EErriittrreeaa''ss CCooaassttaall MMaarriinnee aanndd IIssllaanndd BBiiooddiivveerrssiittyy CCoonnsseerrvvaattiioonn PPrroojjeecctt Edited by Dr. Alain Jeudy de Grissac and Kaleab Negussie Printed in December 2007 Note: This document has to be considered as a technical document. The views expressed in this document and the maps and graphs presented do not necessarily reflect the position of the Government of Eritrea or UNDP. Any questions or comments should be addressed directly to the ECMIB project in Massawa by mail to P.O. Box 58, Massawa or by Email to
[email protected] For more information, you can also consult our website under construction (May 2007) State of the Coast Eritrea, 2006-2007 1 FOREWORD With a mainland and islands coastline of more than 3,300 km, Eritrea has a major asset and part of its future is along this coastline, as numerous activities are linked to the sea, including fisheries, tourism and transport. Since mid 2005, numerous meetings and national expert knowledge have allowed the preparation of the present document, the “State of the Coast of Eritrea”, of the Coastal Policy, of the “Integrated Coastal Area Management” Guidance for Implementation. At the same time, the supporting legislation is under preparation with the Coastal Proclamation and the Coastal Authority Proclamation. The Eritrea’s proposed Coastal Policy is a framework meant to serve as base for laws, rules, regulations, guides and institutional structures for sustainable management of the coastal area natural and human-made assets. It was prepared by the participation of practically all concerned ministries and organisations, inter alia, has four main objectives: sustainable use of the coastal area for multiple purposes, location of coastal facilities and development projects in consideration of the coastal process, protection of public foreshores or establishing appropriate setbacks (public property areas) and protection of natural and cultural values of the area.