Down East Microwave Inc. 954 Route 519Frenchtown, NJ 08825 Phone: 908-996-3584 (Voice 908-996-3702(Fax

NEW*** High DynamicRange 70CM Transverter Kit *** NEW DEMPart Number 432-28

Operational Overuiew The New DEM 432-28 is a 70cm to 28 MIIZ transverterwith a list of new featuresthat allow it to be more versatile in operation.It will operatewith all 28 MHz. transceiverswith transverterports andwith a simple option, it will be compatible with any 28 MIIz. transceiver with l0 Watts or lessoulput . The 432-28has a maximumlinear ouq)utpower of 30 watts and can be limited with an adjustableattenuator to preset the outputpower ifyou choseto use an additionalpower . The most noticeableinprovement in the transverteris in the receivesection. Additional filtering, (two separate helical filters) a high biasedGaAs-FET prcamplifier coupledwith the edsting high level mixer (+17 dBm Local Osci.llator),provide a sensitive,yet over-loadprooffront endwith superiorout ofband rejection. This is the bestreceive converteron the markettoday! The 432-28has a built in tranffiit / receiverelay but provisionshave been made to allow separatingthe tansmit and receiveports to add a high power amplifier or to interfacethe tansverters additionalreceive filtering with a extemalor mast-mountedpreamplifier. Additional optionshave been included to customtune youxreceive gain requhementsto obtain the bestperforrnance (sensitivity and IMD) possible. Dual oscillatorsaxe provided for operationin the satellite portion ofthe band.Keying options for +l to + 15VDC, PTT-H or a closureto grormd, PTT-L, havebeen provided. Auxiliary relay contactsto control extemalhansdt and receive firnctionsare available.A commonIF option that will operateat drive levelsbetween -20dBm and 10 watts may be purchasedseparately. All IF connectionsare BNC comectors.The control, power, and auxiliary connectionsare RCA 'N' jacks,and the 70crnconnectors are Type (2 supplied).The 432-28 is housedina8.7" x5.7" x2.2" aluninumdie cast enclosurewith an external8 lz" x 4" x3A" sink to provide cool operationunder any conditio[ \ DEM 432-28Operating Spec ifications

OperatingVoltage 11.0- 16.5VDC. 13.8nominal Current Drain 6 ampsmaximum on Transmit, 600 milliamps on Receive Output Power (Standard) Maximum 30 W linear. Output has25 dB of adjustablerange. Minimum I mW (0dBm) for l0 watts output power.

OutputPower (Optional) The sameoutput power can be achieved,with -20 dBm or up to 10 watts of drive dependingon the option used

ReceiveNoise Figure and gain 1.0 dB maximum, 0.8 dB nominal, @ 17 dB conversiongain for best receiveintermod performance.Other gain options are availablethat will affect systemnoise figures, and IMD performance.

Assembly Options

Common IF input/output option I - l0 Watt IF drive option External TR switching control -20 dBm IF drive option SeparateTransmit and Receiveports External preamplifier option +1 to 15 V TTL or PTT ground keying Factory alignment available on all kits


File 432-28_C.doc * DEv, 4J2-28Revision c t2ttstgSpage 1 Down EastMicrowave lnc. gs4 Route s1g, FrenchtownNJ 0ss25 -6 + Phone:908-996-3584 (Volce)908-996-3702 DEMI (Fox)http:/Aruww.downeostmtcrowwe,com DEMI



Connect Wur transceiver to the transverter: Interfacingthe transverterto the transceiveris easy. lf your transceiverrequires a DEM TlB, follow thoseinstructjons for interfacing.If the transverterwas configuredfor direct connectionto your transceiver,follow the stepslisted below.

1. Open lid of transverterby removing6 screws. 2. Dependingon the makeand modelof yourtransceiver, it may or may not be necessaryto enablethe transverterports. Followwhatever instructions you have,inyour transceiver'soperation manual to enabletransverter operation. lf it requiresa specialconnector or cableassembiy, it shouldbe made now or contactDown EastMicrowave for assistance. 3. Connectall lF cables. Both receiveand transmitare BNC connectionson the transverter.Use qood qualitycoax cableto connectthe 28 MHz. transverterports from your transceiverto the TXIFa;d RXIFconnectors on the transverter. 4. Connectthe Pushto Talk line out of your transceiverto the is labeledpTT- H or pTT-L on the transverterand usesa RCAconnector. The correctkeying type is alreadyconfigured for your transceiver. 5. Connectthe 70cm antennasystem or a dummy load with a power meterto the transverter.lf one of '" the "N" connectorsis labeled thenthe internaltransfer relay in the transverteris installed. Bothtransmit and receivefunctions will be providedthrough this connector. lf the ,,N,,connectors are labeled"Transmit" and "Receive",the internaltransfer relay has been bypassedand the separate portswill providethe labeledfunctions. 6. Connectthe DC power to the usesa RCAtype connector. 13.8 volts is optimum but the transverterwill operatenormally from 12 to 15 volre. 7. Presetthe TXIFand RXIFgain controls. Turn the TXIFfully counter-clockwise(maximum attenuation) andthe RXIFfully clockwise( minimum attenuation). 8. Poweryour transceiver on and leaveit in the Receivemode on 28.100MHz. 9. Applypower to the transverterand turn on the powerswitch. The powerLED should light and the transmitLED should nol Setthe localoscillator switch to 432MHz. 10.Adjust the RXIFgain control counter-clockwiseuntil a slightnoise increase is heard in the transceiver or just a slightmovement in the "S" meteris detected. Powerthe transverteron and off to verifythe change.The RXIFgain may be increasedbeyond this poinq but it will startto degradethe dynamic rangeof your transceiver.Find a signalon the band or usea signalgenerator to determinecorrect lBuil|a32-2B.doc Rev.A 11lOBlA1 Down East Microwave fnc. 954 Route 519Frenchtown, NJ 0882'5 Phone: 908-996-3584(Voice, 908-996-3702(Fax

PrintedCircuit Assembly Notes: Your kit is provided with easyto read componentplacement diagrans that showthe componentplacement and the referencedesignators that correspondto the provided componentlist (Bag 1 - Bag 4). Each side ofthe printed ctcuit board (PCB) is also shownto eliminatemirror imageassembly erlors. The top andbottom side assemblyoperation should aluays begin by aligning the PCB outline with the out line of the componentplacement diagams. Use the notcheson the longer sidesofthe PCB board as a key. You may also usethe printed lettering on the top side ofthe PCB board for a indicator. You will also notice on the assemblydiagram that thereare circles, doublecircles, and ')(" shown. Theseare shownto provide locating help when installing components.Components are mounted in the singleholes. Double Circles are Mounting Holes and Holes with 3'X" are for Wire installation only! Assenbly Tips: Solderingsurface mounted active components (transistors etc.): o The DOTS on the MMICs (ICl - IC4, IC6 - IC8) determinetheir orientationand mustbe observedand positioned correctly prior to soldering.The GaAsFET(Q6) andBipolar (Q5) orientationis determinedby their lead formation,either longer or anglecut. The GaAsFET(Q6) anglecut lead or dot is the Gate side vrhich corresponds to the assemblydiagram (See Figure 1B). The long lead on the Bipolar (Q5) is the collector and conespondsto the assemblydiagram (See Figure lA). Leadson all active surfacemounted components should be somewhatflat againstthe mountingsurface, ifthey arenot, a tool suchas a small bladedscrew driver can be usedto flatten them. (SeeFigure 2). o Align the componentin placebased on the diagram. o While holding the componentin place,solder one leadto hold the componentin place and observethe alignment of all leads. o If the alignmentis acceptable,solder the rernainingleads. You needenough solder to cover the lead andmormting swface for the entire lead length.Additional amountsresults in a smallersolder roll! (SeeFigure 2 shadedareas)

