European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

№ 1 2020

PREMIER Vienna Publishing 2020 European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Scientific journal № 1 2020 ISSN 2414-2344

Editor-in-chief Maier Erika, Germany, Doctor of Philology Lewicka Jolanta, Poland, Doctor of Psychology International editorial board Massaro Alessandro, Italy, Doctor of Philosophy Marianna A. Balasanian, Georgia, Doctor of Philology Abdulkasimov Ali, Uzbekistan, Doctor of Geography Meymanov Bakyt Kattoevich, Kyrgyzstan, Doctor of Economics Adieva Aynura Abduzhalalovna, Kyrgyzstan, Doctor of Economics Serebryakova Yulia Vadimovna, Russia, Ph.D. of Cultural Science Arabaev Cholponkul Isaevich, Kyrgyzstan, Doctor of Law Shugurov Mark, Russia, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Barlybaeva Saule Hatiyatovna, Kazakhstan, Doctor of History Suleymanova Rima, Russia, Doctor of History Busch Petra, Austria, Doctor of Economics Fazekas Alajos, Hungary, Doctor of Law Cherniavska Olena, Ukraine, Doctor of Economics Garagonich Vasily Vasilyevich, Ukraine, Doctor of History Proofreading Kristin Theissen Jansarayeva Rima, Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law Cover design Andreas Vogel Karabalaeva Gulmira, Kyrgyzstan, Doctor of Education Additional design Stephan Friedman Kvinikadze Giorgi, Georgia, Doctor of Geographical Sciences Editorial office Premier Publishing s.r.o. Praha 8 Kiseleva Anna Alexandrovna, Russia, Ph.D. of Political Sciences – Karlín, Lyčkovo nám. 508/7, PSČ 18600 Khoutyz Zaur, Russia, Doctor of Economics Kocherbaeva Aynura Anatolevna, Kyrgyzstan, Doctor of Economics E-mail: [email protected] Konstantinova Slavka, Bulgaria, Doctor of History Homepage:

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Section 1. Anthropology Nurzhanov Arnabay Abishevich, Leading Researcher, A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology Candidate of Historical Sciences E-mail: [email protected] Zhumabayev Nurgazy, Zhumabayuly, 2nd year undergraduate Al-Farabi Kazakh National University THE PROCESS OF FORMING KAZAKHS’ ANTHROPOLOGICAL TYPE Abstract. Every nation, like a person, has its own biological parents. In this regard, the Kazakh people are no exception: their distant physical ancestors lived 40 centuries ago, that is, in the Bronze Age (XX–IX centuries BC) throughout the territory of ancient Kazakhstan, as well as far beyond its borders. Archaeological materials, as well as the bone remains of people of that time discovered with them on the modern territory of Kazakhstan primarily evidence this. Keywords: anthropological types, the Bronze Age, the Early Iron Age, anthropological research. As you know, the fossil bone remains of a person times when written sources were absent. Moreover, contain very valuable information regarding his bio- the problem in finding objective historical informa- social features during life associated with a particular tion in later periods was that Kazakhstan had its own historical era. At the same time, studying a person written sources from neighboring countries [1, 90]. in laboratory conditions, it is possible to establish In the Bronze Age, a relatively large population the continuity of generations between different his- of cattle breeding in combination with hoe farming, torical periods, the ways of population migration, the and in the east the extraction of copper, tin, gold and circle of marriage, the traditional way of life, the na- the manufacture of bronze tools lived in the vast ex- ture of nutrition, various types of pathologies, diseas- panses of Kazakhstan. es, and other biomedical data that are characteristic The bronze culture of Kazakhstan is similar to of local residents. The most valuable scientific infor- this culture on the territory of South Siberia, where mation contained in the bone remains of the ances- it was called the Andronovo culture. The anthro- tors of the Kazakh people is so unique that it cannot pological type of the population of the Bronze Age be found in any of the richest libraries and archives of the Minusinsk depression, in South Siberia, was of the world, since their history goes deep into the well studied by G. F. Debets called the peculiar

3 Section 1. Anthropology anthropological type of the population of this cul- average statistical values. An individualizing analy- ture, which belonged to the circle of eastern pro- sis of skulls of the Bronze Age from the territory of toeuropean types, Andronovsky. This type, which Kazakhstan, conducted by V. V. Ginzburg and O. Is- has become a generalized kind of morphological magulov, showed that not all of them are uniform standard, is characterized by a mesocranial skull with in type, as could be expected from the study of only a slightly inclined forehead and a pronounced over- average data [2]. hang and brow arches, a low but very wide face, with So craniological series of Central and North- medium-deep fanged fossae, low eye sockets and a ern Kazakhstan, related to the Fedorov stage, find significantly protruding nose [2]. proximity with the population of the more eastern The craniological material of the Bronze Age of regions (Minusinsk depression), while the series of Kazakhstan is known from different areas of this vast skulls of the Alakul stage gravitate towards the tribes territory, although its total number is still small (ac- of the western regions of Kazakhstan [4]. cording to the latest report by V. P. Alekseev, 1967, Along with these local differences between the there are only fifty or so adult skulls), but the data on representatives of the two stages of the considered them is very expressive. steppe culture, a slightly different combination of cra- Skulls of the Bronze Age of Kazakhstan, taking niological features is traced in a small series of skulls into account individual differences, can be attributed from the Oyzhailau burial ground of the Bronze Age to two different variants of the large Caucasian race. (Zhambyl oblast). Her characteristic comparatively In most of the vast territory of Kazakhstan, the short and narrow face brings her closer to the skulls anthropological type of population was character- from the Kokcha 3 burial ground (the Tazabagyab ized by an average mesocrane type of skull with a culture of the Aral Sea region), and largely, to the slightly inclined forehead, with a higher than average series from the Tigrovaya Balka (II) burial ground developed epiglottis, a low but wide face, a middle (the Vakhsh culture of Southern Tajikistan) [5]. At protruding in the horizontal plane, with medium- the same time, their Oyzhailau skulls differ from deep fanged fossae, low orbits and a nose, medium- the above by a shorter cranial box and, according- wide significantly speaking for men and medium ly, a larger cranial pointer, a less profiled face in its – for women. This characteristic corresponds to middle part, and less protruding nasal bones. Given the type of population of the Andronovo culture in the paucity of a series of skulls from Oyzhayau, we the Minusinsk depression (South Siberia), which can only state the presence of a local complex of was studied by G. F. Debets (1932 a) and later by morphological characters, occupying a kind of “in- V. P. Alekseev (1961). These skulls, on average, are termediate” position between the Andronovo and close to some features and the population of the Taz- Mediterranean anthropological types. abagyab culture of the Bronze Age in the southern At a later stage, during the transition from the Aral Sea region from the Kokcha III burial ground Bronze Age to iron, on the existing craniological considered above [3, 62–69]. materials from East Kazakhstan (Zevakinsky and The Andronovo type of population of the Bronze Izmailovsky burial grounds, Temir-Kanka burial Age was widespread in the steppes from the Urals ground), the same Andronian anthropological foun- to the Yenisei, but the materials accumulated over dation is generally noted, with only a slight difference recent years allow us to confidently say that the pop- [6, 107–108]. Therefore, the prefabricated series of ulation of the Andronovo culture is not anthropo- transitional skulls from the Zevakino burial ground logically uniform, although the “classical” Andronov has a smaller cranial index, dolichocranium, a rela- type in places noticeably prevails, which affects the tively narrower face, slightly higher eye sockets and

4 THE PROCESS OF FORMING KAZAKHS’ ANTHROPOLOGICAL TYPE less protruding nasal cavities. Otherwise, this series craniological characteristics allows us to conclude does not differ from other Andronovo groups. The that a weak Mongoloid impurity appeared in the above morphological features of the craniological composition of the Sak tribes [9]. series from the Zevakino burial ground most likely An analysis of the morphological features of the indicate some links with the population of the south- series of Saka skulls in Central, Northern and Eastern ern regions, in particular, Central Asia. A similar Kazakhstan indicates, on the one hand, close genetic trend was noted above on anthropological materials proximity between them. At the same time, the con- of the Bronze Age from the Seven Rivers (Oyzhailau tent of Mongoloid elements is uneven not only within burial ground) [7]. each series, but also among the series. So, in the Saks In this way, the population of the Bronze Age Ka- of the northern and eastern regions they are more zakhstan as a whole has a common anthropological common than in the inhabitants of Central Kazakh- basis, represented by the protoeuropeoid race with- stan. The foregoing indicates a relatively recently be- out any admixture of Mongoloid elements. It should gun process of mixing. Moreover, the penetration into be noted that, on the scale of this race, a multivari- the Early Iron Age of separately Mongoloid or already ance of anthropological features is to a certain extent mixed to one degree or another groups in the steppe marked. The paleoanthropological material accumu- of Kazakhstan could occur not only directly from the lated in recent years indicates this. At the same time, depths of Central Asia inhabited by the Mongoloids, undoubtedly, as before, the complex of anthropo- but also from closer territories adjacent to the east of logical signs characteristic of Andronovites remains Kazakhstan – from Altai and Southern Siberia, where the main, dominant in Kazakhstan. the racially-known craniological series are also known Paleoanthropological materials of the Early Iron for earlier periods [10]. Period are represented unevenly in the Sak and Usun In the west of Kazakhstan in the same period lived times. The few craniological series of Saks make it pos- tribes of Sauromats, formed, according to archaeo- sible to obtain their general anthropological character- logical data, based on the interaction of Srubnik and istic. They had a low skull box of medium longitudinal Andronovites of the previous era [11]. A study of latitudinal dimensions, relatively developed epigastria the craniological materials of the sauromats showed and superciliary arches, a broad face and a relatively their genetic continuity from the logging population high transference, wide eye sockets. The above com- of Western Kazakhstan, which included the compo- plex of craniological features indicates that the Andro- nents of the Andronov type, typical of Volga logging. nian anthropological type, which was characteristic of In the early Iron Age, the contacts of the population the population of an earlier era – bronze [8]. of the western region with the northern, central, and At the same time, in comparison with the Bronze southern parts of Kazakhstan, apparently, intensi- Age, in a number of craniological series of Saks dis- fied even more. This is quite clearly reflected in their tinctive features are revealed, although not so signifi- anthropological appearance. It should be noted that cant. They boil down to the fact that in the era of the these changes occurred in the direction of increasing early Iron Age, overall, the Caucasian appearance of the content of Andronov elements in their racial type. the Sak tribes becomes more relaxed. A lower cranial In the Usun time, both cultural and genetic con- box, a slight increase in the cranial index, increased tinuity of the population of Central and Southeast vertical inclination of the forehead, less sharp hori- Kazakhstan with the Sak tribes preceding it is quite zontal profiling of the facial section, less protrusion clearly traced. Usuns were characterized by medium of the nasal bones, slightly higher eye sockets. The length and height, but of greater width, a brachi- list of these changes in the direction of Mongoloid car skull (on the border with the mesocranium), a

5 Section 1. Anthropology moderate slope of the forehead, a developed epigas- ancient people of Kazakhstan because of paleoan- tric and medium-developed superciliary arches, and thropological materials indicate that in the Bronze a medium-sized nose. Age they had exclusively Caucasian features. This is A comparative analysis of the series of Sarmatian evidenced by anthropological sculptural reconstruc- and Usun skulls on the territory of Kazakhstan as a tions of the appearance of ancient people from their whole reveals their morphological unity, due to the skulls, obtained using the method of M. M. Gera- common ancient Caucasoid basis with the inclusion simov [12]. of elements of the Mongoloid race introduced by At the same time, according to paleoanthropo- Central Asian nomads in the Early Iron Age. logical data, in the middle of the first millennium BC In anthropological terms, the tribes of the Bronze The Sak tribal community in Kazakhstan began for Age of Kazakhstan possessed physical features exclu- the first time to undergo a process of racial mixing sively of the Caucasian race. This substrate anthro- with representatives of tribes of Central Asian ori- pological composition of the ancient inhabitants of gin. The immigrants in physical type differed from Kazakhstan was characterized by a medium round- the local inhabitants in that they undoubtedly pos- headed (mesocranial) skull, a medium-inclined fore- sessed Mongoloid features. The number of migrants head, low but wide tetragonal eye-sockets, a low and was probably small, and the very process of mixing wide face, sharply profiled in the horizontal plane, them with representatives of local populations was weakly protruding cheekbones, very sharply pro- definitely peaceful. This is confirmed by studies of truding nasal bones and deep fangs pits. These and paleoanthropological materials of Kazakhstan dating other morphological features established among the back to the 5th century BC. References: 1. Ismagulov O., Ismagulova A. The origin of the Kazakh people. According to physical anthropology / Almaty, 2017. – 196 p. 2. Ginzburg V. V. Ancient and modern anthropological types of Central Asia. Collection: “The origin of man and the ancient settlement of mankind.” TIE, – Vol. 16. 1951. 3. Itina M. A. About the place of Tazabagyab culture among steppe bronze cultures. – SE, – No. 2. 1967. 4. Sineva I. M. Bones of human limbs. Source of information on intravital signs. Lambert academic publish- ing, 2016. – 85 p. 5. Debets G. F. The experience of craniometric determination of the share of the Mongoloid component in mixed corpses of the population of the USSR. Collection: “Problems of Anthropology and Historical Ethnography of Asia.” – M., 1968. 6. Akishev K. A., Kushaev G. A. The ancient culture of the Saks and Usuns of the Ili River Valley. – Alma- Ata. 1963. 7. Glybochko P. V., Pigolkin Yu. I., Goncharova N. N. and other forensic diagnosis of age. – M.: First MGMU named after I. M. Sechenov, 2016. – 318 p. 8. Debets G. F. Racial types of the population of the Minusinsk Territory during the era of the tribal system. AJ, – No. 2. 1932. 9. Drobyshevsky S. V. Anthropogenesis. – M.: Arche, 2018 a. – 168 p. 10. Ginzburg V. V., Trofimova T. A. Paleoanthropology of Central Asia. – M.: Nauka, 1962. – 370 p. 11. Negasheva M. A. Basics of anthropometry. – M.: Econ-Inform, 2017. – 216 p. 12. Drobyshevsky S. V. Tales from the grotto. – M.: Alpina, 2018 b. – 455 p.


Section 2. Archeology Nurzhanov Arnabai Abishevich, Candidate of Historical Sciences Leading Researcher, Institute of Archeology named after A. Kh. Margulan E-mail: [email protected]


Abstract. Arising and developing at the junction of the Great Steppes and the zone of ancient Central Asian oases along the caravan routes of the Great Silk Road, the medieval cities were the center of Central Asian steppe nomads and settled agricultural traditions. The fate of each city, as well as the fate of an individual, is characterized by originality and singularity. Turkestan is one of the few modern cities in Kazakhstan, the continuous history of which goes literally deep into the centuries. This city is known in the historical sources as Yasy, the capital of Shavgar district, and later, from the 16th century under the modern name – Turkestan. Keywords: Turkestan, Shavgar, the Middle Ages, urban culture, historical and archaeological research, written sourses. The history of the city of Turkestan was closely Kaganate (702–756) [2, 13], whose possessions intertwined with the fate of the medieval cities of reached the middle course of the Syr-Darya River. Southern Kazakhstan – Shavgar and Yasy, which in During this period, the Arab conquest of Central certain historical periods were the administrative Asia and southern Kazakhstan began. Having taken and economic centers of the Turkestan oasis. possession of the Maverannahr, the Arabs began to According to written sources of the th9 –10th advance into the region of Syr-Darya and Talas. The centuries, it is known that in the area of modern governor of Khorasan Kutlib in 714 captured Shash Turkestan in the early Middle Ages there was the and made a trip to Ispizhab [3, 316]. Shavgar district with the center of the same name During the period of political dominance in [1, 78–81] Shavgar, which was the main city of the Central Asia of the Samanids (820–999), Shavgar region during the VI–XI centuries. Other small entered its northeastern borders. towns and settlements were subordinate to it, in- Under the Samanids, Shavgar was part of the Is- cluding Yasy, the future center of the district. pidzhab district [1, 29]. The district was governed by At the beginning of the 8th century, the Shavgar the local Turkic dynasty, had a number of important region entered the western borders of the Turgesh privileges, including exemption from payment of haraj.

7 Section 2. Archeology

9th–10th centuries were the time of the highest However, the latest numismatic finds suggest that prosperity of the Shavgar city. This is how Shavgar was a settlement with this name existed in pre-Mongol described at the end of the 10th century by al-Mokdisi: times. Two silver coins of Khorezmshah Mohamed “Shavgar is a large city with an extensive rustak, there ibn Tekesh, minted in Yasy, are found in the eastern is a wall around it. There is a mosque at the edge of the collection of the State Hermitage Museum. They market. It is far from the highway” [1, 80]. have no dates, but the researcher concluded that The Arab sources (al-Istahri) were used for local- Muhammad ibn Tekesh issued coins around 1210 izing Shavgar: “from Keder to Shavgar is one transi- after the conquest of the Otrar oasis. tion, from Shavgar to Sobran is one easy transition” The existence of the toponym Yasy at an earlier [1, 78]. It turns out that the city of Shavgar was time of the 11th–12th centuries indirectly confirms somewhere in the middle between Otrar and Sauran. the name of the Sufi Khoja Akhmed, nicknamed in If Bartold V. V. assumed that Shavgar “approxi- the place of his preaching activity “Yasavi”, that is, “a mately corresponds to the present Turkestan” native of Yasy, who lived, as you know, in the first half [4, 248–252], then subsequent researchers identified of the 12th century.” it as a concrete monument-fortification of Shoy-tobe, The ethnonym “Yasy” goes back to the name 4 km east of Turkestan, which are the remnants of a of the medieval Turkic tribe Yasy, who lived in the rather large medieval city. In the topography of Shoy- Middle Syr-Darya region and was part of the union Tobe, shakhristan and the citadel stand out well. of Oguz tribes in the 9th–11th centuries. However, ar- Shakhristan has the appearance of an oval hill- chaeological research conducted on the Turkestan ock, oriented by the sides of the world, and stretches site significantly deepened the date of the settlement from west to east 400 × 275 m. Remains of defen- on the Yasy-Turkestan site, referring it to the first half sive structures (walls) in the form of an earthen of 1 millennium BC. rampart about 4 m high are visible along the edge of From the 12th century, the time of the decline of the shakhristan. Towers were located along the shaft Shavgar, the value of Yasa has changed. This is where and corners of the shakhristan. The corner towers the economic center moves from the largest settle- were powerful. ment of the agricultural district. Yasy becomes the The citadel was located almost in the middle of center of the Shavgar region [5, 551]. Not the least the southern part of shakhristan, closer to the south- role was played by the fact that in the 12th century, a western corner. This is an oval plan of a two-tier hill- Turkic Sufi preacher Khoja Ahmed Yasavi was buried ock 12 m high, 200 × 120 m in size. There is a rect- in one of the Yasy cemeteries, and Yasy became known angular area of 50 × 60 m at the top. The localization among the surrounding population as a holy place. of Shavgar on the site of Shoy-Tobe is not in doubt Khoja Akhmed Yasavi was a Turk by birth, a na- and is generally accepted in Kazakhstan archeology. tive of Ishijab (Sairam) [6, 119]. His date of birth In the XI century, Shavgar fell into decay, and is unknown. Khoja Akhmed Yasavi died in the year in the 12th century, it completely deserted. Yasy be- 562 of the Hijra (1166–1167) and was buried in the comes the center of the district. The name Yasy ap- necropolis of the Yasy city. In the 12th century a mau- pears in written sources for the first time in the mid- soleum was built over the grave of a Sufi preacher. dle of the 13th century in connection with the trip This is confirmed not only by an analysis of the texts in 1255 of the Armenian king Getum I to the head- of later sources, but also by archaeological materials quarters of the Mongol Khan Munke. Yasy as “Ason” from the Akhmed Yasavi complex. is mentioned among other large cities through which Thus, at the end of the 12th century there was not the embassy passed. only the displacement of the economic center of the

8 ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH OF THE MEDIEVAL CITY YASY-TURKESTAN district from Shavgar to Yasy, but the nomination of and were settled by the citizens. In the fifth small part the latter as a holy place, which later played an impor- of the citadel was the mausoleum of Akhmed Yasavi, tant role in the history and development of the city, various religious buildings, garrison buildings, and determined its further significance [7, 510]. up to 30 khoja families and part of the garrison lived. In September 1219, the Mongol conquest of The caravan route was actively functioning in the Central Asia began. Having conquered Zhetysu, the 13–15th centuries. Yasy became a point of intensive Mongols moved to Syr-Darya to Otrar. The name trade in agricultural regions of Central Asia and the Yasy is not mentioned in sources describing the con- nomadic regions of southern Kazakhstan. As before quest of Chinghiz Khan. It is assumed that the city the items of transit trade were silk, fabrics, highly ar- surrendered to the Mongols without resistance. tistic products from bone, ceramics, metals, jewelry After the division of the Mongolian state into [9, 95–97]. parts, Yasy, along with the territory of South and Despite the recurring wars, 15th till the first half Southeast Kazakhstan, entered the Chagatai ulus. of the 16th century were the period of the rise of the In the spring of 1269, a kurultai took place on the Syr-Darya cities. During this period, the name and shore of Talas, on which the formation of the Cha- role of Yasy are changing. It begins to be called as gataid state was proclaimed. It included the South Turkestan. This happened against the backdrop of Kazakhstan lands along the Syr-Darya, including the the southern Kazakhstan’ cities decline that began oases of Jend, Uzgend and Zhetysu. in the 16th century [10, 41–43]. Since the beginning of the 14th century, the rul- In the context of the general decline of the south- ers of Ak-Orda, a state that has separated from the ern Kazakhstan’ cities in the 16th century the Yasy Golden Horde and occupied the eastern part of the moved on the first place. Sources of the beginning of Dzhuchi ulus, began to claim these lands. Using the the 16th century says: “Yasy is the main city of Turke- complexity of the internal situation of the Chagataid stan.” Now Yasy-Turkestan is becoming the economic state, the Ak-Orda khans captured the lower reaches center of the entire Syr-Darya region. In the 16th cen- and middle reaches of the Syr-Darya with the cities of tury, a coin was already minted in it [11, 58–68]. Yasy, Sauran, Yangikent, Otrar and others. In the 70 s At the end of the 16th century, political contacts of the 14th century, the governor of Central Asia Timur began between the Russian state and the Kazakh sought to join the Ak-Orda’s Syr-Darya lands. In the Khanate. In Turkestan, as the capital, the Russian late 90 s of the 14th century, as a result of campaigns, embassies came to the Kazakh Khan, diplomatic Timur owned the lands of Maverannakhr, Khorezm, and trade missions headed for Central Asia stopped. the Caspian regions, the territory of Afghanistan, part From here, the Kazakh khans sent envoys to Rus- of India, Iraq, Transcaucasia, etc. [3, 482]. The Syr- sia with important diplomatic missions. Only in Darya lands of Kazakhstan and the Western Zhetysu 1686–1693 khan Tauke sent five embassies to the were also Timur’s possessions. At the end of the 14th Russian tsar [12, 296–297]. century the construction of the mosque-mausoleum Turkestan, as the main city of the Kazakh Khan- of Khoja Ahmed Yasavi was launched in Yasy. Timur ate, is often mentioned in Russian sources of 17th–18th ordered the restructuring of mazar. The construction centuries. In contrast to the sources of the 14th–16th of the new mausoleum, according to sources, was centuries. only briefly mentioning Yasy (Turkestan), completed within 3–4 years [8, 40]. Russian sources give more detailed descriptions that The city was divided into five parts. Four of them say about the city as a whole, its individual parts were named after the gates (Ishan-kapka, Musalla- (defensive walls, citadels), landscape, architectural kapka (Bab-Arab), Ietty-ata kapka, Darvaza-kapka) monuments, etc [13, 56].

9 Section 2. Archeology

16th –17th centuries were the heyday of Yasa- economic, cultural life of the entire Syr-Darya Turkestan. The city was the largest center of South strip. It remained the center of a large agricultural Kazakhstan; it concentrated the main political, district. References: 1. Volin S. L. Information from Arab sources of the 9th‑16th centuries about the valley of the river Talas and related areas / Transactions of NIAE AN KAZSSR. – T. 8. 1960. 2. Klyashtorny S. G. Ancient Turkic runic monuments as a source on the history of Central Asia. – M. 1964. 3. Gafurov B. G. Tajiks. The most ancient, ancient and medieval history. – M. 1972. 4. Bartold V. V. Turkestan in the era of the Mongol invasion. Op. 1. – M. 1963. 5. Smagulov A. A. To the study of the small cult plastic of ancient Turkestan. Ascent to the heights of archeology: a collection of materials of the international scientific conference “Ancient and Medieval States on the Territory of Kazakhstan”. – Almaty, 2014. – 698 p. 6. Bartold V. V. 12 lectures on the history of the Turkish peoples of Central Asia. Op. – T. 5. – M. 1968. 7. Smagulov A. A., Zakirov S., Erzhigitova A. A. Building materials and architectural objects of the city of ancient Turkistan. Actual problems of Eurasia. Collection of materials of the international scientific conference. – Almaty: A. Kh. Margulan Institute of Archeology, 2016. 9, – 734 p. 8. Masson M. E. About the construction of the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed in the city of Turkestan / News of the Central Asian Geographical Society. – T. XIX . – Tashkent. 1929. 9. Smagulov E. A. Ancient Turkestan: touches to the historical portrait. – Almaty. 2017. 10. The history of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the present in seven volumes. The most ancient (prehistoric) period of the history of Kazakhstan (from 2.5 million BC to the VIII–VII centuries BC) V. 1. / Under the general editorship of the doctor of historical sciences E. B. Sydykov. – Astana: Institute of Eurasian Integration, 2015. – 262 p. 11. Burnasheva R. Z. Treasures of copper coins from the city of Turkestan / Culture of ancient cattle breeders and farmers of Kazakhstan. – Alma-Ata. 1969. 12. History of the Kazakh SSR in five volumes. – T. 2. – Alma-Ata. 1979. 13. Smagulov E. A., Erzhigitova A. A. New data to the chronology of upper layers of the Shoytobe city (Turkestan oasis). International conference “international cities on the great Silk road”. Proceedings of the Scientific and Practical Conference. – Turkestan: “Aziret Sultan ‘’ State Historical and Cultural Reserve Museum, 2018.


Section 3. Demography and ethnography Weni Rosdiana, Sri Suwitri, Bambang Supriyono, Endang Larasati, Doctoral program of Public administration Faculty of social and political sciences Diponegoro university, semarang, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected]


Abstract. The policy network encompasses a wide range of partners needed for cooperation and coordinating policy. Implementation policy of Community Empowerment of Lamongan District expects government synergy with private, civil society and community each actors will use the capac- ity and resources that have to support the achievement of objectives. Inter actors complement each other’s limitations by exchanging resources and coordinating and synergies bases on each other’s beliefs and dependence. The purpose of this research is intended to analyzing and interpreting the network of actors in the implementation of Village Community Empowerment Policy in Lamongan District. Government bureaucracy is authorized to create a policy that is operational/technical in the framework of implementing Village Community empowerment Policy. The Regent through the Dis- trict Secretary, in this case Assistant I of Civil Service, Assistant II and Assistant III formulated tech- nical/operational policies with the relevant Regional Device Organization (OPD), the Government section, the Village government section and the community and village Empowerment Department. Keywords: Actor, Networking, Policy Implementation, Lamongan District, and Village Com- munity. I. Introduction many actors and institutions. Virtually no implement- Policy implementations can be complex, cross- er is able to implement policy independently, which is border, and require quick response in the face of im- dependent on the involvement of other actors. Vari- plementation issues. (Hogwood & Gunn [5]) called ous actors and institutions are interaction, coordina- Perfect Implementation in the policy implementation as tion and cooperation so that the implementer has the the demands of the implementing structure involving same interpretation of the policy to be implemented.

11 Section 3. Demography and ethnography

One approach in policy implementation is through The regional government’s work Program is held policy network. The policy Network in public policy in Villages/District in accordance with the order, studies according to (Streck & Dellas [10]) had vari- among others. It classifies as follows 1821 Move- ous functions, such as strengthening the negotiation ment, rural economic empowerment, health care force, coordinating the policy approach, improving center, Education Development and literacy, cultural institutional effectiveness, implementing policies and and sports arts tourism, the capacity building of hu- agreements, Generate and disseminates knowledge. man resources and integrated poverty alleviation, The policy network encompasses a wide range of part- legal conscious family, public services, Lamongan ners needed for cooperation and coordinating policy. Green and Clean Village (LGC) and information One of the interesting policy networks is the technology mastery and understanding. policy network in implementing Village community The problems that arise, villages in Lamongan empowerment. Village arrangement through (Un- District have not been able to establish and develop dang – Undang no 6 Tahun [11]) had been the vil- a network of policies in the empowerment of rural lage of Local Governing Community namely village and communities. Policy in development and empower- Desa Adat (Village Custom) able to maintain effective ment of village community facing problems related governance, implementation of sustainable develop- to the network policy, among others, the number of ment, and community development and Communi- development programs and village empowerment ty empowerment in its territory. The empowerment implemented by ministries/institutions and related program of village community in Lamongan District stakeholders are not yet integrated and overlapping. is conducted through the movement Program_In_ The Program is very large and varied, which is from The_Rural_Development_Of_Lamongan_District_ the central government through the ministries, pro- Community-Based on Village known as (Gemerlap) vincial governments, district governments as well and The Village Program of Superior and Intelligent as village governments themselves. Some programs Character (Desaku Pintar). The objectives ofDesaku have not effectively answered the community neces- Pintar program include as follows: sity and have not been able to empower village com- a) As a guideline in combining the program for- munities in general. The allocation of village funds mulation plan for the Integrated regional government; has not reflected justice and village empowerment, b) Synergizing the working program of each re- these programs are not integrated and are still sec- gional device organization in order to be implement- toral, and are impressed to walk independently, the ed effectively, efficiently and precisely the target; rules of the center and the districts and villages have c) Improving the function of village government not been coordinated. in supporting the implementation of local govern- II. Methodology ment work program; This research aims to find a profound under- d) Improving the function of services to the pub- standing of the symptoms, facts and reality related lic to be enjoyed by all walks of life; to the policy network of policies implementation e) Increasing participation and community role of Lamongan community empowerment. (Lincoln, in the implementation of local government work Lynham, & Guba, 2018) stated discovery-oriented re- program; search was being a new invention-oriented research f) Facilitating the community to obtain services and understanding. Researchers focus on the ef- in an integrated; fort to understand the meaning of the information g) Growing economies that impact community conveyed by the informanrelated research issues. welfare. Researchers will interpret what is known from the

12 DIMENSIONAL ACTORS IN THE POLICY NETWORK OF LAMONGAN COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT collected data. The collection of data is through in- and has not done much synergy in running agency terviews in-depth with the informant who knows programs. The programs that each Regional Govern- the ins and outs of the policy network in the imple- ment Organizations known as OPD runs are less ef- mentation of Lamongan Community empowerment fective and efficient. The inactivated synergy results policy, observation and documentation. in the weakness of coordination and communication III. Result and discussion so that the program can be found overlapping and the a. Actor Network in Level I of Implementation: target group is similar. The network in this stage is the Policy Output of its Implementer Institution output of policies from implementing agencies more Government bureaucracy is authorized to create a likely to make the community as an object of empow- policy that is operational/technical in the framework erment. Furthermore, the output of the implementing of implementing Village Community empowerment agency policy also does not govern the involvement of Policy. The Regent through the District Secretary, parties other than governments. So in the network of in this case Assistant I of Civil Service, Assistant II policies are that formed only between the district gov- and Assistant III formulated technical/operational ernments, the organization of related regional devices. policies with the relevant Regional Device Organi- In its implementation, it has difficulty to adjust zation (OPD), the Government section, the Village to the existing policy output. The Output of the pro- government section and the community and village gram from the implementing agency has not yet fully Empowerment Department. An effort to empower led to the priority support of village community em- village community in Lamongan District is imple- powerment. The existing network has not been able mented through the regulation of Lamongan District to fulfill expectations, some policy outputs have not Number 31 in 2018 about the Village Superior and been much that directly touched the empowerment Clever Character known as (Desa-KU Pintar). It is a of village communities among others still difficulty in development program to encourage village and com- drafting development planning according to priorities, munity governance, to realize a smart/intelligent/ potency and value of wisdom Local, Village develop- wise village in managing various resources and po- ment programs have not been able to soften the rural tentials with regard to the order in accordance with economy, as well as other unfulfilled achievements. local customs and the prevailing norms therein. The type of network formed in this stage is the Bu- The network that is formed to achieve these in- reaucratic Network that is the relationship between dicators goal of information literacy and technology the government and the community that is dominated involve several Regional Government Organizations by government instructions as well as the instruction (OPD) namely the Department of Communication government as an agency. The implementing team and Informatics, the Board of Planning and regional from the government element gave instructions re- development. the planting Office Integrated Capital garding the implementation of the Community poli- and One Door Integrated Service, department of cy. The executive team opens a consulting facility for Population and Community Data known as Capil village governments that require clarity and informa- and public relations as well as Protocols of Lamon- tion related to the implementation of DesaKu Pintar. gan District. This type of networkBureaucratic Networks causes the Implementer seeks to synergize the work pro- function of the network to be underutilized optimally gram of each regional device organization in order to due to a government-dominated power relationship be implemented effectively, efficiently and precisely or implementing team. the target. Before the program exists, Regional Gov- The development of heterogeneous villages ernment Organizations known as OPD runs itself should be identified by involving village governments

13 Section 3. Demography and ethnography to convey and discuss their aspirations for the village ment programs in this village. Kendal village has empowerment communities. Therefore, those vil- a village area bordering the Bengawan Solo River. lage communities can also take the role as the subject The village land around the riverside designed built of village community empowerment, which is able for educational facilities, reading garden, outbound to determine and plan the empowerment program and the development of sports infrastructure in in their own village. The established policy network other village land locations. The villagers who pos- needs to involve multi-chord from elements of gov- sess these skills designed the design of the build- ernment, private, civil society and political com- ing. In addition, the Government of Kendal Village munities. As in the legislation and regulation of the also build a network with agricultural schools that minister that the Community has involved various transfer knowledge, skills related to agricultural elements such as village government, village con- activities in Kendal Village. So, in Kendal Village sultative agency, village deliberative forum, village is effort to empower Village community who syn- societal institutions, indigenous institutions Village, ergize not only with the Government but also with BUM Village, inter-village Cooperation agency, vil- third parties. lage cooperation Forum, and other community Policy Implementation of DesaKu Pintar expects activity groups are formed to support government target audience/group compliance. The expected activities and development in general. compliance target is that the village government runs b. Network in Level II of Implementation name- DesaKu Pintar program as directed by the imple- ly Target Compliance to Fulfill Target Output of menting team. However, it is not an easy thing. Some these Polices targets/target groups are unable to meet compliance Based on the decision of Lamongan’s Regent No. due to limited resources and other considerations. 188/203/413.013/2018 on the location of the vil- Existing networks are still not able to encourage lage Program implementation of the superior and overall target compliance. Nevertheless, the imple- clever character of Lamongan District, implemented menting team has the authority to force the target throughout the village and Sub-District in Lamon- to have compliance in this policy implementation. gan District gradually. The gradual implementation Target groups face the problem of implement- is prioritized on villages and Sub-District that have ing the heterogeneous policy of community em- qualified the substance, technical and administrative powerment, so that the development priorities responsibilities of each Regional Government Orga- between the implementation and the target some- nizations known as OPD. times do not synchronize. Therefore, the activities The village government as a target group is of DesaKu Pintar program cannot be carried out awaiting direction from the implementing team. optimally in some villages. In addition, the program Target group compliance also depends on the funds provided also determines target compliance. availability of funds. Although, there are also inde- If the support fund does not exist then the target pendent village governments to conduct empow- cannot force itself. erment programs at the village level without wait- In addition, the community empowerment ef- ing for direction, coaching or mentoring from the forts are faced with the participation of Village com- government. Like the government village in Kendal munity. They do not all are motivated to improve District of Sekaran District Lamongan Sub-District the quality of life better. So many village commu- which independently initiated the initiative to em- nities are apathy, ignoring and not proactive with power the village community. Village spending activities/empowerment programs. Village com- budget is sought to support activities/empower- munity participation still needs to be improved to

14 DIMENSIONAL ACTORS IN THE POLICY NETWORK OF LAMONGAN COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT realize target compliance in order to achieve policy Based on (Figure 1) above describing the net- objectives. The Output of policy should match the work that exists in the result stage of the real output expectations of society. Therefore, that society will policy, is involving the district device organization have a sense of having, and not hesitate to create allocate budget to programs/activities that support a target obedience to engage in support policy the efforts of empowering village community. Tar- objectives achievement. If the policy output does get groups that are village government and Village not comply with expectations, it can cause target community will receive the benefit of DesaKu Pin- disobedience. The disobedience of the target is be- tar program with the inclusion of training activities, cause the exchange of resources cannot run well. road construction and so on. The resources that the executive and target teams The result of tangible policy outputs can be seen have are limited. Therefore, it is necessary to open from these activities of each OPD in 10 (ten) struc- the network with other parties to solve the problem tures of DesaKu Pintar program setting. Not all OPD of resource limitations. can do activities as expected by Desaku Pintar pro- c. Networking in Level III of the Obvious Imple- gram. OPD has also faced limited resources, especially mentation Result Fund and human resources, which has been busy in Results of tangible Output policy seen based on running the target of each institution. Therefore, it the achievement of policy objectives, namely the re- takes time to set up the OPD resource, so that OPD alization of 10 Smart DesaKu Pintar program in a can achieve its institution target performance but also village. Here is the exposure of tangible results out- can contribute to the program of DesaKu Pintar. put resulting from the network synergy in the imple- However, it has been many OPD started doing mentation of Community empowerment of DesaKu activities in order to manifest the order of DesaKu Pintar program, namely: The network in an effort to Pintar. The policy network in this stage is able to result in tangible output policy is dominated interac- identify the activity of OPD in the implementation tion between OPD and village governments. OPD of DesaKu Pintar Program. As for the apparent result identifies programs that match the village potential. of the output policy is still need to be seen further. The relationship can be illustrated in figure 1 below; In this step, community needs to do the perception. So that activities held by each OPD can be more ef- fective in empowering village community. In addition, the empowerment program from the village government also needs improvement, namely prioritizing programs that can support the improvement quality of human resources. The policy network in this stage should be able to undertake coaching, mentoring as well as monitoring on an in- centive and ongoing basis. Because in reality, there are many village governments do not yet have ex- tensive insight into the empowerment of effective village communities. d. Network in Level IV of Policy Implementation Figure 1. Actor Network in an Implementation of Namely Accepted this Outcome Level III: Output Tangible Result In the first year, of implementation program is Source: Research Data Managed, 2019 still limited to the synergy and integration of funds

15 Section 3. Demography and ethnography and programs/activities OPD and the village govern- and others, adjusted to the potential of existing vil- ment. OPD and the village government are waiting lages. However, the development of BUMDes has for referrals because of the limited budget they have. not been able to run properly so that it has not been Some OPD such as public and village Empowerment able to contribute and still made efforts to improve Agency, Education Office, health Office, archival Of- BUMDes performance. fice and library, Marine Service, Civil Registry Office The results received by the community from the known as Dispendukcapil and so forth. It has been health care Center is the availability of health fa- doing activities that support the implementation cilities, namely Polindes/Pustu and held activities of of DesaKu Pintar program. The village government Center(S) For Pre- And Postnatal Health Care And has not seen the follow-up activities. For control or Information For Women And For Children Under supervision, it is still limited to observe where the Five known as Posyandu toddlers, elderly Posyandu, village government is readiness in implementing De- in and other activities. In these activities, village’s saKu Pintar program. community can conduct routine health checks as The village government efforts to implement De- well as consultations with health workers. saku Pintar program although facing various obstacles The results that the community receives from the and challenges. The existence of limited resources be- educational and literacy settings are that each village come an availability of limited resources is a problem provides a village library. With the village library is to develop activities that support village community expected to generate interest for the village commu- empowerment. Nevertheless, the condition of the vil- nity and to do literacy activities. This activity is also lage chosen to be the research site has had a potential done in order to reduce the number of illiteracy and embryo that is ready to be developed. For Community dropouts through the study of packages A, B and C. Road Development program can enjoy adequate and The results received by the community from the decent road facilities that facilitate human mobility tourism order of cultural and sports Arts are the and goods. For example, in Gumantuk Village farmers availability of sports facilities art and culture. There- can rent agricultural equipment (tractors) for plant- fore, that village’s community can use the facilities ing purposes, in Kendal Village has developed literacy for sports, developing the cultural art of the village. activities through the reading place so that these chil- Although, it not all village’s community have cultural dren and adolescents can utilize this facility. arts being featured. The results received by the community from the The results that people receive from the setting 1821 movement order, the children whose schools of human resources and integrated poverty allevia- followed the routine activities from 6 pm to 9 pm. tion through labor intensive activities involving rural The activities they can do are learning together about communities such as building roads and other village the school’s subject matter. Cadres and volunteers infrastructures. This activity can open the job field in accompanied the activities. This activity can be done the village, so that the idle citizens earn income. In in mosques and residents ‘ houses. This effort is done addition, it provides training for the poor, provision so that children have positive activities such as learn- of business assistance (aid tools and fishery seeds, ing to reduce the activity of watching television and and so forth). Another concern in this setting is to playing HandPhone. conduct home construction for Home Not Habit- The results that society receives from the coun- able known as (RTLH) as well as social assistance try’s economic empowerment setting are the arrange- for the poor community in this village. ment of Village State Owned Enterprises known as The results received by the public from the law- (BUMDes). BUMDes enterprises between villages conscious family order are restructured Environ-

16 DIMENSIONAL ACTORS IN THE POLICY NETWORK OF LAMONGAN COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT mental Safety Post activities to anticipate criminal The interaction of actors in the network is more acts in the village. In addition, the results received often done after the OPD implementing programs/ by the public from the Order of public service are activities following the network figure of implemen- the facility and infrastructure of the better service. tation phase IV is the receipt of the policy results. Therefore, the service in the village is easier and fast- The network in the figure above shows the accep- er. This service supported the availability of online tance of the policy results by the target group. The services. Other results that people receive are from Program of OPD has similarity with the community the village setting of LamonganGreen and Clean. empowerment in the village both the apparatus and There are green activities in the village. While the the community. Furthermore, OPD will conduct results received by the public from the Information coaching or mentoring to maximize the benefits re- Literacy order technology is the availability of Inter- ceived by the target group. net in the village. e. Network Actor in Level V of Policy Implemen- tation Namely Policy Revision The policy implementation of DesaKu Pintar Program goes for approximately one year. Within a period of one year, the implementation of poli- cies has been made in particular policy adjust- ments relating to OPD policy. The revision of policies related to the DesaKu Pintar Program has not been conducted. Problems that occur at the previous stage of implementation can occur due to less obvious policies. So the implementation of the policy is implemented with limited resources so that the achievement of policies results is also less optimal. Figure 2. Gambar 2 Jejaring Implementasi Ta- The following table illustrates the type of actors, hap IV; Diterimanya Hasil Kebijakan number of actors, resources, and capacity of actors in Source: Researcher Data Managed, 2019 the implementation of the DesaKu Pintar Program. Table 1. – Actor Classifications, Resources, and its Capacities No. Actors Actors Number Resources Capacities Chairman, Deputy and 6 Authority, Money, Le- Limited ability to monitor 1 Executive Secretary gitimacy, Information, and control implementation Program Organization Regional Device Orga- 24 Offices, 4 Agen- Authority, Money, Le- Do not have a good coordi- 2. nization (OPD) related cies and 5 Regional gitimacy, Information, nation mechanism Secretaries parts Organization Village government 56 Villages Authority, money, le- Less capable of recognizing (village head and vil- gitimacy, information, environmental change, less 3. lage apparatus) organization capable of lobby and negotia- tion Source: Researcher Data Managed, 2019

17 Section 3. Demography and ethnography

According to the table above, shows that the in the village. Empowerment activities can improve number of actors from the managing core team are the quality of life of rural people both in economic, 6 (six), from elements of regional device organiza- social and political. The policy network has not been tion as much as 24 (twenty four) offices, 4 (four) able to encourage efforts to make OPD activities in bodies and 5 (five) parts of Regional Secretaries and DesaKu Pintar setting can provide broader benefits, the village government as much as 56 (Fifty six). The can stimulate the village government, and related resources that can be exchanged include authority, OPD to plan more empowerment programs In ac- money, legitimacy, information and organization. cordance with the potential of its village and provide While the capacity of the three actors involved in extensive benefits for the achievement of sustainable implementing the policy of village community em- development in the village. powerment in Lamongan District is still low. The dimensions actors according to (Van Network characteristics according to Waarden [12]) included the number of actors will (R. A. W. Rhodes [9]) included resource exchanges, determine the size of the network. Additionally, the dependence on one another, trust, diplomacy and character network policy is strongly influenced by reciprocity. The existence of limited actors in the poli- the type of actors involved. Network policies involve cy implementation of Community empowerment led State institutions-either political or administrative- to difficult solved implementation problems. When and at least some civil society organizations. The or- the networking opportunity is opened then there ganizations involved are interest-related associations, are many ways or avenues to troubleshoot the policy political parties or scientific organizations, whether implementation. Implementation performance will sectorial or cross-sectorial. The actor’s dimensions also be lighter because of the exchange resources ac- include the number of actors, actor types, and ac- cording to the capacity of each actor involved. tor representations. In this policy implementation, Village governments need to open network ac- actors relate to the number of people involved (par- cess outside the government, which is synergized ticipants). This factor then determines the size of the with government parties. Therefore, there is an effec- network to be built. Further characteristics of the tive resource exchange in supporting Village Com- network policy will be influenced by actor’s type munity Empowerment Program. Village govern- from differentbackgrounds . Actors in the network ment needs to be thrust to be able to be the subject policy are individuals but can also be organizations of village community empowerment. The exchange as the actors involved can also be a representation of of resources can be knowledge, information, funds/ a particular group/party. money, skills, facilities and so forth. Education giving A policy network includes all actors (Héritier to change the mindset of village people needs to be [14]) involved in the formulation and implementa- done so it has the will and commitment to be em- tion of a policy in a policy sector. They are charac- powered. The tangible results of policy the DesaKu terized by predominantly informal interactions be- Pintar program output will be utilized in continuity tween public and private (C. Rhodes [9]) actors with when the community is involved in improving and distinctive, but interdependent interests, who strive developing capabilities. to solve problems of collective action on a central, Some of the policy results in DesaKu Pintar Pro- non-hierarchical level. Wider network access needs gram can be felt to benefit directly by village com- to be opened so as not to rely solely on the govern- munity, for example Village road construction. The ment as a single actor in community empowerment wish receiving the results of the policy is more than does. Government capabilities are also limited, so it that is program activities are can move the economy is necessary to develop networks with other party’s

18 DIMENSIONAL ACTORS IN THE POLICY NETWORK OF LAMONGAN COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT namely private, civil society and political communi- part of an alliance may explicitly connect and align ties. The policy network needs to identify problems them. Pioneer type is expected to provide solutions that occur in the implementation program involv- problem of policy implementation on Community ing all the implementation or village government empowerment. Connector type is linking solution and village community as a policy object. So that to the system by embedding or anchors in an insti- each provides information and inputs are to revise tutional context. They institutionalized solutions, the policy better. That can improve implementation making them a set of choices for the community. In performance. addition, connect actors with other actors based on Actors outside the government can also be called the value they share, aligning them. Therefore, the unofficial or informal actors. Policy Implementation liaison role is crucial in the formation of alliances. of DesaKu Pintar program has not involved actors This type builds a network of actors involved outside the system. Actors outside the system can in the efforts to solve the policy implementation of potentially support or impede the success of policy Community empowerment. Connectors provide implementation. The possible actors can be involved connectivity between the perpetrators and between in supporting the successful implementation of De- solutions and systems. Type Topples – Mobilize saKU Pintar program include as follows, private, and system-oriented in their actions (as opposed to academics, consultants, political communities and a pioneer driven by the solution). By externalizing NGOS and others as well as the community of the the values, they are able to attract supporters (fol- village itself. As mentioned in community empow- lowers). This type of topple can promote support in erment, society is not only an object but also as a the implementation of community empowerment. subject of the society itself. In village community, Supporting roles are adoption and their support pro- there is a community that allows to be involved in vides legitimacy, and expresses community needs for empowering village community as in (Pemerintah new solutions and systems that change. This type of RI, 2014), among others as follows: actor provides support in implementing Community a) Group of productive Economic enterprises; empowerment policy. b) Group of Women; (R. A. W. Rhodes [9]) suggested five resourc- c) Farmer Group; es, or means to meet the needs of the public sec- d) Poor group of people; tor organization, which is the center of Exchange e) Group of anglers; in sub-central governance and inter-governmental f) Group of artisans; relations, are as follows: g) Groups of child care and protection; a) Authority-refers to the mandatory rights and h) Youth groups; and freedoms to carry out functions or services com- i) Other groups in accordance with village condi- monly provided in and between the public sector of tions. the Organization under the laws or other constitu- (de Haan & Rotmans [2]) classified for a typol- tional means. Governments have authority resourc- ogy of transformative actors that distinguish four es that can be used to support the effectiveness of different types of actors: frontrunners, connectors, achieving policy objectives. The use of such authori- Topples and supporters. These actors can be affili- ties is adjusted to the context and policy content to ated to emerging systems or incumbent systems or be implemented. In Policy implementing of Village to both types simultaneously. The Frontrunner or Community empowerment, government authorities pioneer type is geared to create alternative solutions are used to provide guidance and support for the re- and can act on their own personal values, being alization of village community empowerment.

19 Section 3. Demography and ethnography

b) Money-refers to the funds provided by the pub- Village government as a subject in conducting lic sector/political organization of taxes, service fees community empowerment independently need to or fees, loans, or some combinations thereof. Money fulfill the capacity of actors. (Atkinson & Coleman, resources are owned by the Government for the poli- [1]) stated that conceptualize classified into six types cies implementation of village empowerment, derived of policy networks along two different dimensions as from the budget directions of Regional Government follows: 1) The state structure in terms of autonomy Budget known as (APBD) through their respective and concentration of power, and 2) the capacity to budget OPD and budget development as well as ex- mobilize the interests of employers. The capacity of penditure Village. However, the budget is not enough the Implementer (Crosby [2]) was classified the fol- to support the Policy implementation of village com- lowing as follows: munity empowerment. Networking needs to involve 1) The ability is in prohibition various interests. third parties. The limitation of money resources can be Various interests can influence the decision of em- minimized by the exchange of resources that potential powerment program of village community. The full- actors have. For example, for training activities, can ness is varied; some are cons and support each other. be provided without charging, nor through another Village Governments should be able to bridge the exchange of resources. opposite interests to offer an alternative decision that c) Legitimacy – refers to the structure of public can be accepted by all parties. decision-making and the right to establish public 2) The capacity is raising and maintaining sup- support provided either by legitimacy derived from port. Support is the key to successful policy imple- elections or by other means received. Legitimacy is mentation. Multiply support both internal actors, a resource that supports the implementation of the external actors as well as target groups. If you have re- program. The implementing team of government el- ceived support, the support must be treated through ements has the legitimacy to design the implementa- a continuous communication process. tion program. In addition, it can use its legitimation 3) The ability is adapting to new tasks and has a to perform coaching. Mentoring and oversight are framework for learning. The development of science part of the Policy implementation of village commu- and technology has led to changes including changes nity empowerment. in ways, methods and systems of work. Therefore, it d) Information-refers to the ownership of the is necessary to improve adaptation through the con- data and control it. Each chord involved in policy tinuous learning process. implementation of the village community empower- 4) The Ability is recognizing environmental ment owns the information resources. Ownership changes. The changing environment provides op- of such information should be communicated and portunity and challenge offers. The ability to identify impropriating so that there is an exchange of infor- changes that occur need to have to anticipate change, mation that can be utilized together. are as well as to innovate in the village communities e) Organization – refers to the possession of empowerment. people, skills, land, building materials and equip- 5) The ability is doing lobby and advocacy. Policy ment and hence the ability to act directly rather than Implementation of Community empowerment will through intermediaries. The Government has an or- be more effective when village government can de- ganizational resource that can be used in the frame- velop network. To establish and develop the network work of Policy implementation of Village Commu- need to have a lobby capability that is, lobby actors nity empowerment. This organization will organize who have the potential or resources that can support this policy implementation itself. the implementation of village community empower-

20 DIMENSIONAL ACTORS IN THE POLICY NETWORK OF LAMONGAN COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT ment Policy. As well as the ability to advocate special evaluation. In partnership networks, the established to the village’s community are to participate and en- coordination mechanisms are equality-based among gage in village community empowerment. actors. 6) Having ability to monitor and control imple- 8) It has mechanisms to monitor the policy im- mentations. During implementation, the policy pact. Policy impacts can be both positive and nega- needs supervision to observe where the distribution tive impacts. Therefore, it is necessary to have a of resources and other implementation activities are mechanism for monitoring or monitoring the impact executed. As well as conducting control activities, that occurred after Policy implementation of the vil- it minimizes implementation errors and encourages lage community Empowerment. effective efforts to achieve objectives. In the framework of village community empow- 7) Having a good coordination mechanism, Co- erment needs to be designed contribution of each ordination mechanisms need to be well designed, actor namely government, private and civil society. including coordination with actors as well as target The type, capacity and resources of the actors appear groups at the time of planning, implementation or in the table as follows: Table 2. – Role, Capacity and Resource Actors in Community Empowerment

Actors Actor’s Types Capacities Resources Bond between various interests, Authority, Money, Legiti- Govern- Pioneer, Connector, adaptation to changes, controlling macy, Information, Organi- ment Topple, Supporter implementation, coordination of zation Money, Information, Organi- Private Supporter, Connector Skills, Facility and Infrastructure zation Pioneer Civil Soci- Commitment, Participatory Abil- Money, Information, Organi- Supporters ety ity, And Skill zation Connector Political Pioneer To promote support, Lobby and Authority, Information, Le- Communi- Supporters advocacy, supervision, gitimacy ties Connector Source: Researcher Data Managed, 2019 Bases on mapping the capacity and resources Here is a figure of the dimensional actors in the of actors are in village community empowerment policy network in the policy implementation of vil- above shows the capacity of the Government in- lage community empowerment, namely. cludes being bond between various interests, adap- The figure above describes the actors with re- tation to changes, controlling implementation, and sources and capacities that are owned can interact coordination. Private capacity i. e. skill, facility and with the exchange of resources. Resource exchange infrastructure means; Civil Society capacity in the occurs when the use of the capacity of each actor form of commitment, participatory ability, skill; is classified to identify the problem of implementa- the capacity of the political community includes tion and develop a strategy in solving implementa- raising support, lobby and advocacy, supervision. tion problems.

21 Section 3. Demography and ethnography

Figure 3. Actor’s Dimension on A Network Source: Researcher Data Managed, 2019 IV. Conclusion use the capacity and resources that have to support The type of network that needs to be developed their achievement. Inter actors complement each is Pluralistic Network where the relationship be- other’s limitations by exchanging resources and tween the public governments is dominated by the coordinating and synergies based on each other’s instructions and instructions of the Government in beliefs and dependence. cooperation with three or more groups of major- Acknowledgement ity. In this case, the implementing team of the Gov- The researcher would like to say thank you to ernment is doing synergy with private, civil society the government of Lamongan District and village and political community in implementing policy of government in the working area of Lamongan City village community Empowerment. Each actor will Government. References: 1. Atkinson M. M., & Coleman W. D. Strong States and Weak States: Sectoral Policy Networks in Advanced Capitalist Economies. British Journal of Political Science. 1989. URL: S0007123400005317 2. Crosby B. L. Policy implementation: The organizational challenge. World Development. 1996. URL:–750X(96)00050–2 3. de Haan F. J., & Rotmans J. A proposed theoretical framework for actors in transformative change. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 2018. URL: techfore.2017.12.017 4. Héritier A. Policy-Analyse. Kritik und Neuorientierung. 1993. Politische Vierteljahresschrift – Sonderheft 24/1993.


5. Hogwood B., & Gunn L. Why “perfect implementation” is unattainable. The Policy Process. A Reader. 1993. URL: 6. Lincoln Y. S., Lynham S. A., & Guba E. G. Paradigmatic controversies, contradictions, and emerging confluences. In The SAGE handbook of qualitative research. 2018. 7. Pemerintah R. I. Peraturan menteri dalam negeri republik Indonesia nomor 114 tahun 2014 tentang pedoman pembangunan Desa. Lincolin Arsyad. 2014. URL: 110.21043/equilibrium.v3i2.1268 8. Rhodes C. The legitimation of learning in organizational change. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 1997. URL: 9. Rhodes R. A. W. Understanding governance: Policy Networks, Governance, Reflexivity and Accountability. Organization Studies. 2007. URL: 10. Streck C., & Dellas E. Governments and policy networks: Chances, risks, and a missing strategy. In A Handbook of Globalisation and Environmental Policy, Second Edition: National Government Interventions in a Global Arena. 2012. URL: 11. Undang – Undang no 6 Tahun 2014. Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 Tentang Desa. Undang – Undang No 6 Tahun 2014. URL: 12. Van Waarden F. Dimensions and types of policy networks. European Journal of Political Research. 1992. URL:–6765.1992.tb00287.x

23 Section 4. History and archaeology

Section 4. History and archaeology Abdukayumov Asror Rayimovich, PhD, Termez state university Termez city, Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected]


Abstract. The object of issue is the period of the prehistory of mankind, and the subject is considered to be the periodization of this age, more precisely the last stage of this period. The relevance of the issue is the complexity of periodization of the oldest history, at the same time its great importance for the development of historical, and almost all social-humanity sciences. The methodologies used in the issue are a critical analy- sis and comparison of researches in historical and sociological sciences, as well as scientific developments of etymology. The novelty of the findings in the conclusion of the issue can be considered a new, scientific approach to solving the problems of periodization of human history. Keywords: periodisation, prehistory, biosocial phenomenon, evolution, kingship, community, society, primitive. Абдукаюмов Асрор Райимович, кандидат исторических наук, и/о доцента, Термезский государственный университет, г. Термез Республика Узбекистан E-mail: [email protected]


Аннотация. Объектом исследования является периодом древнейшей историей человече- ства, а предметом считается периодизацией этой эпохи, т. е. последний этап данного периода. Актуальность исследования является сложностью периодизацией древнейшей истории, одновременно и ее огромное значение для развитие исторических, и почти всех общественно- гуманитарных наук. Применяемых методологий в исследование являются критический анализ и сопоставление исследований в исторических и социологических науках, а также научные выработки этимологии.


