The North India Christian Tract Ii Book Society
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;1 \ THE NORTH INDIA CHRISTIAN ! TRACT II BOOK SOCIETY AUXI LIARV TO TH E RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY, LONDON 80TH aNNUaL REPORT 1921-28 --:0:-- CONTENTS Page Rules of the Soc-iety ... i Officers and Committees 1928-29 ix A nnual Meeting • 1 The Rev. O. A~ R. Janvier, D.D. 3 Annual Report ._ 5 Production 6; Oirculation 16; Finance 19; Subscriptions raised in India 22: Bodbak 25 ; Conclusion 27. Acoounts 83 B"uilding Fund, 33; Cash Acconnt, 34 ~ Oontri butions from M.issionary Societies 36; Church Offertories and Donations 37. New Publications 58 lleprints 60 n~~~ ~~ Circulation and Publioation 63 The Mission Press, Allahabad RULES OF THE North India Christian Tract and Book Society (Oorreoted up to 13th August, 1928.) Founded I8i8. ] [IDcorporated 1891. 1. Name.-The Society shall be known and styled " The North India Christian Tract and Book Society" and its headquarters shall be at Allahabad. 2. Object.-l'he main objeot of the Society shall be to supply religious traots and books in various languages for sale and free distribution among Christians, Hindus and Mohammedans and others, chiefly in- the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, Central Provinces, Central India and Rajputana. a. Scope.-Taking for its model the Religious Traot Society in London, the Society shall seek to disseminate the Evangelical Principles of the Reformation, but it shall avoid in its own publications such denominational dootrines as are peculiar to any particular Evangelioal Churoh. 4. Mem bership.-The Sooiety shall be oomposed of Obristian men and women as follows :- (i) Two representatives appointed by eaoh of the organisations and Societies detailed in Appen dix A. (ii) Ministers and otherfl in the year following that in whioh they have paid not less than three rupees each as subsoription. (iii) A person in the year following that in whioh he or she has oolleoted and remitted to the Society fifty rupees. ( Ii ) (iv) A subsoriber of two hundred rupees to be oalled a Life Member. 5. Office-bearers.-The Office-bearers of the Sooiety shall be- -(i) ·President. (ii) One or more Vioe-Presidents. (iii) One or mors Seoretaries. (iv.) A Treasurer. The number of suoh Vice-Presidents and Secretaries shall be fixed at the Annual Meeting of the General Com mittee. 6. The business of the Society shall be conduoted by the offioe-bearers, a General Committee, au Executive Com· mitee and Sub-Oommittees duly appointed; 7. Annual Meeting of the Sooiety.-The Annual Meeting of the Sooiety shall ordinarily be held in October. At this meeting the report for the year, as appl'oved by the General Committee, shall be. read, and an abstract of the accounts, duly audited, shall be presented, and the follow ing eleotions shall be made for the eDsuing year:- (i) Office-bearers. (ii) Fifteen members of the General Committee, of whom at least one-third shall be laymen. Twenty-five members shall form a quorum. S. General Committee.-To direct in general the working of the Society, and to settle all questions of policy there shall be a General Oommittee constituted thus :- (i) Offioe-bearers elected at the Annual Meeting of the Society. (ii) Fifteen menibers eleoted (vide rule 7.) (iii) Two representatives appointed by each of the Mis sionary Societies mentioned in the Schedule annexed. f iii (iv) Life Members. (v) Annual contributors of Rs. 25. (vi) Members of the Executive Committee. 9. Annual Meeting of the GeneralCommittee. An Annual Meeting of the General Committee shall ordm arily be held in October Members may attend in person or by proxies duly appointed. Every matter to be considered shall be: inti mated to the Secretary by the 1st September in the form of a resolution. The Secretary shall communicate all such reso lutions to the members of the General Committee a month 'before the meeting. At the meeting, questions of polioy relating to the Society shall be oon~idered and determined or adjourned or referred to a Special Sub-Committee for report or final determination as may be resolved on by the Committee, and all matters finally detHmined shall be binding on the Exec utive Committee and other Sub-Oommittees. , Nominations made by the Executive Oommittee for the offices of President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary or Secre taries, Treasurer, members of the General Oommittee (vide rule 7) shall be considered and forwarded to the Annual Meeting of the Society for approval, and members of the Executive Committee shall be elected. Fifteen members shall form a quorum. 10. Exeoutive Committee.-An Exeoutive Oom mittee shall be appointed to conduct the business of the Society in accordance with the policy l:.tid down from time to time by the General Oommittee at their Annual Meet ings. 