pm

- Rochdale Town Hall – 31st January 2018 – 6pm – 7pm

A resident provided suggestions for road layout changes in the area. These will be passed to Highways for consideration as part of this exercise.

Page 52 3. Residents raised concerns about the number of homeless people that appear in the Ward and the procedures that exist in the area to help these individuals. Several concerns were raised about the welfare of these individuals.

It was suggested that someone from the Homelessness Team at Rochdale Borough Council and / or PETRUS be invited to a future meeting to discuss this issue.

4. A resident expressed his concerns about the number of cars being sold by traders in the area around Castlemere Street which aggravated the congestion and parking problems in the area.

The Public Realm Inspector outlined the legal process that applies to cars being sold on the highway. Action can only be taken if cars displaying ‘for sale’ signs, and the same contact numbers are being sold within a distance of 50 metres. Residents were encouraged to provide as much information as possible if they were aware of incidents were the illegal selling of cars was occurring.

5. A resident reported littering is occurring on Leicester Street.

6. A resident reported that Kent Street Car Park is in need of repair as many of the concrete blocks are loose and potentially dangerous.

7. It was commented that the double yellow lines on Milkstone Place required reinstating.

8. A concern was raised about the same issues being discussed at successive Area Forums and there was a need to restrict the same issue being raised time and time again. For example Rochdale Township Committee’s Governance Procedures state that a question on the same or similar topic cannot be submitted to the Open Forum of the Committee within a six month period.

Although the reasons for this suggestion was fully understood, the practicalities of managing this proposal in an Area Forum setting would be difficult.

MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING/MATTERS ARISING/UPDATES 103 The minutes of the Milkstone and Deeplish Area Forum held on Monday 16th October 2017 were approved as a correct record.

The following updates were provided:

- Travellers on Durham Street and Drake Street

Travellers have now vacated both sites.

- Medina Cash and Carry Cash Machine.

Legal are still dealing with this issue. Residents again raised concerns about the congestion being caused by cars parking (on double yellow lines) to use the cash machine. It was accepted that greater enforcement of cars parking illegally is required.

Page 53 MEMBERS/WARD FUNDS 104 The Forum was informed that Ward and Members Funds are still available and that anyone who is seeking financial support for a project should speak to a Ward Councillor or contact the Township Officer. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Rochdale Township Office – 01706 924802

COUNCILLOR UPDATES 105 The Forum was reminded of surgery times:

First Saturday of each month

10am – 11am at Deeplish Community Centre, Hare Street, Rochdale

11am – 12noon at Sudden Community Centre, Cheltenham Street, Rochdale

Third Saturday of each month

10am – 11am – at Castlemere Community Centre, Tweedale Street, Rochdale

11am – 12noon at Sparthbottom Community Centre, Norman Road, Rochdale

(No appointments necessary)

DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING 106 Monday 26th February 2018 at 6.30pm. Deeplish Community Centre


Tuesday 5 December 2017 St Mary’s (Balderstone) Church, Oldham Road, Rochdale


Present: C. Mottershead, D. Holt, B. Bergin, M. Wilson and R. Shales

Councillors: Daniel Meredith and Kathleen Nickson

Officers: PCSO R. Adams (GMP), R. Hudson (Rochdale Council - Townships), G. Broady (Rochdale Council – Public Realm Inspector)

Apologies: Councillor Farnell and M. Whalley

1. INTRODUCTIONS AND APOLOGIES/CODE OF CONDUCT The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Attention was drawn to the code of conduct, a summary of which was read out. All attendees were asked to abide by the code for the duration of the meeting.

2. PACT MEETING - GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE Crime PCSO Adams advised there has been a reduction in crimes recently in the ward as follows

Anti-social behaviour – down 20% Criminal damage – down 75% Burglary others – down 90%

Statistics for the ward (past three months and compared to last year)

Anti-social behaviour 29 8 Robberies 2 2 Domestic burglaries 26 8 Burglary (others) 1 8 Theft of vehicle 4 4 Theft from vehicle 16 1

PACT Priorities agreed were: 1. Burglary (Operation Dark Nights) 2. ASB (hot-spots areas: Balderstone Park and Library) 3. Reassuring the vulnerable (spike in incidents of the vulnerable/elderly being befriended by undesirables). Residents attending the forum stated they would raise the matter with certain community groups and associations (CVS/NCompass/The Circle/Rochdale Pensioners Group, etc.) to increase awareness for the elderly.

Page 55 GMP advised of ‘Operation Dark Nights’ initiative which offers crime prevention advice and reassurance to residents during the winter months; putting house lights on when going out, keeping valuables out of sight and asking for identification of individuals at the door before opening, etc.

Councillors raised issues reported of anti-social behaviour occurring along the canal towpath; smashing windows of houses, rocks being thrown at cyclists, burglary and using the canal as a getaway route, etc. GMP added it to the PACT list of priorities and the Chair of the forum stressed to residents to continue reporting it to GMP so a pattern can be built up to warrant resources being allocated to the matter.

3. COUNCILLOR UPDATE Weekly surgeries are held at Balderstone Library on Saturdays at 10am and Kirkholt Drop-In Centre on Tuesdays at 2pm.

Councillor Nickson  The ‘western themed’ community event held on Monday 20 November 2017 at 4-6pm in St Thomas’ Church was an excellent success generating a great deal of community involvement. Thanks to all who were involved.  As Chair of Governors at St Cuthbert’s High School, Councillor Nickson advised that interviews will be held for the new Headteacher in the next week.  Local ward surgery attendee numbers have dropped recently at The Strand Drop-in Centre which may be due to the ongoing works there.  The company ‘Gleeson’s’ had made a request to find a group of young people/sports club to award £500 to, so Councillor Nickson put forward the local Junior Bowling Club for the award as lots of local children regularly attend.

Councillor Meredith  Dean Farm, Balderstone – The consultation on the planning application resulted in a few concerns being raised by members of the public on drainage/flooding and access issues, etc which Taylor Wimpey are addressing.  Queensway resurfacing traffic management issues have been addressed now.  Pothole issues raised at last forum – Checked and Highways advised that they have a 14 day turnover after marking the road to implement the repairs.  Queens Drive traffic management previous issues seem to now be resolved.  Councillor Meredith advised the forum that he had recently become a Governor of Sandbrook Community Primary School so can refer back any concerns if need be in the future.  Universal Credit – Date for it to be implemented in the Rochdale area has been delayed. Advice and support being looked into for residents – more information at the next forum hopefully.

Councillor Farnell (update provided by Councillor Meredith)  Planning permission has now been submitted for the new health centre. CCG have stated that it won’t be open until December 2019. Residents expressed their disappointment and concerns for the elderly residents on the estate not having direct access to care on their doorstep. CCG have accepted an invitation to attend the next forum to address issues/concerns with any residents.  Hill Top Drive development is moving very well and the development at the former Balderstone School site has commenced.

Councillor Meredith attended the Western/Christmas community event. It was very well attended and a success for the ward and community.

Councillors Meredith and Nickson advised the forum they will be pooling together their remaining Members’ Funds to pay for an event for the residents of the ward around Easter time next year – to be held in Balderstone Park.

Page 56 4. PRESENTATIONS/UPDATES Kirkholt Million C. Mottershead gave a brief update. There is a children’s event in the planning for the end of December in association with the Co-op and Rochdale Boroughwide Housing. The new member of staff at Kirkholt million has settled really well into the role and is progressing well too. Three grants have been awarded this session to community groups; the maximum amount to be awarded is £1,000 and schools can apply too. The forum were asked to consider any groups that need funding and direct them to access the initiative via contact Kelly Dawson of the Kirkholt Millions. A three year plan has been submitted to the National Lottery for the skate park and a consultation day was held on suggestions for the future of the facility.

Rochdale Boroughwide Housing No one from Rochdale Boroughwide Housing was in attendance.

A resident raised the matter of overhanging branches from neighbouring trees next to her property on Hill Top Drive, Kirkholt. This matter to be reported to the Neighbourhood Officer for the area.

5. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true record.

Grass cutting The issue of grass cutting on Oldham Road and Crompton Avenue areas discussed at the last forum has been raised by Councillor Farnell with the Council’s Environmental Department.

Meeting attendance The forum had discussed the reducing attendance numbers and suggestions were made to increase advertisement and awareness of the meeting. The Township Officer has spoken to the Council’s Communications Section to ensure the meeting is promoted on all forms of social media in the run up to a forum and the GMP contact person responsible for their social media output for Rochdale will be asked to promote the meetings.

6. OPEN FORUM Hill Top Drive overhanging branches As stated under agenda item 4, a resident raised the matter of overhanging branches from neighbouring trees next to her property on Hill Top Drive, Kirkholt. This matter to be reported to the Neighbourhood Officer for the area.

Letter of thanks The Chair, Councillors and residents expressed their wish that a letter of thanks goes to Angela Bryan at St Thomas’ Church before her imminent departure, thanking her and the congregation for their assistance with the community events that have been held at the church. Action: Township Officer to write a thank you letter on behalf of the forum.

7. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday 20 March 2018 at 6.30pm Venue: Kirkholt Community Church, Daventry Road, Kirkholt, Rochdale

Agendas and minutes of the meetings are available on the Council’s website under heading ‘Councillors and committees’ and ‘Agendas, reports and minutes’.


Thursday 7 December 2017 Brimrod Methodist Church, Roch Valley Way, Rochdale


Present: B. Frost, D. Frost, R. Coles, K. Huggett, K. Khan, B. Goodwin, J. Roche, L. Stansfield, D. Hall and J. Welby

Councillors: Jane Howard and Pat Sullivan

Officers: Rochdale Borough Council: S. Hay (Townships)

Apologies: Councillor Ian Duckworth, Beryl Hudson, Councillor James Gartside, Shirley Marsh, Diane Lodwig, M. Davies and L. Bamford

1. WELCOME, INTRODUCTIONS AND APOLOGIES Introductions were made and all were welcomed to the meeting.

2. CODE OF CONDUCT The Chair referred to the code of conduct and asked all to abide by the code for the duration of the meeting.

3. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING The minutes of the previous meeting on Thursday 14 September 2017 were agreed and the following update was given.

Fly tipping Holborn Street continues to be cleaned up but very recently an armchair has been dumped on Chelsea Street, two pushchairs near number 63 Holborn Street and bags of rubbish at both Manchester (Old) Road near Derrick Walker Court behind the bus stop and the bottom of Brimrod Lane opposite Brimrod Methodist Church. These sites will be cleared up. Lots of bins have been left out, after much work to clear them.

Road surfaces Councillor Sullivan wrote to Highways about this matter and as a result, further work to improve the road surface at the junction of Holborn Street and Mayfair Gardens has been carried out. Highways have also now instructed the contractor to repaint the road markings at the junction of Holborn Street and Finsbury Street.

4. POLICE AND COMMUNITIES TOGETHER A burglary operation is currently ongoing due to the increase in burglaries in the Bamford and Norden areas. Three offenders have been arrested by neighbourhood officers believed to be responsible for burglaries in Rochdale and Bury; this was a result of the deployment of The Force

Page 58 helicopter.

Police urge everyone to please report any suspicious activity and to be extra vigilant over the next few weeks in the run up to Christmas.

5. NHS LOCALITY PLAN NHS Locality Plan is still being developed and it will be reported on at a later date.

6. OPEN FORUM Cotton Lane water problem Cotton Lane has become saturated with pools of water in places and it is covered in wet leaves. Councillor Howard will arrange a clean-up and some chippings to be put down.

The Bamford Greenbelt Action Group Angela Smith gave an update on The Bamford Greenbelt Action Group:

Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, has tasked out the coordination of all current and pending submissions on the use of brownfield sites and put a stop on the process until that is complete.