Новизной полученных выводов в заключении исследования можно считать новым, научным подходом к решение проблематике периодизации человеческой истории. Ключевые слова: периодизация, древнейшая история, биосоциальное явление, эволюция, род, община, общества, первобытность. Одной из важных проблем исторической на- произведениях, дошедших до нашего времени уки является проблема периодизации развития можно встретить взгляды по членению этапов че- человечества. Периодизация – это установление ловеческой истории. Например, древнегреческий хронологически последовательных этапов в че- поэт Гесиод (VIII–VII вв. до н. э.) делил историю ловеческом развитии. Нужно отметить, в основу человечества на пять периодов – божественный, выделения этапов должны быть положены реша- золотой, серебряный, медный и железный, ут- ющие факторы, общие для всех стран или для ве- верждая, что от периода к периоду люди живут дущих стран. Проблема периодизации истории все хуже. С развитием сциентистского мышления давно привлекает внимание историков и социо- Древней Греции эти пессимистические взгляды логов в различных странах мира. Излишне дока- сменяются системами, построенными по прин- зывать сложность этой проблемы и вместе с тем ципу прямой эволюции. Например, в опоэтизи- ее огромное значение для исторической науки рованной и в определенной степени мифологи- в целом: периодизация исторического процесса ческой драме Эсхила «Прикованный Прометей» помогает его осмыслению, облегчает выявление традиционная концепция историко-культурного его внутренних закономерностей и следователь- развития насыщена философским содержанием, но, дает возможность научного обобщения. Вряд при этом творцом решающих перемен является ли можно найти историка, который вообще отка- культурный герой, божественный по своему про- зался бы от периодизации, каковы бы не были его исхождению. Здесь прослежен путь развития от субъективные взгляды. Исторические исследова- первобытного примитивизма к ремеслам и нау- ния любого спектра и сфер немыслима без перио- кам, которым Прометей обучил род человеческий. дизации исторического процесса. Периодизация В таком же виде рассматривается комплекс эво- сущностное определение основного содержания люции человечества в сочинение Платона «О на- этапов становления и развития исторических про- чальном состоянии человеческого общества» [1]. цессов, характерных для данного народа, страны, Но наряду с традицией, выводящей движущие региона, и человечества в целом. Без периодиза- силы общественного прогресса за рамки самого ции истории – без генерализирующего подхода человеческого общества, развиваются и прямо к истории, не может быть подлинной историче- противоположные воззрения. Ксенофан, живший ской науки. Основой научной периодизацией во второй половине VI-начале V в. до н. э. утверж- истории является признание общих закономер- дал, что «не от начала все боги открыли смерт- ностей развития самого человечество. ным, но постепенно ища, люди находят лучшее» Со временем развития исторического мыш- [2]. Эта идея получила последовательное развитие ления учеными различных направлений разра- у создателя концепции атомизма Демокрита. При ботано множество различных вариантов пери- мыслительной конкретизации концепции атомов одизации развития человечества. На этот столь Демокрит обратился и к человеческой истории проблемный вопрос обращали внимание не в ее развивающемся, материально-вещественном только ученые различных сфер, а также и антич- виде. По Демокриту основная движущая сила раз- ные философы, поэты. В некоторых античных вития человечества – это нужда, необходимость.

25 Section 4. History and archaeology

И с этих позиций излагалась общая космическая этнографически-фактическим материалом уче- человеческая история. Взгляды Демокрита на эво- ние, движущее реальным впечатлением развития люцию человека от первобытной образа жизни до первобытного человека и человечества в целом. уровня тогдашней культуры Греции-Эллады были Появление этой работы произвело революци- изложены историком Диодором, а затем в опоэ- онное изменение во взглядах на доисторическое тизированной форме нашли блестящее воплоще- прошлое человечества и положило начало исто- ние в поэме Лукреция Кара «О природе вещей». рии первобытности. В этой поэме подробно характеризовалась жизнь Исходя из того, что, «человечество начало первобытного человека, а затем происхождение свое поприще с самой низкой ступени развития языка, права и религии, как важные проявления и проложило себе дорогу из состояния дико- человеческой культуры [3]. Мыслитель Пифагор сти к цивилизации благодаря медленному нако- (VI в. до н. э.) в понимании человеческой истории плению опыта» [5], всю историю человечества руководствовался теорией круга, в соответствии Л. Г. Морган делит на три эпохи, т. е. на три перио- с которой развитие идет по одной и той же ко- да: дикость, варварство и цивилизацию. В первой лее: зарождение, расцвет, гибель [4]. Такой взгляд части своего исследования Л. Г. Морган формули- на историю идет по аналогии с жизнью человека рует ряд положений, к которым он пришел в ито- (и даже с кругами цивилизации), при этом вектор ге почти сороколетнего изучения истории перво- истории практически отсутствует. Но надо под- бытности. В процессе исследования Л. Г. Морган черкнуть, тот взгляд дал развивающий импульс замечает и твердо проводит различие между создателям и сторонникам концепции цивили- двумя типами обществ: первобытнообщинным зационного подхода в поиске общих закономер- и цивилизационным. По мнению Л. Г. Моргана ностей исторического процесса, в том числе за- «..первый по времени основывается на личности падных ученых ХХ века (А. Тойнби, Г. Чайльд, и личных отношениях и может быть назван обще- С. Хаттингтон и др.). Таким образом, исследова- ством – societas. Второе основывается на терри- ния показывают, что уже в античности, особенно тории и частной собственности и может быть у мыслителей Древней Греции-Эллады появля- назван государством – civitas» [5, 7]. Обширный ются концептуальные взгляды по периодизации круг общественных явлений он располагает в два истории человечества. ряда: с одной стороны изобретения и открытия, Первые научные исследования по проблемати- с другой – производство средств существова- ки периодизации истории начинается со второй ния, управление, язык, семьи, религия, домашняя половины XIX века. Благодаря таким ученым-эт- жизнь и архитектура, собственность. Л. Г. Мор- нографам и этнологам как Г. Л. Морган, Бахофен, ган отмечает, что «..эти учреждения, изобретения Мак Леннан, антропологам Дж. Кейнс и другим и открытия воплотили в себе и сохранили для нас исследователям появляются в свет первые научно- основные факты, иллюстрирующие пройденный изложенные концепции периодизации древней- путь. Их сопоставление и сравнение указывают на шей истории человечества. Среди таких концеп- единство происхождения человечества, на сход- ций особое значение и безпретендентное место ство человеческих потребностей на одной и той имеет работа Г. Л. Моргана «Древнее общество», же стадии развития и единообразие деятельности опубликованная на английском языке в 1877 году человеческого ума при одинаковом обществен- [5, 5]. Надо подчеркнуть, приведенные много- ном строе» [5, 3]. Надо подчеркнуть, что учения численные гипотезы о древнейшем состоянии Л. Г. Моргана вот уже несколько десятилетий ста- человечества заняло обоснованное огромным ли основными направлениями в науке и в образо-


вании по истории древнейшего периода. Анализи- явлением, существом а не животным даже в самых руя периодизацию первобытности Л. Г. Моргана, первых этапах первобытности. Ф. Энгельс заявил, что «..первый, кто попытался Правильно отметил Л. Г. Морган, что первую со знанием дела нести известный порядок в пре- прогрессивную эпоху истории человечества со- дысторию человечества, был Морган, и надо ставляет первобытность [5], возникновение полагать, что до тех пор, пока значительное на- и развитие которого протекало исключительно копление нового материала не заставит внести медленными темпами. Не только результаты ар- изменения, его расположение материала оста- хеологических раскопок, проводимые несколько нется в силе» [6, 31]. Нам кажется, что прошло десятилетий, а также антропологические и био- достаточно времени на накопление нового мате- химические исследования показывают, что имен- риала, особенно с развитием археологии, а также но в этом периоде человек впервые показывает фундаментальными исследованиями в сфере со- свой социальный аспект биологической сущно- циологии и источниковедении, и историческое сти: появляются примитивные орудия труда, мышление развивалось до такой степени, чтобы началом постепенного развивающая процесса исследовать, анализировать и внести некоторые до современности, начинается и процесс антро- необходимые изменения Морганской теории пе- погенеза – процесса формирования биологиче- риодизации первобытности человечества. ского развития самого человечества. Правильно По данным археологии, антропологии и по отметил Дж. Кейнс, что «Эти общины отражают геологическим исследованиям нам известно, что духовную жизнь наших предков тысячи лет тому человечество продолжает – надо подчеркнуть, назад. Мы прошли те же стадии физического продолжает а не существует, свою социальную и культурного развития и представляем собой то, самобытность в биологической сущности около чем мы являемся теперь, благодаря тому, что они трех миллионов лет. Следует отметить, что чело- жили, трудились и совершенствовались. Наша век существовал и до этого, но это существование изумительная цивилизация есть результат без- ограничивалось только в биологическом аспекте. молвных усилий миллионов неизвестных людей, При этом следует учесть, что проблематика пе- подобно тому как известковые скалы Англии об- риодизации истории охватывает сферу и биоло- разованы отложениями мириад фораминифер» гической сущности и развития человека. Ведь на [7, 233]. Следует отметить, что с влиянием чело- сегодняшний день по археологическим и антро- века к природе, началом антропогенных влияний пологическим исследованиям нам известно, что законам природы и начинается процесс самораз- человек в процессе социального развития и по вития самого человека: мышление появляется биологическому аспекту развивался поэтапно. и развивается не только во внедрении новых тех- Поэтому в современной науке и в образовании никах и технологий приготовления орудий тру- процесс биологического развития человечества да, охоты, а также и в отношениях человека друг называется и изучается как процесс антропоге- с другом, и в попытках понимания самого себя. неза. Исходя этого можно отметить, что история Правильно сказано, что «...современная наука, человечества это – биосоциальная эволюция и ие- основываясь на самом тщательном и исчерпыва- рархия исторических процессов происходивших, ющем изучении человека и его творений, считает в социальном аспекте и продолжившихся до се- доказанной, что наша раса начала свое существо- годняшних дней на нашей планете в течение не- вание на земле с низшей, а не высшей ступени скольких миллионов лет. И правильным было бы и постепенно развивалась; что человеческие силы называть человека и человечество биосоциальным имели свою историю развития; что все элемен-

27 Section 4. History and archaeology

ты культуры – производства, искусства, наука, несколько пониманий – «товарищ (comrade)», язык, религия, философия – выработались путем «друг (friend)», «союзник (ally)» [8]. Видно, продолжительных и тягостных усилий в борьбе что в основной части этого слова не встречают- между душой и умом человека с одной стороны, ся никакие понятия, обозначавшие родовые или и внешней природой – с другой» [5, + 5]. Таким родственные узы. На наш взгляд здесь не мешало образом и можно сказать, что все древнейшие бы и изучить употребление понятия «общества» предки современных наций, народов и народно- в социологических исследованиях. стей живущие на нашей планете, прошли эту на- По мнению Герберта Спенсера, одного из ро- чальную стадию человеческой истории. В прочем, доначальников эволюционизма и основателя «ор- первобытность в развитии человеческой истории ганической школы» в социологии, общество – это считается периодом обоснования человечеством агрегат (совокупность) индивидов, характери- природно-жизненных и социальных факторов бо- зующихся определённым сходством и постоян- лее развитого социальной структуры – общества. ством их жизни. Оно подобно биологическому Надо отметить, что реконструкция обще- организму-растёт, а не строится, и увеличивается ственного строя и социальных отношений в эпо- в своём объёме, одновременно усложняя структу- ху первобытности, особенно на ранних этапах ру и разделяя функции [9]. Исследователь считает, развития человечества затруднено отсутствием что общество состоит из трех относительно авто- реальных данных и базируется на предложенных номных частей (систем «органов»): поддержива- различных теоретических выкладках, а не факти- ющая-производство необходимых продуктов; дис- ческом материале, которого попросту для ранних трибутивная (распределительная) – разделение периодов человечества не имеется. С другой сто- благ на основе разделения труда (обеспечивает роны, самые первобытные группы которые были связь частей социального организма); регулятив- описаны европейскими учеными в Африке, Юго- ная (государство)-организация частей на основе Западной Азии, Австралии, и даже Л. Г. Морга- их подчинения целому. Подобная система харак- ном в Северной Америки в XIX веке, ставшими теризующей в понятие общества выглядит в та- базой научного исследования и выработки в уче- ком же ракурсе у многих, почти всех исследова- нии периодизации истории человечества, нахо- телей общественно-гуманитарных направлений. дились на уровне мезолитических племен, т. е. на Например, Американский социолог Эдвард Шилз уровне конца каменного века. Исходя из этого, полагает, что основу общества составляет такая наиболее длительный по времени период, охваты- его характеристика, как функционирование пу- вающий многие десятки тысячелетий существо- бличной власти, обеспечивающей контроль над вания, древнейшего уклада человеческой жизни всей территорией и насаждающей общую куль- с точки зрения развития человеческой истории, туру. Э. Шилз выделяет следующие критерии объективно было бы называть историей перво- общества: оно не является частью более крупной бытности или первобытная история человече- системы; браки заключаются между представите- ства, а не древнее общество по мнению и учению лями данного объединения; оно пополняется пре- Г. Л. Моргана. Здесь было бы целостно анализи- имущественно за счёт детей тех людей, которые ровать этимологическое происхождение самого уже являются его признанными представителями; понятия «общество», т. е. societas или societу. Ос- объединение имеет территорию, которую считает нову этого понятия составляет socius (существи- своей собственной; у общества есть собственное тельная форма-socialis), слово происходящее из название и собственная история; оно обладает латинского языка, обозначающее в переводе сразу собственной системой управления; объединение


существует дольше средней продолжительности сооружения домов-нмана служила глина, в Видев- жизни отдельного индивида; его объединяет об- дате и упоминаются пахсовые блоки, и сырцовый щая система ценностей (обычай, традиций, норм, кирпич, высушенный на солнце. Существенной законов, правил), которую называют культурой чертой патриархальной семьи «является вклю- [10, 179]. Надо отметить, что в некоторых иссле- чение в состав семьи несвободных и отцовская дованиях, а также во многих фундаментальных эт- власть; поэтому законченным типом этой фор- нографо-этнологических изданиях [11; 12 и др.], мы семьи служит римская familia» [6, 67]. В свою а также в антропологии под названием общество очередь родственные дома-семьи образуют род подчеркивается и древнейшие общины, занима- под термином вис. Этим же термином обознача- ющиеся присваивающим хозяйством, т. е. охотой ется в Авесте и родовое поселение. Вис становит- и собирательством. Но этимология понятия «об- ся патриархальным родом, совокупность нмана, щества» и регулярное использование этого слова объединенных происхождением от общего пред- в современной науке и в понимании показывает ка и называемых по имени или по прозвищу это- ошибочность такого подхода и выбора в сочета- го предка. Согласно зороастрийской традиции, нии понятия в изучении истории первобытности. в состав рода должно было входить не менее 15 Теперь немножко о фактах. Благодаря исследо- семей [13, 220]. В старейших частях Авесты ро- ваниям в сфере источниковедения мы находим та- довая община является основной экономической кие доказательства, что общество формировалось ячейкой общества, носитель важнейших полити- в медленном и долговременным процессе слияния ческих, социальных и юридических институтов. нескольких и различных родовых общин в первую Пастбища, поля, простейшие оросительные со- очередь в таких местах, где природно-климатиче- оружения составляли собственность виса. Во ские условия дали возможность общинам пере- главе рода стоит виспати – господин, хозяин йти к оседлой жизни. Такие факты мы встречаем рода, обычно старейший в роде. Поскольку вис в Авесте, считавшейся священной книгой религии не только род, но и родовое поселение, виспати Зороастризма, распространявшейся в земледель- в Авесте выступает и как глава поселения. В Га- ческих и оседло-скотоводческих народах Средней тах, по мнению исследователей возникшей части Азии и Восточного Ирана в первой половине I тыс. Авесты в период деятельности пророка, имеются до н. э. Здесь мы не хотели детально анализировать данные, свидетельствующие о том, что родовые историю изучения Авесты, мы только обратим вни- селения-висы входили в состав территориаль- мание на термины, которые употреблялись в ча- ных общинных объединений, именуемых врза- стях этой книги в качестве обозначения основных на, обозначавших поселения соседской общины социальных структур, являвшимся организациями [14, 185]. Врзана в Гатах выступает в одном ряду формировавшие само общество на территориях с терминами хвайту – семья, родня, и арамьян – современной Средней Азии. союз соплеменников, возможно также культовый Начальной структурой общества в Авесте союз [15]. Кроме вис и врзана в Авесте упоми- выступает термин нмана, в переводе обозначав- нается термин гава – селение, сельский округ, ший «дом» как жилище семьи, ее домашнее хо- обозначающий поселение земледельцев и осед- зяйство, а также в значении самой патриархаль- лых скотоводов. Встречается и такая структура, ной семьи (Ясна, XXXI‑16,18; Яшт, V- 38,62,63; как гава-шайана или гава-шити – в переводе оз- X‑28,30; XVII‑6,8). Во главе дома-семьи стоит до- начает проживание в селение – названия, упо- мовладыка – нманопати, буквально глава, хозяин требляемые в десятом Яште для характеристики дома. Основным строительным материалом для центрального пояса земли, противостоящего

29 Section 4. History and archaeology

северным степям, населенным кочевниками [16]. XXXII‑10), и одновременно в Виспереде обра- Термин гава выступает в этом же тексте, в соче- ботанная земля, округа, поземельная единица, тании с авестийским географическим названием к который принадлежат воды, земли и растения Согда: гава Суғда – Согдийское поселение. Здесь (Висперед, XVI‑3). Полноправным следующим и можно привести замечания Ф. Энгельса, требу- этапом можно называть племенем, упоминающим ющие дальнейшие научные разработки, одного в Малой Авесте под термином занту достаточно из основоположников формационного подхода часто. Это соответствует и реальному положе- периодизации: «За истекшее с тех пор время нию племени в авестийском обществе. В отличие Гакстгаузен открыл общинную собственность от домов и рода, племя в обществе земледельцев на землю в Росси, Маурер доказал, что она была и оседлых скотоводов вступает как формальная общественной основой, послужившей исходным общность, внутри врзаны и гава-шайана важна пунктом исторического развития всех герман- степень родства, в составе племени учитывается ских племен, и постепенно выяснилось, что сель- лишь сам факт родства. Более крупная единица, ская община с общим владением землей является чем племя или область, занимаемая нескольким или являлась в прошлом повсюду первобытной племенем в Гатах определяется под термином да- формой общества, от Индии до Ирландии» [17]. хью. Дахью в Авесте – понятие прежде всего тер- Следует отметить, что и по нашему мнению имен- риториальное, географическое, нередко указыва- но в поселениях появляются первые признаки об- ющее и на значительную этническую общность, щества, или мы сможем достать первостепенные но это еще не четкая админстративная единица доказательства и факты о формировании самого в составе сложившегося государства. Во главе об- общества на основе множественных, разных по ласти стоял дахьюпати – владыка области. В Аве- происхождению общинных союзов. Ведь не зря сте приведены имена двух владык областей: Вада- в этимологической основе понятия «общества» ган (Видевдат, XIX‑6) и Аурвасара (Яшт, XV‑31). имеется такие термины, как «товарищ», «друг», Таким образом, родовые общины в процессе «союзник», а не слова обозначавшие родствен- медленного слияния в условиях развития произво- ные узы – «тетя», «кузен», «брат» и др. дительного хозяйство образовались в общество. Освоение новых земель и пастбищ, созда- В причем, никаких намеков на наличие городов, ние ирригационных сооружений и усложняв- городской жизни, которые считается основными шаяся практика распределения воды в большой критериями цивилизации, в Авесте не подчер- степени способствовали усилению значения со- кивается. Отсутствуют и специальные термины седской общины, вели ко все большему разложе- для укрепленного поселения, а также ясные упо- нию принципов родовой структуры. Поселения минания цитадели. Анализируя вышеуказанные земледельцев и оседлых скотоводов постепенно термины в Авесте, обозначавшие в основном со- оказываются уже в большей мере основанными циальные структуры Средней Азии и Восточно- на экономических связах, нежели на чисто родо- го Ирана в первой половине I тыс. до н. э., можно вых. Появляются и специальные обозначения для твердо установить, что на самом деле слово и по- сельской округи-территории, принадлежавшей нятие общества мы должны считать первосте- соседской общине и охватывающей несколько пенным элементом и категорией цивилизации. различных родовых поселений вместе с их паст- И можно считать, что первые общества – эта до- бищами и полями. В Гатах встречается термин бровольная общность людей, различных родовых шойтра, которое обозначает сельский округ, об- общин и племен имеющие единую территорию, ласть обитания племени, племя (Ясна, XXXI‑16; точнее реальные пастбища и поля для развития


производственного хозяйства, общую религию, и старание для обновления изучения первобыт- язык и культуру. ной истории требует обобщений тщательного В заключении, подводя итоги мы можем пере- научного анализа. числить следующее: 5. После краткого анализа, основанного в из- 1. Человек является биосоциальным суще- учении этимологии понятия «общества» и пись- ством, а не животное, которое именно социаль- менного источника Авесты можно установить, что ность человечества отделяет его от других явле- название древнего общества древнейшей истории ний животного мира. человечества ошибочным, такое название не име- 2. Ища необходимость для существования ет никаких научных оснований. Поэтому на наш человечества развивает самого себя и в биологи- взгляд, этот период истории человечества объек- ческом и в социальном аспекте: с изобретением тивно было бы называть историей первобытности примитивных орудий труда намечается начало со- или первобытной историей человечества. вершенствования до современности различных В этой статье мы старались исследовать пере- орудий труда, охоты, оружия, домашней утвари, ходный период человечества с первобытности и одновременно начинается биологическое раз- к цивилизации на основе тщательного анализа на витие человека – процесс антропогенеза. фактах, имеющих в частях книги Авесты, которые 3. В природных условиях человечество с древ- сохранились и изучались многими исследователя- ности организовало различные социальные ми разных стран. Считаем, что такой подход к про- структуры, но оценка и название формирования блематике основывается не только на этногра- и развития этих социальных структур (дикость, фо-этнологических описаниях, здесь выделяется варварство) требуют новых исследований, обоб- внимание и этимолого-филологических, археоло- щений на основе сравнительного анализа различ- гических, социологических, антропологических ных сфер науки. и источниковедческих исследований. В концовке 4. Учение, которое распространявшим на хотелось сказать, что продолжение исследований сегодняшний день по периодизации истории, по формированию и развитию самых архаичных особенно древнейшая история человечества социальных структур и их периодизации нам по- можно считать устаревшими и не отвечающим может охарактеризовать первобытную историю требованиям современной науки, особенно об- человечества в целом. разования. Некоторые, инновационные подходы Список литературы: 1. Виц Б. Б. Демокрит. – М., 1979. 2. Лосев А. Ф. История античной эстетики: Аристотель и поздняя классика. – М. 1975. 3. Массон В. М. Первые цивилизации. – Л.: Наука, 1989. 4. Comelli Gabriele, Mc Kirahan Richard. In Search of Phifagoreanizm: Phifagoreanizm as an Historio- graphical Category. Berlin, Germany: Walter de Gryuter, 2013. 5. Lewis H. Morgan. Ancient society or researches in the lines of human progress from savagery, trough barbarism to civilization. – Washington-London, 1877. 6. Энгельс Ф. Происхождение семьи, частной собственности и государства. 1948. 7. Dr. Kaines J. Western anthropologists and estrawestern communities // Anthropologia, – Vol. I. – № 2. – London, 1873–1875. 8. The therm of society. Etymology and usage // (дата обращения: 26.11.2019).

31 Section 4. History and archaeology

9. Кон И. С. Социологическая концепция Герберта Спенсера // История буржуазной социологии XIX-начала XX века / Под ред. И. С. Кона. Утверждено к печати Институтом социологических ис- следований АН СССР. – М.: Наука, 1979. 10. Бабосов Е. М. Общая социология: Учеб. пособие для студентов вузов. 2-е изд., стер. – Мн.: «Тетра- Системс», 2004. 11. Lowie R. Primitive society. – London, 1920. 12. Преображенский П. Ф. Курс этнологии. – М. 1939. 13. История таджикского народа. Том I. Древнейшая и древняя история. Под редакцией Б. А. Литвин- ского и В. А. Ранова. – Душанбе-Тегеран,1998. 14. Дьяконов И. М. История Мидии от древнейших времен до конца IV века до н. э. – М-Л.,1956. – P. 180–189. 15. Benveniste E. Les classes sociales dans la tradition avestique // JA. – T. 221. № 1. – P. 117–134. 16. Gershevich I. The Avestan Hymn to Mithra. – Cambridge,1959. – P. 87–187. 17. Карл Маркс, Фридрих Энгельс. Манифест Коммунистической партии. – М.: Политиздат, 1980.

32 EXCHANGE STUDENT CONSTRUCTION BRIGADES IN UKRAINE: PROBLEMS OF INTERCULTURAL YOUTH COMMUNICATION (1960–1980 s) Ryabchenkо Olga, G. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University E-mail: [email protected] Malynina Tetjana, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv E-mail: [email protected] EXCHANGE STUDENT CONSTRUCTION BRIGADES IN UKRAINE: PROBLEMS OF INTERCULTURAL YOUTH COMMUNICATION (1960–1980 s) Abstract. Based on a wide range of archival and oral historical sources, the vast majority of which are first introduced to scientific circulation, the causes and development of student exchange brigades between higher education institutions of the USSR and their partners in the Warsaw Pact countries is analyzed in the paper. The main issues of intercultural communication of students during joint work and leisure, which were subordinated to the task of improving the image of the USSR on the inter- national arena, are outlined. At the same time, student exchange contributed to getting acquainted with the way of life in other countries, broadening the outlook of young people. Keywords: Student Construction Brigades (SCB), Warsaw Pact Organization, Labor, Cultural Program, Socialist Internationalism. Introduction. In the early 1960 s, the exchange The prevalence of propaganda literature resulted of student construction brigades (hereinafter – SCB) into numerous inaccuracies regarding the time of began between the higher educational institutions appearance and quantitative composition of foreign of the USSR and the socialist countries of the War- students in brigades. In particular, L. Marchenko and saw Pact Organization. In the historiography, such A. Stoyan indicate that the year (1964) when stu- brigades did not stand out from the others, which dent construction brigades started to host foreign consisted of foreign students and the name “inter- students was incorrectly indicated in the literature national SCB” was attached to them. sources. The study of various documents conducted The problem of students’ stay in international by these authors shows that as early as 1962, foreign brigades is not new, it was given due attention in So- students studying in the USSR applied to enroll viet historiography, since the term “socialist interna- them in construction brigades [4, P. 46]. tionalism” was important to the rhetoric of Soviet The authors also reflected upon the number of functionaries. It marked the start of ideology of co- foreign students who worked at construction sites operation between the countries that embarked on at different times. In particular, it is denied that “in the path of socialist transformation and the effective the summer of 1974, 1,153 foreign students were implementation of the “benefits of socialism” [1]. employed in 38 line international brigades” [2]. Therefore, we have both propaganda material [2] This fact “is untrue since there could not have been and scientific publications [3–10]. more than 30 students in one team. As a rule, 3 to 10

33 Section 4. History and archaeology foreigners, occasionally10–15 students, worked in International SCB. As noted above, a small one international brigade”, the authors emphasized number of foreign students studying at Soviet higher [4, 11]. educational institutions were enrolled in SCB. The In such cases, we may witness the facts of sub- rest of them was enrolled in SCB during the summer stitution of the number of foreigners who worked holidays, which lasted during July-August for most in SCB by the total number of foreigners who at- of the educational establishments; they undertook tended the educational institutions of the USSR. For an internship and rested. Some of them were travel- instance, as of July 1, 1966, Kharkiv educational in- ing home or visiting other countries. For example, stitutions enrolled 1,112 international students from in 1966, out of 1,112 foreign students studying in 47 countries. Of these, only 33 left as part of the stu- Kharkiv only 118 were abroad in July, and in August dent brigades for developing new lands and the con- only 192 foreign students. However, a considerable struction of buildings and facilities in the Republic of part remained in the USSR. Regional, city commit- Kazakhstan, including 23 from the African countries tees of AULYCL, deans responsible for work with and the rest from the Warsaw Pact countries. These foreign students and Komsomol committees of edu- students studied at KhSU named after O. M. Gorky cational institutions were supposed to have detailed (14), KhPI (11) and KhMI (8). Similar cases were plans for organizing their summer holidays. Accord- noted in other Ukrainian universities [12]. ing to them, foreign students were sent to sports and Despite the recent episodic appeal of Ukrainian recreation camps and centers. It should be noted that and foreign contemporary researchers to this topic some students refused to go for rehabilitation and in [13, 14], we cannot generally see any breakthrough a rough form required the staff of the dean’s offices in the understanding of the latter. The purpose of to employ them, motivating it by the fact that they investigation is to analyze the causes, features of team did not have enough money to provide themselves building and the main tasks of student exchange bri- with [15]. As a rule, they were young people from gades of higher education institutions of the USSR. Africa, Latin America and Asia. The material compo- In Soviet and contemporary historiography, it is nent was one of the possible reasons that made them customary to distinguish three types of international enroll in SCB. The considerable sums earned by stu- SCB formed during the development of this move- dents of higher education institutions of the USSR ment: 1. Brigades comprising foreign students study- were no secret, especially those earned by students ing at Soviet higher educational establishments; working on construction sites in the Extreme North 2. Brigades formed out of Soviet students who were and the so-called “Tselina” in Kazakhstan. sent to Warsaw Pact Organization countries in ac- In addition, in the 1960s, particular concern cordance with exchange agreements (mainly to the among party and Komsomol authorities was that German Democratic Republic, Poland, Hungary, foreign students were “unfriendly to the Soviet Czechoslovakia); 3. Brigades in which exchange Union” [15]. Therefore, after the first single state- students from universities of socialist countries ments by foreign students about joining the SBZ, were enrolled [4, P. 44]. We consider it expedient the propaganda of this movement begins by party to distinguish and consider the last two types of and Komsomol organizations, clubs of international brigades under the conditional name, i. e. exchange friendship. It should be noted that in the interview, SCB, since, in our opinion, their origin and develop- the SBZ leaders noted that they were obliged to ment were related to specific historical events that take foreign students at the disposal of the UCLSM unfolded in the Warsaw Pact countries in the second Central Committee in 1964 [16]. The SBZ became half of the 1950 s – 1960 s. a convenient platform for influencing the ideological

34 EXCHANGE STUDENT CONSTRUCTION BRIGADES IN UKRAINE: PROBLEMS OF INTERCULTURAL YOUTH COMMUNICATION (1960–1980 s) and political beliefs of the youth. They had to show committee F. F. Zuh submitted a “claim” to one of the benefits of socialist way of life, collectivism, en- the directors of state farms, who complained that in thusiasm for solving different economic problems. other state farms guys work blacker than his [16]. These efforts also contributed to the restoration of Subsequently, special trainers were appointed the positive image of the USSR in the current dif- for the agitation of foreign students. Inter-unit com- ficult political situation in the world, and especially manders and commissioners underwent special among the countries of the socialist community. training to invite the staff of the Komsomol Higher Reports on the involvement of foreign students Committees who had accompanied the inter-units in in student construction units have become com- previous years. In 1975, for example, such exercises pulsory, once again demonstrating the importance were designed for 8 hours, they discussed in detail given to this work by the party bodies. From them the issues of work, relationships, cultural life of for- it is visible that for clarification of the purposes and eign students, and distributed work plans [18]. tasks of the SBZ, foreign representatives were in- In addition, clubs of international friendship, volved, who, in turn, held similar conversations with which were created at the universities, expended students of their countries [17]. It was mandatory effort campaigning. As a result, if in 1962 only to study the charter of the All-Union Student Squad 2 foreigners worked in the SCB of the USSR, then in and the form and nature of future work. Such agita- 1985 there worked 2209 foreign students. In 1967, tion yielded positive results. For example, in early the international student brigades were formed in June 1971, Kharkiv Regional Headquarters had lists four regions of Ukraine and Kyiv including students of 178 foreign students who wanted to work in the from 19 countries, while in 1975–1980 student bri- SBZ. Of these, only 89 people from 15 countries gades were formed in 10 regions of Ukraine and Kyiv (DRV, Uganda, Syria, Congo, Iraq, Israel, GDR, etc.) including students from 56 countries [4]. participated in the third semester of work. A large Causes of SCB creation. In the 1960s, student group, especially of DRVs, was not admitted to work groups were exchanged between Ukrainian and after undergoing a medical examination. And 20 stu- foreign higher education institutions from social- dents from the GDR completely refused to go to the ist countries – members of the Warsaw Pact Orga- facility, motivating the need to travel home [17]. nization. Despite the differences in historiography All foreign students were assigned to linear units regarding the exact date to commence this type of ex- of 2–4 people each, passed relevant production brief- change, the archival documents indicate 1965. This ings together with Soviet students, lived with them year, students of Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute “paved in the same camp and worked alongside each other the first international labor route, namely a brigade on the same jobs. P. G. Krasnyashych recalled that of 24 individuals was located on the construction site one of the African students who dug trenches for the of a synthetic rubber plant in Czechoslovak Socialist foundation in the state farm of the Sevastopol Kusta- Republic, and a brigade of Czechoslovakian students nai region (this work was extremely difficult – the had a good run developing virgin lands as part of our ground had to be shoveled in hot weather), said that student team in Kazakhstan” [13]. The idea ofmutu ​​ - they did not work as convicts. It was then that many al exchange of student brigades was at the same time first saw living Africans, sometimes even unforeseen approved by the Komsomol Central Committee, and situations occurred. In 1965 in Kustanai black stu- in 1966 “the Resolution of the Komsomol Central dents were surrounded by the local population and Committee on the exchange of students between asked to stay for at least half an hour to get a better universities of the USSR and a number of socialist look, and the second secretary of the Uritsky district countries was adopted” [4].

35 Section 4. History and archaeology

It is difficult to say now what the first exchange of Researchers note that students of the USSR also students was for. This initiative was immediately used spoke openly about the support of their peers in to promote the principle of the so-called “socialist Czechoslovakia, who went to barricades, defending internationalism”, which is known to have become a the ideas of “Prague Spring”, and “some even con- screen for the pursuit of USSR hegemonism. It is no sider (though hypothetically) the possibility of re- coincidence that student construction brigades were peating the Czech experience in our country” [22]. referred to by soviet researchers as one of the most In such a situation, it was important to discredit effective methods of forming communist persuasion the democratic processes under way in the countries and ideological stability [20; 21]. Soviet functionar- of the socialist camp and to justify the USSR’s inter- ies saw a great opportunity to improve the image of ference with their internal affairs. For this purpose, the USSR through the development of a seemingly along with mass media – the interpreters of socio- positive image of the state at the expense of Soviet cultural, political and economic life, such channels of and foreign youth enrolled in exchange student bri- formation, transformation and replication of the po- gades. The CPSU has always paid great attention to litical image, as, for example, “clubs of international the formation of public opinion, and public support friendship” were widely used. They became compul- for the party’s course has been important. This was sory in higher education institutions. Their main task necessary both for the stability of the regime to avoid was the so-called “international youth upbringing”. resistance and criticism, as well as to demonstrate A similar mission relied on the exchange of stu- the dominant sentiment to Western countries [22]. dent construction brigades. It is not a coincidence It was especially relevant in the student medium. that they started to form in the educational institu- At that time, the system of socialism and commu- tions of those countries where at different times the nism in the Warsaw Pact countries was undergoing a biggest protest moods of students were recorded. crisis. Protests against the Government, which swept This is evidenced, in particular, by the table The across Europe, involved an active participation of “List of Higher and Secondary Special Educational young people. One of the first attempts by the Soviet Institutions of the Ukrainian SSR, which exchanged Union to develop socialism in Eastern Europe was student construction brigades with educational es- the events of 1956 in Hungary and Poland, which tablishments of socialist countries in the summer took place with the active participation of students. of 1967” [23]. From this year, the exchange of stu- Thus, a mass demonstration in Budapest, attended dents for participation in the SCB became massive mostly by students protesting against the Soviet dic- and planned; it was organized with Czechoslovakia tate and demanding democratic reforms, was sup- (CSSR), Hungary (UNR), Germany (GDR) and pressed with the help of Soviet troops. Poland (PPR). Students from 22 Ukrainian univer- There have been repeated student protests on sities participated in the students’ exchange. In their the streets of Prague, culminating in the well-known turn, students from these countries were assigned events of 1968, which became known as the Prague to the USSR educational institutions in the compo- Spring. These events had a significant impact on the sition of SCB. The largest number of such brigades situation in Poland, and in all these conflicts students was formed in Kharkiv universities (10), the rest in played an important role. Such speeches can be con- Lviv, Odesa, and Kiev [23]. In the following years, sidered a component of the general student move- exchanges occurred with other countries. In 1971, ment, which took place in many countries of the for example, Vietnamese student exchange brigades world in active (demonstration) and passive forms worked in the Joint Student Constructing Brigade (hippie movement). named after the Red Army [24]. And in 1972, the

36 EXCHANGE STUDENT CONSTRUCTION BRIGADES IN UKRAINE: PROBLEMS OF INTERCULTURAL YOUTH COMMUNICATION (1960–1980 s) commissioner of Kharkiv Regional Student Con- velopment of state farms and improving the standard struction Brigade S. Ibrahimov emphasized that of living of workers to compare the old and the new. “the work with the Yugoslav delegation from Serbia It is perhaps due to such “surprises” that heads of deserved special attention” [25]. Some Ukrainian state farms and enterprises, when they learned that universities exchanged their student construction they would employ foreign students, sometimes re- brigades with Bulgaria [13]. But during the whole fused to sign contracts [27]. It should be noted that period, students’ exchange with the CSSR, the HPR, for the future deployment of brigades from the appli- and the PRP was the most active. cations of construction and economic organizations Exchange Student Construction Brigades they selected those construction sites and locations of the Warsaw Pact countries. The brigades were that would most closely correspond to the specifics formed in accordance with the exchange agreements and structure of international SCBs. The principle of signed with the partner institutions. It is not known production independence and availability of build- how many students were enrolled in them, but quite ing materials, machines and mechanisms was taken often the management of the regional headquarters as the basis for choosing the location [17]. Repre- of the SCB of the USSR was dissatisfied with their sentatives of the Komsomol and Youth Committees composition. The program of admission of foreign partner organizations went to the places of future exchange brigades was drawn up to the smallest de- work and as a result of these meetings contracts were tail, evolved in such a way to show foreign students concluded indicating the qualitative and quantitative only the positive aspects of life of the Soviet people, part of the brigade. The host party made a number special attention was paid to the achievements of of commitments, namely, from providing students the country during the years of Soviet power. It was with a workplace to organizing a cultural program. also important to introduce foreign guests to young It was obligatory to familiarize with the Statute of people of all categories: students, the working-class the SCB and to implement its provisions during the group and he rural population [23]. working period. Responsible party or Komsomol officials made However, according to the reports on the work sure the foreigners would not see the real life of So- performed, foreign students did not show a special viet people. For example, while working in Kustanai desire to perform construction work under difficult region, students of the Philosophical Faculty of Pavel conditions. So, young people in Germany did not Joseph Shafarik University from the CSSR filmed the even imagine what they would be up to and assumed houses of Kazakhs where there was a terrible lack the exchange to be a trip with entertainment. Others, of sanitation. They were allowed to shoot, but three according to statements, went to the Soviet Union weeks later, during the cultural program, all the films only for the sake of acquaintance [20]. In addition, were “accidentally” spoilt. “We were sent on a busi- students did not always comply with the Statute, al- ness trip there so that this material would not go though they were familiar with it. They spoke out abroad, – P. Krasniaschykh said, – we could not per- against the “Prohibition Act”, the ban on playing mit the footage to evolve into a cause celebre” [16]. cards, wearing beards, etc. Therefore, “along the train Such cases occurred in different student brigades. route to the sites of virgin land development Ulrich For example, students from Eisleben Engineering Lemmann, Wolfgang Lamge, Helmut Vedleo went School (GDR), during their work in 1969, took pic- on a drinking bout aboard the train. Throughout tures of themselves as well as of rural children against their tenure in construction brigades, they played the background of old demolished buildings [26]. cards, despite repeated warnings from the com- They explained this by making a film about the de- mander and commissioner of the brigade” [26]. This

37 Section 4. History and archaeology group also worked poorly, just when needed, they Red Army, “a rally of solidarity with heroic Vietnam were not interested in social life. was held on July 20 to commemorate the 15th an- The members of the other group, Klaus Heine- niversary of the struggle for the countries reunifica- mann, Wolfgang Meyer, and Ionter Sharimidt, did tion” [24]. The protesters sent a letter to the World not treat the Soviet youth very well, were late for the Federation of Democratic Youth demanding that US morning rush and to work, arguing with the com- troops withdraw from South Vietnam. The youth mander. At the end of the working period, they went held up posters condemning US actions. on a drinking spree on the bank of the river at night Meetings with veterans, combatants during and danced around the campfire naked in the pres- the World War II were also organized, and trainee ence of a girl. But on the whole, “German students students were brought to visit the soldiers’ detach- expressed complete satisfaction with their trip to the ments. And on July 13, “210 foreign students study- Soviet Union” [26]. ing in the Soviet Union came on a visit”. They were Other brigades were quite satisfactory from the acquainted “with the results of the work performed point of view of the Komsomol leadership. For ex- as well as with the life of the Soviet youth, exchanged ample, the teams of the Adam Mickiewicz University souvenirs…” [24]. of Poznan and the Martin Luther University of Halle If the ideological and educational work was paid showed a high level of organization and discipline. insufficient attention, the educational institutions German and Polish students worked well and took were deprived of the right to admit the exchange an active part in lecturing, advocacy and cultural- brigades. For example, in 1971 the regional head- mass work…” [26]. quarters did not recommend the exchange of stu- In general, the organization of recreation and dent brigades to two Kharkiv universities, namely patriotic educational activities in the exchange bri- the State University named after A. M. Gorky and gades was given priority. Unlike students studying the Institute of Engineering and Economics. And the in the USSR universities, “foreign students were bad student brigades from the GDR and the HPR were employees”, recalled L. Shutenko, the former com- transferred this year to the brigades of the Institute mander of the Joint International SCB named after of Civil Engineering [17]. the Red Army [28]. The cultural program included excursions and re- The fact that the Vietnamese, Polish and Hungar- habilitation. Foreign students visited Kyiv, Kharkiv, ian students had poor construction training is also Moscow, Leningrad and other cities, resting in sports indicated in the report on the work of this brigade and recreation camps, including those located on the [24]. Therefore, every day in such groups some edu- Black Sea coast in the Crimea. It should be noted cational activities were held: entertainment evenings, at the same time that similar trips abroad were con- where Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Vietnamese, Hun- ducted for students of Ukrainian universities. For garian songs sounded; they played football, volleyball, example, the Miskolc University of Heavy Industry etc. Each group’s arrival and departure took place in organized visits to Budapest, Debrecen, Tokay, Feld- a festive atmosphere at the flame of friendship. Dur- wara, Topolz and other cities, the youth had the op- ing the celebratory assemblies, guests were presented portunity to attend organ and variety music concerts with insignias and emblems of the SCB members. The and relax on Lake Balaton [26]. symbol of friendship became the flagpole, where the Exchange student brigades formed in the flags of the countries represented by students hung. USSR. Exchange units were formed in accordance Solidarity rallies were of particular importance. with the Cooperation Agreement. The samples of For example, in 1971, in the SCB named after the such treaties are still available today [23]. They tes-

38 EXCHANGE STUDENT CONSTRUCTION BRIGADES IN UKRAINE: PROBLEMS OF INTERCULTURAL YOUTH COMMUNICATION (1960–1980 s) tify that students were selected by competition. All mance and over-fulfillment of the plan by more than nominations were discussed at the meetings of the 185% for the construction of a reclamation canal in Komsomol Committee and the Party Committee Tangerhutte (Saxony-Anhalt) in 1970, a brigade of of universities. The brigades included students who the same institute was awarded the GDR commemo- combined good learning with active community rative medals [29]. service. As a rule, they were Komsomol leaders, ath- The students’ activities was covered in the media letes, amateur artists and other activists. Formation by the newspaper “Express Poznański”, in Halle by of brigades ended one month before the departure. the “University newspaper”, as well as by the district Students were prepared for a special program and interregional press, in particular “Junge Welt”. trip, during the preparatory period they were given There were also radio and television broadcasts. cycles of lectures, which covered issues of interna- Wishes were made to expand such links in the fu- tional context, got acquainted with the economy, ture [26]. state and party system, youth organizations of social- The working week, unlike the USSR, where the ist countries. Qualified lecturers, Komsomol, party youth in the SCBs worked almost without days off, workers, teachers of departments of social sciences usually lasted 5 days. The working day lasted –8 9 were involved for this purpose [23]. hours. However, abroad, student brigades mostly Students who enrolled in exchange student bri- performed auxiliary in nature works at construc- gades had a great opportunity to get aquatinted with tion sites. According to the memoirs, foreigners other countries. Working together and having fun were impressed by the responsible attitude to work made it possible to communicate with peers, espe- of students of exchange brigades from the USSR, cially when the program was well thought out and their enthusiasm, and collectivism. For example, organized. As a rule, Soviet students were satisfied the exchange brigade of Kharkiv Polytechnic Insti- with their trips. tute during the 1970 s worked on the construction They often received various awards for their of a reclamation canal in Tangerhutte. According to good work. For example, a brigade of 20 students of V. Nikolenko, the German workers had a high regard Kharkiv State University named after M. Gorky, to- for the work of students who reinforced the banks gether with students of Poznan University named af- of the canal, hammered wooden pegs, installed fas- ter Adam Mickiewicz, was awarded the Medal of Ex- cines and covered them with soil [13]. The work of cellence for good work. Another brigade of Kharkiv students from Kharkiv State University, who worked University, whose members worked with students on the construction of the dam in Halle, caused great of Martin Luther University (Halle, Germany) were surprise and respect. The standard of work, stipu- awarded the honorary banners of the district com- lated by the contract for 20 days, was completed in 8 mittee of the Union of Free German Youth (Freie days! As L. Plisco recalls, the students came up with Deutsche Jugend, FDJ; brigade leaders were award- a humorous motto: “Take more, throw away!” [30]. ed the honorary medals, and some students were The head of the precinct arranged a festive dinner. awarded the badge of “FDJ Activist” [26]. They signed another contract that was also com- The Union of Free German Youth of Magdeburg pleted in 8 days. Higher Technical School named after Otto von As already mentioned, considerable attention Guericke organized a special reception for a team of was paid to ideological and political work in exchange students of Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute at which brigades. Many meetings and discussions were held, graduates were presented with certificates and the which required сconversations on the achievements best students were given pennants. For high perfor- of the USSR, socialist development in the Warsaw

39 Section 4. History and archaeology

Pact countries, sports competitions and concerts. “Comrade” earned and transferred 6.5 thousand ru- The Soviet youth knew that “The International Bri- bles for the construction of the Mother Polk Health gade was, first and foremost, a great political school Center in Lodz. For this it was awarded the Gold for Komsomol members, it was the ability to uphold Medal of the Society of Soviet-Polish Friendship. its principles, its ideals; it was the application of one’s The funds were also transferred to the Solidarity knowledge in discussions and conversations” [27]. Fund of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria and the Therefore, as a result of such discussions, Hungarian orphanage in Bratislava. students from Miskolc University of Heavy Industry, Ideologization, regimentation and adoption of for example, discussing the issue of introduction of fixed “plans” as for the number of SCB members did Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia, “expressed their not contribute to the popularity of the latter and led thoughts clearly, approving the actions of our party to the degeneration of the given movement. Follow- and the state, and other socialist countries” [26]. ing the self-dissolution of Komsomol organization L. Plisko emphasized that, prior to their trip to in 1991, the SCB movement ceased with the system Germany in 1969, they were advised not to focus of work and mechanisms of interaction completely their attention on the political events in Czechoslo- destroyed. vakia, but should they be asked to do so, they would Conclusions. Thus, the exchange SCBs com- have to give a “correct answer” [30]. prised students of higher educational institutions of In the Halle district, where students from Ukraine the USSR and the countries of the Warsaw Pact Or- (Kharkiv), Moldova, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Mos- ganization in accordance with the exchange agree- cow, Leningrad, Voronezh worked, various compe- ments. Their emergence and initial development titions were held, and experience was exchanged at were related to the mass anti-government protests joint meetings [8]. The brigades produced printed in the Warsaw Pact countries of which the students newsflashes, posters, satirical papers, and the “Dru- were active participants. These events were crucial zhba” newspaper. The teams met with FDJ manage- for the perception of the Soviet Union and of so- ment, business leaders, and directors of schools. cialism in general. Various channels of political Meetings provided for by the plans did not al- image formation, transformation and replication, ways take place [23]. For example, in Magdeburg, including the exchange SCBs, were used to improve the FDJ Committee was generally well prepared for the image of the Soviet Union on the international meeting the student brigade, but did not pay much arena, discredit the democratic processes in social- attention to it. Therefore, there was almost no com- ist camp countries, and justify the interference in munication with the German youth, although the the internal affairs of socialist countries. This idea youth was looking forward to it [26]. organically fit into the canvas of the party’s general Over the years, Soviet students had to prepare course, which demanded the mobile use of student lectures to promote the propaganda of “histori- forces to solve the current problems of pursuing cal decisions” of the CPSU, and Komsomol con- USSR hegemonic policies. On the other hand, the gresses, as well as the CPSU Central Committee participation of students in exchange units pro- resolutions [18]. In addition, the formation of in- vided them with excellent opportunities not only ternational brigades of free labor began, where all to get acquainted with the life of peers abroad, but the money earned was transferred to various funds. also to learn about other cultures and expand their For example, in 1984–85, the Soviet-Polish brigade own outlook.


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Section 5. Cultural studies Risnawaty, Ph.D. in Linguistics, Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al-Washliyah E-mail: [email protected] Muhammad Ali Pawiro, Ph.D. in Linguistics, Department of Magister Sastra, Faculty of Literature, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Liesna Andriany, Ph.D. in Linguistics, Department of Sastra Indonesia, Faculty of Pedagogy and Teacher’s Training, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara E-mail: [email protected] Heny Subagiharty, Ph.D. in Linguistics, Department of Education Faculty of Pedagogy and Teacher’s Training, Universitas Asahan E-mail: [email protected] THE STAGES OF THE “NURUNKEN KALAK MATE CAWIR METUA” RITUAL IN KARO REGENCY Abstract. Death marks the end of the cycle of human life and brings sadness, except in Karo, where death is viewed a combination of sadness and happiness. This paper intends to describe the ritual stages of nurunken kalak mate cawir metua. Since death is believed to be “a travel to another world”, the ritual provided for the dead is very significant, requiring tens of millions in Indonesian currency and it is funded either by the deceased herself or by her anak beru. This article is qualitative, based on the em- pirical observations and ethnographic studies. The research question concerns how the actual stages of the nurunken kalak mate cawir metua are carried out. The results show that the stages include preserving the deceased by injection, placing the coffin in the middle of the living room, dressing the deceased in a red kebaya with tudung uis gara and a kain panjang her daughters and daughters-in-law and, bringing the coffin by herbebere si mate to the jambur, placing the coffin in the south being adjacent to the south wall of the jambur, the farewel utterance started by thesukut party, followed by the following parties,

43 Section 5. Cultural studies such as senina, sipemeren, sipengalon, kalimbubu, anak beru, perpulungen kecamatan, villages, churches, and mosques, providing lunch by the anak beru party, the erkolong-kolong, and removing the coffin from the ritual hall at 6:19 p. m. and brought to the private grave. Keywords: stages, si mate, farewell utterance, burial of the deceased.

Introduction The participants in this study were a group of Death marks the end of the cycle of human life people and the entire organization behind the ritual (Pawiro et al. [6, 82; Pawiro[5, 1]) and generally which was held in a jambur in Dolar Rayat village, brings sadness. However, the perspectives on death Dolat Rayat district, Karo Regency. The purpose among the Karo (an ethnic group living in three re- of this research was to gather data on the stages of gencies – Karo, Deli Serdang, and Langkat – in North the ritual. The data collection was such that the re- Sumatera Province, Indonesia and the research in searcher became the complete observer. Data anal- this paper was carried out in the highlands of Karo ysis involved the description of the ritual events, Regency) is different. The people of this ethnicity which were represented in the qualitative narrative believe that “a si mate (the deceased) travels to an- and entailed the interpretation of the stages. To pres- other world” when s/he dies; therefore, s/he must ent the specifics, features and goals of the ritual, the be respected with an intimate ritual in which almost findings of ethnographic studies are analysed from all invited mourners sob and describe their special a theoretical perspective. This paper highlights and experiences with her/him. exemplifies the most important aspects of the stages The longer the mourners state their utterances in the NKMCM. before the deceased’s coffin and the other mourn- Theoretical review ers, the more intimate their relationship was when s/ Two sub-classifications of death arenurunken he was alive. Sobbing is important during the ritual kalak mate (lit. to bring down the deceased Prints because it symbolizes the mourners’ respect for the [7, 131–153]) and nurunken kalak mate cawir metua deceased and for her/his family members and clan. (lit. to bring down the deceased whose son(s) and/or Sobbing should be consciously engineered for some daughter(s) are already married). Each of these clas- mourners. For those who are not able to cry easily, sifications has a slightly different mechanism. This they force themselves to summon tears or to speak in paper is mainly focused on the nurunken kalak mate short burst, giving some reasons for their existence. cawir metua (or NKMCM for short) which is a spe- Methodology cial ritual because it is considered rare; therefore, the The research is qualitative; it was based on the NKMCM receives substantial appreciation, not only empirical observation and used ethnographic studies from the deceased’s son(s) and/or daughter(s), rela- as the strategy of inquiry (Creswell [1, 3–19, 173– tives, clan members, neighbours, and officers from 189, 12–15, 283–294]; Muhadjir [4, 100–106]). The village and district offices, but also from religious objective of this research is to describe the general groups, such as churches and mosques. In short, the stages of the NKMCM–the set of traditional ritu- NKMCM is very special. In this paper, some of the als focusing on the local process of fragmentation of procedures are documented, for example, preserving human evolution reflected in the ritual development and placing the deceased into the coffin, preparing in a particular period. Since little research has been a make-up for the deceased, transporting the de- performed on the ritual, the central research ques- ceased from her/his house to the traditional jambur, tion concerns how the actual stages of the NKMCM positioning of the coffin in thejambur , performing are carried out. a farewel ritual for the deceased, serving lunch to

44 THE STAGES OF THE “NURUNKEN KALAK MATE CAWIR METUA” RITUAL IN KARO REGENCY the mourners, giving chance to the perkolong-kolong fin; therefore, this information is based only on the (or the singing session) to perform, and bringing the memories of some informants, namely, the biologi- coffin to the graveyard in the evening. cal daughters of the deceased. One of the informants “The rites of separation are highly developed at a explained that placing the deceased into a coffin was funeral, but there is again a period of transition, both carried out by kempu dilaki (grandson) on Sunday, for the deceased on his or her way to the afterlife, 13 (cukera lau / cukera dudu) January, 2013 at 7 in … during the period of mourning people may alter the morning (erpagi-pagi). There is no ritual for their lifestyles a little, refraining from celebrations this event. The coffin was placed in the middle of and jollification perhaps, and making regular visits the living room, with the head was oriented to the to the grave of the loved one (Hendry [2, 76–77]). west (kesunduten / pustima) and the foot to the east The rite of passages process usually begins with (kebincaren / purba / pultak) so that the face of the something that has come to an end in our lives deceased can be seen easily once the mourners enter (Wendling [8, 1]). As such, the total ritual process the living room. The deceased was dressed in a red is composed of three rites: separating people from kebaya shirt that she liked best when she was alive. their original status, involving a period apart from The traditional red cloth tudung( uis gara) and a long normal status, and conferring a new status upon the cloth (kain panjang) were placed on her right shoul- individual (Holm and Bowker [3, 3]). der, and she was covered with black cloth. Results and Discussion The head was supported by a pillow so that its The description is based on the stages (or pro- position was higher than the body. The position of cessses) of the NKMCM ritual, which lasts for more the coffin was not regulated byadat , although this than ten hours and is carried out by mourners, al- was only because the living room faced the east, mea- though, one or two hours before the end of the ritual suring 3 × 6 m, with the position of the front door the number of mourners continuously decreases. pointing to the east. The public road stretched from Actually, the decrease begins approximately one the north (butara) to the south (daksina). The living hour after the lunch ends. The stages here have the room was not decorated and was left as it was. People following sequences: preserving the deceased and sitting around the deceased did not wear clothes with place her into the coffin, dressing and making up the special colors; that is to say, they were not wearing deceased, transporting the deceased from her home clothes symbolizing grief. This is the stage of placing to the jambur, the positioning of the coffin in the the deceased into the coffin. jambur, delivering a farewell speech to the deceased B. Dressing and making up si mate by mourners, serving of lunch, singing (perkolong- The researchers were not present when the de- kolong), and carrying the coffin to the cemetery. ceased was dressed and made up, so this description A. Preserving and placing the deceased (si mate) was based only on the explanation of her daughters into the coffin who witnessed the process. On 14 January, 2013, The deceased was preserved by an injection of after being cleaned with wet cloth, the deceased formalin shortly after she died. The subject of the was then dressed by her biological daughters and study had passed away on Saturday, 12 (beraspati daughters-in-law at approximately 7 in the morn- tangkep in the Karonese calendar) January (tambak, ing. She was cdressed with three cloths, namely, the covering December to January or gayo, January to kebaya clothes which she liked very much when she February) 2013 at approximately 18.30 in the eve- was alive, the uis sungkit, which is red in colour and ning (mberngi). The researchers had not reached the functioned as the hood, and the sarong (sarung kam- deceased’s home when she was placed into the cof- puh), which had no determined colour. The face of

45 Section 5. Cultural studies the deceased was made-up. In total, this stage lasted driven at a very slow speed. The distance between approximately 45 minutes. Neither her nails nor her the house and the jambur was approximately one hair were cut. Then, thesukut party – including her kilometre. All of this is called the phase of removing biological sons and their wives, and her biological the coffin from the house to thejambur . daughters and their husbands – enjoyed breakfast At 9:28 the coffin arrived at the jambur and was altogether, which was prepared by her wife takers immediately brought in with a small cross (Christian (anak beru) party. symbol) and was accompanied by Karo’s traditional Some items, such as a set of clothes (which could instrumental music. Her sons walked immediately be used as her stock for travelling in her another behind the coffin, dressed in suits and black pants, world), betel supplies (perlengkapan makan sirih), and they wore the uis gara which were draped over including a container for betel leaves (tutu-tutu belo), their shoulders, with two edges of the cloth on the betel lime (kapur sirih), gambir fruit, areca nut, and right and left shoulders (in the opposite directions). tobacco, and some money were placed in the coffin The group following behind her sons were biologi- near the head. However, the informants could not cal daughters, daughters-in-law, and sons-in-law. All explain the adat custom about the exact location of of her daughters and daughters-in-law wore kebaya the objects. There are no customary rules regarding shirts and hoods (tudung) designed from uis gara the amount of money given to the deceased. The cloth. The sons-in-law dressed freely (some wore meaning of providing betel supplies is that the de- batik or regular shirts with pants of their choosing) ceased could enjoy these objects while in another and wrapped sarongs around their waists or put them world; meanwhile, the meaning of giving money is on their shoulders, but they did not have headgears that the deceased can buy the things she wants while (or peci). The hood was shaped with a wide side at being there. Karonese believes that death (mate) the top of the face and a tip at the back. All of this means moving or travelling from the mortal realm is referred to as the beginning of placing the coffin to the occult / grave realm; however, death does not (naruhken peti jenazah). mean “having no soul” at all. D. Positioning the deceased’s coffin in the jambur C. Transporting the deceased (nurunken si mate) The coffin was placed in the southern end of the from house to jambur jambur, adjacent to the south wall. The deceased’s After breakfast, at approximately 9:00 in the head was towards to the southern side, facing the morning, on Monday, 14 January, 2013, a number north with her feet in the north. A wooden stick with of young men (bebere si mate) who were appointed a diameter of approximately 15 cm was placed under brought the coffin from the house. This event was the coffin in the head position to create a slope of called “transporting the deceased” (nurunken kalak 25 degrees so that, with this slope, the face of the mate). Thebebere si mate might include sons of the deceased was easily visible. deceased’s husband’s sisters and the deceased’s sons- The lid of the coffin was opened and replaced in-law (in this case, sons-in-law were represented by with a white lace fabric that only covered the legs to their blood sons). There were sixbebere si mate who the chest. Her sons and daughters, daughters-in-law lifted the coffin (two in front, two in the middle, and and sons-in-law sat in positions surrounding the cof- two at the back), such that the deceased’s head was fin, forming the first circle. Her grandchildren were brought out first. There was no traditional ceremony standing in a second circle and almost all of them when the coffin was taken out. After being put into an gathered around the head. Her biological daughters ambulance, the coffin was transported to thejambur , and daughters-in-law cried the entire time and one accompanied by the sukut and others. The car was of them even sobed continuously. During this time,

46 THE STAGES OF THE “NURUNKEN KALAK MATE CAWIR METUA” RITUAL IN KARO REGENCY there were still very few invited mourners present in Several dozen of plates, which were made of cans, that location. This is called the phase of placing the were distributed first; then, the white rice, soup, and coffin and opening the lid. beef were provided. C. A farewel utterance to the deceased All of the activities were carried out in chains. Precisely at 9:52, master of the ceremony (or pro- Those who had received a complete lunch were tocol) whispered something to one of the deceased’s welcome to eat first. While they were eating, the sons, who then seemed to set the circle around the anak beru party went around in all directions to de- deceased. When being about what he whispered, termine whether any participants wanted to eat a the protocol had given an opportunity to the entire second lunch, or if they simply required additional close family members of the deceased to start a fare- rice, soup, or meat. Dozens of mineral water bottles, wel utterance to the deceased before the traditional which were purchased from the local mart, were pro- ceremony officially began. In an orderly fashion, the vided. All cooking devices and plates belonged to lo- farewell was initiated by her biological sons and their cal mutual aid group (or STM), and they were stored wives, followed by her daughters and their husbands, in the wagon belonging to the jambur. and then by her grandchildren. Almost all of these After lunch, theanak beru party had 30 minutes mourners were wailing a great deal. of free time which they used to collect all of the eat- The farewell was officially started by thesukut ing utensils, and to bring the utensils to the kitchen party, then continued by the senina, sipemeren, sip- to be cleaned before they were stored. The other engalon, kalimbubu, and anak beru parties. The other members of the party cleaned the mats, which would parties, for example, the perpulungen kecamatan, the would be used again in the ceremonial place. This representatives from villages, churches (the GBKP free time was also used by participants to relax by (Batak Karo Protestant Church) and the GPDI smoking, drinking tea, and/or socializing with other (Protestant Church in Indonesia)), and mosques. All parties or with members of their clan or their party. of these processes were carried out from morning to Some other participants left thejambur and went evening. Lunch was the separating moment that sep- to the nearest tavern to drink coffee or tea. Unfor- arated the morning and evening phases; after lunch, tunately, some of them also resigned because they there were no breaks. Each member of the parties, had other business to conduct or to continue on that who often said lamentations, sincerely conveyed his/ day. At approximately 2:00 in the afternoon, the cer- her utterance. Wailing lends a very sad nuance, and emony began again, and, at the commencement of the sadness could be seen from his/her attitudes and the ceremony, all of the members of the anak beru tears, and from the voices when he/she mourned. In party took their lunch in the kitchen but not in the short, the lamentations can be said as the icons in the ceremony hall. farewell moment. Theanak beru party had their own service when D. Serving lunch taking lunch, that is, they ate individually. The re- Lunch was held from 12:30 to 13:30 in the local maining portion of the lunch could be taken by time, and it was provided and served by the anak members of the anak beru party, who brought the beru party, whose members stood in two lines in dishes to their homes. This practice was common, the right and left sides of the jambur. Each line had but the participants sitting in the main hall were not ten to twelve persons who were ready to serve and allowed to take even a small portion of the remain- who communicated with participants regarding ing food. With regard to the NKMCM ritual, the what they required during their lunch. These lines “kitchen” and all kinds of things in the kitchen con- extended from the kitchen out to the participants. ceptually belonged to the anak beru party.

