PORTLAND i>u PORTLAND, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 24, 1870.- TO LET. »« Mill vt HIV" _ MISCELLANEOUS. every day (Sundays excepted) bj M18CEI.il/ANEOU8. THE Unpublished To Let. DALLY-PRESS tic monument has so receutly been creeled at Portland Co., bad such an example In Publishing Tenement, 140 Oxford St, near Elm with all daily press. Worms, lutnish.'*d A tna modern ATLANTIC, bis own aEd wit'1 relation to At 199 improvements. Gas, and Sebaae BUSINESS day and land Exchange Street, Portland. water. on the DIRECTORY. Inquire premise*. 21t5 NEW TPORXiiUAjfxs. the cburcli of which lie i> Terms:—Eight Dollars a Tear in advance BOOKS! Mutual voted disciple. Xo natut To Let with Board. Insurance with his Ooiiiij’y,A J Advertising Agency* name iu the grai ol Sepa- T71RONT room tor and or two sin- (ORGANIZED IN ATWELL & CO.. Middle The Maine State Press gentleman wlfs, 1842.) The 17*J$ Street, ADVERTISE- S-iUuday Morniug, Deunibar ratisls. Dot our Pfigrim Fathers WPre bum- A gle grn lemeo. No. 6 Free Percijs. MENTS inserted in 24, 1E70. Apply Strtet. SI Wall Mrs. (•apers in Maine and through- ole followers ill the dc20-lw st., corner of New York. Prentiss. $1 25 ui the at the same path of Protestant- Is Thursday Morning al William, country publisher’s lowes rates. published every ism, and thanks lie to U d that their a if In Mr- « hearis $2.50 year; paid advance, at $2.00 s Insures Against Marine and Inland the Oraiiou a. P yu.ou.fa. were inspired and To Let Navigation Bisks. Victory of Vanquished. Agricultural Implements A Seeds. emloidened to imitate bis _ We transfer to cur heroic cnnr.e. a *1 '.5 SA\% YER& columns as much of board, front chamber on New High st. mdTUAL. WOODFORD, No. 119 Exchange St. this Rates of Address The whole PROFIT reverts to the and are divided HKLIOION TIM Advebtiscno.—One inch of WITH P. O. Box 1917. dc7tl A1»N U ALL??,nnt>innP.yEoLT ASSURED, splendid delivered at ... FOUNDATION. space, t#rmin»ted «•*« lor which Monitions the Unseen. address, the Pi cel in length of column, constitutes a unHl durln8 year; Certificate are leaned, heating of grim We cauuul oe too olteu leurmueU square." lttereit red?emedf A ucrioneer. eoraii..n at on that ft $1.50 per first . *1 50 Plymouth a3 we was leligion which square daily week. 75 cents ,8*°’ *h® Wednesday eflecied the first perma- week three TO LtET. Aecumulaied Iron, i-a Ba.ineae were na via. ®OLME8, No. 327 Congress St. Auction Sales cau find room tor. It is so nent per after; insertions, or less, $1.00; foHowa, lull of eloquent settlement iu New England. AH other other B#nlt *nd ®lIier Miriam and other every Evening. Private Sales during the day. continuing every day after first week, 60 Loans** secured 00 Poems. and revive that it Is motives bad tailed. the cents. No. (3 Commercial by Starts «nd*otherwue8t,*!*!!**,’ im, passages difficult to Commerce, fisheries, street, Store, Stable and Stock.•jfM.*»0 50 tbe ol At Wood-yaid. A Iso tor stock ot Bond »“d Whittier. $1 Agencies for cut it at all: hope discovering mines, the atuhiiiou Half square, three insertions or less, 75 sale, wood, wag- Cnh Mortmu aid ithirac V? Sewing Machines, ot cents; ons. j >g?ers, sleds, etc. Enquire ol Wn°k“ “”J. .B!1.1'.E.L“l.'',ab!!'.E!?! ,EsUte’ lounding colonies, all had lieen tried, and One week. $1.00; 50 cents per week after. oritljs’.'j.O^u W-S-DTER. 158 Middle st. ever H. H. All TIIE PILGRIMS AT ABEL ~~ Carmina Huy's. LEYDEN. SAWYER & CO. Cecil, Kinds or Machines for ^ut t,le asked 01 God Special Notices, one third additional. Portland, Decern bor 2d, U70. Total amount of Or sale and to let. Repaving, a„ 1 i^,la‘lptb bilgiims Assets.914,480,90S Songs oi Heaven. $2 00 Leyden must indeed have been dear to the 8ave tlieiu the heathen for their In- Under head of “Amusements,” $2.00 per h., d°H» D' President. Pilgrims, as the where so ,be square per week; three insertions or less $1.50. J\'Dt'^wlETTB3d'1incleet?ro«tt'd Hewlett,3d Vice-Preat. Baker*. place many of these ul,erniost parts of the House to Let at Stevens’ Plains. Chahles Deneis, Vice-President. tiist earthr\,- tor their ” Advertisements inserted in the “Maine J. Songs of Home. W, G. COBB, No. 12 Pear! Street. leading spirits euteied iuto their associa- possession Keligious fanh TWO house on SI H.Ohapmaw, Secretary. and State Press” (which a story even’s Plains, on the line tion, and first their (ear, religious and has large circulation of the Illustrated.$3 0o pledged lives aud fortunes hope trust,—the fear of A Ho«e Railroad, nine rooms JOHN W. the love In every part ol the for $1.00 containlDg HUNGER, Boot* to the'r sacrea God ol Christ, an assured lulth State) per square besides buttery a^d sink-room. Apply to W. H. Corresnondeiit, and Shoes—Gents Cnstom Work. enterprise. In for first insertion, and 50 cents for Jerrls. Bur, aud the the an per square Beal Estate Ageat, or Albert Jones on Ste- 166 Eore Winter Poems. WALTER Leyden, whole marvellous land Holy Scriptures.aD.I assured hope ol a each insertion. vens’ Plains. Office, Street, Portland. BERRY, No. 101 Middle Street. life ot subsequent dc2<13w ot tvhicn it was at liiat one of the bliss and blessedness to these Address all dllmAwGw Illustrated. $5 00 day mod come, communications to _afca3’l8‘°-_e and and these sufficient lo Booksellers and interesting enlightened cities, had a alone, prove animate’ PORTLAND Stationers. Charm tor our and PUBLISHING CO. Two Houses to the Forefathers lar above all mere strengthen them tor lire endurance of all Bent. THE Song of Sower. HOYT, FOGG A BREED, 82Middle Street. personal considerations. It was U» toils and trials which such an Geo. R. Davis & CO a laud to enterprise Co.’s Brya,lt. $5 which the iuvolved. pleasantly located two storied home No 10 great German poet, dramatist and Let it never be torgo'teu that if ibe BUSINESS CARDS rark street, has Corner THE gas and Sebago water; can be The Book-Binders. histonan, hctiiHer, in Im “hevoli ot the Netb stone of New England was indeed laid bad for a term ot tears, If wanted. BULLETIN. Sunnyslde Pooh. the BMALL A No. 35 erlands. gave the nobiest by Pilgrim two centuries and a Also the good brick house No 12 Middle In CentralRailroad i SHACKEORD. Plum -(reel. testimony, in sav- Fathers, Neman A. Crane. Horace street, Illustrated. $4 50 halt A. Crane. Geo. Allen, Jr. ing that luflicted a ago to it was in the cause < 1 complete repair, Contains ten good rooms; gat and to loan i money to loan i “every Injury hy lyrani day, religion abundance of a of laid and water. MoneyWe are prepared to loan in Poets and Bonnet and Hat gave rigut citizenship iu Holland It was they it; whatever others nrav ba-e BT. A. CRANE & to WM. H. money Blenchery. CO., Apply JEBRIS, Real Estate Agent, OF IOWA. sums from »l0o to on Poetry of Europe. H. E. a laud to which that built upon it since,or bui'd no30dtt 840,000, First-olaaa UNDERWOOD,No. »10| Congress Street, quail t old Suffolk couu may upon it bere- *“ Fort,and' Weatbrook and Cape Longfellow. $s 00 ty Owen aher,—‘ go Elizabeth essayist, Felliimm, paid a stdl liigbei d, silver, precious stones, wood, GENERAL * tribute when he described hay, stubble,”—God forbid House to Let, GEO. E. DAVIS & Co.. Coal and Wood. it as “a piace of re- lha' on this Anni- eei 24tr Ro tl Standard W orka ! for sectaries of all veisa'y the foundation Connecting St. Louie and St. Paul- Estate & Mortgage Broker*. PAUL PRINCE A SON, lector WHmot fuge denominaiions.” L-t should be iguorsd or Commission Woodford’s Ccroer, Westbrook, head of Dal- stree but Merchants, t some of xur be tepudialed I ATton st, containing 7 rooms: large garden, plenty For Rent. Separatists asked,” sain ot water. Price $«# Now Cabinet be with evident reference to our DEFENCE OF PURITAN INTOLERANCE. For the purchase and sale ot Nearly Completed. Brick House No 23 Pearl Fnrnltiire YlnntifhcnirCrs. English S. H. or A. R »t. beiug the first II exiles ot whom there DOTEN, id lustra ted ! THEO. he was a Tel True, were Pome shades of ■ difference Cross THEhou«e the block irom t. Books JOHNSON * CO.. Vp. 121 Union Street. contemporary, st Planing 31111 office, Portland, Me. This load is built by a Company ol strong capital- Congress Contain, but some ol our in the Ootton* Bice* Grain* Hay* Produce* no26dtt nine rooms, gas, furnace all in perfect repair. Separatists be asked, and tellgious sentiment and io the civil ad- ists, who have pushed tbeir.work fbrw&uUat a * — shall swear rapid -AM they that ihe Klsysian Fields ai- ministration of the various as — AND- The lia! f Carpenters and Bntlders. plantations, rate. upper of brick block corner of Carlton there.” “It you are they were New Cotta to Let. Juvenile and WHITNEY A MEANS. Pearl unsettled,” says he in an- successively developed. Tbe sf Sirup Description. ere 0<"c“PIfd b» 'be Rer. Mr. Books! st, opposite Hie Park. anoiher “it charges of MenhaadlH NEW walker.WaiS?* This*?’ bouse ,orlE*rl? ha* been Toy place, you aie uuset'led in iutoieranci, b'"’ry, A French roofed Cottage, containing five put Id pertect tepalr yom and tupeis'ltiou, " on by its own»*r Attach°d to the religion, you may here and take persecution, which uteri* seems 06 rooms, the line of the Horse Railroad, near ONE MILLION boate i *a good sta- Cement Brain and Water try all, at las to lisve BAY Woodlord’s corner. T*U* wil1 i>® rented fora Pipe, what besl. It been ST., Rent Low. Apply to propert^ term ot years you like you fancy none, yon aspeeial delight, in some quarters, o* late bovmr WARREN OF low BIBLES! Chimneys Ac. SPABBOW, 72 Exchange St. .THE- have a pattern to lollow of two that would be years, in arraying Kg.itmour New GEO. R. DA Via * CO.. J W.RTnCKWEIT, AGO.. 28 an.1 181 Dan England Savannah, Georgia. — AND forth a chuieU Lbemselves.” ratbets and J IR8T and Mortgage Brokers, Brown's Block. by faunders, apply without rfnubt and orders CONG BESS MORTGAGE ?ea £f!at6, C°-' nore ^"Consignments solicited. HALL Mov 28dtt ^r^diTAw^K-M-perti"* Yes, thi was exactly it—“a church directly to other colonies, than to tb»t .Meters by permission to Messrs. DANA Sc hy CO., themselves;’ aud tWre, in that chuicb 'au<^'n8 we iLIs day commemorate. Portland. if Tenements. and bringing lumber South. they were broi-ght up. On the coo those great hearts, whether keep a list ol all the vacant tenements In the Furniture—Wholesale and no is more ol 1020 or bad fled into the 5th. The Mortgage Is only $16,C0C per while Retail. trary, slavery intoieiabls nor more 1030, wilder! ess HAWKS AC WE city with all necersary iDtoimation in mile, A. G. BEALS A to assert and CRAGmV, regard CO.,cor. cl Middle and Franklin Streets. exasperates the mind than such restraint. vindicate a broad, un- to them. Ca 1 and examine it and save time, many other roads aie bonded to double this MUSIC CORLISS, abstract, WALTER COREY A You know th's qualified doctiioe of (SUCCESSORS TO WM. PAINE,) GOUOH & BOWARD, amount. CO., Arcade No. 18 Free St. well, my Lords Stales; you religions liberty, or even ocStf 41 Free St. Block. 335 N. TARBOX, No. 158 Fore st. too, that it was the ot religious to which AOENT8 FOR THE CELEBRATED 6th. The road Is principally owned by bankers and For Congress Street (upstairs.) know, principal, tbe inosi toleration, they bad the nilistMnf nniicA Ihut mu.L 41.. ____. •nterwaids proved recreant themselves I As if other capitalists, who have invested a Holidays! large Between — To Let. Casco anil Oak. ---- scorn r all dangers, in order to effect de- r.»..vwu V'l'-uiuaianira ui IIIUII COLCIl* sum in its construction, and who have every iirnisning your Burdell Store recently occupied hy MAKE Call and examine. dc20-6t liverance from this servitude. tiou—wilh loes to Organs. reason to Music Folios. Music You know savage watching cxliipate take care GondF, BASEMENTBROTHERS. Posee-sion given immediately of its obligations. Wrapper?, that it with of MARIt BENJ. has excited similar movements in vari them, famine eve.'stating them in iho Enquire BROTHERS, over Davis, Has- 7th. A First Mortgage of so small an amount, up- ADAMS, cor. Exchange and Federal sts. ke’,1 & Co. corner Market and Middle streets. ous parts ot Christendom, and even in lilt face, with disease and death on a road so near Piano and Vocal HOOPER A: EATON. No. 130 menacing ibem Pianos, Melcdeons, Guitars, Violins Oct. Bth, completion, and In such Gift Books, Exchange Street. ot n and Portland, 1870.ocBtf DWELL A kingdom France, with such fortunate suc- every shape at every turn —did not -ALSO- strong hands, may well bo considered a HOYT, No II Preble Stre-t. per- Musical cess everywhere as to make it tbai constrain aDd compel them, in the earlier safe Instruments! Goods! WOODMAN A appear Rooms to fectly No. 56 St. Uusical Let I security. Holiday WHITNEY, Exchange God had so of their Merchandise oi all kinds willed it, lu order to prove that stages career, to adopt iho ROOMS, tarnished or without WE on hand. untarnished, BELIEVE THERE WIL.I. BE Strings, Harmonioos, Ifur h Box-u, Furniture and religion ought to be taught aud principle of excluding iroiu their com- constantly TWOboard, on Congress st, opposite the Park.i Pictures, Receded this day from New Tcrk at the store of LTpholsterlng. inspired by at this NO HOKE FAVORABLE TIIVIE TO DAVID W. the movemenls which tome from the munity any and all who were bcm in- Sew ut Bueeilre Ntock of She'S ffluic. Enquire office. sep22d>w*tf and Musical Merchandise, DEANE. No. 99 Federal street, all Holy upon SELL, GOYrCRNHENTS, AND BUY °* and Ghost, aud not by the force ot man." troducing contention and and oi en- W all the new Uull0l8terln* Bepalrlng done to discord, Ord ti» mail Also, Sheet Music J ust received. order iy by promptly attended to. TO RnAljl.V VIKST-CIaASS RAILROAD BBADFOBD'S lorciog among themselves something oi that LIST, E- JOUB.VAt. SECURITIES — '-DRD. j« 101 and 103 Federal siern mariial rule which SUCH AS THESE— IRA C. ST St. Repairing The suburban residence ol the belongs to a be- 77 Middle Portland, PPICES IN C. W. of all kln^ls done to order at Bishop ol Street, FLUENT BLOCK, THAN THE PRESENT. JCKBBIDGE, short notice. Loudon sieged camp I Why, even Williams botMIid ^ WITH ANY HOLMES, at Fuljam tuts many charms, its vel- Roger No. 1SG tiunselt was forced to introduce a FURTHER DECLINE IN GOLD, Fxchahge Street, vet lawn, its walks upon the its right oi ex- Either Single or in Suits. Provisions and Groceries. Thames, or non EL. LAM OYERNHENTS HUNT DECLINE Twombly’a, near City Hall. old oaks and cedars ot clusion, admission, into his original Albums, Horse Shoeing. and LauJ may have concerted their schemes Jan8dtt A ffne assoifment ot Auniveisaiy ol the settlement of boston I.. No. 152 Kiddle 8t, oor, dross St 144j Exchange St. Peilumery. S. YOTJN0.187 Comm’l Sr, Firet Premium at bigotry aud persecution—render it alto of whom Curls, See., A stock oi awarded 16S0: pamphlets and full information may large Worsicd Goods, from the at New Fair “Had our early ancesiois the Motto—Good Work and Moderate Price*, m directly Enetaud for Beet Horee Shore. zetber one ol the most attractive Deal adopted To Let. be had. FOB THE nntacturer. places course we are at ibis febaidtt Table aud day are apt to de»m so class Store and Offices on Exchange Street W. B. and P.«ket Cutlery. London, hardly less aruactive than Lam- KHATTICK, Travel Jewelry and Fine Watches. easy and obvious, and placed their FIRSTbetween Middle and Fore Streets. Apply to ing Bags and Baskets. beth itselt. 1 have bpen privileged to visit on govern- HOLIDAY And anendle-s ment on the basis oi R, R. COOPER & W. H, ANDERSON, Treasurer] TRADE. variety ot other articles, iuoie than one of those delicious liberty lor all soils of CO., At these Agt°‘,or afternoon- Office oi Nathan Webb, Esq, No, B9 33 Pine New goods win be gold it the verv lowest consciences, it would have been In that a Exchange Street, York, Ladies and Gentlemen prices,v AgdLwT^hLCompan0y:gre91,Slr9St- 91 an English when the and age, Street,dec30dtf looking lor Hair ahonld not “they must be ell god bv January 1st. June, apartments certain introduction of Practical tal to me a call and see Call and see tor the were anaicby. Plumbers, After a full we give tor themselves that I am yourselves Manufacturers of grounds thionged all that was examination, have accepted than Trunks, Valises by 1’be r.ou toleration which AND IN an selling[cheaper any other dealer tn the city. December 19th, 1870. most in the cbararteiized our DEALERS Agency for the Sale of the above Firs- Good Switches dc201w and distinguished society ol the me tor. 4 «0 Carpet Bags. assembled early ancestors, from whatever souice it may Bath Water Marble Wash Mortgage Bonds, and desire to recommend Klee Switches tropotis, to pay their respects to Tuba, Closets, Slabs, lor.. ft 00 DURAN A JOHNSON, 171 Middle & 116 Fed 1 have bad the > them to our customers Extra Sts. one whose originated, undoubtedly etlect Basins, Sue ion and Force Pumps, Kunber AS A THOROUGH- nice Switches,....i.ll 7 00 exalted character, and earnest roves LY AS they intended aiul wished. It exc'uded Horn Hose, Silrer Plated and Brass Cocks, SAFE, WELL AS PROFITABLE piety, and liberal chuicnmansliip, and un- -AWD- Masons and in their infant all INVESTMENT. Buildets devotiou to the as mfluence, settlement, the LEAD SHEET Christmas Goods N. E. spaiiug humblest well a: PIPE, LEAD, SMITH, REDJ.ON, 233 1-2 Congress it. friends and adherents of the aucient monar- me highest duties ot his statiou, have Won toi Tin and 130 Middle chy and all from Galvanized Iron Pipe, Tin Pipe, Lined JAY COOKE & Street, opposite Ooeria Hasian’e. aim universal esteem, respect and affeciion hierarchy; who, any motive, Cemeat Pipe. A assortment of Plnmbere CO., Dec lT-dtf Organ ecclesiastical or were good AT AMelodeon Manufacturers. red who has been called evil, disposed lo disturb Material* constantly on baud. LOWELLS, recently by tb< their SMALL A to the peace or their cliuicbes. consid- Plumbing In all its branches attended to I 20 Wall New YorJe. The strongest and best as KNIGHT, No. 154 Exchange 8treet. Queen Primacy of all But J They promptly FURNACES St., arcared, well a England. ered it a measure ol ‘sell-defence.’ At.d it d&w3m 301 need say, that to an or cei- la pre 11table Street, hardly American, No. lOO Federal enlarged onr Store,we aienow [inrraliu I Congress unquestionable that it was Instrumen- St., prepar- Paper Hangings, Window Shades Lainly_lo a New England eye,'here was noth- chiefly HAVINGed to exhibit to our customers the largest assort- engineer oefice, offered in tal m toriuing the exclu- ot Ibe nark and Wenther ng in ad the treasures ol or of homogeneous and ment 3rd LIGHT HOUSE strips. art, antiquity. janW_POBTLAND, ME.dtf_ DISTRICT. Jr ot sively repuolican character lor which tl e WATCHES, SEO. L. LOTHROP A Co., No. 97, Exchange Street. literature which that palace contained— peo- Parlor, No. 16 Broadway, N. Y. ple oi New have, in all DAILY PRESS PRINTING HOUSE nothing in ali the loveliuess of its natural England, times, been O III Box 4032. New York, December N ®®k distinguished; above that it fixed Ir- co, 12,1370. Chains, JLooketa, Patterns, Models. Artificial Lees icenary and surroundings,uothiug in all the and, all, ALED proposals will be received at this Office 7 Per In the country that noble WM. M. Cent. Gold E. PING REE. 192 Historical associations of the revocaoly security MARKS, Coolting: Stowes, umll ihe Fore Street. spot, in SE Wednesday, 11th day ol January 1871, Full nothing lor religious the at 12 M. tor and Halt Sets ot ill the beauty and aud titled liberty, independent system And Ranges, o’clock, theconstiuctioos ol foundations Jewelry, accomplishments of church lor Race Rock Liahi House, Long Inland Sound. P og raphers. )r uulitled 01 the government.” in the market. We have added many new Firs! celebrity company gathered Oard and Job Printer, patterns Three thousand ions, me and iu spirit These volumes are handsomely embelliihed, No. 33 Free Street, advance over sunscrition price may be looked tor. as those who have recently presided at Con- and are inclosed in a These bonds have 60 years to run, are onvertible neat box. They are at the ot tbe CABLE SCREW WIRE don and Brrwsier and Bradford (Formerly in tbe Bow No. 368 Congress Street.) option holder Into the stock ot tbe com- Canterbury, valuable additions to the pany at and the of Ihe 14th would have left the juvenile Library, MAJiUFACTURXBB OF A'ao a fine of par, payment the principal is Wednesday, inst., hardly Serooby.and May display provided for a t\ind. The BOOTS AND and will be read witb by sinking convertibility A very fine assortment ot SHOES. flower might long have been in less avidity by all who pos- Pablob Spring privilege attached to these bonds emploped Suits, Lounges, Beds, cannot tail to cause sess them. tbeni at no Bottoms fastened with a screw Interesting ways than in Bailey and have them. Silver Plated Ware! distant day to command a market pnee wire. Superior to bringing Separatists Noyes Mattresses, &o. above U. sewed or pr3*ed. to Hock. As that Church and its The considerably par. S. Five-twenties at NOVELTIES I Plymouth Children's Week is the baopv title of a All klndt of neatly done. Purnl- present prices only return then let us iy Repairing of the best makes la the 4J per cent, currency prelates weie, thank God that book for nre boxed and malted. very country. interest., while ihese Every Pair Warranted not to juvenile the season published J. oc25-’69T,T*.ti bonds pay 9} per ceut., and we IS Blp such Separatists were lound 1 An Episcopa- bj regard them to be as sale and lully as s secur- B. Ford & of New and equal ForJPale by oil Dealers. lian election as well as educa- Co., York, received by ity lo any Railroad Bond issaed; and natil are myself, by by C. E. JOSE & they dc20dlm Bailey & It consists GEO. II. GARDINER CO., placed upon the New York Stock Exchange, the Useful and Articles! tion, and warmly attached to the foims and Noyes. of seven short rules of which the road to be Fancy require we the laith in which I was stories by R. W. one MAT UE FOUND AT Cor. NEEDHAM'S completed, brought up; believ- Raymond, for eaob day of Middle and Pearl sis. obligate ourselves to at time of ihese suitable for tbe re-bay any any Especially Holidays. ing that the Church ut has rendeied the week between Cbiistmas and New • Dec 17-dtf Bonds sold by us a iter this date at the same as Bare Business England Year’s, No. 7 Exchange Street, PATENT price Opportunity! luestimable realized by us on their sale. service to the cause ol religiou in most of them fairy stories, and all All J. charmingly UP STAIRS. marketable Securities takeu in payment free M, DYER & Hack ruruishing a sate and sure anchorage in so ELIAS HOWE ol Commission and CO., Stand and Boarding Stable told and prettily illustrated. dc22-3t SEWING MACHINE Axpress charges. many stormy times, when the minds of men STARTER, lor Sale! There is no question as to the JVo. 6 Free St. Block. were “tossed to and tro, and carried about authenticity of HENRY CLP. ITS £ parties to in a the William SEWING MACHINES, For starling machines always in the right direction Co., Dec 13-d2g wishing engage well-establish- with every wiud of and Henry Le tiers. We have submit- 1XD- with the toot in lor ANYed and good paving bnsinesa, capable ot being doctrine;” prizing Hieskell’s Salve position working the treadle. that ted them to a competent critic who Magic 39 Wall ltreft,Ntw Ycrk, largely luci eased, and a fine stand ter tbe livery very prayer-book—which wascisowned prouonocet CURBS No Goods business, will do well to cnntulr Ike subscriber, wlio, and discarded by Bradford and Brewster, and them genuine; and some of our readers who BUTTERICK’S Sewing-Machine is Perfect FOB BALE BT lor Christmas. abouc being to make a change In business, will ior a bv too—as second to the Without it. GIDDINGM * hors tiu.e offer bis whole Wintbrop, only though past tbeir teens have not outgrown TOWER, TORRES', establishment upon term Bible in the richness of Patterns of to its treasures of pray- tber I I Garments* R BE SWEET * advantageous parties wishing to purchase. Fos boyhood will pronounce them a ex Tetter I Tetter The attention of IV8TEB, CO., er and 1 as goed Tetter. sewiDg-machine operators gener- lurtber particulars call upon the subscrlb-r at No. r praise; yet rejoice, heartily as any and nil position of the tniud of a ally, persons interested in sewing-marhines, Bum, Green st.au2Ktt who listens to that our true-hearted boy; ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! PLUMMER & is Congregationalist me, WILDER, respectfully invited to the above-name l device. General Agent. f*r New England. while those wbo are the 173 middle Portland. Pilgrim Fathers were Separatists. passing through period Erysipelas, Scald Head, Ringworms. Ulcers, Barns, Street, FOB AND BALE BT 1 that the Puritan Fathers of of life akin to William will read Salt Ktaearn, Chill Blaine, Blotches, N. B. the authorized we have New Oat Meal / rejoice, too, Henry's them Scalds,Pimples, Being only agen'g, THE STJBTEIl SPENCER, VILA It Frosted Limbs, Inflamed Eyts, Piles, and all Erup- no connection wjtb other selling eilber CO., Ho.lmi, Massachusetts, who followed them to these with delight and their any parlies poor compare experiences tions ot the Skin. the Eliaa Howe Machine or Buttericlr’s Pat- requires lut a of the foot to start BROS. * shores ten Sewing gentle pressure bate*, New Buckwheat years afterwaids—though, to the witb his. arebiim-inll of fun Warranted to Core or Money Refunded. tems In this dcl5tf HEAD & They and every- cliy. tbe machine. PKRKINM. Just and lor last, “they esteemed it their honor to call the Tor sale by all Druggists and countrv stores. received, sale by body enjoys them. They are F. B. LOOK AT THE Always starts tbe machiue in the right direction. W. U. WOOD It SON, church of England their dear and carefully "edited,” HEISKELL, Proprietor, Bangor, Me. Portland, CHASE BROTHERS, mother, and the has G. C. Goodwin & Co Wbo esale 38 Hano> Will not SWAN* “ could not from their native compiler given us a very pleasant Agents, Londou l* go backward uuless required. BARRETT, dcH-oodlw120 Commercial Street. part country ver Boston. Pi ice 35 cents box. and Fre Casslmeres lor skethof the author’s street, per Avoids tbe necessity of taking the hands oft' the RICHARDSON, RILL * CO., Bn.Inn. where she specially residetb, without much antecedents. Hall L. dc3-ly Davis Trowsers, work to start the wheel. e. rolusi horse * co, •< sauness of heart and many tears”—were, it has the book. not and AT 30 Free Street. In turning corners, and ATT WOOD* <• technically professedly, yet in all in- CHitAIH’S, plaiting, sewing without CO., — NOTICE. tents and Santa Anna basting, is indispensable and invaluable. purposes, Separatists, also;—Semi- will never die. He will be in Sacred and Tbe but place Portland to buy Will BUCK •' Secular. Separatists at least, as Robinson himself was ajaw All the Novelties in Fine save to tbe daily operator in one in BROTHER#, lorever. Wnat provoke* him now Is, week, called he wrote and time and id (STONE Ac BONNER. “ when published that book ike tod cco at economy, in needles and thread it* par*. MB. JOHN general amnesty issued by President Cigars, Pipes, F. A. H •« L.8HAW, which so offended the Brownists. 1 reioke Overcoatings, VV1 b rare is as durable as tbe machine AWhKY or CO., IS AT itself. GERRISH Sc PEARSON Having arrangements that the Juarez to all who have hurt or offended the AT CBI*A *' perfected with some ot the preiatieal assumptions ot that da\ a, 36 Free Street. Will be found to be almost as serviceable to I.D.NTURTBvANT, of expe- leading singers Portland, would respect'ully In- w ere resisted. The Church of He wants it E. Geo. tv. « 80 Middle term tde England would Mexican Republic. understood PONCE, rlenced operators alter using it, as to beginners. Warren & co., Street, public that be U prepared to ininish ap- Striped Suitings, Latest thing Out! propriate music for Par- never have been the noble church it has since that he does not tbe that be In establishments will be of Or ot the Have received a ol fine Conner**, Lectures, Fairs. accept amnesty; No. SO St.* manufacturing great any Banks n Portland, where pamphlets supply ties, and Festive wUh become, had theie b<-en no Exchange A CHISAM>8t Fnt Street. and Occasions, promptness and seasonable protest be executed than to service as a teacher and to new bands and un- information may by obtained. with the to would rather live and He hat bought out tbe whole rtock of Mr. C. T. help HOWARD. endeavor give Fatisfaction to all who against i'.s corruptions, its After a careful favor him with their extravagant a Toero, who used to be at337 Congress street. Mr. French A skilled operators, as well as a great economy. Investigation of the merits of the may patronage. ocl4tt ma'lsm.and its recognize lor moment tbe authority of Tnero s customers are to make a call at English Burlington, Cedar ltapius and Minresoia R. R. First ELGIN. over-bearitig intolerance_ requested Diagonals, Tbe price of the Starter Is $1, and parties Ibe easiest Juarez. Ho is as as he ever Ponce s store where they will find tbe best stock in living Mortgage bonds we confidently recommend them as Coal filters. Separatists were those just young was, AT CII1SA H>«l 30 Free Mireet. within tbe reach ot us, or our agents can have it a sate who'-ep- hei marltt t, and ns or aud desirable investment. SPRINGFIELD, ‘rated from and cheap cheaper than they can >0 their machines at that SON’S Patent Coal Siiter tbe best thing In Rome; when something is Sauta Anna; and it is a great that he And else. applied price; or, on re- & pity anywhere A Full of we will ioiward TOWER, (JIDDiNUS TORREY, IVALTHA HI and MDRR1the market, those in want of a Sifter win do more than a Don’t lor tbe LineFuney Vesting* in Silks, ceipt $4. it by express, with full disposition was manllestcd to talks so much. Or get munVer and street. dclOtf »oi2Brewster, sweat & co. well to call at lOotof Cro*s s* and Velvet* usd directions as to attachment. Any person can apply PetfIngib's, exan- return to Rome, in almost Cashmere, wor:h Laving, ne one before purchasing o her everything except tt in ten minutcB. hereby given that the subscriber has "W atclies. any kind, Nice Lhe —A ■Ihe er is now been European things loi Christmas or New Years present. acknowledgment of its Cincinnati corresponded avers that Great AT CHISAM’S,.36 Free Street. Stir rea.ly lo be applied to tbe NOTICRAsduly appoimed Execu-or ot the Will of temporal suprem- Beduction “Wbeeier and French ami Amtrlean Clocks, Gold Chate- dc¥Ot» icy, another could not have been, Wilson,” Elliptic," Florence,” T BOM AS late ot Test, separation while passing the Wesleyan Fema'o In ol clensing and “Howe,” "Grover & HOUSTON, Portland, lain and Chain?. Fashionable Gold not to College, price* repairing clothing, lower OIL ISAM Baker,” "singer,” t-Wiicox & in Opera Jewelry, augbt have been avoided. A serious ban ever. I shall cleanse the Connty of deceased, and has B« Silver and ► iated Gl where ladies Gibb.,” "Weed” and "Blees” machines, and can al Cumberland, ads, Ware, Opera i-ses. Spec- Lost! renewal of at this 1 young go to‘‘receive tbe last lor lies the Best Sleek ef Fine Goods for t«ken upon himself that law in and such maniieslations day, Coats $1.00 so be to any rtber machine mann- trunt as tbe directs. tacle Gold Sieel Frames, warranted to suit applied sewing Ail arsons Cotton and Lincoln St. on r>eed the touch ot grace and a f Pants tor 75 and East ef Beaten tretured whenever the sale and having demands upon the eitate ot said imperfect, vision. Friday not say, would rend Angelican gracefulness,’’ eble la Met*. Gentlemen, use ot snuti other BetweenDec 16, one handhox one ly •• are containing Velvet Vest for 37 machines wl'l our tbe deceased, required U exbibit the same; and BF“Purchasers are .invited to call and examine Church and its American daughter on her husband's arm was 36 Juetity getting up necessary ail Bonnet marked D Pride. We.-tbrook; whoever will asunder; hanging C Ladles' garments cleansed cheap, and with my usual tyCall and see them. No. Free Street. to lit them. persons indebted to said estate, are called upon om stock,del0-4w ’terlly patterns cave toe earn, at this office will be suitably reward- would, under similar ciicurnstauces, deserved- Second-hand lor sale at lair to make payment to saluted irom til* of misses in promptness. clothing *• N, W. Pretensions of group tbe yard #4 Federal Street, If JOBN J. BuODY. y share its ta e. human in- prices. you want * Garment made as it should be W. REEYES, Executor. dc20-3tt with what are Tkorongkly Responsible Ageuls wanted Nov. 1870.acl6-23-X) For Bavaona. need not he proclaimed an Ecu- ,!Say! you boldin' on to him loansWILLIAM brown, GO TO CHISAMS 36 Free treet. Portlanu, I3tb, lallibility by The A 1 Bark E. in order to be for? He ain’t to Not fop Mary Libby. Capt. menical Council offensive and goln’ run off.” Then, la tba 3dtt Every Stale in the Union. T. L. will sail Libby, about the flrat ot S. F. abhorrent. It does not a conclave of words of BINDIN G! HARTFORD tor above require Artemus Ward, all rrmaiked January port; lor freight or bOBB, to render they APPLY TO OR ADDRESS passage to Cardinals assumptions and proscrip- Wood, Wood / apply Haa the Tor tbe ‘tee-bee.” He thinks must have nearly In all descriptions and ol every [style done In the Life & Ins. ISAAC EMERY, Agency ions and excommunications odious. Con- they beet Annuity CompV, finished their manner at and NEEDHAM’S PATENT dclCtlw No. 11-2 Union Wharf. vocations and Conventions, and even education. SOFT woon, ior ,, Nn |n Sy- * OF HARTFORD CONN. HARDcoin street. or lods and Councils and will Also, j edgmgV. Best in the Market. Conferences, New Fork Organs as —This, from the Democrat, Is a Muse. Sewmg-Mathine Starter Company, FRANK M. Persons out ot Employment inswet just well. Wien so much of the _!