The Group have organised an anniversary walk to start at 10am on Saturday 20 January 2018 meeting on Bamford Green with bacon butties after. Last year’s event was incredibly well attended.

Concern was expressed on the possible impact on the local roads should a proposed 419 housing development be approved in Edenfield Lancashire.

Potholes Residents expressed concern about recent National Press reports highlighting a change in Government Policy that potholes over four centimetres deep would no longer need to be repaired within a certain time but merely investigated, whatever that means. Highways will be asked whether there are any plans to change the current Rochdale Council’s policy on dealing with potholes.

Mayfair Gardens gullies Highways will be asked to street sweep Mayfair Gardens to address the problem of leaves blocking the gullies.

Manchester Road bus lane A request was made to find out how many Fixed Penalty Notices the enforcement camera covering the bus lane on Manchester Road had generated.

Roch Valley Way speed survey Ward Councillors have funded and commissioned a speed survey following a number of Road Traffic Collisions at the Manchester Road end of Roch Valley Way.

Off road bikes Greater Manchester Police identified a problem of anti-social use of off road and quad bikes using the footpath at the bottom of Bolton Road near Manchester Road. Ward Councillors have funded the installation of staggered guard rails to resolve the issue.

Bamford in Bloom Ward Councillors have funded Bamford In Bloom which will see the installation of planters and hanging baskets to include Sudden Village shops, bulb planting and signage.

Roch Valley clean-up Ward Councillors will arrange a clean-up and litter pick in Roch Valley at the end of January or early February 2018.

Page 59 Sandy Lane junction The junction of Sandy Lane, Bury Road and Roch Valley Way remains one of the busiest junctions in the Borough. Ward Councillors have been speaking with residents and they are championing improved pedestrian facilities. The timings of the Automated Traffic Signals are controlled centrally by Transport for Greater Manchester.

Ward Councillors contact details are available on the Council’s website:

Councillor Ian Duckworth Telephone: 01706 648393 Email: [email protected]

Councillor Jane Howard Telephone: 07870 172144 Email: [email protected]

Councillor Pat Sullivan Telephone: 0161 762 1129 or 07967 985240 Email: [email protected]

Rochdale Council Officers:

Township Officer - Stuart Hay Telephone: 01706 922230 Email: [email protected]

Public Realm Inspector - Diane Lodwig Telephone: 01706 922226 Email: [email protected]

7. DATE AND TIME OF THE NEXT MEETING Thursday 8 March 2018 at 6.30pm in Brimrod Methodist Church

Page 60 Agenda Item 16


MINUTES OF MEETING Wednesday, 18 October 2017

PRESENT: Councillors Rashid (Chair), Ali Ahmed, Daalat Ali, Cocks, Gartside and Zaheer

OFFICERS: G. Finch (Township & Engagement Officer)

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Councillors Nickson, Duckworth and Wazir

INTRODUCTIONS AND APOLOGIES 35 The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies had been received from Councillors Nickson, Wazir and Duckworth.

MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING 36 The minutes of the Rochdale Township Communities and Engagement Priority Group held on Wednesday 9th August 2017 were approved as a correct record.

At the last meeting of this Group it was agreed that applicants will be required to attend meetings of the Rochdale Township Communities and Engagement Priority Group to respond to questions to aid the decision making process. Failure to attend the meeting will result in the application being deferred.

Members have now agreed that should an applicant fail to attend and the Group determine the application to be urgent then the decision to support / refuse the application be delegated to the Chair and Vice Chair of the Group.

The Group was also informed that £13650 remained in the budget.


The Group agreed to support this application to the value of £1100.


The Group agreed to support this application to the value of £1500.


The Group agreed to support this application to the value of £1500


The Group agreed to support this application to the value of £950

Councillor Daalat Ali declared an interest in this application and did not participate in the decision to support this application.

DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING 38 20TH December 2017 at 6.15pm – Number One Riverside.

Page 62 Agenda Item 17

Report to Rochdale Township Action and Resources Delegated Sub-Committee

Date of Meeting 11th January 2018 Portfolio Cabinet Member for Housing & Environment Report Author Andrew Cowell Public/Private Document Public

Objections to proposed Traffic Regulation Order - On-Street Permit Parking Places (Disabled Bay) (24 Hours) - Rochdale

Executive Summary

1.1 The Council intends to create individual on-street permit parking bays principally for use by disabled badge holders. Using this proposed mechanism for permit bays allows the Council to charge individuals or organisations a fee for administering the process.

1.2 Applications and locations were measured against the Council’s approved disabled parking policy and road safety criteria.

1.3 The restrictions for approved applications were formally promoted and during the consultation period the Authority received 1 letter of objection to the proposal. The objection relates to the application from a resident on Tweedale Street for a permit (disabled) bay to be positioned outside 1 Talbot Street. The bay cannot be positioned outside the applicant’s property due to the presence of waiting restrictions. The applicant requested the bay to be positioned on Talbot Street as this is the closest location on the highway to their back door, which the applicant uses most frequently for access.

1.4 The objector reports that on-street parking spaces are limited on Talbot Street and someone residing at the address also has a disability that affects their mobility. Therefore, the space outside their property is just as important to them as the applicant and they do not want it restricted for another person.

1.5 The report outlines the reason for the proposal and the objection received.


2. The Committee should consider whether the proposed Traffic Regulation Order, Borough of Rochdale ((Civil Enforcement of Traffic Contraventions) (Various Streets) (Rochdale Township) Order 2008) (Amendment) (No.142)

Page 63 Order be implemented, as advertised, or altered in light of the representation received, which is outlined in Appendix B of this report.

Reason for Recommendation

3. Copy of Statement of Reasons

The Council intends to create individual on-street permit parking bays principally for use by disabled badge holders.

Using this proposed mechanism for permit bays allows the Council to charge individuals or organisations a fee for administering the process.

Applications and locations have been measured against the Council’s approved disabled parking policy and road safety criteria.

This report details the location of the bays to be introduced within each Township area.

It is proposed to introduce permit parking bays for qualifying disabled badge holders at the following locations:

 Buersil Avenue, Kingsway Ward the south-east side from a point 10m south-west of its junction with Retford Avenue for a distance of 5m in a south westerly direction

 Turf Hill Road, Kingsway Ward the south side from a point 63 m west of its junction with Neston Road for a distance of 5 m in a westerly direction

 Hare Street, Milkstone & Deeplish Ward the west side from a point 21 m north of its junction with Milkstone Road for a distance of 5m in a northerly direction

 Heath Street, Milkstone & Deeplish Ward the north-east side from a point 24.5 m south-east of its junction with Norman Road for a distance of 5 m in a south easterly direction

 Mere Street, Milkstone & Deeplish Ward the west side from a point 22 m south of its junction with Tweedale Street for a distance of 5 m in a southerly direction

 Talbot Street, Milkstone & Deeplish Ward the east side from a point 45.5 m north of its junction with Kent Street for a distance of 5 m in a northerly direction

 Edenfield Road, Spotland & Falinge Ward

Page 64 the north side from a point 34 m east of its junction with Rooley Street for a distance of 5 m in an easterly direction

 Edenfield Road, Spotland & Falinge Ward the north side from a point 77 m east of its junction with Ings Lane for a distance of 5 m in an easterly direction

 Edmund Street, Spotland & Falinge Ward the south side from a point 28 m east of its junction with Silver Street for a distance of 5 m in an easterly direction

Key Points for Consideration

4. During the consultation period the Authority received 1 objection letter.

4.1 To comply with the Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996 the Authority must consider all objections submitted during the consultation period of 21 days before ‘Making’ a Traffic Regulation Order.

4.2 It should be noted that in considering the report, the proposed Order is deemed non-strategic in nature and should be dealt with in accordance with Section 8.2-3 of the Scheme of Delegation to Township Committee. Committee has delegated power to confirm or abandon the proposals and the Order.

4.3 If the objection is upheld, the Order can be amended by removing the item relating to Talbot Street without the need for re-advertising.

4.4 In considering the objection the Committee should be mindful that the only right the general public has on the highway is a right of passage along it. There are no parking rights for individual residents. The Council are not duty bound to provide disabled parking bay facilities on the highway.

4.5 The criteria requires successful applicants to have a valid blue disabled badge and a supporting letter from their doctor confirming disability and the benefit of having a disabled bay near to the property. This has been checked and approved as part of this application.

4.6 If any of the evidence is found to be wrong or changes, the Council reserves the right to revoke the facility at any time.

4.7 The bay cannot be positioned outside the applicant’s property due to the presence of waiting restrictions. The applicant requested the bay to be positioned on Talbot Street as this is the closest location on the highway to their back door, which the applicant uses most frequently for access.

4.8 The Objectors’ comments are attached at Appendix B.

Page 65 Costs and Budget Summary

5. The cost of the proposed Traffic Regulation Order will be met by the existing Highways revenue budget. The application fees (£2,400) will cover part of the expense. The forecast costs are approximately £12,000.

Risk and Policy Implications

6. None.


7. Consultation required by the Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders, (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996 has taken place.

7.1 The Emergency Services, Transport for Greater Manchester, The Freight Transport Association and the Road Haulage Association were consulted on 11th October 2017.

7.2 Notices of intention were posted on site and published in the local newspaper on 11th October 2017.

7.3 The objection period ran until 1st November 2017.

Background Papers Place of Inspection None


Various Streets, Rochdale

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Rochdale Borough Council, in exercise of its powers under Sections 1(1), 2 and 4 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, intend to make an Order, the effect of which would be to amend the Borough of Rochdale (Civil Enforcement of Traffic Contraventions) (Various Streets) (Rochdale Township) Order 2008 by inserting the following:-

Schedule No. 9.18 On Street Permit Parking Place (24 hours)

Buersil Avenue, Kingsway Ward n(i) the south-east side from a point 10m south-west of its junction with Retford Avenue for a distance of 5m in a south westerly direction

Turf Hill Road, Kingsway Ward n(i) the south side from a point 63 m west of its junction with Neston Road for a distance of 5 m in a westerly direction

Hare Street, Milkstone & Deeplish Ward n(i) the west side from a point 21 m north of its junction with Milkstone Road for a distance of 5m in a northerly direction Heath Street, Milkstone & Deeplish Ward n(i) the north-east side from a point 24.5 m south-east of its junction with Norman Road for a distance of 5 m in a south easterly direction

Mere Street, Milkstone & Deeplish Ward n(i) the west side from a point 22 m south of its junction with Tweedale Street for a distance of 5 m in a southerly direction

Talbot Street, Milkstone & Deeplish Ward n(i) the east side from a point 45.5 m north of its junction with Kent Street for a distance of 5 m in a northerly direction

Edenfield Road, Spotland & Falinge Ward n(i) the north side from a point 34 m east of its junction with Rooley Street for a distance of 5 m in an easterly direction n(ii) the north side from a point 77 m east of its junction with Ings Lane for a distance of 5 m in an easterly direction

Edmund Street, Spotland & Falinge Ward n(i) the south side from a point 28 m east of its junction with Silver Street for a distance of 5 m in an easterly direction

A copy of the proposed Order and a map showing the lengths of roads concerned, together with the Council’s Statement of Reasons for making the Order, may be inspected at The Customer Services Centre, Ground Floor, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale OL16 1XU during normal office hours.

Objections to the proposed Order, stating the grounds on which they are made, must be made in writing and forwarded to [email protected] or, alternatively, to

Page 67 Network Management, Floor 2, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale, OL16 1XU to reach the Council on or before 1st November 2017, quoting H60/1252.