47 Section 5. Cultural studies

E. Singing (Erkolong-kolong) site after they had scattered various types of flowers Theerkolong-kolong , which means ‘repeating and as a symbol of their love for the deceased. None of singing from the verse of a song’, was performed by a the mourners shed tears again. traditional singer (or perkolong-kolong). In this study, The grave was in the location of the private prop- the perkolong-kolong was a woman in her fourties who erty of the deceased. The area was prepared long be- was accompanied by traditional music while sing- fore the owner of the area died. The location faced a ing. The traditional instruments were small drums, public road and was on higher ground than the pub- a fluite serunai( ), a small gong, and a large gong. The lic road. The grave was not excavated but was built drums were called five drums ofsedalanen (gendang permanently on the ground (not in the ground) with lima sedalanen) and were comprised of three small a hole to insert the coffin. The hole faced the road. drums which were also named enek-enek. Two drums This tomb was attached to the deceased’s husband’s were played by one person, and the rest of the drums grave; the location of the deceased was to the left of was played by one player. There was also a modern her husband. This grave had a permanent roof with keyboard instrument. The combination of the two four concrete pillars. Because this area was narrow types of music is commonly found at the death cer- and private, so there were only two plots, comprising emony. In this ritual, the erkolong-kolong was per- the tomb of this couple. formed four times. Conclusions E. Transporting the coffin to graveyard The deceased was preserved by the injection of The coffin was removed from the ritual hall at 6:19 formalin shortly after she died in the evening. The in the evening and was carried on the shoulders of six deceased was dressed in a red kebaya shirt, tudung young men (two in front, two in the middle, and two uis gara, and a kain panjang. One day after her death, at the back); they were the deceased’s grandchildren. she was transported by her bebere si mate to the jam- As soon as the coffin was outside of the ritual hall, it bur. The coffin was placed in the southern end of the was then placed into an ambulance and immediately jambur, adjacent to the south wall. The farewell was taken to a cemetery that was only about one kilome- officially started by thesukut , senina, sipemeren, sipen- tre from the ritual place. Only close family members galon, kalimbubu, anak beru parties, and by representa- accompanied the coffin from behind. A few minutes tives from perpulungen kecamatan, villages, churches, later, the coffin was removed from the ambulance by and mosque. There was a break during lunch, which the same young men who then brought the coffin was provided and served by the anak beru party. The to the graveyard and pushed it into the grave. The erkolong-kolong was performed by a traditional singer head of the deceased was inserted first. The position (or perkolong-kolong). In this ritual, the erkolong-kolong of the head was oriented to the west and the feet to was performed four times. The coffin was removed the east. This process was short, and, at 6:45 in the from the ritual hall at 6:19 in the evening and was evening, all of the grieving people had left the grave transported to the private grave yard. References: 1. Creswell John W. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publication, Inc. 2009. 2. Hendry J. “The Ritual Round.” In Other People’s World: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, edited by J. Hendry, 1999. – P. 65–81. – New York, NY: New York University Press. 3. Holm Jean and John Bowker. Rites of Pessage. – London: Pinter Publishers Ltd. 1994. 4. Muhadjir Noeng H. Metode Penelitian. – Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Rake Sarasin. 2011.


5. Pawiro Muhammad Ali. “Tradisi Nurunken Kalak Mate Cawir Metua Dalam Masyarakat Karo.” Unpub- lished Doctoral diss., Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Sumatera Utara. 2017. 6. Pawiro Muhammad Ali, Robert Sibarani, Hamzon Situmorang and Matius C. A. Sembiring. “Orality- Based Persuasion in Karo Batak’s Tradition of Cawir Metua Mortuary Ritual: Tact and Generosity Max- ims.” Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science 4 (12): 2016. – P. 82–89. 7. Prints Darwan. Adat Karo. – Medan, Indonesia: Bina Media Perintis. 2004. 8. Wendling Gisela. 2008. “Understanding Change through the Rites of Passages Framework.” Last modi- fied March 3, 2019. URL:

49 Section 6. Philology and linguistics

Section 6. Philology and linguistics Mammadova Rahima, PHD, Associated Professor, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University Department of “Foreign Languages‑2” E-mail: [email protected] THE FORMATION OF THE INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS AT NON-LINGUISTIC INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of formation of the intercultural communicative competence of students in process of learning foreign languages. The urgent problem of vocational education is the preparation of students for the use of a foreign language in communicative and profes- sional activities, as well as the formation of intercultural communication. Along with professional and communicative skills, a graduate of a university should know the cultural and social characteristics of other nationalities. It allows them to orientate themselves in repetitive sociocultural situations, make a dialogue with representatives of foreign cultures, seek and find ways to resolve interethnic and inter confessional conflicts and have such qualities as tolerance, openness and willingness to communicate. Formation of intercultural communicative competence among students implies awareness of the native culture and other cultures, their interrelationships; ability and readiness for communication prevent conflicts that inevitably arise from such contacts; the ability to build new patterns of behavior, based on the values and norms of different cultures. Keywords: intercultural competence, non-linguistic specialties, professional activity, teaching process, learning foreign languages, formation, knowledge and skills. Introduction. Azerbaijan is rapidly entering the social life, internationalization, a sharp contradiction global community, which necessitates updated ap- has arisen between the existing social need for spe- proaches in foreign language teaching. Professionally cialists capable of efficient functioning in the condi- foreign language teaching is currently recognized as a tions of development of intercultural contacts at all priority in education. Foreign language is becoming levels, and the real state of cultural competence of an essential component of the professional activities university graduates, as well as the absence of real of specialists, and the role of this subject is signifi- pedagogical conditions and technologies of its for- cantly increasing in their professional activities. In mation in higher education schools. Special empha- the modern context of globalization in all spheres of sis should be placed on issues related to its use as a

50 THE FORMATION OF THE INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS AT NON-LINGUISTIC INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION communication tool in the dialogue of cultures and determined by its goals. Based on the results of the civilizations of the modern world as the main para- study, typical difficulties that students encountered digm of international relations in recent years [2]. during their studies abroad were identified, among Results. Foreign language is used by graduates which the followings are highlighted: of non-linguistic departments in a variety of life and • difficulties in orientation in the flow of educa- professional situations – when working in foreign tional and program documentation, the un- representations of companies operating in Azerbai- usual structure of the university, other train- jan, in communication at various professional and ing organization and certification procedure; personal levels. Programs (curriculum) of interna- • lack of knowledge of specific vocabulary in tional academic mobility of graduate and post gradu- the field of study; ate students of non-linguistic specialties, which are • cultural shock. actively functioning today, require special attention The relevance of this study is due to the contradic- [6]. The main activities of mobility programs at pres- tions between the increase in the social significance ent are, in particular, the following: of the intercultural component of modern specialist’s • training of Azerbaijani students and post professional activity and the insufficient theoretical graduate students in bachelor, master and and practical elaboration of the problem in a non- doctorate programs in foreign universities; linguistic university. Thus, in a dialogue of cultures, • implementation of joint research programs in the idea of including a cultural component should be various scientific and industrial fields; axiomatic. The intercultural competence of a modern • training and continuing education of aca- specialist is based on a competency-based approach, demic staff and the development of advanced according to which the main goal of vocational educa- teaching materials. tion is to prepare a qualified specialist of the appropri- It should be noted that the effectiveness of such ate level and profile, competent, capable of efficient programs is largely determined by the level of psy- work in the specialty at the level of world standards. chological, linguistic and cultural readiness of the The main orientation of the competency-based ap- students themselves. This readiness presupposes not proach is to strengthen the practical orientation of only a certain level of system-language knowledge, education, to focus on the result of education, and but also knowledge of laws, customs, music, nation- the result is not the amount of learned information, al mentality of the country of the studied language, but the person’s ability to act in various problem situ- since the mismatch of business cultures in the pro- ations. In the competency-based approach the results cess of interaction means an imbalance in the work of education are recognized as significant outside the of decision-making mechanisms, self-organization, educational system. In language education, the com- and conflict resolution [7]. It is necessary to observe petency-based approach develops as an alternative to adequate speech behavior in any professional format. the skills that limit the goals of training and education In other words, students should have a certain type to narrow subject education and do not sufficiently of “competency in the field of academic mobility,” take into account the essence of the competence of a which will allow them to develop professionally as modern person in a free market competition [3]. In part of the educational process in foreign universities accordance with this, competence should be defined and, accordingly, will facilitate subsequent effective as an integral part of a person’s readiness for profes- professional activities, including in the new hetero- sional activity (along with motivation and profession- geneous cultural environment of the foreign univer- ally significant personality traits), which is the forma- sity. Of course, the content of any training should be tion of professionally and especially significant skills.

51 Section 6. Philology and linguistics

Intercultural competence, in turn, is an integral types of thinking of a different national and social quality of a specialist, ensuring his personal and community. Since it is impossible to study and even functional readiness for professional work in a dia- more so to learn all the countless “scenarios” of even logue of cultures, based on professionally signifi- simple everyday situations, it is necessary to under- cant personality qualities, experience and especial- stand and take into account the “logic” of another, ly significant skills [2]. This implies the formation “foreign” culture. Knowing its features, just as recog- of the personality of students in the context of the nizing them in their native culture and understand- interaction of cultures with the aim of developing ing the differences between them, is a prerequisite cultural-like manifestations and ways of working in for professionalism [4]. an environment of intercultural interaction. This Conclusion. Despite the ongoing development approach involves: of a humanistic cultural and geographical basis for • the ability to use socio-culturally deter- teaching foreign languages and the search for the mined scenarios, national-specific patterns most effective methods and means of expressing of behavior, cultural information, most researchers turn to the • acquisition of communicative techniques ac- school level of education or are focused on special- cepted in a foreign language culture; assimila- ized language departments. Meanwhile, the majority tion of its specificity against the background of future specialists who feel the need for knowledge of native culture; of a foreign language for practical purposes study in • ability to create an atmosphere of coordinat- non-linguistic departments. In conclusion it should ed activity and cooperation; be mentioned that the role of foreign language teach- • the ability to interpret and abide by the ing in the intercultural competence formation is norms of communication inherent in the two very important. The formation of the intercultural cultures; competence of foreign language gives the learners • ability to comprehend the interaction and broad opportunities to acquire certain knowledge mutual understanding of cultures and lan- and skills in this language [5]. In addition, students guages; are able to demonstrate their abilities in a range of ex- • the ability to establish intercultural corre- ercises using the skills they have acquired. It should spondence between concepts, patterns of be noted that the formation of intercultural compe- cultures. tence should be carried out in the learning process It is important to remember that any authentic without breaking the curriculum [6]. As a result, it text contains information about culturally colored is necessary to note that intercultural competence facts and phenomena, therefore, any natural dis- and foreign language knowledge and skills are inter- course is culturally filled [1]. The successful activity dependent in both practical and educational and de- of any specialist in the dialogue of cultures depends velopmental aspects. It also helps students to adapt on the ability to understand and interpret the stereo- to these processes. References: 1. Akhmadulina R. M., Abdrafikova A. R. & Vanyukhina N. V. The use of music as a way of formation of communicative skills of students in teaching English language. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(6), 2016. – P. 1295–1302. 2. Byram M. & Wagner M. Making a Difference: Language teaching for Intercultural and International Dialogue. Foreign Language Annals 51(1): 2018. – P. 140–151.


3. Mercedes Rico-Garcia et al. European Journal of Engineering Education, Intercultural communication in engineering studies: a key competence in global labour markets. 2019. 4. Mukhametzyanova L. & Svirina L. Intercultural Citizenship and English Classroom Language. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, 20, Special Issue, 2016. – P. 256–262. 5. Mukharlyamova L., Konopleva N., Galimzyanova I., & Berezhnaya I. Formation of the intercultural Communicative Competence of Students in Process of Learning Foreign Languages. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 7(4), 2018. – P. 230–236. 6. Porto M. & Byram M. A curriculum for action in the community and intercultural citizenship in higher education. Language, Culture and Curriculum 28 (3): 2015. – P. 226–242. 7. Rauschert P. & Byram M. Service learning and intercultural citizenship in foreign-language education. Cambridge Journal of Education 48(3): 2018. – P. 353–369.

53 Section 6. Philology and linguistics Musabayova Narmin Chingiz, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Assistant professor, Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry E-mail: [email protected] STAGES OF TRAINING FOREIGN NON-PHILOLOGY STUDENTS RECORD LECTURES ON THEIR SPECIALTY Abstract. The Author determines priorities and stages for preparing foreign non-philology stu- dents to record a lecture on their specialty; suggests types of training exercises aimed at improving the skills in perception, understanding and creation transcripts of the basic terms of lectures in the Russian language. The article sets forth the requirements that the lecture text, the lecturer’s speech and the lecture notes must meet. Keywords: the scientific style of speech, listening and recording of lectures. Мусабекова Нармин Чингиз гызы, Кандидат филологических наук, доцент, Азербайджанский Государственный Университет нефти и промышленности E-mail: [email protected] ЭТАПЫ ОБУЧЕНИЯ ИНОСТРАННЫХ СТУДЕНТОВ – НЕФИЛОЛОГОВ ЗАПИСИ ЛЕКЦИИ ПО СПЕЦИАЛЬНОСТИ Аннотация. Автор определяет приоритетные направления, этапы подготовки иностранных сту- дентов к записи лекции по специальности; предлагает типы заданий, направленных на совершенство- вание навыков восприятия, понимания и конспектирования основных положений лекции на русском языке. В статье выдвигаются требования, которым должны соответствовать текст лекции, речь лектора и конспект лекции по специальности. Ключевые слова: научный стиль речи, аудирование и конспектирование лекции. В языковой подготовке иностранных учащих- нии подробных планов текстов; на подготовке соб- ся важное место занимает обучение восприятию, ственных высказываний с использованием таблиц, пониманию и записи лекций. Лекция является графиков, диаграмм и т. п. и т. д. Восприятие лекций одним из источников знаний по специальности зависит также от четкого построения лекции; точ- и основной формой аудирования у иностранных ности подбора материала по теме; оптимального студентов. баланса «известной», «новой» и «избыточной» Поэтапное формирование навыков и умений информации (при большом проценте «избыточ- для обучения конспектированию лекций базиру- ной» информации замедляется темп записи лекций ется на выполнении различных заданий, обеспе- и затрудняется ориентировка учащихся в основной чивающих понимание смысла фраз лектора; на и дополнительной информации); правильной рас- выполнении языковых трансформаций; составле- становки пауз и правильного интонационного вы-


деления основной и дополнительной информации; Состояние вещества изменяется… – Состояние четкого подбора и дозировки иллюстративного ма- вещества изменяется, если изменяются условия.); териала к отдельным положениям лекции; скорости b) Выделите новую информацию из двух ва- прочтения лекции и т. д. В связи со всем сказанным риантов сообщения. (Модель: Одним из видов возрастает необходимость в проведении поэтапной сложных веществ являются основания. Основа- предварительной работы со студентами, направ- ния представляют собой химические соединения, ленной, с одной стороны, на совершенствование в которых атом металла связан с гидроксогруп- их общих навыков чтения, письма, аудирования пой. – Одним из видов сложных веществ являются и говорения в рамках материалов по НСР, а с дру- основания. Они представляют собой химические гой стороны, на развитие и оттачивание навыков соединения, в которых атом металла связан с од- аудирования (восприятия, узнавания и понимания ной или несколькими гидроксогруппами) новых речевых сообщений, сочетанных с уже ранее 2. упражнения для развития механизма эк- известными лексико-грамматическими конструк- вивалентных замен: циями) и параллельного конспектирования лекции а) Прослушайте сообщения, отметьте, ка- с использованием умения вычленить и классифи- кие из них близки по смыслу. (Модель: (а) Хлор цировать основную информацию в потоке речи является галогеном. (b) Хлор относится к галоге- лектора, записать последнюю, используя навыки нам. (c) Хлор принадлежит к галогенам. (d)Хлор сокращения слов и систему символов. В рамках по- представляет собой галоген. – близкими по смыслу этапной работы со студентами приоритетными на- являются (a, b, c); сообщение (d) нуждается в ис- правлениями в работе преподавателя должны стать правлении: Хлор представляет собой газ); те виды заданий, которые развивают речевой слух; b) Прослушайте предложения и замените увеличивают словарь мгновенно узнаваемых и по- их на синонимичные конструкции по предло- нимаемых лексических единиц и грамматических женным моделям, используя уже изученные конструкций; развивают основные психологиче- конструкции. (Модель 1: Инертные газы име- ские механизмы аудирования (осмысление, память ют низкую химическую активность. – Инерт- и вероятностное прогнозирование); развивают ные газы характеризуются низкой химической темповые характеристики восприятия звучащей активностью. Модель 2: Металлы характеризу- речи; формируют умения воспринимать звучащий ются электропроводностью – Металлы обладают материал при однократном предъявлении, работать электропроводностью/ Металлы отличаются с различными источниками аудируемых сообще- электропроводностью. Модель 3: Когда (Если) ний; формируют и развивают умения по извлече- твёрдое тело плавится, оно превращается в жид- нию информации из звучащего текста [5, 17]. кость. – При плавлении твёрдое вещество превра- На предвузовском этапе обучения иностран- щается в жидкость. Модель 4: Солнце нагревает ных студентов – нефилологов языку их будущей Землю. – Земля нагревается Солнцем.); специальности можно предложить следующие c) Слушайте преподавателя и пишите сим- типы аудиозаданий, которые в дальнейшем помо- волы химических элементов / уравнение хи- гут успешно освоить технику восприятия и кон- мических реакций (затем студенты должны про- спектирования лекции по специальности: читать свои записи и указать на состав молекул 1. упражнения для развития оперативной полученных веществ); и долговременной памяти: а) Слушайте и по- d) Прослушайте определение научных по- вторяйте слова, сочетания слов, предложения нятий, назовите их, выбрав нужные слова из (Модель: Вещество… – Состояние вещества…– предложенного, и повторите определение

55 Section 6. Philology and linguistics

дефиниций целиком. (Модель: (1) Способ- и основную идею текста; 2) после второго про- ность вещества проводить тепло – это … .(2) чтения: а) Составьте план текста; б) Составьте Неспособность вещества взаимодействовать вопросы к тексту(или вопросы задает препода- с другими веществами – это … (3) Способность ватель, а студенты дают на них ответ); в) Пере- деформированного тела принимать свою перво- скажите содержание текста. начальную форму и объём после прекращения g) Прочитайте записанные на доске во- действия внешней силы – это …. Список слов для просы. Прослушайте текст (2 раза) и ответьте справок (пишется на доске): электропроводность, (в письменной/ устной форме) на поставленные упругость, хрупкость, химическая инертность… – вопросы. (1) Способность вещества проводить тепло – это h) Прослушайте текст «Классификация теплопроводность. (2) Неспособность вещества веществ» и выполните следующие задания: взаимодействовать с другими веществами – это 1) перескажите содержание текста, опираясь на химическая инертность. (3) Способность дефор- предложенную схему «Классификация веществ»; мированного тела принимать свою первоначаль- 2) напишите эссе на предложенную тему « Клас- ную форму и объём после прекращения действия сификация веществ» (в сильных группах можно внешней силы – это упругость.). предложить написать эссе на данную тему, ис- e) Прослушайте микротекст и передайте пользуя материал аудиотекста и текста из учеб- его смысл одной фразой. (Учащиеся находят ника, близкий по содержанию). необходимое предложение в самом микротексте i) Используя известные принципы сокра- или составляют свое собственное). щения слов и символы запишите на слух сле- 3. упражнения для развития механизма ве- дующие предложения. (После выполнения за- роятностного прогнозирования: дания студенты должны восстановить полный а) Слушайте начало предложений и закон- текст предложений и прочитать их)(См. примеры чите его по модели (Модель 1: Если в составе заданий [3,34–35]. горючего вещества есть углерод, то его называют k) Слушайте текст по частям (объем текста … – Если в составе горючего вещества есть угле- – 300–400 слов). Слушая каждую часть текста, род, то его называют топливом. Модель 2: Если напишите название части в виде пункта плана нагревать воду до t˚= 100 º С, то… – Если нагре- (на более поздней стадии обучения можно пред- вать воду до t˚=100 º С, то она начинает кипеть.) ложить одновременно с записью названия частей b) Прослушайте текст и дайте краткие (Да/ текста записать и основное содержание каждой из Нет) ответы на вопросы по содержанию текста. прослушанных частей, используя способы сокра- c) Прослушайте текст и определите, соот- щения слов и условные обозначения) (См. при- ветствуют ли содержанию текста предложен- меры заданий [3, 36–37]: ный план. l) Прослушайте 2 микротекста «Агрегат- d) Прослушайте текст и определите, соот- ное состояние вещества» и «Четыре состо- ветствуют ли данные высказывания содержа- яния вещества» (суммарный объем текстов не нию текста (а – соответствует; b – ложная; c – от- более 400 слов) и сравните их содержание. Ка- сутствует в тексте). кую дополнительную информацию вы полу- e) Прослушайте микротекст и озаглавьте его. чили из второго текста? (См. примеры заданий f) Прослушайте текст и выполните следу- [3, 40, 42–44]. ющие задания: 1) после первого прочтения: Раз- m) Прослушайте текст «Степень окисле- делите текст на части, назовите количество частей ния» 2 раза и выполните следующие задания:


1) разделите текст на смысловые части и составь- Надо сказать, что при восприятии и пони- те его подробный план; 2) используя план в каче- мании речи лектора наибольшую трудность для стве основы, напишите краткий конспект текста; студентов представляет глобальный охват со- 3) Используя информацию из текста, опреде- держания, а меньшую – понимание конкретных лите степень окисления марганца, хрома и фос- фактов и деталей содержания текста. Причем, на

фора в следующих соединениях: MnO2, Mn2O3, слух ими легче воспринимается текст-описание,

K2MnO4, K2CrO4, H3PO4 [3, 46–48]. дающий предметное понимание прослушанного, Все перечисленные типы заданий учат учащих- хуже – текст-повествование и текст-рассуждение, ся быстро и эффективно производить мыслитель- т. к. студентам необходимо осознать и уяснить ные операции со структурой предложений, закла- для себя причинно-следственные связи между дывают умение прогнозировать синтаксическую фактами, понять логику явлений/событий, про- структуру фразы, улавливать ее общий смысл, следить цепь рассуждений автора, приводящую трансформировать в синонимичные и более про- к определенным оценкам, выводам. Поэтому на стые по строению, но в то же время емкие по со- начальном этапе подготовки студентов лекции держанию лексико-грамматические конструкции, не должны содержать более 5% новых языковых фиксировать на письме положения лекции с ис- единиц, звучание должно продолжаться не более пользованием элементов скорописи. 40 мин., а темп речи лектора должен составлять Перед непосредственной же записью пробных не более 180 слог/мин [2, 81]. На первых лекциях лекций студентам должна быть дана четкая уста- повтор аудиотекста лектором должен быть 2-крат- новка: а) не начинать записи с первых слов лекто- ным с интервалом до 2–5 минут для лучшего по- ра, а дослушать его мысль до конца, проанализи- нимания содержания, а на более поздних лекциях ровать и только потом записать в краткой форме; предъявление лекции должно быть однократным. б) при составлении конспекта лекции выделять Определенные требования предъявляются и обособлять части лекции, разграничивать за- и к качеству конспекта лекций. Качество конспекта головки, подзаголовки, выводы, используя цвето- лекции, составленного студентом, должно отвечать вые выделения, отступы для абзацев, нумерацию; ряду требований: конспект должен быть кратким в) с помощью общепринятых и индивидуальных (не более 1/3, на более поздних этапах подготовки сокращений слов, знаков и символов записать – 1/8 от первичного текста); информация должна основные положения лекции, а после окончания быть структурирована и подана четко, компактно лекции восстановить её содержание в виде развер- и с научной точки зрения корректно [1, 8]; ил- нутого конспекта, написав все слова без сокраще- люстративный материал (таблицы, схемы и др.) ний; г) для записи лекции использовать короткие должен отражать основные положения лекции; предложения, заменяя сложные лексико-грамма- система индивидуальных символов и сокращений тические конструкции на синонимичные с более слов не должна носить двусмысленного характера; простой структурой; д) фиксировать на письме заметки и записи студентов не должны заслонять только главные положения и основной фактиче- основной темы и положений лекции; приводимые ский материал. в конспекте ссылки на других авторов, цитаты, ис- Необходимо отметить и то, что параллельное точники информации должны быть оформлены формирование навыков чтения и конспектирова- должным образом. Конспект лекции должен быть ния, аудирования и конспектирования обеспечи- составлен таким образом, чтобы после краткой вает их взаимное влияние и успешность обучения записи лекции возможно было бы восстановить записи лекционного материала. основные положения последней в полном объёме.

57 Section 6. Philology and linguistics

Многолетняя практика работы с иностран- всех рекомендуемых приемов рационального кон- ными студентами показывает, что успешное ов- спектирования позволяют студентам значительно ладение студентами навыками конспектирования упорядочить конспект лекции, ускорить его запись, аудиотекстов и лекций напрямую связано с успе- повысить его информативность, облегчить его за- хами студентов в освоении приемами чтения поминание, читаемость, а следовательно, улучшить и конспектирования. Как правильно замечено, « усвояемость содержания лекционного материала. чтение в качестве поддерживающего и сопрово- Таким образом, поэтапная работа по состав- ждающего вида речевой деятельности при взаи- ления конспекта печатного и позже – звучащего мосвязанном обучении должно использоваться текста нужна для того, чтобы научить иностран- в процессе обучения аудированию и конспекти- ных студентов воспринимать и перерабатывать рованию, поскольку оно выполняет вспомога- любую информацию, полученную на русском тельные функции. При этом тексты, направлен- языке в письменной/устной форме, трансфор- ные на аудирование и конспектирование, чтение мировать ее сообразно обстоятельствам и целям; и конспектирование, должны быть связаны общей выделять в письменном или звучащем тексте клю- темой и должны обеспечивать подбор и повторяе- чевую информацию, необходимую для решения мость лексического и грамматического материала учебной или научной задачи; облегчить овладение по профилю будущей специальности» [4, 59]. терминологической лексикой и грамматическими Подобранные по тематическому принципу тек- конструкциями научного стиля речи; обеспечить сты, направленные на чтение и конспектирование, многократное обращение к конспекту в случае не- аудирование и конспектирование, поэтапная рабо- обходимости; накопить информацию для написа- та по принципу «от простого к сложному», четко ния более сложной работы – доклада, реферата, разработанная система заданий, использование дипломной работы, статьи, диссертации. Список литературы: 1. Минько Э. В., Минько А. Э. Ускоренное конспектирование и чтение. СПб.: – Питер, 2003. – 160 с. 2. Мишонкова Н. А. Подготовка иностранных студентов к восприятию и пониманию лекторской речи. – Журнал Гродненского государственного медицинского университета, 2004. – 80 c. URL: podgotovka- inostrannyh-studentov-k-vospriyatiyu-i-ponimaniyu- lektorskoy-rechi 3. Мусабекова Н. Ч. Пособие по научному стилю речи для студентов-иностранцев подготовительного факультета (инженерно-технический профиль обучения). Книга для преподавателя. – Баку, Изд-во АзТУ, 2014. – 61 с. 4. Пашкова М. Н. Проблемы обучения иностранных студентов технических вузов России аудирова- нию и конспектированию лекций по профилю будущей специальности. – Журнал « Теория и прак- тика общественного развития». – М., 2014. – № 7. – C. 58–61. 5. Тимина С. В. Методика обучения иностранных студентов аудированию на материале специально- сти. – АКД, – Нижний Новгород, 2003. – 17 c.

58 THE SEMIOTICS OF INSCRIPTION TEXTS ON THE JAPANESE GRAVESTONES Adriana Hasibuan, M. Hum in Linguistics, Department of Japanese Literature, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Sumatera Utara E-mail: [email protected] Rani Arfianty, M. Phil. in Linguistics, Department of Japanese Literature, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Sumatera Utara E-mail: [email protected] Nandi S., M. Si. in Linguistics, Department of Japanese Literature, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Sumatera Utara E-mail: [email protected]


Abstract. Some Japanese soldiers who were buried in Medan and Banda Aceh (BA) do not have family graveyard because they had no kamei (family name) and kamon (fay symbol); therefore, they were placed in public graveyard belonging to Javanese community. Inscription texts in Medan Heroes Tomb (MHT) used Latin and letters, but in Medan King Mosque (MKM) they were writ- ten in Japanese, Latin and Arabic letters; Japanese calligraphy was found in the cemetary in BA. The verbal texts in MHT indicated the social identity appearing in the forms of Japanese and Indonesian names, time of birth, time of death, and the social status in which the identity and status underwent a cultural assimilation. Verbal texts on the Japanese Muslim graves in MHT are inscriptions of Latin and Arabic letters. Non-verbal texts appeared in the forms of a cross, a star, and gravestone form. The verbal text inscriptions in BA also showed social identity, mentioned the origins of the dead, and used Japanese calligraphic writing. Keywords: Inscriptions, gravestone, verbal and non-verbal text, semiotic text. Introduction Traditional concepts influence people to manage A grave is a place to bury a body. According to the graves, because since ancient times people have be- Japanese, it is a place to bury bones and to worship lieved in the concept of an eternal soul, so that even and the spirits of people who have died are on the though they have died, the spirit is still attached to bones of the body (Mogami in Situmorang, 2011). their bones. The soul of a deceased person can use The grave is not only a place to commemorate de- various methods to communicate with relatives. ceased ancestors or relatives, but also has a deep Therefore, it creates the mindset for relatives to meaning for the family or relatives of the deceased, take care of the grave as a place of worship so that it that is, a feeling of closeness, a feeling of love be- will give satisfaction to the deceased and relatives of tween a living person and a deceased person. the deceased who are still alive to be blessed (Chen,

59 Section 6. Philology and linguistics

2007). Inoguchi (1976) divides burial in four meth- text vertically examines the context variables of the ods: 1) burial on water (suizou) by drifting bodies in situation, culture and ideology. Signifier in this study rivers or the sea, 2) burial in fire kazou( ) by means of is the contents and forms of gravestone inscriptions, burning the body, 3) burial in the ground (dozou) by while the signified is the meaning of the shape and means of being planted in the ground, and 4) burial contents of Japanese gravestone inscriptions. in the bush (rinzou), that is, placing the body in the This research is a qualitative research with ana- bush to be eaten quickly by birds or other animals. lytical descriptive reasoning, which generally de- There are Japanese graves in Medan and Banda scribes the inscriptions of Japanese gravestones in Aceh. Japanese graves in Medan and Banda Aceh Medan and Banda Aceh, using a semiotic approach begin in the historical record approximately 3 and a which is the study of signs. Language is a meaningful half years starting from when the Japanese entered sign system. Language has 3 functions in human life, Indonesia during the Great East Asia War in 1941. namely ideational function (describing, explaining), The arrival of the Japanese was welcomed by the In- interpersonal function (exchanging) and textual donesian people, because it was considered that the function (stringing experiences) referring to Halli- Japanese would release the shackles of Dutch colo- day [6]. One branch of semiotics is the semiotics of nialism. During the Japanese occupation in Indo- texts which studies texts in various forms. The text nesia, Japanese soldiers and civilians were scattered is related to the signs that’s creating it. Sign is a unit in several areas, such as in Medan and Banda Aceh. that cannot be separated between signified and sig- Even though the war had ended, they remained in nifier. Signifier are sounds that contain meaning and Medan and Banda Aceh. They married Indonesian signified are images of thoughts or concepts. Sound women. As a result of marriage between two people is meaningful in the form of text or discourse. One who have different cultures, cultural assimilation ap- text can describe the meaning of exposure, exchange peared in their lives. and organization (Saussure in Saragih [13]). Text is a This research is a qualitative research with analyt- product of social context and linguistic context. The ical descriptive reasoning, which generally describes text vertically examines the context variables of the the inscriptions of Japanese gravestones in Medan situation, culture and ideology. Signifier in this study and Banda Aceh, using a semiotic approach which is is the contents and forms of gravestone inscriptions, the study of signs. Language is a meaningful sign sys- while the signified is the meaning of the shape and tem. Language has 3 functions in human life, namely contents of Japanese gravestone inscriptions. ideational function (describing, explaining), inter- The contents of the inscription as markers are personal function (exchanging) and textual function Toshio Yamamoto, Kapten30436, DIED16.9.1982, (stringing experiences) referring to Halliday [6]. and as indicator, meaning that this buried person One branch of semiotics is the semiotics of texts named Toshio Yamamoto, a Japanese nation, died which studies texts in various forms. The text is re- on September 16 1982, the social status of an officer lated to the signs that’s creating it. Sign is a unit that with the rank of captain. cannot be separated between signified and signifier. On the gravestones of Japanese graves in Medan Signifier are sounds that containt meaning and sig- and Banda Aceh, there are verbal inscriptions in the nified are images of thoughts or concepts. Sound form of Japanese calligraphy, Arabic letters and Latin is meaningful in the form of text or discourse. One letters, while non-verbal inscriptions are symbols text can describe the meaning of exposure, exchange and prayers based on religious concepts. Japanese and organization (Saussure in Saragih [13]). Text is a people believe in religion, but not like in Indonesia product of social context and linguistic context. The where every individual has one religious belief. Japa-

60 THE SEMIOTICS OF INSCRIPTION TEXTS ON THE JAPANESE GRAVESTONES nese people can trust more than one religious belief, Methodology such as Shintoism, Buddhism and Christianity. They The method used in this study is a qualitative go to shinto shrines to pray for success in work or descriptive method, because it aims to raise several happiness in the world, go to Buddhist temples or to concepts about the signifier, signified and ideology graves in Buddhist temples and ask Buddhist monks on the inscriptions of the gravestones of Japanese to pray for people who have died. The gravestones graves in Medan and Banda Aceh. Primary data col- of Japanese graves in Medan and Banda Aceh are lection with the help of the grave owner, grave keeper made of cemented stones, subsequently finding the and head of the Association of Japanese Descendants signifier and signified of the inscriptions on Japanese in Medan as interviewees and take photos of grave- gravestones in Medan and Banda Aceh. stones for direct observation. While secondary data One proof of the assimilation of Japanese culture obtained from library data that has relevance to this and Indonesian culture during the Japanese occupa- study. tion in Medan and Banda Aceh was the discovery of The results of data collection were analyzed us- Japanese graves who had adopted Islam or Christi- ing quantitative methods and provided descriptive anity and no longer used Japanese names through statistics for qualitative analysis adapted from Dja- inscriptions written on the gravestones. There are jasudarma [4]. two questions in this study, namely; This research was carried out in the Heroes Cem- 1. What is the classification and contents of the etery grave complex on Jalan Sisingamangaraja Med- inscriptions on the gravestones of Japanese graves in an, the Muslim cemetery complex in Raja Mosque Medan and Banda Aceh? Area on Jalan Court Medan, and the Dutch Kerkoff 2. How do the signified and signifier explain the grave complex located next to the Tsunami museum meaning that contained in the inscriptions on the in Banda Aceh. gravestones of Japanese graves in Medan and Banda Theoretical review Aceh? Semiotics and semiology are two terms that refer The purpose of this study is to describe the clas- to the science that studies the meaning of a sign or sification and contents of inscriptions on the grave- symbol. Semiology is a science that studies the signs stones of Japanese graves in Medan and Banda Aceh, of life in society and semiotics is a theory of signs to describe the signifier and signified explaining the and markings. Furthermore, semiotic in the broadest meaning contained in the inscriptions of Japanese sense, is the study of basic human activities, namely graves in Medan and Banda Aceh. creating meaning. Signs are any style, or types of ver- This research has theoretical benefits and practi- bal, nonverbal, natural elements that carry meaning cal benefits. Theoretical benefits, this research will (Saussure (2000), Lechte (2001), Sobur [17] and enrich the repertoire of semiotic research, so as to Sudaryanto [16]) The structure of the sign is de- provide a linguistic understanding of the contents scribed as Signified + signifier = sign. and meaning of inscriptions on gravestones. The What is meant by text are all forms of language, practical benefits of the research results will intro- not only words printed on a sheet of paper, but also duce the public to the classification and contents of all types of communication expressions, speech, Japanese gravestone inscriptions in Medan and Ban- music, pictures, sound effects, images and so on. A da Aceh. Then pedagogically, this research will imply text will make signs and markers if associated with the concept of semiotics in learning Japanese in the objects and interpretations in accordance with Japanese Literature study program at the Faculty of the agreement of the language system in a society Cultural Sciences, University of North Sumatra. (Erianto [5]). Text analysis is a branch of text

61 Section 6. Philology and linguistics semiotics that examines texts in the form of signs, views of Japanese society about the form and func- sign systems (syntactic / paradigmatic), levels of tion of Christian graves for the Christian community signs (denotation / connotation) relations between in Sendai. signs (metaphor / metonymy), the content of myths Results and Discussion and ideologies. Text is a texture that gives the ability From the signified, the buried person named of the text to be considered socially as a whole and Shozo Tachikawa as a Japanese name and Sudarto has meaning (Piliang [9], Silvana [10]). as an Indonesian name. Indonesian citizen, veteran Ideology is a concept, construction or desirable member of the Indonesian army number 2.025–616. social thought, a guide in acting to achieve or avoid Died at the age of 72 years, a Buddhist. In signifier, the failure of something that is desired and become a the classification of the contents of this grave tomb filter (filter) in responding to something by the com- inscription is; name, social status, time of birth and munity as language users. Ideology. Ideology exists time of death. Gravestones in a rounded form as an because of the daily habits of community groups as ideology of Buddhism. social actors in the form of verbal and non verbal. (Hasan in Silvana [10]). Ideology is a belief, values shared by a society, such as the ideology of Pancasila which is believed by the Indonesian people in carry- ing out daily habits. Research on grave has been carried out by sev- eral researchers namely. Zubair [18] examines the meaning and function of inscriptions at the Lajan- giru tomb in Bontoala Makassar. In his research, he stated the types of inscriptions that exist in several ways, which are; 1) the contents of the inscription, 2) the language used, 3) the writing material, and in terms of inscription material there are 3 kinds Figure 1. Grave of Shozo Tachikawa of writing, which; a) writing the name and time of death, b) writing of the pointing word, name and time of death, c) writing of name, time of death and other information. The function of inscription at the Lajangiru tomb is: 1) as a sign, 2) the function of the Islamic symbols because there are prayers at the tomb, and 3) as solace, consolation, soul booster for the deceased family. The contents of the inscrip- tion give a clear meaning about the existence of the owner, a respected Muslim. Rosmawati [11] in her research shows the devel- opment of Islamic religion in Makassar shows the acculturation of local culture and Islamic religion Figure 2. Graves of T. Sakamoto seen from the content and meaning of the inscrip- In signified, the buried person named T. Sakamoto tion of the Ancient Tomb of the Katangka in Gowa as a Japanese name, but the meaning of the T code Regency. Situmorang & Sibarani [15] examined the is unknown, and Budiman Pohan as an Indonesian

62 THE SEMIOTICS OF INSCRIPTION TEXTS ON THE JAPANESE GRAVESTONES name. Pohan means the clan of the Batak people, and embraced Islam when he married an Indonesian meaning that Sakamoto was given the clan. The kin- woman, a veteran member of the Indonesian army on ship form of Japanese society and Batak society is the rank of Serma. Makoto Umeda is a Japanese name. patrilineal, that is, father’s line. Sakamoto no longer Died when he was 64 years old and a Muslim. In sig- uses the Japanese surname (family name). Indonesian nifier, he classification of the contents of this graves citizen, veteran member of the Indonesian army rank inscription is Arabic calligraphy, Alfateha, Bismillah, First Lieutenant number 9833 F, died at the age of Indonesian and Japanese names, social status, time of 78 years old and Buddhist. In signifier, classification birth and time of death. Spherical round head on top. of the contents of this grave tomb inscription is the name, surname (family name), social status, time of birth and time of death, round gravestone.

Figure 5. Graves of Ahmad Markus In signified, this means that the buried person’s Figure 3. Graves of Toshio Yamamoto name is Ahmad Markus alias Hideyo Teruyama, an In signified, this means that the buried person’s Indonesian citizen, retired soldier with the rank of name is Toshio Yamamoto, a soldier with the rank corporal, died at the age of 64, Muslim. In signifier, of captain, died September 16, 1982. Interpreted the classification of the contents of this graves in- that Toshio Yamamoto was an Indonesian soldier, scription is the Indonesian and japanese name, social because it was buried in the tomb of the Heroes, even status, time of birth and time of death, and a Muslim. though he did not use Indonesian name, and adher- ents of Buddhism. From the signifier, the classifica- tion of the contents of this graves inscription is the name, social status, time of death, using Latin letters and round headstone.

Figure 6. Graves of Kitaro Yasu Figure 4. Graves of Makoto Umeda In signified, this buried person has two names such In signified, this means that the buried person’s as Zainal Arifin as an Indonesian name and Kitaro name is Suwandi, had become an Indonesian citizen Yasu as a Japanese name. Indonesian citizen, born in

63 Section 6. Philology and linguistics

Tokyo, Japan, died at the age of 65, a member of the of the tomb, the contents of the inscription are written Indonesian veteran who is a Lieutenant Assistant and in Japanese calligraphy. a Christian. In signifier, the classification of the con- From the signified, the person who made this grave tents of this gravestone inscription is the name, place is the Kantaro Taguchi family. The area of origin of the of birth, time of birth and time of death, social status deceased was Futae Village, Amakusa District, Kuma- and non-verbal text of the sign on the cross. moto Province. Died in October of Taisho. Taisho is the name of the year based on the leadership of the Japanese emperor. The person buried in this grave is Buddhist. From signifier, the classification of inscrip- tion contents on the front side of the gravestone is the name of the architect of the grave and the area of ori- gin of the deceased, on the back side of the gravestone contains the time of death. gravestone shaped like a small monument and square. The contents of the in- scription are written in Japanese calligraphy.

Figure 7. Graves of Shoji Onishi In signified, this means that the buried person’s name is Shoji Onishi as a Japanese name and Abdurra- syid Onishi as the name of a Muslim, the Young Con- sul of the Japanese consulate general in Medan, died at the age 38 years old, caused by an airplane accident at Polonia airport when returning from a business trip to Banda Aceh on April 4, 1987. From signifier, he classi- fication of the contents of this gravestone inscription is the name, social status, cause of death, age. The name Figure 9. Graves of Komoto Yuki Abdurrasyid is a sign that the buried person is Muslim.

Figure 10. Graves of Iwasaki Otomatsu (Figure 9) From the signified, this means that this Figure 8. Graves of Kantaro Taguchi is the grave of the late Komoto Yuki from Akashi city The content of the inscription on the front side of of Hyougo province, a Buddhist. From the signifier, the headstone is using Latin letters and on the left side gravestone shaped like a small monument and square.


Classification of the contents of the inscription on the front side of the gravestone is a word indicating the name of the buried person, and on the back side of the gravestone is an inscription about the origin of the buried person. Written in Japanese calligraphy. (Figure 10) From the signified, this buried person is Iwasaki Otomatsu, born March 1, 1879, died Sep- tember 10, 1931 or September 10 of Showa. Showa is a year based on the Japanese empire, originating from Futae village, Amakusa sub-district, Kumamoto prov- ince. Died when he was 52 years old and a Buddhist. From the signifier, the gravestone is small and square, and the classification of inscription contents on the front side of the grave is the name, time of birth, time Figure 12. Graves of Funazaki Sakuichi of death, and age of the death, area of origin of the per- From the signified, the person who died named son who died. In AD year and Japanese year. Written Funazaki Sakuichi, a Buddhist. From the signifier, in Latin letters and Japanese calligraphy. the classification of the contents of this gravestone inscription is a demonstrative word (meizoku), name. Japanese calligraphy, gravestone shaped like a small square.

Figure 11. Graves of Noguchi Yuki From the signified, this buried person is Noguchi Yuki, died August 19 in Taisho 9, age 58 years. Taisho Figure 13. Graves of is the year of Japan based on the empire. Buddhist. From the signifier, the classification of the contents From the signified, the buried person is a fe- of this gravestone inscription is the name, time of male, Buddhist. The classification of the contents death and age of death. Japanese year and Japanese of this gravestone inscription is a non-verbal text letter calligraphy. The gravestone shape looks like a in the form of gravestones and female Japanese small monument, square. letters. Table 1. – The inscription of the grave in Medan No. Encryption Content Amount in% 1 2 3 1. It is written in front of the gravestone 100

65 Section 6. Philology and linguistics

1 2 3 2. Latin letters 57 3. A mixture of Latin and Arabic 29 4. A mixture of Latin and Arabic and Japanese 14 5. Name, time of death, time of birth, age and status 86 6. Name, time of death, social status, age, death 14 Table 2. – The inscription of grave in Banda Aceh No. Encryption Content Amount in% 1. Japanese calligraphy 83 2. Mixture of Latin Letters and Japanese Letters Calligraphy 17 3. Written on the front and back of the headstone 32 4. Written on the front side of the headstone 68 5. Pointing words, names 36 6. Writing name and area of origin 16 7. Writing the area of origin and the name of the headstone maker 16 8. Writing the name and time of death 16 Conclusions buried person. The function and meaning of the The gravestones of the Japanese grave in the semiotic contents of the gravestone inscriptions of area of the Dutch cemetery Kerkoff Banda Aceh Japanese graves in Medan and Banda Aceh are as are in the form of a square made of cement stone, a signifier of identity and social status, a historical and the verbal texts are in the form of inscriptions signifier by showing the event of death, a signifier of written in Japanese and Latin letters. But on the ideology and gender. Non-verbal texts are in the form gravestone of the Japanese grave in the heroes' of gravestones and crosses, images of the crescent tombs of Medan and gravestone on the graves of as a sign of Muslim. An inscription on the death of the Muslim mosque area of Raja Mosque, a field a Japanese graveyard in the Tomb of Medan heroes of cultural assimilation occurs as indicated in the uses the word GUGUR (FALL) as a sign that the inscriptions of Japanese characters, Latin letters, buried person is a soldier and a hero. and Arabic letters. Classification of the contents of Acknowledgement gravestone inscriptions on Japanese graves in Medan We would like to thank the following figures who and Banda Aceh is the writing of the name, time of supported morally to this research: Prof. Runtung death and time of birth, age, social status, address, Sitepu (Rector of Universitas Sumatera Utara), place of origin of buried person, sex, description Mr. Zamharil Umeda, Mr. Masatoshi Ito, Ph.D., of death and prayer based on the ideology of the Mr. Narita katsumi, and Mr. Ken Iwai References: 1. Astri D. and Nanda. Makna Semiotik Nama Masyarakat Jawa di Kecamatan Bandar Khalipah Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai (tesis). USU: – Medan. 2014. 2. Barthes R. The Semiotic Challenge. Hill and Wang: – Newyork. 1988. 3. De Saussure F. Course in General Linguistics. Duckworth: – London. 1990. 4. Djajasudarma T. and Fatimah. Metode Linguistik Ancangan, Metode Penelitian dan Pengkajian. Eresco: – Bandung. 1993.


5. Eriyanto. Analisis Wacana; Pengantar Analisis Teks (cetakan ke‑4). Media, Lkis: Yogyakarta. 2005. 6. Halliday M. A. K. and Hasan. Bahasa, Konteks dan Teks: Aspek-aspek Bahasa dalam Pandangan Semiotik: Terjemahan Asrudin Barori Tou. Gajah Mada University Press: Yogyakarta. 1992. 7. Inoguchi K. Nihon no Soushiki (Upacara Kematian Jepang) Chikumashobo: – Tokyo. 1976. 8. Moleong R. J. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Remaja, Rosda, Karya: – Bandung. 2006. 9. Pilliang A. and Yasraf. Semiotika Teks; Sebuah Pendekatan Analisis Teks (jurnal). Mediator, – Vol. 5. 2004. 10. Purba A. Kajian Teks Bahasa Ragam Jurnalistik. Balai Bahasa Medan. 2011. 11. Rosmawati. Pemaknaan Inskripsi pada Kompleks Makam Islam Kuno Katangka di Kabupaten Gowa (tesis). UNHAS: – Makassar. 2008. 12. Sinar S. T. Teori Analisis Wacana (cetakan ke‑3). Pustaka Bangsa Press. Medan. 2010. 13. Saragih A. Semiotik Bahasa. USU Press: Medan. 2011. 14. Situmorang H. Minzokugaku (Etnologi) Jepang. USU Press: Medan. 2017. 15. Situmorang H. and Sibarani R. Tradition In Japanese Sendai’s Christian Cemetery and Its External Influ- ences. International Journal of Multidiciplinary Research and Development. 2018. 16. Siswanto E. Kajian Semiotika Terhadap Syair Dendang Siti Fatimah Pada Upacara Mengayun Anak Ma- syarakat Melayu Tanjung Pura (tesis). USU: Medan. 2012. 17. Sobur A. Semiotika Komunikasi. PT. Remaja Rosda Karya: Bandung. 2017. 18. Zubair M. Makna dan Fungsi Inskripsi Pada Makam Lajangiru di Bontoala Makassar (jurnal). Balai Penelitian Pengembangan Agama Makassar. 2011.

67 Section 6. Philology and linguistics Hà Thị Kim Hằng, Master, Ba Ria – Vung Tau College of Education E-mail: [email protected] INFLUENCE OF BUSINESS ENGLISH ON FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS Abstract. The article discusses the importance of using the process of teaching business English for the formation of not only linguistic, but also professional competence of students. The results of the study in the framework of the formative experiment show how business English, by implementing a competency-based approach in teaching foreign languages to students in the specialty of econom- ics, linguistics, management and psychology, helps to inform students of the skills necessary for a socially competent person. Keywords: professional competence, competence, business English, highly qualified specialist, professional activity, in the labor market. A modern specialist must be fluent in spoken ments for higher education, has accepted into the English and business professional English for active bachelor’s program modern educational material in use, both in everyday life and in the field of activity professional business language for future profession- of specialists. And in the modern business world, als studying accounting (economics), linguistics, one of the main problems that exist in any company management and a psychologist. or organization is the selection of highly qualified The super flexible modular structure for profession- personnel who can ensure market survival. Scientists al business language studies and a significant amount in a competency-based approach note that the dif- of material (major additions) allow faculty to select and ference between a competent and a highly qualified combine training materials to suit the needs of bach- expert is that previously there was not just a certain elor’s degree and conditions of state educational stan- level of knowledge and skills, but can also recognize dard program. Each division covers the development them in the field of professional activities [4]. of language skills and the development of listening, Significantly more significant, of course, is an -un writing, reading, speaking and information from the derstanding of the inappropriate difference between current professional business world. The goals of teach- “competence” and “competence”. In the broad sense ing business English are: in an absolute understanding of the word “competence” in current dictionaries is of the laws of business English, in the formation of sci- explained as follows: entific thinking, an increase in the linguistic interest of Competency is understood as the knowledge, bachelors; in the deliberate use of linguistic resources in skills, abilities and behaviors that employees need to the field of activity of their professions, in the assimila- meet the job requirements, and is the factor that helps tion and formation of communicative competencies an individual work more effectively than those others. and skills in the field of a professional specialty. The Institute of Intercultural Communication The most important tasks: and Psychology, in accordance with the require- • accumulation, consolidation and practice of ments of a competency-based approach within the vocabulary related to the professional envi- framework of international standards and require- ronment;


• formation of skills in business professional • take part in situational conversations, discus- communication in a business environment – sions within the framework of the topic un- active participation in meetings, negotiations, der discussion; presentation skills, etc. • read literature without a dictionary on busi- • development of mono logic speech skills in ness topics in order to obtain professional business communication (within the frame- information; work of 12–13 phrases of interest, however, • organize, manage and participate in business in three minutes); negotiations. • improving the skills of mastering the dialogue Have skills: on special topics (seen, heard, read) • work with business articles in order to extract • development of speaking skills on a topic re- and process information; lated to the profession (with a presentation • presentation of information in English on a for 6–9 minutes); specific topic; • mastering and creating skills of activity with • negotiating in a business environment; the English text of a general business theme • participation in a business meeting. (reading, summary, detailed retelling, con- Business English at the Ba Ria – Vung Tau Col- clusions); lege of Education is studied as an applied discipline. A • business writing skills (business proposal, business English lesson is held taking into account the report, meeting minutes, request, etc.). future activities of graduates of bachelors in the pro- As a result of mastering the discipline, the bach- fessional field. Thus, the program is built to promote elor must: the formation of professionally significant competen- Know: cies for the future specialist: formation competencies • meeting minutes; (professional development, language and speech de- • protocol of negotiations; velopment, knowledge of a foreign language); com- • the most essential concepts and stable combi- petencies of value-semantic orientation in the world nations of vocabulary in a business language; (comprehension and analysis of socio-cultural charac- • grammar structures and language cliches teristics of the native country of the bachelor and the characteristic of business English; country of the language being studied); competences • the specifics of intercultural relations and in oral and written foreign language communication business ethics in English-speaking coun- (perception, analysis and production of foreign lan- tries; guage messages in oral and written form); communi- • language of diplomacy; cative competence (ability to communicate, including • Features of introducing business in various in an intercultural environment: intercultural com- English-speaking countries, as well as new munication, knowledge and observance of traditions, trends in the business environment. linguistic and regional analysis); competencies in the Be able to: use of information technology: receiving, processing, • organize, manage and participate in a busi- presenting information, converting information, using ness meeting; multimedia technologies. • conduct a conversation within the frame- For the development and formation of these work of a given professional business topic; competencies, both traditional and new methods are • prepare an oral message or presentation on a applied, allowing not only to be limited to the cogni- business topic; tive development of the business English discipline.

69 Section 6. Philology and linguistics

A variety of pedagogical and didactic approaches subject “Business English”. Given the fact that the contribute to the formation of competencies and language of international communication today is abilities related to communication, creative and English, students learn exactly English. But the num- critical analysis, independent thinking and collec- ber of hours allotted to study this subject according tive work in an intercultural context, when creativ- to the standard, from our point of view, is not enough ity is formed by combining traditional knowledge for students to master “professional” English, which and skills with modern information technologies would allow them to successfully find a job or con- [5]. Achieving a degree of professional training that tinue their education abroad. That is why we teach meets the requirements of professional competence business (English) during the bachelor’s study pe- of bachelors is impossible only with the help of tradi- riod and have an additional discipline in the cur- tional teaching methods and the organization of edu- riculum, like business English. Practice shows that cational activities. From the point of view of modern such an organization of the process of learning busi- requirements, the focus in training is shifted to the ness English, consolidates the knowledge gained in development of the individual, teaching the student preparing bachelors in the classes on the discipline the ability to improve his qualifications. “English”, also successfully prepares students for the As a result of competence-oriented foreign lan- successful defense of bachelor’s work / projects in guage training, the bachelor gains the ability to work English. with professionally significant foreign language ma- Therefore, we can conclude that the formation of terial, independently replenish knowledge, and de- professional competence in foreign languages (Eng- velop personal creative potential. we, as teachers of lish) contributing to adapting to the success of stu- the English language, conduct focused work on the dents after graduation can meet the domestic labor formation of professional competencies through the market. and abroad. References: 1. Le Thien Tri // Tuyệt Kỹ Tiếng Anh Thương Mại (Nhà Xuất Bản Đà Nẵng). 2. Paul Emmerson // Essential Business Grammar Builder (Macmillan Publishing). 3. Rawdon Wyatt // Business and Administration (A & C Black Publishing, London). 4. Зимняя И. А. // Ключевые компетенции – новая парадигма результата образования сегодня. – № 5. 2003. 5. Сартбекова Н. К. // Современные компьютерные технологии в преподавании английского язы- ка// Евразийское научное объединение «Перспективы модернизации современной науки» IX Международная научная конференция. – М., – сентябрь, 2015. – С. 60–63.