_wy. ORUWAY, Qcn. Agt., Persons about to call and QUINCY’S BINDERY, pnrchsse wlil do well to j lisciplim* of the En.alish Church was devoted fearful outrage: Look! No. SO) with to make money can clear from to ■xamine at No, 2 block. dctrtlw Look J Brondwny, 1 $3 Peering o matters cf form and farmer Exchange St., Portland, Me. WHOH a aay, telling ceremony; when spir An Elmira wrote to Mr. for Boom 11, Printer's Exchange, to yonr Candies ior Greeley place hoy Christmas8 “is tualism was in ot Iris advice to the treatment of at 12 (5d,orsab^e 17th St.,) c ehwlm’a New danger forgetting its first proper winter THE Litchfield’s, Exchange st. •T Wauled lire Slate. Variety Prise Package! NOTICE. and of He said ii Nice Mixed ■ andies.. .25 tfar.agb.at ; yllable, degenaratm; into ao wheat. ought to be got into the No. Ill cts rer IV Sew York «ep24 U Send lor circular, nr applv to empty Exchange Street, Nice Mixed dcCOdlw City. Into the State Reform I when ministers :ellar as eaily as and Cindies.36 eta per lb' 0. U. CHISHOLM, the Helds cf School, itualism; godly were silent Christmas, then while The beat Mixed Candies.in cts CAMEO’t. 3t, one red Cow; small s /e, about 13 < d f"r tire h- tree was muieied the |W*Now is tbe time to have yonr volumes of pe per lb’ Qrand Trunk Daunt, Portland, Me light ‘‘scrupliDg or ihr at roots during the Nice Gum cts feat sold. Ti e owuei i» io prove proper- vestra-nts,” riodteals bound In good stvle. Diops,.10 per lb' Pedlera and tames rtquot.d iresebing an cuu'd oo in the Choco'a’e Cream traveling through the lake hei away. evening lecture, and men ai d winter, grading go right ccl- Looks made to order at low rates. Drops,.10 cts rer lb! Cold! I t country, will find It to iheii H, pay chargesund 0P*Blank Also all advantage to tend lor w. romen and children wore 1 ar just the same. He said care must be kinds of Sugar Toys at low pric* a. circular to tne -boveaddrees. uosotr iiurcuiNSON, suid. tunUbed for not ex- WM. A. jCold octITtt < OCltf QPIMCK. dc22tr J. s. LITCHFIELD. owing in the Creed, or at iC'sed to the i'aa from in the Old Santa Glaus the d.K>r shot by using fbe Reversible Door kne'Img the altar, keep eiki,ig,or KEEPSpring, sbuis *ny tiz-d door and don't slam. Botirdtng. < r lor having family prayers under tbetr owu * priug tbe milk would be sour. Has — Dissolution ol arrived with a sto^k ot goods and has left Fot salr by bam ware dealers and 1 a ion ca I n Family Butter 1 Copartnership. large New Boarding House! a FEW e»ullen>en can retain good bond by an* ool—s-pat Schism.ifyou wril.was Poet December u large lot at Stacie No. El at corner oc Cun;ii s and Franklin t be true resort and the —Robert iulmrus laud, 18tb, 1670. note, 3 It tuple Street, subscriber would piyng Sts.; only remedy. For the Lincoln,who much of the rsepec'iuliy Inform the rib . b in1 tiers cun ne wen,niccdated. , firm or J. O. True & Is tbla day dis- and put .>n | r mer »aa PUh tc that she hat lenten ake ol the cliurcli irsel' b o a ih..u-an.i-fold I of h a has Co., No. 8 y warraot.d. THE the bilck tenem nr Portland, Lieo-mber 16, lc7l). dr!7}lw bility father, become a dLulple of | On PACKAGES Choice Dairy Butter, from THEsolved by tba withdrawal of William O. Fox. Deer-ingf Al.o Wcaib.r Sn No. 23 Pearl treei. wheie she lore for the Block, ip.. del 11m intend* onetnng a sake of Christianity, which is j JLOO Canala tor sale by Woodbrt ge C. Osborne and T. Carter will flrat-claas iwcdenborg. He is a partner of John Y. West, Hetty Boarding house, at reaaonshie prices, on hove all chuiehe it was needlul tint a continue tLe manufacture ef New MARKET SQUARE. In want °l 8. great ( England Bum Plain or Fancy Job uiiinrjg Monday, Dtcem be r 12,1t70. Johnson, s of the ablest and CPHAII * ADAM, under the and firm same of will find It lo sample of such should he eshib- icammon.one lawyers bank- stylo Call and see, and ble THOSE tbolr adrantspe to call omen. Roams furnished or uniunilshed. 1 DOOK*KEEPEP, ami el aceonnts. separation oblige agent, jj, a office 01 H. 1 ed at ali hazards and at any sacrifice. r rs of Illinois, aud oue of the most Dm 19-dJw K». Commercial delCttw SAMUEL Printing Office,Ex- REEVES. J Joseph Webster, Ins Agt., 18 illd- The prominent F.COBB, hnnge Street, Portland, Portland, December 1170. dclS-2w < !«It. S lorlous to whose 5th, aniOdti Luther, memory that majea- < f the SweJeuborgiaus ol this country. -a————w—w— -* aids eo that tbe of Victor Emanuel as usurpation and sacrilege considerably, taking year Fa- SPECIAL SPECIAL NOTICES. NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. was adopted unanimously, and signed by __ MARINE through we will call it a fair business. DAILY PRESS. paying ther Clement, as pastor, and in behtlfof the | In f Isis town there are tbnc water powers. At a committee chosen for the pur- meeting by PORT OF PORTLA NI>- Portland & hundred Wuldoboro’ Steamboat PORTLAND. Oxlor" Villago it is improved by.the Robinson psse. There were about twelve per- the Whig. Manufactutiug.Co.; three woolen mills which sons present, says Friday* December t!3. Company. COUNTY. AT ol tb. PISCATAQUIS ANDERSON’S ARRIVED. \he stockholder, contain twelve sets of manufact- A. Fort l«n>l ’,Vk01 machinery, & VValdoboio Steimbiat DAD Sstnrdav M or nicer December 24 1870. our Correspondent.! Steamer Carlotta, Colby. Halifax, NS,—with 28 Coro f, 8800 of cloth [From lor the chji ept Uireciors, and for iLs transaction uring yards three-quarters per passengers, and mdse to John Porteous. of Samuel White, Esq., was raised in Sebago; such other business as may legally cams before annual HOLIDAY Steamer New Brunswick. Pike, St John NB# via ih^m wi 1 employing PRESENTS be held at ttie offl e or month; product $250,0C0; in Bass & came to Greenville Piscataquis County, at tor Boston. Sturdivant. A r.larialmaa W'i.hout Dickens. near NEW Eastport 179 Commercial on some persons, who are mostly settled went on to a Street, Fornand. Toes lav, the fifty the age 0121, (20 years ago), STORE, Sch Hope, (Br) Hill, Walton, NS—plaster to order. of third 1S7I ac three o’clock from the sacred associations the mill in neat bouses owned by the wild made a farm has day January, P.lf. Apart o^Ahe generally piece of land, which he (UNDER DEERING HALL,) Sch Day Star. (Hr) Davidson, Hal.’a Harbor, NS dec 23 did WILLUM a small of BOSS, Clerk. Christmas-festival no others will occupants and nearly all have piece recently sold for $3000, and has now, gone to potatoes lor a market. year a tjkis lard which is cultivated. There is also saw Nebraska to start anew as a farmer. He was YOU WILL FIND Sch P S Lindsey. Hamilton, Boston 9 hours. have like the the Scb Sarah anything prevalence and the mill, which cuts the lumber used by one of the very best citizens of and Hill, Moon, Boston tor Orland. SPECIAL NOTICE. Piscataquis Sch Clark. of of those conn* cted and lor the town people. the ot his friends wi 1 ascend Arbnreer, Ellsworth, with 1033 Jib- power wilhjflje great au- Coompouy prayers many Doom.—pox ebooks to Jos Hobson. Below on the same river is a machine the for fo the future ol himself and ex- NOW OPEN creditors of the late whose happiness his Sch a Elijah P. Lewis are r#- thor, sudden death 9th of June and fork Nonpareil, Simmona, Sedgwick,— wood' for sted t ojfthe manufacture ot hoe, shovel bandies, cellent wife. marker TUGqut leave their bills at No. 45 Green St., the in this and p’unged world in xt is not mere- which uses up all of tbe white ash Sch Nellie Cbase, Upton, Rockland. tor *e«rl. rneut. ELIZA. F. I.BW18. Eom^, fac- Six inches of snow fell on the 20th inst. We dc24*lw because his neighboring towns. The sash and blind Scb SyDel. Tracy, Gouldsboro. ly rank as/a vrriter of fiction will have bad eleven snowstorms ibis season. tory manufactures mostly for home produc Scb Oregon, Duntou, Boothbay. of Shakespeare as a dra- tioii; the stave shingle at.d grist mills use up An Indian troupe is exhibiting the tradition- Sch Adelaide, Smith, Macbias lor Boston. To Let. e al sites and customs of the Sch Freedom, Cummings, Jone?port tor Boslon. one the remaining force. Penob-cots in the KICK Little Convenient Honee, verv Uj_ use the world has lost Scb Huntress, Lane. Vlnalbaven inr Boston. centrally At on the Little Androscoggin, towns in this valley. draw full houses. A locat d; suitable lot o.rd.ra or lodgers Fur- Welchville, They Scb Kellar. Thomaston tor anu best men that was ever oi Kosciusko, Boston. niture tor sale or a great Small i#- of the greaves is a ten foot fall with a supply water suffi- of the here to bargain. capital Many people begin 'think that Sch Lad? Ellen, Adam*. Wiscasset tor Boston. l. XaYLOK & that of cient to power to operate six or eight been qulie 00., 2U State St. Boston, sent to cheer and bless it, the thought supply theyb'Ve mostes-entially fooled, by be- U S cutter Vigilant, freeman, irom a cruise. ■'las.. mills all the round. One mill year produces ing influenced, by men, to CLEARED. __dec2t-3t Dickens will check the merrymaking at many sell designing oppose repellanti only,which aunually'for $100,000 railruad consolidation. Brig Orinoce, (Br) Koberis, St John, NB—Cbas H To Let. a testa! board. It is because the genial story- The market is through selling agents at Port- Dbase A Co. SOMERSET COUNTY. HASSAN’S! liuuse, piea.antlv and Boston. winter COGIA located, gae, teller's words were more in with land During the fall and harmony AFCBNI9IIEDP e».ty of water, bou*a heated by a furnace. months most ot the farmers after closing up Nortidgewock, in town meeting, Saturday, lyThe Custom House will’not be open tor busi- For of the and more efficient in ieruii apply at No. 25 Ce lar st. dc24lf the spirit lestival, their farm labors find employment by cutting voted to release the conditions ot iis subscrip- ness transactions on Monday, Dec. ictith. (Christmas awakening emotions and inspiring actions and hauling to the various factories, wood to tion to the Somerset railroad so that the di- Holiday.) oak for il see the road Wanted consonant with its and burn, ash lumber for handles, staves rectors, they fit,may mcrigage The scbr P S Lin recently rebnilt and profound humanity to secure its 12. packet isey, and spokes and pine for sash and blinds. completion, by a vote of 107 to commanded by Capt Hamilton, has just made the beneficence than those of any other ot the _Steve. The Reporter sa^s in Sknwbegan on Wed- trip from Boston to this port in nine Lours. This is* sons of nreD, be they laymen or priests, that nesday, potatoes brought 75 ceutsjor about the tbe quickest ran ot any coasting vessel 01 which we FBOiH Till: BEAT OF WAB. have iecord. of wheat in the wheat country. The have lived for these many hundred years. If price The new scbr Storm of Ellsworth, of wheat will not reach 15 bush- Petrel, Capt average yield Davis, made tbe round to Jack- man claim the of a Junction of Bourbuhi and Cbauzy’a OF trip irom Newport any may homage thought els per acre while 100 bushels of would COUJRSE sonville tod Forcez. potatoes back in 21 days. Five days cut and on a day sacred to Him who laid the deep be considered a light crop. sight returning. New. In the the foundations of all our kindness and THE PRUSSIAN LINES CUT AND A FRENCH ARMY Hartlaud, says Reporter, during CORSETS! built in Something brotherly IHatwf Veeswls the District cf Kenue week there has been an unusual number human has done so OF 150 000 IN-THEIR REAR—TOURS BOMBARD- past bunk during tbe year 187*— «?hips Empire. 1131 tons: sympathy, it is he who oi deaths. them Marsh CAPTURED Among Thomas Esq., Columbus, 1853; Carrie Reed, 1100. Scbs Lettie S at- ED, AND EVACUATED. Of Every Description. What Child Should much to enforce and render beautiful and the oliest man in town. Hawes, 32 tons; Oliver EldriJge. G5: Occau Eagle, Every Hire, London, Dec, from Bor- tractive of the Teacher. 22.—Dispatches The Messrs. Charles Shaw & It Wells, 58. the precepts great deaux state that Gen. Bourbaki, with 150,000 Reporter says Glove Sou, run one of the most extensive tanneries Fitting Corsets, It is no wonder that to-day the chief regret men, successfully formed a junction with Gen. EVERYBODY WILL CORE MEMORANDA, in this part ot|the State at partland. It turns Cbauzy on Tuesday in the rear of the The Br schr Emma Gililat, went ashore at LUtle in many hearts is that “this year we can have night, out 125 sides of sole leather a day. German army, who had evacuated Tours. The French and German Corsets, River, Cutter, 22d lust, where she remains and it was from Dickens.” For so of who is over would to She bad a no Christmas story French captured 2,000 prisoners and a vast George Tebbits Fairfield, 83 thought go pieces. cargo of fish and The fish was saved. ** far as a man be without amount of ammunition. Prince Frederick years old,works every day, in the field in sum- grindstones. may slid, impiety, and Sch Nellie ashore near Race has Charles’s lines were severed. mer, and in the wood, in winter, and has never Hoop-Skirts Paniers, Staples, Pciot, to write a on the New Testa- been condemned and was to be sold at auction on tbe supplement Dec. was a been sick to have a doctor. Bordeaux, 21—Evening.—There enough 22d lost .with tbe cargo. did so. severe TBEPOUSSE KID GLOVES, New Colon, ment, Charles Dickens The burden engagement near Tours yesterday. The WASHINGTON COUNTY. And Them ! Brig Wm R Sawyer. Pinkham, from Millbridge lor 6.000 Buy of the New Testament exhortations to virtue French, strong, fought against 10,000 The engine house of tho St. Croix & Penob- ALSO Boston, put into Boothbay 13th lost, with loss ot part Prussian with 21 cannon for seven hours. The ot deck load, and boat, and sails split. —the characteristic feature of Tes- scot Railroad Company, a mile above Calais, the New French retreated. The Prussians fol- Best Dollar Kids In the finally containing three locomotives, was burned on City! DOMESTIC PORTS. tament that all lowed and commenced to bombard when teaching—the only dogma Tours, Friday afternoon. Two of the engines were GALVESTON—C'd sch Snow, New tbe went to the 14tb, Samos sects find the Saviour’s words—the Mayor headquarters of the somewhat injured. The fire took in the oil York. among Prussian General and surrendered the Hosiery and Undervests, town, room, but the cause is UDkuown. The flames NKW ORLEANS-Ar 17th, ship Mellower, Call, essential thing in the Christian theology, in- as there were no to delend but this Cardiff. troops it; were prevented from spreading by the use of evening tbe Government here announced that Cld 17th, ship Gardiner C Iby, Dunbar. Bremen: deed, if we may estimate its importance by the io machine shop. The prop- Ladies’ Wool and Merino the Prussians evacuated Tours retreat- apparatus thy Bose, barque R A Allen Tarr, Boston: brig Thereto But- its constant reiteration and the to-day, erty was insured for $3 700. one engine emphasis with toward Chateau Renault. Gen. Only WE SIMPLY ADVISE YOU TO BUY ler. Butler, Vera Cruz. ing Bremer, was insured; for $3,000. MOBILE—CM SoutLeru which it is is this rule of near Nuitg, checked the Prussians. He advises Children’s & 17tb, *b:p Chid. Higgin*, promulgated, simple YORK COUNTY. Hosiery Gloves, Liverpool. the Government that he can the morals—“Give to the poor—help the suffer- keep enemy SAVANNAH—Ar 21st, ship Calliope, D.xter, frem from advancing. The baru of Simou M. Blake, in Biddeford, Doe-skin and Kid Gauntlets London. In modified and ing.” variously phraseology Among the prisoners recently captured are with twenty tons of hay, four carriages, a horse CHARLESTON—Ar 19th, scb Cynosure, Pinkham, JE -Al. B» X a Y ! Childrens’ in situations a thousand times this many who state that they have not been a and a heifer, and a largo quantity of farm pro- Underflannels, Havana. changed, Sid brig Ellen Maria. St fortnight in France. duce, was consumed by fire .Wednesday even- 19th, Hoxie, Maiys; 21st, THE UNRIVALED direction into which the of barque Otis, specific generality Bordeaux, Dec. 21.—A sortie was ing. Loss about insured for $000. The Rome, Liverpool. general $2000; NORFOLK—Ar tvth, ech Col Jones, from the rule is translated made from Paris is to have been set on fire. At Lowest Prices! Strong, Erasible and golden alwajs reappears. yesterday. Gen. Vinoy took barn supposed Very James River for Boston. Drawing Writing Tablets* La Maison six miles Marshall Edwin B. Smith, tor are It is the constant element. The poor I the Blanche, beyond Gagny, Pierce, Joseph BALTIMORE—Ar 21st, brig H G Berry. Colson, children becoming famous throughout the east from Paris, and Gen. Dncrot lough t a bat- Hardy aDd others, will preseut a petition to the New York; sch Franklin Bell, Brewster, Milk Riv- conntiy. They are the finest thing tor instruction the will let no one Anderson's New poor! poor!—the Gospel tle near Bromay. next session of the Legislature that they may Store, er, Ja. in drawing and are suitable to children ot all ages. COGIA The draw lit ot forget them, for it speaks of them and for Bordeaux, Deo. 21—Midnight.