Dated this 11th day of October 2017

David Wilcock Acting Director of Resources Resources Directorate Rochdale Borough Council Number One Riverside Smith Street ROCHDALE OL16 1XU

Page 68 Page 69 APPENDIX B – Objection

To, whom it may concern

I am writing to you in relation to a Disable Parking application that has been submitted to you by No. 21 Tweedale Street, Rochdale OL11 1HH.

Residents at No.21 Tweedale Street have put in application to the Council to have a Disabled Parking Bay in front of my house at No.1 Talbot Street, OL11 3SY which resided at the backside of No.21 Tweedle Street. I do not agree to have a Disable Bay outside my property on the basis that I have my vehicle to park and also I have a member in my family who has suffered a Stroke and has mobility’s issues so I need park space avaliable in front of my property.

We are already experiencing problems parking our own vehicles on and around Talbot Street since Madina Supermarket opened around the corner...every day we see the supermarket workers and consumers parking their vehicles on our street, which causes problems for the residents living here.

I object with having a Disable Parking Bays put outside my property...If the bays can be allocated away from my house (opposite side) then that is fine with me, but if not then I will object to the introduction of a Disabled Parking Bay.

I would greatly appreciate it if you can take the above into consideration when reviewing the application and please keep me inform on this matter in writing.

If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Look forward to your response.

Page 70 Page 71 Agenda Item 18

Report to Rochdale Township Action and Resources Delegated Sub-Committee

Date of Meeting 11th January 2018 Portfolio Cabinet Member for Housing & Environment Report Author Andrew Cowell Public/Private Document Public

Objections to Proposed Traffic Regulation Order - Malvern Street West and Claremont Road, Rochdale

Executive Summary

1.1 Over a period of time several complaints were received by the Council and ward members reporting motorists using Malvern Street West as a through route. Concerns were also raised about vehicle speeds. Investigations were carried out and it was found that a significant number of motorists use Malvern Street West as an alternative ‘through route’ between Bury Road and Sandy Lane and vice versa. Motorists using a short cut often do so travelling at higher speeds.

1.2 A consultation was carried out with local residents and a scheme to close the road to through traffic received a majority support.

1.3 The proposed restrictions were formally promoted and during the consultation period the Authority received 1 letter of objection to the proposal.

1.4 The objector reports that the proposal will result in increased queue lengths on both Bury Road and Sandy Lane which will intensify the delays currently experienced by motorists.

1.5 The report outlines the reason for the proposal, the objection received and a response to the objection.


2. The Committee should consider whether the proposed Borough of Rochdale (Malvern Street West, Rochdale) (Prohibition of Driving) Order and the Borough of Rochdale ((Civil Enforcement of Traffic Contraventions) (Various Streets) (Rochdale Township) Order 2008) (Amendment) (No. 141) Order, be implemented as advertised, be amended, or be abandoned in light of the representation received, which is outlined in Appendix B of this report. It is the recommendation of

Page 72 Officers that the objection be dismissed and the proposal introduced as advertised.

Reason for Recommendation

3. Copy of Statement of Reasons

Over a period of time, several complaints have been received by the Council and ward members about motorists using Malvern Street West as a through route. Concerns were also raised about vehicle speeds. Investigations were carried out and it was found that a significant number of motorists use Malvern Street West as an alternative ‘through route’ between Bury Road and Sandy Lane. Motorists using a short cut often do so travelling at higher speeds. A consultation was carried out with local residents and a scheme to close the road to through traffic received a majority support.

Malvern Street West is a residential street which provides a link between two strategic roads, Bury Road and Sandy Lane. At busy periods, the traffic signal junction at Bury Road / Sandy Lane generates a queue of vehicles along Bury Road and Sandy Lane. Further to this, the right turn manoeuvre from Bury Road into Sandy Lane is made more difficult due to the configuration of the signals. Right turners are in conflict with eastbound vehicles as there is no separate signal stage to allow this maneuver to be undertaken independently. Both these factors encourage the use of Malvern Street West as an alternative route.

In order to prevent the use of Malvern Street West as a through route it was recommended that the road was permanently closed at its junction with Sandy Lane. This would remove all ‘through traffic’ travelling in both directions. The location was chosen based on access considerations for local businesses and to allow for the construction of a turning head. There is a requirement for a turning head to be created to allow motorists to turn safely and exit in forward gear. Parking restrictions were also proposed around the turning head itself to prevent parked vehicles obstructing its use.

A consultation was carried out in July 2017 to allow local residents and businesses who may be affected by the proposal to give their comments. Of the 84 consultation leaflets distributed, 24 were returned, with 21 in favour. This represented an 87% support for the scheme.

The scheme as designed would force all vehicles to exit the area via Bury Road and:

 residents raised concerns over the difficulties they already experience in exiting onto Bury Road due to queuing traffic and requested improvements to the signal junction.

However, signal engineers have confirmed that the junction is running at full capacity and there is no scope to increase capacity unless existing site constraints were removed and the boundaries of the highway expanded. It

Page 73 should also be borne in mind that the number of vehicles attempting to exit on Bury Road would be significantly reduced if through traffic is removed, which would provide some benefit to residents helping to reduce any impact at this junction

 residents requested parking restrictions on Claremont Road near to Bury Road to ease access and egress

This has been added to the proposed scheme to be formally advertised

The results of the consultation were presented to ward members and it was agreed to formally promote the scheme with the additional restrictions on Claremont Road.

The Police Injury Accident database shows no recorded injury accidents along Malvern Street West or Claremont Road within in the last 3 years.

It is proposed to:

Introduce a prohibition of driving restriction on Malvern Street West from its junction with Sandy Lane for a distance of 2.5 metres in an easterly direction.

The proposed restriction will remove through traffic from Malvern Street West, reducing the number and average speed of vehicles overall, making it a safer environment for all road users.

Introduce prohibition of waiting restrictions on the north side of Malvern Street West from a point 123 metres west of its junction with Claremont Road to its termination point in a generally westerly direction, including the turning head and the head of the cul-de-sac, and on the south side from a point 128 metres west of its junction with Claremont Road to its termination point in a westerly direction

The proposed restriction will ensure the turning facility does not become obstructed by parked vehicles

Introduce prohibition of waiting restrictions on both sides of Claremont Road from its junction with Bury Road for a distance of 15 metres in a northerly direction

The proposed restriction will ensure the junction does not become obstructed when motorists are both entering and exiting the junction at the same time

3.2 To address the issues reported, it is necessary to introduce the proposed Order as originally advertised (see Appendix A).

Page 74 Key Points for Consideration

4. During the consultation period the Authority received 1 objection letter.

4.1 To comply with the Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996 the Authority must consider all objections submitted during the consultation period of 21 days before ‘Making’ a Traffic Regulation Order.

4.2 It should be noted that in considering the report, the proposed Order is deemed non-strategic in nature and should be dealt with in accordance with Section 8.2-3 of the Scheme of Delegation to Township Committee. Committee has delegated power to confirm or abandon the proposals and the Order.

4.3 In considering the objections the Committee should be mindful that the only right the general public has on the highway is a right of passage along it. The Council, acting in its capacity as Highway Authority, have a duty of care to ensure the safety of the travelling public and a duty under the Traffic Management Act 2004 to maintain the expeditious movement of traffic.

4.4 The Objectors’ comments and the Director of Neighbourhoods response are attached at Appendix B and C of this report.

Alternatives Considered

4.5 The Committee could consider recommending that the proposal be amended or abandoned.

4.6 Should Committee decide not to introduce the restrictions proposed then the issues with through traffic movements and parked vehicles, which were reported to Rochdale Township, will not be addressed.

Costs and Budget Summary

5. The cost of the proposed Traffic Regulation Order will be met by Rochdale Township Funds. The estimated cost is £15,000, which includes the purchase of land required to construct the turning head.

Risk and Policy Implications

6. The Council has a statutory duty to ensure that its highways operate safely and efficiently, for all traffic including pedestrians.


7. Consultation required by the Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders, (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996 has taken place.

7.1 The Emergency Services, Transport for Greater Manchester, The Freight

Page 75 Transport Association and the Road Haulage Association were consulted on 1st November 2017.

7.2 Notices of intention were posted on site and published in the local newspaper on 1st November 2017.

7.3 The objection period ran until 22nd November 2017.

Background Papers Place of Inspection None

Page 76 APPENDIX A – Notices of Intention and plan




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Rochdale Borough Council, in exercise of its powers under Sections 1(1), 2 and 4 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, intend to make an Order the effect of which would be to prohibit driving on Malvern Street West, Rochdale from its junction with Sandy Lane for a distance of 2.5 metres in an easterly direction.

A copy of the proposed Order and a map showing the length of road concerned, together with the Council’s Statement of Reasons for making the Order, may be inspected at the Customer Services Centre, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale, OL16 1XU during normal office hours.

Objections to the proposed Order, stating the grounds on which they are made, must be made in writing and forwarded to [email protected] or, alternatively, to Network Management, Floor 2, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale, OL16 1XU to reach the Council on or before 22nd November 2017, quoting H60/1230.

Dated this 1st day of November 2017

David Wilcock Assistant Director (Legal, Governance & Workforce) Resources Directorate Rochdale Borough Council

Number One Riverside Smith Street ROCHDALE OL16 1XU


Malvern Street West and Claremont Road, Rochdale

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Rochdale Borough Council, in exercise of its powers under Sections 1(1), 2 and 4 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, intend to make an Order, the effect of which would be to:-

(i) Amend the Borough of Rochdale (Civil Enforcement of Traffic Contraventions) (Various Streets) (Rochdale Township) Order 2008 by inserting the following:-

Schedule No. 1.1 No Waiting At Any Time

Malvern Street West, Bamford Ward

n(iii) the north side from a point 123 metres west of its junction with Claremont Road to its termination point in a generally westerly direction including the turning head and the head of the cul-de-sac

n(iv) the south side from a point 128 metres west of its junction with Claremont Road to its termination point in a westerly direction

Schedule No. 1.1 No Waiting At Any Time

Claremont Road, Bamford Ward

n(i) both sides from its junction with Bury Road for a distance of 15 metres in a northerly direction

(ii) Revoke those parts of the Borough of Rochdale (Civil Enforcement of Traffic Contraventions) (Various Streets) (Rochdale Township) Order 2008, as follows:-

Schedule No. 1.1 No Waiting At Any Time

Malvern Street West, Bamford Ward

(i) the north side from its junction with Sandy Lane to a point 16 metres east of its junction with Sandy Lane

(ii) the south side from its junction with Sandy Lane to a point 21 metres east of its junction with Sandy Lane

A copy of the proposed Order and a map showing the lengths of road concerned, together with the Council’s Statement of Reasons for making the Order, may be inspected at The Customer Services Centre, Ground Floor, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale OL16 1XU during normal office hours.

Page 78 Objections to the proposed Order, stating the grounds on which they are made, must be made in writing and forwarded to [email protected] or, alternatively, to Network Management, Floor 2, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale, OL16 1XU to reach the Council on or before 22nd November 2017, quoting H60/1230.

Dated this 1st day of November 2017

David Wilcock Assistant Director (Legal, Governance & Workforce) Resources Directorate Rochdale Borough Council Number One Riverside Smith Street ROCHDALE OL16 1XU

Page 79 Page 80 APPENDIX B – Copy of Objection

Further to your proposal to permanently close Malvern Street West at its junction with Sandy Lane. It's true, Malvern Street West is used an alternative ‘through route’ between Bury Road and Sandy Lane. However this is often out of necessity given the huge queues on Bury Road (and on Sandy Lane), present not only at peak times but often throughout the day, particularly on Bury Road. For example, last Friday (03-Nov-17 14:10hrs) it took me 20 minutes to drive the 1.1.miles from the Asda car park to parking my car on Claremont Road. That's an average speed of 3 miles per hour, which is nothing short of ridiculous. This wan't a one off but a regular occurrence and in fact even this Sunday gone, early afternoon the queues were half way to Mellor Street. However I don't see anywhere a proposal to reduce the long queues on Bury Road which often go as far back as the Mellor St and College Road junction and beyond at peak times. The closure of Malvern Street West only seeks to add to this problem by keeping traffic on Bury Road.

