A Model-Independent Theory of Computational Complexity: From Patience to Precision and Beyond Ed Blakey The Queen's College, Oxford
[email protected] Oxford University Computing Laboratory Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QD Submitted in Trinity Term, 2010 for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science Acknowledgements and Dedication We thank the author's supervisors, Dr Bob Coecke and Dr JoÄelOuaknine, for their continued support and suggestions during this DPhil project. We thank the author's Transfer/Con¯rmation of Status assessors, Prof. Samson Abramsky and Prof. Peter Jeavons, ¯rst for agreeing to act as assessors and secondly for their useful and for- mative comments about this project; we thank the author's Examiners, Prof. Peter Jeavons and Prof. John Tucker, for taking the time to act as such and for their valuable suggestions, of which some are incorporated here. We thank the organizers of Uncon- ventional Computing, the International Workshop on Natural Computing, Quantum Physics and Logic/Development of Computational Models, Science and Philosophy of Unconventional Computing and the International Conference on Systems Theory and Scienti¯c Computation for the opportunity (and, in the case of the last-mentioned con- ference, the kind invitation) to present work forming part of this project. We thank the participants of the above-mentioned conferences/workshops, as well as the British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science and Complexity Resources in Physical Computation, for their encouraging feedback and insightful discussion. We thank the reviewers of publications to which the author has contributed (including New Genera- tion Computing, the International Journal of Unconventional Computing and Natural Computing, as well as proceedings/publications associated with the conferences and workshops mentioned above) for their detailed comments and helpful suggestions; we thank also Prof.