T 8168047/8 16806'6!81 68078
~, '" ' _ /,:t 8168047/8 16806'6!81 68078 IN THE SUP:RM'ECOURT OF CALIFORNIA 'KANL. STRUSS, et aL., Petitioners, v. MARK D. HORTQN, ,etal.iState.Registratof Vital Statistics, etc., Respondents; DENNIS HOLLINGSWORTH -etal;, Interveners. ROBINTyLERetaL., Petitioners, v. STATE OF CALIFÖRNÌAet al., Respondents; . DENNIS HOLLINGSWORTH etal., Interveners. CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCQ'etaL.,Petitioners, v. MAB. HORTON, et al.,StateRegistrar ofVitaLStatistics, etc., Respondents; DENNIS HOLLINGSWORTH et aL.,Interveners. APPLICATION'FOR LEA VE.TOFILEAMICI CURIE URIEF AND PROfOSEDUlUEF.QJf LEGISLATIVE AMICI CURIAE IN8UPPORT OF PETITIONER~STRAU8S,ETAL. GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP GIBSON, DUN & CRUTCUER LLP Fre.derick'Brown, SBN065316 Douglas Champion, SBN246515 Ethau'Dettmer",SBN'196046-.- - " Heather Richardson"SBN2495l7 SarahPiepmeier,SBN 227094 Lauren Eber,SBN2465 19 _ Rebecca Justice Lazarus, SBN 227330 LindsayPenrington, SBN249879 EI1iqueMonagas,S:eN 239087 33380uthGrandAvenue KaiponaneaMatsumttra, SBN 255100 Los Angeles,Califomia 90071 555 Mission Street, Suite 3000 Telephone: (213) 229-7000 San Francisco, California 94105 Facsimile: (213) 229-7520 ' Telephone: (415) 393..8200 Facsimile: (415) 393..8306 RECE,IVED Attorneys for Amici Curiae, , Current and Former California Legislators JAN"j:S"2009 CLERK SUPREME COURT APPLICATION TO FILE AMICI CURIAE BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF PETITIONERS AND STATEMENT OF INTEREST OF AMICI CURIAE Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 8.520, subdivision (f), Amici Curiae current and former California Legislators hereby respectfully apply for leave to fie an amici curiae brief in support of the Petitioners. The proposed amici curiae brief is attached to this Application. The proposed Amici are familar with the questions presented by this case. They believe that there is a need for further argument, as discussed below.
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