Drivers turning onto Malvern Street West from Sandy Lane are looking to turn left onto Bury Road thus avoiding having to sit in queues to make the left turn from Sandy Lane onto Bury Road. This is often a bottle next as it only takes a couple of cars wanting to turn right at this junction to prevent any further traffic flow as there isn't sufficient room for cars turning left or going straight to pass through. Drivers turning onto Malvern Street West are not looking to turn right onto Bury Road and do not contribute to the queues on Bury Road (to the the junction with Sandy Lane) as you outline.

I myself use Malvern Street to join onto Sandy Lane and then travel down Roch Valley Way to reach the motorway to travel to work. This is significantly easier than attempting to turn right into parked traffic on Bury Road and then waiting in a slow moving queue to make the left turn onto Roch Valley Way. With the new proposal, I will be forced onto Bury Road to sit in traffic there and then additionally sit in traffic on Roch Valley Way to cross the junction with Manchester Road. The Roch Valley Way traffic queues are a different topic altogether.

If speed is the issue, then why not introduce a speed management scheme such as those in many other parts of Rochdale?

You note that signal engineers have confirmed that the junction is running at full capacity so this problem is not going to go away. What plans if any do you have to update/improve the junction layout in order to help alleviate the queues?

In addition, residents are already experiencing problems with parking and your proposed additional restrictions on Claremont Road only seek to further reduce the number of available parking spaces. Since the opening of the hairdressers and the beauty salon at 412 Bury Road, parking has become a severe issue and at times I am forced to find a parking space down towards the bottom of Bury Road or on Half Acre Drive. This has added to an existing problem caused by football traffic from Rochdale FC and St Clements FC, supporters of both using Claremont Road and Malvern Street West for parking. I haven't witnessed any major issues with congestion/blocking of the Bury Road and Claremont Road junction to warrant the proposed restrictions so not sure where this information is coming from.

I don't agree with any of the proposed changes and feel that they are detrimental to traffic flow in the area and detrimental in terms of reducing the already limited parking space in the area.

Page 81 APPENDIX C – Response to Objection

The objector acknowledges that Malvern Street West is used by through traffic but states that this is often out of necessity due to the formation of queues on Sandy Lane and Bury Road caused by the signal junction.

However, it should be borne in mind that Malvern Street West and Claremont Road are situated close to the signal junction, only 40 metres and 180 metres away respectively. Therefore, it would be expected that queues should form up to these points even if the junction was improved and queue lengths reduced. This would still result in the route being used by through traffic.

Although it is the aim of the Highway Authority to reduce delays on the network, at this particular location there are significant physical site constraints which would impede the introduction of the significant improvements required to enable the junction to operate more efficiently. Further to this, due to the high volume of traffic on each arm at peak times, the junction becomes saturated. The timings cannot be optimized to reduce queue lengths on one arm without adversely affecting traffic on the other arms.

It is not disputed that a closure of Malvern Street West should increase queue lengths on Bury Road and Sandy Lane. It is accepted that this is the case, but in making a decision it should be borne in mind that Malvern Street West is a residential street and as with other streets of this character, is not appropriate for use by through traffic. Motorists taking alternative routes to shorten their journey often do so by adopting a higher speed. The accident risk is increased in residential areas where road users may be less alert to issues of road safety.

With regard to the parking restrictions proposed at Claremont Road, it is not considered that the length proposed is in any way excessive in terms of their aim. Vehicles parked close to the junction obstruct the two-way flow of traffic into and out of the side road. This can lead to shunt accidents along the main road. The restrictions also conform to guidance set out in the Highway Code.

Page 82 Agenda Item 19

Report to Rochdale Township Action and Resources Delegated Sub-Committee

Date of Meeting 11th January 2018 Portfolio Cabinet Member for Housing & Environment Report Author Andrew Cowell Public/Private Document Public

Objections to Proposed Traffic Regulation Order - Ings Lane, Rochdale

Executive Summary

1.1 A request was received from Rochdale Township for the Council to investigate the introduction of parking restrictions at the southern end of Ings Lane and on some adjacent streets. It was reported that obstructive parking occurs along both sides of Ings Lane at each junction. The problems occur when football matches are held at the nearby Spotland Stadium. As part of this proposal there is also a desire to formalise the parking arrangements for football coaches along the east side of Ings Lane.

1.2 New parking restrictions were drafted and approved by ward members. The restrictions were formally promoted and during the consultation period the Authority received 1 letter of objection to the proposal.

1.3 The objector reports that the proposed restrictions on the east side of Ings Lane, intended for away supporter coach parking, will encourage the parking of coaches side by side. This results in short term closures of Ings Lane and the objector feels that the designated area for away supporter coach parking should be relocated to a more appropriate area at Hudsons Walk.

1.4 The report outlines the reason for the proposal, the objection received and a response to the objection.


2. The Committee should consider whether the proposed Traffic Regulation Order, Borough of Rochdale ((Civil Enforcement of Traffic Contraventions) (Various Streets) (Rochdale Township) Order 2008) (Amendment) (No.132) Order be implemented as advertised, be amended, or be abandoned in light of the representation received, which is outlined in Appendix B of this report. It is the recommendation of Officers that the

Page 83 objection be dismissed and the proposal introduced as advertised.

Reason for Recommendation

3. Copy of Statement of Reasons

A request has been received from Rochdale Township for the Council to investigate the introduction of parking restrictions at the southern end of Ings Lane and on some adjacent streets. It is reported that obstructive parking occurs along both sides of Ings Lane at each junction. The problems occur when football matches are held at the nearby Spotland Stadium. As part of this proposal, the order relating to the placing of no waiting cones on match days will be amended to include sections on the east side of Ings Lane. This will keep an area free for away coach parking.

Ings Lane is an urban dual carriageway which provides access from the principal road network (Edenfield Road), to a large residential area. It is situated within 100 metres of the football stadium to the north. Although the carriageways are around 6 metres wide and can accommodate parking on the nearside, on match days parking occurs around the junctions of Lisbon Street, Great Flatt and Innes Close, which affects visibility, access and egress from each side road.

There are currently existing prohibition of waiting restrictions in place at the southern end of Ings Lane between Edenfield Road and Lisbon Street. On the east side of Ings Lane there is a disabled bay positioned directly outside the library. There is also a bus stop pole positioned adjacent to the bay. It is proposed to retain the disabled bay facility and relocate the bus stop further south with a dedicated bus stop clearway restriction.

The Police Injury Accident database shows no recorded injury accidents along the section of Ings Lane under review.

It is proposed to introduce prohibition of waiting restrictions on:

 the west side of Ings Lane from its junction with Lisbon Street for a distance of 10 metres in a northerly direction

 the west side of Ings Lane from a point 20 metres south of its junction with Great Flatt to a point 15 metres north of its junction with Great Flatt

 the east side of Ings Lane from a point 123 metres north of its junction with Edenfield Road for a distance of 25 metres in a northerly direction

 the east side of Ings Lane from a point 10 metres south of its junction with Innes Close to a point 15 metres north of its junction with Innes Close

 both sides of Great Flatt from its junction with Ings Lane for a

Page 84 distance of 10 metres in a westerly direction

 both sides of Innes Close from its junction with Ings Lane for a distance of 9 metres in an easterly direction

 to introduce ‘No Waiting or loading/unloading at any time during Control Hours when cones are placed’ restrictions on:

 the east side of Ings Lane from a point 76 metres north of its junction with Edenfield Road for a distance of 47 metres in a northerly direction and from a point 10 metres south of its junction with Innes Close for a distance of 47 metres in a southerly direction

to introduce a 24 hour bus stop clearway on:

 the east side of Ings Lane from a point 47 metres north of its junction with Edenfield Road for a distance of 17 metres in a northerly direction

The proposed restrictions on Ings Lane and on the three side streets will remove parked vehicles, the effect of which will be to:

 ensure the free movement of traffic turning into and out of the side roads, reducing the likelihood of vehicles stopping suddenly on the main road thereby reducing the risk of shunt accidents

 improve visibility for motorists entering the main road from each side road

 allow buses to use a designated stop, unhindered by parked vehicles, allowing passengers to board and alight the vehicle safely from the pavement

 allow an area for away coach parking, approved by the Police and football club

3.2 To address the issues reported, it is necessary to introduce the proposed Order as originally advertised (see Appendix A).

Key Points for Consideration

4. During the consultation period the Authority received 1 objection letter.

4.1 To comply with the Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996 the Authority must consider all objections submitted during the consultation period of 21 days before ‘Making’ a Traffic Regulation Order.

4.2 It should be noted that in considering the report, the proposed Order is

Page 85 deemed non-strategic in nature and should be dealt with in accordance with Section 8.2-3 of the Scheme of Delegation to Township Committee. Committee has delegated power to confirm or abandon the proposals and the Order.

4.3 In considering the objections the Committee should be mindful that the only right the general public has on the highway is a right of passage along it. The Council, acting in its capacity as Highway Authority, have a duty of care to ensure the safety of the travelling public and a duty under the Traffic Management Act 2004 to maintain the expeditious movement of traffic.

4.4 The Objectors’ comments and the Director of Neighbourhoods response are attached at Appendix B and C of this report.

Alternatives Considered

4.5 The Committee could consider recommending that the proposal be amended or abandoned.

4.6 Should Committee decide not to introduce the restrictions proposed then the issues with parked vehicles, which were reported to Rochdale Township, will not be addressed.

Costs and Budget Summary

5. The cost of the proposed Traffic Regulation Order will be met by Rochdale Township Fund. The estimated cost is £5500.

Risk and Policy Implications

6. The Council has a statutory duty to ensure that its highways operate safely and efficiently, for all traffic including pedestrians.


7. Consultation required by the Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders, (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996 has taken place.

7.1 The Emergency Services, Transport for Greater Manchester, The Freight Transport Association and the Road Haulage Association were consulted on 23rd August 2017.

7.2 Notices of intention were posted on site and published in the local newspaper on 23rd August 2017.

7.3 The objection period ran until 13th September 2017.

Background Papers Place of Inspection None

Page 86 APPENDIX A – Notice of Intention and plan


Ings Lane Area, Rochdale

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Rochdale Borough Council, in exercise of its powers under Sections 1(1), 2 and 4 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, intend to make an Order, the effect of which would be to amend the Borough of Rochdale (Civil Enforcement of Traffic Contraventions) (Various Streets) (Rochdale Township) Order 2008 by inserting the following:-

Schedule No. 1.1 No Waiting At Any Time

Ings Lane, Spotland & Falinge Ward

n(vi) the west side from its junction with Lisbon Street for a distance of 15 metres in a northerly direction

n(vii) the west side from a point 20 metres south of its junction with Great Flatt to a point 15 metres north of its junction with Great Flatt

n(viii) the east side from a point 123 metres north of its junction with Edenfield Road for a distance of 25 metres in a northerly direction

n(ix) the east side from a point 10 metres south of its junction with Innes Close to a point 15 metres north of its junction with Innes Close

Great Flatt, Spotland & Falinge Ward

n(i) both sides from its junction with Ings Lane for a distance of 10 metres in a westerly direction

Innes Close, Spotland & Falinge Ward

n(i) both sides from its junction with Ings Lane for a distance of 9 metres in an easterly direction

Schedule No. 1.2 No Waiting or loading/unloading at any time during Control Hours when cones are placed

Ings Lane, Spotland & Falinge Ward

n(i) the east side from a point 76 metres north of its junction with Edenfield Road for a distance of 47 metres in a northerly direction

n(ii) the east side from a point 10 metres south of its junction with Innes Close for a distance of 47 metres in a southerly direction

Page 87 In addition to the provisions contained in the Borough of Rochdale ((Civil Enforcement of Traffic Contraventions) (Various Streets) (Rochdale Township) Order 2008) (Amendment) (No. 132) Order, a 24 hour Bus Stop Clearway will be created on:-

Ings Lane, Spotland & Falinge Ward

the east side from a point 47 metres north of its junction with Edenfield Road for a distance of 17 metres in a northerly direction

A copy of the proposed Order and a map showing the lengths of roads concerned, together with the Council’s Statement of Reasons for making the Order, may be inspected at The Customer Services Centre, Ground Floor, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale OL16 1XU during normal office hours.

