SUCCESSFUL -COACH-EDUCATION AT THE FIDE TRAINER ACADEMY IN BERLIN 14 turkish top-coaches received the international valid licence

Reported by GM Uwe Boensch, Headmaster of FIDE Trainer Academy

Following a wish of the Turkish Chess Federation, from july 27 th until august 3 rd an international course, where 14 high performanced turkish chess coaches were educated, took place in Berlin. All participants were high-motivated and followed for seven days well- concentrated the presentations of the lecturers.

The following well-tried lecture program was offered in english and translated into turkish by the chess-well-informed interpreters Ozgur Solakoglu and Ziya Ahmedov:

Horst Metzing, ECU Secretary General and Sportsdirector of the DSB: Structural structure, functions and tasks of the World Chess Federation FIDE and the European Chess Union ECU.

GM Yuri Razuvaev, president of the FIDE Trainer-Committee: Didactically appropiate training ways for different age and performance levels to topics in the opening, middle game and ending.

GM Uwe Boensch, coach of the German National Team of DSB and FIDE Senior Trainer: How to treat important strategic proceedings in the middle game? Training methods and practical examples.

PD Dr. Habil. Marion Kauke, pedagogical and social psychologist: How important are pedagogical-psychological competences of the chess trainer? To handle difficult situations at teaching and training by the example of role-playing.

IM Michael Richter, FIDE Trainer and ChessBase expert: Modern education with the support of the computer, learning aids particularly with use of important functions of the program ChessBase 9.0.

As admits from the conception round, all participants were firmly connected with the sport chess in their chess-friendly homecountry. Several even work as a professional chess teacher or coach.

Agreeing the lecturers praised the active cooperation and discipline during the entire course. Accordingly well-prepared completed all 14 participants their 45minutes demonstration lessons. Under the use of different teaching aids, like laptops, beamer and the demonstration board the following topics were discussed, which were commentated and judged afterwards by the two GM colleagues Yuri Razuvaev and Uwe Boensch in an examination marathon.

Ozgur Solakoglu: Experiences for the use of computers in chess training.

Ziya Ahmedov: Tasks of coaches with youth championships.

Ata Secer: Training way of the final game , and against king and rook.

Aydin Duman: The dragon variation in the sicilian defense as important defensive weapon. Enis Bilyap: How to play ? General tactical principles.

Faruk Keler: Passed chances in end-games.

Hulusi Cihangir: Turkish chess history from coach view.

Mustafa Sabri Kocak: The meaning of the intuition in chess.

Necmettin Korkmaz: About the “weapons” of worldchampion Alexander Aljechin.

Ozan Capan: Defense plans of black in the Carlsbad pawn-structure.

Serkan Koc: To the meaning of pawn-structures in particular the double-pawn.

Serkan Kose: How to play the Alapin-Variation?

Tarkan Kucumelier: New ideas in the slavic-defense.

Zeki Ari: To the meaning of the studies for chess training.

During a short conclusion ceremony, the course leader Uwe Boensch handed out the certificates as “FIDE Trainer” to all class participants. FIDE representative Yuri Razuvaev expressed, that Turkey must not have concerns with such learn-willing and capable coaches around the further continuous achievement development. As representative of the German Chess Federation organization leader Christian Greiser emphasized in his parting words particularly the grown friendly solidaritiy between the German and Turkish Chess Federation.

With friendly words the Turkish chess manager Ozgur Solakoglu thanked the organisators, lecturers and the hosting German Chess Federation for the instructively and pleasantly days in the capital Berlin.

The traditional Blitztournament arranged in the “Berlin Chess School” won Ata Secer with 10,5 points, before IM Michael Richter with 10 and Ozgu Solakoglu with 9,5 points.

As already remarked, the next international course to educate FIDE Trainers and Instructors will be executed from october 5 th to october 11 th 2007 in english. For further informations please take a look at .

Meeting with the vize-president of the FIDE Geoffrey Borg

One day after finishing the last course, the vize-president of the World Chess Federation and director of Global Chess, FM Geoffrey Borg from Malta, visited on august 4 th the rooms of the international FIDE Trainer Academy, the European Chess Union and the German Chess Federation in the area of the Berlin Olympic stadium.

He held consultations with the director of the FIDE Trainer Academy, GM Uwe Boensch, the Sports director of the German Chess Federation, Horst Metzing and the director of the FIDE Trainer Committee, GM Yuri Razuvaev. Geoffrey Borg was impressed by the modern comunicative technical conditions to the coach education with a firm homestead and pleaded for a professional adjustment of the training centre with the opening to other areas in chess.