Comedies to West's Lanes
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RADIO oPeeZ COMEDIES TO WEST'S LANES. MI CONTESTS IN THIS ISSUE September 7-13, 1941 NEWS BROADCASTS LISTED 11001111211 COMPLETE DAILY LOG& Hmatuants SEPTEMBER 7, 1941 PAGE 2 RADIO LIFE Radio Life in On and Off the Ream W INSTON CHURCHILL'S RA DI O understand what is good. Franklin Delano NEW YORK Y TALK did not, to our mind, add any- Roosevelt is our leader, deserves our trust thing new to the solution of world prob- and support on these simple premises. NE W YORK CITY:—There were about lems, nor, for that matter, did it take Whatever is to be our role in the world 1200 disappointed radio fans at the CBS Radio Playhouse on 45th Street to see the anything away. What he said echoed to come, may we not be sure that it strangely from 1919 and the idealiskic will be one developed, strongly and reso- "We the People" broadcast on a recent tragedy that was the end of the efforts of lutely, out of the crucible of our maturity Tuesday night. The show was put on our. beloved .War President, Woodrow as a society of men and women that looks from Fort Dix but someone forgot and Wilson. Eight points or Fourteen are of out upon life and the future as mediums the usual 1200 tickets were sent out for no consequence if first they do not reside of good agency? the New York studio. The guests heard the program via loud speakers—though in the heart that may demonstrate love While we are on the subject of Democ- not more than about 75 remained for the for humanity. racy, it might not be amiss to point out full half hour.... Garson Kanin has been But, it set us thinking —and if our one of the pitfalls into which fell a in town oo furlough and telling the radio thinking seems miraculous to those of Polish immigrant. The immigrant was a .pals made during the filming of "Citizen our esteemed readers who sharply and vo- guest of an Americanism air-quiz and ciferously at times take us to task—please was asked by the quiz-master: "What do Kane" all about army life. Some of the boyell be soldiers themselves before long, e lse merciful in judgment on what is to the letters 'R. F. D.' stand for as an follow: American public service?" The quiz-mas- so they're mighty interested in knowing what's what Now that Marion Hut- What we thought: Our country is ter saw an eager light in the eyes of the ton has gone back with the Glenn Miller earth's only real democracy. Democratic immigrant and graciously lie pointed to band, I wonder if Paula Kelly might be Ideals inspired our founding sires, have him and said: "Mr. Podoloski?" And Mr. going back with the Al Donahue outfit. been the leaven in the institur we Podoloski, the buttons on his vest strain- It would be a swell break for both of have founded, in the way of our life, our ing against a chest swelled with pride, them. Phil Baker returns to the air dream of the future. It goes without bleated: "Ranklin Felon° Doosevelt," and this fall with his original east including saying that we are great in our hetero- sat down while the audience hilariously Harry "Bottle" McNaughton—and at a geneous giantism. Sprawled from one contemplated this addition to Americana reported 6500 smackers weekly' Nel- magnificent ocean to the other, from Incipiensis. • son Case has returned from California piney woods north to cotton blossoms and is the new announcer on the Johnny south, we have set and worked out a Presents program. Speaking of an- pattern for humanity. We think it is a CURRENTLY: nouncers—remember Don Ball? Don's good pattern—the best so far evolved — for the rest of the world. We think, also, ON AND OFF THE BEAM 2 been away from the announcing game for some time, acting as assistant CBS Pro- it is a better pattern than has yet come RADIO LIFE IN NEW YORK 2 duction Editor. lie's being groomed again out of Europe with its lethal intrigues, By Joy Kaye its crass politicism and pseudo-divine for announcing spots and his first whack GENERAL RADIO NEWS 3 at it will be as m. c. on the harry von rights to rule. We have had sons emerge on this land we have blinded. These sons, LORD OF CRESTFALLEN MANOR 5 Zell baseball quiz next Wednesday. including our current War President, Hp Iton Bahr,. Orson Welles is getting his radio group Franklin Delano Roosevelt, are products ANCIENT? —NOT JOE HO WARD 7 all pepped up again with new picture plans.. So far, only one sure of a part Is of our democratic process. Scanning the meaning of democracy we