Objections to the proposed Order, stating the grounds on which they are made, must be made in writing and forwarded to [email protected] or, alternatively, to Network Management, Floor 2, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale, OL16 1XU to reach the Council on or before 13th September 2017, quoting H60/1242.

Dated this 23rd day of August 2017

David Wilcock Acting Director of Resources Resources Directorate Rochdale Borough Council Number One Riverside Smith Street ROCHDALE OL16 1XU

Page 88 Page 89 APPENDIX B – Copy of Objection

I am writing to object to the above TRO as Chair of Spotland and Falinge Area Forum and as local resident affected by this TRO.

As stated in the previous objection sent to you on 7 June 2017, regarding the proposed TRO with the same reference I endorse the proposed No Waiting At Any Time restrictions detailed in Schedule 1.1 of this proposal, as the safety improvements around the specified junctions will be significant.

The changes to the proposal regarding Schedule 1.2, 'No Waiting or loading/unloading at any time during Control Hours when cones are placed', while more suitable than the previously proposed '24 Hour Bus Only Bays' still cause concern. Members of the Spotland and Falinge Area Forum have on numerous occasions complained, raising their dissatisfaction with the closing of Ings Lane in a southernly direction when coaches are double parked for the stadium. More worryingly a resident of Alice Ingham Court has made me aware that bus services are redirected along Rooley Moor Road when this occurs. This has previously resulted in a vulnerable and elderly local resident who already struggles to walk having to get off her bus on Rooley Moor Road, and walk over half a kilometer to get home, when the bus would usually stop in front of Alice Ingham Court, at the bus stop ironically to be given a clearway by this TRO. This amount of disruption is not acceptable. The main concern of residents is that this TRO will result in Ings Lane being closed more regularly to allow more coaches to park than there is space available. As stated in the Statement of Reasons, Ings Lane provides access from the principal road network to a large residential area. It is therefore never reasonable to close such a road at all. To prevent this from happening if this part of the TRO is to be approved a condition must be attached to prevent Ings Lane being closed during stadium events and further coaches must park elsewhere. Closure of Ings Lane to allow double parking of coaches must not be permitted. Specifically, the section of Ings Lane to be covered by this TRO, immediately in front of a number of houses on the new Innes Close development, does not provide enough parking for the volume of coaches attending stadium events.

As an alternative, there is more space for more coaches available on Hudsons Walk, a turn around for coaches is already in place, and there is no need for diversions or disruption to any residents, as it is not a residential street. Coaches arriving and departing via the motorway would no longer need to be diverted down Bury Road, Mellor Street, and Rooley Moor Road to Ings Lane, which will help to alleviate congestion. As the No Waiting restrictions on Sandy Lane between Hudsons Walk and Bury Road have already been approved, this route is now perfectly safe and accessible for coaches to travel along to get to Hudsons Walk. The businesses on Sandy Lane also benefit from the increased footfall. Further coach parking could also be made available in Oulder Hill School car park if necessary. Utilising Huddons Walk also means that visitors are only required to cross Sandy Lane, and not Edenfield Road. Crossing Edenfield Road at the junction with Sandy Lane and Ings Lane is extremely dangerous as fans leave the stadium, and congestion forms on Edenfield Road, which further affects traffic up into Norden & Bamford, and back down into Central Rochdale. The walking distance between the first parking space on Ings Lane and Hudson's Walk to the main entrance of the stadium is 350m and 430m respectively.

Page 90 APPENDIX C – Response to Objection

The proposed parking restrictions that the objector refers to would prevent waiting and loading during control hours on part of Ings Lane. These are restrictions intended to be used temporarily on match days to allow away supporter coaches to park near to the stadium, in a designated area approved by the Police, local authority and stadium officials. The location chosen for away supporter coach parking is primarily influenced by the Police with the safety of the public in mind. At the present time the Police are not proposing a change to the current arrangements.

The objector requests that a condition be attached to the proposed TRO to prevent the double parking of coaches, which on occasion results in the temporary closure of Ings Lane. However, the TRO does not permit coaches to double park side by side and for the road to be closed. The TRO imposes parking controls on one side of the carriageway and does not control the movement of traffic. Temporary road closures are processed under separate legislation and on occasions the Police will exercise their own powers to close a road. Therefore, it is not possible to apply a condition to the TRO as requested.

Further to this, in the last two football seasons Ings Lane has only been closed 3 times, twice for the visit of Sheffield United and once for a one off FA Cup fixture. Sheffield United are no longer in the league. There are crossing facilities at Edenfield Road so it is not considered that crossing Sandy Lane should be safer than Edenfield Road.

In conclusion, the double parking of coaches is not relevant to the proposed TRO and there are no plans to alter the match day safety operations relating to visiting supporters arriving by coach.

Page 91 Agenda Item 20

Agenda Item

Report to Rochdale Township Action & Resources Delegated Sub Committee

Date of Meeting 11 January 2018 Portfolio Neighbourhoods, Community & Culture Report Author Sharron Worrall Public/Private Document Public Document

Rochdale Township Funds 2017/18

1. Executive Summary

1.1 Members to be updated on revenue and capital expenditure, commitments and balances of Rochdale Township Funds 2017/18 and enable the allocation of funds to proposed projects.

2. Recommendation

2.1 Members note the expenditure, commitments and balances for Rochdale Township revenue and capital funds in Appendix 1 and 2.

2.2 Members note decisions made under delegated authority as detailed in Appendix 3.

2.3 Members consider and approve, refuse or defer the allocation of funds to proposed projects detailed in Appendix 4.

2.4 Members note the Townships & Communities Manager has assessed proposed projects to be considered for funding against the criteria of eligibility for the Rochdale Township Fund, the priorities of the Township and any specific risks have been identified (information detailed in Appendix 4).

2.5 The Townships & Communities Manager, in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and opposition spokesperson of the committee, to be given delegated authority to make decisions on any deferred projects.

3. Reason for Recommendation

3.1 Management of the Rochdale Township Fund is delegated to the Rochdale Township Action & Resources Delegated Sub Committee.

3.2 Rochdale Township Funds are allocated to projects that benefit the Township’s community and environment, and realise the Township priorities.

Page 92 3.3 To enable the committee to monitor and review the use of the Rochdale Township Funds to ensure continued efficient and effective use of the funds.

4. Key Points for Consideration

4.1 Members are asked to note expenditure, commitments and balances of Rochdale Township Funds 2017/18 in Appendix 1 and 2. Actual/committed spend for revenue funds is 59.73% and capital funds is 10.97%.

4.2 Delegated decisions will be reported for information to each Rochdale Township Action & Resources Delegated Sub Committee to ensure that Members are aware of the projects that have been agreed within their Ward. Members are asked to note the decisions made under the delegated arrangements since the last committee meeting in Appendix 3.

4.3 Projects have been identified for funding from Rochdale Township Funds 2017/18. Members are asked to decide whether to approve, reject or defer the allocation of revenue and capital funds to these proposed projects listed in Appendix 4.

4.4 To reduce the potential for carry forward of funds during 2017/18, Members are asked to agree to give delegated authority to make decisions on any deferred projects to the Townships & Communities Manager, in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and opposition spokesperson of the committee.

4.5 Alternatives Considered

In considering the report, Members will decide whether or not to approve the allocation of funds to projects as appropriate.

5. Costs and Budget Summary

5.1 Rochdale Township revenue and capital budget summaries that detail expenditure, commitments and balances for financial year 2017/18 in Appendix 1 and 2.

5.2 Committee will receive regular reports to enable Members to monitor the use of the Rochdale Township Fund to ensure best use of available resources.

5.3 Township funds are monitored on a monthly basis and financial monitoring reports will be presented to future committees.

6. Risk and Policy Implications

6.1 Specific risk issues for Members to consider arising from this report will be identified for the proposed projects in Appendix 4.

6.2 The Townships Plan forms part of the Council’s policy framework. The plan for 2017-19 will be regularly updated to reflect how funds are allocated across the Townships in line with the identified priorities.

6.3 The purpose of the Township Funds is to enable Township Committees to Page 93 meet their respective Township priorities and to deliver actions to meet those priorities.

6.4 Under the Borough of Rochdale Compact with the voluntary sector the Council has made a commitment to consider the impact on service users of any changes to the funding arrangements for the voluntary sector and to provide them with at least three months’ notice of any changes and liaise with them and any relevant stakeholders to mitigate the impact of reduced funding. Therefore, if Members are inclined not to continue funding the provision of a service provided by the voluntary sector, Members should be mindful of their obligations under the Compact.

7. Consultation

7.1 Rochdale Township Action & Resources Delegated Sub Committee receives regular monitoring reports about the use of the funds. Any proposal for funding requires support from at least one Member. All proposals will to be consulted on as appropriate with Members, residents and other stakeholders.

Background Papers Place of Inspection

None N/A

For Further Information Contact: Sharron Worrall [email protected] 01706 924802

Page 94 APPENDIX 1


% Actual % Actual + OVERALL SUMMARY - REVENUE £ Spend Committed Budget b/f 2016/17 129,483 30.27% 59.73% Base Budget 2017/18 185,800 Income/Adjustments 2017/18 27,300 Total budget for 2017/18 342,583 Budgets transferred to Services/Actuals 103,694 Commitments 100,919 Total Actual + Commitments 204,614 Budget Remaining 2017/18 137,969 Page 95 Page

Forecast Outturn 342,583 Potential over/underspend -

Virement Base Income/ Revised Budget Budget within Virement Budget Adjustments Budget Committed Actuals Total remaining Funds b/f 2016/17 Township to Services 2017/18 2017/18 2017/18 £ £ £ 2017/18 £ Funds £ £ £ £ £ £ Members Fund - 54,000 - 54,000 12,766 12,206 - 1,750 26,722 27,278 Ward Fund - 72,000 - 72,000 14,310 2,965 - 8,656 25,931 46,069 Projects Fund 9,485 19,800 27,300 56,585 - 4,375 - 12,289 16,664 39,921 Clean & Green Priority Fund - 20,000 - 20,000 3,700 415 - 2,050 6,165 13,835 Communities & Engagement Priority Fund - 20,000 - 20,000 3,400 7,945 - - 11,345 8,655 Township Allocated Funds (pre 2017/18) 119,998 - - 119,998 66,744 24,593 - 26,450 117,787 2,211 Total 129,483 185,800 27,300 342,583 100,919 52,499 - 51,195 204,614 137,969



% Actual % Actual + OVERALL SUMMARY - CAPITAL £ Spend Committed Budget b/f 2016/17 38,600 9.20% 10.97% Base Budget 2017/18 182,000 Income/Adjustments 2017/18 - Total budget for 2017/18 220,600 Budgets transferred to Services/Actuals 20,298 Commitments 3,902 Total 96 Page Actual + Commitments 24,200 Budget Remaining 2017/18 196,400