Collector Long Lcad

Q5 Figure 1A Q6 Figure 18

L€ads Itat to trace,4plm Solder shown in sbaded arcas Sonr 'l* backisU( Solder full length of lead,4 places vI


Typical side view offour leaded surface mounted device, lead bending close to body Figure 2


File 432-28C.doc * DEv^ 4t2-28 Revisionc tzttstggp,.ge 2 Down East Microwuve Inc. 954 Route 519Frenclttown, ^{J 08825 Phone: 908-996-3584(Voicd 908-996-3702(Fax

Solderingsurface mounted passive components (chip resistors/ ): . Determinethe componentmounting position basedon the assemblydiagram. . Without the componentin place, heatone side of the mounting areaand flow a small amount of solderon it. . Placethe componentin the correct posilion per the assemblydiagram, it should now haveone end over the previouslymelted solder. . Holding the componentin placewitl tweezersor other solderingaid, heat the end with the previouslymelted solderand allow it to flow into the solder,once solidified, removeholding tool. . Now heat and flow the solderto the other side of the componentand your done!

Solderingleaded components (resistors, capacitors, diodes, etc.): Dependingon your availabletools, you can solderyour transverter'scomponents from either the top or bottom of the PCB. It is suggestedfor the horneassembler to usea methodthat is comfortable.A simple holding vise can be utilized 'dropped to allow the componentsto be in' from the top side and solderedon this side withont flipping over the assembly.As an altematemethod, you can insert one componentat a time in the correct moundng location and gently push down to the circuit board, while holding the component,flip over the circuit board and bend the leadsover in oppositedirection to hold the compon€ntin place.Although this is the most reliable method.there are somedraw backs if the componentmust be removedwhen the PCB is installed in the enclosure. Reworkof solderedcomponents if needed: The easiestmethod to rework solderedcomponents is to employ a de-solderingbraid that is specifically designedfor this purpose.It can be purchasedat any electronicsstore. Place the de-solderingbraid on the lead tlat you are removing and apply heatto it. Without excessivepressure the solderwill melt and flow into the braid leaving the lead or componentready to be removed. The DEM 432-2Eis fair$ easyand fun to assembleeven for the first time kit builder and can be completedin any order that is confortable, howeverDEM Inc. suggeststhe following assemblyprbcedure to minimize errors and possiblefrustration.

SurfaceMount Component Suggested Assembly: Refening to the PCB assemblydiagrams you will seethat there are six (6) surfacemounted active components(MMIC, transistors)on the back side and three (3) on the top. All three ofthese top side active componentsmay be installed as optionsdepending on whether your application requiresthem or not. Seepage I I for details of theseoptions.

The assemblyoperation should begin by orienting the PCB with the top side assemblydiagram. Orientation can be determinedby observingthe notcheson the long sidesof thePCB, Observedpoldrily using either the DOTS or lead configuration as explainedin the AssemblyTips section.

SurfaceMount Component Suggested Assembly; l On the TOP side, dependingon your requirements,install and solderQ4, IC7 and IC8. 2. On the bottom side, SolderQ5 in place,then install and solderthe balanceof the bottom side active components ICl - IC4,IC6. 3. Reche.k orientation ofall active devicesinstalled with componentplacement diagram.

GeneralAssembly InstallC46 - C51.C54 - C56, C59 - C6l. R24,R25 &, R26.These are surface mounted components located on the top side of the pCB. Follow the surfacemounted passive component assembly tips presentedearlier in this document. Ll,I-6, Ll2,Ll3,Ll7,L18,L19,L20, andL22 mustbe formedprior to installation.The coilsshould be woundaround the l/8"wodden mandrel. Winding coils is not an exactscience and you should not be intimidated by it. Using the supplied#24 enamelwire, extendabout %" in a perpendiculardirection offof the mandreland wind the wire around it, counting each evolution as one turn. W}renthe total numberof turns is completed(BAG 3 componentlist) cut the wire an additional %" beyondthe mandrel.Form the two leadsso they are pointing in the directionsshown in the forming side view details.

I -& DEM 432-28 Revision c 06/12/ooPage3 File 432-28 C.doc DEMI Down East Microwave fnc. 954 Route 519Frenchtown, NJ 08825 Phone: 908-996-3584(Voice) 908-996-3702(F*v.

Solder Coat -U8" ii 2 places

Ll7,L18,L19, &L20 LI,L6,LI2,LI3, &L22 Dressthe tums togetherifthey are out of shapefrom winding, removethe coil from the drill bit. The coil forming is complete!To enswea positive solder connection,the 1/8" leadsshould have the enamelinsulation removed prior to soldering.This can be accomplishedby applying solderto a hot solderingiron tip andplacing the lead in the molten solder, you will seethe insulationbubble indicatingthat it hasmelted (The timed lead shouldbe a silver color indicating that the insulationhas been removed and the solderhas tinned the basemetal, ifnot repeatthe process).As an altemative,the enamelcan be removedby scrapingthe l/8" leadswith a razor bladermtil the basemetal is exposed.Solder coat the exposedbase metal, do not allow the outsidediameter to increaseso that the coil will not fit in the mountinghole. Install and solderall preppedinductors as shownon tlre componentplacement diagram. Swface mount and throughhole. Now assembleand solderthe componentsin the followingsugg€sted order asshown on the componentplacement diagratrL

STEP OPERATION and NOTES I Form, install and solderCRI - CRl0 Note: Ensure proper polaritv 2 Form,install and solder L2 -L5,L7 -Lll,Ll{ -Ll6,L2l,L23 -L28 moldedChokes 3 Install and solder C2 & C13. The leadsmay have excesssolder on them and my not fit into PCB holes. 4 Form, install and solder all leadedresistors including R35 and R38. Surfacemount one lead of F.27.

This ena soldered to pwb surfece

Formins Detail of 5 Form, install and solder all leadedcapacitors. Note: Ensure DroDer polaritv on all tantalum capacitors as shown on the assemblydocument 6 Install and solder Ql - Q4, Q7, VRI - VR4 Note: Ensure proper polarity 7 Install Yl . Install Y2 crystal if orderedas an option. SecondXtal. may be installed at a later date. 8 Looking at the exit point of the leadsof mixer M1, notice that one is colored blue (seebelow), this is pin I and should be installedin the Pin I hole on the PCB. Solderthe leads,then on the top side apply solder from the caseto the PCB surface,one spot on each side Cross Sectional view of Ml in PWB

@ffiffiffi Mixer flush to PWB Pin 1 Blue Bottom View Ml Solder each side to PWB 9 Install RelaysKl, K2 10 Install Filters F1 - F4. Do not bend over the casetabs. Solder all leadson the boffom side

Install and solder wires in the shown areason the componentplacement diagram (holeswith an'X") per the table below. Do not lay wires directly on the board or route rurderneaththe PCB. Even though this makes for a neater assembly,doing either will causeundesired oscillations and spuriousresponses

I -a- DEM432-28 RevisionC l2ll5l98 Page4 File 432-28 C.doc DEMI Down East Microwave fnc. 954 Route 519Frenchtown, NJ 08825 Phone: 908-996-3584 orce 908-996-3702(Fax

Strip i %" from eachend and soldertin the end prior to installing the wires. NOTE: Flying leadsare wires tbat will be connectedlater in the assemblvorocess.

