The Recorderwill Be Sworn. Do You Lieutenantcolonel[REDACTED
UNCLASSIFIED Verbatim Transcriptof CombatantStatusReview TribunalHearingfor ISN 10019 OPENING PRESIDENT: This hearingshall cometo order. RECORDER This Tribunal is being conducted at 13:25 hours on 4 April 2007 on board U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The following personnel are present : Colonel REDACTED] , United States Air Force, President, Lieutenant Colonel [ REDACTED] United States Air Force Commander REDACTED ), United States Navy, Member, Major [ REDACTED ), United States Air Force, Personal Representative, Language Analyst ' , [REDACTED , Sergeant First Class (REDACTED] , United States Army, Reporter, Lieutenant Colonel [REDACTED ], United States Army, Recorder . Lieutenant Colonel [REDACTED the Judge Advocate member of the Tribunal OATH SESSION 1 RECORDER: All rise. PRESIDENT: The Recorderwill be sworn. Do you LieutenantColonel [REDACTED], swear or affirmthat you will faithfully performthe duties as Recorder assignedto this Tribunal, so help you God? RECORDER I do PRESIDENT: The Reporterwill now be sworn. The Recorderwill administerthe oath. RECORDER Do you, Sergeant First Class [REDACTED ], swear or affirm that you will faithfully discharge your duties as Reporter assigned in this Tribunal so help youGod? REPORTER I do PRESIDENT: The Translatorwill be sworn. RECORDER Do you swear or affirm that you will faithfully perform the duties of Translator in the case now in hearing , so help you God ? LINGUIST: I do 1 Language Analyst , Translator, and Linguisi are used interchangeably . ISN # 10019 Enclosure (3 ) Page of 17 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED PRESIDENT: take a brief recess while the Detainee is brought into the room . Recorder-- [ SCI President and Recorder both speaking RECORDER: The time is 13:26hours on 4 April 2007. This Tribunal is now in recess. [ The Tribunal Membersleave the room.] [ The Tribunal Membersreenter the room at 13:36 hours.
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