Forecast Outturn 220,600 Potential over/underspend -

Virement Base Income/ Revised Budget Budget within Virement Budget Adjustments Budget Committed Actuals Total remaining Funds b/f 2016/17 Township to Services 2017/18 2017/18 2017/18 £ £ £ 2017/18 £ Funds £ £ £ £ £ £ Armed Forces Fund 8,800 - - 8,800 - - - - - 8,800 Capital Fund 29,800 182,000 - 211,800 3,902 6,298 - 14,000 24,200 187,600 Total 38,600 182,000 - 220,600 3,902 6,298 - 14,000 24,200 196,400



Members note the delegated decisions made by the Townships & Communities Manager in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and Opposition Spokesperson of Rochdale Township Action & Resources Committee

Delegated Decision Ref No. Name of Project Project Description Ward Amount Decision Date M/03/17 School Lane Planters Supply and installation of 6-8 planters on the fencing on the bridge Norden £1,024 29 September 2017 Awarded £1,024 on School Lane at Carr Wood, Rochdale to enhance the visual from Members amenity of the area and act as a further deterrent to waste being Fund fly-tipped over the bridge. The Friends of Ashworth Valley have informed Environmental Management that they will be responsible for the filling and maintenance of the planters once they are installed. CG/04/17 Denehurst Park Denehurst Park has been transformed over the past year with Spotland & £2,800 30 September 2017 Awarded £2,050 & 97 Page M/26/17 benches and bins new paths around the entire park and Friends of Denehurst Park Falinge from Clean & and Rochdale Council’s Environmental Management wish to Green Priority Fund encourage use of this green space with the provision of benches and £750 from and litter bins. It is proposed to install four benches in the park Members Fund (two to replace damaged benches removed as part of the infrastructure works and two along the new path in the open fields area) and four litter bins (two bins along the new paths and two bins in the formal area of the park at the end of the herbaceous border and in front of Denehurst House by the sunken lawn)

CG/03/17 Kellett Street The Growth Project that operates from Kellett Street Allotments Central £2,250 10 October 2017 Awarded £2,250 Allotments Container propose to acquire a second hand steel shipping container to Rochdale from Clean & store personal protective equipment, refreshments, first aid kits, Green Priority Fund clients’ information, risk assessments, bird food and other ancillary items. The container will address the problem of thefts from the allotment site. M/27/17 Balderstone Library Balderstone Library propose to acquire additional Lego items for Balderstone £147.85 12 October 2017 Awarded £147.85 Lego their Lego Club held weekly on a Friday afternoon. The popularity & Kirkholt from Members of the Lego Club has increased library membership and attracted Fund new young members including boys who are underrepresented. The Lego mini figures and vehicles sets will encourage children to explore their creativity, develop motor skills and enhance their communication skills. Page 1 of 7 Delegated Decision Ref No. Name of Project Project Description Ward Amount Decision Date M/08/17 Rochdalians AFC Supply and installation of a double sided directional sign to Kingsway £300 17 October 2017 Awarded £300 from Directional Sign Rochdalians AFC on the corner of Oldham Road and Crompton Members Fund Avenue, Rochdale. M/22/17 Balderstone Library Balderstone Library propose to organise a Halloween event in Balderstone £195.95 18 October 2017 Awarded £195.95 Halloween Event conjunction with Friends of Balderstone Park to encourage & Kirkholt from Members children/families to visit the library and park. The ‘Spooks and Fund Books’ event will include activities of storytelling in the park, finding parts of Frankenstein’s monster and crafts in the library. Each child will be given a goody bag with themed items and refreshments of a drink and fruit. CE/09/17 Deeplish Multi Activity Link4Life in partnership with Deeplish Community Centre propose Milkstone & £1,500 23 October 2017 Awarded £1,500 Club to establish a Deeplish Multi Activity Club offering regular weekly Deeplish from Communities sports, fitness and physical activity sessions to children 8-12 years & Engagement old for 25 weeks. The sessions will target both boys and girls Priority Fund from the local and surrounding areas of Deeplish who do not

Page 98 Page traditionally engage in sport and physical activity. Deeplish Multi Activity Club sessions will take place in the evening each week for 1½ hours in term time facilitated by coaching staff from Link4Life’s Casual Community Coaching Team and Deeplish Community Centre volunteers. The project aims to increase the levels of physical activity amongst young people to improve their health and wellbeing. CE/10/17 An evening of Sufi Rochdale Kashmiri Association propose to promote the Kashmiri Milkstone & £950 23 October 2017 Awarded £950 from poetry culture and enhance the engagement/networking in the local Deeplish Communities & community with an evening of Sufi poetry. Local poets will be Engagement invited to read a selection of poems and participants will be Priority Fund provided an opportunity to discuss Kashmiri culture, heritage and language.

Page 2 of 7 Delegated Decision Ref No. Name of Project Project Description Ward Amount Decision Date TC/05/17 Rooley Moor Visitor Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum propose to raise the profile of Spotland & £2,500 23 October 2017 Awarded £2,500 Interpretation Boards the history of the cotton famine and the road with visitor Falinge from Capital Fund & Signage interpretation boards and signage to educate the public and direct visitors to areas of interest. A board/sign at the bottom of the cobbled section of Rooley Moor Road will display information about the BBC plaque located nearby and outline heritage trails in the area. Signage will provide information about the physical and social history of the area with QR code links to the Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum’s website. The content of the signage will be developed in conjunction with Touchstones, the Pioneers Museum, the Ramblers Association, Rochdale Council and other volunteers. Heritage Lottery Shared Histories funding of £9,400 has been secured by Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum and a grant contribution from Rochdale Council will support the delivery of the overall project outcomes.

M/25/17 99 Page Spotland Supply and installation of a grit bin on the corner of Spotland Road Central £875.18 31 October 2017 Awarded £875.18 Road/Holland Street and Holland Street, Rochdale as this stretch of road is hazardous Rochdale from Members Grit Bin during wintry conditions. Fund CE/07/17 Multilingual poetry Multicultural Resource Centre propose to organise a multilingual Milkstone & £1,100 02 November 2017 Awarded £1,100 live poetry reading event to engage and celebrate the linguistic Deeplish from Communities and cultural diversity of Rochdale and its communities. & Engagement Established poets and the local community will perform at the Priority Fund event and all poems will be translated into English and made available on the day to the audience. CE/08/17 & Milkstone & Deeplish Deeplish Community Centre Association propose to organise Milkstone & £3,800 06 November 2017 Awarded £1,500 W/10/17 Health Initiative weekly sessions and an awareness event to improve the health, Deeplish from Communities wellbeing and welfare of the local community with the focus on & Engagement isolated and disadvantaged elderly people. Activities will include Priority Fund and exercise sessions, gardening, mental health and meditation £2,300 from Ward sessions and an open day offering health checks and Fund guidance/information from professionals/agencies about healthy living.

Page 3 of 7 Delegated Decision Ref No. Name of Project Project Description Ward Amount Decision Date W/12/17 & Milkstone Road & Consultation meetings with residents, community representatives Milkstone & £1,500 07 November 2017 Awarded £1,500 AF/08/13 Tweedale Street Area and Ward Councillors to be undertaken by Highways to ascertain Deeplish from Ward Fund Parking Investigation parking and traffic flow concerns in the Milkstone Road and Tweedale Street area. Residents have asked in a previous consultation for several ‘hot spots’ in the area to be addressed with parking restrictions and some streets to be designated one way. A report will be prepared detailing the results of the consultation and investigation together with options to address the issues identified. W/11/17 Cronkeyshaw Environmental Management to introduce landscaping features to Healey £1,155 08 November 2017 Awarded £1,155 Common Access – restrict unauthorised access to Cronkeyshaw Common and from Ward Fund Mizzy Road Trees enhance this green space for the benefit of the local community. Silver Birch and Alder trees will be planted on Cronkeyshaw Common near Mizzy Road to create a natural barrier at access points to the site and contribute to the visual appeal of the area. Page 100 Page

M/34/17 'Unsuitable for motor Supply and installation of warning signs at the ends of the Norden £180.10 16 November 2017 Awarded £180.10 vehicles' signs on bridleway HeyBp45, Birtle (one sign and pole at one end and one from Members Birtle Bridleway sign on existing pole at the other end) to deter vehicles from Fund proceeding along the bridleway as it is not suitable for motor vehicles. M/37/17 Winter Wonderland at The Friends of Balderstone Park and Balderstone Library propose Balderstone £297.78 16 November 2017 Awarded £297.78 Balderstone Library to organise a ‘Winter Wonderland’ Christmas event on 8 & Kirkholt from Members and Balderstone Park December 2017 for the local community to celebrate the festive Fund period. Activities of crafts, storytelling and singing plus a visit from Santa and refreshments made available in a social and friendly environment. M/31/17 Community cohesion St Edward’s CE Primary School propose to arrange the removal Castleton £500 16 November 2017 Awarded £500 from with Cobden Lodge and thinning of trees and shrubs on land between the school and Members Fund (St Edward's CE Cobden Lodge to address the concerns of local residents. Primary School Tree Works) M/33/17 Norden Village Provision of new external lights for Norden Village Christmas Light Norden £100 16 November 2017 Awarded £100 from Christmas Lights Switch On event on 30 November 2017 and to enhance the area Members Fund during the festive period.

Page 4 of 7 Delegated Decision Ref No. Name of Project Project Description Ward Amount Decision Date W/14/17 Castleton Children’s Castleton Children’s Club encourages children from the age of 3 Castleton £1,335.82 20 November 2017 Awarded £1,335.82 Club Equipment & to 12 years and their families to participate in creative play from Ward Fund Activities activities and events. The club propose to deliver community led activities for children and young people on a weekly basis during term time only after a successful pilot in the Castleton area. Equipment and items for the 1½ hour sessions per week are required to enable the children and young people to engage in safe play with learning opportunities. W/04/17 Heywood Road Litter Supply and installation of a pole mounted litter bin on Heywood Castleton £165 20 November 2017 Awarded £165 from Bin Road, Rochdale (on land adjacent to Oakland Terrace). Ward Fund W/06/17 Castleton Christmas Supply and installation of two illuminated Christmas features on Castleton £1,860.05 20 November 2017 Awarded £1,860.05 Lights street lighting columns 138 and 139 Manchester Road, Castleton from Ward Fund to enhance the festive lighting display in Castleton Village.

M/21/17 Friends of Bamford Friends of Bamford propose organising a festive event on 17 Bamford £543.07 23 November 2017 Awarded £543.07 December 2017 with Christmas carols on The Green. A brass from Members Page 101 Page band will perform traditional festive music and refreshments will Fund be made available. The event will be a catalyst to promote the aims of this new Friends of group and launch other activities that will encourage community engagement and enhance the local environment. In addition, Friends of Bamford have asked for gardening tools for community use on Rochdale Township in Bloom projects within the ward. M/29/17 Caldershaw Primary Caldershaw Primary School will host a twinning event with a Norden £1,000 01 December 2017 Awarded £1,000 School Anglo-French French school in May 2018 and they propose to create a floral from Members Landscaping Scheme display at the entrance of the school to welcome their guests. Fund Environmental Management will plant flowers in the colours of the national flags of both countries that will bloom in the month of the visit and continue to flower through to mid-summer. The school will be responsible for the future maintenance of the scheme and the plants chosen are easy to propagate so providing pupils with the opportunity to get involved in growing lavender and azalea from cuttings and poppy and aquilegia from seed to extend the display year on year and learn horticultural skills.