—A balloon form a company UDder the name of the “Saco HASSAN, Cld 21st, scbs J S Clark, Clark, Savannah; Neva- Birds, Animais, T»ee», Ac. is one of the most has landed at Beaufort, in the Department of Water Supply Company,” for the purpose of 3 Block, da. Davis. Boston. fascinating amusements which them alwajs. And our dead novelist, on Deering PHILADELPHIA—Ar sch West- Children ran have provided for them. These Tab- Marne et Loire, bringing dispatches for Gam- furnishing pure water for the city of Saco. 21st, Hamburg, UNDER DEBRIlfO HAUL.. cot t. Petersburg. lets have .thorough iu -dels tor the child to copy and whom all bigots, Pharisees and idiots frown, bet a. The aeronaut, who lelt Paris at 2 o’clock R. Cleaves, of Keunebunk. has taken Capt. ov29dlmsn NEW YORK—Ar 22d, brig Geo E Pretott Buck- it it lai's to make a good ox or hsrse, it ran Imme- this that Paris was in excel- the contract of removing the of the be off with a damn echoes the sacred refrain, and with him, too afternoon, reports cargo Eng- Middle master, Philadelphia tor Boston. diately wiped clo'b and the Tab- lent and 6 tor ou 129 let is condition. lish steamer Clotilde ashore Wells Beach, Sts. Cld 2fet. scb Old Chad. McClintock. Baltimore. readv another trial. There is nothing so it is always the poor! the the Temple beautiful and »or children poor! poor! Military operations were resumed yesterday, at a salvage of 25per cent, of the value of all J. A. JR ERR ILL & Cld 22d, ibij'S Danl Msrcy, Bo-s, San Francisco; cheap amusing them and Co., at the *ame time a Tire workhouse, the debtor’s prison and the and a battle was fought favorable to French saved and 33 1-3 per cent, ot the vessel, itshe Fll» Norton, Berry, Malaga; brigs Walter Howes. «*ult>v«ting last-) tor drawing. TH K VV KI Pi NG TABLETS also are a arms. Our was Pierce. Havana; Camilla, Stront. schs capital In- are the dark artillery especially successful. is got off all right. The vessel and cargo to be Caibanen; jail—these places that his gen- 139 Middle Staples. £ K vent ion. Tne copy is immediate y shove the line en A Berlin despatch says the Germans under delivered at Portland. The cargo is carried Street, Georgia McGregor, Charleston, SC; ius has illuminated. A Dresser, Heed, Baltimore. which the child is to wri»e. is in the b-tet style ot hundred times has General Gottz have the French in over the hillock of sandthence surprised ashore, conveyed Ar 22d, barque Alfred. Bart, 61 sch penman-hip and the child can write with pencil, the of Haute Leghorn days; he caused all men to sympathize with pover- Department Marne, and driven t» Wells river, where schooners load it for Christmas ! Frauk Howard, Dennett. Para. wipe oft and re-wri>e again and again until Its work ‘hem from their with a Portland. Cleaves saved of the Presents E is tatistai iorv, 'bus er, lok blots and woe position heavy loss. Capt. 45 tons Ar 23d barque Sarrl Spriup, Small. Montevideo. f-avirg paf ty and by compelling them to feel an in- is Mauy prisoners and a large quantity of arms cargo daring the first day’s ooeratioos. SUCH AS PROVIDENCE—Sid 22d, seb Charlie Cobb, Ken much trouble. It the be»t me>hod tor teaching teiest in me victims oi sucna variety ot mis- and baggage were taken. nedy, ter Baltimore. penmanship to chl'aren yet discovered. As a A states that, on Diamonds, NEWPORT—In port 21st, brigs Penvert. and as desnatcb from Versailles Allen, fortunes sufferings Betty Irom Pensacola: D B Fall River tor Higlen, Tuesday the fire from tbe fortifications of Paris SPECIAL NOTICES, Donne, Veazle, Oliver Lizzie Watches, New York; Beperter Coombs, Calais lor do ; Sob- Twist, Sloppy, Hexen and poor was both active and effective. the can- Christmas During Chains, Gentile. Eldridye, Rockland lor do Jas Tilden, Jor- Gilt. Jo, all in abject poverty: Smike, tlie Mar- nonade a sortie was made by the Frenoh dan. Ellsworth tor do; W D B, Norton, Providence against the Prussian and the 12th Ear lor do L A Orrutt. fin do tor Orland Irene E 'bese Tablets will please children moreThan • aud Tom all of wham suf- guard corps Christmas arrt New Years Pins, Bines, Hart, any- chioness, Pinch, of Saxons. Tbe fight lasted several hours.. M.servey, Wall, Fall Biver lor Baltimore; Hattie thin? that can be found. Dockets, Julia Now lor sale at all tr»e and Fan- fered Irom the tyranny which their helpless- The German loss was small. ▲s the Holidays are approaching Coombs, Jameson do lor do; Newell, Mein Book, Stationery tire. Camden tor New Kate Warren. cy Hoods stores in -nd boor, sellers and A London despatch the French claim FOR York; Walker, Portland, ness invited; Toots, Mr. Dick, Mrs.Gum- says PLATED WARE, lor do: Martha Weeks Sullivan lor stationers in all the ciiies. to have severed Frederick Bangor Flower*, prin ipal Charles's communi- P. HI. PROS T , do; David Faust, Loid. Ellsworth lor midge, Miss Flite and Barnaby Budge, all in cations and do; tieorgi- MANUFACTURED BY THE to have captured 2,000 prisoners as Real Jet etta. Lord, do lor do; Redondo, Moore, do lor do one way or another suffering from impaired the Germans were leaving Tours. They also 133 Middle St., CHRISTMAS & NEW-* EARS! Whitby Goods! Albert-tameson. Candage Rockland tor do; Caro- American Table* €•., 29 Brattle Strset* report that tbe army of the Loiro has made a jy Waltham Watches as low a, the lowest. line, Wallace, Millbridge tor do; Eagle,Seavey, Ban- Baitss. mental vigor; Little Em’ly, Martha, Lady has a dec53-lstt* successful union and is now 300,000 strong and gor for Baltimore. J. A. MERRILL. A, KEI TH HOLME'S Dedlock and Nancy, all guilty of woman’s ready lor the offensive. MEN’S CABPET WOMEN’S FB. PLUSH HOLE—Ar 22d, sebs Sosanna. Gregory, Fresh Stock of Zid Gloves SLIPPERS, SUPPERS, do20snlw Baltimore for Lnmson, Philadel and Rockland; aabao, greatest crime, suffering woman’s great' To offer at low Also WOMEN’S CARPET SLIPPERS, MEN’S FR. PLUSH SLIPPERS, tor Boston. OHRIN TMA8 The trustees of Phillips Academy at Exeter prices. phi* est and MEN’S ROYAL CORD WOMEN’S FR CBOQ JET SLIPPERS Sid flat, aehs O 8 Dyer, T Benedict, Iona. Percy, sorrow; Magwitch Jingle, criminals; make an in Dress Goods ! SLIPPERS, I. K. appeal through the columns oi news- Bargains KIMBALL, and J W Woodruff. -AND — Miss Mowcher and WOMEN’S ROYAL CORD SLIPPERS, MEN’S QUILT NULLIFIER SLIPPERS, Jenny Wren, cripples; for aid to enable Woolen KDGABTOWN—Ar 19th, schs Commerce Tnriey papers them to erect a new Paisley Sliawls, Shawls, MEN’S OPEIA WOMEN’S FANCY MANUFACTURER OF L'ttle Tim and Little SUPPERS, CROQUET SLIPPERS,’ Hobo--n for Boston: M E Tor ey.Torrey, Bi timore Nell, Tiny Dombey, academy building, to replace the one burned Beaver < Woolen lor Sedgwick: Jas Jewett, coombs, do tot Belfast JTEW Hoths, Goods, Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac.. Ac. YEAR’S children whose moral For men’s ‘’nd wear. Damn. Johnson, Ellaabettap-rt tor Pori land. exquisite sensitiveness, last Sunday; one that will suffice for the pres- boys Sbirtina; Flannels. B an- and ketsatold Piints. Blearhe»i and Brown Cot- Carriages Sleighs, BOSTON—Ar 22d, sens Severny Six, Teel, Phila- as well as unfitted them for the un- sent need of the prices, Also a good assortment of Sllppets for Boys and Misses. physical, institution and for its pros- all at reduction from delphia: Senator Grimes, Clark, Elixabethport; New ton, great former prices. These were bought more lor Christmas and New Yen’s trade, and will be sold Joe goods espscialiy 13 Preble St, Me. Zealand, Co, k Port Johnson. GIFTS S pityins world; Gargery, Captain pective enlargement. They an edifice dec24snlw as low or lower than can b-» elsewhere. Portland, Cuttle, say purchased Cld 2rd sch Whitney Loot, Haves. Savannah. the Cherub” and more of from two CALL Ar H twenty honest, poor capable accommodating hundred ar AND EXAMINE. lyspecial attention given to repairing in all Its ‘/sd, brig Houston, French, Ualveston. schs FOR SALE BY branches. dcdlentl M D Haskett, Has.eM, Lookout. Mc- and men and women with kind and to two hundred and fifty scholars and from Wilmington; simple Failand. Newcastle, Del; MR Lewis, Lewis, Phila- four to six teachers would cost from to E. T. MERRILL, No. 143 Middle Street. 13. generous hearts; Wemmicks, “Aged P.” and forty Goods! delphia: Clara Rankin, Falker, do; Alice U, Al.ey, WENTWORTH, thousand and EHsabethpor old Mr. men in fifty dollars, this in a style of Holiday Dorritt, the impotence of sec- N EWBUBYPOBT—Sid 22d, sch Wm Jones, Spear severe simplicity, with no exnense lor archi- New York. 337 Congress street, ond childhood. Here is a wonderful range tectural ornament. It is obvious that to erect Use/ul and Ornamental, at DURAN & JOHNSON EASTPOBT—Ar ittb, sch Romp, Millor, Portland Comer ol Cak. of sympathy, wide enough for an archangel. C0_AL. and aid 18ih tor Shepardy. NB. such a buildiug from tbe lauds of the acade- Ar Rook,, Portmonueles Pocket The of 18th, sch Gazelle, Uardiner, Portland. Writlna-Reeks, greatness Dickens’ philanthropy is For Sale / 4000 Tons Knlve-, Juvenile Boom, Bibles. Kan ate. my is to cripple it,regarding its charitable agen- y Goode, all the more Are at their store 171 Middle PORTS. DeeSodSw. conspicuous from the sharp con- and even its self 297 opening to-day, PORBIBN oy, sustaining ability, for very Congress Street, Of the choicest Coals for family use, Selected par- At Foo-chow Oct 25, Sami tor trast afforded that other ship Bussell, Lucas, by popular English many years. ticularly for winter Die. This Coal is from the most New l ogs. ldg. as an assortment Ladies and At Oct J novelist, through whose dainty volumes none Tbe Street, fine of celebrated mines in Pennsylvania. Oar stock com- Whampoa 29, barque Wooster, Knowles, Great Reduction original endowment of tbe academy'was s. lor New about c. smith & co. York, ldg. humbler than a baronet may whose $60,000. Its funds have beeo prises all grain frem ihs tree horning Franklin, to At 1st nit. Fred Bradford In the prices oi walk; judiciously dc22*lw su Hong Kong ship* Tndor, invested and cared for, yet at little cost. Gents. Satchels as ever came into Portland. the hardest For sale at to suit the and Star, Fieeman. lor San duchess must be piesented in his first two very Lehigh. prices Guiding Emneiaco, ldg; They now amount to about $120,000-a sum times. Golden Hind. Hatch; Orpnens, Smith, anil st Paul, whose nnc: lines; dreary pages are laden with the considerably inferior in its puicbasing power or ST To purchasers or large lots low prices will be Mariln. barques Marathon. Donnell; S D Carl Hair Switches T to tbe HENRY P. makes a more ton. Freeman, and Sally and labored original endowment. With its limited Nothing neater, cheaper, made. Victor, Was.-, unc; brig sleepy platitudes compliments of WOOD, Brown Matthews, do. * means, by the most rigid economy in all ap* ‘polite society”—that vulgar dime novelist BAND ALL, K3ALLI8TEB k 8ldOct 25, barque Penang, White, Swatow and Curls, Ace., propriations, except for educational uses, tbe substantial Christmas and New-Tears9Present CO-, Singapore. whose once academy bas been enabled to do more for BROKER, FOR THE crafty genius made him the fore- tbe Wholesale and retail dealere in Anthracite and Bi- Calcutta—Passed down river Nov M, barquesChal- aid of indigent and meritorious DEALER IN STOCKS, BONDS, NOTES, AMERI- most man of a students than tuminous mette. Watte, and Olive, Clark, tor Boston. great empire—that heartless has CAN one these Satchels. coals, been done by any other school or college ANDFOREION COIN, than of At Batavia Oct 27, ship Franklin, Drew, tor Singa- HOLIDAY TRADE. novelist who wearies you with his in the country. It has remitted its low 69 Commercial pore. insipid always AGENT Street, Ar tuition-fee whenever it has seemed FOR at Liverpool 20th, barque Harriet F Hussey, Ladies and Gentlemen looking tor Hair should not moon-calf dukes, his dissipated his desirable, Call and examine them as octlPsntf Opposite the New Custom House. Ulmer, New Orleans. viscounts, tbe students early many of tail ro give me a call and tee tor themselves that I Mi non-paying being sometimes near- fin his his 8ld Buenos Ayrea 14th nit, ship Charter Oak, tell than in foppish barons, castles, diamonds and ly hall, never less than one-fourtb of the whole Messrs. Clews & ng ohenper any other dealer the city. Henry Co., N. Y. Taker. Liverpool. Go«d Swit< be* lor. 4 00 his His father should have outlived number. It bas erected from tbe of them are At Barbmdoea 6th H B tor pearls. savings For the Sale of already engaged. Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ hist, brig Emery, Small, Niee Switches lor.5 00 tbe income Abbot a exchange on Bonaire, to load Ibr Boston. him in order that it might be set down in his Hall, building in which Extra nice Swi chef,. 7 00 fifty students are lodged gratuitously, and At do 9tb last, brig Geo 8 Berry, Bradley, Irom ENGLAND, Charleston, ar 8th. sch Curiosities of Literature” that there lived in boarded less than cost, a small dug: Cvguus, Small, trem weekly subsidy Georgetown. SC, ar nth, do. the last half of the being paid for each student to the SCOTLAND and SMITH, nineteenth century a Jew purveyor. CLOTHING Ar at Port au Prince 9th Inst, brig Antilles, Tbest- It bas always bad trom ten to (at this tram so bloodless as to be of such twenty IRELAND. rnp, Wilmington. NC. 136 Middle Street, opposite Oogia Euiu’i- capable writing time nineteen) who re- Drafts on bond and 4 NOYES’ Ar at 2Mb G special beneficiaries, lor immediate BAILEY Kingston, Jam, nit, sch H Eaton, Dec 17-dtf ready delivery, At Cost for cruel, barbarous, satanic—commonplace. ceive from the treasury a stated stipend at tbe in sums to suir. Thirty Days, Sharkiord, New York 2t in his WOOD, BOOKSELLERS AMD STATIOMERS, head to beat his wbo is SHAWLS. Toll* wile, the daughter of a oc29eoil2mo IS Elcnt-tul STREET. PORTLAND. “TYPES OF AMERICAN BEAUTY” Mew-Years. Republican Senator. Her screams brought BROKER, Augusta, Dec. SILKS. Hr 22,1870. tbe landlord, wbo restored peace and posted a JUNIUS HENBI BBOWNE, To the Editor the Frees: of guard of porters in the adjacent ball to pre- Corner Fore and Exchange Sts* SKIBTS. with a picture of a New York Don't Fail 4o Call and See Us. the we have have been vent a repetition of tbe Twice Cotton*. Beauty. During many years outrage. during Woolen*, Flannels, Linens, Scarfs, NDblas, rt«rect Dec. 11. L. B. Sawyer, of Steuben, By Beautifully however, will be very close, an official vote for departmentoi Current >en lull 1vol. Small 4to, Cloth more holds us respons ble lor its correctness All Holiday and Sarah A. Brown, of Gouldaboro. Literature,Driftwood, paso drawings. alone will decide who use it are unanimous in awarding it $3.50. than for the news items it culls from it. and the Nebuise. All any paper the praise of being tbe bear Hair Dressing extant. I invite all to call and for 35 cents per number other papers. Our Treatise on the Hair sent free mail. Gifts. examine the by Subscription prce $4 per jear. Liberal But we are not disposed to shirk any respon- _PUP, The Complete Poetical Work* Our which 3iew». MANUFACTURED ONLY BY Clubbing Terms with otber sibility. item, your cotemporary goods. T. In Dec. periodicals. ot Janies Rnsscli Lowell. With slx'een illustrations the iu its to LOBENSTEIN, Westbrook, 21, Snmner Wilmot, Infant hook. 1 Advertiser, proneness find a “skel- son ot David L. and A choice gut vol. 4to. $1.50. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. ft P• HALL & CO. N. H. Mary E. Blanchard, ot Cumber- eton in every closet,’’ A new contri- Nashua, Proprietors. SEND FOR PROSPECTUS. entitles, notice the For sale by ail dcl9 land, aged 3 montba IS davs. bution to the Senatorial We by Chicago druggists. T. At discussion,’’ and from papers that Sher- formerly GRUNTAL, Sea. Oct. IT, un board brig Charles The which item iff Beniamin Cleaves, a Adelaide, A. Now Is Complete Poetical Work* no such inlerence can be drawn; Bridgton bov has been Freeman, ol Freenort. aged 30 years 2 months. the time to subscribe tor the and winch item the Bath presented with a beautiful In Bath, Dec. 19. Neddie ot Times gratuitously, silver wa service FOB ! No. I G., oldest child ofGer- New Year. Klixahetb Barrett Browning. With illnitrattons. in a treak ot cos ibg $600, by his associates in Peering Portland, Maine. sham H. and Sarah E. iced s I vol. sonambulism, construes into a office The JiALE Block, Palmer, years 3 months 4to. Cloth $4.50. that Gov. presentation was made by the KU“b*‘h Address, Quasi charge Chamberlain has been sheriff elect Tbe desirable situated on the £> to in a property westerly guilty of a “small of the State’s and was responded happy manner hi & COMPANY, pilfering y coraei ot High and Pleasant streets, the late resi- s“nd SHELDON Miriam and other Poem*. money;” that item we or Mr. Cleaves. amire mock saiei 1#- say, “preposterous dence of N. jor PvlltKS HOUSE dc24d2t N«w York. story, as the OXFORD COUNTY. Blanchard, Esq., consisting of a three In Advertiser terms it, was based Webster. Dec. 8, Mrs. Ele 'nor. widow of th. By John Creenleil Whittier. 1 vol. 16mo. With on lutormauon story brick House, upon a abou late Jerem and lurnisbed us by a gentleman John E. Emery of Lovell writes us that on large lot, contjining Don’t forget that Sweetsir & Verrill ire selling OS EUROPEAN PLAN. Capt. ah Newell, aged TO years Pionti-i ie-'o Vignette. Cloth, $1.50, Antique not unknown to the 10000 heir entire stock of Goods at the Morocco public, whose veracity is the 20th instant he slaughtered two pigs, just square teet. One of the best locations in the Fancy very lowest John White, aged 92. New l $3. aud prices. have a ot Iinlidi7 Goods {2In Dec. II. Something unimpeachable, who, were he to us nine mouths that when city. For particulars ot They large variety 187 Woolwch, Irving G.t son ol Gardiner give old, weighed slaugh- inquire irhlch are Washington St., Boston. H.and Su«an J. Also New Books and the same information over they selliag below the market value. Brooking*, aged IS 6 all the popular again, we should tered aud dressed off 808 lbs. One 403 the oth- JOHN years months And C. PROCTER, Sy-Ciill and see. Good single rooms, 75 cents and 11.00 per DeC‘ U* Ur‘ give full credence. we should consider er 405. Let Cumberland day. aged County beat Oxford Heal Estate Bid ol fare the lowest of any hotel m the cl 74^yeaVs.r<*Uer’ «rvey7Scr.bner, that we were right in so Broker, 93 Exchange at. lb 9 Middle Street. y. doing, particularly it she can. coming to will find the Parks The New Tablet Choice Juveniles! a note of dc20snlw* fcp-Partles Baaion, Drawing when in answer to ours the House tbs most inquiring Round hogs are at from 8 to 10 cents centrally located, quiet, and orderly THE cost to the State ol the late visit of the selling house In ifao ■CPARTCR1 Of OF SEASON. Gov- at South 69 cents. $7.50. city. OCEAN STEAM MRS For ernor and for the Paris, potatoes $7.50. Batchelor’s Hair Children! Council, purposes alreadi[in- Dye. oc28sn6mtt*s BOYNTON Sc CO., Proprietors. FAME Mr. Robinton would call especial attention to bis The _ IIO« DnCTIKATIOn dicated, a State official under his logging teams in Oxford have This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the and sto k ot sign-manual, County world; 24 largo constantly incie.i-Ing splendid writes as follows: all gone into the woods to commence winter ACADIA Scandinavian.Portland....Liverpool.Dec colored COAL 1 La only true and pertect Dye; harmless, reliable,ln- Dress and Cloak Making City ot London.New York.. Liverpool.Dec 21 At Chas. Jr. «£• There was a warrant operations. Day, Co., drawn for just one no no ridiculous Europa ..New York. 24 tantaneous; disappointment; tints; IN all it* branches and the beat .Glasgow.Dec thousand dollars for exjeenses in visiting institu- PENOBSCOT COUNTY. manner. Ladles k*Fa\elte.New York. .Havre.Dec 24 English Toy Books X emedies the 111 efiects ot'bad dyes; Invigorates and wishing to make up their own tions out of the State." A of the CARGO Brig “Mary Given,” tor materials, can City of Cork...... New York..Liveipool.Dec 27 93 Exchange street. correspondent Bangor Whig writes rtoves, grates the hair haYetheirdrea.es and cioaks cat and These bonks nre printed in the The Advertiser aud the that Daniel »nd .team direct irom Kova 1 ;ras salt and eantitul black or brown.