70 DERIVATIVE SPACE OF THE LAW TEXT Tsareva Irina Valerevna, Сandidate of Philological, Sciences, Associate professor of Social and Humanitarian Sciences department, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Dnipro, Ukraine E-mail: [email protected] DERIVATIVE SPACE OF THE LAW TEXT Introduction possibility: не можуть, повинен здійснюватись, має It is determined that in the sphere of legal rela- право. The consistently used derivational approach tions there is a special language as a sign system, which to the analysis of the law text as an integral part of the serves as a means of manifestation of thoughts, profes- higher level of the language has allowed to deepen sional communication of lawyers, a means of transfer- the notion of the text as a linguistic phenomenon, ring professional (legal) information. Nomination of describe its new properties characteristic of the text the same law concept in different terms is a form of as a dynamically expanded structurein addition to manifestation of law information redundancy. A cer- the studied static ones, explain the peculiarities of tain dualism of the terms use has been marked: the the process of the law texts of various types forma- law language and the legal language. Delimitation has tion, combine all possible text manifestations into a been made proceeding from the semantic meaning single linguistic model. of the adjectives “law” and “legal” in the Ukrainian The syntax of the law text is characterized by the language. Primarily, the legal terms have cognitive in- fullness of the structures and the variety of means. formation, but only part of them is known for native- Derivational lexicology is a structural part of speakers, because their use goes far beyond the legal derivational Linguistics. text. A special classification of structural-conceptual, Derivative dynamic lexicology sets the synchro- derivational, lexical units and functional parameters, nous meaning for the concept of “genesis”, “genetic” which includes important elements and principles for and it is thought that using of any “finished” word in law space exists in the law term system. the language is its production and reproduction at The objectivity of information presentation is the same time (in one or another correlations). At he represented by a great number of verbs in the pres- same time, the derivative lexicology makes the main ent tence and passive voice constructions. The gen- emphasis on the creation and always underlines that eral nature of information is transmitted by subject creations involves the moment of interaction of the semantics, where not only law nouns are widespread, linguistic output (previous) and linguistic derivative but nouns and pronouns with general semantics as (further). The widest (and simultaneously deep) de- well (кожен, ніхто, усі громадяни). Legal terms in- terminatory sense of “outgoing” appears as a com- clude all peculariaties of terms – uniqueness, lack municative content, which seeks to be embodied in of emotional color, regardless of context: вирок, the corresponding linguistic forms. Identifying com- захист, справедливість, підсудний. The ordering na- ponents in the structure of derivative word, which ture of information is transmitted using verbal struc- can be qualified as theme and rheme or given and tures with the modality of necessity and modality of new [10], is not only genetically-diachronic fact but

71 Section 6. Philology and linguistics also genetically-synchronical fact specifying lexical and disability are characterized by two criteria – medi- derivation processes inclusion into text production cal (biological) and legal (psychological), combination processes. The necessity of relying on the given (the of which give grounds to declare a person as partially initial) when lexical items are chosen (formed) arises incapacitated: base capacity in some way is the same in the process of speech production, much as when word as capacity and/or capacitated but in another speaker relies on his previous text fragments to form structural-functional status (the Commentary on new fragments [9] while formating the text. article 20 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). Thus primary task of motivational component The example of functional and normative plan of unlimited derivational lexis functioning is sup- of lexical derivation-motivation can be pragmatic positional provision of regular processes of lexical inequivlence of synonymic changes in lexical-deriv- units derivation (newly created or new ones). This ative row: drunkenness is the cause of many crimes. function is derived from the necessity to base on That is why the Criminal Code of Ukraine considers previous (given, old, known) units while creating drunkenness as aggravating circumstance (the Com- the new (in broad sense of this term). These units mentary on the Criminal Code of Ukraine, P. 13, act as suppositions in relation to the first ones. Sup- Part 1, Clause 67); Reaching the age established by positional function in initial links of determinational the law is one of general conditions when a person can be chain is communicative by nature as it results from criminally liable (the Commentary on the Criminal the speaker’s need to be understood by the addressee Code of Ukraine, Part 1, Clause 67). The age of a due to the fact that the speaker “prefers” to rely on person is considered to be a definite period of their de- what has already been known to his addressees. Mo- velopment (the Commentary on the Criminal Code tivational elements in derivative embody syntactical of Ukraine, Part 1, Clause 22); Prediction is rational deductivity from initial communicative base and de- visualization of a person about the results of their ac- rivative functioning and development of the latter: tivity (inactivity) (the Commentary on the Criminal mental disability as well as mental capacity is a legal Code of Ukraine, Part 1, Clause 24). In this context notion; a minor crime should be distinguished from words criminally liable, conditions, period, visualiza- a wrongdoing without the elements of crime [3]. tion can be semantically possible instead of derivates The components of unit novelty distinguishing drunkenness, reaching the age, prediction but it is un- it from initial unit represent the derivational com- likely that they will safe pragmatics and initial com- ponent of this process. The elements (units, rules, municative idea of the expressions given above. norms) of lexical derivation-moivation for a long Undouptedly, such normativity is dubious. It is time have been forming by necessity of the language realized in combination with normativity of lexi- derivation of words and are relatively independent, cal type. Overcoming conventionality (if it as ac- complete systematic-functional unit in language. tualized in language) is accompanied with specific They closely interact with the units and rules of other connotations which shows the formation of lexi- levels, absorb their functions and peculiarities, at the cal-semantic norms. Such actualization indicates same time they are quite independent and for that innovations, violation of norms; relieving of con- reason conventional towards them formation. ventionality is perceived as semantic derivation act. Capability of words and word forms to trans- Double functioning of motivationa base: A mistake form into motivational bases (namely they are mor- as to criminality of action means that a person consid- phemes) of created words when creating supposi- ers their activity (inactivity) as a crime, though the tional function is the example of such interaction in Criminal Code of Ukraine does not define it as a crime structural sense: Limited capacity as well as capacity (simulated crime).


The example shows the identification of motiva- denotats. Asymmetry of hyper-hyponymic relations tion base with motivation word ignoring conven- is put in the structure of hyponymy (subordination) tionality of their correlation, idiomaticity of moti- and hyperonymy (domination) [7]. Regular rederi- vator: penetrating participants of that kind of unions vation processes being in continuous derivative-mo- into public and local authorities to provide “roof” tivational process in one row with direct derivation (protection) for criminal activity of organized group are not less important. or criminal organization; quotation marks testify to Emerge of new formation is a private result of actualization of idiomatic increment in “dictionary” word functioning under ordinary conditions of its motivator safety, perception the moment of norm derivative spreading, so plans of creation and func- violation (= nonidentity of morph roof- and “free” tioning of the word determine each other. The nature motivator safety). of determination is different in different directions: Functional-dynamic side of the inner word form in one case it is genetical (from creating to function- is determined by its involvement into continuous ing), in the other it is synchronical-functional (from derivational and motivative process being the core functioning to creation). There can be a differentia- of the whole lexical and derivative dynamics. Op- tion between perspective (from structural motivator position of plans for derivates creation and func- to structural motive) and retrospective (from struc- tioning, their encountering with one of the most tural motivator to structural motive) lines of motiva- influentional driving forces of this process and can tional dynamics in progressive direction. Their oppo- be taken as the basis for its description. Contradic- sition in language is often neutralized as progressive tion of plans mentioned above lies in that fact that movement of language thought from the given to the word created once in one situation does not al- the new, universal for text production as though it ways demand compulsive derivational and motiva- “perspected” all textual derivative connections: Fact tive mechanism at a later stage but the mechanism of damage is not important for classification of crime itself continues permanent acting in the same way in (the Criminal Code of Ukraine, article 11). But ac- similar situations. The situation in which the word tual damage caused by the criminal gives grounds arose (or could arise) repeats naturally that allows for extra qualification of the crime under another ar- repeated acts of its creation. ticle of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (for example, The Commentary on article 50 of the Criminal article 112): one of textual motives is structurally Code of Ukraine The definition of punishment and more complicated than motivator for derivational its purpose defines:The punishment is aimed not only topic development in the given context. at penalizing but also reformation of sentenced persons Functional aspect of law text derivation and prevention of further offenses by both the sentenced When defining the system one should follow the and other persons; Penalty of sentenced person is always principle of dialectical unity with the definition of fulfilled when punishment is used.Derivate penalty is function. The function, on the one hand, originates in the focus of creation. Works of famous lawyers from systematic location of certain object and, on and criminalists pay special attention to the concept the other hand, defines location of this object in the penalty, in such event concepts penalty and punish- system and, as the result defines inner structure of ment in most of concepts enter into hyper-hyponym- the system as a whole. Within derivational lexicology ic relations: penalty is either purpose or essence of functional-dynamic and system plans of the word are punishment. Lexical units are united by one cetego- mutually complementary and presuppose each oth- rial seme as a result of which one notion relates to er: vocabulary enrichment is realized through textual another but wider in semantic plan and calls more lexical derivation, at the same time, epidigmatic text

73 Section 6. Philology and linguistics structure is mostly formed as systematic epidigmatic semantic variations, which lead to the appearance realization. of two different semantically functional units – the Lexical units derivation is the specific type of derivation words and specifications that are the basic source units functioning and development. This is, concepts of derivational lexicology. so to say, the functioning of units that admits of their A person committed a crime = A person has a crime modification. In contemporary Ukrainian legal text The derivational relations between the components legal terms are interpreted as different nominative of the sentence paradigm are uneven, although at units. Simple lexical units convey global view of life the same time the modification of the sentence does (act, liability, action, law, capacity, defence, ground, not violate the necessary syntactic identities of syn- punishment). Nominative units of legal termsystem, tactic units in these processes. Such constructions that is, different derivative and complex words and express the meaning of ownership and are called word combinations are equivalent to simple lexical self-possessed. The formal variation of a word within units. Derivative and complex words being terms the framework of semantic identity can be of sev- of jurisprudence most of all convey basic and dif- eral types: phonetic (variation within the phonetic ferential features of extralinguistic reality. Word for- word), morphological (variation within the word- mations repeat elements of main category but are shift paradigm of the word), and derivative (variation distinguished by features of addition, stress and are within derivative paradigm of the word). Derivative oriented to subcategorization of one category on dif- variants of the word – the whole set of derivatives of ferent grounds which are valuable for speciaists in the words capable of derivational interaction within the sphere of law. a semantic-functional context, in which variants are Comprehensive researches of functional orienta- a natural derivative source and the continuation of tion of derivative form are the base for regarding de- each other, – form a derivational word. rivative system of language as the potential of its lan- The peculiarity of the derivational word as a se- guage functioning. Derivative word functioning in the mantic-functional unit of the lexical-derivative sys- text occurs, firstly, in lexical-derivative raw formation tem, as distinct from other aspects of the study of the (LDR) which stands for sequence of cognate or one- word within the framework of level grammar, is asso- affixal words (including “clear” repetitions) crossing ciated with the actualization of the formal-semantic discretive textual space (context) [4], secondly, lexical connections of the word with other words. row, that is, the sequence of words with determination The boundaries of semantic variation of the word relations where derivative relations do not have formal are determined to the breadth of the concepts ex- nature. These rows are part of inner form of the text, pressed by it and the variety of associative ties. The connective cores performing its ontological unity in most important manifestation of the lexical begin- words and morphemes repetitions. Obligatory func- ning in the development of derivative words, which tioning of lexical-derivative and lexical rows in the text ultimately may lead to the emerge of specifications, proves the involvement of lexical derivation into the is the idiomatic semantics and lexicalization of the text derivation processes and into continuous deriva- IFW. A lexical unit gets additional impulses for cre- tive and motivative flow as a whole. ating a qualitatively new meaning in its connections The continuity of the derivation-motivational with other units in the lexical system of language processes in the language is associated with the which also has a great potential of creativity. Due to continuity of the derivation field of the word in the the formal semantic derivation, the lexeme repre- language system. The two most important axes of sents a system of forms and functions perceived on the derivational variation of the word are formal and the background of the structure of the language as a

74 DERIVATIVE SPACE OF THE LAW TEXT whole, the identity of which is codified in the idea of in its lexical view. Lexico-derivative space of the text unity in the variety of its meanings. forms an independent text dimension. If we consider The notion of the derivational form of the word is LDR as a “whole entity”, “text complex”, “another based on the understanding of the identity of the word minor unit of the text-level language”, then we give allowing for the distinctive features in its use. Conse- it an intermediate position between the lexical and quently, it is a tool for distinguishing between discrete syntactic levels and we believe that any change in the individual-unique semantic qualities which contradict lower or higher levels leads to the change of LDR. the continuity of the general derivation-motivational Therefore, the interaction between the text and the flow in the semantic language space. On the other derivational word is determined. hand, it actively performs a suppositive function in the The study of a functional derivational word on the process of creating / reproducing / choosing a lexical background of functional derivational text, in which unit, specification and maintaining continuity. the word implements its potential for formal semantic Derivation potential of the of law text functioning development, is of great interest in the field of deri- The word realizes its potential of derivational vational lexicology. At the same time, it is necessary functioning in the text, and “the functional proper- to review the basic concepts of the theory, because ties of the word in the text are in double contextual- really functional description of the dictionary system ity. These properties are determined by the general is carried out through the interaction of semantics of features of the word as a unit of the lexical system nominative units with an appropriate syntactic theory. and specified by the properties of the word, which On this basis we can highlight two studying directions are inserted in it in the text itself in a certain system of the derivational word in the epistemological term: of dependencies”, therefore, two aspects of the is- from the word and from the text, but the problem of sues of derivational lexicology study are outlined: the interaction between the functional derivational lexico-centric, when the word as the carrier of its word and the text has not been set. The need for re- formalized-semantic potential dominates, and text- search is determined by a number of epistemological centric (syntactic-centric), when the text (context) reasons including “the separation of lexical derivation is studied, which provides conditions for the realiza- from general-text derivation” [5]. tion of the functioning word potential. The structures of the phrase that are widely used Hence the orientation either on the properties are the ones one of the components of which is a of the word as a representative of the derivative sys- word with a commonly used neutral meaning особа tem of lexis (degrees of division, motivation), or on in combination with the corresponding adjective, the properties of the context, which determine cer- which leads to this cluster becoming a term. The texts tain features of the derivative function of the word, of the CCU are characterized by complex substantive- therefore the variation of the context can serve as a adjective three-component constructions with the way of identifying and studying the potential of its pivotal word-noun and dependent adjectives. Among functioning. the substantive terminological phrases there are struc- If the lexical derivation is included in the syntac- tures connected by the link of management. Thus, the tic (comp.: “lexical derivation, paradoxically, is the productive pattern consists of the verb noun in nomi- syntactic process, directly related to the formation native case and noun in the genetive case. of a sentence in the text”), then the functional LDR A significant group of substantive phrases con- acts as an intermediate link between the unisolated sists of prepositional noun constructions such as word and the proposition that is the basis of the con- responsibility for crimes, attempt to crime commit- tinuous derivation-motivational process of the text ting, complicity in a crime, the question of application,

75 Section 6. Philology and linguistics evasion of punishment, in which the main component guage of the CCU, when they are highlighted in the requires the use of the corresponding noun with the text. Such phrases are also called combined, as the preposition, for example: Preparation for a small dependent component in them is also essentially a gravity crime does not entail criminal liability (CCU, R. phrase, for example: Foreigners who have committed III (ML), Article 14); An attempt to commit a crime is crimes in Ukraine and convicted for them on the basis the commission of a person with a direct intent of an act of this Code may be transferred for serving the sentence (action or inaction) (CCU, R. III (ML), Article 15). for the crime committed in the State whose citizens they The models of term combinations described are, if such a transfer is provided for by international above, which function in the language of the mod- treaties of Ukraine (CCU, RP II (MOU), Article 10). ern Ukrainian legal text, are qualified as simple ones It is to be noted that the structure of complex and considered to be the word-combinations of the terminological units sometimes includes its own minimal composition, which are opposed to com- names, for example: An attack on the life of the Presi- plex terminological compounds. At the same time, dent of Ukraine, the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of the result of the analysis of CCU language testifies Ukraine, the people’s deputy of Ukraine, the Prime Min- to the application of three-component compunds, ister of Ukraine … is committed in connection with their which can be also qualified as simple ones, since the state or social activities (CCU, P. 1 (OC), Article 12). exclusion of any element of these combinations is The specificity of the language of the modern leg- not possible, for example: The task ofthe Criminal islative text is also made up of structures that have Code of Ukraine (CCU, R.I (MCH), Article 1), a number of terminological phrases. Each specific Laws of Ukraine Criminal liability should comply with term has a specific fixed meaning:Preparing for a the provisions contained in the international treaties in crime is to seek or adapt means or equipment, search for force, the consent to be bound by which was provided accomplices or conspiracy to commit a crime, eliminate by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (CCU, RI II obstacles, and other deliberate creation of conditions for (MOU), Article 3). committing an offense (CCU, RI III (ML), Art. 14). These syntactic structures are not considered Terminological phrases of different structures con- to be productive in the texts being studied. As you tain the word “right” both in singular and in plural: know, the word combination can be regarded as a adjective + law: author’s right, electoral rights, adja- complex one when it contains optional elements that cent rights, legal rights: Violation of copyright and can be removed from the corresponding structure related rights (CCU, RV (ML), Article 176). Word- without its destruction as a syntactic unit of a certain matching terms may correspond to the model: right type. It is worth paying attention to the fact that ter- + noun in Genitive Case: right to acquire; crime + minological phrases are characterized by their stable adjective + noun in law: minor crimes, crimes of fixed structure, which makes impossible to extract moderate severity. Dependent noun in the form these or those components. of Genitive Case often involves optional elements It is quite common thing when the basis of the providing additional information to the content of complex term is one or more simple phrases, as in the the sentence and therefore complicating a simple following sentence: An executor (co-executor) bears terminological phrase, for example: The organizer of criminal responsibility under the article of the Special an organized group or criminal organization is liable to Part of this Code, which provides for a crime committed criminal responsibility for all crimes committed by an or- by him (CCU, R. VI (ML), Article 29). Multi-task ganized group or criminal organization if they were cov- nature of complex terminological phrases should ered by his intention (CCU, P VI (MCH), Article 30). be taken into account during the analysis of the lan- An option of this structure can be a combination of

76 DERIVATIVE SPACE OF THE LAW TEXT a given model with a noun in the Instrumental case: Conclusions The repetition provided for in part one of this article is Consequently, the modern Ukrainian legal text is absent in the commission of an ongoing crime consisting actively replenished with two- and multi-component of two or more identical acts united by a single criminal terminology units to designate new concepts or to intention (CCU, RV (OC), Article 184); improve or refine already existing ones. Composed Allocate terminological phrases in which the legal terms are syntactic constructions, consisting verbal noun of the violation is used in the form of two or more notional words based on subordi- of singular and combined with the noun in Geni- nate connection. It was found out that only a few tive Case: Violation of the secrecy of voting (CCU, polycomponent term-nouns can be combined by RV (OC), Article 159); Violation of the equality of means of ordinate connection. Formation of mul- citizens according to their race, nationality or attitude ticomponent terms, their transition from simple to to religion (CCU, RV (PM), Article 161); Violation verbose units occurs in stages and, accordingly, is ac- of the inviolability of housing (CCU, RV (OC), Ar- companied by reformation and complication of the ticle 162); Violation of duties on property protection syntactic model. Consequently, the word combina- (CCU, R. VI (OC), Article 197); Violation of rules tions can be referred to terminological ones when for the delivery of precious metals stones (CCU, R. their components are assumed as a single notion and VII (OC), Article 214); Terminological phrases have a clearly formulated and fixed meaning. To solve with the main component of the violation of law the problem of the word and the text interaction, we can control the case form of the noun with the involve translingual space as the only speech-lan- preposition, that is to be formed by such a model: guage matter in its derivational aspect, revealing the violation of the right to + noun: Violation of the peculiarities of the word functioning in the context right to education (CCU, RV (OC), Article 183); of derivational textology obtained when comparing Violation of the right to protection (CCU, R. XVIII texts that are in the relations of derivability. Under (OC), Article 374). Terminological phrases of a the derivative potential of the text we understand the more complicated structural organization, allow ability of the text to enter the derivational relations you to convey the content of the legal norm more with other texts. In this case, the lexical-derivative precisely, to cover certain details, for example: development of the text acts as one of the manifes- Violation of the right to free medical care (CCU, RV tations of the continuous derivational and motiva- (OC), Article 184). tional process. References: 1. Brinev K. I. Vnutrennyaya forma russkogo slova kak nositel potentsiala ego derivatsionnogo funktsion- irovaniya: dis. … kand. filol. nauk. – Kemerovo, 2002. – 147 р. 2. Vyxovanecz I. R., Gorodenska K. G., Rusanivskyj V. M. Semantyko-syntaksychna struktura rechennya. – K.: Nauk. dumka, 1983. – 143 p. 3. Golev N. D. Derivation and motivation as forms of language determination; invariants and variants. Es- says on linguistic determinology and derivatology of the Russian language. – Barnaul, 1998. – P. 65–84. 4. Golev N. D. Dynamic aspect of lexical motivation. – Tomsk, 1989. – P. 96. 5. Golev N. D. The problem of the semantic distance between words related to motivational relations (modi- fication). The semantic structure of the word. – Kemerovo, 1984. – P. 17–26. 6. Golev N. D. K osnovaniyam derivatsionnoy leksikologii russkogo yazyika: leksiko-derivatsionnyie kon- tekstyi kak forma proyavleniya derivatsionnoy energetiki teksta i slova v tekste (problemyi, zadachi,

77 Section 6. Philology and linguistics

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78 FAMILY COMMUNICATION AS A SPECIAL TYPE OF COMMUNICATION Shen Binbin, postgraduate student, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kiev, Ukraine E-mail: [email protected] FAMILY COMMUNICATION AS A SPECIAL TYPE OF COMMUNICATION Abstract. The article deals with the research of the ‘family communication’ concept as a special type of socializing. The cases of speech etiquette units usage, which is typical for the family commu- nication in a national language, have been analyzed. Keywords: speech etiquette, family communication, speech etiquette unit, bidirectionality. Шэнь Биньбинь, аспирант, факультет иностранной филологии Национальный педагогический университет имени М. П. Драгоманова E-mail: [email protected] СЕМЕЙНАЯ КОММУНИКАЦИЯ КАК ОСОБЫЙ ВИД ОБЩЕНИЯ Аннотация. Статья посвящена рассмотрению понятия «семейная коммуникация» как особого вида общения. Проанализированы случаи употребления в семейной коммуникации типичных для национального языка речеэтикетных единиц. Ключевые слова: речевой этикет, семейная коммуникация, речеэтикетная единица, дву- направленность. В течение довольно длительного времени вни- ся явной специфичностью, индивидуальностью, мание исследователей, представляющих различ- а нередко и уникальностью речевая среда, всегда ные области науки, привлекает такой феномен, привлекали исследовательское внимание линг- как семья. В последние два столетия к традици- вистов. В настоящее время активно изучаются онным исследованиям по проблемам и различ- жанры семейного общения и распределение ком- ным аспектам семьи добавились социологические муникативных ролей в семье, семейный фольклор и психолингвистические работы, исследования и фамильелект (речевые средства, используемые специалистов по межкультурной коммуникации членами конкретной семьи в общении между со- и представителей многих других, сформировав- бой, нередко именно ими же и изобретённые), за- шихся на этапе новейшего гуманитарного и в це- тронувшие многие современные семьи проблемы лом научного знания, областей. билингвизма и полилингвизма и многое другое. И, конечно же, как семья в принципе, так С самого рождения человек связан с опреде- и множество семей во всём их многообразии, ленными социальными группами, среди которых в каждой из которых формируется отличающая- самой значимой является семья. Именно в семье.

79 Section 6. Philology and linguistics

Как правило, первичное формирование лично- перцепционной базы (фоновых знаний), тесной сти происходит именно в семье; необыкновенно спаянностью с бытом» [6, 34], в нем присутству- важную, часто – ключевую, роль в этом процессе ет иерархия, что накладывает свой отпечаток на играет овладение родным языком и основными функционирование языка в семье. навыками речевого общения в принципе; именно С точки зрения психологии (в частности, по в семье начинается процесс языковой социализа- мнению Э. Бёрна) [2, 5], на протяжении всей сво- ции, закладываются также культурные и поведен- ей жизни люди «играют» различные роли, опре- ческие стереотипы личности, усваиваются базо- деляемые выдвижением в разных ситуациях одно- вые концепты [1, 52]. Более того, сам концепт го из присущих человеку психических состояний: «семья», обладая особой социально-культурной ребёнка, родителя, взрослого, – каждому из кото- значимостью, которая проявляется в формирова- рых присущи и определённые эмоции, а также не- нии особого взгляда на мир и на себя в этом мире, одинаковый характер отношения к окружающему становится в настоящее время предметом специ- и к окружающим (причём следует учитывать, что альных лингвистических исследований [5, 2846]. обозначенные состояния далеко не всегда соот- Речевое общение в семье представлено широ- ветствуют реальному возрасту личности). ким спектром коммуникативных ситуаций, в ко- Так, ребёнку в большинстве случае свойствен- торых личность ребёнка – по мере роста и взрос- ны жизнерадостность, любопытство, раскован- ления – обретает в том числе и новые социальные, ность, доверчивость и т. д. Родителю, как прави- прежде всего – семейные, роли. Значимость изуче- ло, присущи уверенность в правильности своих ния различных речевых процессов, протекающих поступков и рекомендаций, что даёт ему право на в семье, очень точно определяют О. А. Леонтович осуществление поощрений и наказаний; в части и Е. В. Якушева в своей работе, посвящённой из- возникающих жизненных ситуаций – авторитет- учению семьи в аспекте межкультурной коммуни- ность и безапелляционность, покровительство кации: «Семья – место непринуждённого обще- и превосходство, в других – готовность прийти ния, где человек имеет большую свободу для на помощь и т. д. При проигрывании этих ролей проявления своей индивидуальности, в том на фоне присущих людям социальных признаков числе и в отношении языка. – в своего рода жизненном «театре» – многооб- Исследуя функционирование языка в семье, разие ролей может иметь массу вариантов. Так, можно выявить общие закономерности воспри- женщина в качестве жены может по отношению ятия и интерпретации значения слов, сфер их к мужу выступать в роли ребёнка, а на службе – употребления, проследить процесс встраивания играть роль родителя либо взрослого; ребёнок их в общую систему языка, процессы словообра- среди равных вполне может выступать в роли зования и креативность в создании новых («се- взрослого и т. п. мейных») лексем. Семья представляет собой Принадлежность семьи к разряду малых социум в миниатюре, своеобразную лабора- групп в социальных институтах определяет дву- торию языка. В то же время она не изолирована направленность семейной коммуникации: с од- от внешних воздействий и находится в состоянии ной стороны, в семье реализуется внутреннее, коммуникации со своим социальным окружени- межличностное общение членов данной группы ем» (выделено мною. – Б. Ш.) [9, 13–14]. Несмо- – общение», по выражению О. А. Леонтович и Е. тря на то, что «общение в семье характеризуется В Якушевой, «внутри закреплённого в семье спонтанностью, непринужденностью, наличием локуса; с другой стороны, имеет место внешнее у партнеров коммуникации широкой общей ап- общение семьи с её окружением – иными груп-


пами, государством, социумом, которое строится ные, имена прилагательные, а также междометия преимущественно по принципу «своё – чужое». (например, голубчик, дорогой, эй) [8, 217]. При Безусловно, в семейной коммуникации важ- этом большая часть русских обращений эмоцио- ную роль играет и речевой этикет, который, как нально окрашена, вследствие чего их выбор и упо- и все другие группы употребляемых в семейном требление должны коррелировать и со статусом общении речевых средств, отличается двунаправ- собеседника, и с характером речевой ситуации. ленностью: речевой этикет каждой конкретной Насколько своеобразно в каждой семье могут семьи, с одной стороны, опирается на определён- употребляться типичные для национального языка ные нормы, закрепившиеся в национально-куль- речеэтикетные единицы, в частности – обращения, турной среде, где эта семья существует, с другой можно судить и по приводимому далее фрагменту стороны – включает в свой состав и те элемен- из одного литературного произведения. В расска- ты, которые сформировались непосредственно зе «Заповедник» А. Г. Битова, который позже стал в этой малой социальной группе под влиянием основой для сценария одноимённого кинофильма, самых различных факторов. автору удаётся, среди прочего, передать непростое Общение детей и родителей, а также других психологическое состояние изображённых в про- родственников также находится под влиянием как изведении персонажей, в том числе и акцентируя минимум двух групп факторов: с одной стороны, внимание на употреблении различных форм обра- множества признаков (психологических, социаль- щения в разговоре матери с сыном: ных и т. д.), свойственных собеседникам, с другой «– Косулю, можно сказать, ручную убили … – – сложившихся в семье отношений, а также того, так же ровно, словно не слушая, говорила Екатери- в каком «формате» осуществляется общение на Андреевна. в данной конкретной ситуации – например, про- – Но, мама, мы же… исходит коммуникация с глазу на глаз либо в при- – Она у меня полгода жила, с тех пор далеко сутствии других лиц (на людях), и т. д. и не уходила. Я на шкуре свой шов узнала. Различным по своему характеру будет разго- Сергею Андреевичу стало не по себе. вор ребёнка младшего возраста и уже выросшего – Но это же не мы!.. – Он осёкся. со своими родителями: в одних случаях предпочи- Екатерина Андреевна вдруг повернулась к нему, таются обращения мама и папа, в других – мать взяла за плечи и так прямо заглянула в него. и отец (так иногда обращаются к родителям вы- – Не вы… – Екатерина Андреевна побелела. – росшие дети, чаще всего в моменты серьёзных раз- Ты и убил. Тебя бы судить надо. говоров). Это же можно сказать и по отношению – Ну, мать, ты уж слишком, – ледяно сказал сын. к обращениям сын и дочь и их многочисленным ва- – Мать? – Екатерина Андреевна зажмурива- риантам. Н. И. Формановская по данному поводу ется как от удара. замечает: «Кому из нас не приходилось наблюдать – Зачем ты приехал?.. такую, например, ситуацию: Дочка, сходи за хле- – Мам… бом, пожалуйста? И через некоторое время, когда – Ты ведь не ко мне приехал, не ради меня… поручение не выполнено: Дочь, я сколько раз долж- – Мама, что ты говоришь… на говорить?» (выделено мною. – Б. Ш.) [11, 162]. – Ну, а если я скажу, что хотела бы иметь вну- В коммуникативном пространстве русской ка? Что мне немного осталось жить? культуры в сфере обращения широко представле- – Это запрещённый приём, мама. ны не только личные имена в их общепринятых ва- – Кто запретил? Кто запретил мне хотеть риантах, но и имена существительные нарицатель- этого?» (выделено мною. – Б. Ш.) [4, 165].

81 Section 6. Philology and linguistics

В приведённом фрагменте из художественного Так, к примеру, А. Г. Балакай приводит вы- произведения сын, общаясь с матерью, использует держку из одного из самых знаменитых памятни- несколько вариантов обращения к ней: мать (с от- ков русской литературы ХII-го века, «Поучения» тенком официальности) – мама (наиболее ней- Владимира Мономаха, где великий князь Киев- тральное из данного синонимического ряда) – мам ский даёт вполне чёткие рекомендации и по ор- (усечённый вариант номинации мама, характерный ганизации процесса общения, ссылаясь при этом для разговорно-обиходной среды общения). Буду- на святителя Василия Великого: «… как учил свя- чи адресованными одной личности (матери Сергея титель Василий Великий: «При старых молчать, Андреевича – Екатерине Андреевне), эти номи- премудрых слушать, старшим покоряться, с рав- нации выполняют традиционные для обращения ными и младшими любовь иметь, без лукавства функции – апеллятивную и эмоционально-экспрес- беседуя, а побольше разуметь; не свиреповать сивную, однако вторая из функций в сложившейся словом, не хулить в беседе, не много смеяться, коммуникативной ситуации явно преобладает, стыдиться старших, с непутёвыми женщинами поскольку смена вариантов обращения знаменует не беседовать и избегать их, глаза держа книзу, и смену тональности разговора. Вначале Сергей Ан- а душу ввысь…» (цитируется по: [2, 4]). дреевич стремится всячески сгладить впечатление Внимание русских людей к общению детей от совершённого им поступка (о чём свидетельству- и родителей, которое народная мораль предписы- ет его доверительно-интимное обращение к матери вает строить на почитании и уважении старших, – мама); затем отстраняется от матери, реагируя отражено во многих русских сказках и других на сказанные ею слова с демонстративной холод- фольклорных произведениях. Например, в извест- ностью (ледяно сказал), употребляя вокатив сугу- ной русской сказке «Битый дурак» родственники бо официального характера – мать; затем вновь главного героя (мать, жена или сестра) постоянно пытается расположить мать к себе, наладить с нею учат его, как приветствовать встречных, но он вся- отношения, опять используя в разговоре вокатив кий раз попадает впросак и оказывается битым, с позитивной семантикой – мама (дважды) и мам. потому что употребляет очередное заученное В русской культуре взаимоотношениям детей приветствие, говоря языком современной науки, и родителей: как детей к своим родителям, так без учёта речевой ситуации. и родителей к детям – всегда отводилось особо В разных вариантах сказки коммуникативные важное место. Ю. В. Рождественский отмечает, ситуации, в которых следует воспользоваться что, в соответствии с правилами народной рус- теми или иными речеэтикетными формулами, ской морали, «отношения родителей и детей меняются, так что синонимический ряд зафикси- строятся на любви и исполнении взаимных обя- рованных в этом многовариантном произведении занностей; … родители должны воспитать и вы- приветствий-пожеланий касается практически учить детей; … дети должны заботиться о ро- всех возможных возникающих в жизни вариантов дителях и покоить их старость; … отношения общения. Таким образом, эта русская сказка и се- детей и родителей должны быть скреплены годня может служить для многих (причём как для взаимной любовью» (выделено мною. – Б. Ш.) детей, так и для взрослых) своеобразным устным [10, 14]. В традициях русского семейного укла- «учебником» вежливости. да – любовь, искренность, высокая духовность По наблюдениям Л. Е. Ильиной, прослежива- общения детей и родителей, на что указывалось ется динамика образа семьи в российской и зару- ещё в знаменитых памятниках древнерусской ли- бежной лингвокультурах на примере художествен- тературы, созданных много веков назад. ных текстов разных литературных направлений:


от символа счастья до символа мещанства [7, 67]. с нашей точки зрения, необыкновенно ценная ин- Каждая литературная эпоха вносит свои коррек- формация о характере общения детей и родителей тивы в восприятие темы семья. в семьях, о тончайших нюансах их коммуникатив- Таким образом, в произведениях художествен- ного взаимодействия, переданных писателями с по- ной литературы различных периодов, заключена, разительной глубиной, точностью и разнообразием. Список литературы: 1. Анохина В. С. Функционирование прозвищ и обращений в семейном речевом общении (на примере анкетирования жителей города Таганрога) // Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и прак- тики – Тамбов: Грамота, 2017. – № 11(77): в 3-х ч. – Ч. 3. – C. 52–56. URL: http: materials/2/2017/11–3/12.html (дата обращения: 19.01.2020). 2. Балакай А. Г. Предисловие. Толковый словарь русского речевого этикета: свыше 4000 этикетных слов и выражений. – М. 2004. – С. 3–7. 3. Берн Э. Игры, в которые играют люди: психология человеческих отношений. – Санкт-Петербург; – Москва: Университетская книга, 1998. – 398 с. 4. Битов А. Заповедник. Киномелодрама. Искусство кино, 1977. – № 8. – С. 159–191. 5. Голубева И. В., Гармаш И. В. Концепт «семья» в языковой картине мира современных школьни- ков (по данным ассоциативного эксперимента) // Концепт: научно-методический электронный журнал. 2016. – Т. 11. – С. 2846–2850. URL: (дата обращения: 17.07.2020). 6. Занадворова А. В. Роль цитаты в семейном общении // Русская речь. 2019. – № 5. – C. 34–46. URL:–8–1 (дата обращения: 24.01.2020). 7. Ильина Л. Е. Динамика образа семьи в художественных текстах // Балтийский гуманитарный жур- нал. 2019. – Т. 8. – № 1(26). – С. 67–70. URL: v-hudozhestvennyh-tekstah/viewer 8. Исин Ю. Формы обращения и вокативные функции имен нарицательных (на материале текстов художественной литературы) // Вестник Кемеровского государственного университета. 2017. – № 3. – С. 217–222. URL: 9. Леонтович О., Якушева Е. Понимание – начало согласия. Межкультурная семейная коммуника- ция. – М.: Гнозис, 2014. – 224 с. 10. Рождественский Ю. В. Словарь терминов (Общеобразовательный тезаурус): Мораль. Нравствен- ность. Этика. – М., 2002. – 88 с. 11. Формановская Н. И. Культура общения и речевой этикет. – М.: Издательство ИКАР, 2005. 2-е изд. – 250 с.

83 Section 6. Philology and linguistics Kulakevych Lyudmyla Mykolaivna Lecturer, Sciences, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine E-mail: [email protected] To the clarification of the contentofthe «adventure» concept as a literary studies category Abstract. The study considersa sign defining for the genre of adventure literature are adventures as an intense course of events. The study analyses the meaning of the word «adventure» and features of its interpretation by literary critics, linguists and philosophers. The study of fersclarified definition of the concept of «adventure» as a literary studies category. Keywords: adventure literature, adventure genre, adventure, event. Кулакевич Людмила Николаевна преподаватель, Украинский государственный химико-технологический университет, г. Днепр, Украина E-mail: [email protected] К уточнению содержания понятия «приключение» как литературоведческой категории Аннотация. Установлено, что жанроопределяющим признаком авантюрно-приключенческой литературы являются приключения как интенсивный ход событий. Проанализировано значение слова «приключение» и особенности его трактования литературоведами, лингвистами и философами. Предложено уточненную дефиницию понятия «приключение» как литературоведческой категории. Ключевые слова: приключенческая литература, приключенческий жанр, приключение, событие. В украинском литературоведении нет фун- (П. Билоус, О. Галич, Т. Гребенюк, Р. Жаркова, даментальных исследований о поэтике авантюр- О. Емец, Ю. Ковалив, А. Наркевич, О. Олейнико- но-приключенческой прозы. Немногочисленные ва, С. Павлычко, В. Пащенко, Ю. Попов, Н. Русо- рефлексии советских, а ныне украинских уче- ва, Л. Сеник, О. Сенюк, Т. Табунщик, А. Ткаченко, ных в указанной области в значительной мере С. Филоненко), «роман приключений» (Д. Бла- связанны с его историей, замечаниями относи- гой, Д. Загул), авантюрная литература, авантюр- тельно тех или других произведений. При этом ный / авантурний роман (Н. Акулова, М. Бахтин, исследователи оперируют такими понятиями, П. Билоус, Д. Благой, Т. Бовсунивская, О. Галич, как приключенческая литература, приключенче- Т. Гребенюк, Ю. Ковалив, В. Кожинов, Е. Меле- ская проза, приключенческий роман, «приклю- тинский, Ю. Попов, Н. Тамарченко, А. Ткаченко, ченческий жанр, приключенческий метажанр, Б. Томашевский, И. Франко), авантюрно-приклю-

84 To the clarification of the contentofthe «adventure» concept as a literary studies category

ченческий роман, авантюрно-приключенческий уже в фольклорных произведениях, соответствен- сюжет (Н. Бернадская, С. Журба), приключен- но историю приключенческой литературы можно ческо-авантюрный сюжет (С. Журба). Исследо- смело начинать из волшебных сказок, где герой вания об упомянутом корпусе развлекательной отправляется в путь, становясь участником при- литературы критических откликов остаются не- ключений. А. Веселовский толковал приключения синтезированными. К тому же критические ма- в произведении как художественный прием: «Гре- териалы очень часто приспособлены к потребно- ческий роман ІV–V ст. — главным образом эро- стям периодики, поэтому они временами весьма тический, все другое в нем аксессуары, вопросы общие, обзорные. Заметным вкладом в изучения стиля: и приключения с разбойниками, и неожи- особенностей украинских авантюрно-приклю- данные встречи, и далекие путешествия <…>» ченческих произведений стала международная на- [1, 683]. И, к величайшему сожалению, исследо- учная конференция «Миллион историй: поэтика ватели, используя понятие «приключение» не приключений в литературе и медиа» (Бердянск, всегда объясняют, какие именно события нужно 22–23 сентября 2016 года), которая, бесспорно, относить к этой категории. подтвердила, что украинская авантюрно-приклю- В ряде современных украинских толковых сло- ченческая литература есть, интерес ученых к ней варей лексема «приключение» объясняется как возрастает, однако термины «авантюрный», неожиданное событие, случай, история [6, 882], «приключенческий» используются без конкре- нежелательное, неприятное или опасное для кого- тизации их содержания как очевидная данность, то событие; события, которые случаются во вре- которую не нужно объяснять. Исследователи мя путешествий, странствий и часто связанные литературы считают, что жанроопределяющим с риском [8, 594]. Для установления семантики признаком и авантюрной, и приключенческой приключения как случая важным является иссле- литературы есть приключения как интенсивный дование известного лингвиста В. Топорова «Судь- ход событий. В частности Т. Гребенюк, рассма- ба и случай». Осмысливая случай через призму тривая приключенческую прозу как составля- судьбы как заведомо определенного плана жизни ющую массовой литературы, акцентирует, что человека, ученый подчеркнул: «Судьбу можно уз- к приключенческим принадлежат произведения, нать, и особенно одаренным провидческим даром «центром которых является понятие приключе- людям она открывается, тогда как случай принци- ния», которое уже «<…> своим содержанием пиально непредсказуем, и если даже он предусмо- (и даже названием) апеллирует к определенному трен планом судьбы, то в эту часть судьбы никто со типу действия, а следовательно событийности» смертных заглянуть не в силах» [9, 42]. Согласно [3, 33]. И. Дзюба, прослеживая развитие истори- толкованию В. Топорова, приключение является ко-приключенческого жанра в мировой литера- и судьбоносной неожиданностью, и событием, не туре, заметил: «Хоть границы и характер жанра предусмотренным судьбой, но в обоих случаях это и в самом деле остаются четко не определенными, то, к чему человек не был готов и не мог заранее однако же то, что называем историко-приключен- подготовиться. Зафиксированные смыслы слова ческой литературой, имеет давнюю родословную охватывают весь спектр возможных событий от и надолго рассчитанный генетический ход. Ведь положительных до отрицательных. Очевидно, на история и приключение испокон веков неотдели- этом основании современный украинский теоре- мы друг от друга» [4, 87–87]. тик литературы Ю. Попов и трактует приключение По мнению историков литературы, приключе- как литературоведческое понятие максимально ние как художественный компонент представлен широко, в частности он предложил такую дефини-

85 Section 6. Philology and linguistics

цию: «это нетривиальное, небудничное, «искус- случай» [7, 41] Значение эксплицировано ци- ственное» объединение фактов, событий, обстоя- татой из фольклорного эпоса: «Приключиться тельств, персонажей, характеров, чувств, сознаний, несчастию. Ой у козаченьков, ой у запорожцев мышлений вплоть до интуитивно-подсознательных и приключение стало: ой в среду да в обеднее вре- движений и импульсов» [8, 440]. Как видим, в этом мя их Москва забрала» [7, 41]. определении не указан характер событий, но они Рассматривая приключение как жанроопре- могут быть и счастьем, и бедой для героя произве- деляющую составную, А. Вулис старается очер- дения. Поддерживаем позицию Л. Мошенской, ко- тить ее как литературоведческую категорию, торая связывает семантику слова «приключение» выделить ее атрибутивные черты: «Приключе- со словом «произойти», то есть состояться нео- ние — сюжетная гипербола, преувеличивающая жиданно, при этом она подчеркивает: «С обычны- препятствия и преграды на человеческом пути — ми персонажами что-то происходит, а с авантюр- количественно (их число, концентрация, масшта- ными — приключается. Случайно и неожиданно» бы) и качественно (вмешательство случая и чуда, [5, 175]. При этом Л. Мошенская отмечает, самым регулирование жизни законом совпадений)» [2, важным условием приключения является случай- 31–32]; «Приключения — способ преодоления ность и это влияет на формирование образа героя, тайны. Тайна — ситуация, раскрываемая посред- ведь «[ге]рой выражает себя только через приклю- ством приключения» [2, 21]. чение, вне его он не существует <…>» [5, 182]. « Репрезентируя приключение как «событий- Прежде всего, приключение как таковое: преодо- ный троп», исследователь отстаивает ее дина- ление препятствий, тайны, опасности. Остается мизм как имманентное качество: «Особенность авантюрный герой: активный, борющийся, стра- приключения состоит в самый раз в том, что она дающий, побеждающий» [5, 186]. является событием незавершенным, что оно пред- Весомое методологическое значение для на- полагает некие «после» и «до» <…> одно со- шего исследования имеет фундаментальная рабо- бытие перестраивается в другое, и — в следую- та А. Вулиса, на которую ссылаются фактически щее, а ощущение «главное событие — впереди» все современные украинские исследователи при- остается неизменным <…>. Каждое событие те- ключенческой литературы. Приключение в ху- куче, каждое событие преходяще, каждое собы- дожественном произведении для ученого — тие неустойчиво, каждое событие хочет перейти «событийный троп», в основе которого лежит в следующее событие, соглашается быть его под- случайное и драматическое стечение обстоя- вижной рабочей моделью. Таков специфический тельств: «<…> в подтексте приключения — воз- динамизм приключения» [2, 51]. Для А. Вулиса можность трагедии, если не самая трагедия» приключение — это и «особая форма бытования [2, 62]. Предложенное в монографии формули- этики» [2, 52], ведь герой приключенческого рование содержит точное указание на характер произведения восстанавливает нарушенные за- события — оно обязательно имеет печальные поведи: «Универсальный смысл любого приклю- последствия, неприятное. Это соответствует тол- ченческого романа (и любого приключенческо- кованию приключения, представленному в упо- го эпизода): добро сильнее зла» [2, 52]. В итоге рядоченном Борисом Гринченко словарю, кото- А. Вулис определил такие признаки приключения рый имел решающее влияние на формирование как «событийного тропа»: современного украинского литературного языка. – случайное стечение обстоятельств; В частности там зафиксирована такая семантика – рациональная мотивация приключенческой слова — «приключеніе; несчастіе, несчастный композиции;

86 To the clarification of the contentofthe «adventure» concept as a literary studies category

– реальный драматический подтекст; ключения базируется на непредсказуемости, – атмосфера дива; неожиданностях в развертывании действия, то – суровая реалистическая мотивирован- авантюре всегда присущий риск» [3, 94]. Из это- ность; го корпуса тезисов вытекает, что само понятие – динамическая нестабильность; приключения соотносится с неожиданностью – наличие наставнического аспекта [2, 55]. (но они бывают и приятные!!!), разновидностью В своем исследовании ученый разграничил приключений являются авантюры — события, типы приключений относительно роли в них глав- в основе которых лежат опрометчивые поступки ного героя. Анализируя мифы и легенды, антич- действующих лиц. ную литературу, А. Вулис отмечает, что человек Метафизическое понимание приключения в них является центром прикладывания высших предложено в работе представителя «филосо- сил, чего-то загадочного, что поднялось над нами фии жизни», современного немецкого мыслителя на недосягаемую высоту, в то время как в «само- и социолога Г. Зиммеля. Рассматривая приключе- стоятельных» приключениях — авантюрах — ние как «неожиданное событие» [3, 215], «го- человек сам является творцом, инициатором, [2, лую внешнюю случайность» [3, 215], внешний 62]. Как видим, А. Вулис «ухватил за хвост» прин- элемент, который вклинивается в общее течение ципиальную неравнозначность приключения как жизни человека и выпадает из него по своему события навязанного «сверху» и авантюры как смыслу, философ заметил: «Сцеплению звеньев ситуации, созданной самим человеком, но дальше жизненной цепи, чувству, что через все эти про- в работе через непоследовательное использова- тивоположные движения, эти изгибы, эти узлы тя- ние понятия «авантюра», «смазывает» установ- нется единая непрерывная нить, противостоит то, ленное им семантическое отличие: «Активность что мы называем приключением; это действитель- инициатора авантюры бывает самопроизвольной, но часть нашего существования, к которой непо- но и бывает вынужденной, иначе говоря, этот ге- средственно примыкают находящиеся перед ней рой не всегда задира или искатель приключений. и после нее другие его части, — но вместе с тем На путь поединков и схваток его выталкивает эта часть существования по своему глубокому противник <…>» [2, 65]; «В авантюре судьба значению находится вне непрерывности осталь- играет человеком» [2, 62]; «В авантюре герой, ной жизни» [3, 212]. Осмысливая приключение являвшийся прежде игрушкой в руках других, уже через призму поведения человека, Г. Зиммель ак- сам играет другими. Прежде точка приложения центирует: «Там, где сплетения непознаваемых внешних сил, он сам стремится стать внешней си- элементов рока делают сомнительным успех на- лой, ищущей приложение» [2, 72]. ших действий, мы обычно ограничиваем исполь- Важными для понимания того, какие именно зование наших сил, сохраняем открытым путь от- события нужно считать приключениями, явля- ступления, делаем, как бы пробуя, отдельный шаг. ются дефиниции, предложенные Т. Гребенюк. В приключении мы действуем прямо противопо- Анализируя авантюрную литературу как часть ложно: мы делаем ставку на колеблющийся шанс, приключенческой, она разграничивает события- на судьбу и неопределенность, мы ставим все на авантюры и события-приключения: «Событие карту, рушим мосты за нашей спиной, вступаем в произведениях авантюрной прозы имеет своим в туман, исходя из уверенности, что путь при всех основным проявлением авантюру — меропри- обстоятельствах должен привести нас к цели. Та- ятие, поступок героя, рискованный и непред- ков типичный фатализм искателя приключений» виденный. Если более общий концепт при- [3, 218].

87 Section 7. Pedagogy

Для уточнения содержания понятия «при- изведения становится объектом чужой воли (на- ключение» как литературоведческой категории пример, подмена младенца или его похищение, считаем целесообразным привлечь к анализу клас- несправедливые обвинения и заключения), жерт- сификацию событий, предложенную известным вой досадного стечения обстоятельств (автомо- культурологом Михаилом Епштейном. Анализи- бильная авария, катастрофа, болезнь возлюблен- руя архетип судьбы, он выделяет три типа событий: ной человека и т. п.); это беда, которая заставляет – события, которые происходят с человеком главного героя действовать, искать пути решения по его собственной воле, вследствие тех или проблемы или и просто убегать от нее. иных решений, и которые можно опреде- Итак, анализируя художественные произ- лить как поступки, потому что они «запу- ведения, которые литературоведы называют то скаются» самым субъектом действия [10, приключенческими, то авантюрными, нужно об- 545]; ращать внимание на характер события, которое – происшествия, в которых человек являет- стало завязкой произведения. Соответственно ся объектом чужой воли, жертвой стечения произведения с внешне одинаковой фабулой, но обстоятельств; это могут быть аварии, ка- с разными типами героев и причиной их действий, тастрофы, проигрыши и выигрыши, неожи- будут принадлежать к разным группам. Напри- данные встречи, болезни и т. п. [10, 545]; мер, «Робинзон Крузо» Д. Дефо, «Приключения – свершения, в которых завершается то или профессора Вокса на острове Ципанго» Л. Чер- другое действие, которое человек начал по нова, «Полесские робинзоны» Янки Мавра клас- собственной воле, но со временем потерял сифицируем как авантюрные (ведь приключения над ним контроль [10, 546]. В свершениях героев были следствием их добровольного путе- то, что совершал человек, со временем про- шествия), тогда как «Одиссея капитана Блада» исходит с ним самим. Р. Сабатини, «Жизнь и удивительные приключе- Исходя с изложенных тезисов, очертим и кон- ния казака Николая на безлюдном острове» Вал. кретизируем семантическое поле дискурсивного Злотопольца и И. Федива являются приключен- термина: приключение — неприятное событие, ческими, поскольку перемещение героев было случай, в которых герой художественного про- результатом ужасных жизненных обстоятельств. Список литературы: 1. Веселовский А. Беллетристика у древнихъ грековъ. Вестник Европы. 1876. Т. 6. – С. 671–696. URL: 2. Вулис А. В мире приключений. Поэтика жанра. Москва: Советский писатель, 1986. 384 с. 3. Гребенюк Т. Подія в художній системі сучасної української прози: морфологія, семіотика, рецепція. Запоріжжя: Просвіта, 2010. 424 с. 4. Дзюба І. Неісходимі стежки минувшини (пригодницькі мотиви в історичній повісті). Література і сучасність: літературно-критичні статті. Вип. 20. Київ: Рад. письменник, 1987. – С. 86–87. 5. Зиммель Г. Избранное: в 2 т. Москва: Юрист, 1996. Т. 2. 607 с. 6. Мошенская Л. Мир приключений и литература. Вопросы литературы. 1982. № 9. – С. 170–202. 7. Новий тлумачний словник української мови: у 3 т. / В. Яременко, О. Сліпушко. 2-е вид., ви- прав. Київ: Аконіт, 2007. Т. 2. 928 с.

88 To the clarification of the contentofthe «adventure» concept as a literary studies category

8. Попов Ю. Пригодницький (авантюрний роман). Лексикон загального та порівняльного літературознавства. Чернівці: Золоті литаври, 2001. – С. 440–442. 9. Словарь української мови: у 4 т. /упорядкував з додатком власного матеріалу Борис Грінченко. Київ: Наукова думка, 1996. Т. 3: О–П. 516 с. 10. Тлумачний словник української мови: в 11 т. Київ: Наукова думка, 1976. Т. 7: Поїхати — Приробляти. 11. Топоров В. Судьба и случай. Понятие судьбы в контексте разных культур. Москва: Наука, 1994. – С. 38–65. 12. Эпштейн М. Поступок и происшествие. К теории судьбы. Знак _пробела: О будущем гума- нитарных наук. Москва: Новое литературное обозрение, 2004. – С. 541–594.

89 Section 7. Pedagogy

Section 7. Pedagogy Akhmedova Muminat Garunovna, associate Professor of the Department of General and social pedagogy Dagestan state University, Makhachkala E-mail: [email protected] PROFESSIONAL SELF-DEVELOPMENT OF A TEACHER BASED ON THE RESOLUTION OF PEDAGOGICAL SITUATIONS Abstract. the real requirements for a modern teacher are mainly related to the formation of his professional competencies in the process of self-development. This process can occur both spon- taneously and purposefully with a differentiated technological approach to solve the complex of pedagogical situations in practice from personal positions. Keywords: pedagogical situations, potential of situations, construction of teacher’s self-develop- ment, personal position of a teacher. Today, in a professional and general reformed of the teacher and students. Moreover, in a modern schools is needed a teacher who is able to solve cre- school, the range of new and complex pedagogical ative tasks in various conditions that do not have a his- situations is expanding and the standard approach torical analogue and a predictable result in advance on is not effective for solving them. a scientific basis. At present, there is a well-known con- The concept of “pedagogical situation” is defined tradiction between the standard training of a teacher by different authors from different positions, such as: in a professional educational institution and the actual – “a set of conditions and circumstances that re- requirements for a teacher in a school, which are main- quire a teacher to quickly make a professionally cor- ly related to various pedagogical situations. That’s why, rect decision” (M. M. Potashnik and B. Z. Vulfov); the issues of teacher training, despite the abundance – “system of pedagogical conditions for the for- of dissertations on this topic, remain difficult to study mation of personality, consciously designed or used by today, because the teacher’s ability to self-education is a teacher for pedagogical purposes” (N. M. Borytko); becoming increasingly important in the modern sys- Pedagogical situations in educational institution tem of professional pedagogical education. can be simple and complex. Simple situations are Pedagogical situations for self-education inte- resolved by the teacher without counter-resistance grate all objective and subjective aspects of peda- of participants through the organization of their be- gogical reality and require not only knowledge of the havior according to the rules of the institution during norms of pedagogical activity, but also its association the school day. In difficult situations there is a great with the value-ethical, ethnic and personal position importance of all entities involved emotional state,

90 PROFESSIONAL SELF-DEVELOPMENT OF A TEACHER BASED ON THE RESOLUTION OF PEDAGOGICAL SITUATIONS the nature of the relationship with the partner situa- ment of the teacher [5]. According to Y. V. Sokolova, tion [6]. The result of the decision has only a certain experimental results of the application of pedagogi- degree of success due to the difficult predict behavior cal situations for self-development of the teacher of the participants, depending on many factors that was obtained in the following works: Yu. Kolotkina are almost impossible to take into account. (“Modeling pedagogical situations, the problem of L. D. Sidorova and then L. p. Kvashko [5] con- improving the quality and effectiveness of General cretized the essence of the pedagogical situation pedagogical training of teachers”); F. G. Maklash- regarding of the personal and professional self-de- ova (“Reflexive approach to personal and profes- velopment of the teacher. In any case, the teacher’s sional self-development of teachers in educational professional self-education should be directed not institution”); I. A. Shakirov (“students’ Research of only at mastering new information and using it, but pedagogical situations as a means of forming their also at self-development of professional and personal professional-subject position”) and others [7]. qualities. Therefore, the study of the essence, struc- Undoubtedly, the success of a teacher’s profes- ture and levels of professional self-development of sional self-development depends on: a teacher in an educational institution remains an – pedagogical abilities, reflection, needs of the important task of modern pedagogical science. teacher; Since the spontaneous course of the teacher’s – adoption of the model of a comprehensive self-education process is often unproductive and the program of self-development of the teacher; potential of the situations themselves is not used, we – creating conditions in an educational institu- see one of the ways to solve this issue in the develop- tion for the development of a teacher. ment of a teacher’s self-development program in the Providing these components is the basis for de- process of solving pedagogical situations. A novice signing new forms of continuing education and for teacher may not be able to cope with the prepara- determining individual strategies for professional tion of such a program on his own. Therefore, to self-development of a teacher in an educational in- begin with, we offer the self-development program stitution. However, during the course of students ‘ “airplane”, which involves diagnosing the initial posi- pedpraktika we identified a number of contradic- tions of self-development [1, P. 230]. tions related to the need for professional self-de- First of all, it is necessary to consider and analyze velopment of the teacher by studying pedagogical the theoretical prerequisites that have developed in situations in the process of professional training. pedagogical and psychological science for solving We have identified a lack of development of the the highlighted problem related to the specifics of specifics, structure, conditions and tools for solving the process of teacher development in the system of this problem in pedagogical science and practice continuous education within an educational institu- using the potential of pedagogical situations. There tion. These are various topical aspects of the prob- is every reason to assert that the scientific problem lem of professional self-development, the problem of resolving pedagogical situations as a condition of forming self-esteem, reflection, Self-concept, pro- for professional self-development of the teacher is fessional consciousness of the teacher, the study of relevant and will allow for a methodically sound technologies for solving problems in various peda- and technological approach to self-improvement gogical situations, etc. [3; 5; 6]. of the teacher’s personality, his professional knowl- In parallel, it is necessary to determine the practi- edge in the field of pedagogical and psychological cal prerequisites for the study of pedagogical situa- science, as well as humanitarian knowledge from tions as conditions in the professional self-develop- related Sciences at the current level.