Page 5 of 7 Delegated Decision Ref No. Name of Project Project Description Ward Amount Decision Date W/21/17 & Oulder Hill Footway Provision of a tarmacadam surface to improve the footway from Bamford £3,700 01 December 2017 Awarded £2,300 M/45/17 Surface Oulder Hill Drive to Oulder Hill School and the Leisure Centre that from Ward Fund provides a cut through for children to Oulder Hill School and route and £1,400 from for the general public to access the Leisure Centre. A sealed Members Fund surface along this footway will resolve the problem of mud in wet conditions and address the issue of school children and the public walking through the cemetery grounds instead of using this definitive Right of Way. M/36/17 Kirkholt Bowling Club Kirkholt Bowling Club provides recreational bowling opportunities Balderstone £850 01 December 2017 Awarded £850 from Equipment for the local community in the ward with an emphasis on & Kirkholt Members Fund encouraging young people to participate in this diversionary activity plus a socially inclusive sport for older people. The club propose to purchase new bowling equipment to enhance the playing experience. M/30/17 Do Not Feed the Supply and installation of two 'Do Not Feed the Geese' signs at Healey £418 05 December 2017 Awarded £418 from Page 102 Page Geese' signs at Syke Syke Pond to raise awareness of the harm caused to the local Members Fund Pond environment and wildlife. Problems from feeding geese include pollution of the pond, attraction of pests to rotten leftover food, overcrowding as a result of an abundant food source, territorial aggression, malnutrition of the birds and their offspring, increase the spread of disease and loss of nature behaviour. M/66/16 Pakeeza Women Pakeeza Women’s Group propose to organise an eight week Milkstone & £350 05 December 2017 Awarded £350 from Group Knitting Skills course to teach participants the knitting skills needed to produce Deeplish Members Fund Sessions garments for themselves and their families. A professional trainer will deliver the eight sessions and knitting materials will be provided. The sessions will provide participants with the opportunity to take part in an activity that will build self-confidence, learn new skills and express their creativity in a friendly and social environment. W/09/17 Bamford Bolts Netball Bamford Bolts Netball Club is a new club that provides weekly Bamford £700 06 December 2017 Awarded £700 from Club Kits training sessions at Heywood Sports Village on Friday evenings Ward Fund from 5-6pm to girls from Year 7 and Year 8. The club has joined a competitive league and require netball kits and training sportswear for the club members to participate in matches/tournaments and train effectively.

Page 6 of 7 Delegated Decision Ref No. Name of Project Project Description Ward Amount Decision Date M/48/17 Roch Valley Way Investigation into the speed of vehicles on Roch Valley Way, Bamford £1,000 11 December 2017 Awarded £1,000 Speed Survey Rochdale involving the installation of two sets of tubes along the from Members road that will measure the speeds and volume of traffic over a Fund week long period. Highways will analyse the results and prepare a report with options to address the concerns raised. Page 103 Page

Page 7 of 7 APPENDIX 4


Projects Fund 2017/18 available for allocation = £39,921

Rochdale Township Projects Fund 2017/18 - Proposed projects for decision Fund Criteria & Request Ref Name of Project Ward Cost Priorities Met Originator RP/08/17 Removal of John Street Bus Lane/Gate Feasibility Study Milkstone & Yes Councillor Farnell £5,000 Deeplish Place Project Description Feasibility study to investigate the cost implications of the necessary highway infrastructure changes and impact on traffic/buses if the bus lane and bus gate are removed on John Street, Rochdale (located in the nearside lane of the northbound carriageway between the junctions of Baillie Street and Yorkshire Street, Rochdale). (Project brief at Appendix 4A)

Page 104 Page Comments Highways fully support any measures on the highway that improve the safe and efficient movement of traffic. Risk implication Risks that may change the estimate are amendments made to the scheme during its development resulting in additional costs. RP/09/17 Wonderful, Versatile Parks Spotland & Yes Vintage Worx £6,849 Falinge Place Community Development Trust Project Description Vintage Worx Community Development Trust propose to deliver events in Falinge Park in 2018 aimed at promoting the importance of using local parks to improve health and wellbeing, family cohesion and community interaction. (Application form providing information about the proposed events including breakdown of expenditure at Appendix 4B) Risk implication None Capital Fund 2017/18 available for allocation = £187,600

Rochdale Township Capital Fund 2017/18 - Proposed projects for decision Fund Criteria & Request Ref Name of Project Ward Cost Priorities Met Originator TC/04/17 Bentley Street Traffic Calming Healey Yes Councillor O'Neill £50,000 Place Project Description Introduction of traffic calming measures along Bentley Street, Rochdale consisting of speed cushions and flat top road humps. It is perceived that the majority of vehicles are not complying with the 20mph speed limit. In order to improve compliance it is proposed and recommended that traffic calming is introduced so that the 20mph limit becomes self-enforcing. Waiting restrictions will be implemented at the locations of the speed cushions. (Project brief at Appendix C) Comments Highways fully support any scheme on the highway that improve the safe and efficient movement of traffic. Risk implication Risks that may change the estimate are objections being received during the legal process or amendments made to the scheme during its development resulting in additional costs. Also if the scheme requires amendments so as to satisfy the requirements of the emergency services or TfGM and if Ward Councillors require further information, justification or scheme content. The estimate does not include for dealing with or reporting back to committee during the legal process and dealing with any objections may increase the cost. Also the estimate assumes that there will be no major amendments made to the scheme at committee resulting in the scheme requiring readvertising. Estimate assumes there are no utility services that will require diversions as part of the works.

Page 105 Page TC/06/17 Crawford Street Traffic Calming and 20mph Zone Kingsway Yes Kingsway Ward £21,500 Place Councillors Project Description Introduction of Traffic Regulation Order for a 20mph zone and consultation with residents on traffic calming measures. Proposed traffic calming measures consist of removal of existing 20mph/30mph speed limit signs, installation of new 20mph/30mph speed limit signs, construction of two pairs of speed cushions and a raised junction plateau and associated surface water drainage works. (Project brief and plan at Appendix 4D) Comments Highways fully support any restrictions on the highway that improve the safe and efficient movement of traffic. Members are advised a Kingsway Ward Councillor proposes to allocate £2,000 Member's Fund towards this project and seeks a contribution of £21,500 from Rochdale Township Capital Fund. Risk implication Risks that may change the estimate are objections being received during the legal process or amendments made to the scheme during its development resulting in additional costs. Also if the scheme requires amendments so as to satisfy the requirements of the emergency services or TfGM and if Ward Councillors require further information, justification or scheme content. The estimate does not include for dealing with or reporting back to committee during the legal process and dealing with any objections may increase the cost. Also the estimate assumes that there will be no major amendments made to the scheme at committee resulting in the scheme requiring readvertising. Estimate assumes there are no utility services that will require diversions as part of the works. TC/07/17 Removal of grass verge outside 837 Bury Road Bamford Yes Resident £2,632 Place Project Description Replacement of the grass verge outside 837 Bury Road, Rochdale with bitmac to create a safe and level hard standing. (Project brief and plan at Appendix 4E) Comments Highways have advised the scheme will require the laying of new edging kerb to achieve 2.5% cross fall Risk implication Estimate does not include any statutory undertakers diversion costs if services are found within the existing grass verge. Rochdale Township Capital Fund 2017/18 - Proposed projects for decision Fund Criteria & Request Ref Name of Project Ward Cost Priorities Met Originator TC/08/17 Martlett Avenue Waiting Restrictions Bamford Yes Councillor Sullivan £3,500 Place Project Description Introduction of parking restrictions on Martlett Avenue, Rochdale to prevent indiscriminate parking on the side of the bend near to Snipe Avenue. Parked vehicles are reducing forward visibility at the location and obstructing the two-way flow of traffic along Martlett Avenue. (Project brief and plan at Appendix 4F) Comments Highways fully support any restrictions on the highway that improve the safe and efficient movement of traffic. Risk implication Risks that may change the estimate are objections being received during the legal process or amendments made to the scheme during its development resulting in additional costs. Also if the scheme requires amendments so as to satisfy the requirements of the emergency services or TfGM and if Ward Councillors require further information, justification or scheme content. The estimate does not include for dealing with or reporting back to committee during the legal process and dealing with any objections may increase the cost. Also the estimate assumes that there will be no major amendments made to the scheme at committee resulting in the scheme requiring readvertising.

Page 106 Page TC/09/17 Corporation Road, Norman Road and Albion Road Waiting Restrictions Milkstone & Yes Rosso Bus £5,000 Deeplish Place Company & residents Project Description Introduction of parking restrictions on Corporation Road, Norman Road, Albion Road and a wider area to prevent indiscriminate parking. Several businesses in the area including Rosso Bus Company have reported parked vehicles restricting access and egress. The area will be reviewed as a whole to address all issues and avoid displacement into other areas. (Project brief at Appendix 4G) Comments Highways fully support any restrictions on the highway that improve the safe and efficient movement of traffic. Risk implication Risks that may change the estimate are objections being received during the legal process or amendments made to the scheme during its development resulting in additional costs. Also if the scheme requires amendments so as to satisfy the requirements of the emergency services or TfGM and if Ward Councillors require further information, justification or scheme content. The estimate does not include for dealing with or reporting back to committee during the legal process and dealing with any objections may increase the cost. Also the estimate assumes that there will be no major amendments made to the scheme at committee resulting in the scheme requiring readvertising. TC/10/17 Crawford Street Waiting Restrictions Kingsway Yes Councillor Daalat Ali £4,000 Place & RDA Project Description Introduction of waiting restrictions on the south side of Crawford Street, Rochdale to supplement the existing waiting restrictions and aid the two-way flow of traffic along the street. The restrictions will ease access and egress from local business premises including Crossfield Mill.(Project brief and plan at Appendix 4H) Comments Highways fully support any restrictions on the highway that improve the safe and efficient movement of traffic. Risk implication Risks that may change the estimate are objections being received during the legal process or amendments made to the scheme during its development resulting in additional costs. Also if the scheme requires amendments so as to satisfy the requirements of the emergency services or TfGM and if Ward Councillors require further information, justification or scheme content. The estimate does not include for dealing with or reporting back to committee during the legal process and dealing with any objections may increase the cost. Also the estimate assumes that there will be no major amendments made to the scheme at committee resulting in the scheme requiring readvertising. ±B



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Please read the Terms & Conditions and Guidance for Applicants. If you need advice or support to complete your application form, please contact Rochdale Township Office.


Name of project Wonderful, Versatile Parks

SECTION 2 - APPLICANT DETAILS a) Name of organisation Vintage Worx Community Development Trust b) Type of organisation

Voluntary/ Registered Sports/ Limited Private Social Other community charity leisure club company company enterprise type c) Aims and objectives of your organisation and activities or services it provides

Vintage Worx delivers services, activities and projects that;  Improve personal development  Increase skill levels  Assist unemployed people to gain sustainable employment  Reduce isolation  Increase social interaction and improve community cohesion We offer job clubs, training courses, personal development projects and support services to local residents, predominantly from the Falinge, Spotland and North Central wards but our services are open to residents across the borough. We also run 12 community events on the park each year with different themes and activities and operate a community café which offers work experience opportunities to young people of the borough. We are currently offering weekly workshops in card-making, glass painting, ceramic mosaics, upcycling, textiles, photography, art for beginners, sweet-making and digital inclusion. These classes are aimed at reducing isolation and encouraging people to get involved in arts and crafts. We are running a twice weekly weight management programme that includes nutrition advice, weigh-in, rebound fitness and Zumba classes, healthy walks and healthy cooking classes. This programme is designed to take an holistic approach to tackling obesity We also have a weekly gardening club, hold ESOL classes, job club, offer community enterprise and community group advice and are producing a community cookery book and a community craft book d) Contact name Tracie Powers e) Contact telephone Falinge Park, Falinge road, Rochdale f) Contact address and postcode g) Email address [email protected] h) Web address

Page 109

Form RT02

SECTION 3 – ORGANISATION FINANCES a) Have you applied for or received a Township grant before? Yes No

b) If you have answered yes to question a), please give details below £2000 June 2016 £800 Sept 2017

c) Does more than 50% of your annual base budget/income come from Rochdale Council? Yes No

If yes, detail below the amounts received and Council Services providing budget/income to your organisation (a copy of your application will be forwarded to your relevant Link Officer for their comments)

SECTION 4 – ABOUT THE PROJECT AND JUSTIFICATION Details of the proposed project and what benefits will this project bring for participants, organisation, group or wider community?

