The Lafayette Escadrille By Narayan Sengupta Copyright 2013 Narayan Sengupta All materials contained in this book, including text, photographs, charts, tables, graphics and other images are the property of Narayan Sengupta or the sources credited and are protected by United States and international copyright laws. The compilation of all content in this book is the exclusive property of Narayan Sengupta. You may not reproduce, modify, distribute, e-mail or republish materials con- tained in this book in any form without the author’s prior written permission. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of content. No image in this book may be reproduced without the explicit consent of the source credited. Please send any correspondence, suggestions and corrections to
[email protected] . November 2013 Sioux Warrior Insignia: This was the symbol of the Lafayette Es- cadrille both when it flew for the France as well as when it flew for the United States. (Henri Guyot Collection) Front Cover (Top): “Hostile Sky” by artist Russell Smith. Front Cover (Bottom): “Along Came the Cavalry” by artist Rus- sell Smith. Back Cover: Bill Thaw carries the American flag at Chaudun on July 7, 1917. (Photo: Henry Lockhart Jr. Collection) The Lafayette Escadrille 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents ............................................................................ 1 List of Illustrations .......................................................................... 2 The Start of World War I ................................................................