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Undergraduate Research 2015 Symposium

2015 Italian Occupation of and the Aftermath of War II Ljubica Nikolic

Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library. For information, please contact [email protected] By: Ljubica Nikolic Abstract: Supervising Professor: Dr. Nathan Stoltzfus Mussolini and Italian commanders discussed the Slovenia and the of fate of the Slovenian population. On 31, were occupied by Fascist during 1942 in a meeting in The project would 2. Through extensive encompass the deportation of the entire literature reviews, the project attempts population. Less than a month later, Emilio to identify specific war crimes Grazioli—the —submitted a committed by Italy in the including report which if carried out would have been specific generals. The focus is on the considered genocide (as defined by the United Report of the High Commissioner for the Nations). which outlined the Italian goals for the such as Carli, Carlo. "Portale Storico Della Camera Dei Deputati." Atti Di Indirizzo E Controllo / Documenti / Camera Dei Deputati. Web. 4 Mar. 2015. deportation of the population. After . examines the failure of the international community to try Italian war criminals after the end of the war—specifically looking into Britain’s role in trying Italian criminals.

Trying Italian War Criminals: The War Crimes Commission failed to try many Italian perpetrators due to the differing opinions of the and the . The United Brava Gente: Kingdom sympathized with Brava Gente is the notion that all are but wanted to work on “good people” and this is how they are establishing relations with Italy. The perceived internationally its origin to Soviet Union urged the Italian th the 19 . Brava Gente is often used Looking ahead: officials to surrender all alleged war to excuse mistakes committed by Italy. criminals. This project is a working progress. I will be Fascism is looked at as an unfortunate working on finding further implications of Before , Britain dropped all mistake. While Italy committed war crimes charges on Italy while continuing to in Slovenia and other during World War II, Italians today blame this Balkan countries. The end goal is finding all encourage Italy and Yugoslavia to solely on government. independently resolve the issues. crimes committed by Italy in the region along with Generals. Favero, Paolo. Italians, the “Good People”: Reflections on National Pedaliu, E. G.h. "Britain and the 'Hand-Over' of Italian Self-Representation in Contemporary Italian Debates on War Criminals to Yugoslavia, 1945-48." Journal of and War. 2nd ed. Vol. 2. 2010. 140-147. Print. Contemporary (2004): 503-29. Print

“It is right that we uncover it, not because we do not wish to forgive or are not capable of forgiving, but because forgetting is something different from forgiving. If part of history is missing ─ even the history of defeat ─ later generations can learn nothing from it.” – Mojca Drčar-Murko