— basted tor Caledonia.New York. .Gtangow.Dec 2* Dec 23-ne»2t highest atyle •( Times, in their hot haste McDonald, a native of Nova Sco- purposes, Scotia, selling ball’ price, lor 30 at 322 color pr nung in Loiiitou ami excel hither- to while (old by all Druggists and Perfumers, and days Congress st, opposite Moro Castle.New York.. Havana..Dec 29 anything defend their idols, may be reminded tia, at work in the woods in the town of it above low figure delivered. properly casco st. to attcinpie.l. ,1c). properly ipplled at Batchelor’a Wig 16 Bond Norwich.. .New York. .Portau PrinceDec 30 of the Fiench proverb, “It is not the cowl I Prentiss,for Mr. was Factory, st,N.Y sn H. Provision store. Eilenwood, fatally injur- jnne3-1870ssitUyr&w -..4 dclOtf_MRS. KIRKPATRICK. Peruvian. Portland... .Liverpool.Dec 31 that makes the friar.” ed the of a Toby Candor. by falling tree which had been J. W. City ol Dublin.New York. .Antwein.Dec 31 SALE at a bargain, very desirably located, NEW him on PEEKING, lodged, striking the back of the head. Rnshton’s Cherry Pectoral Troches Jouven’s Kid Glove Cleaner restore* Ocean Queen.New York.. Aapinwatl... J»a 4 FORlarge rash trade. Owner has otber business He lived but a lew hours after the olorado.New York..i.iverpool ....Jan vblcb demands bis immediate attention. TAYLOR l accident. 170 Commercial St. till be lound eoiled to 4 itter from Oxford. superior to all otherB lor Coughs,Colds, gloves equal new. For sals by all noluuii>ia.New York fc State Bostou. dec^'4-<(3t C'liina Man’s Tea Slrre A meeting of the Catholics of I>ec Havana.Jan s Co., St, Bangor was JC-sntf tstbma, Croup and Bronchial ! ifflcnlties and Moravian.Portland...I.iverpool .....Ian Dec. held in St. John’s after the generally, druggists fancy goods dealers. Price 2fi 7 Oxford, 18,1870. Chereb, services on C tvoi Mexico.New York. .Hav& VCrui.Jan 7 for the leefdmgiy palatable, having none of that nsuseat- cents per Avoid Quacks. ulv teaThd As usual at this time of year the various Sunday forenoon last, purpose of pro- bottle._ mr28-dly Anglia.New York.. Liverpool.J.m 7 coffee, the T O LEI. ng, unpleasant, cuheb taste; very and act testing against occupatiou of Rome and soothing North American... .Portland.. .Liverpool.Jan 14 A VICTIM of early lnd*scretien, causing nervous From China and to manufacturing corporations are looking over Ike a chat m. Also ,h® ‘‘Vegeiahl, p,l- j m Japan Ban the States the King of An Rushton’s (F. V.) Cod Liver Oil, i R9R t\. debility, premature dr cay, Ac.. h*v ng tried in Francisco then e bv Papal by Italy. STORAGE and 1040 sanety Baiun.)) The old rail to tbia the looks and their and Wharfage on Custom House 1 pr 10/U rain every advert ised has a simi le means All gojds contemplating profits tddress to the Pope, sympathizing with him in Consumption, Scrofula, &c. The oldest, purest standard remedy lor Coughs. Cold*, Consumption. Mlalaaara remedy, City. warranted. Money | Apply toLxNCH. BARKER 5c Co. , Alaanat.December 94. if which he will send tree to b 3 leliow- r rondel it good* costs, and find that the last six months bis aud the ocl6tf nd best in the market. Use no other. "nothing hotter* Cutler Bros. & salt-cure, do not diova ^ they affliction, denouncing proceedings su 139 Commercial St, Sold by Co.. Sun 1 lufferers. J. H 78 ] Not 8 en tm rises.7.27 | Moon iota .C 85 PM Address, TUTTLE, Nassau-*t., represented. All FoO, China Tea iruggists generally. oc26an-d*w«m York. Merchant. Sun Seta.4.32 | High water.12.40 PM Sew Uc2i-Cm doi4u3m 333 i'eagreiA if. ■ ——f——w——— lull Klaai. THE nimlliaMU Notice*. j Holiday trade. Please call rand examine our firagley, resulted on Fridav In cob vie title MISCELLANEOUS. hitkbtainmenth. PRESS, Yesterday morning was cold ami cWtlef? stock. J. W. & H. H. McDoffee. Wood of manslaughter and a sentence of eight _ENTERTAINMENTS, Dbawixg to Please vre= hi -rtf and the leaden skies telokered a V v. r«!■ o Tablets—Something years in State Prison. Sullivan quit- toe dcl7th-tjulst. ted. ■ifw Little Folks.—It is a well known fact Christ Is to usher in the Christum* eve but »:il t nuts Coming! £'oi’tlnnd Theatre. Saturdar 1 that no a child as 81.000 reward is offered the The warp mil’of the Eeeliew Miuufactur- ; Morning, December 2 , 70 thue seemed to be little if of ditnieutioi study or occupation interests ZST™ by proprie- an; iug Company of South Adams Mas?., was in much as drawing. Besides its being instruct- tor ot Dr. Pierce’s Alt Ext. or Golden Medi- AIR the of Christmas fire OXYGEN C. IJ ULSS Jk CO an«l throDg purchasers. damaged to the am"uot of 850,000 by the ..Lftj'tgs Minasui, ive, it a to school lessons cal for a medicine that will it California is Portland and "Vicinity. At S. F. Cobb's, Deeting Block, Congres; gives pleasant variety Discovery equal Thursday night. It was fully insured. The 34-4 Congress Uriel and minutes be for the cure of all the diseases for wbicb it is origin of the fire was combustion. Street, __ will be found a of o that otherwise would spent iu spontaneous street, large variety toys Established for tbe cure ot adcerliting patront art requetted to tent idleness, may be nsefully employed in copying recommended,among wbicb are‘‘BillionsDess,” Fifteen hundred pounds of nitro giyre ine In their every description and fancy goods, stereoscopii Oliri.Mmas AUrsetisu aapy at early in the at Ad or im- exoloded at the HoosacTunnel Fridav, blow- C.VTAEKd, BR0N''H1'1 IS, ASTFMA, 500.00 Exlraortliuary day potilble. musical music models. The Drawing Tablet books will be “Liver Complaint,” constipated bowels, •trtiiementi to views, instiuments, books, anc ing the named John to appear Monday morning thould a found scrofulous superintendent, Velsar, nice simple and practicable, and be to draw- pure blood, diseases, Eruptions, atoms. CONS FOJ* TIIKKU IMDUM OILVI tent in Saturday, (not Sunday.) organs. UMP T wb it the is to and seeks Boils and severe and lin- ION, Free Kendall & old offei ing primer readiug, Pimples, Blotches, Rev. Collins Slone of tbe American or Rtligiout Notice! mutt be tent in a. Whitnby, City Hall, Asylum DYSPEPSIA, SCROFULA, Christmas' Pres nils i and W^dnisday, while the timid and in its for the deaf and dumb in v, as Monday,Tuesday at noon. a very fine assortment of all guiding inexperienced gering Coughs, Bronchitis, Consumption Hartlord, Ct., early Friday descriptions, clip And all diseases arising irom To be to a taste and love for the art aDd nervous and killed by the cars on the Hartfoid and New impure blood. actnal’y pers that will the heart ol and hand, inspire of early stages general debility. Oec. 20, 27, 28. Hew Advert. rejoice any boy, Haven railroad Friday afternoon, and Uev. Treated “OX —mlo'Te-Daf, designing. They are just the things for Sold by druggists. by Breathing YOKI, A IK,* tbe probability is that a splendid opportunity pres- James W. Strong, pastor of lbe Congregation- AWAY 1 TUB GRAND ents—something dec20th-eodlw ta-th-s&wlt. al church at was |giyen SPECIAL NOTICE COLUMN. will be afforded them on Monday to test theii new—something fascinating Fairhault, Minnesota, badly and at the same time tniured. Medicated In Christmas and Sew on aiding important branches halations SANTA CL A ; Years. ...PM Frost. capabilities Haggett’s Hill. The White haibbd Kino who offered mil- US English Opera Combination, ot education. The Tablets are a The Duke of Aosta is to enter Madrid ou Band & No. 20 ol Drawing nov- In connection with other remedies. The public ate vigils AUCTION COLUMN. Thomes, Market Square, lions for a new would have New tire ! Ester.tially a combina'ion of tbe TWO GREAT in their pleasure, assigned Years’ Day. invited to call and Oil fer a most elty way, but as excellent as they are inv^ti^atu Paintings. ...Frank A. Leonard. attractive stock of Parian ware; al the reward fo Phalon’s ob Sal- O COMPANIES oi 'as reiton, under tlic immediate navel. To be “Vitalia,” Antwerp is so overstocked with importations onders and Beau ties the Bohemiau and Porcelain va-es lairly appreciated they must be FKKRc of CIS1UGE. of ENTERTAINMENT COLUMN. 10, and Majoli- vation for the because it would that it is impossible to find shelter for them | direckon of Messrs. C. D IlfcSS & CO., projector* • ten and used. Hair, Fema’e ca French dinner and tea They are got up in the shape aud much merchandise is Letters of and treat- Golden titarc. : and m io«c»r« oi tbe Kosi and Minstrels... .During Hall. wart; sets, cutlery, have enabled him to renew his silver locks to suffering from ex- Inqn.ry promptly answered Parepa Compary, Public Entertainment Sons ot Temperance Hall of little with six of sur- posure. ment sent ii desired. Address, Mrs. C U silver and plated ware, and much else that is hooks, pages writing their DEUNAUrt, lor mrnv years D rictresa Assembly—Gee A Hamden. youthful glory. The Vitalia is clear and Now i'u exhibition at face iu each, containing letters, pictures, etc., Twenty-five hundred troop? have airived at and Leading Sopnno of the ftichinj* Ooera Troupe. highly appropriate for gifts. We are sure that has no sediment. It does not stain tbe skin, Dr. J. P. NEW ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN. Havana from ByTbo s*a*on of to l- a call itBand & Thornes' will result in to be drawn by the pupil, the picture to he imi- Spain. BROWER, only Opera otfered tbe ci To Let.... House. finding but will color tbe hair in a very few PEERING tated on Blank left under applica- On Tuesday next the payment of the Janu- 344 Congrem Street, Portland, Mr H.lLL! stiu oi Portland this winter, this boinj cow the V anted.... Hou-ekrep«r. much that is and useful. space open each for elegant really tions. ary interest, without will at the dc3 A view of Which i!. in itself, wmh Notice.... Elisa F. Lewis. that The color instead rebate, begin r.t,s twi. e ibe „rtra Sawyeb Sc No. 119 purpose. of being black, Sold all : in ot adroiss'un bit n viddi to ibe snlenriid Ottly Opera before ihi* Avoid Woodford, Exchange by druggists. decl9th-eodlw Sob-Treasury New York. * ,er* Company Public, Quacks is and tho olll make an Tbs tor 1871. street, a beautiful assortment of light transparent. N. C t,tinmen:, managers Ha.axy present very Wilmington, .bad a very heavy snow PATENT emns icixa Provision Store. Teachers and should see Bb Wise To day.—’Tis madoess to neglect storm and useful as well as ornamental gifts, especially parents these tab- extremely cold weather Thursday. To Lei....Tat lor A Co. a Present! Messrs. William CaUlo, S C. Campbell, in of lets. Not only are they desirable for use iu the cough or could, however slight. Consump- Jacob K. an esenned defaulter fr„m Elegant Portland A Waldoboro Steamboat Co... .William willow-ware, baskets, etc., which they Beau, I Brookb-mse Alberto tion was arrested in Perforated Buckskin Tn evr rv Bowler, Lawrence, Bom. a but as to children on may follow, and though Dr. iWistar'iBal- N.-braska, Oregon recently and pntr-n This is no lottery, no gijl tntrr- make specially; a handsome basket, particu- school-ioom, gifts Christ- ! Henri Drat En piiirh .S'tia a ton, *'eg n. Ibrl871, mas or New (or we know of aam of Wild Cherry, has cured this '1 J Lire of Beethoven. larly a nice lunch basket, is one of the most Year’s; aothiDg frequently icket. to ilie ent-rta no.pur on and Satur- H. Ar'hur H .well. ...O. Ditson A Co. Ice three inches thick formed at Piilay Cbnterson, convenient things to have about tbe house es- that will afford more mush dreaded .disease, it almost Greenbrier day (Tveninus. De'- 23 and 24. will receive a Cf*r st- Mrs. C. R. b. lasiiDg pleasure to the lit- invariably on UNDER-GARMENTS, tnird, MUs L‘o** Hers* e Va., Thursday. At White » in pecially in a city like Portland where island tle cures the diseases of the Sulphur SpriDgs TLa'Tre*ea ranitl-.g value irooi 25 cents to |25. Mia. Z*!da Kelts tens (helices. ones, and no one will regret having pur- primary throat, alungs tbe was at zero at -FOR- 'd tae9e Hegu n. Mrs. Anme in summer are so mercury 7 o’clock. °-f 200US ar- n >tv <>n e. b biti >u i.» tie Fowler, Tan usual parties frequent, aDd where and show Mr«. Henri religious notices ot services at chased them. For sale at all the book and chest, where other remedies fril. At Win.bw o Co^ia and we in\l e the Drayton, Miss Fannie Uood« lu. Sunday tbe distances to be reached cars from the sta- Denver there is good sleighing. At EMz- ttissan, the Second Parish. by publi.) to inspect them. High Street, State Street, ano large cities ta so tionery and stores. lor dec20th eor&wlw. abetntowD, New 'he thermometer the Ladies and Gentlemen. TUB great. fancy goods Enquire Mexico, Admfs-ion 35 cmjis. 1st Baptist Churches hare been bnt the Sc past week has been from 8° to 281' Orche«tra chairs 50 cen»s. withdrawn, .BUTLER Keep, No. 11 Market Square, them. below zero ( hildreu uuder I services are com with urtecn. 25 cent*. «iahery. 25 els. MiGWlFICK^T tuned In the churches at the tuna) will turnisb you with apair of alippeis fit for Latest News by Mail. eighteen inches of sdow. In the moun- OUCHKiTKA, tains Maiurditf Aficrns n, Dec la.t Graud hours on the Sabbath by tholr a Cinderella or enough for the Iowa A Big Business.—Charlie is a there is fiom two to toree feet of snow. 44, respective pastors. big giant, Day doing A number cf prisoners attempted to break iRaimce ▲ NO THE Mission made of tbe best material and in tbe latest An express train from Chapel, Deering’s Bridge—Sunday slashing Christmas business at bis store on and New York to Boston lor the Sehool at Their line escape from tbe prison at Nasbyille Tenn., ran espcclallv Children, wl*b a present tor each. every Sunday lj P. M. All are very cordi- styles. of rubbers is very extensive off the track at Newington, Conn., Friday Grand Chorus of 5') Invited to attend. and oi a trial. Exchange street. Go in at any time you like on WRemember a Present for each and Voices, ally worthy Thursday. Sheltof^ tbe jailer, shot and evening in consequence of a misplaced switch, every pa- Y. H. G. and will find a M. C. Association, Cor. Congress and Brown Quincy, old City Hall, offers a large you perfect rush of purchasers. killed one of the and the temainder ine wreck encumbered tbe track lor Several trwn-_dc23td_ Transported with tbe Company. Hoorn ot prisoners, Bts.—Reading o^eu day and evening. Social variety fancy goods including mce The New York steamer on hours. A brakeman was sleds, Wednesday were then secured and ironed. slightly injured. religious meeting thia (Saturday I at 71 etc. You will find evening parlor croquet, him glad to h:m a Some of the OPE.KING 1UONDAV. DEC.'Jtf l'oung people and in- brought great consignment of all the Tbe leading Democrats of New NIGHT, strangers especially see you at the well known north corner ot that tidal wave, which was expected to be so Oiristmas Eve. vlteJ* Hampshire met at Concord on venerable latest games, toys, etc., that are now] delight- Friday to de- building. high on the St. Lawrence on was, in vise measures to Floton's Beautiful Williston Chapel, corner oi Friday, heal the breach in the Ihie Members or Holiday Opera, May and Danfortfc A ton of coal or a cord of wood is a ing the iuhabitau's of that Ameri- party. Cbe.luut Hired Sunday streets. Saubath School at 1.30 present Maohattau, lower (ban usual. Tbe A uuion of the Patriot aud (febool F. M. All are cordi- that at this fact, people liviog aloog People newspapers will give a Invited. Setts iDCleuieot season will send joy to can and we would under ally tree. Paris, say to all who have tbe water side who bad made control of 3 third partv is suggested and the heart of *be poor and the suffering. Coal great prepara- a MARTHA, MARTHA, Casco Street Free Baptist Church.—Preach- uot yet supplied themselves with Christmas committer was appointed to comer with tbe is down to $8 a ton this winter and we would tions for protection against the wave, re- ing to-morrow at 10, o’clock A. M. and 3 o’clock P. great proprietors of tbe two journals. COJTCERT ! the Rev. advise the Lieoevuleut to call at of our well giftsfor their childreu to call there to day. Tuesday, m Dalfc’s Boh nlnn flirl, “aS Pastor, A. A.Smith. Sabbath Schrol any turned to *beir dwellings relieved of anxiety. A blast be held at known coal and wood containing pounds of • .will the close ot the mornin» service The dealers such as Bandall 62,500 powder Christmas December Btdueida], Vetdi’s il 1 roratere* Tbe eclipse of tbe sun ou Thursday was seeu will be fired at tbe Blue Grand Eve., 2*tli, pnolicare invited. & McAllister, No. 60 Commercial street; I Fob your little hoy or girl get one of those pold mines at James at the sootb of bat excellent obser- Slacko’s flats, California, next week. West Conoreoational Church—Preacl.ingat Sc Williams, No. 306 Commercial neat little chairs at Hooper, Eaton & Co.’s 130 Eagland, At Chestnut street Church, ilk r*p Pnicra — Admission. $’.00. Pnrqnette lo clock P. In the case of M., by the Pastor. Rev. W. F. — street; Bounds & 36 Comineicial vations were made in tbe the Commonwealth of Penn- (re-ervfd) $1,50. Orchestra Chairs (res Oder Sons, street; I «tr< ct. It will co-t but a uorthern part of the rred) R2.00. F. Jos. H. Exchange trifle. In • rosrinlum B- Prayer Meeting at7j M. sabbath School at 10) Poor, 239 Commercial sheet; J. H. Island. sylvania vs. the Credit Mobiiier of America, connection with a xe«. $5 tin and glu 0. hea«on Tiek-t* C clock A At. for Koset ve Baker, 198 Commercial str>el; J. W. Deed- the jury on Friday returned a verdict that the >eats tor th*» ent le three Light#—Par- Remember the auction sale of Christmas and Orehe-rra chair-. 