91 Section 7. Pedagogy

As the methodological base of teachers self-de- – professional training (adaptation to the pro- velopment can be defined as: the philosophical level fession); (contextual approach that considers the educational – professional activity (self-actualization in the system as a social environment, teachers), general sci- profession); entific level (the understanding of man as active sub- – professional improvement (skill). ject), concretely-scientific level (the idea of increasing In accordance with them, the structure of self- teacher qualifications), technological level (theoretical- development of a teacher in the scientific literature methodological analysis of the significance of teaching distinguishes a set of structural components by lev- situations in the solution of educational problems), in els: motivational (passive level), content-operational practice the formation of skills to solve pedagogical sit- (reproductive level) and reflexive (creative level). uations it is necessary to start with a technological level. However, the success of pedagogical activity primar- Identifying the main essential characteristics of ily depends on the personal authority of the teacher, the process of development and self-development as knowledge of their business as a value orientation, changes of a special kind, the authors mainly consid- ability to work with the team and individuals, and er up to 17 different models of human development value attitude to them. in order to justify the role of teacher activity in im- To determine the effectiveness of the process of proving their professionalism. Among them are theo- professional and personal self-development of the centric, sociocentric, naturocentric, anthropocentric teacher, it is advisable to use questionnaires-mon- and other models [7]. We linked the teacher’s self- itors and test tasks that perform a controlling and development with the personality-oriented model informational function, and are also able to stimulate that we proposed earlier in the monograph [1]. The the teacher to search for creative approaches to self- source of personal development, including that of knowledge and self-development. a teacher, is the contradiction between the require- Optimization of pedagogical situations that ments imposed on the individual and the actual level contribute to professional self-development of the of readiness of graduates of pedagogical institutions teacher: to perform their duties. Barriers to professional self- – programming professional actions of the development of teachers are protective mechanisms teacher through the use of algorithms for solving, (displacement, fixation and regression, reaction for- analyzing and designing pedagogical situations; mation) that work in a given situation, depending on – methods of self-observation by the teacher of many features of both subjects and the environment. emotional States in pedagogical activity; application Therefore, the teacher’s self-development includes of the technological map of the typology of accented his ability to self-regulate in the changing conditions characters of students; of pedagogical activity. Continuous improvement of – possession of the General ability to reflect; the teacher’s pedagogical abilities is carried out on – projection, extrapolation of own personal the basis of self-actualization and development of characteristics to another participant of the peda- pedagogical orientation, self-awareness, pedagogical gogical process; values, reflection and professional interactions. The – actualization of the teacher’s personal meanings; source of professional self-development of the teach- – self-assessment of the teacher’s professional er is the needs, and the mechanism is self-esteem. self-development process and its results. Technological stages of professional self-devel- A. A. Rean and N. V. Bordovskaya [4] gave a di- opment in scientific, pedagogical and psychological rection for studying various pedagogical situations literature are defined [6]: according to three main criteria: spontaneous, in the

92 PROFESSIONAL SELF-DEVELOPMENT OF A TEACHER BASED ON THE RESOLUTION OF PEDAGOGICAL SITUATIONS classroom and outside the classroom at school; stu- We did not work on self-development programs, dent – student; conflict – interpersonal. Knowledge as they require constant support and guidance, of the nature of the subjects involved in the pedagog- which we could not provide 100% due to the short ical situation is one of the conditions for successfully duration of the study. In situations, we also did not solving complex pedagogical situations that arise. take into account the influence of non-standard fac- Analysis of the list of types of personal characters tors, independence and urgency in solving complex (hyperthymic, labile, sensitive, asthenoneurotic, pedagogical situations. hysteroid, epileptoid, cycloid, unstable, schizoid and In our opinion, it requires more convincing evi- conformal) helps the teacher to systematize a huge dence that teachers turn from passive participants package of information about certain qualities of pu- into creative individuals as a result of reflection of pils, take into account the individual characteristics situations. In particular, it is necessary to expand the of the student’s character and predict his behavior. experimental base (several educational institutions Consequently, the pedagogical situation provides for with similar characteristics), select teachers with suf- the development of personal knowledge, positions, ficient potential for self-development (experience, relationships, and individual styles of teacher activity professional qualities, dynamism) and conduct pre- in solving pedagogical problems. paratory work with teachers (thesaurus or dictionary Since pedagogical situations are often unique, in of modern foreign terms in education, approximate the process of solving them and analyzing them, the models of self-development, etc.) teacher, along with determining its objective aspects, It is important to note that in connection with the determines himself, evaluating his position and sol- adopted state standards of education, much atten- vency as a person and a professional. The teacher’s tion is paid to the formed competencies. However, as self-actualization occurs (V. A. Slastenin, I. F. Isaev, shown by our research and the results of certification E. N. Shiyanov, A. I. Mishchenko, etc.). of teachers in the programs [8], school teachers (both Using questionnaires-monitors and test tasks experienced and recent graduates) have vague ideas before and after the resolution of pedagogical situ- about General professional competencies. It is desir- ations, we investigated the effectiveness of the pro- able to systematize and identify what competencies cess of professional self-development of the teacher are formed in the subjects of education and specifi- in solving complex pedagogical situations. Huge cally in the teacher himself in the process of solving changes between the creative (from 3% to 32%) and specific pedagogical situations, which we proposed passive (from 55% to 25%) level of self-development to do on the basis of the “diary of competencies” we of the teacher at the end of the experiment indicate have compiled [2]. Thus, pedagogical situations act as that such results were obtained when certain con- a means of interaction and cooperation of subjects of ditions were created, in particular, the selection of the educational process on the basis of self-develop- teachers focused on high results in their professional ment of the teacher, since analytical and reflexive skills activities. determine professional pedagogical skills. References: 1. Akhmedova M. G. Axiology of personality-oriented education in higher education. Monograph: – Rostov- on-don. 2008. G. (Winner of the all-Russian competition for the best scientific book in 2009) – 333 p. 2. Akhmedova M. G. Diary "My key competencies" – Makhachkala, 2016–35 p. (Winner of the international competition "Golden Luminary" of scientific and methodological literature, Rostov-on-don). 3. Babosov E. M. Conflictology: Studies. manual for students. – Meganewton: Tetrasystems, 2000. – 487 p.

93 Section 7. Pedagogy

4. Reflection N. V., Rean A. A. Pedagogy. Textbook for higher education institutions of – St. Petersburg: publishing house “Peter”, 2000. – 304 p. 5. Kvashko L. P. Personal and professional self-development: myth or reality? / L. P. Kvashko – M.: Vladivostok: far Eastern University, 2016. – 260 p. 6. Leontiev A. A. Psychology of communication: Studies. Handbook for University students / A. A. Leontiev – 3rd ed. – M.: "Sense", "Academy", 2005. – 365 p. 7. Sokolova Yu. V. Resolution of complex pedagogical situations as a condition for professional self- development of a teacher in a secondary school. – Astrakhan, 2013. – 195 p. 8. Troncea Tn. Certification of teachers. Designing a self-development program. 1–11 / T. N. Troncea. – M.: WACO, 2016. – 160 p.

94 THE HUMANITARIAN COMPONENT OF THE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF FUTURE AVIATION TECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS Kiriukhina Marina Volodymyrivna, postgraduate in the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Philosophy Kremenchug National University named after Mykhailo Ostrogradsky E-mail: [email protected] THE HUMANITARIAN COMPONENT OF THE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF FUTURE AVIATION TECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS Abstract. The article describes the essence of the humanitarian training of the future aviation technical experts. The definition is given; the components and structure of humanitarian training as a component of professional competence of future aviation technical specialists are presented. Keywords: humanitarian training, professional competence, technical specialists, aviation in- dustry. In recent years, the importance of aviation trans- increases; the need for constant updating of knowl- port in the Ukrainian and world economy has been edge, ability to search, including resources of the steadily increasing, driven by technological develop- Internet network, to analyze, select, process, store ment and the latest developments in aviation, glo- information with the help of information technolo- balization, close business and cultural ties between gies, is increasing; the number of tasks that need to different countries of the world. Today the aviation be solved by working as a team increases. In addition, industry of Ukraine needs new generation aviation the maintenance and repair of aviation equipment specialists – specialists with the high level of profes- (domestic and foreign production) of Ukrainian sionalism, general and aviation-professional culture, and foreign airlines, require aviation technicians to socially and professionally mobile, able to indepen- study the repair documentation, normative materi- dently acquire the necessary knowledge and increase als about preventive maintenance, repair of aircraft the level of their professionalism. equipment, performing of the preventive and repair In the field of aviation industry there is a large work in communication with foreign partners of the group of specialists who perform the maintenance countries with the different history, culture, religion, and repair of aviation equipment. The focus of their ethics, etc. professional training in higher education institutions Therefore, professional knowledge and skills of Ukraine is on vocationally oriented disciplines, are significant, but only part needed to build a pro- while the humanitarian training is given undue atten- fessional career, the other part is the personal and tion. However, with the development and applica- organizational skills of a specialist, mobility, abil- tion of modern technologies, the growth of technical ity to communicate, respect for the culture of other and technological equipment of work, the amount countries, the ability to self-education and more. It is of hard and monotonous physical labor of technical humanitarian training that provides social and pro- specialists of aviation industry is gradually reduced fessional adaptation, develops memory, attention, and the share of intellectuals increases, its complexity critical thinking, increases the range of academic and

95 Section 7. Pedagogy life skills necessary for successful professional activ- tific knowledge, universal algorithmic techniques and ity in the intercultural space of the world market. heuristic actions that are characteristic of many sub- Exploring the peculiarities of humanitarian train- jects, etc. [2]. The humanitarian training of the future ing and professional competence of the students in technical specialists in the aviation industry involves the technical institution of higher education, O. Oli- the formation of just general competencies that are ynyk states that they need to help a person: to under- determined in the development of the educational stand themselves; to find out psychological mecha- and professional training programs for specialists of nisms of own behavior (psychology); to determine the different levels of training and various specialties. the essential characteristics of society, its main ele- Professional training of aviation industry tech- ments, laws and principles of interaction between nical specialists in the specialty 272 “Aviation them, the place and role of man in society, norms Transport” is carried out at the National Aerospace of social interaction (social philosophy, ethics, law, University named after M. Y. Zhukovsky «Kharkiv sociology); to acquire the heritage of the world and Aviation Institute», National Aviation University of Ukrainian culture (Ukrainian studies, world and Kyiv, Flight Academy of National Aviation Univer- Ukrainian culture, cultural studies, religious stud- sity of Kropyvnyts’ky, Kremenchug Flight College ies); to be enriched with the world and domestic of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. social experience, patterns of historical development Today, the humanitarian training of the technical of world society and their homeland (world history, specialists of the aviation industry of the first (bach- history of Ukraine); to learn civilized communica- elor) level in the designated higher education insti- tion with the environment, to live in harmony with tutions is provided by the disciplines “History and nature, to protect and support it as a condition of Culture of Ukraine”, “Ukrainian language”, “Foreign coexistence and development (ecology, social ecol- language”, “Philosophy”, “Political science”. These ogy); to learn to think, to understand the integrity courses are part of the compulsory component of and multidimensionality of the world, the meaning educational programs and are taught at 1–3 courses. of human being (philosophy) [1]. In their content, these disciplines provide general The main criterion of the indicator of the quality humanitarian training for future aviation technical of vocational training of a graduate of a higher edu- professionals. The average number of ECTS cred- cation institution today is professional competence. its for their study is only 17 credits that means that In our study, the concept of professional compe- the specialized vocational training disciplines at the tence in its modern interpretation is defined as an technical faculties dominate today. integrated set of characteristics of the personality The analysis of tasks and competencies for the of the specialist that is a dynamic combination of formation of which the study of each of the disci- knowledge, skills, practical skills, personal qualities plines of humanitarian training is directed, has made (professional, ideological, civic) and values that al- it possible to ascertain that certain competencies in lows you to successfully perform professional activ- many manifestations (directly and indirectly) deter- ity, self-realization and vital activity of the individual. mine the communicative, sociocultural, research and The implementation of the competence approach informational competence of the future specialist. in education involves the formation of the key com- Communicative competence is transpired in the petency and special professional (special competen- system of knowledge and skills of interaction and pro- cies) competencies of the future specialists. fessional communication in Ukrainian and foreign General competences are manifested in general languages with surrounding people – non-specialists educational skills, possession of the methods of scien- and when working in a group with other specialists;

96 THE HUMANITARIAN COMPONENT OF THE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF FUTURE AVIATION TECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS ability to analyze, argue, build evidence, persuade, information using the most efficient algorithms establish interpersonal connections and choose an and technologies). effective communication style in different situations. Generalizing the abovementioned, humanitar- Socio-cultural competence determines the level ian training of aviation industry technical specialists of social and cultural development of the future spe- is understood as an integral part of his professional cialist that manifests itself in the ability to consciously competence, aimed at forming a dynamic sys- engage and communicate in a society where different tem of knowledge and skills, creative activity and cultures coexist; it is based on a set of acquired knowl- constructive action, his own worldview, personal edge of history, social and cultural spheres of life. qualities (worldview, civic) and values based on Research competence reflects understanding of the teaching of the humanities. As a component of the basic methodological principles and methods the professional competence of aviation industry of scientific research, ability to apply them in prac- technical specialists, humanitarian training inte- tice; ability to theoretically substantiate and test the grates the value-motivational sphere of the future idea presented within the problem under the study; specialist; knowledge of the humanities; ability to ability to analyze the results of the own research apply humanitarian knowledge in interpersonal activities, make the necessary conclusions. relationships and professional activity; skills of Information competence implies a free orienta- conscious activity and communication in a society tion in information flows, including the Internet, where different cultures coexist, free orientation in including a system of knowledge and the ability to information flows, including the Internet; theabil - search, analyze, process, systematize, transmit and ity to think critically, carry out a systematic analysis store the necessary information with the help of any of a problematic situation, move from procedural information means, including the latest information activities to creative activities, analyze the results technologies; constructive skills of compositional of the educational activities and achieve personal knowledge ordering when working with technical goals; awareness of the need for self-development literature. and self-education. Communicative, socio-cultural, research and Competence as a system concept has its struc- information competences are multifunctional, are ture, taking into account the scientific achievements subject in terms of humanitarian training and are of Zymnia I. [4], the structural components of the a humanitarian component of the professional humanitarian component of the professional com- competence of a specialist. In addition, these com- petence of future technical specialists in the aviation petencies are interconnected and subordinate to industry are defined as follows: one another. For example, communicative compe- – value-motivational (attitude towards the con- tence is subordinated to information competence tent of competence and object of its use, readiness which is embodied in the methods and forms of for expression of the competence) – is associated proper transmission of the message; socio-cultural with the awareness of the importance of humanitar- competence that provides the ability to establish ian knowledge, the presence of interests, motives and relationships between the interlocutors, taking needs that actualize the need to acquire knowledge into account the characteristics of society and its of humanitarian subjects in order to effectively per- culture [3]. Formation of research competence is form professional tasks and interaction in society; impossible without the ability to work with infor- motivated pursuit of continuing education and self- mation (find the necessary information, produc- improvement; provides self-understanding as a per- tively analyze the facts and data obtained, process son in a socio-cultural environment;

97 Section 7. Pedagogy

– cognitive (knowledge of the content of compe- of cognition, formation of the creative thinking and tence) – characterizes the presence of the necessary philosophical foundations of the outlook of the fu- humanitarian knowledge, the possession of methods ture specialist. Focusing on these priorities contrib- of obtaining knowledge, using various information re- utes to the development of a modern philosophy of sources and means of obtaining and processing them; technical education as an interdisciplinary field that – activity (experience of finding competence in includes values, humanitarian and ethical settings various standard and non-standard situations) – in- that combine natural, general technical and humani- volves the use of existing humanitarian knowledge, tarian knowledge, widely using the traditions of the skills and abilities to fulfill the tasks of professional, world and national culture [5, 57]. research activities; in interpersonal relationships and According to the mentioned above, one of the professional activity and society; ability to evaluate most pressing problems and tasks of higher educa- and use information resources effectively; tion institutions is the combination of humanitar- – reflexive – awareness, analysis and objective ian and professionally oriented training of the future evaluation of the course and results of their own edu- aviation technical specialists and innovative transfor- cational activities; self-regulation ability. mation of the educational process aimed at introduc- For some disciplines of humanitarian training, the ing the innovative technology into the educational cognitive or activity component will be more impor- practice. tant, for others – the value-motivational and reflexive. The prospects for further scientific explorations According to Nychkalo N., the place of humani- are seen in the innovative transformation of the con- tarian training in the system of higher technical edu- tent, methods and forms of teaching the humanities in cation is a combination of fundamentality, degree the institutions of higher education in aviation profile. References: 1. Олійник О. Особливості гуманітарної підготовки і професійної компетентності студентів у техніч- ному ВНЗ. URL: (дата звернення: 01.11.2019). 2. Bachman L. F. Language Testing in Practice: Designing and Developing Useful Language Test / L. F. Bach- man, A. S. Palmer. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. – 377 р. 3. Процюк І. Є. Формування соціокультурної компетентності особистості в науковій літературі // Пе- дагогічні науки, 2019. – Випуск 3 (85). – С. 108–114. 4. Зимняя И. А. Ключевые компетентности как результативно-целевая основа компетентностного подхода в образовании / И. А. Зимняя. – М.: Исследовательский центр проблем качества подготовки специалистов, 2004. – 40 c. 5. Ничкало Н. Г. Розвиток професійної освіти і навчання в контексті європейської інтеграції // Вісник АПН України: Педагогіка і психологія. 2008. – Вип. 1(58). – С. 57–69.

98 PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT OF STUDENTS’ SELF-REALIZATION Krasnoshchok Inna Petrivna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor, of the Department of Pedagogy and Management of Education Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University V. Vynnychenko, Ukraine E-mail: [email protected] PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT OF STUDENTS’ SELF-REALIZATION Abstract. The study formulated the definition of pedagogical support for students’ self-realization. The content of the structural components of the pedagogical support of students’ self-realization is disclosed. Keywords: pedagogical support, self-realization, pedagogical support of students’ self-realization. Краснощок Инна Петровна, доцент кафедры педагогики та менеджмента образования, Центральноукраинский государственный педагогический университет имени В. Винниченка E-mail: [email protected] ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКОЕ СОПРОВОЖДЕНИЯ САМОРЕАЛИЗАЦИИ СТУДЕНТОВ Аннотация. В исследовании сформулировано определение педагогического сопровождения самореализации студентов. Раскрыто содержание структурных компонентов педагогического сопровождения самореализации студентов. Ключевые слова: педагогическое сопровождение, самореализация, педагогическое сопро- вождение самореализации студентов. В современных социально-экономических ифическими механизмами, средствами самореа- условиях развития общества возрастает востре- лизации, научиться самостоятельно определять бованность личности способной к самореализа- цели, выбирать оптимальные пути их достиже- ции в различных сферах жизнедеятельности. Что, ния и преодолевать препятствия на избранном в свою очередь, требует преобразования высшей пути самореализации. Однако, как свидетель- школы с «института передачи и накопления зна- ствуют наши исследования [1], из-за недоста- ний» в самоорганизующуюся педагогическую точной подготовленности значительной части систему, направленную на развитие потенциала студентов к решению указанных задач, само- самореализации будущих специалистов. реализация часто остается на уровне потенции Таким образом, студент в процессе профес- личности будущего специалиста или реализует- сиональной подготовки должен овладеть спец- ся содержательно весьма ограничено. Поэтому,

99 Section 7. Pedagogy

внедрение педагогического сопровождения предполагает осознание личностью того, что она самореализации студентов является насущной имеет и чего она хотела бы достичь, а также выбор необходимостью для современного профессио- практических действий для воплощения опыта нального образования. в реальную действительность, закрепленных в при- Педагогическое сопровождение рассма- знании этих достижений другими» [1, С. 22]. триваем как «целенаправленное, непрерывное Таким образом, самореализация студента воз- субъект-субъектное взаимодействие педагогов можна лишь при условии глубокого самопознания и студентов, которое спроектировано на основе и понимания себя, своих стремлений, адекватной системной диагностики интересов, способно- самооценки своих способностей, сформирован- стей, стремлений будущего специалиста и осу- ности своего образа «Я» и способности дости- ществляется путем создания условий для рас- гать своих целей, прикладывая адекватные усилия крытия и реализации личностного потенциала и строя продуктивное взаимодействие со средой последнего в образовательной среде учреждения профессионального становления. высшего образования на всех этапах непрерыв- Обобщая изложенное, педагогическое со- ного образования, благодаря приобретению им провождение самореализации студента рассма- опыта самостоятельного и ответственного реше- триваем как специфический вид педагогического ния актуальных проблем развития и саморазви- сопровождения, который направлен на создание тия, возникающие в процессе профессиональной условий для увеличения возможностей самореа- подготовки» [3, 35]. лизации студента и его способности к ее осущест- В свою очередь, Е. Яковлева утверждает, что влению в образовательной среде учреждения выс- педагогическое сопровождение имеет длитель- шего образования и будущей профессиональной ный и непрерывный характер; всегда отражает деятельности. Это целенаправленное, непрерыв- определенный процесс, требует непосредствен- ное субъект-субъектное взаимодействие педагога ного взаимодействия и контакта педагога с вос- и студента предусматривает приобретение буду- питанником, состоит в осуществлении конкрет- щим специалистом опыта принятия оптимальных ных действий со стороны педагога, строится на решений по выбору собственного пути наиболее результатах диагностики и требует проектирова- полной самореализации во время профессиональ- ния действий [5]. ного образования и преодоления препятствий на Педагогическое сопровождение в условиях уч- выбранном пути самореализации. реждения высшего образования является реали- Педагогическое сопровождение самореализа- зацией гуманизации процесса профессиональной ции студентов – это комплексный процесс, субъ- подготовки, воплощение в жизнь студентоцентри- ектами которого являются все педагоги, которые рованного подхода к организации образователь- взаимодействуют со студентом в образовательной ного процесса. Педагогическое сопровождение среде учреждения высшего образования: деканы отличается от других форм помощи и поддержки факультетов, их заместители, кураторы академи- студента в процессе личностно-профессиональ- ческих групп, преподаватели учебных дисциплин, ного становления является ориентированность на руководители научно-исследовательской деятель- раскрытие внутреннего потенциала последнего, на ностью студентов, методисты учебных и произ- активизацию его внутренних ресурсов. водственных практик и т. п. В своих исследованиях самореализации студен- Целью педагогического сопровождения са- тов разделяем позицию В. Радула, который утверж- мореализации студентов является содействие им дает, что «самореализация – процесс, который в проектировании и реализации индивидуальной


образовательной траектории в условиях образо- Содержание диагностического компонента вательной среды учреждения высшего образова- заключается во взаимном обогащении субъектов ния. Данное утверждение базируется на том, что педагогического сопровождения информаци- персональный путь реализации личностного по- ей об индивидуальных особенностях студента, тенциала в образовании, по определению А. Ху- осуществляется в продуктивной коммуникации торского, – это индивидуальная образовательная о его индивидуальных особенностях: достижения траектория [4, 101]. Индивидуальную образова- в прошлом и настоящем, а также способности, ка- тельную траекторию рассматриваем как персо- чества, благодаря которым они были достигнуты, нальный путь реализации личностно-профессио- уровень прилагаемых усилий для их достижения нального потенциала студента, что соответствует и т. п.; препятствия, которые встречались на вы- его когнитивному стилю, мотивам, потребностям, бранном пути, и опыт их преодоления; отношение способностям, интересам, ценностям. Эффек- к себе, к образовательной деятельности, к выбран- тивное проектирование и реализация индиви- ной профессии; мотивы и планы личностно-про- дуальной образовательной траектории требует фессионального становления для самореализации сформированной соответствующей способности в будущей профессиональной деятельности и т. п. студента при наличии благоприятных условий Реализация чего, с одной стороны, предпо- в образовательной среде. На обеспечение чего лагает, что педагог, используя различные методы и направлено педагогическое сопровождение са- психолого-педагогической диагностики, посто- мореализации будущего специалиста. янно изучает изменения в развитии личностно- Определение сущностных характеристик пе- го потенциала студента, определяет внутренние дагогического сопровождения самореализации и внешние условия, способствующие его раскры- будущих специалистов связано с особенностями тию и препятствующих этому процессу. А, с дру- процесса самореализации. Так, Л. Коростылева гой стороны, студент приобщается к диагностиче- обосновывает, что самореализация заключается ским процедурам, углубляет представление о себе в раскрытии своего потенциала, осознании своих и своих возможностях, актуализирует противо- возможностей; ей способствуют внутренняя по- речия развития личностно значимых и професси- требность самоутверждения, постановка целей, онально ценных качеств и способностей благода- планирование деятельности; сопровождается ря самопознанию, самоанализу и формированию чувством удовлетворения результатом, по состоя- адекватной самооценки. нию гармонии с собой и окружающим миром; как Исследованиями доказано, что неспособность результат – стремление быть и оставаться самим студентов к оптимальному целеполагания своей собой, уверенность в себе [2]. деятельности является одним из самых распро- Обобщая изложенное, предлагаем рассма- страненных препятствий их самореализации. тривать педагогическое сопровождение само- Этим и обусловлено выделение мотивационно- реализации студентов как непрерывный про- целевого компонента педагогического сопрово- цесс взаимообогащающего субъект-субъектного ждения самореализации студента. Его смысл за- взаимодействия педагога и студента, который ключается в создании условий для сознательного состоит из взаимосвязанных и взаимопроника- и ответственного целеполагания самореализа- ющих функциональных компонентов, а именно: ции будущим специалистом в образовательной диагностического, мотивационно-целевого, про- среде учреждения высшего образования благо- ектировочного, деятельностного, рефлексивно- даря формированию позитивной Я-концепции корректирующего. и актуализации потребности личностного роста,

101 Section 7. Pedagogy

самосовершенствования и самореализации путем окружающей среде, наибольше способствуют развитие позитивного отношения к себе, к обра- его самовыражению, а в каких этот процесс ма- зовательной деятельности, веры в свои возможно- лоэффективен. сти и осознание перспектив раскрытия и реализа- К эффективным педагогическим средствам ре- ции собственного потенциала в различных видах ализации изложенного относим: обеспечение ус- образовательной деятельности. ловий для свободного выбора личностных целей Таким образом, мотивационно-целевой ком- образовательной деятельности; создание ситуаций понент предполагает, с одной стороны, предо- успеха студента в различных видах образователь- ставление студенту всесторонней информации ной деятельности; направленность оценки обра- о требованиях образовательно-профессиональ- зовательной деятельности на достижение, а не на ной среды к уровню й содержанию личностных результаты; включение в содержание образователь- качеств и профессиональных компетенций, ной деятельности компонентов по технологии осу- которые должны быть сформированы в соот- ществления целеполагания деятельности. ветствующей образовательной деятельности Проектировочный компонент педагогического на соответствующем этапе профессионального сопровождения самореализации студента являет- образования; об уровнях и содержании возмож- ся субъект-субъектное взаимодействие, обеспечи- ных достижений в условиях приложения макси- вающей переход от общих целей индивидуальной мальных усилий студентом в образовательной образовательной траектории к конкретным на- деятельности и о возможностях, которые есть правлениям и формам практической деятельности в образовательной среде для свободного выбора студента по раскрытию и реализации своих способ- студентом целей и содержания образовательной ностей. Конкретизируется все это в индивидуаль- деятельности в соответствии со своими интере- ном образовательном маршруте, где фиксируются сами, потребностями, способностями, ценностя- все виды задач, сроки выполнения, требования ми. С другой стороны, заключается в педагоги- к выбранному уровню выполнения задачи и кри- ческом обеспечении самоопределения будущего терии его оценки, формы и способы отчетности специалиста о возможных путях раскрытия, раз- (презентации образовательного продукта) и дру- вития и саморазвития своего потенциала, осу- гое. Что, предусматривает совместную деятель- ществлении самостоятельного и ответственного ность субъектов педагогического сопровождения, выбора целей индивидуальной образовательной в котором педагог, используя данные диагностики, траектории как пути самореализации в образо- ориентирует студента на виды образовательной де- вательной деятельности в соответствии со сво- ятельности и потенциально благоприятную среду ими потребностями, интересами, способностя- для их реализации. Студент на основе самосозна- ми и осознание противоречий между внешними ния (при необходимости при поддержке педагога) требованиями и возможностями достижения определяет личностно значимые задачи образова- соответствия им. В частности, это предусматри- тельной деятельности, составляет план работы, вы- вает включение будущих специалистов в раз- бирает средства и способы деятельности в соответ- личные виды образовательной деятельности, ствии со своими потребностями, способностями, которые способствую более полному раскрытию возможностями и требованиями к результатам многогранных способностей, умений, знаний образовательной деятельности, систему контроля студентов; формированию их «Я»-концепции, и оценки своей деятельности. благодаря целостному познанию себя; осоз- Деятельностный компонент определяется нанию того, какие виды деятельности, в какой созданием психолого-педагогических условий


для реализации определенного студентом при стороны, эффективности созданных условий для поддержке педагога индивидуального образова- развития возможностей самореализации студен- тельного маршрута. Что предполагает, во‑первых, та, а с другой стороны, опыта, приобретенного контроль педагога за соблюдением определенных студентом при выборе оптимальных путей само- сроков и уровня выполнения задач будущим спе- реализации в образовательной среде учреждения циалистом и динамикой его личностного раз- высшего образования и преодолении препятствий вития и саморазвития в соответствующих видах на выбранном пути. Осознание студентом при- деятельности. А, во‑вторых, стимулирует само- чинно-следственных связей в процессе самореа- управления и саморегуляцию студента, его спо- лизации позволяет скорректировать и выстроить собность выбирать наиболее оптимальные сред- перспективные цели образовательной деятельно- ства реализации своего потенциала и коррекции сти с учетом приобретенного опыта. С позиции тех или иных последствий собственной деятель- педагога организация рефлексии деятельности ности. Что, требует постоянного коммуникатив- и общения со студентом позволяет оценить эф- ного взаимодействия между педагогом и студен- фективность педагогических методов и средств том, направленного на своевременное выявление сопровождения самореализации будущих специ- проблемных ситуаций, с которыми сталкивается алистов и откорректировать их в соответствии последний на пути реализации индивидуального с новыми потребностями, интересами, возмож- образовательного маршрута, и определение воз- ностями будущих специалистов. можных способов преодоления препятствий. Таким образом, педагогическое сопровожде- Эффективным педагогическим средством реа- ние самореализации студентов мы рассматриваем лизации указанной проблемы, по нашему мнению, как необходимое условие развития потенциала са- является формирование будущим специалистом мореализации будущих специалистов в процессе портфолио своих достижений как представленных профессиональной подготовки. Использования образовательных результатов на пути реализации педагогами высшей школы предложенного в ста- индивидуального образовательного маршрута. тье подхода к пониманию его сущности и струк- Рефлексивно-корректирующий компонент туры, может быть полезным для повышения предусматривает рефлексивный анализ субъек- эффективности этого процеса в условиях учреж- тами педагогического сопровождения, с одной дения высшего образования. Список литературы: 1. Дослідження особливостей самореалізації особистості: монографія / В. В. Радул, І. П. Краснощок, І. В. Лебедик. – Кіровоград. 2009. – 352 с. 2. Коростылева Л. А. Психология самореализации личности: затруднения в профессиональной сфере. СПб.: Речь, 2005. – 222 с. 3. Краснощок І. П. & Кравцова Т. О. Педагогічний супровід самореалізацїі майбутніх фахівців. Рідна школа, (№ 2), 2019. – С. 34–38. 4. Хуторской А. В. Дидактическая эвристика. Теория и технология креативного обучения. – М.: Изд- во МГУ. 2003. – 416 с. 5. Яковлев Е. В. Сопровождение как педагогический феномен. Современная высшая школа: иннова- ционный аспект, (№ 4), 2010. – С. 74–83.

103 Section 7. Pedagogy Gaukhar Khalyk, Teacher of English language, Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Nur-Sultan E-mail: [email protected] IS QUESTIONING AN ART OR A METHODOLOGY? Abstract. This article is the description of lesson observations based on a case study with the aim of studying to identify the patterns of questions teachers use in their classrooms. It also reflects on the functions of questions and the relationship between teachers’ questions and students’ learning. Keywords: Systematic observation schedule, patterns of questions, questioning technique, criti- cal thinking, independent learners, Effective teaching has always been a question questions refer to the recall of information and they of thought for teachers of all times. When we think are fact based, closed, direct, recall, and knowledge about Questioning, we rely on some methods, for questions. Lower cognitive questions are most ben- example Socratic Method. eficial for primary school learners.Higher cognitive Socratic questioning in the classroom helps to questions, such as open-ended, interpretive, evalu- develop active, independent learners. Consequently, ative, inquiry, inferential, and synthesis questions many educators agree that the questioning process is involve the mental manipulation of information to an essential part of instruction and it allows teachers produce or support an answer. In modern classroom to monitor student competence and understanding. teachers suggest that higher cognitive questions Statistics indicate that asking questions is second to should make up a higher percentage of questions. lecturing and Gall (1971) underline that 60 per- Blosser [2] classified questions as being one of cent of questions require recall of facts, 20 percent four major types: Managerial, Rhetorical, Closed or require students to think and the remaining 20 per- Open. Managerial Questions are those used by the cent are procedural in nature. Educators and scien- teacher to keep the classroom operating – to move tists categorise questions in different ways. activities and students toward the desired goals for Different educators and researchers classify ques- the lesson. Rhetorical Questions are used by teachers tions into different types. According to (Wragg to reinforce a point or for emphasis. Closed ques- [3]) there are three types of questions: Conceptual tions require focusing thinking on a particular point questions, Empirical questions and Value questions. Con- and Open questions are used to promote discussion ceptual questions are concerned with eliciting ideas, or student interaction. definitions and reasoning in the subject being studied, Therefore, Questioning is one of the most ap- Empirical questions involve observation, recall of facts, plied and researched teaching tool and to learn possible experimentation or require answers based on more about this strategy in practice a case study has facts, while Value questions are concerned with morals, been conducted in secondary schools. The ethical social concerns as poverty, health issues and environ- side of the research was decided with the interest- mental ones such as population. ed parties. By observing lessons and conducting a The use of questions has been simplified into Systematic Observation Schedule (Shibazaki K., lower and higher cognitive questions. Lower cognitive and Marshall N.A. [1]) in collaboration with other

104 IS QUESTIONING AN ART OR A METHODOLOGY? teacher-practitioners from NIS schools I encoun- use many questions and there are reasons for asking tered many interesting facts about questioning. The them. The Systematic Observation Schedule is the group of teacher-practitioners attentively observed evidence of this fact, as the total number of questions three lessons to get the answers for the Systematic asked in three periods was 212. (Table 1) illustrates schedule. The findings showed that teachers surely the information from that data. Table 1. Question Functions Question Numbers Open to all 23 To one child 27 Questions Assess 4 To control 4 Open type of questions 75 Closed type of questions 79 Total 212 The (table 1) demonstrates that teachers used 3)‘Tell me what the billboard shows and what’s the Closed and Open types of questions more than oth- message of it?’ – opinion question and interpretive, er types to check students’ comprehension. It means 4)‘If you describe something what do you do?’ – that managerial questions are usually used: explanation question, • At the start of a lesson – to check what they 5)‘Why do you think many people live in cit- remember from last time for assessment and ies?’ – exploration, discovery question, to see if anything needs to be repeated; 6)‘Why don’t people live in the west part of Chi- • In the middle of a lesson for: behaviour man- na?’- critical thinking, discovery question, agement and check understanding or as a way 7)‘How do you know that population distribu- of repeating information. To draw attention tion is not the same?’ – evaluation question. to a fact which they need to remember; The types of questions and the topic itself the • At the end of a lesson: to evaluate learning, to teacher used to describe the billboard drew pu- inform their next lesson by seeing what needs pils’ attention to the screen of the board. When the to be clarified or expanded on. teacher started the questioning the lesson went on. Closed questions are used to lead students The discussion was so involving, that the pupils re- to think. For example, in year 7, the geography sponded to the questions one by one exploring huge teacher asked questions to start the topic and ideas behind the billboard. then developed his questions so that his pupils In Religious Studies class, the teacher applied a explored ideas from the new theme. The topic of style of learning attaching the topic and integrated the lesson was ‘One child policy in China’ and for it with rap music, tapping the tune of the rap with the ‘Warming up’ stage the teacher showed a bill- his fingers on the desk. His aim during the lesson board advertising a picture of a happy family of was to ensure his pupils learnt the Ten Command- three members and he began the topic with the ments from the Bible by heart. He was applying a following questions: drilling in chorus, in other words Rote learning. To 1)‘What is a billboard?’- factual question, support his pupils in this task the teacher interpret- 2)‘What do you think the message of the bill- ed and discussed with them valuable concepts from board is?’ – increasing critical awareness, Ten Commandments, such as; Stealing, Deceiving,

105 Section 7. Pedagogy

Profane, Covert. He even recited the verse by him- barded the students with the series of questions and self, demonstrating what recitation looked like. Be- rewarded his students’ answers with a smile icon on fore the end of the lesson the teacher gave his pupils the board and under it, he wrote their names in a 10 minutes to learn the poem by heart. He used such list. In 8 minutes, he asked 11 questions to recheck questions to explain what the Rote learning meant: students’ comprehension of the new topic. For feed- 1)What is Rote learning? back, the teacher delivered an ‘Exit ticket’ with three 2)Does the Rote learning work? more questions on them and got the answers for his 3)Why do you think so? tickets before the entrance door making sure every- 4)How long do you think it will take you to learn? one had responded for his questions. 5)A day? Two weeks? Whole life? The language teacher with whom I spent a day As can be seen from the examples, teacher’s ques- had used over 50 questions during three lessons. tions cropped up from lower cognitive questions to Some questions were already on the board, some as- higher cognitive ones. At the end of the lesson, year 7 sisted her to lead the topic and she used the questions recited the verse in chorus. The teacher’s use of ques- for thought-provoking messages and conducted the tions had explicit aims. By using the rote learning and discussions relying on the questions. The teacher questioning he achieved the lesson objectives and used the questions for many purposes; to describe showed them how to memorize the verse and learn the pictures and the cover of the book, to analyse the poems by heart in brief time. behaviour of the main characters, to discuss the idea of a video, and to discuss the meanings of the poems and short stories in language and literature lessons. Actually, all the types of questions listed by Wragg [3] have been discovered in the language class- room. English language classes encourage the devel- opment of feelings and emotions, they are linked to beliefs and value systems. Probably, that is why we hear such questions when the teacher analyses a new poem with her students: 1)What emotions do these photographs pro- Figure 1. voke? (Rain, People, Umbrellas), Another example comes from the maths class, where the teacher developed the ‘Olympic Differen- tiation’ task, which consisted of four levels of ques- tions, total number of them for a formative assessment was 16 and the questions were built on Bloom’s tax- onomy to assess the students’ knowledge. The reward the teacher gave for each assessment was Bronze, Sil- ver, Gold and Platinum medals embedded with tasks. In fact, questions are widely used in science les- sons. In one of the science classes, the teacher used questions to explain the energy transformation and the power of falling objects. He created his lesson on deliberate questions. During the lesson, he bom- Figure 2.


2)What is British attitude to rain? tives. From the above mentioned, it was discovered Furthermore, the teacher developed her question that: into a topic related task and added: ‘Comparing one 1) The questions asked in class will often reflect culture to another think of British emotions towards the purpose and structure of the lesson itself. rain’. In doing so the teacher provoked thoughts with 2) Teachers use questions to apply a style of this question leading her students to associate dif- learning or a method of teaching in the classroom. ferent ideas, such as ‘Culture’, ‘Emotions’, ‘Rain’ and 3) Teachers use questions to show understanding ‘Nation’ and link them to find a Concept. Another the subject at a basic level, then pushing for higher question teacher asked was to evaluate people’s at- achievements. titudes reflected by cultural differences: ‘Why might 4) Teachers use deliberate questions and build attitudes be different in other cultures?’ their lessons on questions to scaffold and develop Compared to science classes, language classes are thinking skills. involved in the discussion of values and morals. Lan- To sum up, teachers prepare questions in advance guage classes teach the application of lexical devices related the topics and they make up questions spon- in speech, such as simile, metaphors, extended meta- taneously to manage the classroom activities. Teach- phor, and alliteration, onomatopoeia with the aim of ers’ questions are thought provoking and motivate provoking thought, forming students’ own opinions most students to learn from a new topic new ideas. and developing language skills. Therefore, lessons are built on questions intention- Thus, the data analysis proved that teachers used ally as one of the main tools to make the lessons pro- the patterns of questions for various lesson objec- ductive and effective. References: 1. Shibazaki K., and Marshall N. A. A systematic observation of teacher-child interaction in musical com- position: A comparative study between Japan and England. The Changing Face of Music and Art, 5(2), 2014. University of Sussex, England. – P. 31–34. 2. Blosser P. E. How to Ask the Right Questions. National Science Teachers Association, 2000 NSTA, USA, 1975. – 3 p. 3. Wragg E. C., Brown G. A. Questioning in the secondary school, – London / New York, Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2003. – P. 16–17. 4. Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I Cognitive Domain, 1956. 5. Anderson L. W., & Krathwohl D. R. (Eds.), Taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: A revision of Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives. – New York, NY: Longman, 2000. – 2 p.

107 Section 7. Pedagogy Khasanov Ahadzhon Tursinovich, PhD, Head of Department E-mail: [email protected]. Yusupov Toir Tulanovich, Lecturer in the Department of Sports Games, Allomov Erkin Ibragimovich, Teacher, Department of Sports Games, Ferghana State University E-mail: [email protected] PREPARATION OF SPECIALISTS OF THE FACULTY OF MILITARY EDUCATION TO THE INNOVATION ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Abstract. The article describes the materials of sociological researches on the contingent of the Military Faculty students, aimed at improving the system of training of militia specialists for military education for general schools. Keywords: monitoring, innovative activities, experimental studies, motor preparedness, peda- gogical experiment, the index of satisfaction. Хасанов Ахаджон Турсинович, PhD, заведующий кафедры, E-mail: [email protected]. Юсупов Тоир Туланович, преподаватель кафедры Спортивных игр, Алломов Эркин Ибрагимович, Преподаватель кафедры, Спортивные игры, Ферганский государственный университет E-mail: [email protected] ПОДГОТОВКА СПЕЦИАЛИСТОВ ФАКУЛЬТЕТА ВОЕННОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ К ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНО – ИННОВАЦИОННОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ Аннотация. В статье изложены материалы социологических исследований, проведенных на контингенте студентов военного факультета, направленных на совершенствование системы под- готовки специалистов допризывного военного образования для общеобразовательных школ. Ключевые слова: мониторинг, инновационная деятельность, экспериментальные иссле- дования, двигательная подготовленность, педагогический эксперимент, индекс удовлетворен- ности.


Анализ государственных документов и научно- анализ и прогнозирование инновационного раз- методической литературы по вопросам профес- вития на этапе их внедрения; сиональной подготовки студентов, обучающихся – этап обучения на экспериментальной пло- на факультетах военного образования, позволяет щадке практической работы по внедрению инно- сделать вывод о том, что проблема совершенство- вационных технологий в процесс допризывной вания их профессиональной подготовки на специ- военной подготовки юношей, коррекция и мо- ализированных факультетах, является предметом ниторинг результатов эксперимента. педагогического исследования [1; 2]. − необходимо помнить, что важнейшими ди- С целью решения поставленных задач на- дактическими принципами являются: идейность правленных на формирование знаний и умений, и научность; специальная прикладная направлен- необходимых будущему специалисту военного ность, систематичность, наглядность, сознатель- дела, целенаправленно на основе мониторинга, ность и активность, доступность и оптимальность. совершенствовать процесс профессионального Принцип идейности и научности в обучении становления специалиста, моделируя структуру предопределяет органическую связь изучаемого инновационной деятельности на всех этапах их материала с актуальными задачами требующих обучения. Подготовку преподавателя к инноваци- принятия мер по укреплению коллективизма онной деятельности целесообразно проводить на и взаимовыручки. В процессе занятий осущест- основе системного и деятельностно-творческого вляется разъяснение высокой значимости из- подходов, обеспечиваю-щих направленное функ- учаемых действий на этапе подготовки юношей ционирование целостного процесса формиро- к службе в ВС, развития у них необходимых фи- вания личности как специалиста допризывного зических и морально-волевых качеств. военного образования [3; 4; 5]. Реализация принципа специальной профес- Мониторинг результатов многолетних экспе- сионально-прикладной двигательной подготов- риментальных исследований, направленных на со- ленности находит свое выражение в конкретном вершенствование инновационной деятельности отборе содержательной части физической под- учебного процесса студентов позволил внедрить готовки, их тесной связи с задачами постоянного в практику работы разработанную нами следую- повышения уровня готовности к службе в Воору- щую последовательность подготовки специалиста женных Силах страны. по допризывному военному образованию: Принцип систематичности обеспечивает не- − овладение основами методологии научного прерывность и строгую последовательность про- познания и исследования; цесса обучения основанной на последовательном − ознакомление с специальными и научными усвоении учебного материала. предпосылками возникновения инновационных В учебном процессе принцип наглядности име- процессов в Вооруженных Силах; ет особое значение, анализирует свои профессио- − параллельное развитие творческой индиви- нальные действия, определяет технические ошибки дуализации специалиста, формирование способ- и пути их устранения. Совместная работа препода- ности анализировать и решать творческие задачи; вателя и студента основана на внедрении в учебный – освоение в процессе обучения инновационной процесс современных методов научно-технической технологии деятельности в области професси- регистрации, глубоком и детальном изучении ма- ональной военной подготовки, совершенство- териалов полученных через Интернет, учебных ки- вание методики составления инновационных нофильмов, фотографий, чертежей, схем, рисунков программ, этапами экспериментальной работы, и других наглядных материалов [6; 7].

109 Section 7. Pedagogy

С учетом анализа результатов двигательных «Допризывное военное образование», с целью возможностей исследуемого контингента, полу- сформировать научно-методические основы под- ченных в ходе педагогического тестирования, готовки специалистов по допризывному военно- принцип доступности строится на основе их му образованию юношей. соответствия с требованиями, при соблюдении Данный предмет на факультетах военного обра- оптимальности двигательных качеств и постепен- зования осуществляется в форме лекционных, семи- ном наращивании физической нагрузки на прак- нарских и практических занятий, а также в процес- тических занятиях. се самостоятельной работы, посредством решения Принцип оптимальности базируется на зако- студентами учебных заданий различного уровня. номерностях переноса тренированности с уче- Оценочно-корректировочный этап освоения, том развития необходимых двигательных качеств посвящается анализу результатов, достигнутых до максимальных пределов при строгом соответ- студентами в период обучения и направленных на ствии степени значимости и структуре физиче- формирование готовности к реализации на прак- ской готовности к предстоящей воинской службы. тике основ допризывной военной подготовки. На этапе формирования инновационной де- Проведенный на базе факультета военного об- ятельности преподавателя осуществляется их разования Ферганского государственного универ- реализация с последовательным решением спец- ситета мониторинг результатов педагогического ифических задач: эксперимента по обоснованию структурно-функ- – диагностико-проектированный этап на- циональной модели формирования готовности правлен на диагностирование уровня развития специалиста допризывного военного образования готовности будущих преподавателей к реализа- показал высокую эффективность разработанной ции допризывной военной подготовки юношей. модели подготовки будущих специалистов и ре- – формирующий этап является основным на комендованы в практику работы преподавателей этапе формирования готовности будущих препо- допризывного военного образования в средних давателей допризывного военного образования общеобразовательных учебных заведениях [8]. к профессиональной деятельности. Результаты проведенных мониторинговых со- На этапе совершенствования осуществляется циологических исследований представлены в (та- освоение содержания инновационного предмета блице 1). Таблица 1. – Основные источники, позволяющие студентам выпускного курса получить информацию о внедрении инновационных технологий в сфере физической культуры и спорта,% № Источники % 1. Специальные курсы по проблеме инноваций 65,5 2. Консультации с ведущими специалистами ведущих данный предмет 21,4 3. Консультации с ведущими тренерами 7,5 4. Научно-методическая литература 4,4 5. Другие 1,2 На вопрос «Что нового произошло в системе ющих хорошую материальную спортивную базу народного образования за годы независимости и позволяющих внедрению инновационных техно- стран?» типичные ответы сводились к перечисле- логий в учебном процессе. Среди основных источ- нию типов новых общеобразовательных школ, име- ников получения информации о нововведениях


в образовательном процессе назывались специ- Определенная часть студентов указывали на альные курсы по проблеме внедрения инноваци- мотивы материальной заинтересованности и по- онных технологий в учебный процесс (65,5%), строения будущей профессиональной карьеры. проведение ведущими преподавателями специ- Исходя из опыта общения с выпускниками, вы- ализированных факультетов мастер-классы по яснилось, что подавляющее большинство осоз- данной проблеме (21,4%), проведение регулярных наёт повседневную необходимость применения консультаций и открытых уроков теоретической инновационных технологий в учебном процессе. и практической направленности (7,5%) и лишь Для проверки гипотезы о необходимости незначительная часть будущих преподавателей внедрения инновационных технологий в процес- знакомились с инновационными технологиями по се проведения занятий были заданы следующие материалам научной и методической литературы, вопросы: «Считаете ли Вы необходимым введе- что указывает на низкий уровень их теоретиче- ние в учебный процесс инновационных педаго- ской подготовленности. гических технологий?» и «Считаете ли Вы себя Только после наводящего вопроса «Что ново- подготовленными к практической инновацион- го в методике обучения произошло за последние ной деятельности?». годы?» у студентов-выпускников факультета во- Результаты социологических исследований енного образования ответы сводились к перечис- выявили, что большинство будущих специалистов лению типов инновационных технологий. (63,7%) допризывного военного образования Выявлено, что основная часть опрошенных считают необходимым внедрение практических выпускников указали на необходимость широко- инновационных технологий в процессе школьно- го внедрения педагогических инноваций в сфере го обучения. практической деятельности. Определено, что будущие выпускники специ- На вопрос «Какая цель преследуется при ализированного факультета не удовлетворены внедрении новых инновационных технологий своей теоретической подготовкой к внедрению обучения в своей профессиональной деятельно- инновационных технологий в своей дальнейшей сти?». Самым распространенным оказались от- практической профессиональной деятельности веты «разнообразить и улучшить свою работу» указывая на слабую теоретическую и практи- – 49%, «повысить заинтересованность и резуль- ческую подготовку в период обучения в ВУЗе тативность своей работы» – 27%. (Таблица. 2). Таблица 2. – Результаты социологических исследований выпускников военного факультета по внедрению инновационных технологий в учебный процесс учащихся старших классов% Ответы Скорее да, Скорее Затруд. Да Нет Вопросы чем нет нет, чем да ответить Считаете ли Вы необходимым введе- ния в учебный процесс современных 63,7 17,9 4,3 8,5 5,6 инновационных педагогических технологий? Считаете ли Вы себя подготовленны- 16,5 29,7 32,4 14,9 6,5 ми к инновационной деятельности? Представлял определенный научный интерес деятельности от степени внедрения в учебный по выявлению взаимосвязи стажа педагогической процесс современных педагогических технологий

111 Section 7. Pedagogy

обучения в старших классах общеобразователь- Самый низкий показатель индекса удовлет- ный учебных заведений. воренности выявлен у специалистов со стажем Исследовался индекс удовлетворенности своей работы менее одного года, объясняющих недо- профессиональной деятельностью выпускников статочной, слабой направленностью внедрения данного факультета работающих в системе народно- в процесс вузовской подготовки инновационных го образования, позволивший определить взаимную педагогических технологий и отсутствием соб- прогрессивную тенденцию к его возрастанию в за- ственного опыта педагогической деятельности висимости от стажа педагогической деятельности. (Таблица 3). Таблица 3. – Показатели индекса удовлетворенности вузовской подготовкой к инновационной педагогической деятельности в системе народного образования Стаж работы Менее 1 года До 5 лет От 5 до 10 лет Более 10 лет Х±σ U 0,36 0,68 0,54 0,72 0,58±0,21 По результатам проведенного анализа вы- Самый высокий уровень индекса удовлетво- явлено, что у специалистов со стажем педаго- ренности (0,72) был выявлен у преподавателей гической работы до 5 лет зафиксировано значи- допризывного военного образования имеющих тельное повышение индекса удовлетворенности педагогический стаж работы превышающих специ- (до 0,68), что связано с завершением периода алистов 10 лет, что объясняется накопленным ме- профессиональной адаптации при формирова- тодическим и профессиональным опытом работы. нии выпускника в роли педагога избранной спе- Педагогическому коллективу высших специа- циальности. Однако, как показали результаты лизированных гуманитарных учебных заведений, исследований, специалисты имеющих стаж педа- призванных готовить высококвалифицированных гогической деятельности в работе со старшими специалистов допризывного военного образова- школьниками от 5 до 10 лет показатель индекса ния необходимо учесть полученные в ходе педа- удовлетворенности (до 0,54) имел тенденцию гогического эксперимента результаты и принять к снижению, что требует регулярной плановой их за основу, при внесении соответствующих аттестации специалистов данного профиля дея- педагогических корректив в учебный процесс тельности, с прохождением курсов повышения направленного на совершенствование системы профессиональной квалификации. подготовки студентов к предстоящей инноваци- онной деятельности.

Список литературы: 1. Закон Республики Узбекистан «О национальной программе по подготовке кадров», – Ташкент. 1997. – 25 с. 2. Выступление Президента Республики Узбекистан Шавката Мирзиёева на заседание Совета безопас- ности в расширенном составе “Вооруженные силы – гарант стабильности и процветания страны”. Народное слово, 11 января 2018 года. – № 6. – 6934 p. 3. Азизходжаева Н. Н. Педагогические технологии и педагогическое мастерство. Учебное пособие для магистратуры. – Ташкент, 2003. – 192 с. 4. Белкин А. А., Рахматов А. И. Пути повышения эффективности ППФП студентов на старших курсах ВУЗа // Тезисы Всероссийской научно-практической конференции. 20–22 июня. – М. 2006. – С. 129–131.


5. Жабаков В. Е. Исследование представлений студентов педагогического вуза о профессиональной деятельности в сфере физической культуры // Теория и практика физической культуры. 2007. – № 10. – С. 23–26. 6. Железняк Ю. Д. Инновационные перспективы подготовки педагогов по физической культуре в си- стеме высшего профессионального физкультурного образования // Теория и практика физической культуры. 2006. – № 4. – С. 9–12. 7. Кошбахтиев И. А. Научно-педагогические основы совершенствования физического воспитания студентов: автореф. дис. докт. пед.наук. – Т. 1993. – 42 с. 8. Хасанов А. Т. Педагогическая технология профессионально-прикладной физической подготовки студентов факультета допризывного военного образования. Автореф. дис. … докт. фил. (PhD) по пед. наук. – Ч. 2018. – 63 с.

113 Section 7. Pedagogy Ha Sy Chien, PhD, Telecommunication University, Viet Nam E-mail: [email protected]


Abstract. From the beginning of the 21st century, the world began to enter the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This industrial revolution is characterized by technological consolidation, thereby erasing the boundaries between the physical, digital and biological fields, bringing a combination of reality and virtual systems. The revolution has had a great impact on the fields of social life, requiring people to adapt. In the field of education and training, the Industrial Revolution 4.0 also has a strong impact, bringing great opportunities and advantages and also posing real challenges. In this article, the authors point out the impact of Industrial revolution 4.0, the solution to take advantage of that impact on in- novation in content and methods of teaching at the Telecommunications University, Vietnam today. Keywords: The impact of the Industrial revolution 4.0; Innovation in content and methods of teaching. The problem statement advantages and apply new achievements of the con- The fourth industrial revolution – also known test. Industrial Revolution 4.0 brings in the innovation as the industry in generation 4.0 – has been and will of content and teaching methods. continue to create strong fluctuations that affect all as- 1. Impact of Industry Revolution 4.0 on inno- pects of human life in the 21st century. Education and vating in content and methods of teaching at the training are one of the areas that are affected by this Telecommunications University, Vietnam impact faster than ever because it will also create new Firstly, Industry Revolution 4.0 creates oppor- versions of the next industrial revolution. Industry tunities as well as indispensable requirements to 4.0 promises breakthroughs in education and train- renovate the content and teaching methods at the ing activities, changing goals and models of traditional Telecommunications University in an open direc- education and training by transferring completely new tion, creating an environment connect to the space knowledge and skills. The development of informa- that is to be more expanded so that every learner can tion technology, digital tools, networks, and metadata study anytime, anywhere with connected devices. will be good tools and means to change the content, Therefore, geographical distance, space and time organization and teaching methods in education and are blurred [6]. The educational environment does training. Awareness of position, role, the importance not only take place within the University but also on of innovating content and teaching methods before a global scale. Learners can actively study materials the impact of the 4.0 revolution [6]. In recent years, as well as interact with teachers at any time with a universities in Vietnam in general and the Telecom- computer or smartphone. munications University, in particular, have timely im- Secondly, Industrial Revolution 4.0 serves as a plemented many guidelines and solutions to exploit basis for major shifts in the content and teaching

114 INNOVATION IN CONTENT AND METHODS OF TEACHING BEFORE THE IMPACT OF THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 4.0... methods of lecturers. It is a step towards exploiting have the support of smart devices and technologies the potential and empowering individual learners to (equipped in smart classrooms) that help schools develop their competencies. Lecturers will move to achieve levels of development (adaptation, perme- a new role as designers, catalysts, mentor and create ation, inferential, prediction, self-learning, self-opti- a learning environment. With digitalized learning mization) of the smart classroom. Adaptive teaching content, learners will have a separate learning path, is a part of smart pedagogy, which is a computer- which can be selected to suit the training objectives. based approach and corresponding software that The digital learning system also provides feedback helps instructors adjust classroom activities through on learning performance along with suggestions for feedback from learners. Analyzing teaching effective- the learning content of the next learner [2]. ness is also a part of smart pedagogy whose purpose Thirdly, Industry Revolution 4.0 with the ap- is to improve learners’ learning environment, allow plication of technologies such as AI, Big Data and visualization and propose impact on learners’ behav- IoT, … is a favorable factor for leaders and faculty ior in the classroom, identify whether the learner fo- of the university to use in data collection., analyze cuses on the lesson in the classroom or not so that and accurately assess the learning quality of learners; the teacher can intervene promptly [4]. monitor the process of self-study, check the level of In recent years, deeply aware of the development homework completion and report the learning re- trend of modern education, the Telecommunications sults to learners [1]. University has actively implemented the application Facing the new requirements of the application of the achievements of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 of modern technological achievements of the In- in the process of education and training of the school dustrial Revolution 4.0, especially the interaction in general, on renewing in the content and methods among devices and between devices and people will of teaching in particular. The process of renewing in impose mandatory requirements on learners should the content and methods teaching of at the Telecom- be equipped with the following skills: Problem-solv- munications University has selected the most impor- ing skills, critical thinking, communication skills, tant breakthrough step which is to renovate processes, collaboration, creativity, innovation … require the programs, content and facilities for teaching. Positive teaching process of the University to comprehensive teaching methods are actively and regularly innovat- changes in the model, content, programs and train- ed by teaching staff. Exploiting and effectively using ing methods. modern teaching facilities in teaching. Fourth, the Industrial Revolution 4.0 allows ef- However, to meet the requirements of educa- fective application of active teaching methods in the tion and training innovation in new conditions. In modern teaching model of smart pedagogy. the fields of Industrial revolution 4.0, information The change of mindset of the teaching and learn- technology with the core elements is Artificial In- ing process during the Industry Revolution 4.0 has telligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and big made pedagogy also have to follow new thinking, data (Big Data).) will have the strongest impact which is intelligent pedagogy [3]. Modern teaching on the teaching process [6]. Recognizing the ad- models and methods are an important part of intelli- vantages that the Industrial Revolution 4.0 brings gent pedagogy, which are: Reverse classroom model; to education and training, continuing to promote E-learning; collaborative teaching method; Context- the achieved results of renewing in the content and based teaching methods … Traditional, positive and methods of teaching. In the coming time, it is nec- modern teaching methods can be integrated into essary to identify some solutions to take advantage a modern teaching model. These are models that of the achievements of the industrial revolution 4.0

115 Section 7. Pedagogy in renewing content, teaching methods, improving and position. Facing the impact of revolution 4.0, teaching quality at the Telecommunications Univer- lecturers need to actively study and grasp scientific sity, Vietnam today [5]. and technological knowledge to formulate their abil- 2. Solutions to innovating in content and ity to apply and solve problems raised in teaching methods of teaching before the impact of the In- activities. This process requires leaders at all levels dustrial Revolution 4.0 at the Telecommunica- to enhance propaganda, education, arouse enthusi- tions University, Vietnam. asm, the desire to learn in the teaching staff; depart- Firstly, raising the awareness and responsibility of ments and disciplines need to promote their role in teachers and learners about the impact of the industrial model teaching activities, associating lectures, tak- revolution 4.0 on the objectives, content, and programs ing time, through lessons to help teachers innovate of education and training at the University. teaching content and methods. Besides, highlighting This is an important measure that is crucial to the activeness and effort of each lecturer to promote the quality and results of teaching activities at Tele- the application of information and communication communications University today. Therefore, every technology in the exploitation of document search, lecturer needs to thoroughly understand and raise meeting requirements in the new era and interna- awareness and responsibility in learning, research tional integration. At the same time, actively and and apply the achievements of science and tech- proactively planning learning, researching, defining nology that the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has been clear goals, understanding and selecting effective and bringing into operation of his pedagogy. appropriate learning methods to improve the level of School Board of Directors together with lead- teaching and scientific research. ers and leaders of faculties should regularly orga- Thirdly, combining theory with practice, theory and nize scientific seminars on improving the quality of practice in content innovation, teaching methods before teaching and scientific research, raising the level of the impact of the industrial revolution 4.0 foreign languages for staff and lecturers; focusing In the end, renewing in the content and teach- on fostering reception skills, applying science and ing method is to meet the learners’ output standards, technology into the teaching and scientific research fulfill the identified training objectives and require- process for lecturers; diversifying teaching methods ments of the University. Learners after receiving to create flexible thinking for learners in receiving knowledge, skills training in the school, must be learning contents and general application of knowl- able to apply and effectively implement practical edge are equipped in practical activities, contribut- work. Therefore, the process of renewing content ing to motivating learners to be proactive, voluntarily and teaching methods at the Telecommunications participate in learning and research to improve their University before the impact of the current indus- qualifications. Especially, it is necessary to apply trial revolution 4.0 needs to focus on the positive technological advantages to enrich teaching forms ability, creative use of knowledge and skills that are and methods. equipped in handling, solving practical operational Secondly, promoting the role of teaching staff in ef- situations. It is necessary to perform well the follow- fectively approaching and exploiting the achievements ing contents: Innovating the link between practical of the industrial revolution 4.0. requirements and the knowledge, skills, and attitudes Promoting the role of lecturers in effectively ap- that are equipped in the University; innovating in proaching and exploiting the achievements of the the direction of standardization and modernization, industrial revolution 4.0 into innovation in the con- suitable to modern science and technology develop- tent and methods of teaching is an important role ment practices and practical requirements.