WIRE FROM TO SIZE #26 Teflon TXON near R3l TXON rear C44 6" #26 Teflon +13.8SW busnear R4l Flying Lead (for Power Switch) 2" #26 Teflon +13.8SW busnear R4l Flying Lead (for LO switch) 4" a(( #26 Teflon +13.8SW near CR7 +13.8SW near K2 J #26 Teflon +13.8SW busnear R4l +13.8SW nearKl 3Yz"

al /)) #26 Teflon +13.8SW bus near R41 +13.8SW near R16 J72 #26 Teflon T)(LED Flying lead 2" #26 Teflon LOI Flying lead 2"

a)) #26 Teflon LO2 Flying lead J #22 Teflon RXIF Flying Lead IYo"

#22Teflon TXIF Flying Lead It/q"

at /), #26 Teflon RXON nearR32 RXON near VR4 J72 a)) #26 Teflon TR nearQ7 TR nearK2 J

Selectthe type of keying function for the transverter.This input is requiredfor keying the trarsverter and will dependon your transceiver.Consult your transceiver's manual for details if you are not sure. Either a PTT- High (+1 to +15 \aDC) transmit keying or a PTT - Low (PushTo Talk to gound) are the choices. Install and solder a 4" #26 Teflon wire in the desiredconnection and leaveit as a flying lead. Ifyou plan to usea external amplifier or preampthat requiresa transmit key line, the extra set of contactsin relay Kl rnaybe utilized. The contactsare marked C (Common)NO (normally open)and NC (normally closed)and are referencedto Receive.You may connect the C to either ground, (any via hole) or a voltage (+13.8SW)if required.Use the supplied#26 Teflon wire. Then dependingon your requirements,either the NO or NC may be connectedto the AUX jack on the back wall of the transvQrteraffer rhe PCB is installed. Post soldering All leadsincluding wires extendingthrough to the bottom side of the PCB shouldbe trirnmed as short as possible to eliminate possibleshorting to the enclosurewhen installed. Look over your for solderbridging to adjac€nttraces, incorrectly installed components,and missing components. Now refer to the bottom side componentplacement diagram and review the positioning of the brassangle. Position it as shownand solder it to the ground plane. It is suggestedto re-flow the solderunder the F2 filter. This may be a bigh spot on the board and it is important to not haveany gapsbetween the brassangle ard the ground plane but also havethe brassas flush to the gound plane as possible. The printed circuit is now readyfor testing.

PCBassembly into the enclosure.

The heat sink and enclosureare machinedat the factory for your convenience.Notice that the heat sink, enclosureand the PCB havecorresponding holes which are directional and must be aligned correctly. The heat sink and tlle enclosureare attachedwith a commonscrew / nut combination.Installation in the enclosureis easyifthe suggestedassembly steps are followed. If not alreadydone, remove the cover from the enclosureand wipe the inside cleanto removeany renaining metal particles that may havebeen trapped during machining. Atigning the enclosure'sand heat sink's machinedholes, place the heat sink on the enclosure.Then insert one # 4-40 cap screwin a machinedhole from the "fin" side of the heat sink. While holding the screwin the heat sink with the provided Allen Key wrcnch, start a 4-40 nut on tlle screwthreads inside ofthe enclosureand hand tighten only. Install one more screwin a diagonal location from the last screwand hand tighten only. Install the balanceofthe screw/ nut combinations an tighten nuts. Do not install cap screwsin the thr€adedholes of the heatsink! *N' Now install all of the connectorsin the enclosure.Using Figure 3A and 38,, install the type connectorsas shown. Cut the centerpins to 1/8" in length. The coaxial cablewill be installed on the connectorafter it is attachedto the PCB. Refer to Figure 38. for tlis at a later time. Now install the remaining rear wall mountedconnectors, per the location in Figure 4:

File 432-28_C.doc # DEN4 432-28 Revision C 08/16/00 Page 5 Down East Microwove fnc. 954 Route 519Frenchtown, NJ 08825 Phone: 908-996-3584(Voice) 908-996-3702(Fax.

Prepare the solder lug as shown prior to installing


Top View of Solder Log, Side View of formed Solder Lug Bend at Dotted Line


Solder coax center conductor to connector pin

solder coax shield to formed lug - \ connector \\ \\ Solder lug "...K RG/188 coax from PWB "ANT" PCB MOUNTNG AREA

Figure38 lnsideView of Enclosure,Solder Lug Installationon the'N' or UHFConnector


Figure 4 Jack Mounting Positions Outside View 2 - BNC connectorsat the RXIF and TXIF positionsusing the supplied3/8" nuts. If washersare supplied,install them on the inside of the enclosure.Do not install solder lugs. If you have.difficulty tightening the connector,connect an adapter or cable connector and hold this while tightening to keep it from spinning. 3 - RCA connectorsfor AIIX, PTT-H-L and 13.8VDC using the suppliedhardware. The flat washershould be installed under the solder lug on the inside of the enclosure.After tightening, the lug should be bent away from the wall. l File 432-28_C.doc * DEM 432-28Revision c tztt4tgSpage6 Down East Microwove fnc. 954 Route 519Frenchtown, Nf 08825 Phone: 908-996-3584(Voice 908-996-3702(Fax,

PCBassembly into the enclosure,continued. Placethe finished circuit board over the t*€lve 4-40 screw/ nut combinationand gently pushflat againstthe nuts. Placetwo nuts on oppositecorners on the screwsextending through the PCB andtighten evenly.Ifany miss-alignmentoccrus with the 4-40 screwsand the PCB rnountingholes, simply note the position ofthe screwrelative to the PCB and loosenthat screw only. Replacethe PCB anduse it as a guide for alignment.Then tightenthe lose screwand proceed. 1 -Mount the POWER switch using the suppliedhardware. Mowrting of the switch shouldbe so it is toggledper Figure 5. 2 -Mount the LO2-432 switch using the suppliedhardware. Mounting ofthe switch shouldbe so it is toggledper Figure 5.

At this point, someofthe flying wires will needto be connectedin the enclosureto allow prelininary electricaltesting.. Refer to Figures4 and 5 for correct connectors. Connectthe #26 Teflon (PTT-L or PTT-I{) wire to the \ rall mormtedRCA jack, then connecta l000pF (labeled "102") to the centerpin and solderlug and solder.(See Figure 4 for jack location). Connectand solderthe #26 Teflon wire from LO2 on the PCB to the lower terminal on the LO switch. This terninal will be closestto the printed circuit board. Connectand solderthe longest#26 Teflon wire Aom the +13.8SWbus nearR41 to the middle terrninalon the LO switch. Connectand solderthe #26 Teflon wire from LO1 on the PCB to the temfnal closestto the openingon the wall mounted LO switch. Connectand solderthe #26 Teflon wire from the +13.8V on the PCB (nearC53) to the middle terminal on the wall mountedPOWER switch and solder. Connectand solderthe last #26 Teflon wire from the +l3.8SW bus (neaxR41) to the terminal on the wall mounted POWER switch that is closestto the openingin the enclosure. Comect a 3" piece of #18 Teflon wire(Blue) and strip 3/8" on eacheqd. Solder to the centerof the wall mouted DC powerjack(13.8VDC) then route the otherend the wire to thepad labeled +13.8V, near C53.This end ofthe wire will be placedon the swface and soldered.There areno holesto insert the wire in on this pad. Then Connectand solderthe 100pF capacitorto the DC powerjack, observedpolarity, positive lead to the centerpin ofthejack, negativeto the ground terminal,

Switch Toggle Direction 432 o ooo LO2 I I XMIT ON POWER

Figure5 Switch/ LEDMounting Positions

ElectricalTest Verification of PCB.Receive only: Apply 13.8volt, currentlimited supply (.5 amps) to the RCA DC Porerjack. The centerpin is positive. Tum on the power switch. The transverterwill now be in the receivemode. Check the voltagesin the order shown, on the test table then continueby checkingthe oscillator section.Voltages are referenced to groundwhich is the encloswe.Use the component placementdiagram for test point location.