0. Newbury Strect Church, Rev. Samuel Harri- ing, Commercial, loot ol Uniou street; W. H. Armstrong Jolly,tbe murderers of the La- credit pay iDto tbe treasury of tbe Common- Qjiette. $V0; $5,» son, Pastor meeting In the to-mor- at 99 Christmas Tne silent Season m-kefs will coirmenceat the ransio —Prayer morning Evans, 281 Commercial street or W. H. goods Exchange street to day at 10 A. M. pine family near have been found wealth 8638,863 33, the exact amount claimed. Tree, row. Preaching in the afternoon. Temperance Lec- Potosi, Mo., •tore o» Hawes St Crag o. 77 Middle street, on Thurs- Walker, 242 Commercial street. 21-2 and For the ture in the evening. School at 2 o'clock 712 P.M. This will be the last and sentenced to bj on tbe 27th It is feared now that the Atlantic eachinge ol presents the members day. 2At, at 9 o'clock, A. M„ and eontinue unM' Fri- Sunday P J. P. at guilty, banged cables among M. AU are Invited. Smith, No. 136 Middle street, oppo- cannot be anil mends ol the Church au.l day evening on y. On Saturd ihe sa e for chance to buy goods at your own price. of January. repaired until next June. SuncUy Schuol. iy morning site Cogia Hassan’s, is celebrated among the Tickets 15 cent*. Single nights will begin, no more season ti>k*ia be- Bethel Church, 97 Fore Street.—Services Sab- In New York a coat ladies for tbe nice hair The makers thief has been sentenced Eierds-k to commence at tni sold. bath a. m., at m. at woik to be obtained journeymen paper of New York 7 1-2 o'clock. 10.30o’clock; p. 3and 7 o’clock. Happv New a Fair to five in All there. Year.—There will be years Sing Sing. There is some bavin* presents tor the trees are reo iesfed to Librettos—Tbe authorised and enrr'rf editions Communion service the flr,t sabbath p. m. of each have struck against a reduction of and wages. hopes oi that carry them to the church (a as ean be bad it H «wes As No. 77 Mil Me month. Also, meetings on ant All the illustrated papers such as Festival at the Allen Mission Chapel on city. early convenient on erngm’s, hr., Monday Thursday “Every In tbe will case in New and inside the Taeatre deel7-td •Yenlnga at 7 o’clock. Alt from sea Taylor York, several The Presidential Saturday.dc23dtd omy. 'he and land are Saturday", “Frauk Leslie's," “Harper’s Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of canvass in Mexico is be- cordially invited. yW~Tbe third ot the aeries ot witnesses declared tbe coming Weekly;” the various magazines; interesting New Year’s competent signature to exciting. Juarez has entered tbe field Sanday evening lectures to men will be de- week. in youug periodicals without and not a few tbe will was a earnest and is astonishing bis PORTLAND livered at this dhurch to-morrow ltev number, forgery. opponents by RAND AUCTION bAiE8. by F. South- fine books can the youthful and worth, at 7 o’clock very gift be procured of Fes- Home, Swxet Home.—Any one wishing for energy vigor with which he senden under Lancaster under is conducting the campaign. Tbe anti-Ameri- Moustfobt Street A. M. E. Hall,Marquis a pleasant and comfortable house furnished Church—Services U. S. Chisholm at tbe G. X. can, the Spanish and French are CONCERTS I at tbs usual bouts Social in the Hotel, Depot, parties rally- meeting forenoon. can hire one a Grand I bv Rev. and A. Robinson under tbe Falmouth Hotel. at low rato by applying at No. ing to the support ot Lerdo. Exhibition Preaching Mr. Stanford in the afternoon; BY The Portland Bind will give their 7ih PBOMEN- Rev Mr. A glance iu at tbe window of No. 158 Mid- 25 St. TELEGRAPH a evening by Harper of Canada. Sabbath Cedar Callicot, defaulting revenue collector in ADE CONCBUT at School at 2 o’clock. dle St, W. S. will show a This Forenoon / Dyer’s, you sight TO THE DAILY PRESS. New York, having been pardoned out of the Second Advent will be worth looking at. Smiths’baths are opeu tc the public. The Meetino,—Removed to Union penitentiary by President Grant, has asked j.uo renoiaieti buck-skio under-garments have Hall, entrance on Free rooms are for a writ of ! Store No. 00 St., o; posite Baptist Church. The eleventh-hour man a warm and water hot. them- habeas corpus ou an assumed been ‘o thoroughly tested, and are so h LANCASTER HALL ttxchanse street, Elder James A. will frequently gets Try gbly anp'e- Libby preach to-morrow at the but Woodruff c>ated by those who have worn it is full P. M. who is no 100 street. technicality, Judge refuses to them, hardly — Blualheure. Public are invited. Seats tree. penny. Frost, stranger Exchange FOREIGN. to ot their OX Will be open th's morning tt 9 o’e’ock for Ibe peblle issue it, saying that Callicot had been par- necessary speak good qualities. J*bh»al*k to Portland is a little behind bis co- They are a of to examine the beautiful to be told this Chuech.—Christmas Services buyers, doned and if he refused to accept bis it great preserver heal'h, a preventive goods week. In the on Si liberty and core tor Rheumatism. Temple High Let at lui o'clock, from the temporaries in attention to his fine Business Notices. was not in the of the Court Neuralgia, and Lun» Christmas Eve, Dev. 24. This la undoubtedly tbs most elaborate ot t»xt ’-The Birth of toe calling province to inter- Diseases, and many ills caused ditplay Divine Savior lots the world The War In fere. by colds, the event but as an in Europe. Tbe» are Fancy Goods ever in ibis city. gieatest ot hamaa history.” Sabbath stock; dry goods always order, ir- The Travelers’ Insurance endorsed and recommended by the Med- School Concert tu the at Company fur- ical Fra'ernitv. The sale will e. mmence at 2 1-3 o’clock this P • Vestry 7 p. m. respective of any festive we have no TICKETS—Gents50cents; Ladies 25 cents. To M, season, nishes desirable in For sale lu Portland be obtained at the door. St. Stephen's Chuech—There will be Christmas everything either Life or COMHISKCIAL, only by and continue at 10 a u and 2 1-3 and 7 » M, uaUl doubt that tbe next week will him a France. l'otrs oiwn at 7. Concert services in the morning ac*101-2 and at 7 o’- give large Accident insuraoce. It has commence a* 7 1-2 and evening issued 200,000gen- close at 11. closed out. clock. The usual Christmas Free Service with Car- patronage and a full purse. WAB FACTS AND RUMORS. Htccipi* by Kailr.ad* aad precisely . SI 05. Sevres and other rare aud the concert at the Chestnut Street Church “Christmas Eve" the members of Chestnut appointed by advice rency was accepted on Government collaterals. On custly be required of for tbe by and consent of tbe Fancy Towel Danr.ng to commence at 8 oVlo, k. ac24id any company guarantee Senate. the sidewalk in tront of the Ntock Exchange 1-32 @ Back, Christmas ere as advertised in of that amount of insurance issued Street Sunday School at their church. There F. O. ol yesterday’s is $857,600,- Boyd New York, representing num- p7r Cem* Was pa‘d in addition to tbe legal rate. 41. The North America has in will erous western was CHINA Puss. The admittance is only 15 cents. It the bauds of he Christmas Trees for the exchange of distillers, bas had an interview 1ms however, generally in the iorm of turning Match tbe to meet this with the stocks, in many cases a was Safes, W Grand & Civic Bali an department liability: (special Secretary of tbe and although commission Military will be interesting affair. presents among the members and of the Treasury acting out and out1 One Gobelin [>aid of the nears in stacks — Tapestry, deposits, $931,000; general deposits, #100,000; Commissioner of Internal Revenue and oth- leading VET BY THE — The Irish American Belief Association total. church and School. rarne into tbe crowd at one time and laid per ceut. give $1,031,000; surplus, $173 000. It is said Sunday ers, the object to procure the * Cigar Genuine being passage of or $100,000 bat was not accommodated, there Stands, Bronzes, one of their assemblies at Lancaster that this is io the security and Let the presents be carried to the church as a law the being popular adtquate guar- allowing transportation of spirits in. 1 wholesome fear among the leadars of the emoree- antee of tbe to which it bond from To be found at the Sure of Portland Hall next Wednesday evening. policies applies. early as possible. Tickets of admission fifteen the west to the sea board. The ment of the usury law. The demand from tbe in- ^ Light Infantry, Statury, Armor, Ac., From the it Secretary said there would be do terior for is and some ot the Mail* for Scandinavian foregoing appears that more than cents. unnecessary curreucy very large, Comprising the entire Furniture, Kars and Exquis- Europe per steamship obstacle p.aced in tbe of tbe t>anksaesh.pping $500,000 per day. Ex- Complimentary to the one-fifth of all the life insurance iu way exportation Sterling ite objects of Arc, tic., or the wilt close at the post-office at 2 o’clock this af- deposits of our surplus but the change dull at 109 @ 110. The balance of our overcoats will be closed products, department Southern Walter tbe are held on would Stare recurlties quiet and steady. & Co.? ternoon, All letters after department account of the not san'tion any bill unless it were Corey ’•DEACON; HOUSE,1’ precisely. deposited out at Stocks closed firmer and "ather more active. Har- North America greatly reduced prices, G. W. Rich & euarded to CAPITAL GUARDS OF AUGUSTA, that time will lie over. Life Insurance Company alone properly prevent frauds. This sub- em being toe lavcnle. There was a rumor ot You Corner of nod Concord Si. Co.’s 173 Fore street. after tbe to-day would derive great pleasure In vl-itlng tbelr Wu-hinglou in for store, ie°t will, holidays, be betore p«r ct nt. Lake Svore dividend. The are AT CITY HALL, ii Christmas Eve and the Portland trust, registered policy holders. We un- brought \-4 following Bo.loo, dl—... To-night tbe Committee of W„vs and Means, ihe closing quotations: arge establishment and tie beautiful derstand the is now at the inspecting TUCK'D -nd FBI- Band’s assembly at Lancaster Hall wilfbe one deposit increasing Foe an Irritated Cough or Washington, Deo. 23.-The President to- Western Union Telegraph Go. 45* WEDIV-BAV, IT, Tboat, Cold, 1 in Jd end rate of about month. Gen. Pacific Mail...... podfa displayed their ware-rooms. Monday Dec. 1870. F.kranty 1.1, 3d| of the most and attended of the #50,000 per This is prac- “Brown's Bronchial Trochee" sue day signed Schenck’s commission as Min- Evening, 26th, popular fully offered with S. Y. Central ana Hudson River At the rat re-1 te >r< as ister to Eoglan3. consolidated... 9fi) 1 bey would also be t# show the eieg above as tically demonstrative, and so far as the fu.Iest N. V. Central Si Hudson River p'eased largest COMwnTBEOF ABlUKCFXKFTt: year. Such musio the Portland Band plays convincing confidence in their efficacy. The consolidated scrip. 874 Comvrlsinr superb carved (olid oak iu coo- tThey Secretary of the Treasury has decided itock of m'ure, it relates to the adaptation of the have been Erie. 23) Lieut N Q Fe-s-nden, Ssr^t C h Todd, slulnt of Bulei, large T -bie Chair &o It i-cou- would put quicksilver into the heels of a bed- registry sys- thoroughly tested, and maintain the that steam tugs owned in the United Erie K States, preferred.46) Prirate M Smi b, Pnrute W ti Row* "leuny belicvrd that there I- nu> iu the Ut.lt-4 tem to the operations of a in but are not ’’ ridden rheumatic. large company good reputation have As undocumented, of the Uuited Harlem.133 WTbaver, F F State- nt the f.iesent 50 tine a men they justly acquired. States 9*0 Dow, t.mr, spec ot the full business. North and are therefore liable to the Reading. 9*4 Parlor and H F me SBT.il rai ve <>ak. That The America now there are payment Chamber r, Gurney, elegant marine by Harry B. Brown regis- imitations, be sure to obtain the Dr Kdw.", Je?-Kims,ali, of fifty cents a ton upon the of Michigan Central. 115) Mason, Nathan Go' ld. iMagnitfc'-m dab' 'urniture, for bo h B .ndolr > nl ters all its free of cost to the insured- admeasurement Lake representing Frenchman’s Boy.Mt. Desert, in policies, genuine. every documented vessel of the Shore Si Michigan Southern... 91* Chamber, purchased in Pails, and tbe mon United States Illinois MUSIC BY CHANDLER’S SAND. elcg.ut Morrison’s window, attracts The following official bulletin shows the towed by them. Steam tugs undocumented Central.134 of tbe perioi. Deering Block, Go to 87 Middle Cleveland & Pittsburg.103 D. H. Chandler, Ao en ire salon f ora the Moutmorencf of the Burleigh’s, street, fj the and trading from place to in tbe Prompter. pa’ace ron.- great attention. It is different in to present magnitude company’s deposits, place district, Chicago & North Western.70*' Tickets 81.50, Gentleman and pripiug eight Wall Panel,* or In style best and are to admitting Ladles, giit, licbiy embo>*«U cheapest Overcoat. subject tbe payment of alien & North Western to bt b mutu at G •ar'ons oe Harry’s other marine views and exhibits his and tells its own story: tonnage Chicago preicrred.811* FURNITURE A nihlotlcrbeck’s, Dr 1 oward ic»*ot armor, flo*vcr, fl-urcs, Ac. cad duties. Chicago & Rock Island.ii ; Mas .n’s. Geo C and Dawes & on t«oof ihrm tbe December 1870. | Frye's Ciagin’s Ma- monogram c. M .caivst on a genius in a new Monday, 18, Holiday Goods at Land’s The balance in the Pittsburg & Fort lic St re. sh el i. phase. No. of registered poliibs in force.... .7234 Crockery Store, Treasury Department at Wayne.92* Ibe elose of To be found tbe State. CIO hii'g Checked Free. from tbe chamber* are The English steamers in port have been Amount ol registered Insurance In Cor. Exchange and Federal Sts. Tea business to-day was as follows: Jn Leading Bondnir» which Toy Sets, coin, Boitou Boot and ftlaoe Market. Milliar, ai. eqi es ed to tpiieur in Unilorm. ire named alter tbe style ibe 'urniture aad U(co- 100,751.300; currency, 25,955,420; certifl- * beautifully trimmed with the holly and uistle- 'ore,.#20.203,838.00 Vaces, &c,&c. Daneing will comm, nee at 8 o'clock. dtlpld rations, »• ‘‘Mare An'oinete.” >al<>n Deposit required bv law. oates, 19,151,5(10. Boston Dec 22.—Ihe houses have had a B<>ud>r, bi. 1,178,155.15 _dcl7th^jnlst. Jobbing DOrV'and oiuera; tbe e are furnlabed wlih sales Actual amount deposited. pretty gj©d trade iot most nait ot the WALTER COREY 1,273,500.00 Burleigh, 87 Middle bas the best week, owing & CO., m elegant sad* Mdr-peiiea to maicb. If Surplm 95,344 85 street, nAiiiB, to the sboit spell of wet, weather at the com- i. you would make a real Bice present to a misty jl. k. a. Very beautiful China, comi rl.iug ibe City, County and State of Hew York. e>: stock of Boys’ Clothing in town mencement of the current which save a mild sakTASi AV MUIU'UA 2SX HAII. week, gj friend for ii. U. his Christmas dinner to-morrow Just raorgan, A-rtsiuent, De nz that :oa'inz to the street* and causing a de- sworn, Bays road*, quite — the above is a true Dec. 23— Arcade No. 18 free 8EVBE8 a can of those fresh statement ot the regi.tered policy Watches and Opera Belfast, Hon. Axel mand tor heavy goods and rubbeis. The numerous Street. CHINA, purchase superb oysters account ot' the Glasses, just imported Hayford, dciztr North America Lite mayor ot this [allures in the boot am in minin n v. aI»o Inaurance Com- and tor sale city and superintendent of the shoe trade that have oc- em m Tea Set nrecentari Maria ku from Timmons and Market pany on the of 19th ot low, by C. H. Parley, No.4 Ex- uned in Hawes, Square. morning Monday, December, Belfast and Mnoseheod Lake an- tecentiy Philadelphia, etc, cannot fiiP to M P. ns, pure >a*ed 'll Pa is u l^ii Four I*™. N. D. railroad, •zeroise a Chairs, 364 Congress street, Morgan, President. change St. tf. nounces that on trains depressing effect, wt.Uh, it lar^e stocks of oovtred with flue each b aring in be back Luoy’s window, presents « -—- Monday will run regu- taptMry. Sworn to before me this 19tb day of December, 1870. goods hau been on hend would no doubt have h.wer- medallion of a most larly between Belfast and Boston. GramB Sevr.s, jortiait of a ben u nr ot the appetizing sight with its delicious con- Simeon T. Hide, Pnbl.c. A Passenger ad the scale of prices and filled the n i< ds it manu- SLIPPERS. issembly Notary Christmas present for everybody at Geo. trains leave Belfast tor PirLch Court; Secretary, li-alit wood w»tn stv ft Boston at 7 a. run- acturers and — — tarts and m., whole-sale dealers,with anxious tore- BY THE medallion reproseniin t mi To Jet oi Jewel fections, crisp dainty pastry, elegant W. Rich & Co.’s store, 173 Fore street. ning to Burnham Junction in time to Venns; The English Opera.