'l'he Executive Committee shall consist of :- (i) The Office-bearers. (ii) Five members elected by the General Oommittee at its Annual Meeting from among its mem- ( iv ) bers who are residents of stations other than Allahabad. (iii) All Ministers who are members of the Society and resident in Allahabad. (iv) Not less than ten lay members who are mem bers of the Society and resident in Allahabad. Such members shall be elected by the General Committee at its Annual Meeting. 11. Meetings of the Executive Committee.-The meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at least on.ce a quarter on a date fixed by the President, or in his absence from Allahabad by a Vice-President. Seven mem bers shall form a quorum. 12. Prooeedings. -'rhe proceedings of the meetings of the Executive Committee shall be recorded in a minute book by the Secretary, and presented at the next meeting for confirmation. The proceedings of the Annual M.eetings of the Society and of the General Committee shall be recorded in the saine book. 13. Duties of the Exeoutive Committee.-The duties of the Executive Oommittee shall include the follow ing:- (i) To arrange for acquiring and safely holding and preserving the property, moveable or immove able, belonging to the Society. (ii) To prepare a budget for the ensuing year at least a month previous to the expiry of the current year. (iii) To keep a true and correct account of all pro perty, receipts and disbursements, and other transactions. (iv) To have the accounts of the Society duly -audited by a competent person. (v) To call Special or Extraordinary Meetings of the Society or -Q£ the ~eneral Oommittee on ( v ) requisition as provided in rule 17 (vi) fro comply with the directions and to carry out the decisions of the Society or of the General Committee passed at their Annual Meetings or at any Special or Extraordinary Meetings. (vii) To nominate Office-bearers and members of the General Committee (vide rule,S), and also mem bers of the Exeoutive Committee (vide rule 10). (viii) To fix a suitable date for the holding of the Annual Meetings of the Society and of the General Committee. Notice of both meetings shall ordinarily issue a month. before the date. (ix) To prepare and submit the annual report, and to present the accounts duly audited, for approval at the Annual Meetings. (x) To appoint at its first meeting after the Annual Meeting three Standing Committees, eaoh con sisting of not less than three members, for English, Hindi and Urdu respectively, to whom all· questions regarding the publications in these languages shall, in the first instanoe, be referred. (xi) To appoint at its first meeting after the Annual Meeting a Finance Committee of at least five members fur considering the monthly state ments of acc.ounts, and usually all questions reJating to finance, the Secretary and Honorary Treasurer to be ex-officio members. Four mem bers to form a quorum. (xii) To appoint at its first meeting after the Annual Meeting a Mass-Movement Committee to:ar range for the preparation of Ohristi&D Litera. ture for village work, to report on manusoripts and books which may be received for publi cation, and to advise on all matters appertaining to that branch of evangelistic work. .(VI 14. Property.-All property, m.oveable or immove able, belonging to the Society shall vest in the Executive Committee. Any transfer in respect of such property or endorse ment of Government securities or other securities o! any other negotiable instruments belonging to the Society may be validly effeoted under the signature of the President, ~f the Secretary, and of the Honorary Treasurer for the time being. The Society may sue or appeal or apply to take any legal step or be sued or appealed or applied against in the name of the Secretary for the time being. 15. Staff.-The Executive Committee shall have power of appointing, dismissing or otherwise dealing with the mem bers "of the Staff, and the Secretary shall have suoh powers in respect of servants on the establishment. The members of the staff shall have the right of appeal to the General Oommittee 16. Ad interim Vaoanoies. ...:-rrhe Offioe-bearers (Presi. dent, Vice-President, rrreasurer, and Secretary or Secre taries (if honorary,) as well as members of the General Committee, Executive Committee, and Standing Oommittees shall hold office till the next eleotion, and any ad interim vaoancies may be filled up by the Executive Committee to hold good till the next eleotion. 17. Speoial or Extraordinary Meetings.-The Exeoutive Committee shall, upon requisition for the pur pose made by either 100 members of the Sooiety, or 40 members of the General Oommittee or 15 members of the Executive Committee, summon a Speoial or Extraordinary Meeting of the General Committee or of the Society as may be required. One month's notioe shall be given to each member of the Society, stating the object or objects Qf the meeting, and no other business shall be conducted a.t B'aQh meetings.