I File 432-28_C.doc * DEv. 432-28Revision c l2tl4tggpage7 Down Esst Microwove fnc. 954 Route 519Frenchtown, NJ 08825 Phone: 908-996-3584(Voice 908-996-3702(Fax

TEST Test Point Location VOLTAGE RX1 +13.8SW Power supply Voltage RX2 Junctionof C63&P.27 9.0+ 0.5vDC RX3 Junction of R27 & Q6 r.s- 4.5vDC * RX4 Junctionof R28&Lzl 5.0t 1.ovDC RX5 Leg of C62,,L21side 1.8t .5VDC RX6 Jrurctionof Rl7 & C31 5.0r lVDC RX7 Leg of C29, R17 side 1.5+ .5VDC RX8 Junction of R16 and C29 5.0+lvDC RX9 Leg of C28.Rl6 side 1.5I.5VDC RXlO Junction of Rl5 and C24 2.0- 7.5VDC RXl1 Leg of C23,Rl5 side 1.5+ 1.0vDC RX12 Verifu LOI and LO2 corespond to Switch Power supply voltage' RXl3 Junction of R32 and IC8 (if installed) 5.0+ lVDC RXI4 Junction of C77 and IC8 (if installed) 1.8r.5VDC

.:.Due to variancesin the GaAs FET devicesyou may needto adjustthe Drain curent. Optimal performanceoccurs between50-65 mA as measuredacross R2? as I in mA =E (voltagedrop acrossR27) + R27. The curent may be adjustedby eitherremoving either R25 or R26 (to lower current)or addingan extra 24 ohm resistor(to increasecurent).

RXTest Trouble shooting Failed Probable causes TEST RX1 +13.8SW shortedto Ground, Power supply in ctrrent limit" Missing wire. RX2 Missing +13.8SW jumper, Output on VR4 shortedto ground. RX3 If voltage higher than 5.0V, Q6 is damaged. Check R25,26. If voltage too low, increaseQ6 sourceresistance RX4 Check value of R28. L21 open or shortedto ground. IC6 shortedto ground ,defective,or installed incorrectly. RX5 If RX4 test failed, replace IC6. If RX4 test OK, C62 is shortedor the input of IC6 is shortedto ground. RX6 Missing +13.8SW wire. Rl7 wrong value or shorted.IC3 shortedto ground, defective,or installed incorrectly. RX7 If RX6 test failed, replaceIC3. If RX6 test OK, C29 is shortedor the input of IC3 is shortedto ground. RX8 Rl6 wrong value or shorted. ICZ shorted to ground, defective, or installed incorrectly. RX9 If RX8 test failed, replace IC2. If RX8 test OK, C28 is shortedor the input of IC2 is shortedto ground. RXlO Rl5 wrong value or shorted.IC1 shortedto ground, defective,or installed incorrectly. RXl1 IfRXl0testfailed,replacelCl. If RXl0testOK, C23isshortedortheinputoflCl isshortedtoground, RXl2 Switch wired wrong. If low voltage,wire, capacitoror regulator shortedto ground on the LO input on PCB. RXl3 R32 wrong value or shorted.IC8 shortedto ground, defective,or installed incorrectly. RXl4 If RX13 test failed, replaceIC8. If RX13 test OK, C77 is shortedor the input of IC8 is shortedto ground. lf any of the abovetests fail, repairor consult Down EastMicrowave before proceeding with the oscillator testing LocalOscillator'l (4321Testing : Verirythat there is a 101.000MHz. crystalin theY1 position.Ifthere is only onecrystal installed, it shoutdbe in theLOl oscillatorposition. This test will not work if an crystalis not installed.Switch the LO switch to the 432 position. ProbeTPI with the positive lead ofa Voltrneter.Adjust C2 for maximurnvoltage, note wherethe capacitoris positioned.A midrange position is preferred(see C2 or C13 diagram). Ifthe capacitoris at tlte maximumposition, spreadcoil Ll, 1 to 2 tums and readjustC24 for maximumvoltage, the capacitorshould be nearmidrange, ifnot repeat.Ifthe caPacitoris at minimum position,repeat process but this time compresscoil Ll and if necessary,you may needto wind a new coil with an extra tum andreplace it. The final voltage at TPl shouldbe approximately1.0 - 2.0 volts. If a frequencycounter is availableprobe TPl andadjust C2 for 101.00000MH2.Ifyow frequencycounter is capableofmeasuring up to 500Mhzyou canalso probethe jrmction of C31 and R17 to veriry that four (4) times the fimdamentalfrequency of the crystal.(404.00000MHz.) is present.You may skip the rest ofthis test and startthe LO2 test ifyou haveinstalled a crystal in the Y2 position. Ifnot proceedto tlle TX testing.Ifthe frequencycan not be obtained,skip to step#8 . Ifthe specifiedvoltage at TPI cannotbe obtainedpl€ase continue the LO testing on the next page

I File 432-28_C.doc * DEv_4t2-28Revision cuztlitggpage 8 Down East Microwave Inc. 954 Route 519Frenchtown, NJ 08825 Phone: 908-996-3584(Voice) 908-996-3702(Fax,



