Public Document Pack Meeting of: Rochdale Township Action and Resources Delegated Sub-Committee Date: Thursday, 11th January, 2018 Time: 6.15 pm. Venue: Rochdale Town Hall, The Esplanade, Rochdale, OL16 1AB This agenda gives notice of items to be considered in private as required by Regulations 5 (4) and (5) of The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012. Item AGENDA Page No No. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies for absence. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or personal and prejudicial interests they may have and the nature of those interests relating to items on this agenda and/or indicate if S106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them. 3. URGENT ITEMS OF BUSINESS To determine whether there are any additional items of business which, by reason of special circumstances, the Chair decides should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency. 4. ITEMS FOR EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC AND PRESS To determine any items on the agenda, if any, where the public are to be excluded from the meeting. 5. MINUTES 4 - 10 To consider the Minutes of the meeting of Rochdale Township Action and Resources Delegated Sub-Committee held 19th October 2017. 6. HEALEY AREA FORUM 11 - 15 To note the minutes of a meeting held Thursday, 21st September 2017 7. SPOTLAND AND FALINGE AREA FORUM 16 - 21 To note the minutes of a meeting held Monday, 2nd October 2017 8. MILKSTONE AND DEEPLISH AREA FORUM 22 - 27 To note the minutes of a meeting held Monday, 16th October 2017 9. CASTLETON AREA FORUM 28 - 33 To note the minutes of the meetings of the Area Forum held Tuesday, 14th November 2017 (Annual General Meeting and the Ordinary meeting) 10. SPOTLAND AND FALINGE AREA FORUM 34 - 40 To note the minutes of a meeting held Thursday, 16th November 2017 11. KINGSWAY AREA FORUM 41 - 43 To note the minutes of a meeting held Thursday, 23rd November 2017 12. BAMFORD AND OAKENROD AREA FORUM 44 - 49 To note the minutes of a meeting held Monday, 4th December 2017 13. MILKSTONE AND DEEPLISH AREA FORUM 50 - 53 To note the minutes of a meeting held Monday, 4th December 2017 14. BALDERSTONE AND KIRKHOLT COMMUNITY MEETING 54 - 56 To note the minutes of a meeting held Tuesday, 5th December 2017 15. BRIMROD, MARLAND AND SUDDEN AREA FORUM 57 - 59 To note the minutes of a meeting held Thursday, 7th December 2017 16. ROCHDALE TOWNSHIP COMMUNITIES AND ENGAGEMENT 60 - 61 PRIORITY GROUP To note the minutes of a meeting held Wednesday, 18th October 2017 17. OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDER - 62 - 70 ON-STREET PERMIT PARKING PLACES (DISABLED BAY) (24 HOURS) - ROCHDALE The Sub- Committee to consider objections to the proposed Traffic Regulation Order, Borough of Rochdale ((Civil Enforcement of Traffic Contraventions) (Various Streets) (Rochdale Township) Order 2008) (Amendment) (No.142) 18. OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDER - 71 - 81 MALVERN STREET WEST AND CLAREMONT ROAD, ROCHDALE The Sub-Committee to consider objections to the proposed Borough of Rochdale (Malvern Street West, Rochdale) (Prohibition of Driving) Order and the Borough of Rochdale ((Civil Enforcement of Traffic Contraventions) (Various Streets) (Rochdale Township) Order 2008) (Amendment) (No. 141) 19. OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDER - 82 - 90 INGS LANE, ROCHDALE The Sub-Committee to consider objections to the proposed Traffic Regulation Order, Borough of Rochdale ((Civil Enforcement of Traffic Contraventions) (Various Streets) (Rochdale Township) Order 2008) (Amendment) (No.132) 20. ROCHDALE TOWNSHIP FUNDS 2017/18 91 - 129 The Sub-Committee to consider a report that enables Members to allocate expenditure and resources from the Rochdale Township Fund 2017/18 to proposed projects across the Township Rochdale Township Action and Resources Delegated Sub-Committee Members: Councillor Shakil Ahmed Councillor Sultan Ali Councillor Cecile Biant Councillor Kieran Heakin Councillor Kathleen Nickson Councillor Billy Sheerin Councillor Patricia Sullivan Councillor Peter Winkler Councillor Mohammed Zaman For more information about this meeting, please contact Peter Thompson Governance and Committee Services, Rochdale Borough Council, Level 2, Number One Riverside Rochdale OL16 1XU Telephone: 01706 924715 e-mail: [email protected] Agenda Item 5 ROCHDALE TOWNSHIP ACTION AND RESOURCES DELEGATED SUB-COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING Thursday, 19th October 2017 PRESENT: Councillor Cecile Biant (Chair); Councillors Shakil Ahmed, Sultan Ali, Heakin, Sheerin, Sullivan, Winkler, Zaheer and Zaman. OFFICERS: N McKendrey and V White (Neighbourhoods Directorate) and C Denyer (Resources Directorate) ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Shaun O’Neill and 2 members of the public APOLOGIES 