Fourthly, strengthening integration in education and cloud, wifi …); Smart facilities (Library, e-Learning training; investments and use modern teaching equipment center, multi-media center, multi-media classroom, The field of information has always been a field of research, and test room); and Data processing center. revolutionary changes, to improve teaching effective- All data will be processed at the center and trans- ness, adapt quickly to new requirements of informa- ferred to the right clues according to the purpose and tion activities in a new era, requiring cooperation, requirements of each department, serving the teach- exchanging and grasping technology and applying ing process of teachers as well as ensuring good for information technology in teaching with domestic self-study and practice of learners [5]. and foreign universities and research institutes; take Conclusion advantage information technology environment to The Industrial Revolution 4.0 has been affecting link training, strengthen and expand scientific work- the education and training process in universities in shops and technology transfer [3]. Because in the general and at the Telecommunications University vast, real-time intelligent connection environment, in particular in many aspects, both in terms of goals, one can gather the top brains, the good teachers for content, program, and methods of training process; the corresponding training tasks. create an expanded educational space with flexible Along with exchanging and cooperating, in- connectivity, allowing both teachers and learners novating the content and teaching methods of the to exploit modern means to achieve high efficiency Telecommunications University also depends heav- in their pedagogical labor activities. Therefore, it is ily on teaching equipment. Therefore, the school’s required that each educational subject in the school leaders need to approach and proceed to build a should be aware of this impact to implement syn- smart school, firstly, to build intelligent infrastruc- chronously the solutions to ensure the process of re- ture including intelligent ecosystem, including de- newing the content, teaching methods and approach vices that can provide services that are equipped enter with the change of current advanced education with intelligent technologies (mobile technology, trends. References: 1. Bộ Giáo dục và đào tạo – Dự án POHE2, Phát triển chương trình đào tạo đại học định hướng nghề nghiệp ứng dụng, Nhà xuất bản Đại học Sư phạm, Hà Nội. 2016. 2. Ban Chấp hành Trung ương Đảng khóa XI, Nghị quyết số 29-NQ/TW- Hội nghị Trung ương 8 khóa XI về đổi mới căn bản, toàn diện giáo dục và đào tạo, Hà Nội. 2013. 3. PhamTat Dong. “Industry 4.0 và vấn đề giáo dục”, Kỷ yếu Hội thảo “Tâm lý học, giáo dục học với việc thực hiện NQ29/NQ-TW của Đảng về đổi mới căn bản, toàn diện giáo dục và đào tạo”, Nhà xuất bản Đại học quốc gia, Hà Nội. 2016. 4. Hong Hanh. Thầy giáo trẻ làm giàu nhờ dạy học trực tuyến, VnExpress. 2015. 5. Tran Thị Van Hoa. Giải pháp để hòa nhập với cách mạng công nghiệp 4.0 cho trường đại học, Dân trí. 2016. 6. Nguyen Đac Hưng. Cuộc cách mạng công nghiệp lần thứ tư và vấn đề đặt ra với giáo dục Việt Nam, Nxb Quân đội nhân dân, Hà Nội. 2017.

117 Section 8. Political science

Section 8. Political science Kuppayeva Botagoz, Associate professor, Candidate of Political Science, Kazakh National Agrarian University Almaty, Kazakhstan E-mail: [email protected] ALPHABET REFORM: EXPERIENCE AND PRIORITIES Abstract. Language has always been the most important unifying principle of any nation, any state. This is truly a historical milestone in the spiritual and cultural development of the country. The modernization of the Kazakh language is necessary in order to unleash its full potential – not only as a means of communication, but also as a powerful factor in spiritual revival and strengthening of national identity. Keywords: alphabet, runic writing, Latin graphics, imaginary communities, modernization of the Kazakh language. Куппаева Ботагоз Туегеновна, ассоциированный профессор, канд.полит.наук, Казахский Национальный Аграрный Университет Алматы, Казахстан E-mail: [email protected] РЕФОРМА АЛФАВИТА: ОПЫТ И ПРИОРИТЕТЫ Аннотация. Язык всегда был главнейшим объединяющим началом любой нации, любого государства. Это поистине историческая веха в духовно-культурном развитии страны. Мо- дернизация казахского языка необходима, чтобы раскрыть весь его потенциал – не только как средства коммуникации, но и мощного фактора духовного возрождения, укрепления нацио- нальной идентичности. Ключевые слова: алфавит, руническая письменность, латинская графика, воображаемые сообщества, модернизация казахского языка. 1. Уникальная роль латинского языка в средней части Апеннинского полуострова. Латинский язык (Lingua Latina) – это язык Жителей ее называли латинами (Latini), их язык древних жителей Лация, небольшой области латинским. Рим (Rота), на первых порах всего


лишь столица Лация, благодаря своей экспанси- нынешних Франции, Бельгии, отчасти Нидерлан- онистской политике овладел вначале всем Апен- дов и Швейцарии). В течение пяти столетий, до нинским полуостровом, потом бассейном Среди- падения Римской империи в 476 г., племена, на- земного моря и стал столицей Римской империи. селявшие Галлию и Британию, а также германцы И хотя власть и политическое влияние римлян испытывают сильнейшее воздействие латинского распространились далеко за пределы Лация и их языка [2, 153]. язык стал языком всей Римской империи, его по- Попытки римлян подчинить себе германские прежнему называли латинским. племена не имели успеха, но экономические связи Латинский вместе с древними осским и умбр- римлян с германцами существовали длительное ским языками входит в индоевропейскую семью время. Они осуществлялись преимущественно че- языков и составляет там италийскую ветвь, но на- рез римские колонии-гарнизоны, расположенные учно доказано, что латынь даже в этой семье язы- вдоль Рейна и Дуная. Об этом напоминают назва- ков является языком-основой [1, 70]. ния немецких городов: Ко1п (от лат. со1оnia – по- На базе латинского языка в V в. н. э. возникла селение), Коblепz (из лат. сопf1иепtes – букв, «стека- романская группа языков, а саму латынь стали на- ющиеся»: Кобленц расположен у слияния Мозеля зывать мертвым языком. Так ли это? «Какой же с Рейном), Regensburg (из лат. regina castra) и др. это мертвый язык, если, не увядая, он пережил Латинского происхождения в современном немец- тысячелетия» (Ю. Тувим). ком языке и слова Wein (из лат. vinum), retticht Формирование и расцвет классического ла- (из лат. radix – корень), Birne (лат. pirum) и другие тинского языка связаны с превращением Рима названия продуктов сельского хозяйства, которые в крупнейшее на Средиземноморье рабовладель- вывозили за Рейн римские купцы, а также терми- ческое государство, подчинившее себе обширные ны, относящиеся к строительному делу: Маиеr (лат. территории на западе и юго-востоке Европы, тиrиs – каменная стена в отличие от германского в Северной Африке и Малой Азии. В восточных Wand – плетень), Рforte (из лат. роrtaа), Fenster провинциях (в Греции, Малой Азии и на север- (из лат.fenestra). Strasse (из лат. Strata via – мощеная ном побережье Африки), где к моменту завоева- дорога) и многие другие. ния римлянами широко использовался греческий В Британии наиболее древними следами язык, латинский не получил большого распро- латинского языка являются названия городов странения. Иначе обстояло дело в Западном Сре- с составной частью – chester, – caster или castle, диземноморье. foss- Manchester, Lancaster, Newcastle, Fossway, К концу II в. до н. э. латинский язык господ- Fossbrook т. п. ствует не только на всей территории Италии, Завоевание Британии в V–VI вв. германскими но в качестве официального государственного племенами англов, саксов и ютов увеличило чис- языка проникает в покоренные римлянами об- ло латинских заимствований, усвоенных британ- ласти Пиренейского полуострова и нынешней скими племенами, за счет слов, уже воспринятых южной Франции. Через римских солдат и торгов- германцами от римлян. цев в разговорной форме он получает хождение Латинский в его разговорной форме, так на- среди местного населения и становится одним зываемая вульгарная (народная) латынь, явился из наиболее эффективных средств романизации языком-основой для новых национальных языков, завоеванных территорий. При этом наиболее ак- объединяемых под общим названием романских. тивно романизируются ближайшие соседи рим- К ним принадлежат итальянский, образовавший- лян – кельтские племена в Галлии (территория ся на Апеннинском полуострове, французский

119 Section 8. Political science

и провансальский, получившие развитие в быв- тинский язык наряду с древнегреческим с давних шей Галлии, испанский и португальский на Пи- пор и до наших дней служит источником образо- ренейском полуострове, ретороманский – на вания международной общественно-политиче- территории римской колонии Реции (в части ны- ской и научной терминологии. Даже в наше время нешней Швейцарии и в северо-восточной Ита- научные термины нередко создаются из греческих лии), румынский – на территории римской про- и латинских корней, обозначая неизвестные пре- винции Дакии (нынешняя Румыния), молдавский жде понятия (космонавт, футурология, акваланг и некоторые другие. Латинский язык здесь и сам и т. п.). Международный фонд научной термино- несколько видоизменялся в результате сложного логии включает термины, освоенные многими ев- взаимодействия с местными племенными языка- ропейскими языками, в том числе русским, а через ми и диалектами. посредство русского – и казахским языком. Все романские языки сохраняют латинские Судьба «живой латыни» служит темой ре- черты больше в лексике, чем в морфологии. До- гулярно проводимых международных конгрес- статочно сравнить французские слова теrе, freire, сов, организатором которых является созданная cause, cent, mille, vaincre, sentir с латинскими mater, в Риме Международная академия содействия ла- frater, cauca, grandis, centrum, mille, sentire, имеющим тинской образованности [3, 622]. то же значение. Как показывает культурная история целого Глагольная система французского языка пред- ряда современных наций, письменность имеет не ставляет дальнейшее развитие форм глагола, на- меньшее значение для формирования националь- мечавшееся в народной латыни. Сильное влияние ной идентичности, чем сам язык. Для китайцев на формирование французского литературного иероглифы являются тем культурным кодом, ко- языка оказал латинский синтаксис, под воздей- торый объединяет китайскую нацию, различные ствием которого сформировались правила со- части которой изъясняются на различных вари- гласования и последовательности времен (в ла- антах разговорного языка, что становится суще- тыни consecution temporum, во французском ственным препятствием для устной коммуника- concordance des temps), обособленные причаст- ции. Для русских, грузин, армян, евреев, арабов ные конструкции, инфинитивные обороты. используемая ими письменность является не про- Из общего числа жителей нашей планеты, со- сто графическим выражением их языка, но и вы- ставляющего в настоящее время 7 миллиардов ражением их религиозной, культурной и, шире, человек, на романских языках говорят свыше 500 национальной идентичности. Выбор турецким миллионов человек. лидером Ата-тюрком латинской письменности оз- Латинский язык сыграл немалую роль и в обо- начал смену имперской (османской) идентично- гащении русской лексики, в том числе и термино- сти на национальную (турецкую) идентичность. логии, связанной преимущественно со сферой на- В этом ключе перевод казахской письменности на учно-технической и общественно-политической латинскую графику означает для казахов смену жизни. В русский, как и в другие европейские советской идентичности, которая во многом еще языки, латинизмы пришли не только при непо- доминирует в национальном сознании, на суве- средственном контакте с латинским языком, но ренную (казахскую) идентичность. и при посредстве других языков. Так, из 20000 2. Перевод казахской письменности на ла- наиболее употребительных английских слов око- тиницу ло 10400 латинского происхождения, около 2200 В теоретическом плане перевод казахской греческого и только 5400 – англосаксонского. Ла- письменности на латиницу представляется


обоснованным. Существует известная концепция ход к латинице позволит, по его мнению, сформи- воображаемых сообществ американского поли- ровать более четкую национальную идентичность толога Бенедикта Андерсона [4]. В соответствии казахов. Переход на латинскую графику в Азер- с этой концепцией нация является воображаемым байджане, Узбекистане, Туркменистане, имеющих сообществом, появление которого становится схожий с Казахстаном культурно-исторический возможным с возникновением в 15–16 столетиях опыт, следует рассматривать именно под этим в Европе так называемого печатного капитализ- углом зрения. ма. Печатный капитализм становится источни- По мнению известного политолога Т. Козыре- ком массового производства книг, а затем газет ва, любое человеческое сообщество объединяется и журналов. С культурной арены постепенно вокруг определенной системы ценностей, которые, сходит латинский язык, импульс для своего раз- в свою очередь, в сжатой форме выражаются че- вития получают вернакулярные (народные) языки рез символы. Такие символы играют значительную – английский, французский, немецкий, итальян- роль в эмоциональном сплочении общества, тем ский, испанский, а в более поздние периоды – на- самым обеспечивая его целостность. Графическая родные языки Восточной Европы, Азии и других система (в подавляющем большинстве случаев – ал- регионов. Появляется главный потребитель этой фавит), которую использует национальный язык, продукции – массовый читатель. Читая регулярно оказывает сильнейшее воздействие на формирова- одну и ту же печатную продукцию (газеты, журна- ние национальной идентичности. Поэтому заклю- лы, художественную литературу, учебники и т. д.), чает политолог, переход казахского алфавита с ки- читатели формируют воображаемое сообщество, риллической графической основы на латинскую у них складывается общая идентичность, которая в случае успешного его осуществления сыграет и становится основой формирования нации. позитивную роль в процессе укрепления незави- Казахское воображаемое сообщество стало симости РК и формирования самостоятельной по- формироваться еще в конце 19 столетия, но его литической идентичности казахстанцев. развитие, как считает Р. Кадыржанов, было оста- Оппоненты латинизации справедливо указы- новлено Октябрьской революцией. В советский вают на тот факт, что каждый алфавит является период развитие казахского воображаемого со- своего рода «визитной карточкой» той или иной общества происходило на основе его идеологи- цивилизации, и потому выбор алфавита становит- зации и связанной с ней русификации, элементом ся в немалой степени также выбором цивилизаци- которой был перевод письменности казахского онного вектора развития. Однако их восприятие языка на кириллицу. Печатная продукция, на ос- идеи латинизации казахского алфавита как сугубо нове которой формируется воображаемое сооб- прозападного (и, как следствие, антироссийско- щество (то есть нация), в Казахстане полностью го) проекта является ошибочным [5]. набиралась на кириллице. Но письменность как Положение латинского алфавита в современ- материальный носитель языка в деле формиро- ном мире, Козырев называет, уникальным. В ре- вания воображаемого сообщества имеет отнюдь зультате масштабной экспансии европейской не второстепенное значение. Она способствова- цивилизации в период ХУ-ХХ веков он приоб- ла и способствует ориентации казахского нацио- рел де-факто универсально-космополитический нального самосознания в сторону русского язы- характер. Сегодня его применяют в большом ко- ка и русской культуры. В результате, по мнению личестве стран, которые далеко отстоят друг от Р. Кадыржанова, казахская идентичность остает- друга в культурологическом, географическом от- ся во многом неопределенной. В этом плане пере- ношениях.

121 Section 8. Political science

Латинский алфавит используется в том числе рой последовательности, внимательно относи- и в ряде мусульманских стран дальнего зарубежья, лись к нему и тщательно готовились с обретения причем занимающих лидирующие позиции в ис- Независимости», – отмечает Елбасы в статье. ламском мире (Турция, Индонезия, Малайзия). В целом в переходе на латинский алфавит, считает В немусульманской части азиатского конти- Президент, есть своя глубокая логика: «Она свя- нента латиницей пользуются Вьетнам и Филип- зана с особенностями современной технологи- пины, а в Китае и Японии параллельно с иерогли- ческой среды, коммуникации, а также научными фической письменностью активно используются и образовательными процессами ХХІ века» [6]. латинские транскрипции (в частности, именно Глава государства отметил, что государство и на- таким путем в названных странах решена про- ция не являются какой-то литой формой, а пред- блема компьютеризации). Наконец, латиницей ставляют собой живой организм, которому не- пользуются все без исключения страны Латин- обходимо постоянное развитие. Для этого нужно ской Америки, а также наиболее развитые языки прислушиваться к требованиям времени и реаги- народов Африки и Океании. ровать на изменения в мире. Иначе говоря, латиница на сегодняшний Язык всегда был главнейшим объединяющим день является универсальным международным началом любой нации, любого государства. Это алфавитом, использование которого связано не поистине историческая веха в духовно-культур- с «про-западной» ориентацией, а лишь с вхожде- ном развитии страны. Модернизация казахского нием Казахстана в мировое сообщество на правах языка необходима, чтобы раскрыть весь его по- полноправного его члена. Из этого следует, что тенциал – не только как средства коммуникации, перевод казахского алфавита на латиницу страте- но и мощного фактора духовного возрождения, гически оправдан в долгосрочной перспективе. укрепления национальной идентичности. В своей статье «Болашаққа бағдар: рухани Переход на латиницу направлен, прежде жаңғыру», опубликованной в газете «Егемен всего, на реформирование казахского алфавита Қазақстан», Президент Казахстана Нурсултан и правил орфографии, что позволит установить Назарбаев, большое внимание уделил вопросу пе- соответствие между фонетикой языка и его гра- рехода казахского алфавита на латиницу. «Обще- фикой. Введение латиницы призвано решить ственное сознание требует от нас не только фор- вопросы развития государственного языка. мирования основных принципов модернизации, Также твердая, последовательная позиция Ел- но вместе с тем и осуществления конкретных басы в данном вопросе будет способствовать проектов, необходимых для соответствующего осознанию всеми, что русский язык как миро- противостояния вызовам современности. В свя- вой язык, имеющий мощные культурно-истори- зи с этим я предлагаю несколько проектов, за ко- ческие корни в нашей стране, будет по-прежнему торые необходимо серьезно взяться в ближайшие продолжать играть важную роль в жизни казах- годы. Во-первых, нужно начать работу по перево- станского общества. Государство продолжит не- ду казахского языка на латиницу. Мы понимали, уклонное проведение в жизнь политики по раз- что в этом вопросе была необходимость некото- витию трехъязычия. Список литературы: 1. Матюнкина Л. О., Назарова В. В. Роль латинского языка в формировании европейских языков // В сборнике: древние языки и современность материалы научно-практической конференции студентов, магистрантов и молодых ученых. – Армавир, 2016. – С. 69–72.


2. Таривердиева М. А. Историческая роль латинского языка в формировании романских языков и культур // Вестник Московского государственного лингвистического университета. Гумани- тарные науки. 2018. – № 16 (811). – С. 152–158. 3. Попова А. С. Латинский язык и современность // В сборнике: Филологические чтения. – Материа- лы Международной научно-практической конференции. Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Оренбургский государственный универси- тет», факультет филологии и журналистики. 2019. – С. 621–623. 4. Кадыржанов Р. Языковая политика: нужны креативные идеи // Интернет-издание SPIK.KZ 17.09.2007 [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: URL: tur/2007–09–17/yazykovaya-politika-nuzhny-kreativnye-idei (дата обращения: 10.10.2018). 5. Латинизация: сможем ли мы осуществить эту реформу? // Central Asia Monitor. – 21.04.2017 [Элек- тронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: URL: › 26662-latinizaciya- smozhem-li-my-osuschestvit-etu-re. (дата обращения: 17.10.2018). 6. Назарбаев Н. А. «Болашаққа бағдар: рухани жаңғыру» // «Егемен Қазақстан». – 12.04.2017.

123 Section 8. Political science Hoang Ngoc Son, Master, Postgraduate, Academy of Politics, Vietnam E-mail: [email protected]


Abstract. The local army in the Tay Nguyen area is a part of the Vietnam People’s Army, it is not only functions and tasks are mobile combat forces mainly in the area but also role adviser to the Party committees and local governments in garrison for military and defense tasks. Join the motion of Protestant compatriots in the area is an important task contributing to stabilizing political security and creating a favorable environment to development socio-economic in the Tay Nguyen to become increasingly rich and beautiful. The posts focuses on explaining the position and content of the ba- sic factors that regulating the role of the local soldiers to participate in the movement of Protestant compatriots in the Tay Nguyen region today. Keywords: Regulatory factors, Protestantism, Local soldiers, Tay Nguyen. 1. Introduction cal system, participating in the movement of Prot- Having properly awareness of the position and estant compatriots in the Tay Nguyen region, the role of Protestant compatriots in the Tay Nguyen role of Local soldiers are subject to the regulations region is a part of the great unity bloc of the entire to many factors both objective and subjective. The people.In the revolutionary struggle for power as research clarifies the regulations of these factors are well as in the process of industrialization and mod- very important meaning to help the local army to ernization of the country, Protestant compatriots in perform their functions and duties in this field [3; 9]. the Tay Nguyen region have many important con- 2. The basic factors determine the role of the lo- tributions, contributing to maintaining the stabil- cal army in participation the advocacy work for the ity to political, social and economic development, Protestant compatriots in the Tay Nguyen region strengthening national defense and security. Over Firstly, the role of the Local soldiers in advocacy the past years, the Party committees and the provin- work Protestant compatriots in the Tay Nguyen re- cial governments in the Tay Nguyen area have had gion is subject to the regulations by the leadership many guidelines and policies in leading, directing and direction of party organizations and authorities and promoting the role of organizations and forces at all levels. to well participate in the work of advocacy Protestant Leadership and direction of party organizations people to strengthen and consolidate the great unity and authorities at all levels such as the Party, the bloc of the entire people; maintain political security, State, the Central Military Commission, the Minis- create a stable environment for socio-economic de- try of National Defense, the Party Committees and velopment in the area. the local government are basic factors, objective and As an integral part of the Vietnam People’s Army regulation the role of local soldiers participating in and a special political organization in the local politi- the advocacy work of Protestant compatriots in the


Tay Nguyen region. This is a factor creates a legal maintaining political stability, social order and safety, basis for the local army to maintain the political consolidating and strengthening the great unity bloc orientation, perform the right functions, tasks and of the entire nation, creating a favorable environment promote its role in participating in advocacy for the for promoting socio-economic development in the people whose Protestantism in the Tay Nguyen re- locality; fight to defeat all intrigues and actions of gion [3; 4; 5]. hostile forces that take advantage of Protestantism to In society as well as any organizations, when peo- undermine local revolutionary career; well perform- ple gather together to perform one thing with a com- ing the functions, tasks and confirming the nature and mon purpose, it is necessary to have leadership and fine traditions of ”Uncle Ho’s Army” in the new situa- direction so that everyone agreed on the action. The tion. Any expression away from this principle will be activity of the Local soldiers participating in the ad- a mistake and cause the activities of the local army to vocacy of Protestant compatriots in the Tay Nguyen participate in the advocacy of Protestant compatriots is a complex and sensitive activity. In order to per- in the Tay Nguyen region is not only sustainable but form functions and tasks, the organizational system also lose the political direction in action. of the Local army has many specific departments and Secondly, the role of the Local soldiers partici- organizations, so the leadership and direction work pating in the advocacy of Protestant compatriots in as an indispensable and objective requirement. The the Tay Nguyen region is subject to the goals and leadership and right scientific direction is decisive requirements of national defense. condition to ensure for the local army to fulfill the The goals and requirements of the Fatherland role of participating in the advocacy of Protestant protection stipulate the main tasks of the local army people in the Tay Nguyen. to participate in this work is focus on successfully Leadership and direction of the Party, the State, implementing the political campaign of the Party the Central Military Commission, the local govern- and the State aimed at gather revolution forces, is ment for the forces involved in advocacy Protestant the struggle ”win the people and keep the people” compatriots in the Tay Nguyen region are shown in in the great unity bloc of the entire nation. The goals the issuing directives, resolutions, guidelines, poli- and requirements of the Fatherland protection de- cies, laws, ordinances, decrees and documents, plans fine the role of the local soldiers in the direct attack to to guide the organization of implementation … This defeat the plots and tricks of hostile forces that abus- is both a basic and a core element of the goals, iden- ing Protestantism to sabotaging the socio-economic tify tasks and operational orientations for local sol- development, ensuring political security and safety diers and soldiers involved in advocacy Protestant in the locality, contributing to firmly protecting the compatriots in the Tay Nguyen in the right direction, Socialist Republic of Vietnam [7; 8]. bringing practical efficiency. At the same time, this is Along with the central political task, the goals both an important factor to ensure the promotion of and requirements of defense the nation are also the subjective dynamism of the local army in the process basis for defining the role of the local army as an im- of performing the task. Therefore, when having is in- portant force in advising and strengthening forces terest in leading, directing and applying flexibly the involved build local political base in the area of the views and policies of the Party, the State, the Central people Protestantism with a strong way; as a force Military Commission, the local authorities to the ad- directly propagating and advocacy Protestant com- vocacy the Protestantism people to ensure local sol- patriots to abide by the Party’s guidelines and poli- diers have awareness, proper methods and effective cies, the State’s policies and laws; assisting Protestant actions in the process of participation; contribute to compatriots in socio-economic development; as a

125 Section 8. Political science core force in the struggle to defeat the conspiracy the specific characteristics of the local armed forces – and tricks of hostile forces that take advantage of forces associated with the lives of ethnic minorities Protestantism to undermine the country’s revolu- and religions in the locality (including Protestant tionary cause. compatriots). Therefore, the local soldiers in the Tay With the motto of protecting the Fatherland ”early, Nguyen area, it is not only performing the central far”, the goals and requirements of defending the Fa- political task is training and ready to fight but also therland in the new situation and determine the re- participate in advocacy work to people of the Par- quirements and tasks of the Local soldiers involved in ty and the State, and perform unite, stick flesh and advocacy Protestantism’s people in the Tay Nguyen blood to the People, build strong local economic and region should proactively deploying measures to fight political bases, and fight to defeat all plots and tricks against, defeat conspiracy and tricks of hostile forces of hostile forces that take advantage of Protestantism that take advantage of Protestantism to create riot, cre- to undermine the country’s revolutionary cause. This ate political hot spots, especially in propagating, edu- is the vivid expression of the ”working army” func- cating and raising awareness for Protestant compatri- tion of the revolutionary army. As President Ho Chi ots about the plots and tricks of hostile forces such as: Minh said: “The main army, the local army and the Advocating for the establishment of an independent guerrilla should not only fight. Knowing fight is a ”Dega State”; slander, distort, distort the situation of good thing, but not only knowing fight but also dis- the nation, religion, democracy, human rights in our regarding politics, economics, and propaganda and country, incite people to oppose the government; tak- education of the people mean only one side, because ing advantage of the Party and State’s religious policies fighting is inseparable both politics and economy ” to propagate and develop illegal religion, especially the [5, P. 446]. At the same time, the local soldiers par- ”Dega Protestantism” to ”religiousize” ethnic areas; ticipating in the advocacy of Protestant compatriots taking advantage of charitable and humanitarian ac- in the Tay Nguyen region also concretize Directive tivities, investing in developing economic to penetrate 66 – CT/TW of the Party Central Committee Sec- ethnic minority areas to propagandize, build forces, retariat Session VI, which states clearly: ”The armed support and direct activities against sabotage, causing forces that do well in educating, fostering religious instability, create an excuse to intervene; propagating young people are doing military service, doing well and distorting historical issues left to divide ethnic mi- the advocacy work in the believers’ regions” [1; 2; 4]. norities from the Kinh people; seek to bribe and en- Thus, it can be seen that the local soldiers par- tice prestigious people in the community of religions ticipating in the advocacy of Protestant compatriots and ethnic minorities; install people into our political in the Tay Nguyen region are an important political system to prevent sabotage; thoroughly use modern task, demonstrating the valuable functions and tra- media, internet and social networks to communicate, ditions of our army – the revolutionary army, ”from direct direct, propaganda, induce, incite people, distort the People, for the people to fight and sacrifice”. At policies and policies of our Party and State [7; 12]. the same time, it is to continue to promote the good Thirdly, the role of the local soldiers participating nature and tradition of ”Uncle Ho’s Soldier” in the in the advocacy of Protestant compatriots in the Tay new era, worthy of the loyal and reliable force of the Nguyen region is subject to the regulations of the Party, the State and the People. new situation. Fourthly, the role of the local soldiers participating As an integral part of the local army, the local in the advocacy work the Protestant compatriots in the army in the Tay Nguyen region has both the com- Tay Nguyen region is subject to the regulations by qual- mon characteristics of the revolutionary army and ification and practical capacity for mass avocacy work.


Qualifications, practical capacity to conduct content in contacting, meeting, propagating, help- mass advocacy work of the Local soldiers in the Tay ing and advocacy Protestant compatriots to abide by Nguyen area are subjective factors, often and directly the Party’s guidelines and policies, the State’s policies affect all aspects of the performance of tasks military and laws; having experience in guiding and assisting in general and stipulate the degree of accomplish- people in socio-economic development, raising the ment of the task of advocacy Protestant compatri- spirit of revolutionary vigilance and fighting against ots in particular. Because the qualification, practical all intrigues and tricks of hostile forces to take advan- capacity to carry out mass advocacy activities of the tage of Protestantism destructive the country’s revo- local army which is high or low will be the basis for lutionary cause. Along with the above content, the the local soldiers to be confident, promote their role level and practical capacity of the advocacy work also well or hesitate, confused, do not create credibility stipulates the results of the process of the local army’s when interacting with people and exposed many resolving the relationships that arise in the process limitations and shortcomings in performing tasks, of joining the advocacy work of Protestant compatri- affecting and reducing the effectiveness in the work. otsThese relationships include: General-private rela- The qualifications, practical capacity to conduct tionship, military – people relationship; coordinating mass advocacy work of the Local soldiers which high relationships with local individuals, organizations, or low are expressed at the osmotic level, grasping mass organizations during the implementation pro- the basic theoretical knowledge about beliefs, reli- cess … At the same time, it also stipulates the role of gions of Marxism – Leninism, Ho Chi Minh ideol- the local soldiers in managing emerging issues, solve ogy, religious views and policies of the Party and conflicts to successfully accomplish the task of advo- the State, and profound insights into the customs, cacy Protestant compatriots with increasing quality habits and life of the people. At the same time, it is and effectiveness. also manifested through elements of political cour- Fifthly, the role of the Local soldiers participat- age, morality, lifestyle, method, and working style ing in the advocacy of Protestant compatriots in the when interacting with Protestant compatriots. Ac- Tay Nguyen region is subject regulation by socio- cordingly, only on the basis of political stability and economic conditions in the area. pure revolutionary ethics; have high reputation and The theory of Marxism – Leninism on the dia- qualification; have methods and manners ”respect lectical relationship between objective and subjec- the people, be close to the people, understand the tive factors shows that, objective conditions always people, learn the people and be responsible to the dominate and decide both in terms of content, people”; ”Sincere, positive, vigilant, patient, delicate, nature, extent and limit of success of subjective firm” when conducting mass advocacy, …it just cre- factors. Accordingly, it can be seen that the socio- ated officials and soldiers’ the local army have solid economic conditions in the Tay Nguyen region conditions are needed to promote the role of. are the real basis for creating favorable or difficult Reality of participating in advocacy work to Prot- circumstances which defining the role of the local estant compatriots in the Tay Nguyen area of the army in participating the advocacy work Protestant past years shows: On the basis of qualification and compatriots [9; 10]. capacity of advocacy to the people which usually is Stemming from the goal of building and develop- fostered and enhanced have helped every officer and ing sustainably the provinces’ Tay Nguyen region, soldier of the local army be confident in overcoming ensuring the requirements of rich economic, politi- unfavorable objective conditions and circumstances cal stability, national defense, strong security, healthy to complete the assigned task well; to control the social and cultural. Therefore, the task of advocacy

127 Section 8. Political science

Protestant compatriots in the Tay Nguyen region of nation, develop the economy. – society and organiza- the local soldiers must closely associate with socio- tion, encourage Protestant compatriots to promote economic development, build strong a posture of na- their creativity in the career of building and defend- tional defense and posture people security. Thereby, ing the Socialist Vietnam’s homeland. contributing to ensuring socio-economic develop- The process of the local soldiers taking part in ment, building a national defense, posture of people’s the advocay work of Protestant compatriots in the security follow the Party’s line and views. In turn, area in Tay Nguyen region is subject to the follow- socio-economic conditions in the Tay Nguyen have ing factors: Leadership and direction of the Party been developed, national defense has been consoli- organizations and authorities levels; targets and dated, strengthened, security and social order have requirements for national defense in the new situ- been maintained as a realistic basis to build local ation; functions and tasks in the new situation; soldiers are strong and comprehensive as well as qualification and practical capacity for advocacy stipulating the role of local soldiers participating in work to the people; local socio-economic condi- advocacy work for Protestant compatriots. tions. These factors are both stable and change in 3. Conclusion the process of participating in the advocacy of Prot- Participating in the work of advocacy Protestant estant compatriots in the local army to constantly compatriots in the Tay Nguyen region of the local aware of correct and having impact measures both soldiers to carry out important political advocacy content and methods implementation to bring the tasks to strengthen the great unity bloc of the entire highest performance. References: 1. The Communist Party of Vietnam. Directive on strengthening religious work in the new situation, – No. 66-CT / TW of October 26, 1990. – Hanoi. 2. The Communist Party of Vietnam. Resolution No. 28-NQ / TW, October 25, 2013 on the Strategy for national defense in the new situation, Hanoi. 2013. 3. Vietnam Communist Party. Document of the 12th National Delegation Congress, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi. 2016. 4. The Central Military Party Committee. Directive on strengthening leadership and directing the Army to carry out religious work in the new situation, – No. 36 / TCMPC, – February 23, 1999. – Hanoi. 5. Ho Chi Minh (1952). ”Speech at the Guerrilla War Conference”, Ho Chi Minh Full episode, episode 7, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2011. 6. Nguyen Thi Nga. ”The situation of Protestantism in the Central Highlands Provinces – Some recommendations and recommendations”, Religious Affairs, 6 (118), 2016. – P. 17–21. 7. Pham Thi Nhung. ”The role of the People’s Army in mass mobilization in religious areas”, Religious affairs, 5, 2015. – P. 9–21, – 24 p. 8. Nguyen Dinh Son. “The results of the coordination of religious activities of the Armed Forces of Military Region 5 in areas with many religious people”, Religious work, – No. 7 (07), 2015. – P. 40–43. 9. Nguyen Xuan Thanh. “Improving the effectiveness of the mass movement in the Northwest border area of the Border Guards”, Military political and political education, 6 (166), 2017. – P. 46–49. 10. Nguyen Xuan Trung. “The impact of Protestantism on the spiritual life of ethnic minorities”, (Case study in the Central Highlands today), Social Sciences of Central Vietnam, 1 (45), 2017. – P. 54–58. 11. Center for Dictionary. Vietnamese Dictionary, Danang Publisher – Center for Dictionary, Hanoi. 2015.


12. Pham Minh Tuan (Chairman), Promoting the role of religious dignitaries in strengthening and strengthening the great unity bloc of the entire nation in Lam Dong province, Report of results researching social sciences and humanities at the provincial level, Lam Dong. 2015. 13. Lam Dong Provincial People’s Committee (2016). Work plan for Protestantism for the period 2016– 2020, Lam Dong.

129 Section 9. Psychology

Section 9. Psychology Kasianova Svitlana Borisovna, Ph.D.-student at the Department of Psychology, Ukrainian State Employment Service Training Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine E-mail: [email protected] VALIDATION OF THE EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE DEVELOPMENT IN ADULTS Abstract. The article deals with the possibility of emotional intelligence development in adults through distance learning, modern training programs and presents the features of this process. This includes motivation and reliance on the experience of the learner, duration, systematic, awareness, individualization and priority of self-study, the principle of self-study, activities, use of all channels of perception for information, keeping an “diary of emotions”, updating of learning results and sup- port of participants after the end of the process of study. The importance of the developed emotional intelligence is emphasized both for the formation of the communicative personality culture and for the exercise of professional activity. Keywords: emotional intelligence, adults, training programs, activity. In modern psychology, there is a growing interest rydis, J. Siarrochi, V. Strelnikov, L. Tarayevska, J. Trini- to study the phenomenon of emotional intelligence dad, E. Fernhem, A. Filatov, I. Filippov, S. Kasianova (EI). American psychologists J. Mayer, P. Salovey [8]) and on the successful life of the personality and D. Caruso [7] formulated a theoretical propo- (D. Goleman, E. Kelovey, J. Kaur, T. Knyazev, R. Ku- sition that emotional intelligence can be regarded as drin, T. Pankova, A. Petrovskaya, F. Slater, I. Stepanov, an important psychological resource of the individ- E. Nosenko, S. Kasianova [4, 5]); adaptation poten- ual. The development of emotional intelligence, on tial (R. Bar-On, M. Brekket, S. Derevyanko); is a pre- the one hand, contributes to the optimal function- requisite of morality, determinant of emotional self- ing of the person, the establishment of constructive control and etc. (J. Arshava, N. Gresa, V. Zhytaryuk, and mutually productive interpersonal relationships, M. Kuznetsov, T. Pashko, G. Chernozhuk). and, on the other, reduces the risk of various forms of L. Vakhrusheva in the result of the conducted study personal destruction and social maladaptation. reached following conclusions, that: the more success- Scientists have shown that high rates of emotional ful and flexible a person can control its own emotions, intelligence have a positive effect on the physical, men- the more positively it can be perceived by others; the tal blogging of a person (S. Anderson, O. Bakalenko, development of the parameters of emotional intelli- G. Berezyuk, M. Bracket, R. Warner, F. Dean, V. Pet- gence is an important factor in success in the sphere

130 VALIDATION OF THE EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE DEVELOPMENT IN ADULTS of interpersonal communication. Researcher also the most actively used domestic developments is the found, that the more a person understands their own EmIn questionnaire created by D. Lyusin, O. Maryu- emotions the better is the positive attitude to people, tina and A. Stepanova, including the general scale responsiveness, integrity and responsibility. Thus a “Intrapersonal EI”, “Interpersonal EI” and a number person can more be focused on cooperation; so it is of subscales; adaptation of the N. Hall questionnaire more inquisitive and able to learn [2]. I. Andreeva and E. Ilyin [10] and others. The conceptions of the construct of emotional The lack of consensus on the structural com- intelligence (EI) are different and based on a number ponents of EI, diagnostic methods for determining of theories presented [7]: their quantitative indicators is reflected the possi- –– theory of emotional-intellectual abilities bility of EI development. Two opposing points of (J. Mayer, P. Salovey, D. Caruso), includ- view are represented by the positions of J. Mayer, ing a four-component hierarchical model who maintains the impossibility of developing EI, consisting of sequentially developing in the which is a relatively stable ability, but the reality of ontogeny of components: identification of increasing emotional competence through training, emotions, use of emotions in mental activity, and D. Goleman, the supporter of EI development understanding of emotions, management of even in adulthood. emotions; Obviously, adolescence, youth and young age –– non-cognitive theory of EI (R. Bar-On), as- are particularly sensitive in relation to the effective- suming five variables of EI and constituting ness of the formation of EI, in particular, verbaliza- subcomponents: intrapersonal (awareness of tion and recognition of emotions. However, despite one’s emotions, self-esteem, self-actualization, the fact that the development of EI in adulthood re- independence), interpersonal (empathy, in- quires considerable time costs, the neural pathways terpersonal relationships, social responsibil- of the brain retain a tendency to develop more than ity), adaptive responsibility problem solving, before the middle of human life. For example, the communication in reality, flexibility), regula- opponents of the second approach to the develop- tion of stress (resistance to stress, control of ment of EI components state a steady increase in impulsivity), general mood (happiness, opti- the EQ factor by 7.5 units from 95.3 (16–19 years) mism); to 102.7 (40–49 years) [1]. The emotional centers –– theory of emotional competence (D. Gole- of the right hemisphere are learning to react in a man) according to which the structure of EI new way, more slowly than assimilating informa- is four- component and includes self- aware- tion, mastering the technical skills and cognitive ness, self-control, social understanding, rela- abilities of the left hemisphere. Directing and cor- tionship management; recting the development of EI components, can be –– two-component theory of EI (D. Lusin) based preferably, done through training in an adequate on the consideration of EI as the ability to un- expression of feelings and their constructive use, derstand and control one’s own and others’ which is possible through a number of methods: emotions. individual and group training, group discussions, The different content of the concept of EI -ex problem lectures, psychological games, coaching, plains the lack of a single diagnostic tool for measur- master classes, and even remote development. The ing its quantitative indicators. Significant number of considerable number of training programs used methods (self-reporting techniques; task-based tech- makes it possible to highlight a number of the most niques) represented by foreign developments. Among interesting in adult learning. A significant number

131 Section 9. Psychology of applied training programs allows us to highlight tive psychotherapy. The training covers 6 months of a number of the most interesting in adult learning. classes with regularity – 1 lesson per week, lasting For example, T. Kiseleva offers a program that 2.5–3 hours. The program involves three stages: the includes four blocks (modules) of the program, first is the stage of forming an understanding of the lasting 1.5 months. The first block aimed on the goals and objectives of the program; forming stage development of the component of emotional in- – development of EI at the expense of development telligence – the study of the “alphabet of emotions” of its components; reflexive stage – analysis of self- and training techniques: “emotional thermometer”, changes by training participants [9]. express diagnostics and awarness of the own emo- The course by E. Ivanova became one of the ways tions and emotions of others, accurate transmission of developing EI. This is a distance course based on of emotional states, techniques of verbalization of the use of “Remote simulator of recognition and the senses, modeling of emotions, non-verbal ex- verbalization of emotions”. The implementation of pression of emotions; understanding of the infor- the program involves training for 6 weeks with a fre- mation given by emotions, techniques of reducing quency of 3 lessons per week. The remote program, emotional stress. The second block develops the filled with images of spontaneous facial expression, component “use of emotions” to increase the ef- audio images of emotions and feelings, phraseologi- ficiency of thinking and activity, including in the cal units, fragments of feature films, significantly re- crisis situations. The third block is devoted to the plenishes the “Dictionary of emotions”, provides an component “analysis and understanding of emo- increase in the level of awareness and understanding tions”. The fourth block integrates the experience of emotions [3], developing psychological resources of the previous blocks and develops a component and a communicative culture of personality. of “conscious control of emotions” based on the To summarize, it is important to note the charac- technique of reducing the intensity of emotions, terological features inherent in the effective process switching from one emotion to another, conscious of EI development in adult learning: control (management) of emotions. The structure –– initial motivation of the learner; significant of the program, lasting 6 months, also involves 4 length of study; consistency and awareness supervisions, 4 sessions of individual mentoring of learning; use of all channels of information with each student, 120 hours of classroom work, acquisition and processing; individualization 20–80 hours – independent work. In the course of training; the priority of self- study; of work, the researcher prefers modern innovative –– keeping a “diary of emotions”; principle of teaching methods that have proven effective: busi- joint activity; reliance on the learner’s expe- ness games, situational cases, “mind-mapping” (cre- rience; the mandatory act of promoting the ation of mental maps), counseling in the question- learning outcomes; answer mode, keeping a journal of emotions and –– support for participants after the training pro- others [6]. cess has been completed. Proving the possibility of purposeful develop- Conclusions: The development of EI in adults ment of EI as a means of reducing the severity of is possible through a focused long-term educational the syndrome of “professional burnout”, T. Solod- impact, based on programs that include a number kova chooses as a tool for the development of EI of characterological features, and involving the use metaphors, which are also an effective means of of elements of individual and group training, group developing thinking, self-awareness, subjectivity, discussions, problem lectures, psychological games, imagination, and parables, as an instrument of posi- distance learning and other methods.


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133 Section 10. Religious studies

Section 10. Religious studies Media Zainul Bahri, Department of Religious Studies, Ushuluddin Faculty Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) of Jakarta E-mail: [email protected] JOHAN HERMAN BAVINCK AND THE INTELLECTUAL CHRISTIANIZATION MODEL IN CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA PERIOD OF 1929–1938 Abstract. This article describes a model of intellectual missionary Christian activity at the end of Dutch colonialism in Indonesia (1938), which was carried out by Johan Herman Bavinck (1895– 1964). Bavinck had lived in Indonesia for almost 19 years as a Protestant Christian Pastor in three pe- riods (the Medan-Bandung period in 1919–1926, the Solo period in 1929–1934, and the Yogyakarta period in 1934 to 1938). Bavinck fell in love with Javanese culture but he was still a devout Christian. His struggle with Christianity and Javanese culture produced a model of missionary or Christianiza- tion that was full of intellectualism, a distinctive model that emerged in the late Dutch colonialism in Indonesia. First, during that period, Bavinck developed what the so-called “elenctics method.” This model later became a method in comparative study of religions. Second, Bavinck continued his senior tradition, Hendrik Kraemer, who combined Javanese spirituality and literature with Christianity. This is a kind of inculturation of Javanese culture with Christianity. To attract Javanese to Christianity, Bavinck campaigned that many aspects of Javanese spirituality were parallel to Christianity. Preach- ing religion with an elenctics model and how to inculturate was a phenomenon that had been carried out in Southeast Asia, especially by Muslims in the archipelago since the 16th century (the Wali Songo [the saint nine] period), and Christians since the mid 20th century in Indonesia. Keywords: Johan Herman Bavinck, Christian Missionary in Indonesia, Elenctics, Inculturation, Dutch Colonialism. Introduction as a symbol of the wealth of the colonized country. There are rumors that are long enough embed- After succeeding in taking gold and wealth and the ded in the memory of Indonesian Muslims that the colonials now becoming rich, they would get glory, be Dutch colonizers carried a three Gs mission: Gold, respected and worshiped by other nations. However, Glory and Gospel. In these rumors, it is stated that in the process, they also spread Christianity (Gos- the main purpose of colonialism was to control gold pel) or supported Christianization in the colonies.


The Christian colonizers, according to rumors, be- in Indonesia [1]. Shihab believes that the mission- lieved that the purpose of all colonialization activi- ary movement was indeed supported by the Dutch ties was truth originating from God. There are many colonial government with several main reasons. works of Indonesian Muslim scholars agreed on For example, the pastors were also state employees the theory that Christianization was supported by who received salaries from the colonial government. the colonial government. I will mention only four Much advice from missionaries, to spread Christi- academic works. The first is Husnul Aqib Suminto’s anity, was accepted and carried out by the colonial work, Politik Islam Hindia Belanda/Politics of Dutch government. The colonial government also created a East Indies toward Islam. After discussing the vari- Christian “fortress zone” to rivaled Muslim territories ous political regulations of the colonial government, and blocked the development of Islam. Third, Mufti Suminto concluded that the assumptions that stated Ali in Misionarisme di Banten [18]. According to Ali, the colonial government in favor of Christianization Christianization efforts in Banten must be put in the were indeed true and in accordance with the facts. context of Dutch colonialism. It was not possible to Suminto presented some important evidence. For attempt Christianisation if there were no broad ac- example, Governor-General Willem Idenburg who tors, facilities and roads for the missionaries. The regulated kersteningspolitiek which supported Chris- broad path was none other than Dutch colonialism tianization. Idenburg also gave wide permission for which was Christian in Indonesia. Ali supported Alwi each zending (missionary) activity to enter many Shihab’s thesis which stated that Christian consolida- regions in Indonesia. In the matter of annual fund- tion in Indonesia during the colonial period was the ing assistance, Suminto showed clear discrimination result of various colonial Government rules which between Christianity and Islam. In 1917 for example, benefited Christianity. Ali also mentioned several the colonial government only gave f. 127.029 to Islam, examples, for example, the phenomenon of Willem and f. 1.235.500 to Christian groups, a large num- Idenburg as Governor-General (serving in the period ber gap. In 1928, this financial discrimination also 1906–1916) which openly supported the efforts of continued: Christians accepted f. 1.666.300, while Christianization in Indonesia. Fourth, Mengkristen- Islam only accepted f. 3.950. The large amount of as- kan Jawa: Dukungan Pemerintah Kolonial Terhadap sistance for Christians did not include assistance for Penetrasi Misi Kristen/ Christianizing Java: Colonial the maintenance of churches, schools, hospitals and Government Support for Christian Mission Penetra- polyclinics which would require not a small amount tion. This book was written by a Muslim activist, -Mu of money. Excessive intervention from the colonial hammad Isa Ansari, who is actually a supporter and government against Christianity, according to Sum- his work is a complement of previous works such as into, gave a strong impression that the affairs of the Suminto and Alwi Shihab. church seemed to be the responsibility of the state. This article argues that the generalizing the theo- Finally, according to Suminto, it is clear that the co- ry, as can be seen in the four works above, that Chris- lonial government could not be neutral towards reli- tianization is fully supported by the colonial govern- gions. Christian Zending was a partner of the colonial ment. By examining Johan Herman Bavinck’s case government so that the government would help any (1895–1964), it seems that many cases of Christian- obstacles that hinder zending activities [4, 26–37]. ization, especially on the island of Java, were hard Second, Alwi Shihab in Membendung Arus, Respon work or tireless efforts of individual priests and Gerakan Muhammadiyah Terhadap Penetrasi Kristen Church Institutions, which in some cases, instead Di Indonesia/ Blocking the Flow, the Response of the of getting support, it actually got an obstacle from Muhammadiyah Movement to Christian Penetration the colonial government.

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Johan Herman Bavinck and His Activities In After the completion of his work at Free Univer- The Dutch Indies sity, Bavinck went for further studies to Erlangen, This sub-title will not explain Bavinck’s overall Germany. In 1919, he received the doctor of philoso- life, but only photographed his activities on the is- phy degree from the University of Erlangen, having land of Java during the Solo and Yogyakarta periods written a dissertation on the medieval mysticism of (1929–1938). Johan Herman Bavinck was born in Henry Suso, whose thought he approached from the Rotterdam on November 22, 1895 as the second viewpoint of the psychology of religion [6, 171]. Im- child of the Grietje Bouwes and Coenraad Bernard mediately after obtaining a doctorate, still in the same Bavinck (1866–1941), a pastor in the Reformed year (1919), Bavinck was asked to become assistant Churches in the Netherlands (GKN, Gereformeerde pastor for the Dutch church in Medan, North Suma- Kerken in Nederland) [6, 171; 19, 11–12]. Jan tra until 1921. There were not many stories about Bavinck, his grandfather, had been a leading pastor in him for two years in Medan. In 1921, Bavinck was the Seccession church. Herman Bavinck Jan’s eldest appointed as a GKN minister in Bandung, a beautiful son (and uncle of Johan Bavinck), became a profes- city and a city whose educational institutions attract- sor of dogmatics. Coenraad, a deeply spiritual man, ed many young people [19, 20]. We call this period was also a theologian and an authority on the works as the first Bavinck period in Indonesia. In Bandung, of Augustine [6, 17]. It is in this family of Chris- Bavinck became a pastor for a small community of tian theologians and academics. Bavinck was born Dutch and European Christians. Small but very fa- and grew up in the atmosphere of piety and light in natical. Nevertheless, this Bandung period became Christian spirituality. In 1912, he was enrolled as a very important for Bavinck because he was encour- student of theology at the Free University, Amster- aged to become a maturer and stronger pastor both dam. Besides theology and philosophy, he was very intellectually and spiritually. In Bandung, he went interested in psychology, especially the psychol- back to learn psychology, a field that he was passion- ogy of religion [19, 17]. In Bavinck documents that ate about, in addition to theology and philosophy, I have found, there are many records of psychology, of course. The understanding in this field which he whether for lecture materials or for their mission- combined with his natural skills then made Bavinck ary activities as prominent pastors. This knowledge a very good and sympathetic pastor. Bavinck did not of the psyche, mind, and human attitude was very like to offer rigid dogmas, in his lectures. Instead, helpful for Bavinck in his missionary duties. During he combined spiritual depth with lucid simplicity. these college years, Bavinck experienced serious ill- Bavinck then appeared to be a pastor who was able to ness and underwent surgery. This experience later connect the messages of the Bible in a reflective man- had a profound effect on his spiritual life. In Johan ner with important religious and social problems of Tangelder’s record, as with his father, Bavinck had his time [6, 171]. Therefore, Bavinck’s lectures at his fascinating intellectual and spiritual talents. When church, GKN, were easy to understand for young and he was a student, many students from the US and old, intellectuals and the unschooled, Europeans and Canada were attracted to the Bavinck charisma. As Javanese. It is this attraction that kept the church full a professor, Bavinck always appeared to combine of not only Dutch colonials but also Dutch-speaking Christian intellectual and spiritual wealth that gave Javanese and Chinese people. In fact, according to deep marks to his students. He was a missionary Visser, Bavarian had given a voice that enthralled “who thought it was important to confront the mes- everyone who had ever heard of the him speak. The sage of Christ.” Again, according to Tengelder, his anti-colonial leader and later president of Indonesia, inspiring example left a powerful impression [14, 1]. Sukarno, who met Bavinck now and then in Bandung

136 JOHAN HERMAN BAVINCK AND THE INTELLECTUAL CHRISTIANIZATION MODEL IN CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA PERIOD OF 1929–1938 prison, told J. Verkuyl, “I will never forget that mel- cinated by the spiritual world since college, was at lifluous voice of his” [19, 21]. During his time in the heart of the mystical center of Javanese culture, Bandung, he later married a Dutch girl named Tine he could easily ‘enter’ (penetrates) the subtle and Robers on March 21, 1921 [19, 20; 6, 172]. Bavinck magical world of Javanese Mystics. Bavinck had a lived five years in Bandung. In 1926, he returned to relationship with the Solo Palace as a home for Java- the Netherlands to become pastor in the village of nese culture. Bavinck activity which was intense in Heemstede, near Haarlem area [6, 172; 19, 22]. discussing Javanese mysticism and watching puppets at night in order to explore Javanese culture and mys- ticism made Bavinck have a very deep understanding of the Javanese spiritual world. His experience of the Christian spiritual world which he connected with his understanding of the Javanese mystical world, in his conversations with Javanese, made Bavinck dubbed “the white Javanese.” Bavinck’s memory of this Javanese palace, puppet and mystic, later when he became a professor in Amsterdam, he always asked his students to study mysteries about the Ja- vanese religion [6, 172]. According to Steenbrink, in the 1930s, Bavinck was involved in missionary organizations that active- ly carried out Christianization. At that time, a Pastor such as Bavinck had 30 native Javanese assistants to Johan Herman Bavinck (1895–1964) spread a kind of pamphlet and brochure in markets In 1929, Bavinck was again asked to become a mis- that invited people to attend lectures from priests, sionary at his church, this time in Solo, Central Java. including Bavinck [26]. According to Tangelder’s Solo is the “center of Javanese culture” which is still full account, in the 1930’ s, Bavink wrote a handbook of aspects of Hinduism, Buddhism, Abangan, and Is- entitled Youth Work in Middle Java. In this book, lamic mysticism. According to van den Berg, Bavinck Bavinck invited young people, Europeans and Java- was actually reluctant to accept this offer because he nese, to read the Bible again, to return to Jesus Christ. would explore the field of psychology of religion in Bavinkc stated that the Bible called people to conver- the Netherlands. But after thinking, finally Bavinck sion, to surrender. Bavinck called Christians to invite accepted this offer as God’s will [6, 172]. After going non-Christians for conversion but not by force. For through deep reflections on the task in Java, Bavinck Bavinck, the conversion of non-Christians to Chris- himself later wrote, as quoted by Visser: tianity was not only a psychological problem but also The beautiful and populous island of Java was not a theological problem, meaning “there is a hand of freely chosen by Holland as area of missionary work. God working there.” Humans, including pastors, said God has to constrain us to take up this work there. Bavinck, did not have the authority to scrutinize The mission in Java is thus in the most direct sense God’s own work [14, 3]. of the word the fruit of God’s dealings with this grat The third period is the period of Yogyakarta people” [19, 29]. (1934–1938). This is the time when Bavinck be- I call this period as Solo period or the second came more active as an academic/lecturer in the period (1929–1934). Bavinck, who had been fas- Yogyakarta Theology school, which is now Sanata

137 Section 10. Religious studies

Dharma University. In this period, Bavinck began joyed his duties as a lecturer and pastor at that time. writing one very important book about Christianity His close colleague, Abraham Pos, had heard from and the Eastern mystic world. But what was meant by Bavinck that his stay in Yogya was the most beauti- East by Bavinck was apparently Javanese. The book, ful moments of his life. In 1938, when the Reformed entitled Christus en de Mystiek van het Oosten (Christ Church in the Netherlands (GKN) was established and Eastern Mysticism, published in 1934). Through a chair of missiology at Theological College in Kam- this book, Bavinck described Javanese religion and be- pen, there was no choice but Bavinck. Bavinck re- liefs vis a vis Christianity. According to Steenbrink, the ceived this call and returned to the Netherlands. On book is not very academic, but it records an important April 5, 1938, Bavinck was appointed as an extraor- theological and psychological study of the relationship dinary professor of missiology at Kampen Theologi- of Christianity to complex Javanese spirituality [26]. cal Seminary. In 1939, Bavinck was also appointed According to van den Berg, the core of the book is as professor of extraordinary of missiology at the that Bavinck viewed that there are many things that are Free University in Amsterdam [6, 172, 19, 45–46]. parallel between Javanese spirituality and Christian Bavinck left Indonesia directly as academics and teachings about human deliverance from the power pastors in two great institutions in the Netherlands. of darkness. But on the other hand, there is a funda- Bavinck continued his career as a pastor and profes- mental conflict between the two. In the East, deliver- sor until June 1964, he returned to the God he loved. ance is primarily a psychological process; in Christian If we look at his stay in Indonesia in three pe- message, it is a radical change in relationship between riods (Medan-Bandung period 1919–1926, Solo God and human beings along the way of attentiveness period 1929–1934, and Yogyakarta period 1934 to and justification [6, 174]. 1938), then Bavinck had quite a long time living in When he was a lecturer in Yogyakarta, Bavinck this Dutch colony, around 19 years. A time that gave always asked his students to connect the messages of him enough impression of depth, friendship, love, Christianity to the noble Javanese culture. Bavinck and horizon that enriched his religious and cultural really enjoyed the atmosphere of Yogya and en- perspective.

