323R bus time schedule & line map

323R Stainton View In Website Mode

The 323R bus line (Stainton) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Stainton: 3:50 PM (2) : 8:05 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 323R bus station near you and nd out when is the next 323R bus arriving.

Direction: Stainton 323R bus Time Schedule 38 stops Stainton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:50 PM School, Stokesley Tuesday 3:50 PM Church Lane, Wednesday 3:50 PM The Paddock, Nunthorpe Thursday 3:50 PM

Marton Moor Corner, Nunthorpe Friday 3:50 PM

Ford Close Riding Centre, Marton Saturday Not Operational

Bonny Grove, Marton

Astbury, Marton 323R bus Info Kedlestone Park, Marton Direction: Stainton Stops: 38 Trip Duration: 32 min Fairwood Park, Marton Line Summary: School, Stokesley, Church Lane, Nunthorpe, The Paddock, Nunthorpe, Marton Moor The Fairway, Marton Corner, Nunthorpe, Ford Close Riding Centre, Marton, The Fairway, Bonny Grove, Marton, Astbury, Marton, Kedlestone Park, Marton, Fairwood Park, Marton, The Fairway, Lingeld Way, Marton, Lingeld Way, Coulby Newham, The Lingeld Way, Middlesbrough Pastures, Coulby Newham, Dewberry, Coulby Newham, Barberry, Coulby Newham, Ash Green, The Pastures, Coulby Newham Coulby Newham, Lingeld Countryside Centre, Coulby Newham, Southwood, Coulby Newham, The Dewberry, Coulby Newham Coulby Farm, Coulby Newham, Woodlea, Coulby Newham, Willowbank, Coulby Newham, Lingeld Barberry, Coulby Newham Way, Coulby Newham, Gunnergate Lane West End, Coulby Newham, Tesco Extra, Coulby Newham, Ash Green, Coulby Newham Saxoneld, Coulby Newham, Grange Farm, Coulby Newham, Coulby Manor Way, Coulby Newham, Lingeld Countryside Centre, Coulby Newham Sunnyside, Coulby Newham, Viewley Hill Avenue, , Southdean Close, Hemlington, Phoenix Southwood, Coulby Newham Park, Hemlington, Northleach Drive, Hemlington, Mowbray Drive, Hemlington, St Austell Close, The Coulby Farm, Coulby Newham Hemlington, Stainton Way West Footbridge, Stainton, Fawcett Avenue, Stainton, Marwood Wynd, Woodlea, Coulby Newham Coulby Farm Way, Middlesbrough Stainton, The Stainton, Stainton, Greenacres, Stainton Willowbank, Coulby Newham

Lingeld Way, Coulby Newham Lingeld Way, Middlesbrough

Gunnergate Lane West End, Coulby Newham

Tesco Extra, Coulby Newham Newham Way, Middlesbrough

Saxoneld, Coulby Newham

Grange Farm, Coulby Newham Newham Way, Middlesbrough

Coulby Manor Way, Coulby Newham

Sunnyside, Coulby Newham

Viewley Hill Avenue, Hemlington

Southdean Close, Hemlington Hemlington Hall Road, Middlesbrough

Phoenix Park, Hemlington

Northleach Drive, Hemlington

Mowbray Drive, Hemlington

St Austell Close, Hemlington

Stainton Way West Footbridge, Stainton

Fawcett Avenue, Stainton Hemlington Road, Middlesbrough

Marwood Wynd, Stainton Marwood Wynd, Middlesbrough

The Stainton, Stainton Kelgate Terrace,

Greenacres, Stainton Direction: Stokesley 323R bus Time Schedule 38 stops Stokesley Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:05 AM Greenacres, Stainton Tuesday 8:05 AM The Stainton, Stainton Kelgate Terrace, Stainton And Thornton Civil Parish Wednesday 8:05 AM

Marwood Wynd, Stainton Thursday 8:05 AM Glebe Gardens, Middlesbrough Friday 8:05 AM

Fawcett Avenue, Stainton Saturday Not Operational

Stainton Way West Footbridge, Stainton

St Austell Close, Hemlington 323R bus Info Mowbray Drive, Hemlington Direction: Stokesley Stops: 38 Northleach Drive, Hemlington Trip Duration: 30 min Line Summary: Greenacres, Stainton, The Stainton, Phoenix Park, Hemlington Stainton, Marwood Wynd, Stainton, Fawcett Avenue, Stainton, Stainton Way West Footbridge, Stainton, St Austell Close, Hemlington, Mowbray Drive, Southdean Close, Hemlington Hemlington, Northleach Drive, Hemlington, Phoenix Hemlington Hall Drive, Middlesbrough Park, Hemlington, Southdean Close, Hemlington, Viewley Hill Avenue, Hemlington Viewley Hill Avenue, Hemlington, Sunnyside, Coulby Newham, Coulby Manor Way, Coulby Newham, Viewley Hill Avenue, Middlesbrough Grange Farm, Coulby Newham, Saxoneld, Coulby Sunnyside, Coulby Newham Newham, Tesco Extra, Coulby Newham, Gunnergate Lane West End, Coulby Newham, Lingeld Way, Coulby Newham, The Pastures, Coulby Newham, Coulby Manor Way, Coulby Newham Dewberry, Coulby Newham, Barberry, Coulby Newham, Ash Green, Coulby Newham, Lingeld Grange Farm, Coulby Newham Countryside Centre, Coulby Newham, Southwood, Coulby Newham, The Coulby Farm, Coulby Newham, Saxoneld, Coulby Newham Woodlea, Coulby Newham, Willowbank, Coulby Newham, Lingeld Way, Coulby Newham, The Tesco Extra, Coulby Newham Fairway, Marton, Fairwood Park, Marton, Kedlestone Newham Way, Middlesbrough Park, Marton, Astbury, Marton, Bonny Grove, Marton, Ford Close Riding Centre, Marton, Marton Gunnergate Lane West End, Coulby Newham Moor Corner, Nunthorpe, The Paddock, Nunthorpe, Church Lane, Nunthorpe, Leven Bridge House, Lingeld Way, Coulby Newham Stokesley Lingeld Way, Middlesbrough

The Pastures, Coulby Newham

Dewberry, Coulby Newham

Barberry, Coulby Newham

Ash Green, Coulby Newham

Lingeld Countryside Centre, Coulby Newham Southwood, Coulby Newham

The Coulby Farm, Coulby Newham

Woodlea, Coulby Newham Coulby Farm Way, Middlesbrough

Willowbank, Coulby Newham

Lingeld Way, Coulby Newham Lingeld Way, Middlesbrough

The Fairway, Marton The Fairway, Middlesbrough

Fairwood Park, Marton

Kedlestone Park, Marton Turnberry Way, Middlesbrough

Astbury, Marton Broadstone, Middlesbrough

Bonny Grove, Marton Fulford Way, Middlesbrough

Ford Close Riding Centre, Marton

Marton Moor Corner, Nunthorpe

The Paddock, Nunthorpe

Church Lane, Nunthorpe

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