16 Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Nickson DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 17 There were no declarations of interests. URGENT ITEMS OF BUSINESS 18 There were no urgent items of business MINUTES 19 DECISION; That the minutes of the Rochdale Township Action and Resources Delegated Sub-Committee held on 29th June 2017, be approved as a correct record BALDERSTONE AND KIRKHOLT COMMUNITY MEETING 20 DECISION: That the minutes of the Balderstone and Kirkholt Community Meetings held on 20th June and 14th September 2017, be noted. BAMFORD AND OAKENROD AREA FORUM 21 DECISION: That the minutes of meeting of Bamford and Oakenrod Area Forum held on 4th September 2017 be noted BRIMROD, MARLAND AND SUDDEN AREA FORUM 22 The Sub-Committee considered the minutes of the meeting of the Brimrod, Marland and Sudden Area Forum held on 22nd June and 14th September 2017. Further to minute 3 of the meeting held on the 14th September 2017 - Minutes of the Last Meeting and Matters Arising - the Sub-Committee requested that the Director of Neighbourhoods be advised of the excellent work undertaken by officers to removal of the fly tipping and the clean-up of the area. Page 5 Further to minute 4 – Police and Communities Together- the Committee were advised of the ‘Safe Drive Stay Alive’ Campaign for new drivers. Details of the event scheduled to be held on Thursday 9th November 2017 from 7pm to 8.30pm at the Middleton Arena are available on the website at www.SafeDriveGM.co.uk DECISION: That the minutes of meetings of the Brimrod, Marland and Sudden Area Forum held on 22nd June and 14th September 2017 be noted. CASTLETON AREA FORUM 23 DECISION: That the minutes of meeting of the Castleton Area Forum held on 27th June and 15th August 2017 be noted. CENTRAL ROCHDALE AREA FORUM 24 DECISION: That the minutes of the meetings of the Central Rochdale Area Forum held on the 24th July and the 18th September 2017 be noted. HEALEY AREA FORUM 25 DECISION: That the the minutes of the meeting of the Healey Area Forum held on 27th July 2017 be noted. KINGSWAY AREA FORUM 26 DECISION: That the minutes of the meetings of the Kingsway Area Forum held on 15th June and 31st August 2017 be noted. MILKSTONE AND DEEPLISH AREA FORUM 27 DECISION: That the minutes of meeting of the Milkstone and Deeplish Area Forum held on 17th July 2017 be noted. NORDEN AREA FORUM 28 The Sub-Committee considered the minutes of the meetings of the Norden Area Forum 13th June and 12th September 2017. Further to minute 3 of the meeting held on the 12th September 2017 – Greater Manchester Police - the Sub-Committee requested that the Director of Neighbourhoods be advised of the excellent work undertaken by officers with regard to the their speedy response and management of the recent travellers’ encampment on Caldershaw Road, Rochdale DECISION: That the minutes of meetings of the Norden Area Forum held on 13th June and 12th September 2017 be noted. Page 6 SPOTLAND AND FALINGE AREA FORUM 29 DECISION: That the minutes of the meetings of the Spotland and Falinge Area Forum held on 13th July and 24th August 2017 be noted. ROCHDALE TOWNSHIP CLEAN AND GREEN PRIORITY GROUP 30 DECISION: That the minutes of meetings of the Rochdale Township Clean and Green Priority Group held on 20th July and 28th September 2017 be noted. ROCHDALE TOWNSHIP COMMUNITIES AND ENGAGEMENT PRIORITY GROUP 31 DECISION: That the minutes of meeting 9th August 2017 of Rochdale Township Communities and Engagement Priority Group be noted. PRESENTATION - SECTION 106 AGREEMENTS/DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTIONS 32 The Sub-Committee received a report and a presentation, of the Assistant Director (Planning and Development) on Section 106 Planning Agreements and the suggested process for the Township to identify potential schemes for the funding that was available. The Sub-Committees were informed that matters relating to formal sport and affordable housing Section 106 agreements would be considered by the Cabinet but that matters relating to the local open space agreements within Pennines Township were to be brought forward for consideration by future meetings of the Pennines Township Delegated Sub-Committee. From 1st April 2015 the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations had been tightened to restrict the pooling of more than five contributions to any specific piece of infrastructure. The Local Planning Authority were required to identify the use of any monies prior to planning permission being determined, with commuted sum payments limited to ‘major’ developments. As a result Section 106 discussions were now encouraged to form part of pre application process to provide greater developer certainty. The Sub-Committee were advised of the section 106 formal sport projects
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