LocalOscillator Trouble Shooting Section: It is possiblethat the voltageat TP1 may be low, but the oscillator is working perfectly. The crystalsused in this circuit are 5* overtonedesign. If L1 is distortedenough or componentsare installed inconectly, you may caudethe oscillator to operateon a different overtone.Crystal failure is a very rare occurrence! Ifthere is any voltagepeek at TPl while adjustingC2, and L1 doesnot vary much from its specifications,it shouldbe assumedthat the oscillator is operating correctly. For verification ofthis, perfonn the following tests 1 - 8. Ifthe oscillator is offfrequency, (404.00000)but it is close,skip to test#8. l Verify voltageat thejrmction of L5 andCR1. This shouldbe 0.7VDC +.0.3 VDC. Ifit is high,CRI is missing, installedbackwards, damaged, or Ll 1 is missingor open.Ifit is OVDC,check for a short in the circuit after R7. Use schematicand componentplacement diagram. Ifyou find an error in assembly, correctit and restart the oscillator test. 2. If the voltageis corect at thejunction of L5 and CR1, probethe junction of Rl5 and C24 with a volt meter while adjusting C2 . The voltage shouldvary. Adjust C2 for minimum voltage. If lessthan 4 volts can be achieved,the multiplier sectionofthe oscillator is working correctly. Ifthe voltagestays high (6 - 7 volts) and doesn't vary dovnward during the adjustrnent,the problem is in the main oscillator circuit. 3. With the volt meter,probe the junction of R5 and Q2. This voltage shouldvary'when C2 is adjusted.Ifit doesnot vary, thenthe problem is in theQl circuitry. If it doesvary and thereis no changeofvoltage on TP1, thenthe problemis either a defectiveQ2 or its bias circuitry. Veriry the suspectedtransistor by following step4. 4. To veri$ the bias voltagesof transistorsQl and Q2, you do not needto measurethese voltages at the transistorsleads. It would be difficult and a mistakecould occur by shorting2 leadstogether and it would destroythe transistor.Examine the schematicand componentplacement diagram for exposedleads ofother componentsthat are connectedto the desircdtest points.Stadby veriryingthe outputof the9 Volt regulator,VR 1. Thencheck Q I . Collector= 9 volts. Base=1.5-2.5 volts.Emitter =1.3 -2.2 volts. For Q2, collector= 9 volts.Base = 1.3- 2.2 volts.The Emitter is TPl. 5. Ifthese voltagesdo not checkout correctly,you needto makethe deterrninationifthe bias resistors,chokes and Ll are irstalled correctly.They may also havea solderbridge on the bottom side ofthe PCB. Removethe board from lhe enclosure and check.All of the resistorsshould check out with a ohm meterexcept R2 which is shortedwith L1. Also verify the placementof Qi and Q2. Ifthe hansistorsare found to be installedinconecdy, or a solderbridge causeda wrong bias voltage(higher than specified)assume that the transistoris destroyed.You may still try it after repair, butit is unlikely! 6. Ifthe voltagescheck out OK, veri$ that C4, C5 and C2 are installedcorrecuy and do not havearly solder shorts. Measurewith an ohm meter. 7. Ifthey checkout OK, its time for the final test.Repove the Yl crystal andL2 inductor. Be careful with L2. It is brittle! Now install a 51 obm (36 - 75 ohm will work) resistorin the Y1 position.Apply power to the circuit andprobe TPl. Ifyou can obtain a voltage swing by varying C2, then veriS rafiatfrequency it is operatingon with a an frequencymeter or a FM broadcastradio. You shouldbe able to adjustC2 for 101MHz lfnot, stretchand /or compressL1.Ifthe frequency can not be obtainedwith the specifiedL1 size,then the oscillator circuit is assembledwrong or Ql is defective.Ifyou can not obtain any oscillation, also assumethe sameifall bias voltagesare correct.Ifyou can adjustthe frequency,set Ll (stretch and/orcompress) so that C2 is in the mid position. Leavingeverything adjusted conectly, power down the circuit and removethe resistorin the Yl position and re-install Y1 and L2. Powerthe circuit up. If it doesn't oscillate,you havea defectivecrystal. 8. Ifthe oscillator is operatingbut the frequencycan not be netted, veriry that C2 is in mid position. Ifnot re-adjustL1 to do so. Ifthe oscillator shutsdorur r{ren the frequencygets close, and C2 is in mid position, allow the oscillator to run at any frequencyfor 24 hr. before attemptingre-adjusunent again. You may continuethe testing and assemblyofyour transverter. Just don't do the final assembly.If after re-adjustment,and you are sureofyour fiequencycalibration (do not usea FM radio or HT for calibration!!!) and the Ll and C2 circuitry adjustnentis correct, return the crystal for replacement.

I File 432-28_C.doc * DEv. 432-28Revision c t2tl4tggpage9 Down East Microwave fnc. 954 Route 519Frenchtown, NJ 08825 Phone: 908-996-3584(Voicd 908-996-3702(Fax

LocalOscillator 2 Testing: OnIy perforrnthis test ifthere is a crystal installedin the Y2 position. switch the LO switch to the LO2 position. cormect the positive lead ofa Voltneter to TP2. Adjust C13 for maximumvoltage, note &trerethe capacitoris positioned.A midrangeposition is preferred(see diagram above). Ifthe capacitoris at the maximumposition, spreadcoil L6, 1 to 2 tums and readjustC13 for maximurnvoltage, the capacitorshould be nearmidrange, ifnot repeat.Ifthe capacitoris at minimgrn positioq repeatprocess but this time compresscoil L6.You may needto wind a new coil with an extra turn andreplace L6 with it. The final voltage shouldbe approximately1.0 - 2.0 volts. If a frequencycounter is availableprobe TP2 and adjust Cl3 for yow crystal frequency.Ifyour frequencycounter is capableofmeasuring up to 500MIIZ you can also probe the juction ofC31 and R17 to verift fow (4) timesthe frequencyofthe crystalis present.If the volttge or frequencycan not be obtained,go back to the Local Oscillator Trouble ShootingSection. The LO I and LO2 circuits are identical. Use the LO1 trouble shooting sectionas a guide by substitutingthe correct designatorson the componentplacernent and schematic.

TransmitElectrical Test : The voltage checkslisted below are for the transverterin the TX modewith any oscillator enabled.After verifing that the DC power is connectedto the transverterand the power switch is in the on position, placethe transverterin the Transmit mode.This is doneby keying the PTT-L or PTT-H circuit. Either grormdor the +13.8V supplywill work. This will also dependon how you haveconfigured your transverter.As you enablethe TX mode,a "click" may be heardfrom the relays on the PCB. All voltagesare referencedto grormd.(the enclosure)

TEST Test Point Location Correct Test Results TX1 TR connection near Relav Kl 0.7vDc rO.svDC TX2 ANT connection near K2 and K2 side of C56 Measure short with Ohm meter TX3 TXON connections- All Positions Power supply voltage TX4 RXON connections- All positions OVDC TX5 TXLED connection Power supply voltage TX6 Jturctionof C45, C46, and C47 9.0r 0.5vDC TX7 Across R23 0.6 - 1.lVDC TX8 Jwrction of C37 and Rl9 5.0r 1VDC TX9 Leg of C35 closestto Rl9 1.5+ .5VDC TXI O Junction ofL22 and CR5 0.8r 0.5vDC TXI I Junction ofL27 and CRl0 0.8r 0.5vDC TXI2 Jtrnctionof R33 andICT (if installed) 3.5+ lVDC TXl3 Junction of C83 andICT (if installed) 1.5+ 0.5vDC

TX TestTrouble shooting Failed Probable causes TEST TXI Missine +13.8SW or TR iumperwires. Missing or defective Q7 ,R29, or CR8 TX2 Defective K2 TX3 Defective Kl, shortedTXON voltage to ground, If defectiveall other testswill fail TX4 DefectiveK1 TX5 R20missins or shorted TX6 VR3 Missins or shortedto ground.C45 installed backwards TX7 If low decreasethe value ofR22,If High, Check value of R23 then if OK increasethe value of R22 TX8 If high,Rl9 wrong value. If low, Rl9 shortedor IC4 installedincorrectly. TX9 If high, or low IC4 defective or installed incorrectly TXl O lf low, Rl8, L14, L22,missing .CR4 is backwards,damaged or missing. If high, CR5 is bactravardsor damaged TXl1 If low, R31, L28 missing. CR9 is backwards,damaged or missine.If high, CRl0 is backwardsor damaged TXI2 If high, IC7 defective.If low, missing iumper wire, defectiveIC7, solder short, wrong value R33 TXI3 If low defective IC7 or installed incorrectly. If highICT defective

**If any of the Transmit tests fail, repair or consult Down East Microwave before proceedingwith the Kit!!!** I File 432-28_C.doc * DEv- 4iz-28Revision c t2ttutglpage10 Down East Microwave Inc. 954 Route 519Frenchtown, IVJ 08825 Phone: 908-996-3584 orce 908-996-3702(Fux