Parks and Green Spaces are exceptionally important features of any urban landscape, particularly as a way in which to improve the health and wellbeing of residents, but for all the campaigns and increased awareness of healthy standards of living, parks are still, for the most part, under-utilised commodities. This year Vintage Worx would like to deliver a string of larger scale events in Falinge Park aimed at promoting the advantages, convenience and sheer value of using local parks to improve health and wellbeing, family cohesion and community interaction with the objective of encouraging more people to use their parks on a regular and repeating basis.

Event 1 - Family Fun Run A family fun run with intermittent inflatable obstacles to encourage families to utilize their park for health and fitness Event 2 - It’s a Knockout – Junior Edition To encourage children to leave their PlayStation and XBoxes behind and enjoy a full day of physical activity in their local park Event 3 - International Food & Craft Festival Parks are not just about exercise; they are about bringing people together across the whole community and enjoying food and the company of your neighbours Event Finale - ALL STAR SHOWCASE What better way to spend a Sunday afternoon and to end the series of events than a showcase of Rochdale’s talented young people.

Project completion Project start date May 27th 2018 September 30th 2018 Page 110date

Form RT02

SECTION 5 – PROJECT FINANCES a) Cost of project £6849 b) Amount of grant required £6849 c) Amount from other sources £0 d) Details of other funding Funder What they may fund Dates of funding decisions

e) Breakdown of proposed expenditure relating to the amount of grant required (enclose quotations, cost estimates or extracts from catalogues. At least two quotations will be required for any items to be funded that will cost £1,000 or more to demonstrate value for money). Expenditure item Cost

Event 1 Inflatable hire for fun run ( 3 x 82ft obstacles @£250) £750 course/195/82ft-assault-course-yellow-and-black#BodyContent

Event 2 Inflatable obstacle course plus event organisers for It’s a knockout £2500 (Quote attached to email)

Event 3 Cost of ingredients/craft items for International fair (15 groups @£100 per group) £1500 This will be the total allocated to each group participating

Event Finale Purchase of 8m x 4m Marquee to create stage (Event Finale) £1099 x-8m-aluminium-extreme-50-series/

Advertising and marketing (@£250 per event) £1000

Page 111 TOTAL £6849

Form RT02

SECTION 6 – SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Please supply the following documents when you submit your application. IF YOU DO NOT SUPPLY THESE DOCUMENTS, WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PROCESS YOUR APPLICATION. Please tick the boxes to confirm which documents you have attached to this application. a) Annual accounts and bank statement(s) b) Constitution/governing document c) If your project works with children and young people under 18 years old or vulnerable adults, please confirm your organisation has the following in place: Child protection policies and procedures Yes N/A Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checked staff and Yes N/A volunteers d) Quotes/estimates/extracts from catalogues for proposed



We, the undersigned agree to:  Abide by Rochdale Township Fund’s Terms and Conditions.  No expenditure being incurred on this project prior to the grant decision being given.  Certify that the information contained in this application is correct and that we are authorised by the organisation to accept these conditions on their behalf.  Use funds, if granted, only as specified in this application, unless receiving authorisation from Rochdale Township Office to make changes.  Send the invoices/receipts for all payments made with this grant along with the completed Project Evaluation Form to the Rochdale Township Office.  Agree to participate in monitoring, auditing and evaluation related to this fund.  Highlight the support of Rochdale Township in all publicity material and agree to Rochdale Council’s use of the organisation’s name and photographs for promotional purposes.  Inform Rochdale Township Office immediately if either signatory leaves the organisation or can no longer fulfil their responsibilities, or someone else takes over responsibility for the grant on behalf of the organisation. Organisation Chair or Treasurer Contact Person (Different from Contact Person) Signature T Powers Signature V Kilburn

Full name Tracie Powers Full name Vanessa Kilburn

Position Director Position Director

Date 09/12/17 Date 09/12/17

Before you send your application to us, please check that you have:  answered all the relevant questions and  enclosed all the information requested: - Annual accounts - Constitution/governing document - Bank statement(s) - Quotations/cost estimates/extracts from catalogues - BACS form

We will return incomplete application forms.

Please send your completed application form to: Rochdale Township Office, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale OL16 1XU Tel: 01706 924802 Email: [email protected] Page 112

Form RT02

Page 113 Page 114 Page 115 Page 116


COMMISSIONING FORM (2017/18) Township Ref Service Ref

Township Rochdale TC/06/17

Name of Request Originator Kingsway Ward Councillors Project Manager & Ext Nathan McKendry Completed by Andrew Cowell Date Completed 01/11/17 A. DETAILS OF SCHEME Scheme Name & Location Crawford Street – Traffic calming and 20mph zone

Scheme Description (include Two reports have been completed which investigated the use of as much information as Crawford Street as a through route. Please refer to these reports for possible) further detail. Complaints about vehicle speeds have also been received. A scheme to deter through movements has been devised. This will also help to regulate vehicle speeds. The scheme detail is shown below. Refer to Plan A3/H59/21/001.

 Traffic Regulation Order (20 mph) and consultation with residents on traffic calming features  Removal of existing 20 mph zone / 30 mph speed limit signs  New 20 mph / 30 mph speed limit signs  Construction of x 2 pairs of speed cushions  Construction of raised junction plateau and associated surface water drainage works Scheme comments from Highways fully support any restrictions on the highway that improve the Highways safe and efficient movement of traffic. Desired Outcome (what is A safe and efficient highway. required by the scheme) Township Priorities Met Place Land Owner Rochdale Council Public Consultation Yes Proposed Source of Funding Township Capital

B. ESTIMATE Assumptions made during preparation of estimate  The scheme content is fully understood by the Township Committee and has the full support of the Township Committee, especially the local ward councilors.  There will be no amendments to the schemes once commissioning documents have been approved and signed off.  The promotion of a Traffic Order is a statutory process and must be completed accordingly.  The estimate does not include for dealing with or reporting back to committee any objections received during the legal process. To deal with objections may increase the cost due to staff time having to be expended.  To deal with objections may increase the cost.  This estimate assumes that there will be no major amendments made to scheme at committee resulting the scheme requiring re-advertising. Risks that may change estimate  Objections being received during the legal process or amendments made to the scheme during its development will result in additional costs.  The scheme requires amendments so as to satisfy the requirements of the emergency services or TfGM. Page 117  Ward Councillors require further information, justification or scheme content.  Utility service diversions may be required.

Total Estimated Fees £5,000

Total Estimated Works Costs £18,500 **Total Cost £23,500 Estimate valid for a 6 month period Amount Approved by Township Cost Code


Estimated Start Date To be assessed on receipt of the signed commissioning document.

Evidence  A start date will be identified once the commissioning document has been approved and received by Highways, this will be depend on staff availability and workload.  It is envisaged that a start date will be within 12 months of receiving the commission.  Evidence of the work commencing will be the expenditure of fees Dependent on start date but will be at least 6 months after Completion Date commencement of design Evidence  A completion date will be dependent on the availability of staff both in Highways and Legal.  It will also be dependent on the level of objection should that be the case.  Evidence of the completion of works on site and settlement of final account.


I have read the terms and conditions provided with this form and agree to the funds being allocated as approved at Committee Date Committee Approved Scheme

Signature of Head of Service Date

Signature of Townships & Date Communities Manager

Signature of Township Chair Date

E. BENEFITS/OUTCOMES (FOR COMPLETION BY HIGHWAYS & ENGINEERING SERVICE ONLY) TAMP Objectives LTP Criteria Improve Safety Accessibility Accident Reduction Condition Reduce Congestion Township Priority Improve Network

** Based on decision to proceed given in (timescale) and including scope/assumptions are correct.

KEY To be completed by whoever receives the original proposal To be completed by Service/Provider after discussion with the Township Office To be completed by Township Councillor/OfficerPage 118

Page 119 I


COMMISSIONING FORM (2017/18) Township Ref Service Ref

Township Rochdale TC/07/17

Name of Request Originator Resident Project Manager & Ext Mark Jackson Ext 4552 Completed by Paul McCaffrey Date Completed 13/12/17 A. DETAILS OF SCHEME Scheme Name & Location Change of use – excavate grass verge and bitmac. Outside 837 Bury Road.

Scheme Description (include Excavate grass verge and replace with bitmac as per Dwg. No. A0/Bury as much information as Rd/001 possible) Excavate existing pcc edging kerb and dispose to tip Provide and lay new pcc edging kerb.

Scheme comments from Lay new edging kerb to achieve 2.5% cross fall Highways

Desired Outcome (what is Improve appearance of footway area and achieve safe and level hard required by the scheme) standing.

Township Priorities Met Place Land Owner Rochdale Council Public Consultation No Proposed Source of Funding Township Capital

B. ESTIMATE Assumptions made during preparation of estimate Estimate does not include any statutory undertakers diversion costs if services are found within the existing grass verge.

Risks that may change estimate Services within the verge may need relocation to achieve the verge construction depth.

Total Estimated Fees £300.00

Total Estimated Works Costs £2331.63 **Total Cost £2631.63 Estimate valid for a 6 month period Amount Approved by Township Page 120 Cost Code


Estimated Start Date (start date subject to commissioning within three months of application) Evidence eg start within two months of receiving commission. Evidence: fees being expended on system.

Completion Date Evidence eg completion within six months of start date. Evidence: completion of works on site and settlement of final account


I have read the terms and conditions provided with this form and agree to the funds being allocated as approved at Committee Date Committee Approved Scheme

Signature of Head of Service Date

Signature of Townships & Date Communities Manager

Signature of Township Chair Date

E. BENEFITS/OUTCOMES (FOR COMPLETION BY HIGHWAYS & ENGINEERING SERVICE ONLY) TAMP Objectives LTP Criteria Improve Safety Accessibility Accident Reduction Condition Reduce Congestion Township Priority Improve Network

** Based on decision to proceed given in (timescale) and including scope/assumptions are correct.

KEY To be completed by whoever receives the original proposal To be completed by Service/Provider after discussion with the Township Office To be completed by Township Councillor/Officer

Page 121 Page 122

EEl El Excavate grass verge to depth vi 280mm Existing Utilities heinstate Faatways comprising tiexible M/H cacer svrtacing FW4 (bppendix 7/t). 200mm at Type t M0T b0mm of dense mncodam binder vvvrse 20mm aggregate 20mm at dense macadam sartace coarse 8mm aggregate

Take xp & dispose to tip existing pcc edging herb Provide and lay 200abOmm pvc edging herb to achieve 2 51 crasstall gradient El Existing Tootwap Gaily

Existing L/c

I. A.

Completed Name Project as Scheme Scheme possible)

Scheme Highways Township Assumptions required Desired Land Public Proposed B.






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Rochdale Nathan There the Avenue further. Proposed alignment indiscriminate Bamford, safe A Introduction Dllr

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