Standing in the second row from the right, After reading Bavinck documents at Free Univer- Bavinck with his family in the Netherlands. The pho- sity, Amsterdam, along with unpublished notes, as togravure was taken from Bavinck documents, Free well as writings about them and his own published university of Amsterdam, July 2018. works, I would like to conclude some important

138 JOHAN HERMAN BAVINCK AND THE INTELLECTUAL CHRISTIANIZATION MODEL IN CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA PERIOD OF 1929–1938 things. First, it is clear that Bavinck was a dedicated mothers also must not cook. They must rest and wor- pastor, someone who loved Christianity manifested ship. The Reformed church people had a tradition of by loving Jesus Christ, who was aware of God’s pres- reading the Bible every day, eventually they memo- ence in his life, and who enjoyed his soul relation- rized many verses and letters. This did not happen ship with God. In this matter, Bavinck looked very to Catholics. Bavinck lived in this closed religious romantic. Moreover, he himself was deep in psychol- tradition [25]. ogy. In Ineliding in Zielkunde (An Introduction to When Bavinck lived in Indonesia between the Psychology), as quoted by Visser, Bavinck quoted 1920 s and the late 1930 s, Bavinck saw Indonesia’s Augustine “Deum et animam scire cupio” (I desire to socio-religious conditions more open than in his know God and the soul). This expression illustrates country. On Sundays, for example, he saw Indone- Bavinck’s own approach to Christianity. Through Au- sians going to markets, walking around and watch- gustine’s expression, Bavinck then gave a comment ing cinemas. Bavinck Reformation Church was not “Few things in this world few things are more splen- only very exclusive and orthodox but also did not like did than being allowed with faith in God in the heart, mysticism. The church prioritized ratios and reason, to penetrate into the depths of the soul” [19, 22]. and in their sermons, the pastors of the church always Although Bavinck was sympathetic to Javanese and made “rational interpretations” and liked to quote the had an interest in connecting Javanese religious tradi- Old and New Testaments. But Bavinck then became tions with the messages of Christ, Bavinck remained interested in Javanese mysticism, wrote about it and a faithful pastor with Christianity, who still believed always discussed the mystical relationship of Java with that salvation is only obtained through Jesus. Here Christianity in his lectures in Yogyakarta and in the Bavinck is remained an exclusive Christian. Netherlands. Why did Bavinck, the leader of the Ref- Secondly, in the period when Bavinck was born ormation church, become more open after living in and grew up in the late 19th century until the first Indonesia? It was nothing else bu because Indonesia is half of the 20th century, there was the term “ver- a very pluralistic country with many religions and be- zuiling” in the Netherlands. Verzuiling or pillarisa- liefs. Indonesia was not a Christian State at that time, tion [15, 645] means people who are fragmented even though it was controlled by the Dutch, and not [20, 1012]. At that time, the Dutch community was an Islamic State even though Muslims were the major- divided into four groups: Protestant, Catholic, lib- ity of the population. Indonesia has a strong history eral and socialist. They lived in their own exclusive with Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Kejawen, world. Protestants, for example, only read Trouw Christianity and Islam. All religions are mixed into newspapers belonging to Protestant organizations, “Indonesian culture.” while Catholics only read Volkstraat. It was impos- Third, Bavinck was highly trained as a pastor and sible for them to read newspapers that were not from academician. He was the pastor of the professor. He the school. Catholics and Protestants had TV, news- had a perspective and attitude that were different papers, radio, food and beverage products from their from other priests who were not well-educated in the respective groups. In the education sector, they had academic world. When reading Bavinck documents, their own schools started from elementary school it was found that he had a lot of writing and notes to college. Protestants would definitely study at that could support his activities as a missionary and Free University, while Catholics would only study academic career at once. To understand other non- at their university, Nijmegen University. On Sunday, Christian religions, he wrote several special sections the Dutch had to go to church in the morning and on primitive religion (animism and dynamism). Be- evening. There should be no parties, no walks, and cause it was associated with the origin of religion, he

139 Section 10. Religious studies had special attention to primitive religion and local Bible must be contextualized in Javanese culture. In religion. Besides writing a special section on Hindu- this way, it is very possible that the Javanese will be ism and Buddhism, Bavinck also read and wrote a lot attracted to Christianity. Third, the scholars above re- about Islam. In the form of handwriting and typing, alized that Dutch Colonialism would not be forever, he wrote the history of Islam from the prophet Mu- and colonialism would end soon (from the 1930’ s). hammad to the Abbasid period. He also made charts Therefore, the Church must be given a new nuance, of Islamic sects such as Ash’ariyah, Mu’tazilah, Qa- which is Javanese nuance. The local feel will make dariyah and others [10]. In Christus en de Mystiek van Javanese feel close to the Church. In this context, het Oosten (1934), he clearly explained the history of they inculturated and acculturated Javanese culture Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam in the land of Java with Christianity. To further strengthen the efforts of and the struggle of the three in producing “Javanese Javanization of the Church, the nuances of the Neth- culture” [8, 74–209]. In the document also, there are erlands as a colonial symbol must be ended [25; 26]. many papers about missiology and study of mission, Intellectual Characterization: Elenctics and which were his main fields, and psychology. Bavinck Inculturation Method completed his documents with Christianization re- In this sub-chapter, I only focus on two important ports in many countries such as India, Africa and Latin things. The first is the use of the elenctics method. In America. And of course, there are many records of Radya Pustaka museum in Solo, I found a traditional Christian teachings written by Bavick himself. There Javanese text (Hanacaraka) entitled “Sosorah Bab Aga- are the weekly Reformation Church Bulletin (Gere- mi Yahudi” (Public Lecture on Judaism). The 20-page formeerd Weekblad) and the Zendingscentrum Bulle- script turned out to be a Bavinck public lecture in tin which he subscribed to. Bavinck was well aware 1933 at Radya Pustaka museum. In the late days of that missionary duties require extensive insight, good Dutch colonialism, Radya Pustaka museum did rou- intellectual abilities, flexible and mature mental atti- tinely hold public lectures on religion and culture with tudes, such as patience and diligence. In his lectures, an audience of Europeans (including the Dutch) and Bavinck repeatedly stated that missionaries required Javanese prijajis. I asked an official Filologist working proper academic training [10]. And indeed, in his at the museum to translate the text into Latin Java- time, Bavinck was considered to have succeeded in nese and Indonesian. I will only focus on the contents developing the scientific missionology academically of the text, not on the intricacies of the manuscript, (cognitive aspects) as well as Christianization activi- because I am not a philologist. It may come as no sur- ties that needed abilities in the affective aspect. prise that the lecture discusses the history of Jews peo- Fourth, as what have already mentioned, why are ple in its original land, their prophets and holy books. figures such as Hendrik Kraemer, Bavinck, Zoet- However, the most fascinating aspect of this lecture molder, Hadiwiyono and Sopater very interested in is its theological outlook. The strength of the Jews is Javanese literature? The reason can be explained in seen in their proximity to God and not on weapons or three ways. First, their education is higher than the physical force. In the Biblical past, it was this spiritu- general missionaries. Second, it was to enter more ality which brought about the triumph of the Jewish deeply into the heart (center) of the Javanese. One of people, despite the might of two great nations at the the most common missionary activities is translating time, Babylon and Egypt. In fact, the lecture empha- the Bible into local languages. In the Javanese con- sizes that the Jewish people can be united with God. text, to translate the Bible and connect it with com- Judaic spirituality is considered to be very similar to plex Javanese culture, the noble Javanese language the worldview of Kejawen (Javanism, Javanese spiritu- and literature must be mastered. The messages of the ality), embraced by Javanese people since the days of

14 0 JOHAN HERMAN BAVINCK AND THE INTELLECTUAL CHRISTIANIZATION MODEL IN CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA PERIOD OF 1929–1938 old. The crucial Javanist concept here ismanunggaling the lecture, an appeal is made to all followers of all kawulo gusti (the union of God and man). The lecture religions in the Archipelago to strengthen spirituality on Judaism which was held for a Javanese audience and to pay more attention to the importance of reli- is hence framed in Javanese discourse. At the end of gion in life [9].

Traditional Javanese text “Sosorah bab Agama Ya- studies and Bavinck missiology, this model is known hudi” (public lecture on Judaism) August 23, 1933 by as ‘elenctics method.’ Bavinck called elenctics the Bavinck. This manuscript is stored at Radya Pustaka “discipline of persuasion” (elenchein) which has two museum, Surakarta, central-Java aspects, namely, first, scholarly reflection on religions Another interesting thing besides connecting and second, theological reflection on the apologetic Jewish spirituality with Kejawen, in the text, Bavinck approach to the religious person. These two aspects mentioned several times the terms “the Messiah,” are like two sides of a coin that cannot be separat- “the true high priest,” and “the perfect priest” who ed. Elenctics comes from Greek, elengchein, which clearly refers to Jesus. According to Bavinck, the Jews means “to disgrace,” “to bring to shame,” [7, 221] were actually waiting for the Savior to arrive, and or “to bring shame on someone.” In Greek terms, it because God was merciful and supreme, God then was found to mean “to prove guilt, to refute,” or “to sent someone to give a clear way for Jews who were hold someone ‘s sin before he and to challenge him spiritually, socially and politically anxious. Bavinck to turn around” [19, 258]. In general theology, the explicitly mentioned Jesus (Javanese: Nabi Ngisa) as elenctic approach is an attempt to refute a particular the savior who had actually been predicted that he belief system by pointing out the shortcomings and would arrive by the Prophets of the past. According errors of the system. In its history, this approach is to Bavinck, the Christians then accepted the Mes- an integral part of Christian Theology. In the context siah as their savior, but the Jews continued to wait of Christian Theology, Christianity is claimed to be for another Messiah [9]. So, in the text, even though the “superior religion” of other religions, because Bavinck was lecturing about Judaism, he was actually it was born, grew, and developed in the context of preaching about Jesus and Christianity. In religious Western European culture as a superior race as well.

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Therefore, in the elenctics method, non-Christian account of the use of the elenctics method was first religions are positioned as a belief system in which carried out by Gisbertus Voetius (1589–1676), a there are concepts that need to be “rejected by show- Dutch Calvinist theologian who used Titus 1:13, ing their mistakes” [21, 187]. In other words, non- “rebuke (elenche) them sharply, so that they will Christian religions are seen as sinful and have devi- be sound in the faith” [19, 257]. So, this elenctics ated from the true path of God. Therefore, they must method has been used by Christian theologians be ‘reprimanded, ‘shown their mistakes,’ ‘called to be since the middle ages. Second, the elenctics meth- converted into Christianity.’ In this sense, Bavinck od will be even sharper if assisted by several disci- always connected elenctics with missionary activity. plines. Bavinck mentioned the history of religions, For Bavinck, elenctics is the discipline that deals with the science of religion (now it is known as religious a very special aspect of missionary approach, viz., the studies), psychology of religion, phenomenology of direct confrontation of non-Christian religiosity pre- religion, and philosophy of religion [7, 234–238]. patory to calling people to conversion [7, 233]. In According to Bavinck, the five disciplines actually other languages, elenctics is an intellectual activity discus an essential thing, that religion always occurs that persuades the non-Christian religion to account in human history in coherence with other phenom- and tries to convince its adherents of sin and to move ena: art, music, dance, tribal divisions, agricultural them to repentance and conversion. customs, moral and social practices [7, 238]. For This elenctics Bavinck method can be seen again Bavinck, it is clear that religion cannot be separated in a Malay book entitled Tjahja Kahidupan Atawa from the historical, sociological, anthropological, Satu Pengundjuk Djalan Pada Kaslametan Jang Kekal psychology of its people, and their philosophical (1950). This book is translated from Dutch by‘Sa - thoughts [7, 239]. The five scientific disciplines will orang Tasik’ (it probably means “someone from Tasik- strengthen intellectual activity of elenctics and will malaya, West Java”). In the book, Bavinck described be effective in missionary activities. the Jewish legal principle that “eyes for eyes, teeth According to Bavinck, the use of the elenctics for teeth, lives for lives.” But according to Bavinck, method has several foreground arguments. First, it the Jewish model’s qisas (law of retaliation) teachings must be noted that each person, no matter how deep- were contrary to the teachings of Jesus which were ly fallen and how far departed, still is within the reach very sublime and transcended ‘human vengeance.’ of God’s common grace. Every person, deep in his Evil must be rewarded with love, that is the great- heart, actually believes in God and misses him, even est teaching because it breaks the chain of revenge though he never worships him formally or even away [11, 14–15]. In his work, Bavinck also explained from him. That is because God entrusts his soul to the three teachings of the Jews, namely almsgiving, every human, and God has not left himself without prayer and fasting. According to Bavinck, the Jewish a witness, as Paul in Romans said 1:19, “Because that understanding of the three things is still wrong and which may be known of God is manifest in them”. imperfect. Only Jesus’ teachings are truly true, both So, for Bavinck, the soul of God inherent in human in their explanations and practices [11, 20–21]. beings can be the key to call them back to the bosom The foundation of Bavinck’s elenctics method of God [7, 227]. Second, according to Bavinck, one relies on two things. The first is that the verses in must be careful when talking about the moment of the Bible are related to that method. Bavinck, for truth in non-Christian religions. It is true that ev- example, refers to several texts in the Bible like Jude ery religion has a moment or element of truth. For 14–15; John 16: 8; 1 Timothy 5:20, and Matthew Bavinck, non-Christian religions do believe in God 18:15 [7, 221–222]. According to Visser, the explicit and that is the element of truth, but what they say

14 2 JOHAN HERMAN BAVINCK AND THE INTELLECTUAL CHRISTIANIZATION MODEL IN CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA PERIOD OF 1929–1938 and think of is entirely different from what has been proper method, a missionary must adopt the way of revealed of himself in his word. In short, if Chris- life of people, speak their language, associate them- tians find similar concepts with other religions such selves with their religious concepts, utilize sayings as sin, grace, redemption, prayer, sacrifice and others, derived from their religious literature, and from the all have different content than in the Bible [7, 228]. standpoint of ethnology or psychology all this may So, for Bavinck, we are still different from them (non- be excellent [7, 80]. It became clear that for Bavinck, Christians). Third, according to Bavinck, a Christian missionary was intellectual work which was full of must emphasize that the subject of elenctics is in the academic studies. Finally, for Bavinck, even though deepest sense of the Holy Spirit. He alone can call to all Christians must truly carry out missionary work, repentance and a Christian is just means in his hand. they must realize that their true mission is God’s So, the Christian priests must try hard to call people work. Humans as ‘tools’ or ‘representatives’ of God to Jesus but eventually it must be realized that full must surrender to God’s final will [7, 229]. power to repent people is in the Holy Spirit. Fourth, This elenctics method is not only popular in a Christian must have good communication skills Christian Seminary Institutions in Western Europe and offer the right starting point. The ability to com- around the 18th and 19th centuries, but also in municate does not always have to be rational, but Southeast Asia, especially Islamic studies in Indo- has self-confidence, always presents God’s love in nesia in the period before Indonesia’s independence the heart, and is able to convince non-Christians of until the 1990s. In 1937, for example, Mahmud Yu- Christian authenticity. Bavinck described, “When nus, an Indonesian Muslim intellectual from West you so stand before a person of another religion, it is Sumatra, wrote a book in Arabic titled Al-Adyan (re- not difficult to get him into a discussion. You do not ligions). This is the first book in the history of mod- then need to begin with endless rational argumen- ern Indonesia to discuss religions such as Zoroaster, tation in order to break the webs of his thoughts. In Sabean, the religion of Ancient Egypt, Hinduism, the grace of Jesus Christ you posses a more power- Buddhism, Sinto, Confucianism, Taoism, Fetis in ful means as Paul writes, “And my speech and my West Africa, Jews, Christians, and Islam. After de- preaching was not with enticing words of man’s scribing the theological history and teachings of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of these religions, Yunus then explained the theological power” (I Corinthians 2:4) [7, 229–230]. “defects” and “deviations” carried out by the adher- This elenctics method is actually inseparable ents of these religions. However, Islam is an excep- from Bavinck missionary activities. It must be under- tion. Islam, according to Yunus, is the last of the best stood that for Bavinck, preaching or mission is the religions, which has not the slightest disability in all task of four entities: (1) the work of mission is God’s its aspects [16, 51]. According to Bahri, the 72-page work. How does God work?; (2) then, the task of book is the first comprehensive work written by an mission is the great work of Jesus Christ. After Jesus Indonesian Muslim scholar on human religions in is not physically there, (3) the work of the mission is Arabic, which is taught in Islamic boarding schools the duty of all Christians because “the grace of God is and other Islamic schools which require students to for all Christians” [7, 57–58]; (4) later, mission work speak and use Arabic language books [17, 168–169]. is the work of the Church [7, 62, 19, 2017–209]. Ac- When the department of comparative religion was cording to Bavinck, in carrying out missionary du- established at the state Islamic institute of Yogyakarta ties, a missionary must pay attention to two impor- in 1961, the elenctics method or commonly referred tant things. First, a missionary must himself seek to to as ‘apologetic’ became the dominant method in discover a method that is proper. Second, to find the the curriculum of religions. The methods of teaching

14 3 Section 10. Religious studies in class and the history books of religions written by ligion is the finding of Western Christianity, and the Indonesian Muslim scholars usually describe the his- initial project according to Ninian Smart. It cannot be tory and theological teachings of religions, then are separated from the impression of “Western imperial- judged in the view of Islam. Non-Islamic religions are ism and Christian superiority.” Even in Smith’s special usually described as a religion that has many “weak- explanation, the definition of “religion” are Western nesses” and “deviations.” Only Islam is the best and Christian’s finding, which was then widely used or perfect. This situation – in Indonesian Islamic Higher very influential in the East. John Hinnells wrote ex- Education – took place prominently in the 1960’s to plicitly that, “The term ‘comparative study of religion’ mid‑1990’s. Kautsar Azhari Noer, a critical professor is widely suspected, because it was used by particular of Comparative Religion, called the phenomenon as Western academics, mainly in the nine-teenth century, “competitive religion” rather than “comparative re- who were trying to prove that Christianity was supe- ligion.” In a competition, there are winners and los- rior to other religions” [5, 14]. ers. In Christian education institutions, religions are Second, an inculturation. This word means “the taught but “the victory” is Christian. Conversely, in effort of a religion to adapt to local culture.” In Cath- the Islamic world, the one who wins is Islam. Accord- olic theology, inculturation is often equated with ing to Bahri, elenctics or apologetic methods, includ- “indigenization, contextualization, or incarnation” ing in Indonesia, occur because of three main things. [24, 2–3]. The Catholic Church has succeeded in First, the spirit of preaching is very high. Christianity doing a lot of work enculturating the substance of and Islam are aggressive mission religions. In Indo- Catholic teaching with Javanese culture for the pur- nesia, from the beginning of the 20th century to the pose of preaching, to lure Javanese people towards post-rebellion of the Indonesian Communist Party Catholicism. But lately, because many Javanese have (1965–1970) Islam and Christianity competed in become Pastors, the work of inculturation is also their preaching and competing to get as many followers as moral, cultural and religious vocation. The face of possible. Second, theology is considered as the Queen Catholicism is no longer seen as something strange, of the sciences. In both the Christian world and Islam, which comes from Europe with European culture. theology for centuries has a very strong influence and But now it appears in the form of Javanese culture. grip. Theology has become a measure and guide to In Java since the 19th century, Catholics have used Muslim-Christian life from the Middle Ages to mod- Javanese culture: language, literature, music, art and ern times. Third, According to Wilfred C. Smith, the painting in explaining and preaching Catholicism. discipline of Religion (Comparative Religion) began For example, the Pastors are called Romo (father in to be a serious study since the age of discovery when Javanese), a call which is familiar to Javanese people. the Western Christian world discovered other parts of In celebrating Christmas, there are now many Catho- the world; other religions, then began to investigate lics wearing Javanese clothing in the Church accom- and gradually became aware of the existence of com- panied by Campursari, a combination of traditional munities and regions that were far from their land. The Javanese traditional music. In the world of architec- 19th century was the era of a serious, disciplined effort ture, the Church of the Sacred Heart (Gereja Hati to collect and find materials, record them carefully, un- Kudus) in Pugeran, Yogyakarta, is one of the most derstand and observe them more systematically. Then, famous inculturation buildings on Java. This church when many people loved the study of the East (orien- was built in the colonial period, 1934. According to tal) and anthropology, Religionwissenschaft began to be Setyoningrum, inculturation of Javanese culture with offered in many universities [17, 211–212]. In other the building of the Church in Yogyakarta took place words, it can be said that the comparative study of re- slowly, and in a short time. The inculturation process

14 4 JOHAN HERMAN BAVINCK AND THE INTELLECTUAL CHRISTIANIZATION MODEL IN CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA PERIOD OF 1929–1938 must be careful so that there is no conflict between who was active in West Java also studied Sundanese, Catholic teachings and those of Javanese culture. and even became one of the pioneers in the science Catholic teaching is maintained and the people feel of Sundanese. He translated the Bible into Sundanese comfortable and solemn in worshiping [24]. and compiled dictionaries and books on Sundanese According to Küster, Steenbrink dan Sudhiarsa grammar. Unfortunately, Christianization in West Java (2008), during the period of 1920–1940, many works failed and Protestant church leaders, especially Krae- of art appeared, especially paintings, which showed mer, felt very disappointed [22, 222–223]. Protes- the inculturation of Christianity with Javanese cul- tant evangelists finally became realistic and pragmatic, ture. Among them are the paintings by Raden Mas and realized that if they understood the Bible too hard, Joesoef Poerwodiwirjo (1928) and Basoeki Abdul- the zending (mission) would not succeed in Java. As lah (1938). Poerwodiwirjo painted the Trinity with already mentioned, Bavinck explored and wrote about wayang (Javanese puppet) figures. In Poerwodiwir- Javanese and Kejawen culture and learns many aspects jo’s drawing the three figures are nearly identical. In of Islamic history and teachings. In an unpublished the centre the Father is known from his beard, while note, Bavinck wrote that Christians must not insult or the son is known from the symbol of the cross in offend the Prophet Muhammad negatively. If Chris- his right hand and a small beginning of a beard. The tians wanted to persuade Muslims to convert to Chris- small circle in the left hand is the human nature of tianity, a more civilized path must be sought. the son, while the larger circle represents the divine In the context of an inculturation, during the pe- nature. All three rest with a hand on this larger circle riod of Bavinck’s work in Solo as pastor of February and is placed at the same height, strengthening their 1930 to July 1933, he did four important things. First, equal status and nature [23, 926–928]. Whereas Ba- the effort and ability of Bavinck to enter the Javanese soeki Abdullah painted Jesus who carried the Cross mind. Bavinck considered merging into Javanese cul- who was tortured by several people dressed in Java- ture to be his first priority. For Bavinck, the position nese and witnessed by a ruler who also wore Javanese of an evangelist among people of alternative culture great clothes like a Javanese king [23, 932]. is described as “a person who carries the gospel to Actually, in the Protestant case, inculturation ac- them will have to lean over toward them as far as pos- tivities were not as prominent as in Catholicism. Prot- sible in order to bring them into as close a contact as estant Pastors (including the Reformation group) are possible with the crux of the gospel” [13, 13; 19, 29] usually very strict on the Bible text and lack appre- For this reason, Bavinck watched Wayang (shadow ciation for local cultures. However, the Bavinck case puppet) until morning, read Javanese literature, and was not the first in Javanese Protestantism. Hendrik wrote the Kejawen (Javanism) associated with Hin- Kraemer (1888–1965), was a Protestant scholar who duism, Buddhism and Islam. As a Professor, Bavinck was proficient in Javanese culture and literature. Krae- also always asked students to understand the rela- mer himself was a mentor from Bavinck. According to tionship between Christianity and Javanese culture. Visser, during the period of 1930 and 1934, Kraemer Second, passion for the further explication of the gos- introduced Bavinck to the secrets of Javanese litera- pel message. According to Visser, Bavinck’s attempts ture and mysticism. Later Bavinck wrote that it was to get inside the Javanese mind must be perceived in a privilege to have had Kraemer as a mentor during light of his search for possibilities to pass the gospel this period, and Kraemer wrote subsequently that he on in an adequate and effective way [19, 32]. Nev- had never had a student who had absorbed Javanese ertheless, Bavinck remained a devout Christian and mysticism as quickly and thoroughly as Bavinck had not a syncretist. J. van den Berg wrote, “Bavinck’s [19, 89]. Besides Kraemer, S. Coolsma, an evangelist almost intuitive understanding of Eastern thought

14 5 Section 10. Religious studies did not lead him, however, to any form of syncre- church in Java was to have any future at all, it would tism” [6, 172]. Third, Special concern for youth have to become a Javanese church.” Later, in 1933 the work. While in Solo, Bavinck has paid attention to church in South-Central Java became independent. young Christians. In his observation, those young Not all Europeans, especially the Dutch, were happy people were in a very difficult position: undergoing with this development. The equal situation between culture shock as a result of their exposure to Western Javanese and Dutch Christians made many Europe- science, they also found themselves standing in the ans worried. But Bavinck reminded them that they center of the field of tension between old folk beliefs need not to worry. At first, it might feel ‘strange’ to and the Christian faith [19, 33; 13, 15]. Bavinck then the Dutch, but there were many reasons that could be focused on education for young people as an effec- argued that the missionaries in Java were successful, tive way for them to progress but remained as a de- that many Javanese young people were interested in vout Christian. Bavinck’s attention to the education Christianity. For Bavinck, this situation must be cel- of young people in Java and their relationship with ebrated [19, 38]. missionaries was written by him in the 1981 Report Bavinck missionary period in Solo, and in Cen- of the Commission on Higher Education in India, tral Java in general, was considered successful because in three ways: first, the education should be more there were significant developments in Christian ac- attuned to Indonesian society; second, it should be tivities. It was not exaggeration if Verkuyl praised developed according to Christian principles; and Bavinck, “…in terms of mission, Bavinck’s stay in Solo third, the school should seek, via closer cooperation was the most fruitful period of his life. It is striking to with the Christian churches, to strengthen the per- see the extent of which the influence Bavinck exerted sonal piety of their students [19, 34]. during that time continues to make itself felt in In- Another important aspect of Bavinck’s work donesia” [19, 13]. In the period 1934–1938 Bavinck in Solo period was that he founded the Bible study sharpened his academic abilities in Christian studies group which he named Pantja Saudara, circles of five by becoming a lecturer at Theological School of Yog- or brother of five. The study group aimed to strength- yakarta in the areas of ethics, exegesis, theology of the en the faith of young Christians. Bavinck chose the New Testament, and practical theology [19, 40–41]. term “Pantja” (five) because this name has a very spe- According to Steenbrink, the Christianization cial place in Javanese culture [19, 35; 13, 16]. Fourth, approach of Bavinck is a model of “Kristen Nusan- Sympathy for rising nationalism and the necessity tara (Indonesian Christian)”, because it borrowed or of establishing the independence of the indigenous used Javanese culture for preaching the gospel. This is churches. According to Visser, what was unique in his similar to the “Islam Nusantara (Indonesian Islam)” case was that he was pronouncedly sympathetic to the which is now widely discussed again in Indonesia national awakening of Indonesia and did everything after the Nahdhatul Ulama Executive Board (2015) he could to stimulate the growth of independence officially declared theNusantara Islamic model as the among the Javanese churches [19, 37; 13, 16]. Thus, most suitable model for Indonesian Islam. Nusantara Bavinck’s interest in Indonesian nationalism coin- Islam is an understanding and practice of Islam that cided with his concern for the independence of the has a long history, especially since the time of the churches in Java from the regulation of the Colonial Nine Saints (Wali Songo, around the 16th century). government. Instead of being politically regulated Indeed, exploring and appreciating local culture is by the Dutch, Bavinck wanted independence in the the most effective way for the purposes and interests management of the church which was surrendered of preaching. Bavinck has done very well, because to Javanese Christians. According to Bavinck, “if the preaching is not merely a “missionary way” but also

14 6 JOHAN HERMAN BAVINCK AND THE INTELLECTUAL CHRISTIANIZATION MODEL IN CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA PERIOD OF 1929–1938 developed it into serious academic studies, which led and its relationship with Christianity, considering him to become the first professor of missiology in that Bavinck wrote a lot things about these themes, the Netherlands. especially the unpublished ones that are still stored Conclusion in the library of Vrije Universiteit (Free University) Johan Herman Bavinck is a special figure in the Amsterdam, Netherlands. context of Dutch Christian missionaries in Indone- Acknowledgements sia, even though he is not the first and not the only I would like to thank Prof. Edwin Wieringa who one. Aside from having special talents, spiritual has invited me to do this research at the Department depth, and coming from a family of priests who were of Oriental Studies, University of Cologne, Germany, very honorable in the Netherlands, Bavinck was also from May to August 2018. He also provided useful a genuine thinker and hard worker who tried to inte- comments for this article. In the Netherlands, I want grate missionary activities, very academic elenctics to thank Prof. Karel Steenbrink for the interview for methods, and efforts to inculturate into one a re- the completeness of this article. I also thank to the li- markable “intellectualization of Christianity” model, brary staff of Free University, Amsterdam, especially which is remembered in one period of the history of to the staffs of special collection of J. H. Bavinck in Christianity in Indonesia, especially in Java. Because the university who has helped me provide Bavinck this research focuses only on Bavinck’s style of Chris- documents. In Surakarta, I express my gratitude to tianization model, I invite the next researchers to Totok Yasmiran, a philologist at the Radya Pustaka make specific research, such as Bavinck’s view of Is- Museum who has translated “Sosorah Bab Agami lam in Java, or Bavinck’s view of Kejawen (Javanism) Yahudi” into Latin Javanese and Indonesian.

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147 Section 10. Religious studies

12. Jan S. Aritonang, and van den End. 1800–2005: A National Overview. In History of Christianity in Indonesia, – P. 141–147. – Leiden: Brill, 2008. 13. John Bolt, James D. Bratt and Paul J. Visser. The J. H. Bavink Reader. Cambridge: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2013. 14. Johan Tangelder. Johan Herman Bavinck (1895–1964). The Legacy of Missionary, Professor and Author. In The Outlook, Devoted to the Exposition and Defense of the Reformed Faith. Chicago Drive S. W. Grandville, USA, 2002. 15. Koernia Atje Soejana and Budi Subanar. Christianity in Javanese Culture and Society. In History of Christianity in Indonesia, – P. 670–676. Leiden: Brill, 2008. 16. Mahmud Yunus. Al-Adyan. Jakarta: Maktabah Sa’diyah Putra, 1937. 17. Media Zainul Bahri. Wajah Studi Agama-Agama, Dari Era Teosofi Indonesia (1901–1940) Hingga Masa Reformasi. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2015. 18. Mufti Ali. Misionarisme di Banten. Serang, Banten: Laboratorium Bantenologi, 2009. 19. Paul J. Visser. Heart for the Gospel, Heart for the World, the Life and Thought of a Reformed Pioneer Missiologist Johan Herman Bavinck (1895–1964). Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2003. 20. Susi Moeimam, and Hein Steinhauer. Nederlands-Indonesisch Woordenboek. Leiden: KITLV, 2004. 21. Ustadi Hamsah. Signifikansi Analisis Elenktik Bagi Metode Studi Agama Di Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam. In Esensia: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin, – Vol. 17. – No. 2. Yogyakarta: UIN Sunan Kalijaga, 2016. 22. Van den End and Weitjens J. Ragi Carita 2, Sejarah Gereja di Indonesia Tahun 1860-an-Sekarang. Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia, 2012. 23. Volker Küster, Karel Steenbrink and Rai Sudhiarsa. Christian Art in Indonesia. In History of Christianity in Indonesia. Leiden: Brill, 2008. 24. Yunita Setyoningrum. Tinjauan Inkulturasi Agama Katolik dengan Budaya Jawa Pada Bangunan Gereja Katolik di Masa Kolonial Belanda: Studi Kasus Gereja Hati Kudus Yesus, Pugeran, Yogyakarta. In Jurnal Ambiance, – Vol 1. – No. 1. – Bandung: Universitas Maranatha, 2009. Interviews 25. Interview with Edwin Wieringa, Cologne, Juni 8, 2018. Wieringa is a professor of Indonesian philology with special reference to Islamic Culture at the University of Cologne Germany. Wieringa is also a Dutch who had been brought up in the tradition of a devout Protestant family affiliated with the Dutch Reformed Churches. 26. Interview with Karel Steenbrink, Utrecht, July 14, 2018. Steenbrink is a professor emeritus of Intercultural Theology, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Steenbrink is also known as a historian on Indonesian Christian, especially Catholic.


Section 11. Philology Aslanova Gulnara Valeh, Postgraduate student of the department of the Azerbaijani language of Ganja State University E-mail: [email protected] ELEMENTS OF PREFIXAL EXTERNAL INFLECTION IN THE ENGLISH AND AZERBAIJANI LANGUAGES Abstract. Since English is the language of the analytic inflective structure, this language has a rich tradition of derivation processes created by prefix elements formed as the fruits of inflection. External inflection is universal in nature as a linguistic phenomenon that forms in the original information process. In other words, both in English and in the Azerbaijani language, there are traditions of ex- ternal inflection. Since the English language has an analytical structure of inflection, the traditions of foreign inflection in this language have been continuously developed, while the Azerbaijani language preserves the traditions inherent in the initial information process. Keywords: flexion, derivative, preposition, analytic – flexibility, aglutinativity. Introduction of pages that were not open in the case of external With the transition of the Azerbaijani language inflection. to an agglutinative structure, traditions of elements The term “inflexibility” was introduced in 1808 of external inflection did not continue, and their by Friedrich von Schleicher. The term “inflexibility” functionality was also limited. Since modern studies was used to describe words in structural and con- recognize the problems of inter-linguistic universal- textual terms in languages ​​with analytic-inflective ity, the existence of elements belonging to analytical structures [3]. In this sense, the term “inflexibility” inflective languages, which are present in the Azer- can also be applied to the corresponding linguistic baijani language, as one of the other linguistic phe- phenomena of the Azerbaijani language as a mani- nomena, is not questioned by experts [1]. It should festation of linguistic universality. Friedrich von be taken into account that, despite numerous studies Schleicher refers to the term “inflexibility” as a case in the field of linguistics related to internal and exter- of preserving the corresponding elements in the con- nal flexion; it does not seem possible to completely tent of a word, which is actually a manifestation of solve the problems of flexion. In particular, based on the functionality of language tools [2]. However, the the views and considerations of external inflection, problem is that inflection is a linguistic phenomenon it should be noted that research in this area will be that is directly related to its usefulness. The fissional continued. The expansion of inter-linguistic univer- nature of inflection is that the inflectional element sality issues still has a positive effect on the creation is formed in a manner that is adjacent to the root

14 9 Section 11. Philology model. Therefore, external inflection can be under- However, the more work done in this area, the more stood in this sense, when unity with the root can research is needed. Research in this area is impor- be formed, and the form can be called inflection. tant because, on the one hand, new ideas about the Examples of word formation and functionality that typological structure of languages are being formed, can be divided into components can be referred to and on the other, the existence of facts about lan- as lexical units formed by more than verbal elements, guage universality can be found in more reliable and but in some cases represented using prefixed words. reliable examples. In English, the origin is inflexive, For example, information about external inflection, which is prefixed in nature means that it uses vow- which relates to Russian prepositions were formed els and affective prefix elements. Since the English by the presence of these elements (to avoid, to resort, language has an analytical inflexed structure, the ap- to run away) [4]. Speaking of external inflection, it proach of words of this type to prepositions is one of is sometimes said that it has a grammatical function. the main components of the text processing process. Of course, this should not be a casual look. This is This gossip method also led to the creation of vari- because any element that approaches the root model ous language rules for its rich traditions. Thus, with has an affix function. The presence of affixes is based the initial development of prepositional elements, on the requirement to express the derivative together in certain group words, this element has become an with the grammatical meaning. Therefore, studies integral part of a word that has a fused character. In show that external flexion is also associated with the English, derivative variants formed by the interaction formation of afferent elements [7]. Since external of prepositional elements in the form of a noun are inflection is due to the attached elements, English is saved, as a rule, due to the fundamental meanings of also considered as a necessity to satisfy the require- the word itself. At the same time, words formed by ments of grammar and derivation [5]. This is due the presence of prepositional elements themselves to the functional nature of external inflection due to serve to convey a certain meaning, motivated by the external elements. The fact that inflection is included corresponding meaning. Here are some examples: in the root model in accordance with this rule is a a combination of the prefix element: abash (embar- welcome fact. At the same time, there is a dual nature rass, embarrass), abate (decrease, decrease, weaken), of the outer inflection itself. First, the root element abates (obstruction, obstruct), bash (strike, attempt, is included in the root as an integral element. Sec- effort), abet (provoke, provoke), bet (bet, place ondly, an element attached to the root can retain its bets), aboard (abroad, on a ship, train), go aboard formal independence, even if it forms unity with the (board), aboard (board, board), abut (border, on root. Examples of such inflectional variants also have the border, pull), but (but, separately, exclusively), a similar sign that the original monosyllabic model acute (sharp, mirror), cute (smart, eloquent, witty), does not retain its independence, that is, does not alive (lively). By combining the prefix element E: As mean outside the merge element. Its basic premise with the words used in the prefix element A) It is can usually be expressed in words. In modern stud- observed that the words used by the prefix element ies, these structural features of external flexion sam- E have corresponding meanings. For example, the ples are somewhat interpreted, but in many cases the word “clip” includes the use of pins, clips, belts, bolts, causes of external flexion are not fully understood. and fractures. When the -e element is added to the Sometimes derivative words that can be formed even clips + e variant, the word eclipse is formed by the on elements of the root and affix are explained as concept of capture, darkness, retention. The value examples of external inflection [6]. Recently, inter- of the relationship between them is expressed in est in flexion issues has been growing in Azerbaijan. terms of interception, loss of distance. Similarly, the

150 ELEMENTS OF PREFIXAL EXTERNAL INFLECTION IN THE ENGLISH AND AZERBAIJANI LANGUAGES word that is formed by adding the prefix e to the cliff, example, the word “absolve” means liberation, for- which means a steep slope, landing, hill, dirt trench, giveness, salvation, forgiveness. The word “solution” also refers to steep sand hills, slopes and descents. is used separately as a solution. Obviously, there is an While some words retain meaning through a opinion that the achievement of something is secretly combination of prefix elements, some of them have decided between them. The word formed by the addi- a significant connection with the independence of tion of the prefix ab-as a sign of external inflection also motivation. For example, the word remit in English has its fundamental meaning. For example, the word means forgiveness, deliverance. The word is prefixed “absurd” as an independent entity is empty, meaning- with eremite, which means a relaxed, refined, aban- less. The word Surd, in contrast, is used quantitatively. doned relationship. It is possible that the relationship The true meaning of the word Sure means confident, between these words, which gives the impression of trustworthy and reliable. In some words ab- the main meaningful independence, may indicate the forgive- meaning is very clear. It seems that in such words, ness of sins. There are many words of this type in the speech activity was less intense than in others. For English language that has been fixed by meaning. In example, the word “abruption” means disabling as an English, there is also a rich tradition of the derivation independent unit and mixing relationships. The word process, which includes prepositive elements of at- tear also means cuts, darkening, tearing. As one of the tached nature. As prepositional elements consisting prefix elements, the corresponding derived variants of single vowels, there is also the formation of lexical were formed on the basis of initial inflection. In some units characterized by semantic integrity in approaches words, in which the element of the prefix ac is in- with a prefix of flexion of single-syllable prepositional volved, the meaning is either hidden or to some extent elements. In such examples, it is only possible to dis- explicit, depending on the intensity of the speech act. tinguish the prepositional elements of affixes from the For example, the word “accent” with a prefix means word. However, in this case there are some significant independent accent, pronunciation, and special men- differences between the word prefix and the derived tion. This meaning is also found in derivatives of the variant. This indicates that the affective elemental ver- word accent. Accented is especially marked, accentual sion of a word has its own specific process of stabiliz- means with accent. There is also a significant differ- ing the meaning in accordance with speech activity. ence between accent and sense, which means feeling. However, in the same way that each semantic word While the word “Accord” means harmony, harmony, preserves the semantic environment of the basic vari- cord-cord is motivated with the meaning of rope, gar- ant, it does not lose any or all of the meanings of the den, bonding. As for the word “ac”, the word “acclaim” original meaning and protects its traces in words con- expresses enthusiastic greetings, endorsements, ap- taining sentence elements. In this regard, the examples plause and applause, and the root part of the claim is formed by the ab- prefix approach are examples. For stabilized in terms of claims, claims and orders. The example, the word abroad means abroad, outside closeness of meaning here is reflected in the meaning the home. The content of the word road is used as a between sympathies and demands. road, road and highway. Although both options are Conclusion motivated by their own sense of independence, their Because of its analytical and flexive structure, Eng- sense is felt, such as speech, departure and rejection. lish has a long and rich tradition of word processing In other words, formed in the presence of the prefix through external inflection. Despite the fact that the ab-, the basic concept is either kept moderate, or there Azerbaijani language is agglutinative, in this language is a large stabilization and specialization of meaning in there are traces of the ancient word-formation process. accordance with the intensity of the speech act. For The difference is that the derivation process in English

151 Section 11. Philology of the prepositional position continued its develop- with it, and in the Azerbaijani language a new word ment prospects at later stages. However, in the Azer- model is formed. There are examples of how certain baijani language, the main derivation process occurs groups of prepositional elements are included in the on the basis of ending options. Thus, the derivative dictionary in both Azerbaijani and English. However, process resulting from the prepositional inflection in they are limited, and the prospects for their develop- the English language differs from the Azerbaijani lan- ment are inactive. The most important of the com- guage. Thus, in English, as a result of a prepositional parative studies is that it is possible to determine the inflection, the element added to the word intersects interethnic genetic universality of this method. References: 1. Demyannikov V. Z. The cognitive aspect of lexicography. Morphological interpretation of the text or modeling // URL:http: // – P. 89–123. 2. Anderson Stephen R. // Inflationary morphology // V. Chopin, Timothy (eds.). Language typology and syntactic description. Cambridge, – New York. Cambridge University Press. 1985. – P. 162–164. 3. Gadzhieva A. Internal flexion and fusion in agglutinative languages // – Baku. Nurlan. 2007. – P. 77–79. 4. Huseynzade M. Modern Azerbaijani language. – Baku. 1963. – 10 p. 5. Yusifov M. Linguistic typology. Science and Education. – Baku. 2017. – P. 98–99. 6. Mamedov E. The problems of bending in terms of semantic content.Baku State University. Scientific news of the theological faculty. – Baku. 2016. – No. 26. – 13 p. 7. Gregory T. Stump. Inflectional morphology. Theory of structural paradigm structure // Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. 2001. – 308 p. ISBN0-521-78047-0

152 TONAL HOMONYMS IN THE AZERBAIJANI LANGUAGE Nasibova Gulnara Shameddin, Postgraduate student of the department of the Azerbaijani language of Ganja State University E-mail: [email protected]


Abstract. Homonyms are an integral part of the process of word formation of a language. Hom- onyms were formed as a product of an important phase of the word formation process as a whole. The basis for the formation of monosyllables in the language was made up only of homonyms. The emergence of homonyms occurred at a time when information activity was strengthened and revived, and as a result, new concepts were ahead of the existing word model. Due to the sluggish process of processing concepts in the language, information had to be compressed into a single word model in order to pay for new concepts. Thus, as a product of the period when prefixes and suffixes were absent in the language, figurative forms of speech arose, in linguistic terms, these forms are called homonymic terms. The term homonym is of Greek origin and means the concept of the meaning of identity. At a time when suffixes did not exist, the ability of survivors to express different meanings within the same root was a function of the root form of production. The formation of homonyms is not limited to the derivative function of the Azerbaijani language. Keywords: tonality, agglutination, derivation, monosyillabism, universality. Introduction guishes their homonymy. The figurative meaning in Homonyms were formed as a product of the for- the formation of homonyms occurs in the same parts mation stage in all languages, as a group of words of speech. The meaning of the root word is figura- with syncretism and with universality. After the tively expressed in other words as part of the newly suffix phase, the phase of the monosyllabic word is formed word. For example, the word “heavenly” can considered to have ended, since the word process- be used in such meanings as sky, color, greenery, son- ing methods were formed in such a way as to corre- in-law and greed. The universality of homonyms is spond to the presence of figurative elements. At the reflected in their respective adjectives in languages​​ same time, a new stage has begun in the formation unrelated to them. For example, in the work “Kitabi- of homonyms. At a new stage, not monosyllabic, but dede-gorgud”, the word “gu” is used with the mean- phonetic, derivative, grammatical and other styles ing of the voice: “rustled, listened” [12]. In the mod- began to take shape. In the syncretism of homonymy, ern Azerbaijani language, there are words that come there are two characters. The first is their tonality, from the root “gu” and have the option “gy”, which and the second is their transitional meaning. The key are called, flatterer, scammer, sneak. In the Russian to homonyms is that the same root model combines language, words consisting of the root “gu”, which go both the subject and the meaning of the verb. For into the variant “go” and as a result such words are example, a horse (noun) – a verb, an adjective, an formed as: voice, voice, vote. In English, there is the adjective (verb), a minor (an indefinite number) – word gossip [gossip] which means chatter, conversa- a characteristic of the strength of verbs that distin- tion [14].

153 Section 11. Philology

Although much research has been done on the word. A. Khamatova, a researcher of modern Chi- formation and formation of homonyms, their role nese, also confirms that, since the and universality in speech are largely ignored. Most is based on monosyllabic words, the groups of studies of homonyms focused on their structural homonyms are actually more numerous than other and semantic features, as well as on their stylistic languages ​​and have a rich tradition [8]. Without features, on artistic patterns. For example, there are even comparing it with Chinese homonyms, the vast comments about homonyms in Russian linguis- majority of Azerbaijani-speaking homonyms are jus- tics Vinogradova, EM Kalkina-Fedoruk, V. I. Abaev, tified. In ancient times, when the informational ca- Z. A. Tolmacheva, A. A. Reformatsky and others pabilities of the language were formed, the appear- [1; 13; 15; 20]. In Russian linguistics, attention is paid ance of homonyms was an important step. In to homonyms similar to their meanings. In Azerbai- addition, the original monosyllabic traditions of jani linguistics, comments and interpretations regard- homonyms in the Azerbaijani language were signifi- ing homonyms are accepted in Russian linguistics, and cantly expanded, thanks to new derivatives at a later they almost go beyond the traditional framework of stage. Although Hasret Hasanov conducted some ideas and considerations. For example, Demirchizade serious studies of homonyms, the tone of homonyms points out that homonyms are available in all languag- remains to some extent unresolved in these studies. es, and that in some languages ​​there are few, and in At the same time, commentary on the homonyms of others there are many. This shows that there are dif- Salim Jafarov gives a new idea that the parts of the ferent reasons for their origin. Demirchizadeh believes subject-predicate that differ are of the same origin. that the main source of the origin of homonyms is In this sense, the idea that the words “saç-hair” polysemy. According to him, at first ambiguous words (noun) is saçmaq-rotate (verb), köç-migration were formed, and then homonyms were formed on (noun) is köçmək-migrate (verb), düz-plain (noun) their basis [4]. The opinion of Salim Jafarov about the is düzmək-align (the verb) is fully justified [2; 7]. formation of homonyms is that these groups of words Buludkhan Khalilov considers subject-predicate cor- are an ancient event in the language. Selim Jafarov relation as a natural phenomenon based on verb cor- characterizes homonyms as identical in structure, and relation. According to Buludkhan Khalilov, nouns different in meaning and distinguishes them as differ- and verbs are part of ancient speech, and the number ent parts of speech. This shows that homonyms are of homonyms in these two parts is much larger. It internal and external. He relates the words of the Azer- follows that, since nouns and verbs, the ancient parts baijani language and foreign homonyms borrowed of speech, they are more likely to retain a large num- from other languages ​​to internal homonyms. In the ber of homonyms [10]. Turkan Efendiyev’s com- formation of homonyms, it is based on development ments related to homonyms are interpreted in a tra- trends from polysemy to metaphor [3]. ditional context. Thus, the formation of the polysemy Hesret Hasanov, author of the Azerbaijan Dic- of homonyms is especially emphasized in this com- tionary of Homonyms, notes that these characteris- mentary. It is also necessary to pay attention to the tics are similar in structure, that is, they differ in all formed thought in linguistics about homonyms that other languages. Hesret Hasanov also offers an inter- they are a natural process in a language. The author esting idea that the number of words in which the of this idea is VV Vinogradov, and supporters of language has many roots and consonants exceeds the E. M. Kalina Fedoruk, N. M. Shansky, A. V. Kalinin, meaning [7]. This idea is truly true. Because, since I. K. Sazanova and many other researchers. On the they are a product of the monosyllabic age, they en- contrary, L. A. Bulakhovsky, A. N. Gvozdev, A. A. Re- ter an important stage in the process of creating a formed and others perceive homonymy as a

154 TONAL HOMONYMS IN THE AZERBAIJANI LANGUAGE pathology or language defect. Efendiyeva Turkan The well-known Turkologist A. M. Shcherbak also notes that it is obvious that the use of homonyms as evaluates the tonality, which is one of the main dis- a pathology or defect in a language is due to the same tinguishing features of the subject-predicate. phonetic composition of these language units, which A. M. Shcherbak shows that tonality is the leading creates a misunderstanding in speech [6]. You can characteristic of prosodic elements, which is one of also add to the idea that when the information inten- the characteristic features of the homonymy of the sity of languages at the stage of homonymy becomes subject-predicate [17]. You can also add to the idea relevant, the word model is limited to provide a new that when the information intensity of languages at understanding. And homonyms performed the func- the stage of homonymy becomes relevant, the word tion of newly appearing word patterns. In other model is limited to provide a new understanding. words, the appearance of homonyms limited the And homonyms performed the function of newly likelihood of some new word patterns appearing. appearing word patterns. In other words, the appear- Since this event is equally distributed in all languag- ance of homonyms limited the likelihood of some es, it must be perceived naturally. Because there is no new word patterns appearing. Since this event is language in the world that would not pass the stage equally distributed in all languages, it must be per- of monosyllabism, and this stage has passed un- ceived naturally. Because there is no language in the harmed by homonyms. As for the tonality of hom- world that would not pass the stage of monosyl- onyms, it is quite possible that these words were im- labism, and this stage has passed unharmed by hom- mediately differentiated from the initial stages of onyms. As for the tonality of homonyms, it is quite formation. Since homonyms had a similar structure, possible that these words were immediately differen- they had to be different from each other. More valu- tiated from the initial stages of formation. Since ablely, ambiguity plays a special role in the formation homonyms had a similar structure, they had to be of homonyms in linguistics. However, distinguishing different from each other. More valuable, ambiguity homonyms in parts of speech, it becomes clear that plays a special role in the formation of homonyms in the formation of homonyms is based on the poly- linguistics. However, distinguishing homonyms in semy of homonyms, which have a figurative mean- parts of speech, it becomes clear that the formation ing. And figurative meaning is a stage in the develop- of homonyms is based on the polysemy of hom- ment of abstract thinking. However, at the initial onyms, which have a figurative meaning. And figura- stage of the formation of homonyms, the question tive meaning is a stage in the development of abstract of the development of figurative meaning remains thinking. However, at the initial stage of the forma- somewhat dubious. Therefore, it is not logical to jus- tion of homonyms, the question of the development tify the formation of homonyms in the same speech of figurative meaning remains somewhat dubious. as at the initial stage. Due to the differentiation of Therefore, it is not logical to justify the formation of action at the initial stage and its object, homonyms homonyms in the same speech as at the initial stage. formed by the correlation of predicates should be Due to the differentiation of action at the initial stage considered as a product of an early period. In the and its object, homonyms formed by the correlation subject, formed by the sequence of predicates, the of predicates should be considered as a product of an elasticity of movement and the static object of the early period. In the subject, formed by the sequence action are expressed in high steps in verbs and low in of predicates, the elasticity of movement and the nouns. Thus, the verbs that form the rhythmic line static object of the action are expressed in high steps are called high tones, and nouns are pronounced low in verbs and low in nouns. Thus, the verbs that form tones. This is also their main distinguishing feature. the rhythmic line are called high tones, and nouns

155 Section 11. Philology are pronounced low tones. This is also their main languages. Tonal homonyms are formed on the ba- distinguishing feature. The well-known Turkolo- sis of the requirements for information activity that gist A. M. Shcherbak also evaluates the tonality, arise when understanding the phenomena of man which is one of the main distinguishing features of and the environment at the stages of the formation the subject-predicate. A. M. Shcherbak shows that of languages. Since the formation of new word pat- tonality is the leading characteristic of prosodic ele- terns to express an abundance of information at a ments, which is one of the characteristic features of time when artists did not exist, separate definitions the homonymy of the subject-predicate [17]. Stud- had to be combined into one word. Thus, new words ies in the field of linguistic typology also emphasize of a syncretic character were formed, which in lin- the fact that tonal homonyms belong to an earlier guistic terms were called special terms. Homonyms period than those that were created in the transition themselves were created on various grounds by their from polysemy to portability. It is also shown here derivative methods. Some of them are based on se- that the combination of different meanings in hom- mantic from ambiguity to figurative, and others – in onyms in the structure of a word is derivative, and tonal. Typical homonyms are formed within tonal their location in the same compound has also be- homonyms, as is the paradigm of the speech part. come synonymous with grammatical expression. However, due to the promising potential of tonality Compression of tonal homonyms of a noun and a in the formation of homonyms, this phonosemantic verb is considered a means of expression from the event played an important role in the formation of point of view of differentiation of speech parts [21]. individual group verbal homonyms. Syncretism in Studies in the field of linguistic typology also empha- tonal homonyms is derivative and characterized by size the fact that tonal homonyms belong to an ear- grammatical features. The expression of concepts lier period than those that were created in the transi- related to individual parts of speech through tonal tion from polysemy to portability. It is also shown homonyms and, in particular, verbal expressions here that the combination of different meanings in and, in particular, differences in a personal diction- homonyms in the structure of a word is derivative, ary, reflects the form of a grammatical expression. and their location in the same compound has also Although tonal homonyms are of particular impor- become synonymous with grammatical expression. tance for individual speech parts, there is an open or Compression of tonal homonyms of a noun and a hidden semantic connection between them. Tonal verb is considered a means of expression from the homonyms are also universal because they are typi- point of view of differentiation of speech parts [22]. cal of the monosyllabic phase of world languages. Al- Introduction though tonal homonyms are a product of the mono- Tonal homonyms represent an important histori- syllabic phase, they continue their tradition within cal milestone in the process of word formation in all grammatical homonyms. References: 1. Abaev V. I. About the filings of Hymonyms in the book // – Baku. 1957. – No. 3. – P. 31–43. 2. Jafarov S. Dictionary in the Azerbaijani language. – Baku. AUL Edition. 1969. – 201 p. 3. Jafarov S. Modern Azerbaijani language. Education. – Baku. 1970. – 235 p. 4. URL: // Science. – Leningrad 1969. – 646 p. 5. Demirkhizade A. Styles of the Azerbaijani language // Azerneshr // – Baku. 1962. – 271 p. 6. Efendieva T. Lexical styles of the Azerbaijani language. Science and Education – Baku. 2011. – 352 p. 7. Hasanov H. Dictionary of omonims of the Azerbaijani language. East-West. – Baku. 2007. – 168 p.


8. Khamatova A. A. Lexical homonymy in modern Chinese. Prosvesheniye. – M. 1977. – 27 p. 9. Khalilov B. Modern Azerbaijani language // Phonetics, writing, alphabet, graphics, spelling, orthoepy. Nurlan. – Baku. 2007. – 310 p. 10. Khalilov B. Lexicology of the modern Azerbaijani language. Nurlan. – Baku. 2008. – 442 p. 11. English-Azerbaijani, Azerbaijani-English modern dictionary // Gismet. – Baku. 2008. – 912 p. 12. Kitabi-Dede Gorgud. House of New Publications. – Baku. 1999. – 704 p. 13. Galkina-Fedoruk E. M. // Russian language in the classroom. – M. 1954. – No. 3. – P. 14–19. 14. Muller V. K. Large English-Russian, Russian-English Dictionary. House of Slavic Books. – M. 2009. – 960 p. 15. Reformatsky A. A. Enter the language. Aspect PRESS. – M. // 2006. – 536 p. 16. Russian-Azerbaijani dictionary. I part of Azerbaijan Edition of the Soviet Encyclopedia. – Baku. 1990. – 605 p. 17. Shcherbak A. M. // Traumatic phonetics of the Turks. Science. – Leningrad. 1969. – 202 p. 18. Tolmacheva Z. A. Learn about the polysemy of the same name // Russian language at school. – M. 1959. – No. 4. – P. 28–33. 19. Vinogradov V. V. Water Harmonies and Christmas Memories. Questions. Prosveshcheniye. 1960. – No. 5. – P. 3–17. 20. Yusifov M. Fundamentals of Azerbaijani phonetics. Science and Education. – Baku. 2013. – 324 p. 21. Yusifov M. Linguistic typology. Science and Education. – Baku. 2017. – 184 p.