If all the test pass,go to page I 8 of this documentfor instructionsof mounting the PTC-50 Thermistor. The Thermistor is usedfor frequencystability and doesnot ne€dto be installed at this time but it is convenient.ffyou wish to install it at a later time, install the rest ofthe 4-40 nuts on the top side ofthe PCB and repeata few of the electrical teststo veri& that nothing was shortedon the PCB after assembly.The proceedbelow wit the power moduleinstallation. POWER MODULE INSTALLATION Placethe power module (IC5) on the enclosurefloor in its mounting location and trim the leadsso they do not extend past the mounting pads,they shouldbe approdrately 3/8" long oncetrimmed. Wipe the mounting surfacesofthe enclosurefloor and flange of IC5 to verifu the surfacesare /ree anyforeign matter and deepscratches before applying a thin evencoating of thermal compourd to tlrc mounting flange. PlaceIC5 on the enclosurefloor while lining up the leadswith the tracesofthe circuit board. Install two 6-32 x 3/8" screwsthrough the mounting flange into the enclosue floor altd tighten wenly. Then forming the leadsflat to the traces,solder all leadsofIC5 to the circuit board. LED INSTALLATION: Note: The longer lead on the LED is positive. . Preparetlle ")O\4IT" LED by supportingthe SHORT lead (negative)at the LED body, bend the lead 90'away from the longer lead. . Placethe ")C\flT"LED in the wall mounting hole (seeFigure 5) and place the previouslyformed lead on the ground plane circuit closeto the edgeofboard and solder. . Cut the positive lead ofthe ")Cr4IT' LED to approximately3/8". Form a "I' in the lead by bending with pliers. o Connectthe #26 Teflon wire from the hol6 in the PCB near labeledTXLED, to the "I' formed positive lead on the ")(I\4IT'LED. o Placethe positive lead ofthe "ON' LED in the hole by R4l labeledON LED. o Form the "ON' LED so that the body fits into the hole in the enclosure. . Tack soldertlle grould side ofthe "On" LED to the groundplane PCBassembly into the extemalenclosure, continued . Corn:ecta pieceof#18 Blue TeIlon wire from the wall mountedDC powerjack (13.8VDC) and solder,then route the wire to the pad labeled+13.8V near the power output moduleand L16. Solderit to the surface(Note: There is a wire there already.)Connect and solderthe 100FFcapacitor to the DC powerjack, observedpolarity, positive lead to the centerpin of the jack, negativeto the ring ground terminal. . Co rect the #22 Teflon wire from the standalone hole in the PCB labeledRXIF to the BNC RX jack and solder. . Connectthe #22 Teflon wire from the stard alone hole in the PCB labeledT)(IF to the BNC TX iack and solder.

DEM432 - 28 UserOptions The following final assemblyinstructions cover all of the optionsthat are availablefor this kit. This list of suggestionswill help you decidewhich optionsyou will want to install. Common Antenna for both transmit and receive. If youplan to connect a antenra directly to tle tranwerter or use a solid stateamplifier with antenna.switchingbuilt in, do tlis assembly. Add an external preamplifier and bypass the internal GaAs-FET. tf youplan to use a externalor nast mountedpreamplifier, this option is suggested.Any additional gain in ftont ofthe stock tranwerter will degradethe IMD performance,and reducethe dynamic rangeofthe transverterby the amountof additional gain.

CommOn lF Option, If you use and transceiverwith a single tranwerter port or a transceiverwith a power level up to 10watts.

Split RX / TX Ports for high power amplifier use. If you planto usea tubetj?e amplifierwith extemal preamplifier and sequencedswitching schemes,zuch as a EME station, assemblethis option. Auxiliary Switching contacts. Usedfor external switching circuils or to hard key a solid stateamplifier. tnstall the TXIF or RXIF gain stages. only if the TX driveis low from the transceiver.only if RX gain is desired.

File 432-28 C.doc # DB,l{ 432-28 Revision C 08/16/00 Page 11 Down East Microwave fnc. 954 Route 519Frenchtown, NJ 08825 Phone: 908-996-3584(Voice 908-996-3702(Fax

CommonAntenna for both transmitand receive Preparethe conrn:onoutput coaxial cableas follows; (SeeFigue 6) Cutthe coax2" - 2 1/32"long. Removethe outer insulation %" from one end and %" from the other. Rernovethe braidedshield %" from the %" strippedside. Removethe braidedshield 1/8" from the other side. Removethe centerconductor insulation from eachend allowing an extensionout of the'remainingshield. Cut the centel conductorwire to -1116" to preventshorting. Soldertin the centerconductor on both endsand soldertin the shield on the %" end. Bend the centerconductor on the longer strippedend 90" Positionthe %" strippedend on the circuit boardby placing the centerconductor in the hole on the board labeled "ANT". This hole is locatednear relay labeledK2. Angle the coax so that it is facing K1. (SeeFigure 7) Solderthe shield to the groundarea adjacent to the "ANT" hole for the centerconductor, then solderthe celrter conductorin the 'ANT" hole.

Routethe coaxial cablearound the relay to the solderlug on the wall mounted'N' connector screws.

Solderthe shield to the solderlug, then solderthe centerconductor to the 'N' connectorcenter pin as in figure 3A'. -2.0 - 2 1132" \

Figure6 Gableshown brokenfor clarity


Figure 7 Coaxial Cable mounting on PCB shaded oreos are solder points

I File 432-28_C.doc * Dr;v^432-28 Revision c tztt4tggpage12 Down East Microwave fnc. 954 Route 519Frenchtown, NJ 08825 Phone: 908-996-3584(Voice 908-996-3702(Fax

Add an external preamplifier and bypass the internal GaAs-FET

On the following page is block diagram ofthe receive converter. It shows the standard and an option ofusing an external preamplifier. It is recommended that ifyou use a extemal or mast mount preamplifier, you should bypass the intemal one. The transverter may be configured this way very easily.

1. Refer to the componentplacement diagram and reposition C61 to connect F4 to the tnused pad by F4. This is now the RX input. Unsolder and lift up the end of R27 that is attachedto Q6. 2. If you do not wish to have the receive signal routed through the T/R relay in the transverter, use a small length of coax to connect the new RX input to the spareN connector. 3. If you wish to still use the T/R relay in the transverter, remove R24 and C57 from the PCB. Then run a jumper coax from the R24 pad to the new RX input.

RX Standard 3 Pole Low Pass RXI Gaasfet 2 pole MMIC Mixer MMIC

RX Option 2 Pole MMIC

CommonlF option

A commonIF option is availablefor this transverter.Ifinterested it can be suppliedas a kit. Pleaseconsult Down EastMicrowave Inc. for details.Options with up to 10 watts input power are available.It is easily installed and comes completewith a new componentplacement diagram.

Split RX/ TX Portsfor high poweramplifier use l. Removechip capacitorC56 from original position andplace were shownon diagrambelow. Z.Preparea2" pieceofRG/188 coax or similarand attach it to thenewC56 placement as shown. 'dP' 3. Attach the other end of the coax to the sparetype cofflector. Usethe other comector as a sample.

The RX input can be left assembledthe way it is. This will provide additionalreceiver isolation during transmit.The K2 relay will fi.rnctionnomrally andwill openfhe circuit to the RX input. But this will not protect an extemalpreamplifier. IF you decideto removethe K2 relay from fte circuit do step4 ald 5'

4. Removeand replaceC57 andR24 as shownin diagrambelow. 5. Removethe coax from the ANT comection on the PcB and attachit to the new position shown.

I File 432-28 C.doc * DEv^4t2-28 Revision c tztt4tglpage13 Down East Microwave fnc. 954 Route 519Frenchtown, NJ 0BB2S Phone: 908-996-3584(Voice) 908-996-3702(Fax




o o

AuxiliarySwitching contacts.

The auxiliary contactsin Kl arelabeled C (common)NO (norrnally open)and NC (normally closed).The C comection can be whed to groundor +13.8 VDC. This will then be connectedor dis-cormecteddepending on wearherthe fransverteris in transmit or receive. The contactsare marked for the receivemorle. The NO or NC can be whed to the AIIX comector on the enclosure.

Installthe TXIFor RXIFgain stages.