—Now that connect Podings. Case, gUt, b om- and cmauic-ut for »*- looking etc. is a caterer the opera with the train to SLIPPERS Sevres, large candy, Lucy splendid Boston from Re- for Men, t>le; ava-e ot blue Sevres, and has taken its stand in on Bangor. Irish Am mean Eeli*f Association, <>qti.site'v shaped and not a Portland a firm ba- Call and see the will leave Domestic Markets. between in few Christmas dinners will owe a elegant assortment of La- turning Burnham Junction at 5 45 SL1PP ERS gilt J- s; ornaments designs of Cupi< s. m. on the for Medallions a great deal to his skill. is, judging by the sale of season seats, a lew dies’ and Gents’ watches,at Lowell’s, 301 Con- p. arrival ot the western train. The New York. Dec. 23.—Cotton advanced 4c, closing Women, At Lancaster ol Sevres each portrait ot a beauty of new mail service on inlet; sales 4104 balds; Miauling uplands 151c.— Hall, ihe Court ot Louis XlV., aud rnauy oilier ornaments words in reference to the that will begins Monday. SLIPPERS As Mrs. Mason, with her little child, were company gress street. decl3tb-2w Flour—sales 12 000 t bl*.; State and Western a shade for Roys, and r ire p'ec.s ot ’bis beautiful and site _ exq.u China; appear before our citizens next Inner; State 5 15@65"; round bo Ohio L Dec 28. very old Malouca and oilier China. riding up Green street in a sleigh on Thursday Monday even- NEW IIA .TIP Nil IRE. p 595® SLIPPERS Wednesday ve’ng, You will find a good line of 190; Western 5 15 ® 6 75; Southern 6 00 8 25. Wheat for Misses, Also the Vc ry valuable ing may not he at the time. Holiday Goods, morning the horse took fright and upset both malapropos present A BRACING DAT ON MOUNT WASHINGTON. nev bush.; No. 1 l 4*> tor Floor Director—Ur. Jons Lm. useful as well as at Woodman & firm; sales29,"0o Sprinv SLIPPERS for of them into The Boston Advertiser, whose musical critic ornamental, aew; Winter Ked and Amber Western 1 45 @ 1 47; lliddren, the street. Mrs. Mason with Summit Mount Washington, via Little- Assistant.—R U Parker. P 0 Connor. E H Cole- Whitney's, 66 Exchange St. de21-lw. White Michigan 145. Corn scarcely so firm; sales ORIGINAL OIL evinces a fine and cultivated taste in all ion, Dec. 23.—An observation taken at man. B £ X B Si eeban. Din in. PAINTINGS great pluck held onto the reins and stopped that seven )9,00u bush.; new Mixed Western 73 ® 75c. Oats are McDonough, o’clock P. enl oml i to be to the theatrical or musical M:—Barometer 23 227; 113. Oh-o ® 614c. Porkfirm; new me*s 19 50 Xick.t., admitting .dirl, $1. bad Among them the genuine {originals by the follow* the horse, she was some dis- appertains world, A few more of those frame change, )uiet; 604 at tne o.-u.l although dragged clipper sleds, Thermometer ten below -9 old do 19 19 urime do 16 00 i8 place?,ol the Committee au.l at the dour. eminent *rtisfs; Alired tie oi the different artists of the degrees zero; ceange al 75; "0@ 25; @ 60. SLIPPERS ing Duchesne, Dreux, tance. speaks company sleds, and parlor floor at H. G. three degrees. Relative Lard Aimer at Butter Ohio Ciotninj checked ir> e. de.22td Boucher, Is<*t>ey, and in terms of and croquet, bumidiiy 68, wind 111® 12$c. dull; 12® Of high praise, "praise from Sir north. of 15c; State 2j@42c. firmer ard all Kinds and Sizes. Mr. Quilp says the only consolation under Hubert is Quincy’s fancy goods store, north corner old Velocity wind four miles per hour. Whiskey active; Stanley praise indeed." Ho says: Western free 95c. Rice dull. Carolina 64 @ 7c. Su- the This has been the first calm we have had The weight of the burden of carrying so many "In all the great essentials the City Hall. day gar in tair Porto Rico Musco- Great of the Season ! SALVATOR ROSA. company this month and it was all nquest; 10i@l‘4c; At 133 Novelty seems most furnished. For the dnly appreciated by radol0@l’c; fair to good refining No. Middle holiday packages borne is, that bis pocket is admirably the members ot the lu4® life; St., Ar the same time the Din without overcoat aud Lard 111 H4c. Dies.-ed at 6 90 00. boose five Directors tor tbe and to act in to the are most carefully and tastefully attended a and useful gloves. @ Hogs quiet @7 ensuing year, by applying person Auctioneer, FRA^K The St. Luke’s to, per sleds, pleasing article for Live at 5 65 6 0o. other business that m»v Under the Orphans Home, Cathedral, as is usual under Mrs. Bernard’s Hogs quiet @ uaitle quiet. many legal 0 bnsb.wheat. ore them EDWARD Cashier. Bt. Paul’s Chnrcb, Preble Chapel and Bweden- and a most of girls boys. Also Receipts—30,000 13,- GgUlD, (a’ SO cents a piece) will bs ready ten deligbtiul spirit promptness, D00 bush, 6000 bush, 2030 bush, 3U00 Portland, Dec. 1820. dtd Catalogues a few of their nice THE SENATORIAL corn, oats, rys, 9, MU. BILLY before tne S3le. dec 14-HAW lit borgian Society, all bare Christmas Trees for earnestness and g >od will pervade all the en- get pounds popping corn. CONTEST. bush, barley, 2100 hogs. PAST OB, da>s tertainments.” Dee. the children at their of wor- dl25. Chicago, 23 —General John A. Logan Shipments—20,030 bbls. flour, 20,000 bush, wheat, Casco National Bank. respective places __ We are glad to hear that there is such a de- is in Ibe city, his for 18,000 bush, corn, 2000 hush, barley. canvassing prospects U. annual meeting of the Stockholders et the TAILOll’S BAZA Aft. ship to-night. sire of our musical A well selected stock of S. Senator. He fears Portland among many people to se- watches, chains, that enough Republicans Cincinnati, Dec. 23 —Mess Pork firm at i9 00.— THECasco National Bank ol Pori'au.', fur the choice Theatre, The bells will be at tbe Catholic Cathe- cure seals in the that Mr. will remain out of Lard active ana advanced: steam rung gallery Zimmerman, pins, ear rings, sleeve buttons, studs, finger the cauous to effect his de- 11c; kettle 114c; >1 Directors am the transaction ol such other busi- BY HENRY TAILOR Ok CO., the has concluded to reserve the from feat. This litt'e offering. Bulk Meats in light demand ana jes. si come before dral on Christmas morning at 31-2 o’clock.— agent, fruit programme is strougly talked of by miy lega ljr them, will be held rings, thimbles, napkin rings, knives, sil- holders shoulders sides lie tor clear »t their on Evening, December 29. row in that part of the house. We would ad- bis opponents. It is said Gen. Eoruer (Ger- firm; 6|c; 94 @ Banking Hou-r, Tucadny. ihe le.ih Thursday AT THE BAZAAR & AUCTION ROOMS The service will consist of Generalli's Mass, ver rib and clear losse, and b'gber packed. Baron- of a- ten vise all who intend to secure tickets fur spoons, plated ware, &c., can be found at man) is to unite the to |c tay JTanawry, 1871, oVlnck A. u. single proposing opposition shoulders iOc; clear rib sides 111c; clear sides 11}c. WM. A. mas ADA I. OMAN. and the music will be executed the to be on band on .. WlNgUIP, ashler. Ok by grand nights at Hawes ft at 77 Middle at to suit the times. Logan himself. The — 14 16 St., aad JO? Cem’i Ml. Cragin’s street, prices Democrats, however, L(« of nine o'clock this that will 1870._ ucli'td chorus children and the solos by Mrs. Went- morning precisely. A few lw C. Swett. say they not support Korner. They Dressed Hogs drooping at 7 50 @ 7 u0. Whiskey in MIA* AliICK nOifIBB*, worth good seats are still left on tbe floor of the _E. want the Republican to with them good demand at lull prices. The medal and so and dance Stevenson and Miss Barker, soprani; minority go Ocean Insurance Cbampiou gold clog g HORSES. CARRIAGES AND HARNESSES. house. Per New forjudge Lawrence or some Company. arnsi* ot the world. Mrs, York Steamer.—Opened this other citizen of Ellison, contralto; Mr. Wheelock, tenor; M’Ia'E Dot VtVX«ER, EVERY »t 10 ten cases new equal ability. Pereiga Markets* ANNUAL SATURDAY, o'clock. Board or of day, goods such as work-stands, MEETING. In her wonderful kmto throwing and jairg’ar acts, HENRY and Messrs. Coffin and Ball, bassi. Aldebmen.—The Directors The money market here is close. Some ef London, Dec. 22—11.30 A. M.—Consols tor TAYLOb, Auct’r. 91J together with the entire com? Any in an a tbe Atlantic & St. bags, tool-chests, ladies’ handkerchief and the houses asked money and account. HE Stockholders of At meeting of the School Committee held Lawrence railroad company strongest for extension of 'I the Ocean Insurance Com- Origin*! Mausirel *r olio Entertainment. ladies’and time. American securities and U. S. * Pan.v ar. notified to meet at the office o was before the Al- glove boxes, gents’dressing cases, quiet steady; 6-20s, hereby 35, 50 an l 75 cents. d«:24td At rniate yesterday afternoon it voted to appeared Board of Mayor and do 1865 do 1867. do said on Admission, suspend doll cabs and COLD WEATHEB. 1862, 88J; old, 884; 87}: 10-40s Company, Mortiay, ibe »ccoud Hoy of Safle, taft nublic schools on th« Mondav mirpppdiiur dermen barouohes, silver napkin rings Stocks F.rie A. yesterday afternoon in relation to tbe B7|. steady; 19}; Illinois Central 112; Jaaaary, D. 1871, at three o'clock P. JVl.. Aft A_ A_S^A!_ Flae at all Wider It has been the coldest of the Atlantic & tor Carriage* Iliad*, suit fruit knives, etc. Selling at low prices. Fine decidedly day Great W estern 284. the lollowiug purposes:— New Years. proposed against that company or its season. 1st. UCCilU built nad Wnrruo-nl. nnorl 'icons oVico n Pma Ft » Tn O. O« Early this the thermometer A. To choose Seven Directors for the itSSUUlilUUII) la.aao. __1J_!_• -A. morning Liverpool, Dec. 22—11.39 M.—Cotton buoy- ensuing We hear that a class of scholars —v stood at 16 year. Conslgnmen s solicited. lor Tnler belonging to «-»-i-- r-— below, and ranging considerably ant; sales estimated at 15,000 bales; Middling up- Correspondent* dec22-3t beioe all 2d. To consider the rtf an ral Land and Labor Ei the Slate Street School hare city upon tbeir bonds. Mr. Treas- _99 Exchange street. day. At Peoria it was 20 below this lands 8}@84d;do Orleans 8f ® 6fd. Breadstuff's, expediercy accepting EX-FOURS. Ag*ncv, biinnnrbain, g. Sunday present- Hickson, act ot the Legislature of tbe State of Maine, Sight Brails iu sums to no all is 01 tun morning; at Jacksonville 10 at Greene Provisions and Produce urebangrd. approv- suit, pai pe ed a handsome of books to the urer of tbe Grand Trunk stated One of the most instructive and below; j ed February 11th, A. D., 1870, en«itle«l “an act fur- tor sale. gift Orphan Company, cheapest, 16 below; at Lasalle 14 at Dec. 22—1.30 P. M.—Tallow at below; Springfield London, firmer ther defining th« powers ot tbe Oeean Insurance CASH advanced ou ot Feisor.a serve as a that it was the intention of 11 conslgnmeu to the nucleus of that company to usefulChristmas presents you can a full below. 45s 6d. ana on Asylum library.— buy,is Company ot Portland’'; to acr thereon. Assemblies Thursday Evenings, Property. Now that the good work is started let others pay these premiums though he gave no abso- set of twelve different colors of Woodruff's Fan- Liverpool, Dec. £2—1.30 P. M.-Breadstuffs are GcO. A. WRIGHT, Secietaiy. Earth CLOSETS -Ag«'» tor the Slate 01 Maine GEORGIA. firm. Wheat—Old Red Western Bed Portland, Dec. 9, 1870. dtd -IT- •or the celebrated Earth Close'*. Invented aim pa- follow suit. lute guarantee. After some discussion it was cy Inks. They are just the for Spring9s lOd, thing painting, Winter do 10s 7d @ 10a 8d. Corn 31s 6d lor new. tented bv Uen.Uao. E. Waring, Jr., ol Rewpoit decided THE ELECTION. The weather yesterday was cold and raw and to refer the matter in its legal aspect writing', drawing, coloring wax or artificial Cumberland National Bank. LANCASTER MALL, R. I. nr tbe French Fire la the to tbe Savanah, 23.—The Democrats elect Annual ot Also Agents E*tlngutsh»r, thermometer did’nt indicate over 20 City Solicitor and Mr. Barnes, tbe attor- flowers, mosses, &c. Sold all sta- pec. Meeting the Stockholders In the au deg. leaves, by Paino aua from 1st Bstioa Sleet LIU* use in most nt th* public buildings isciorles la McIntyre tbe Congressioo- THECumberland National Bank ot Portland, will oetlldtr all day. ney for the railroad company, and to bear their tioners and and at the al Bales New Ef gland. druggists, manufactory, district, Wm. F. Wright from the 3d dis- at tbe Brokers' Board, Dec 23. be held at their Banking room-, on Te.aSa;, tke Musio by Chandler’s Poll Quadrille Band. A man at a C. A. lOs by the name of Kimball slipped on report subsequent meeting. 15 Temple street. Only $1.50 per set. trict, Corker aod D. M. Dubois in the Union Pacitic R R sixes. 76$ day of January, 1871, at 3 o’claek D. H. CHANDLER, PBOUPTKB. the Iron in 5th district, by over 4000 and P. W. Union Pacific Land Gram, Sevens... 66$ s' M., lor the election ot Directoisand the trans- BAILEY & grating front of Dr. Mason’s dc20tb-124. majority, action of business that F, 0. 00., apoth- _ Eastern Kauroao any other may then come be- California.—This afternoon and evening v 3300 in the 7ih district. I50j ecary yesterday ■?' X0UDK majority Michigan Central Railroad. fore them. SAhl’L Caehier. Ticket* 75 ctf.; 50 corns* 00. shop afternoon and went Try Throat and Healer. ;f. In 36 counties thus tar heard from the Demo- 115$ SMALL, Gallery cli.; $3 are tbe last opportunities our people will have Briggs’ Lung Peppered Manufacturing Company ;. 600 Portland, Dee 9.1870. declttd RttHmov29 i.t.s AUCTIONEERS, tbrongh the shop window, cutting his hands crats have carried 21 and the Republicans 5, _ to witness the beautiful panorama of scenes in and York Manutacturmg Company.1122$ somewhat with the glass. Get Briggs’ Corn and Bunion Remedies. the lemaming ones are so closely contest- Second National ed Bank ot Portland. THE LAST California, now exhibiting at Deering Hall. that only an official count can decide. Bibb HALF COMMISSION MERCHANTS Our readers should not fail to notice the stockholders ot this Bank are notified Brigg3' Allavantor cures Catarrh. tf. county elects a to tbe hereby — A»r> —a Tbe matinee this afternoon at 2 o’clock, will be Republican legislature. THEthat ihe annual uieetit g tor ihe choice ot Di- landscape in Hale’s window entitled on “Morning see aT^™8® DMlof'ty tbs Republican tioket Allan rectors, and ihe transwcn B. Litt’rQeht, lai* 01 purchasers tubereulous matter is not only stopped, but in Gold or its jwm.tiooa o' eooda. Consignments not limited.! J and Mr. Bicords on the violin, were excellent, with a hatchet on the righ; side of his at ths next of the de- Payable equivalent. ma>ter having part o« tier FT» tla id «iecea8e I,except ib >*»e of 'he admiuig rator, bead, meeliDg Legislature or Cabin to Mills, February 11. 1868. dtf| that is carried away. their ®P“Eor Freight passage apply cardo engaged will be despatched which estaie has bt-tii rep.esen'e*i iusoivent; and and their playing evinced that understood splitting the ear in two. Deputy Marshal De- already deposited being manding resignation. A. they H. & ALLAN, No. 6 India St. 'oo Saiurdav. at 12 M. For Height tb it we shall be in session tor that purpose at the dec20th d&wlw. Nov. 1869. dtt music. The ladies of the Club were very taste- ceits arrested Sullivan. Sbehan was taken Portland, 29. 'or passage apn'y t-* office et Bounty & Pii len, No. 4d Exchange street, For steerage passage inwards and and oil ihe fust 01 Feb- arrayed and appeared to home by officers Hall and attend- TELEGBAPDIO ITERS. outwards, NlCliEKSuN & LITCHFIELD, In Portland. Monday* January. fully good advantage. and,Bounds for sight drafts on England tor small amounts, ap- 129 Commercial sc. iMmcb au<> ami the lir t aid last Mon- of Fine Watches The London Times again discuss- ruarv, April, Toe concert was a success and was ed to by Dr. Getcbell. Rich and Rare assortment editorially ply to 1870.1131 iiHvsot A. D. 1871, f ora tw > to lour o'clock i® enjoyed by es tbe ol the Portland, Dec 21, May DR. question Alabama olaims. It says JAS. L. FARMER. 3$ India St. aueinoon. PER 1VAL lioNMr Y. LUDWIG, one who attended it. Diamonds, Cameos, Mosiac, Byzantine, Ro- the every the Americans are ready to fight, although STaNLEa T fUi.LEN. Christmas —In accordance with the cus- Polished Gold Brace- man, and Picked setts, they appreciate tbe value ot peace, because For Rockland, (amdeu, Bilast IT'OJHt, SALE Portland, Dec. 9:h. If70. dclO»Hg*3 S Cougreaa 9p«irr, Ah Hohobaby Title?—A female friend of tom New as their re-ources are throughout England, Christmas lets, Studs, Sleeve Buttcns, Raman Lockets unbounded. While they do and who lost a on not seek war are a Searsport, Bucksport, and store, one of the left i ours, has recently mother, learn- comas on Sunday this year, there will be no and Chains, Seal Charms, Gold Thim- they not likely to decline FRUIT conieetionaiy nor *mle at a Bargain! lull, recovered from reCnt tllntt*. Will Rings, whereas is averse S A locations In the city, fold lor no fault, too ! ing that her father was soon to be married challenge; England always Winterport ! atienn 10 j rcleiatoua) oaii, by day M paper issued by tbe Advertittr ou Monday bles, &c., &c, togeiher with an assort- leave the ciiy. One In tour mund corner*. lirxciett PI* HAVIMi Bight. elegant to war for the converse reasons. good Schooner Volla, H.iktU rnnsur, will present proprit'orgolH*’to Seven Octavo. that she wa» about to have a or Press want oi such a Maud will do wed to call immediate- i A b*eu use*».» lh*s ofieifc a giod p. again, remarked, evening by tbe and Argui on Tues- ment of Silver and Silver plated ware and The second trial of THEbate immediate Oi.piticb. ei.o, (never John Wood and Jere- Ly. F^r lurther particulars enquire at this ofil e. to a wood Piaoo at a low price. ■other by brevet. next. 1 Apply to the muter ou hoard, Long Wharf. portunhy purchase ilcItiNiila, day morning rich fancy goods purchased expressly for the miah Sullivan la Boston for tbe murder of Mr. Dec2l-dlw* Portland, December 22, l©7o. d 23ti Enquire at Room In# 1 Cakooa Bloek. dtil-lw

