Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Legislative
COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL TUESDAY , MARCH 13 , 2007 SESSION OF 2007 191ST OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 21 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED The House convened at 11:10 a.m., e.d.t. The SPEAKER. Without objection, approval of the Journal of Monday, March 12, 2007, will be postponed until printed. The Chair hears no objection. THE SPEAKER (DENNIS M. O 'BRIEN) PRESIDING LEAVES OF ABSENCE The SPEAKER. Turning to leaves of absence, the Chair PRAYER recognizes the majority whip. Are there any leaves on the Democratic side? The SPEAKER. The prayer will be offered by Mr. McCALL. Thank you, Mr. Speaker . Rev. Thomas Rozman, the guest of Representative Hennessey The gentleman, Mr. McGEEHAN, for the day. and the Irish Caucus. The SPEAKER. Without objection, the gentleman, Recognizing that we are approaching March 17, a very Representative McGeehan, will be placed on leave. special day for those with Irish heritage, the invocation today, as Are there any leaves of absence on the Republican side? I said, will be led by Rev. Thomas Rozman, pastor of the I have been informed that Representative John TAYLOR Cathedral Parish of Saint Patrick in Harrisburg. Father Rozman requests to be put on leave for the day. Without objection, was a little concerned sinc e he is not Irish but Slovenian – Representative Taylor 's name will be placed on leave for the Slovenian; see, I am Irish and I cannot even say that – but we day. told him that if he can handle the crowd at Saint Patrick 's, he is welcome with us here in the House of Representatives.
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