You may require additional gain on eitherthe TXIF or RXIF andwant to install either IC7 or IC8. Ifyoru transceiverhas less tban I mW output on its transverterport, install IC7 will enablethe fansvert€r to producef,rll output power.All ofthe associatedbias componenlsare installedand tested.Refer to the componentplacement diagram and'locate ICT Thenremove the ribs as shownbelow Cut them with a razor knife andheat with a solderiron. They will jump off the board! Then form the leadsofthe IC7 so that it lays flat on the circuit board. Solderit into placepaying ittendon to the Dot on the IC. The samething may be donewith RXIF. Note the dot on the IC before installing. Caution! Installing this gain stagewill increas€your IF gain and will not improveyour system'snoise figuxe. Refer to the circuit description.This stage will decreaseyour systemsd),namic range if you havealready installed a exterral preamplifier.

R em ove all R ib s P rio r f o IC In sta lla tio n O

IC7 & IC8 Installation I File432-28 C.doc * DE.v.432-28 Revision c rzn4rglpage14 Down East Microwave fnc. 954 Route 519Frenchtown, NJ 08825 Phone: 908-996-3584(Voice 908-996-3702(Fsx

TransverterFinal Tune Up The assemblyportion ofyour kit is complete. You will now proceedwith the fural hmeup as follows, after cormectingyour transverterto your IF rig: Connect your transceiver to the transverter: Interfacingthe transverterto the hansceiveris easy.Ifyour transceiverrequires a DEM TIB or AOS, follow theil instructionsfor interfacing. If the transverterwas assembledfor direct comection to youxtransceiver, follow the stepslisted below.

1 . Dependingon the makeand model of your transceiver,it may or may not be necessaryto enablethe transverterports. Follow ratrateverinstructions you havein your transceiver'soperation manual to enabletransverter operation. Ifit requircsa specialcomector or cable assembly,it shouldbe madenow or contactDotvn EastMicrowave for assistance. 2. Connectall IF cables.Both receiveand hanslnit areBNC connectionson the transverter.Use good quality coax cable to connectthe 28 MHz. transverterports from your transceiverto the TXIF and RXIF connectorson the transverter. 3. Connectthe Pushto Talk line out ofyour tansceiver to the transverter.It is labeledPTT-H or PTT-L on the transverter anduses a RCA connector.The conect keying type shouldhave been configured for your tansceiver during assernbly. 4. Co lect the 70cm antenneasystem or a durnmyload with a powff meterto the transverter. Ifyou choseto assemble split transmitand receive sections one ofthe 'T.{" connectorsis the transnit side.Put the porvermeter or load there. Placea signalgenerator or an antennaon tlrc receiveconnector. 5. Connectthe DC power to the transverter.It usesa RCA b?e comector. 13.8volts is optimumbut the transverterwill operatenormally from 12 to l5 volts. 6. Presetthe TXIF and RXIF gain controls.Tum the TXIF firlly counter-clockwise(maximum attenuation) and the RXIF firlly clockwise.(minimum attenuation) 7. Power your transceiveron and leaveit in the Receivemode on 28.100MHz. 8. Apply power to the transverterand tum on the power switch. The power LED shouldlight and the trarsrrit LED should not. Setthe local oscillator switch to 432MIIZ. 9. Adjust the RXIF gain control counter-clockwiseuntil a slight noiseincrease is heardin the transceiveror just a slight movementin the "S" meteris detected.Powff the transverteron and offto veri! the changein noise.The RXIF gain may be increasedbeyond this point, but it will startto degradethe dynamicrange ofyour transceiver.Find a signal on tle band or use a signalgenerator to determinecorrect frequency, or minimum detectedsignal level. Out ofband signalssuch as local repeaterswill be attenuatediftheir outputfrequency is above438 MHz or below 430 MHz. 10. To test the trarsmit section,place youx transceiver in the CW mode.It is recommendedto test the transverterin the CW modebecause most transceivershave carrier level controlsin this modeonly. Ifyour tansceiver hasFM, it may be use to test the transverterif it has a power output control. Do not use SSB or AM becauseit is not possibleto obtain maximumoutput power with a transceiverin thesemodes. Setthe carrier/outputpower control to minimum or "0" outputpower. Placethe tarsceiver into transmit.Note the transmitLED on the transverter.It shouldbe on. While observingthe power meter on the 70cm system,slowly increasethe carrier control (with key down) or porryeroutput control to maximumon the hansceiver.Ifthe tansverter is configuredcorrectly for your transceiver,minimal power may be detectedon the 70 cm power meter.Now slowly adjustthe TXIF control in the transverterin a clockwise direction while observingthe power meter.Set it to obtain a maximumof 30 watts maximum.If a power meter is not available,you may use a currentmeter on the DC power line to determineif the transverteris transmitting.A maximum of 6 ampsshould be obtainedand it shouldvary asthe TXIF control is varied. If 30 watts can not be obtainedwith 6 ampsof cuxrentdrain, then with an insulatedtool, stetch or compressthe Ll7, Ll8, an Ll9 inductorsin the output low passfilter. This will also help efficiency.After proper power is obtained switch the hansceiverto USB and make a transmission.The power output and currentdrain shouldconelate to your speechpattern. Ifa minimun of25 watts can not be obtained,it could be a IF drive problem. Pleaseconsult Down EastMicrowave Inc. I l. You may re-adjustboth RXIF andTXIF againifdesired. The adjustmentsofthe receivepreamplifier and local oscillator Aequencydo not needto be touchedbut you may ifyou wish. Do not adjustany ofthe helical filters unless you haveaccess to a spectrumanalyzer at minimum. 12. Put ttre top on the enclosureand install the screws.Your transvertersystem is readyto use.Connect as you wish to use it in your 70cm systemand havefun!

I File 432-28C.doc * Dliv' 432-28Revision c l2tt4tglpage15 Down EustMicrowuve Inc. 954Route 519Frenchtown, ^{J 08825 Phone: 908-996-3584(Voice) 908-996-3702@ax DEM 432-28Component List BAG T Resistorsvalues are in Ohms and are %W unlessotherwise specified. CC = carboncomposition. Capacitors are chips and the valuesare pF unlessotlrcrwise specified. A1l chips are attachedon a separatecard in Bag l. Rl 470 P.t2 47 R23r0 R34 220 C500.lrrF CHIP R2 680 Rl3 I00 R24 lK CHIP R35lK POT C51 1OOOCHIP R3 1.5K Rl4 IK R25 24 CHIP R36 220 C54 6.8 CHIP ATC R4 100 R15330 %W CC Pt26 24 CHIP Pt37 220 C556.8 CHIPATC R5 47 Rl6 220 t/z W R27100 %W CC R38 IK POT C56 IOOCHIP ATC R6 100 R17lBO %W CC R28180 % W P.39220 C59 0.1uF CHIP R7 IK Rl8 IK R29 IK R41 IK C60 0. l uF CHIP R 470 R19 240 R30 47 C46 1OOOCHIP C61 1OOOCHIP Re 680 R20 410 R3I lK C47 0.1uF CHIP R101.5K R21100 R32180 % W C48 0.luF CHIP Rl1 100 R22l.5K R33330 C49 1OOOCHIP BAG2 All capacitorsare disc ceramicand are pF unlessotherwise specified. "ELECTR" = Electrolytic 'Trimmer" = Variables "SM'=Surface Mount "Ttf'=Thru-Hole

cl lo00(102) ct6 39 c31 t20 C52 2.2uFELECTR c73 120 C2 l-6 Trimmer TH c17 1000 C320.lrrF C53 2.2wFELECTR c74 1000 c3 1000 cl8 1000 c33 120 C57 l-6 TrimmerSM c75270 c4 15 Cr9 2.2uFELECTR c34 r20 C58 l-6 Trimmer SM c76 270 c5 39 C202.2uF ELECTR c35 120 i c62 120 c77 1000 c6 1000 c211000 c36 1000 c63 t20 C780.1 uF c7 1000 c22 1000 c37 t20 C642.2uF ELECTR c79 1000 CB 2.2wFELECTR c23 t20 c38 1000 C652.2rfi ELECTR c80 1000 C9 2.2uFELECTR c24 120 C390.1uF c66 1000 c8l 1000 c10 1000 C250.1uF c40 1000 c67 120 C82 0.luF cl1 1000 c2610 c4r 1000 c68 1000 c83 1000 c12 1000 c27 l0 c42 r20 c69 1000 c90 1000 Cl3 1-6Trimrner TH c28 r20 c43 r20 c70 1000 PTC.5O cl4 1000 c29 r20 C44 2.2uFELECTR C7I39 c1515 C300.1uF C45 2.2uFELECTR C72T8

BAG 3 Hand wound (HW) inductorsare #24 enamelwire, closewould. All moldedchokes have GOLD or SILVER multiplier and tolerancebards. Pleaseidentiry desiredvalue by the'significant color band combination.