find it to THEATRE NOTES 7 Agnes Moorehead —the rest are just hop- ing. There's a little old lady In a mean: A way of life and of being that LATEST IN CONTESTS 8 accords to all men their just share in. poke bonnet and a velvet cape who "crashes" every Monday evening perform- the privileges they have in common, peace THREE RING TIME 9 ance of the "Gay Nineties Revue." She's and a consistent goodwill and a will to do MAN ON THE COVER 11 been coming every week for months and better for all who are of us. MOSCO W IN FLAMES 12 months and the ushers generally give her And we thought: Bitter though the con- a front row seat and they have nick- tingency of war may be, sadly though we COMING OUT OF THE ETHER 12 named her the "One-Eyed Connolly of contemplate its urgency, there is this to ii th Bernie Radio." Last Monday she came backstage say: No true son of our democracy will GAGS OF WEEK 23 after the performance and handed Gene- betray us. And there is no record in our CONSUMER'S CLUB 21 vieve Rowe a hand-embroidered tablecloth history that those we have chosen to By Chef Milani which she had made to show her apprecia- leadership over our destiny have betrayed tion of Miss Rowe's singing as Jenny us. Sharp may be our disagreement with PROGRAM FINDER 30 Lind , An invite has arrived to attend Roosevelt or loud our praise, bitter our Ilka Chase's "Penthouse Party" a week damnation of Lindbergh and 'Wheeler or DAILY LOGS — from Friday, only this penthouse will be warm their place in our hearts—this much SUNDAY 6 a reconditioned barn. Ilka is doing a still is true: President Roosevelt is a MONDAY 10 summer theatre show in Westport, Con- product of Democracy. Ile is one of its necticut, and the Friday evening broad- sons—how great only the future may dis- TUESDAY 14 cast -will emanate from backstage. Little close—but son he is. It is not within WEDNESDAY 18 Yvette will be on hand, too, to sing her compass of conceivability that such a son THURSDAY 24 songs, so it should be it swell show md a would betray the brethren who, with lii,im, FRIDAY 26 lot of fun to boot. have earnestly wished good for America, —JAY KAYE and for the world, as we of a democracy SATURDAY 28 RA DIO LIFE is published weekly by Compton Piloting C 01111)1111 , lUZ9 West Washington Boulevard. Los Angeles. Phone HI. 5262. Pululishei. Cal I st utosoy: Editor. Hanson H. Hathaway; Log Editor, Hal Julian: Editor Wouien's and Children's Affairs, Evelyn Bigsby, Business Manager, Vinson Vaughan: Circulation Manager, Gall Cole. Postpaid Subscriptions are, $2.00 per year of 52 Issues. Advertising Rates may be had on application to the Business Manager. Single copies are 2c. Unsolicited material is sent at sender'e risk. Radio Life sesames no responsibilit) for same All remittances should be by Postal Money '3rder, Express Money Order, or Ch eek In favor of Radio Life. Currency le sent at .ender's risk This issue is numbered Volume 3, No. 26. Entire contents of [hit issue copyrighted 1941. RepriAtIng in Whole or part without permission strictly prohibited Editorial Offices, 15•11 North VIDO nitwit. Hollywood. gehmhone, H E mpsteed 11025. Business and Advertising ° Meek 1029 West W ashington Hddevard, L011 Angeles. Telephone Rich mond 5269. "NEWS MAGAZINE NO OTHER OF THE MAGAZINE LIKE IT AIRLANES" 1111111SJ LIFE' IN AMERICA SEPTE MBER 7, 1941 PAGE 3 RADIO: West 4( National 4( International ther evidence of the trend: John Barry- more's sontract has been renewed on Rudy Program Changes This Week Vallee' Thursday evening program, in& eating that the accent will continue to be Editor's Note: As rapidly as they are furnished by Log Editors of principal broadcasting net• work, and major western independents., complete program and time chaoges will lie noted, neck on broad comedy; moreover, guest stars to week, in this section. Readers are informed, however, that even noted changes mitt not hold already booked include top film come- true, because of broadcasting problems, and nearly overwhelmlog pressure of world aftwrs. to which the Radio Industry, In interests of public service, sacrifices time, money nod. in *Om , dians. cases, programs, that ideals of public service shall be maintained. 'NP" means New Program ”NT" means New Time. Ed East, rotund master-of-ceremonies Change Program Station Time Day of last season's "Ask It Basket" and NP "Spotlight" programs, received three re- Puget Sound Salmon Derby KFI 5:30 a.m. Sun. NT At Ease KFI quests for auditioas in one day.