157 Section 11. Philology Shen Binbin, postgraduate student, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kiev, Ukraine E-mail: [email protected] SPEECH ETIQUETTE IN THE PROPER LINGUISTIC AND COMMUNICATIVE-PRAGMATIC ASPECTS Abstract. The article deals with the research of the ‘speech etiquette’ concept in the humanitarian paradigm of scientific knowledge. The main aspects of the speech etiquette study have been analyzed, namely: linguistic proper, pragmatic, sociolinguistic, normative and cultural, linguistic and method- ological, linguistic and cultural ones. Keywords: speech etiquette, communication, speech etiquette formula, study aspect. Шэнь Биньбинь, аспирант, факультет иностранной филологии Национальный педагогический университет имени М. П. Драгоманова E-mail: [email protected] РЕЧЕВОЙ ЭТИКЕТ В СОБСТВЕННО ЛИНГВИСТИЧЕСКОМ И КОММУНИКАТИВНО-ПРАГМАТИЧЕСКОМ АСПЕКТАХ Аннотация. Статья посвящена рассмотрению понятия «речевой этикет» в гуманитарной парадигме научного знания. Проанализированы собственно лингвистический, прагматический, социолингвистический, нормативно-культурологический, лингвометодический и лингвокуль- турологический аспекты изучения речевого этикета. Ключевые слова: речевой этикет, коммуникация, речеэтикетная формула, аспект изучения. Понятие «речевой этикет» (англ. speech факторами неязыкового свойства, которые, как etiquette) в современной лингвистической и в це- правило, влияют на коммуникацию, а нередко лом гуманитарной науке становится всё более трансформируют её весьма существенно. актуальным – прежде всего в связи с явно по- В современном языкознании, по мнению высившимся интересом общества к проблемам А. А. Баталова и Н. Л. Огуречниковой, представ- коммуникации (в частности – вербальной комму- лены две трактовки речевого этикета. Под более никации), а также в результате осознания необ- узкой, связывающей речевой этикет преимуще- ходимости неодинакового поведения личности ственно с использованием формул речевого эти- в различных коммуникативных ситуациях. кета, исследователи понимают «речевое поведе- Речевой этикет как понятие комплексное, на- ние, признаком которого является относительно ходящееся «на пересечении» целого ряда гума- автоматизированное воспроизведение устойчивых нитарных наук, позволяет осознать процесс вер- формул» [2, 286]. При широкой трактовке иссле- бального общения во взаимосвязи с различными дователей интересует «зона единиц языка и речи,


которые способствуют выражению доброжела- вляющем большинстве случае предопределяет тельного отношения к собеседникам» [2, 286]. и трансформацию другой). В русистике термин «речевой этикет» впер- Основными аспектами рассмотрения ре- вые был введён в научный оборот В. Г. Костомаро- чевого этикета на сегодня можно считать соб- вым – в статье, опубликованной в журнале «Рус- ственно лингвистический, прагматический, ский язык за рубежом» [2, 56–62]. Комплексный социолингвистический, стилистический, норма- характер речевого этикета, подчёркивается прак- тивно-культурологический, лингвометодический тически во всех существующих на сегодня науч- (дидактический) и лингвокультурологический; на ных определениях данного понятия, например: характеристике ряда из них, имеющих принципи- «Речевой этикет – социально заданные и нацио- альное значение для проводимого исследования, нально специфичные правила поведения, реализу- мы и остановимся более подробно. ющиеся в системе устойчивых формул и выраже- Собственно лингвистическая природа фор- ний (стереотипных высказываний), применяемых мул речевого этикета (выражений, используемых в ситуациях установления, поддержания и размы- в процессе общения) определяется их лингвисти- кания контакта с собеседником, в системе Ты-Вы- ческой сущностью: с этой точки зрения, они пред- форм общения, в выборе социостилистической ставляют собой высказывания-действия (в терми- тональности общения при ориентации на адреса- нологии теории речевых актов – перформативные та и ситуации общения в целом» [7, 575]. высказывания), которые осуществляются в ходе «Речевой этикет понимается как система язы- непосредственного общения, «когда партнёры ковых знаков и правил их употребления, принятых «я» и «ты» встречаются в ситуации «здесь» в данном обществе в данное время с целью уста- и «сейчас» [9, 67]. Эти показатели, по мнению новления речевого контакта между собеседни- Н. И. Формановской, отражаются «в семанти- ками и поддержания общения в эмоционально ческой и/или грамматической структуре единиц положительной тональности в соответствии разной оформленности: Поздравляю вас!; С празд- с речевой ситуацией: здравствуйте, здорóво жи- ником!; Разрешите поздравить вас с праздником!; вёте, моё почтение, позвольте честь заявить …» Я хотел (а) бы поздравить вас! и др.» [9, 67–68]. (выделено мною. – Б. Ш.) [1, 3]. В каждом из такого рода с помощью различ- Приведённые определения акцентируют ных лингвистических средств высказываний от- внимание на нескольких конструктивных па- ражается «Я» говорящего, «Ты» адресата, а так- раметрах такого явления, как речевой этикет: же реальная модальность соответствия ситуации во‑первых, это явная связь речевого этикета речевого акта, момент речи («сейчас»), точка с экстралингвистической реальностью, и прежде контакта коммуникантов («здесь»). Таким об- всего с культурой и этническими особенностями разом, высказывания, содержащие перформатив- национального коллектива, в котором речевой ный глагол-предикат (Приветствую вас!) и не этикет реализуется; во‑вторых – непременная содержащие его (Здравствуйте!; Привет!; Моё включённость речевого этикета в коммуника- почтение!) оказываются в отношениях функци- тивное взаимодействие, реализация этикетных ональной эквивалентности. формул именно в процессе осуществления ком- Семантика единиц речевого этикета связана муникации; в‑третьих – взаимосвязь речеэти- с выражением коммуникативного намерения, или кетных формул и стилистической тональности речевой интенции: перформативное высказыва- осуществляемого коммуникативного процес- ние оказывается, таким образом, инструментом, са (изменение одной из составляющих в пода- с помощью которого совершается определённый

159 Section 11. Philology

речевой поступок (речевое действие): приветствие видеть!; Счастлив познакомиться!; Вы хорошо по- (Здравствуйте!); прощание (До свидания!); из- ступили (одобрение); Вам идёт этот цвет (ком- винение (Простите!) и т. д. плимент) и т. д. Помимо этого, единицы речевого этикета Каждая ситуация вступления в контакт, под- передают социальные смыслы, условно говоря, держания и размыкания контакта обслуживается оппозиционного свойства: «свой – чужой, близ- коммуникативно-семантической группой стерео- кий – далёкий, знакомый – незнакомый»; «рав- типных высказываний. Так, в ситуации, например, ный – выше/нижестоящий». Н. И. Формановская благодарности можно обнаружить следующие приводит описанный в одном из произведений единицы: Спасибо (вам); Я вам (так) благодарен Ч. Айтматова пример вступления в контакт интел- (–на); Я вам (так) признателен (–льна); Я хочу лигента с представителями преступной группы: поблагодарить Вас; Позвольте (разрешите) по- «Я чуть было не допустил оплошность – едва не об- благодарить вас и т. д. Выбор того или иного сте- ратился к нему на «вы», да ещё чуть не извинился реотипа диктуется ориентацией на статус и роли за беспокойство. – Привет, Утюг, как дела? – ска- адресата в соответствии с собственными призна- зал я ему насколько возможно бесцеремонней. – Дела ками говорящего и на важность того, за что бла- как в Польше: у кого телега, тот и пан – бойко от- годарят (о чём просят, за что извиняются и т. п.). ветил он, точно мы с ним сто лет были знакомы» При рассмотрении речевого этикета в совре- (Айтматов)» [7, 18]. менный период одним из наиболее важных оказы- Обращение, как видно, имеет непосредствен- вается социолингвистический аспект: единицы ное отношение к нормам речевого этикета, по- речевого этикета отражают как постоянные соци- скольку неотъемлемым свойством речи выступает альные признаки участников общения: их возраст, ее обращенность, ее адресный характер: «играя степень образованности, воспитанности, место важную роль в межличностном общении, обраще- рождения, воспитания и жительства, пол и т. д., ния способствуют взаимодействию говорящего так и выполняемые коммуникантами переменные и адресата и помогают создать особое коммуни- социальные роли (приятель, подруга, пациент, кли- кативное пространство» [6, 107]. ент, милиционер и др.). Прагматический аспект рассмотрения рече- Социальные признаки, присущие той или иной вого этикета базируется в первую очередь на том, этикетной формуле, нередко «накладываются» что любая этикетная (выраженная с помощью друг на друга – например, в русском языке выраже- вербальных и невербальных средств) формула ние Приношу свои глубокие извинения свойственно обладает интенциональным смыслом, т. е. отража- старшей группе носителей языка, интеллигентам, ет коммуникативное намерение (речевую интен- причём преимущественно в официальной обста- цию) говорящего: устанавливая и поддерживая новке общения. Приветствия же типа Приветик; речевой контакт, поприветствовать, извиниться, Чао; Салют в русском языке употребляет в основ- поблагодарить, поздравить, пожелать хорошего, ном молодёжь (в данном случае этикетная языковая посочувствовать, одобрить, вежливо попросить, формула является одним из сигналов установления посоветовать, пригласить и т. п. Помимо этого, фамильярной тональности общения). любой этикетное высказывание содержит и эмо- Этикетные формулы, используемые при со- ционально-оценочный смысл, поскольку отражает циальных контактах для поддержания общения характер личностных отношений коммуникантов в нужной тональности, по своему характеру яв- (или их демонстрирует), оценку ситуации и пар- ляются разноуровневыми языковыми единицами. тнёра, его качеств, действий и т. д.: Как я рад Вас Это могут быть полнознаменательные словоформы;


слова неполнознаменательных частей речи (части- [11, 207]. Речевой этикет – это действенный ин- цы, междометия); словосочетания и целые фразы, струмент выражения вежливости: доброжела- принятые в определенных ситуациях в разных со- тельное, тактичное, чуткое и внимательное отно- циальных группах. шение к собеседнику [7, 159]. Лингвометодический (лингводидактиче- Лингвокультурологический аспект изучения ский) аспект изучения речевого этикета актуали- речевого этикета был существенно актуализиро- зировался во второй половине прошлого столетия ван в конце прошлого столетия прежде всего по- – в первую очередь с активизацией изучения ино- высившимся интересом к изучению иностранных странных языков, в том числе и изучения русского языков с непременным учётом лингвострановед- языка как иностранного. Методический и лингво- ческого аспекта, предполагающего знакомство дидактический аспекты изучения речевого этикета с культурными особенностями страны (стран) предполагают при выборе единицы обучения учёт изучаемого языка, в число которых, бесспорно, целого «блока общения», состоящего из реплики- входит и национальный речевой этикет. стимула, реплики-реакции, типизированных стере- Речевой этикет любого народа имеет свои не- отипных фраз включения реплик в контекст даль- повторимые особенности, связанные с историче- нейшего общения, а также используемых в речевом ским развитием языка. Как следствие, в каждом этикете жестов и мимики. языке присутствуют устойчивые выражения при- Нормативно-культурологический аспект ветствия и прощания, формулы уважительного изучения речевого этикета формируется на пе- обращения к старшим по возрасту или положе- ресечении нескольких научных областей (шире нию, с которыми представитель иной культуры – гуманитарных сфер человеческой жизнедея- должен ознакомиться: «в том или ином обществе тельности) и находит своё выражение прежде представитель чужой культуры, будучи незнако- всего в разработке исследователями особого вида мым с особенностями национального речевого нормы – этико-речевой, которая представляет этикета, выглядит необразованным и плохо вос- собой «совокупность правил речевого общения питанным человеком» [5, 74]. Овладение фор- (поведения), которые обеспечивают гармони- мулами речевого этикета является необходимой зацию интересов общающихся на основе обще- предпосылкой развития культуры общения между принятых нравственных ценностей». Речевой представителями разных лингвокультур [10, 1]. этикет занимает в сфере речевой этики ведущее Итак, речевой этикет представляет собой место, поскольку его правила основаны на прин- комплексное явление, для осмысления которо- ципе вежливости – прежде всего уважительного го привлекаются, помимо лингвистики, данные отношения к собеседнику. «Уважительное отно- других наук (в первую очередь – гуманитарных), шение к собеседнику можно считать этикетным позволяющие детально рассмотреть процесс вер- правилом № 1. Именно оно регулирует наши от- бального общения во взаимосвязи с различными ношения и коренится в началах морали и этики, факторами неязыкового свойства, в различной которые повелевают уважать каждого человека» степени влияющими на коммуникацию. Список литературы: 1. Балакай А. Г. Словарь русского речевого этикета: 2-е изд., испр. и доп. – М.: АСТ-ПРЕСС, 2001. – 672 с. 2. Баталов А. А., Огуречникова Н. Л. Особенности русского речевого этикета ХХ века // Языкознание. 2018. – № 2 (80). – Ч. 2. – С. 285–289. URL:–2911_2018_2– 2_17.pdf (дата обращения: 25.01.2020).

161 Section 11. Philology

3. Костомаров В. Г. Русский речевой этикет // Русский язык за рубежом. 1967. – № 1. – С. 56–62. 4. Путилина Л. В., Мельников В. И. Функциональный аспект речевого этикета в административной сфере Интернет-коммуникации // Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и практики. – Тамбов: Грамота. 2018. – № 11(89). –Ч. 1. – C. 159–162. URL:–11–1.33 (дата обращения: 12.01.2020). 5. Санаева И. В., Прихожая Л. И. Речевой этикет в аспекте межкультурной коммуникации // Фило- логия. Интерактивная наука. 2018. 4 (26). – С. 73–75. URL:file:///C:/Users/%D0%98%D1%80%D 0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0/Downloads/rechevoy-etiket-v-aspekte-mejkulturnoy-kommunikatsii%20 (1).pdf (дата обращения: 17.01.2020). 6. Сеидомарова С. Н., Нурланбекова Е. К. Обращение в речевом этикете // Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований. 2016. – № 7–5. – С. 907–911. URL:https://applied- (дата обращения: 20.01.2020). 7. Формановская Н. И. Коммуникативно-прагматические аспекты единиц общения. – М.: Ин-т рус. яз. им. А. С. Пушкина, 1998. – 291 с. 8. Формановская Н. И. Речевой этикет // Культура русской речи. Энциклопедический словарь-спра- вочник; под ред. Л. Ю. Иванова, А. П. Сковородникова, Е. Н. Ширяева. – М.: Флинта; Наука, 2003. – С. 575–578. 9. Формановская Н. И. Употребление русского речевого этикета. – М.: Просвещение, 1987. – 216 с. 10. Хисамова Г. Г., Латыпова Л. М. Речевой этикет: национально-культурная специфика и методиче- ский аспект исследования // Современные проблемы науки и образования. 2015. – № 1–1. URL: (дата обращения: 15.01.2020). 11. Хорошая речь / Ред. О. Б. Сиротинина и др. – Саратов, 2001. – 320 с.

162 THE HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE GREAT SILK ROAD IN THE FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE GEO-ECONOMIC POLICY OF THE NATIONAL UZBEK STATEHOOD Muhammadiev N. E., Docent, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute Kobilov R. R., researcher, Uzbekistan National University E-mail: [email protected]


Abstract. The article describes the emergence of the Great Silk Road, its role, stages, develop- ment tendencies and historical significance in its geo-economic policy from antiquity to the present. Keywords: Turkish national government, Great Silk Road, East and West, geo-economic policy, geo-strategic, geo-politics, geographical discovery, geographical environment, geo-economic space. The Uzbek statehood has a 3000-year history and earlier. Even the first civilization and the early state one of its oldest pages is the geo-economic policy associations that arose in the Eneolithic and Bronze pursued by our ancestors, based on trade, spiritual Ages, sought to expand the space they occupy. Their and cultural relations and established diplomatic structure includes Crete-Mycenaean, Egyptian, relations on the great Silk Road [1]. The Great Silk Mesopotamian, Lorestan territories, the Caucasus Road served as a “golden chain” that binds the East and the North Caucasus cultures, Namzgyn (in the and the West, The South and the North between south of Central Asia) and the Harappa valleys of the economic, political and cultural aspects of the Indus, and Chinese Yin civilization [3, p. 12–15]. 2nd century AD, more than 1800 BC. This path, nev- Trading operations were carried out at this time in ertheless, disappeared irrespective of the fact that he areas stretching several thousand kilometers. lost his leadership position after the great geographi- The historical role of the Great Silk Road in the cal discoveries. Only when the world is divided into occurrence, formation and development of the geo- two opposing poles, its activity is cut off. Thus, this economic policy of the people of Central Asia is as road has witnessed many historical events in the follows: first, in the II and IV centuries BC, control- geo-political politics, from the 2nd century, ie nearly ling sales relationships; second, in the V–VIII cen- 2000 years. Therefore, the issue of studying historical turies, the widening of the road network, in which events and phenomena that took place on this path communication, ie the establishment of postal com- has always attracted the attention of scientists. As a munication; thirdly, at the beginning of the IX–XIII result, German geographer and historian Ferdinand centuries the caravans servicing system, trade-related Paul Wilhelm described his traits as “Silk Road” in infrastructure and the introduction of checks in in- his 1877 Chinese book [2, P. 75]. Since then, this ternational trade; fourthly, in the XIV–XV centuries road has been called the Great Silk Road. Amir Temur and the Temurids further developed this The emergence of this transcontinental road was path, the state’s trade stimulus and consequently the a logical continuation of commercial, cultural and rise of international relations to a new level; fifthly, in spiritual contacts that existed thousands of years the XVI–XIX centuries, first of all, great geographical

163 Section 11. Philology discoveries, then conflicts between the Khanate and new line of roads that would connect them. One of the Emirate, the loss of leadership status of The Rus- such multilateral routes was the “King of the Law” sian Empire by the occupation of Central Asia, the built in the sixth millennium BC [7]. This route advent of various large and small geo-economic wars, crossed from Ephesus on the Mediterranean Sea to in particular the geo-economic space in the Russian Suza, the center of the state of the district Hamo- Empire’s geo-politics turn around; sixth, by the end moni, from the Iran thought the Bactrian regions to of the 20th century, the collapse of the Soviet Union, Sogdiana and Tashkent, to Altai. the historical successor of the Russian Empire, was In the policy of Central Asia, the militants have replaced by the emergence of five independent stated benefited from the elements of geo-political politics, in Central Asia, which became a new geo-political the country’s favorable geographical location, eco- area, as a result of the restoration of this path [4, P. 4]. nomic potential(gold, silver, iron, copper, iron ore, About the historical role of this path in the emer- jewelry) and labor. The Sogdians, the Bactrians, the gence, formation and development of geo-economic Horezmians and the Saxon were also involved in the and political activity of the people of Central Asia, war against the Greeks in the Persian army. Against I. A. Karimov rightly admits: “Our ancient Silk Road this policy, the local people have always struggled has been a geo-strategic place in the vast Central for freedom. In the policy of Central Asia, the in the Asian region since ancient times, too. From here, vast majority of the Achaemenic-dominated Central crossroads have crossed the main trade routes and Asian region, the secular order has changed since the mutually beneficial cooperation has been established occupation of another Macedonian army. In general, between different civilizations. Uzbekistan, which Greeks rule here by about 200 years(from 329 BC to routes East and West, South and North along the 140–130 BC, before the collapse of the Greek-Bac- highways, has a vast transport, communications and trian state). Macedonian invaders will burn it after transit potential.” [5, P. 51]. downloading the top places in the Avesto book with In the VI–VII centuries BC, the ancient people 12.000 animal skins [8, P. 74]. Aristotle, the master of the eighteenth-sixth centuries BC, Parthians, Bac- of Alexander Makedonsky, uses the sourse to write tria, Sogdians, Horezmians, Sak-Masagats created his world-famous works. ancient Khorezm, ancient Bactria, nad military al- The elements of the internal and external geo- liances of Sak-Massaget tribes in Central Asia. As a economic policies of the Greek and Makedonian in- result of their formation and development, there was vaders can be seen in the movements of castles, cities, a sort of secular order. This is based on the principles coins minted in strapids (provinces), depending on of mutual trade, economic and military assistance the country’s favorable location. As a result of the geo- to each other, peaceful resolution of conflicts, and economic policy pursued by the Greco-Makedonian strengthening of the alliance on the basis of marriag- government, the Greek and local eastern culture as a es. This secular order will be replaced by the Iranian result of the spread of Greek culture in Central Asia Empire’s occupation of much of Central Asia and its (Greek script, Greek weight units, money relations, overgrowing over 200 years. The occupied territories craftsmanship and art) processes occur. of Central Asia are ruled by three major powers-Bac- Formation and development of the factor of geo- tria (XII satrap), Shakes and Kaspiys (XV satrap), economic policy in the economic and political life of Parfia, Khorezm, Areia and Sogdiana (XVI satrap) the people living in Central Asia in the later periods [6, P. 5]. The exploiters used the ancient trade and was marked by the Kang(III BC–III century BC), an- trade routes to drive the wealth of the local popula- cient Khorezm(IV BC IV ADR), Dovon-Ferhana(III tion away from their homeland, and constructed a BC‑2nd century AD) states, Kushan kingdom (the 4th

164 THE HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE GREAT SILK ROAD IN THE FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE GEO-ECONOMIC POLICY OF THE NATIONAL UZBEK STATEHOOD century BC- the 4th century AD), the ancient irrigat- 9) Funds allocated for the preservations, restora- ed crop cultivation, the development of horticulture tion of graves and mausoleums of saints and clergy; and viniculture, the discovery of watercress and clay 10) In the case of the taxation of citizens of the Re- species, the construction of a synagogue, observa- public of Uzbekistan in the taxation and collection, de- tory, defensive walls, weaponry, textile industry, cop- pending on the crop yield and the fertility of the land; per and silver coins it is connected with the change of 11) The person who has been living in a desert, socio-economic life, such as tattooing inventing lo- or has been dug up or has a garden or renovated a cal records and calendars, setting up celestial horses, ruined land; establishing trade and embassy relations with India, 12) Seeds, various tools and necessary items for China, and the Roman Empire wish. free to those who have no strength to repair the land; The medieval evolutionary development of the 13) The daily wage for the wagons and sheikhs; geo-economic policy in Central Asia, and also the 14) When mosques, madrassahs were built in global world politics, is directly related to the do- each town, every village; mestic and foreign policy of the Amir Temur and 15) Where the poor, the poor, the orphanages are Temurids. built and the stables are built and put into operation; As our great ancestor Amir Temur conquered the 16) Appointment of doctors for the operation of 27 countries of the world [9, P. 69], he states that the a hospital for patients; people of these lands have created and implemented 17) It is possible to observe that soldiers are kept the principles of geo-political policy in the pursuit in a combat-ready position. and development of life: It must be admitted that in such a country as in 1) Every business of state significance is carried the old world and in the Middle Ages and in the new out by entrepreneurship on the basis of advice, rea- era, such a fair deal has not been done by anyone, the sonable and cautious; head of state. 2) The employment of citizens of the country This extremely rational, justified entrepreneurial (including the places of detention) by the profession, policy, run by Amir Temur, is not an exaggeration if and the investment of businessmen with the capital; we say that our independent country is a rational part 3) Farmers have the right to plow, to sow seeds, of modern geo-political policy. to sow crops, and to help harvest crops; In Central Asia, three independent states- the 4) Guarded guards for guarding all the smaller Bukhara Emirates, Khiva and Kokand Khanates are roads that connect trade, economic, cultural and formed in the XXVII–XIX centuries. Trade, eco- spiritual ties, their passengers, merchants, traffick- nomic, cultural and spiritual ties have not ceased ers and other property trafficked to their destination even though there are minor differences between without any hassle; these countries. The geo-economic policy pursued 5) The impartiality of any person in the treat- by domestic and foreign businesses serves as leather, ment of his country of origin; karakul, wool, cotton, silk fibers, various jewelry, dry 6) The fact that poorness has been eliminated by skirts, gold and silver items. They set up trade with employing the poor; Russia, Afghanistan, India, Iran, China, importing 7) Non-admission of the property of the heredi- metals, factory supplies, tea and weapons. tary member of the host country and the return of Summarizing these thoughts on the origin, for- the received goods to the owners; mation and development of geo-economic policies 8) When the poor are poor, the sick who are in- in the socio-economic life of the people of Central capable of working for a job; Asia, the following conclusions can be drawn:

165 Section 11. Philology

1. The tough natural environment in Central Asia onry, and ceramics. Urban areas working in these led people to interact with one another in commu- areas are named after the cities, neighborhoods or nity life. Their favorable geographical location led to towns, such as jewelry, maiden, quilted, sweatshirts, the development of trade, economic, cultural and sweaters, potters (charmgaron). spiritual ties that led to small and large roads. 4. As a result of the abolition of the independent 2. These are the unique cities of the free trade states of Central Asia by the Russian empire, espe- economics such as Bolasag, Tashkent, Uzgen, Khu- cially the Russian Bolsheviks, there has also been the jand, Samarkand, Kesh(Shahrisabz), Nafas(Karshi), eradication of existing geo-political politics. As a re- Baukhara, Poykent, Termez, Marv, Zariasp, Kat, Gur- sult, the Central Asian region was transformed into ganch Denau, Kattakurgan, Kokand, Margilan, An- the material raw material base of the former Soviet dijan, Chimkent, Uratepa, Khiva, Dashoguz, Hanka. Union, and its people were transformed into “free Throughout the centuries, traders from all parts of slaves”, “komsomol”, “communist”, who were loyal the globe have been able to work freely in these cit- to the ideas of Marxizm-Leninism. ies. Broadband and postal services have been set up. 5. Following the ongoing struggle in 1991, the Their safety is guaranteed. Religious discriminations Uzbek people gained their true, world-recognised is not permitted. It is based on the principles of peace independence and now pursues a specific geo-eco- and stability, “when trading-the balls are silent”. nomic policy. 3. Free economic trade is a city of technology that 6. The historic location of the Great Silk Road is is specific to technology and more precisely, each city represented by the President of the Republic of Uzbeki- specializes in the manufacture of a single individual stan Sh. M. Mirziyoyev: “The geographical location of or a group of goods. For example, Samarkand’s pa- Uzbekistan, which has long existed in the area adjacent pers, Bukhara’s tattoo shirts, Chust skullcaps, Shah- to the Great Silk Road and many trade routes, is the rikan’s knives, Margilan silk and silk. Each city has continuation of various civilizations and intercultural workshops such as iron, misery, deceit, rift (bronze dialogue and cooperation”. “Of course, [10, P. 429],” he melting), jewelry, bottles, tortoise, carpentry, weap- concludes, “is a good opportunity for us”. References: 1. Ochilov B. Genesis of the silk road: stages of historical development. URL:https://www.academia. edu/4751083/genesis_of_the_silk_road_stages_of_historical_development_doctor_of_philology_prof 2. Xujaev A. Great Silk Road: Relationships and Fates. – T.: “National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan”, 2007. 3. Rtveladze E. Velikiy shelkoviy put // Ensiklopedicheskiy spravochnik. Drevnost i rannee sredneve- kovye. – T. 1999. – P. 12–15. 4. URL: – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 5. Karimov I. A. To overcome the consequences of the global crisis is to modernize the country and to rise to the level of developed countries. – Т.: Uzbekistan, 2010. 6. Atlas of Uzbekistan. – Т.: Main Department of Geodesy, Cartography and State Cadastre under the Cabi- net of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1999. 7. URL: 8. Charles Seignobos. History of Ancient Civilization. Fili-Quarian Classics. 2010. 9. Temur`s codes. – Publishing house of G. Gulyam, 1996. 10. Mirziyoyev Sh. M. Our people`s consent is the highest genius to our work. – Т: “Uzbekistan” NMIU, 2018.


Section 12. Economics Gridneva Yеlena Evgenevna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor “Kainar” Academy Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty E-mail: [email protected] Kaliakparova Gulnar Shaimardanovna, PhD, Associate Professor “Kainar” Academy Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty E-mail: [email protected]


Abstract. Over the past five decades, project management has emerged as a new management culture, which is the most important link in the civilized business and business cooperation of dif- ferent countries with different traditions, culture and economies. To date, project management around the world has become a recognized type and a sought-after area of professional activity in a market economy, since the mastered methods of traditional manage- ment are no longer effective enough to manage constantly changing production. For Kazakhstan, the application of professional project management during the development of the national innovation system (NIS), the implementation of social projects, the creation of high-tech production in various sectors of the economy (construction, subsoil use, information and telecom- munication technologies) is especially relevant. The article reveals the features of the development of project management in Kazakhstan, highlights the problems of its development and provides some recommendations for eliminating these problems. Keywords: Kazakhstan, project, program, project portfolio, project management.

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Гриднева Елена Евгеньевна, кандидат экономических наук, профессор Академии «Кайнар» Республика Казахстан, Алматы E-mail: [email protected] Калиакпарова Гульнар Шаймардановна, PhD, доцент академии «Кайнар» Республика Казахстан, Алматы E-mail: [email protected] РАЗВИТИЕ ПРОЕКТНОГО МЕНЕДЖМЕНТА В КАЗАХСТАНЕ: ОСОБЕННОСТИ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ Аннотация. В течение последних пяти десятилетий проектный менеджмент сформировался как новая управленческая культура, которая является важнейщим связующим звеном в цивили- зованном бизнесе и деловом сотрудничестве разных стран с разными традициями, культурой и экономикой. Проектный менеджмент к настоящему времени во всем мире стал признаным видом и вос- требованным направлением профессиональной деятельности в рыночной экономике, так как освоенные методы традиционного менеджмента сегодня уже недостаточно эффективны для управления постоянно меняющимся производством. Для Казахстана особенно актуально применение профессионального управления проектами при развитии национальной инновационной системы (НИС), при реализации социальных про- ектов, создании высокотехнологичных призводств в разных сферах экономики (строительство, недропользование, информационно-телекоммуникационные технологии). В статье раскрыва- ются особенности развития проектного менеджмента в Казахстане, выделяются проблемы его развития и даются некоторые рекомендации для устранения данных проблем. Ключевые слова: Казахстан, проект, программа, портфель проектов, проектный менед- жмент, стандарты проектного менеджмента. В условиях глобализации, интернациализации которая «позволяет сократить сроки создания про- широко применяются в мировой практике мето- дукта и финансовые затраты, при этом полностью ды проектного управления. В 1967 году в США исключить коррупцию, бюрократию и безответ- (Институт проектного менеджмента PMI в Фила- ственность в процессе реализации проекта; управле- дельфии) зародился Проектный менеджмент, где ние проектом означает управление изменениями». специалисты университета систематизировали Проектный менеджмент является наукой только знания по управлению различными проектами, в той части, которая касается проверенных и по- опубликовав «Свод знаний по управлению про- вторяемых процессов и приемов, нельзя однозначно ектами» [1, C. 15]. отнести его к технологии, исскуству или ремеслу [2]. Современная трактовка проектного менед- Институт проектного менеджмента (PМI) жмента: это универсальная философия развития, [3] определяет Проектный менеджмент, как со-


вокупность опыта и компетенций, необходимых ный язык общения между заказчиком и произво- для управления отдельными проектами с исполь- дителем. Управление проектами для управления зованием ограниченных ресурсов, то есть это и мониторинга внутренних процессов позволит инструмент для разработки и реализации планов. четко сформировать цели предприятий и учреж- Проектный менеджмент включает в себя дений, оптимизировать производственные про- управление проектами, программами, портфелем цессы, повысить производительность труда» [5, [4, C. 9]. C. 58]. В Республике Казахстан данная тема актив- Согласно «Концепции продвижения про- но развивается последние двеннадцать лет после ектного менеджмента в Республике Казахстан на глобального экономического кризиса 2008– 2007–2011 годы» в Казахстане необходимо было 2010 годов. иметь четыре главные условия для успешного мас- По мнению казахстанских специалистов, штабного продвижения технологии проектного проектный менеджмент «позволяет сократить менеджмента – макроэкономические предпо- производственный цикл, повысить качество сылки, социальную среду, информационно-ком- продукции или услуг, сократить время выхода муникационные технологии, компетенции госу- новых видов продукции на рынок и создать еди- дарственных служащих (рисунок 1).

Рисунок 1 – Основные условия для успешного продвижения проектного менеджмента в Казахстане Примечание: составлено авторами на основе [5] Макроэкономические условия (глобализация, рованного профессорско-преподавательского интеграция, интернационализация, развитие На- состава вузов и ученых). циональной инновационной системы (НИС)). Информационно-коммуникационные тех- Социальная среда (высокий уровень образо- нологии (ИКТ) (Интернет-ресурсы, например, вания граждан Казахстана, наличие квалифици- «Электронное правительство»).

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В современных условиях значительно увели- Проблемы «непрерывное обучение и разви- чиваются объемы проектных работ и программ, тие персонала» характеризуется недостаточным в выполнении и организации которых должны уча- количеством сертифицированных преподавателей, ствовать высококвалифицированные специалисты способных обеспечить обучение современным тех- (компетенции государственных служащих). нологиям управления проектами на всех уровнях об- Любой проект всегда является комплексной разования (вузовское, послевузовское, повышение задачей. Принципиальная комплексность про- квалификации в тренинговых центрах и другое). ектной задачи определяет новый стиль управлен- Основной проблемой успешного продвиже- ческой деятельности, в котором взаимодействуют ния в Казахстане на уровне «внутренних бизнес- и взаимодополняют друг друга социально-куль- процессов» является отсутствие национальных турные, технико-технологические и организаци- стандартов по управлению проектами или реко- онно-управленческие стороны [4, C. 8]. мендаций по применению ключевых международ- Международная практика показывает основ- ных стандартов. ные причины провала проекта: постоянная кор- В Казахстане используется несколько между- ректировка объема работ, плохое планирование, народных и зарубежных стандартов, регулирую- низкая вовлеченность участников проекта, пере- щих область применения управления проектами. расход затрат, несоблюдение установленного гра- В стране широкое распространение получили фика. Получается ситуация, когда в ходе работы стандарты качества ISO, регламентирующие опе- над проектом приходит понимание, что экономи- рационную (производственную) деятельность. ческое обоснование было сделано неправильно, В то же время, стандарты управления проектами, отсюда неверно поставлены цели и задачи, плохое ориентированные на получение новых результа- планирование, увеличение затрат на реализацию тов, продуктов и услуг, в Казахстане не получили проекта. Как правило, на этом этапе проект уми- должного развития. Поэтому, термин «проект», рает либо приостанавливается [7]. используемый в различных государственных до- Следовательно, можно выделить основные про- кументах, понимается и трактуется по-разному блемы в продвижении проектного менеджмента специалистами, что приводит к проблемам в ре- в Казахстане: финансовый аспект, клиентский ализации межотраслевых программ. С привлече- аспект, непрерывное обучение и развитие персо- нием крупных иностранных инвесторов в Казах- нала, внутренние бизнес-процессы [5, с. 64–65]. стан, существует вероятность притока западных Проблемы «финансового аспекта» характе- специалистов или отечественных специалистов, ризуются отсутствием эффективного монито- обучающихся за рубежом и вернувшихся на ро- ринга реализации государственных программ дину со своими методиками управления государ- и их слабой взаимосвязью с процессом реального ственными и отраслевыми бизнес-проектами, что продвижения Казахстана в число тридцати конку- является тормозящим фактором конкурентоспо- рентоспособных стран мира. собности проектного менеджмента в Казахстане. Проблемы «клиентского аспекта» заключа- Так, например, в Китае действует стандарт ются в отсутствии профессии проектного менед- С-РМВОК. Швейцария, Австралия, США, Япо- жера в государственном реестре Министерства ния имеют свои национальные стандарты. труда и социальной защиты. Следствием этого Примером для Казахстана может служить является низкая активность процесса продвиже- опыт Великобритании. Здесь на национальном ния проектного менеджмента в государственном уровне принят британский стандарт проектно- масштабе [5, C. 64]. го управления BS6070. В рамках британского


стандарта применяется методология PRINCE2, го менеджмента – это основной путь в процессе собственником Prince 2 является британская ком- внедрения проектного менеджмента в любой от- пания AXELOS. Это совместное предприятие, ос- ечественной организации. Инструменты и методы нованное в 2013 году с участием кабинета мини- проектного менеджмента должны в полной мере стров Великобритании, которому принадлежит использоваться в проектной деятельности. 49%, и компании Capita pls, которой принадлежит С целью качественного продвижения управле- 51% компании AXELOS. Компания Capita pls яв- ния проектов в Казахстане необходимо разрабо- ляется разработчиком методики, что позволяет на тать национальный стандарт проектного менед- государственном уровне использовать методоло- жмента, который закрепит на законодательном гию PRINCE2 при реализации проектов. Такой уровне понятия «проект» и «проектный менед- опыт позволил бы Казахстану эффективно реали- жмент», данный национальный стандарт должен зовать поставленные задачи [7]. стать важным фактором интеграции и развития Основными факторами, тормозящими даль- проектного менеджмента в Казахстане. нейшее продвижение проектного менеджмента В части методологии необходимо выбрать оп- в Республике Казахстан, является: отсутствие тимальную модель, которую возможно адапти- выделенной профессии – проектного менеджера ровать к нашим реалиям. Но на государственном и ограниченное число сертифицированных про- уровне необходим единый подход, методология ектных менеджеров, отсутствие единого центра и структура, которые будут комплексно занимать- проектного управления, нет выработанного еди- ся внедрением проектного управления в стране. ного подхода и методологии, утвержденной на В настоящее время в Казахстане существует уровне национальных стандартов по управлению Фонд Первого Президента РК, который отвечает проектами, а также слабый мониторинг реализа- всем современным требованиям. На базе данного ции государственных программ. Вместе с тем, фонда можно создать единый центр проектного большинство отечественных организаций прак- управления с хорошей IТ-инфраструктурой, кото- тически не используют проектный менеджмент рая могла бы заниматься цифровизацией бизнес- в своей деятельности. процессов проектного управления. Этот орган Для устранения данных проблем необходи- мог бы быть оператором проектного управления мо в большей части вузов ввести специальность в госорганах. В свою очередь население смогло бы проект-менеджер с учетом актуальности и вос- оценивать результаты реализации проектов через требованности. В настоящее время в Казахста- различные виды коммуникаций. Чтобы такую идею не по управлению проектами готовит Satbayev реализовать в полном объеме, сначала необходимо University. провести подготовительную работу. Если в едином С целью повышения квалификации специ- центре будут собраны 10–15 ключевых сотруд- алистов компании, учреждений и организаций не- ников, владеющих различными методологиями, обходимо проводить профессиональные бизнес- то сильная команда сможет внедрить проектное тренинги с привлечением как отечественных, так управление в государственном масштабе [1]. и зарубежных специалистов, консалтинговых ком- На наш взгляд в Казахстане есть все необхо- паний, а также Института проектного менеджмен- димые ресурсы для развития проектного менед- та (PМI). Обучение персонала основам проектно- жмента.

171 Section 12. Economics

Список литературы: 1. Теория и практика управления проектами: Учебное издание. / А. Ф. Цеховой, М. А. Винницкая, М. А. Карлинская. – Алматы: «Эверо», 2015. – 172 с. 2. Тумасова Н. В. Особенности формирования национальной модели проектного менеджмента в Ре- спублике Казахстан URL: modeli-proektnogo-menedzhmenta-v-respublike-kazahstan/viewer 3. Руководство к своду знаний по управлению проектами. – М.: Олимп-Бизнес, 2018. – 588 с. 4. Боронина Л. Н. Основы управления проектами: Учебное пособие. – Екатеринбург: Изд-во Урал. ун-та, 2015. – 112 с. 5. Шильбеков Е. Ж. Разработка модели управления конкурентоспособностью Казахстана через про- екты: дисс. доктора философии (Phd): 6D051800 – Управление проектами. – Алматы, 2015. – 123 с. 6. Концепция развития проектного менеджмента в Республике Казахстан на 2010–2020 годы // Союз проектных менеджеров Республики Казахстан URL: proektnogo-menedzhmenta.html 7. Как внедрить проектное управление в Казахстане URL: proektnoe-upravlenie-v-kazahstane (04.04.2019).


Section 13. Science of law Nizamedinkhodjaev Ulugbek, Military-Technical Insitute of National Guard E-mail: [email protected] THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CRIME Abstract. The article is devoted to the discussion of problems of development of international cooperation in the fight against organized crime. Undoubtedly that the criminality, especially its organised forms, long since got beyond national borders, therefore struggle against it seems to be possible only by wide international cooperation. Create global programs for international cooperation to fight organized crime reveals the latest trends in the activities of organized criminal groups and highlights potential dangers, which makes it possible to carry out appropriate preventive measures. Keywords: organized crime, international cooperation, cooperation of the states, commonwealth of independent states (CIS). In recent years, a special danger to the interna- adjustments to the strategy and tactics of the struggle tional community began to acquire the relationship against international crime. of organized crime and terrorism, and these events In this case there are two main types of coop- have a tendency of internationalization. Modern eration of states in the struggle against international crime has acquired qualitatively new forms, its mer- crime: The conclusion of international agreements in cenary orientation has increased, the number of the various aspects of this activity and participation crimes that have international connections has sig- of States in international organizations specialized in nificantly increased, and it is found a growing num- the struggle against crime. ber of international criminal gangs. In this regard, the In international agreements there is regulation problem of improving international cooperation in of the provision of legal assistance in criminal mat- the fight against crime is currently one of the most ters, extradition of offenders, transfer of sentenced pressing in the activities of law enforcement agen- persons to serve their sentences in their countries of cies in developed countries of the world. In order to citizenship, protection of the rights of its citizens in create an effective system for struggle against inter- the prosecution of them in another country, the ex- national crime the government is developing differ- change of operational and legal information, as well ent forms and methods of cooperation, constantly as conducting of joint preventive activity. improving the legal framework of joint actions. The In every country crime is not only varies, but also international community performed an active strug- has a general criminological characteristics. With all gle against international crime, constantly making the specificity of national objectives in the struggle

17 3 Section 13. Science of law against crime, many countries are resolving the same the most serious of them are discussed on its meet- significant problems. This allows considering the ings. According to the Charter, the Security Council problem of crime prevention as international. has the primary responsibility for maintaining inter- In the long-term practice of international coop- national peace and security. Members of organiza- eration in the struggle against crime cooperation tion agree, in accordance with the Charter, to obey mechanism has developed, including international the decisions of the Security Council and to carry organizations such as the United Nations organiza- them out [5]. The Security Council plays a leading tion (UN) and its specialized agencies, non-govern- role in determining the existence of threats to the mental international organization, the International peace or act of aggression. It encourages the parties Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL). in a dispute to settle it peacefully, and recommends The UN is the only agency that has a universal methods of settlement and terms of settlement. In mandate and international support needed to pro- some cases, the Security Council can resort to sanc- vide effective assistance to countries in the preven- tions or even authorize the use of force in order to tion and struggling against the crime [1]. For 70 maintain and restore international peace and secu- years thanks to the efforts of the UN as a result of rity. In addition, the Security Council makes recom- the negotiations it have been concluded over 560 mendations to the General Assembly regarding the multilateral treaties, including treaties concerning appointment of a new General Secretary and the human rights, the struggle against terrorism and admission of new members to the UN. The General international crime, refugees, disarmament, trade, Assembly and the Security Council are elected by commodities, the oceans and many other issues [2]. the judges of the International Court [6]. Article 3 of the UN Charter establishes the need The UN General Assembly with the help of the for cooperation of states in solving the social and hu- International Law Commission prepares and adopts manity problems, including the struggle against the convention to struggle against the certain crimes, international crime. All the principal and subsidiary recommendations for the coordination of measures organs of the organization, as well as a number of UN to prevent acts of international terrorism, mercenary, specialized agencies are actively includes in this work. drug trafficking, etc. At the UN Security Council The General Assembly is the main deliberative, meeting these issues are addressed in relation to policymaking and representative organ of the UN, complaints of countries on acts of aggression, terror- which consists of 193 Member States. The Gen- ism and others. If necessary, it transmits these issues eral Assembly at its sessions considers the issues in its commission of inquiry. UN International Court of crime prevention, the relationship of crime and of Justice considers the specific cases concerning the social changes, assumes the international legal con- issues of struggling against the crime. (It was consid- ventions, and creates special committees and the au- ering the case of the seizure of American hostages in thorities to struggle against international crime [3]. Iran, and made recommendations to States in 1980). The problem of struggle against the crime discussed Once every five years, the commission conducts in the main committees of the General Assembly United Nations Congress on the Prevention of – committee on social and humanitarian issues Crime and the Treatment of Offenders. They have (3 committee) and Committee of Legal Matters become global forums on coordinating the efforts of (6 committee) [4]. all mankind in the struggle against crime and harmo- Security Council considers the issues of struggle nization of international criminal law [7]. against the crime in connection with the complaint In the era of globalization, there is a new form of the States of specific crimes and acts of aggression, of transnational crime. Organized criminal groups

174 THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CRIME emerge and expanding at an alarming rate, which is the organised crime. As practice shows, most suc- accompanied by the growth of the scale of physical cessfully it occurs within the limits of the interna- violence, bullying people and government officials’ tional organisations. One example is the cooperation corruption. To better respond new challenges in the of the countries of the Commonwealth of Indepen- field of crime prevention and criminal justice the dent States (CIS) in the prevention and fight against combined efforts of the international community organized crime [8]. requires. The Centre for International Crime Preven- In the beginning of the 90th of the 20th century in tion (CICP) promote the strengthening of interna- the conditions of new geopolitical relations before tional cooperation to prevent and deter the crime; republics of the former Soviet Republic there was supports the development of criminal justice sys- a whole complex of problems including connected tems; and helps Member States solve the problems with maintenance of public order against sharp ac- and overcome the threats posed by the changing of tivization of different criminal groups, whose activ- nature of transnational organized crime. CICP sup- ity began to carry not only transboundary character, ports efforts of Member States with the ratification but also to make serious impact on economy of the or the UN Convention against Transnational Orga- independent states and safety of citizens. In April, nized Crime and additional protocols and the UN 1992 at meeting of Ministers of Internal Affairs of Convention against corruption. To counteract of the the independent states in Alma-Ata, it had been criminal activity CICP provides targeted programs. concluded and signed Agreement for interaction of Global Program of struggle against corruption de- the Ministries of Internal Affairs of the independent signed mainly for countries with vulnerable devel- states in sphere of struggle against crime. Important oping or transitional economy, contributes to the stage in the field of struggle against organised crime adoption of anti-corruption measures and helps to was conclusion of Convention of about legal aid and improve the transparency of the public sector. One legal relations on civil, family and criminal cases of the problems, the scale of which increases with the between the CIS countries that has allowed more highest rates in the world, is the issue of smuggling full and more carefully at multilateral level to solve of migrants and human trafficking. Studies suggest questions of joint struggle against criminality. The that in this case all the more significant role is played convention has been signed in Minsk on January 22, by organized crime groups. Global program against 1993 by heads of member states the CIS. trafficking helps the countries of origin, transit and In the specified Convention the special atten- destination for such people to develop joint strate- tion has been paid to the order and conditions of gies and practical actions against trafficking. Crimi- issue by one CIS country to another of the persons nal groups pose the international networks using the who are in territory of each of the states which has most advanced technologies and a variety of tech- signed the Convention, for being criminally liable or niques to effectively act as at legitimate and at illicit for reduction of sentence in execution. Here cases markets. The global program against transnational when the extradition is obligatory are considered organized crime reveals the latest trends in the ac- when it can be refused or when the extradition can tivities of organized criminal groups and highlights be delayed, and also conditions of a capture of the the potential dangers, in order to be able to take ap- given out person under guards etc. are stipulated. propriate preventive measures. In the Convention, it is also defined the procedure Thus, the higher level of internationalisation of criminal prosecution. In it, there is noticed that of criminality, the more active and all-round there each contracting party according to the legislation should be interaction of the states at struggle against undertakes to make criminal prosecution of the citi-

17 5 Section 13. Science of law zens suspected of commission of crime in territory corresponding interstate body which could provide of the requesting party. The Convention contains appropriate coordination of efforts of law enforce- number of the regulations, concerning transfers by ment bodies in struggle against the organised crime contracting parties of the subjects used by criminals, and its displays. Simultaneously with acceptance of evidentiary and other information on the perfect and the specified decision Position about it Bureau as investigated crime leading to transfer of the person about constantly operating body on the organisa- according to provisions of the Convention. tion of struggle against the organised crime and other Approving of the Program of joint efforts about dangerous crimes in territory of the CIS has been struggle against the organised crime and other danger- confirmed. Creation of this body was rather timely. ous kinds of crimes in the territory of the CIS coun- The initial stage of activity of Bureau practically has tries in March, 1993 by the Council of heads of the revealed at once its necessity and efficiency. It is -or governments of the CIS countries became following ganised legal aid rendering on criminal cases within step in the field of struggle against the organised crime. the limits of the Convention on legal aid in Relations In this Program especially sharp deterioration of to civil, family and to criminal cases with participa- criminogenic conditions in the majority of the state- tion operatively-investigatory actions of all Ministries participants of the CIS, displeasing the population of Internal Affairs of the state-participants of the CIS and posing real threat of national safety and to pro- countries. It is carried out organisation of interaction cess of the reforms spent in the sovereign states was of law-enforcement bodies of the state-participants of marked. According to this Program there was an ob- the CIS countries and rendering of assistance in es- ject in view to develop and conclude interstate agree- tablishment, detention and extradition of the crimi- ments concerning cooperation in sphere of struggle nals searched at interstate level. To Bureau practice against the organised crime, the illegal reference of of direction is applied to acceleration of search of the weapon, explosive and radioactive substances, lists of the persons who have made especially grave about an order of interaction of investigatory-oper- crimes. Single carrying out in territory of the state- ative groups in territory of other states, about order participants CIS countries of complex of operatively- of interaction of law-enforcement bodies, customs preventive actions for various directions of struggle services and frontier troops, about cooperation in against criminality remains to one of effective direc- sphere of struggle against crimes in bank, credit and tions of joint activity of law-enforcement bodies. BK- financial systems, commercial structures and in for- BOP develops as agreed with all Ministries of Internal eign trade activities sphere, about cooperation in Affairs of the CIS countries plans-schedules of carry- sphere of struggle against a drug trafficking [9]. ing out of the complex operatively-preventive actions Acceptance in September, 1993 by Council of provided by interstate programs. Actions according heads of the state-participants of CIS countries of the to plans-schedules are spent on a wide spectrum of decision about creation of Bureau for coordination of problems of struggle against criminality. These actions struggle against organised crime and other dangerous provide a concentration of efforts of all Ministries of crimes (BKBOP) in territory of the CIS became the Internal Affairs on the decision of pressing questions important event [10]. Acceptance of this decision of struggle against criminality. Complex operations has been caused by proceeding expansion of zone of were generally recognised. activity of the organised crime, growth of number of In November, 1995 in Moscow Council of heads the crimes made by organised criminal groups in all of the governments of the CIS has supported the of- former republics of the USSR that has forced country fer brought by Byelorussia on formation of working leaders of the CIS to raise the problem of creation of group on working out of the project of the Interstate

176 THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CRIME program of joint efforts of struggle against the organ- a vector of efforts of law-enforcement community ised crime in territory of the state-participants CIS with the account of realities of today. The applied for the period up to 2000. mechanism of realisation are coordinated preven- In process of cooperation expansion the under- tive, operatively-searching actions and the special standing of necessity of closer integration of work operations directed on neutralisation of organised of departments in all directions of law-enforcement criminal groups, whose activity has trans boundary activity grew also. As a result of January, 19th, 1996 character [12]. Council of heads of the CIS countries makes the de- In April, 1996 in Moscow Council of heads of cision on creation of Ministerial council of internal the governments of the CIS has approved already affairs of the state-participants CIS (CMIA) [11]. developed a Program which has included measures Today the Ministerial council is a body of the on strengthening of international legal base of co- branch cooperation, called to provide interaction operation, perfection and harmonisation of national of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the state-par- legislations, carrying out of joint interstate target op- ticipants CIS not only concerning struggle against eratively-preventive operations, information, scien- criminality, but also in other directions of their team- tific, personnel, material and financial maintenance. work. The basic form of work – sessions which serve Realisation of the specified Program has allowed as an original forum in which frameworks of the head to give dynamism and new quality to cooperation of departments the coordinated decisions directed of the state-participants CIS in the field of struggle on neutralisation of new calls and threats, the CIS against criminality. countries infringing on interests make. Council acts Developed conditions have demanded accep- in a role of the uniform coordination centre allow- tance of the new Program of the interstate measures ing on the basis of the deep analysis developing on directed on perfection of cooperation in struggle territory of the countries of Commonwealth of op- against criminality. Therefore with a view of mainte- erative conditions to develop effectual measures of nance of efficiency of cooperation in struggle against reaction on the whole spectrum of questions, the criminality Council of heads of the CIS countries organised crime connected with counteraction, to has decided to confirm on January 25, 2000 the In- terrorism, a drug trafficking and other dangerous terstate program of joint efforts of struggle against kinds of crimes. CMIA is the active participant of criminality for the period from 2000 up to 2003 [13]. process of formation of contract-legal base and orga- In this connection the base documents providing nizational bases of interstate interaction in struggle target application of available forces and means of against criminality. Within the limits of this work he law-enforcement structures, the interstate programs co-operates with Executive committee of the CIS accepted on intermediate term are period according and Inter-parliamentary, Assembly of the countries to decisions of Council of heads of the CIS countries. of the Commonwealth. The majority of initiatives The interstate program of joint efforts of struggle CMIA directed on formation of uniform strategy of against criminality for 2011–2013, has been direct- counteraction to criminal activities, at interstate level ed on the further perfection of cooperation of the find the reflection in modelling acts, and also the -de state-participants CIS, authorised bodies and bodies cisions accepted by Council of heads of the govern- of branch cooperation of the CIS in struggle with ments and Council of heads of the CIS countries. As criminal activity [14]. Primary goals of the Program: toolkit of such decisions interstate target programs first development of international legal base of coop- in various directions of struggle against criminal- eration of the state-participants CIS; secondly per- ity which put organizational bases act and define fection and harmonisation of the national legislation

17 7 Section 13. Science of law of the state-participants CIS; in the third carrying modern threats. It, first of all, introduction in a life out of the complex joint and-or coordinated inter- of the Concept of development of cooperation of the departmental preventive operatively-search actions Ministries of Internal Affairs of the state-participants and special operations; in the fourth information and of the Commonwealth of Independent States for the scientific maintenance of cooperation; cooperation period up to 20201, confirmed on gradual expansion realisation in a professional training, improvement of a coordination role of Bureau, circle of problems of professional skill of experts. carried out by it and functions in the general interests The interstate program of joint efforts of struggle of the countries of the Commonwealth. The bureau against criminality during 2014–2018, which has actually became the multipurpose organisation on problems: first development of international legal assistance on variety of directions of interstate co- base of cooperation of the state-participants CIS; operation in struggle against criminality. Thus, con- secondly perfection and harmonisation of the na- solidation and escalating of efforts on interaction of tional legislation of the state-participants CIS; in the law enforcement bodies of the Commonwealth will third carrying out complex joint and-or coordinated allow to solve more productively one of the main interdepartmental preventive, operatively-of search- strategic problems of the CIS – the further develop- ing actions and special operations; information and ment of integration processes in the Commonwealth scientific maintenance of cooperation; in the fourth countries. realisation of cooperation in a professional train- Undoubtedly that the criminality, especially its ing, improvement of professional skill of experts; organised forms, long since got beyond national bor- development of cooperation with the international ders, therefore struggle against it seems to be pos- organizations [15]. The received experience of in- sible only by wide international cooperation. Cre- terstate cooperation allows BKBOP to realise in ate global programs for international cooperation to practice necessary administrative impulses in inter- fight organized crime reveals the latest trends in the ests of consolidation of efforts of law-enforcement activities of organized criminal groups and highlights bodies of the countries of the Commonwealth in potential dangers, which makes it possible to carry struggle against criminality against the account of out appropriate preventive measures. References: 1. United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. Resolution adopted by the Gen- eral Assembly. 55/25 of 15 November (2000). URL: http://www. res5525e.pdf 2. Strengthening the implementation of the United Nations. Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols thereto. Resolution 7/1 Seventh Session of the Conference Of The Parties. (2014). URL:–COP.html 3. Thirteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. Report of the Secretary- General. Documentation prepared for the 70th session of the General Assembly. A/70/90 – E/2015/81/. 9 June (2015) URL: V1504079.pdf Open Element 4. Implementation of the international cooperation provisions of the United Nations. Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. Resolution 7/4 Seventh Session Of The Conference Of The Parties. (2014) URL:–COP.html 5. URL:


6. The th4 International Report Crime Prevention and Community Safety: Trends and Perspectives. Copy- right© International Centre for the Prevention of Crime (ICPC), Montreal (2014). 7. 2014 ANNUAL REPORT. International Center for the Prevention of Crime (2015) http://www.crime- prevention- ENG 2014_01.pdf 8. Kozachenko I. Ya., Korsakov K. V. Criminology: Textbook / – Moscow: NORMA-INFRA TH. 2011. – 304 p. 9. Dolgova A. I. Criminological organised crime and corruption estimations, legal fights and national safe- ty. – M. 2011. – 668 p. 10. Derevyanko E. BKBOP: 22 years of fruitful work. – M. J. Commonwealth, 2015. 3. – P. 36–40. 11. CMIA: yesterday, today, tomorrow. Moscow. J. Commonwealth (2015) 4. 10–16. 12. Criminality is resisted by commonwealth of professionals. – M. J. Police of Russia (2016). 1. – P. 10–27. 13. Interstate program of joint efforts of struggle against criminality for the period from 2000 up to 2003 (Confirmed by the Decision of Council of heads of the states of the Commonwealth of Independent States on January 25, 2000, Moscow City). 14. Interstate program of joint efforts of struggle against criminality for 2011–2013 (confirmed by the De- cision of Council of heads of the states of the Commonwealth of Independent States on December 10, 2010, Moscow City. 15. Interstate program of joint efforts of struggle against criminality for 2014–2018 Confirmed by the Deci- sion of Council of heads of the states of the Commonwealth of Independent States from October 25, 2013, Minsk City.

17 9 Contents

Section 1. Anthropology ...... 3 Nurzhanov Arnabay Abishevich, Zhumabayev Nurgazy THE PROCESS OF FORMING KAZAKHS’ ANTHROPOLOGICAL TYPE ...... 3 Section 2. Archeology ...... 7 Nurzhanov Arnabai Abishevich ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH OF THE MEDIEVAL CITY YASY-TURKESTAN ...... 7 Section 3. Demography and ethnography ...... 11 Weni Rosdiana, Sri Suwitri, Bambang Supriyono, Endang Larasati DIMENSIONAL ACTORS IN THE POLICY NETWORK OF LAMONGAN COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT ...... 11 Section 4. History and archaeology ...... 24 Abdukayumov Asror Rayimovich TOWARDS A NEW APPROACH TO PERIODIZATION OF THE PREHISTORY ...... 24 Ryabchenkо Olga, Malynina Tetjana EXCHANGE STUDENT CONSTRUCTION BRIGADES IN UKRAINE: PROBLEMS OF INTERCULTURAL YOUTH COMMUNICATION (1960–1980 s) ...... 33 Section 5. Cultural studies ...... 43 Risnawaty, Muhammad Ali Pawiro, Liesna Andriany, Heny Subagiharty THE STAGES OF THE “NURUNKEN KALAK MATE CAWIR METUA” RITUAL IN KARO REGENCY ...... 43 Section 6. Linguistics ...... 50 Mammadova Rahima THE FORMATION OF THE INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS AT NON-LINGUISTIC INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION ...... 50 Musabayova Narmin Chingiz STAGES OF TRAINING FOREIGN NON-PHILOLOGY STUDENTS RECORD LECTURES ON THEIR SPECIALTY ...... 54 Adriana Hasibuan, Rani Arfianty, Nandi S. THE SEMIOTICS OF INSCRIPTION TEXTS ON THE JAPANESE GRAVESTONES ...... 59 Hà Thị Kim Hằng INFLUENCE OF BUSINESS ENGLISH ON FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS ...... 68 Tsareva Irina Valerevna DERIVATIVE SPACE OF THE LAW TEXT ...... 71 Shen Binbin FAMILY COMMUNICATION AS A SPECIAL TYPE OF COMMUNICATION ...... 79

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181 Contents