Ll 9 Turns 1/8" ID (HW) Ll l 1.0pH(Black Body) L2I 0.4'7wH(YELLOWVIOLET L2 0.33rrH(ORANGE/ORANGE) LI2 4 Turns 1/8" ID (HW) L22 3 Turns 1/8" (HW) L3 l.0pH (Black Body) Ll3 3 Turnsl/8" [D (HW) L23 0.33uH (ORANGE/ORANGE) L4 1.0pH (Black Body) Ll4 l.OpH (BlackBody) L24 0.22uHREDIRED) L5 1.0pH (Black Body) Lls 0.47yt"H (YELLOW/VIOLET) L2s 0.22*H(RED/RED) L6 9 Turns l/8" ID (HW) L16 1.0pH (Black Body) L26 0.22wH(RED/RED) Li 0.33pH (ORANGE/ORANGE) Ll7 2 Turns1/8" ID (HW) L27 0.33uH(ORANGE/ORANGE) L8 l.OpH (BlackBody) Ll8 3 Turnsl/8" ID (HW) L28 l.OpH (Black Body) L9 1.OpH(Black Body) Llg 2 Turns 1/8" ID (HW) 4' #24 TeflonWire Ll0 l.0pH (Black Bodv) L20 3 Turns l/8" (HW) 2' #24 Enamel wire

File 432-28 C.doc # DENI 432-28 Revision C 08/16/00 Pase 16 Down East Microwuve fnc. 954 Route 519Frenchtown, IVJ 08825 Phone: 908-996-3584(Voicd 908-996-3702(Fux

DEM 432-28Component List continued


Ml TUF-IH Mixer ICl MAR8 Ql 2N5179 Metal can IC2 MAR3 Q2 MPS517e IC3 MAVI I Q: 2N5179Metal can IC4 MAR3 Q+ MPS5179 IC6 MAV1 l 05 MRF559 or 940P1or 1359-l IC7 MAR6 (TXIF Gain, optional) QO ATF21186 IC8 MAVll (RXIF Gain, optional) QZ PN2222 vRl 78L09 CRl MPN34O4 vR2 78L09 CR2 MPN34O4 VR3 78SO9CV cR3 A3t'41/tid) vR4 78L09 CR4 MPN34O4 Fl TOKO 1547 CR5 MPN34O4 F2 TOKO 13s4 CR6 1N4000 tvpe F3 TOKO 2s37 CR7 1N4000 tvpe F4 TOKO 2s37 CR8 1N914or 1N4148(ORANGE GLASS BODY) Yl Crystal 101.000lvffIz 5h Overtone HC 18/U CR9 MPN34O4 Kl G5V.2 CR1OMPN34O4 K2 GGY

HARDWAREKIT (4) AdhesiveBacked Rubber Feet #22 TeflonWire 4" (2) LED, RED #18Teflon Wire 4" 2) SWitChSPST RG/188UMini Coax 6" 2) BNC Female UG1094AJ Connectors (1) Machined Die cast enclosure 3) RCA Jacks - Control. Aux.. Power l) 3132"Allen kev wrench "N" Connector and hardware l) Machined Heatsink 8 t/2" (2) 6-32 x 3/8" Machine Screwsfor Power Module l) Label Set 13) 4-40 x 5/8" Cap Screws 26) 4-40Nuts

Miscellaneous Parts: (1) RF PowerModule IC5,M57745 (1) PrintedCircuit Board

MPN3404 diode 2N5179Transister o--E{----o 78L09 Regulator MPS5179 Translstor Metal Can


I page File 432-28 C.doc * DE.v_432-28 Revision c 0s/16/00 t7 Down East Microwove Inc. 954 Route 519 Frenchtown, NJ 08825 Phone: 908-996-3584(Voice, 908-996-3702(Fax,

PTC-50Therm istor installation

Although irxtallation ofthe PTC-50 thennistormay be doneat any time, it is most convenientto do it before the final wiring is completed.Because it is importantto determineif the oscillator circuit is 100%firnctional before installing the thermistor,some double work is required.You may completethe assemblyofthe transverterthen install the thermistor or install it now. We at the Down East Microwave lnc. Factoryinstall the thermistorafter completeassembly and the oscillator hasaged for 24 hours. (a bum in period) You may do the samebut it is not required.Just expectto seesome frequencydrift for the fust 24 hoursof operation.

To install the thermistorcorectly, removethe PCB ftom the enclosure.To do this, un-solderthe PTT wire, and the 3", #18 wire from their RCAjacks. Then removeboth the LO and the Pouer switchesfrom the enclosure.Next remove the 2, 4-40 nuts and the PCB shouldcome out ofthe enclosure.

Locatethe thermistorand retnoveone ofthe attachedwires with someheat from a solder iron. Then review the diagrambelow. Note that the therrnistoris attachedby solderto the crystal. Startby tinrfng the caseof the crystal. Heat the casewith an iron and flow somesolder on it. Then while still heatingthe case,place the side ofthe thermistorwithout the wire in the molten pool of solderand removethe iron. Now before allowing the crystal/ thermistorassembly to cool, note wherethe crystal and Q I almosttouch Heat the caseof Q 1 with your iron and flow a beadof solder so that it attachesto the crystal.Allowto cool andthen inspect for a goodsolid connection. If in doubt,re-flow and add more solder. Ifthe second local oscillator is used, a thermistormay be installedto that crystal also but ifthe secondoscillator is usedfor satellite operation,the frequencystability may not be that importantbecause ofthe Doppler shift.

You may now re-install the PC board in the enclosureand continuethe assemblyon page I l. Only now include the attachmentofthe thermistorwire to the centerpost ofthe LO switch. If the secondthemristor is installed,lhe wire may also be attach€dto the centerofthe LO switch of in the exra hole on the PC boardmarked with an + by the LO2 corurection. Connectingthe thermistorwire to the centerpost will alwayskeep both,oscillators in 'fiot standby'' as long asthe transverter$ on.

Someimportant notes. The crystalneeds to be attachedto the Ql or Q3 transistorfor 2 reasons.One is to provide a DC path for the thermistorthrough the caseground ofthe fansistor andthe other is to maintain a constanttemperatue of the oscillator transistor.Ifthe solderbead is not attachedto the transistor.the thermistorwill no! heatup!

Solder Wireto T[ermlsterSolder LO Switch

ProperAttachment of Thermistorto Crystal

I File 432-28 C.doc * DEv_432-28 Revision c lltl4tggPage18

432-?A BOiTOM ASSIMB. Y ra/2=/98

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