• .-.- ———MM——W-*——MMM—— Poor r v. to have them treated in tbis way. Of course WAHTEIJ ; ' KDCCATIONAL. MISCELL AN ROUS. MEDICAL,* it does. RAILROADS. f STEAM PBS. As this is but a sample of sGiat occurred in The { hrisiniMfi Nlieaf. Wanted. j- JULES cn. L. one family, you may judge that in a million MOIIAZA1N, FAIRBANKS* PREMIUM BY by a middle aged American DK. J. K. tfCOHRH, PHtEBE CARY. I have my trials. 1 am a SITUATION Lady FROM PARIS, However, happy care ot an invalid Uno I reference SRIMD TRUNK RftILWr Winter hoard,” in the A to take giv- CAN BN IOVKD AX Hi* Arrangement. “.Sow, fellow, main—most of my arc to No. Cl 1’eaclier of tb« French S C *11; E sood*wife, bjing jour precious patrons en. Call at or oirect LADY, Nomh-st. Language, & ! OF CANADA. The Nor-and farmer cried, and true most of are c:c21*Iw ljite Master of Modern IS SIDE • the loving hearted; my gilts Languages in the Provin- LINE And heap the bea. ih. aud heap board, cial PRIVATE MEDICAL ROOMS welcomed as offerings of genuine affection; Tiaining School, High and Grammar Schools Alteration o 1 Trains. For the bles?ed Christmas-tide. Si. John, N. B. and the children—God bless their merry Boarders Wanted. The Standard. lio. 14 Preble street, And fetch.” he said. GeD* J‘M Brown> Fo the Penobscot and bid the children hearts—are to a harder hearted gentlemen and thoir wives and a f. w single W.Symonds, Next the Preble Braie, Machias -Tile last rice sheaf of wheat, enough keep Esq6161^685 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. saint than I am in trout one end gentlemen can be accommodated with board Prices Reduced l he oan be oonsulted and wit on tue rooi o erbeud : good humor, TWO trom one p. m. privately, And set It and tut rooms at No. 75 Free street. dc23*lw Apply to three o’clock p. at 58 Ouo come and eat. of picas WHEREthe utmost confidence by the affiioted, at Trip Per Week. 1 bat the b rds may the year to the other. Sprit g street, or in writing P. O. Box 2059. These Celebrated Scales are still hours dally, and from 8 ▲. M. to 0 P.M. On and me ask to make me a sepiodly 'IFlflCT alter Monday, Oct. 31, 1870, Only let you always lar in advance Dr. w. addressee are (JITY And ibis w* do tor His dear sake, Accountant Wanted. ot all others in Accuracy, Durability those who Buffering under the Trains will run as follows: -^•Steamer OP RICHMOND and never a bane to ind affliction of whether i William E. Tiie Master hi d and g >od. blessing by giving my Convenience, and our long experience and un- frivate diseases, arising from tram at 7.10 A. M. tor South Paris and Dennison, Master, wuj with Double Entry connection Passenger the loaves lie btestand brake hallowed love thoroughly acquainted * equalled facilities enable us to constan add all Impure or the terrible rice ol self-abuse. ntennediate stations. at at Railroad Wharf foot of State Who of charge only precious things, by wi;li real name, A. ST. ly Arriving South Paris St.. ONEBook-keeping. Addre.-s AUGUSTINE'S jucli real as Devoting his entire time to that particular branch ot >,30 A. M. ■fcsaaBreraicverv THURSDAY For ail the multitude.” and sympathy, and may each of you, dear IMPROVEMENTS, will enhance their Evening,until far- dc22-lw well-earned as the the medical profession, he feel# warranted in Guab- Mail Train lier notice, at t«u o'clock, flr .-n arrival ol __ reputation most (stopping at all stations) for Island Express fiDd in your the Affr&sixd * Cube I tain from Boston. Then Fre irica, and Franz, and Paul, readers, stockings just thing SCHOOL FOR in all Gases, whether of long Pond, connecting with night mail traiu lor Quebec. torUockland, Camden, Belfast most wish the Wanted. BOTS, or »e Deer When 'lie7 heard their father’s words, you for, coming anniversary; Agents standing recently contracted, entirely removing ths Montreal and the West, at 1.10 P M. irspoit, Castine, Isle, Sedgwick, Soatb West and Reliable of disease from the a Jartmr. (Mt. l*ut uo (lie fbeat, and one and all may you also find how much better it is to ‘The Library ot Poetry a^d Song.* The hand- No. 45 Danfertli St., Portland. Perfect dregs system, and making perl Accomodation tor South Paris and intermediate Desert,) Millbridge, Jonesportand Ma- feet and permanent our*. < Seemed as the birds. than to and ami cheapest work extant. It has some- itations at 5.30 P. M. hiasport. merry give receive; best of all, may He Foilromest Scales in the World. He would call the il of the best lor every one,—lor tbe old, he Her. Daniel F. attention ct the affiiotod to ti»o Paesengei trains will arrive as follows: t^r"Ke?urning will leave who was born on dtaw near to thine in Smith, A. M., act of his Machiasport every [?!•■- Cbristmasday, tbe mast become uni- Beeler; long-standing and well-earned reputation From South Paris aud « Iu« at Than suddenly tie maiden vigbed, middle-aged and yuung-and Hit. F. Lewiston, at 8.15 A M. .Horning, 5 o’clock, at toe above each and soul with a choir of Ex the this will he Mary Holme*, urnishlng si&ioleot assurance of nie skill and sum From touching Toe oys were husbed in tear, every white- vers ,lly popular. entiDg Bible, A.ai.taul; ALSO, Montreal, Quebec, Gorham and Bangar at lamed lan nng«. Her. N. \V. cess. As. covering a'l her aee, she cried, robed angels, chan'ing the old, yet ever new the t> >ok most loved and toe most frequently re- Vaylor Root, A M., MILES’ 210. PM i?or further particulars inquire of un- HESS* Tj “if Hansel weie but here!” to in lerred to in the family. Eveiy page has passed lu.lrncior la Drawing. 1 IMPROVED R Accomodation from South Taris, at 7 P. M. KOSS & bTCRDlV song—‘Glory God the and on %J •iettcR so Rfe* \NT, highest; the critical ol th» great poet, Easier Term begins Jan. 1, 1871. Pabllft BBT Cars on all Trains. der eye Sleeping night 179 Commercial Stroet. or earth peace, good-will toward men.’ lAD.MILES & CO.| Every intelligent and person must know And when at dark, about the hearth WM. CULLEN BRYANT, Double Lock thinking CYRUS Uen’l hat remedies handed out for general us* should have STURDIVANT, Aient. 1 bey 8'ill an t s'o'w. The are Dec. 10. 1870. gathered lor best agent". The hook of its their established well tested In Company not responsible for baggaze to Portland, OcIOl! You heard no more (he childish mirth Rare chance only UjKAJu efficacy by experience amount Send at once lor F.WIATJK. the hands of a iny exceeding $50 In valne (and that persor- 1. an hour FOB kiud ever sold by subsciiption. regularly educated whose So u 1 ago. physician, ll) mnless notice is given, ana tor at the rate ol circulars, &c., to Alarm Tills. preparatory studies fit him for all the duties he must paid ine for every additional GEO. MACLEAN, fulfil; yet the country is flooded with nostrums passenger $500 valne. An 1 on their fender cheeVs the tears PuMisher, poor C. International Co1 3 School Mass. JVM. H. and to be the beet in the J. BRYDGBS, Managing Direotor, Steamship shone in the flick-ring light; TOWN dclC-lw Street, Boston, JEHJRIS, A Perfect Protection cure-alls, purpart ag world, B, which art not our* seless, but injurious. BAILBY, Local Superintendent, For tuey were tour in other yeais Till always * Eastport. Calais and Again*! Tapping. The unfortunate abs-'q I be particular in Portland, Oct. 24th 7 oc27islw-osttl St.John, Who a»e out three to-nighc. AND Wanted. selecting Real Estate and Loan his physician, as It 1* a lamentable yet incontroverti- DIGBY, WINDSOR AND HALIFAX female canvasser in this city dur- Agent. ble fact, that manv are made mis- Aud tears ate in the mother's tone; experienced syphilitic patients Reduced Rates. ii the holidays. Extra inducements oftered. erable with ruin'd constitution* maltreatment As she speaks she tremb e« too; COUNTRY, AN g Houses, Lots asd Farms Tor Sale* FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO., by Fall H. A. McKENNEY & CO., from inexperienced physicians in for Arrangement. cbi'A RA- dcl7*lw 2 Elm St., Portland, Maine. lie would refer parties abroad to the following ft is a point generally conceded by the best And your father waits lor you.” 118 Milk Street, Boston. syphilogra- named gentlemen of tbisciiy: Hon. Geo. F. Shep- dhers, that the study and management of these oome F°r California, TWO TRIPS~PER THE EAHTH CLOSET, ley, Hon. A. W H. Clapp, Hon. Benjamin Kings- diaints should engross the whole time of those who MPPM WEEK. T'uen Fredrica, and Fiauz, and Paul. Hon. Hon. John Overland j Is a substitute for tbe water ch set er coma on privy WANTED. bury, Jr., Woodbury Davis, Lynch, would be competent and successful in their treat- via. Pacific Railroad. S'ood each btside his chan ; -a On and alter ami be used as a m-.viable or Fairbanks & ment and cure. The inexperienced general Or Steamer MONDAY, October Too were lads and may commode, by ap- Co., practi- by via, Panama to San Francisco. tbe Steamer hoys comely tall, TER l*t a man ol exrerience Portland, Nov 1,1870.noltf tioner. having neither nor time to mak- 3d, New Brunswick The paratus «or fixed rlot-eis Prices, $9 to $40. accord- January young opperiunity Ticket8 tor sale at REDlCliD girl was good and t#ir. and wi’li a 252 Broadway, New York. himeelf _T.h™^h and tbe ing to ilie kind are: AF in tbe Flour anu G ccery business, acquainted with their pathology, commonly ■ITEM, by steamer required. Among itsadvantages H New E. 1. Complete deodorization from tbe moment ot thorough acquaintance wi h tbe Maine trade, will Fine Suburban Residence for Sale. B3T*Sold by all ardware Dealers. pursues one system of tresttment, in most cases mak- lork.Capi. B. Wlnchee- The father’s band was raised to crave W. D. will leave tbe be in want ot a situation. Can influence trade any- ing an Indiscriminate use of that antiquated and dan- LITTLE Sc ■™^^~-»ter, Railroad Wharl.ioot A ipp’ying earth. The subscriber offers for sale bis CO., rl Slate grace betore the meat. wheie between Portland and Houi on. Good ieier- ger-? us weapon, the Morouxy. street, ever, MONDAYand THURSDAY words were 2. Tbe placing wiibin reach of rich and poor, moderfl-buiit residence situated on UNION ut 5 o When the uau-lner spake; her lrave, all, box Me. Made TICKET OFFICE clock 1* M tor Eastport and St. John in town and in tbe a means ences duress, WILTON, 1582, Bangor, the eminence Money Quickly But her voice was low aud sweet; country, simple lorpro- overlooking Wood- OcdAwlwis-tostf 49 1-2 lcaTe Stl Jull“ *nd in the a dc17$lw Bars iiesCdsass. Exchange street Export on viding, house, comtortable private closet. ford’s Corner, Westbrook. It con- BV ACTIVE MEN AND WOMEN B.me'.ia'v"*'TiU One Darrell of ea tli is sufficient for four i taios 12 good-sized A\ who have committed an excess ot ind’ “Dcir lather, should we give the wheat rooms, with an any at with nontbs’ u*e one is with Getting I# the great and lit- hetber It be the vice of or the Portland & „PS7.«t:o?nec"Df' Kaatport Steamer > al! the birds ot ill- air? by person. Wanted. excellent cellar, supplied an abundance ot subscriptions relijious solitary youth, tin*- Ogdensburg Railroad. 'j{L' Housekeeper the Christian Andrews end Calais and with nil we let the kite and the raren eat HENRY TAYI OR & CO., 14 and 16 Exchange hard and soit water, and it is in a good 6iate of re- erary weekly, Uni n, edited Dy rg rebuke of misplaced confidence In matures N.B. & S yearr, C. Railway tor Wooustock and Houltor street, Portland, Agent for the State of Maine. There is a stable on the SSBK FOR AN ANTIDOT■ IN SEASON. CHANGE OF TIME. b Such choice and dainty tare? awi 'ower(in easy circumstances.) with one pair. large premises. The HENRY tat ions. Send fey Circular. Closets tor sale by re- embrace two laid WARD BEECHER. Ths Pains and Achee, and Lassitude and Nervous child 8 years old, lo'eneage r. midd e tged. grounds actes, handsomely out, On anil alter Connecting at St. John with the Stsairer PM- BY and on which is a fin- Prostration that Monciav. Nov. 7lh, 1870, For if to-morrow from our stoic EARTH CLOSET woman ot domestic to take charge vegetable garden, the may follow Impure Coition, UHaHC PRESS tor and CO., specMable habits, vegeta- Having in its corps of Editors and Contributors run between Portland ami Dlgbv tbene. by rM to We ive them not to ci nnncuce bles to be sold with the house. are the Barometer to the whole system. •^^■•iWtrainswill Windaot end Annapolis, d away, No. 19 of his house, a lew miles irom the city the ablest talent of the land. A new and Steep Falls as toltows: lulitai and with tbe E. ocSeodlv Deane Street, Boston. This is one of the charming Do not wait for the consummation that 03 N A The good little birds will get no more about ti e first ol March Best reference and finest locations in the ot is sure to fbl- Radway torScbediac and given vicinity serial stcry by the world-.amous authoiess ot ‘‘Un- do not wait Leave Portland at 9.00 A. M. and 1.45 P. M. intermediate stations and Than the evil birds of For to Portlano—within five minutes’ walk of the horse- Icv: for Unsightly Ulcers, for wuhrail and steamer tor prey.” required. pait cularsapoly cle Tom’s Cabin,” ju t be*un. Every subscriber lor Leave Steep Fdls at 9.20 A. M. and 1.00 P. M. Charlottetown, p. k I H. Estate cais. and afloiding a fine view ot the Disabled Limbs, for Loss of Beauty KF received on WM. JERltlS, Beal Agent. ciiy, harbor, 1871 receives the tree lor eight also a The 1.45 P. M. from Portland and 9 20 A. M. freight a, father, yea; and tell me this”— “As a p:cture of actual Jife n a rural settlement tunity particulars, Lamb Homestead farm in the and their will connect at ^rlffiKtvVe“'ni ,or Boston. West I was cured ot Deafness* and Catarrh bv a simple consumption, by friends are supposed te btifes South Windham for Bridg- NoutroLK *nd Her words came last and wild— on tbe confines of tbe sea and tbe it reiercnco. apply to LEWIS & HALL, ton via wilderness, brook, three and half miles from remedy ami will rend the receipt free. have it, A11 such cases yield to the proper and only Raymond and Naples daily. ^SiiALmwIi. Are not a thousand less takes first Gazette. dclOdlw sparrows the rank.—Salem, _ on Correct course of and In a these Steamships:— Portland the road to Saccarappa. dc3f4w Mrs. M C. N. J. treatment, short time art Passengers by Stages and bv the l.ro P. M •• To Him than a child? LEGGETT, Jersey City, tram from William single Said excellent farm consists ot made to rejoice In perfect health. Steep Falls arrive in Portland in season tam-nce," Capt. Wm. A. HaUett. THE NEWEST BOOKS, WANTED. about seventy-five acres convieutly divided into to connect with the 3.00 P. M. train tor Boston. awW' Ay,nlu" Capt. Solomon Howe.. Even though it sinned and strayed irom home?” Free to Book Tickets tor sale at the Black Peter Scissor PJctures, 75 cents. mowing, pasture and wood land; has a good well ot Agents. Port. & Ken. K K. Depot. l«;V r!!‘ Kennedy," Capt. Geo. U HaUett. The father groaned in pain 311441e-A|e4 Eea. SAM. J. McUellwi, Cart. Frank Cozzens’a Sparrowgrass $1 50 water,a large barn,convient house and out buildings; We will fend a handsome piospee'us < f our New ANDEhS^N, President. M. Howes As she cried, let our Hansel come Papers, has a Nov. Freight forwarded from 11 Ws.hin-*« “uli, 1 50 also valuable orchard of 150 voung trees in Illustrated Family Bible containing over 200 fine Share are many men ot the age or thirty who art Portland, 8, 1870. dll Koifolk ta And live with us Acadia, by Steamer Lady ot the again! Horses to good bearing condition. Another valuable source ot scr p ure illustrations to book tree ol troubled with too frequent evacuations from Lke? Dr. Bushwhacker, 1 50 Jioard. any agent thebladj Freight 1 o/warded from profit belonging to the farm is an excellent gravel Address National der, often accompanied by a slight smarting or burn- Xorfotk to Petertbura an.1 charge. Publishing Company, river or I know he did what was not right.” one in the and the in a fttchmond, by tail; and the Fa k THIH WEEK, WILL board Horses at roy farm the coming win- bed,the only vicinity, and one trom which Phil. Pa. dc3f4w ing sensation, weakening system man- Air by .Sadly he shook his head. the the If You are tine to all points in 1 ter, on very reasonable terms. town buys largely. Situated so near Portland, ner patient, cannot account for. On examining West Virgmid, Tennewie, SIS' •‘If he knew 1 longed tor him Howell’s Suburban Sketches. Going (Kima and and over the to-night, Particulars by addressing the subscriber at Gtay, upon the main road trom the country to the city, the urinary deposits a ropy sediment wil l often be Georgia; Seaboard.mi Ho Ho would not he said. Lucretia Davids, on’a Poems. this larm Wanted,—A sometimes and come,” or B. 140 Exchange sL oflers inducements such as lew others can gents found,and small particles of semen er al- Procure Tickets the d Soull‘ Carolina Adams, gg by EjjjSgja )? *e'/,Tmtnin.A&r'/‘ °hM R- R- *° SAMUEL N. SMITH. oiler to any one desiring a farm either for profit or To sell our new illustrated book of travels bumen will appear, or the color will be of a thin milk- Washia«toa aad“ lie nciu uuui me ju nuuii .ui'i ir“«: Dec 1870.dc!9d2wt enjoyment. For particulars ct lsh again changing to a dark and turbid appear- Beat and plaJes Go ! shield h'D a unit & IIO V G Nciv Gray, 10, inquire hue, Stfest, Meat Reliable Routes I Through rates tenderly! TON, YorTc, G. & L. P. ance. There are many men who die of this difficulty, given to South and West. For I hear ihe wild wind outside WARREN, Overland Asia. Fiue Passenger acco cry Boarderp Wanted. mrlGd&vftf Saccarappa. M Through Ignorant of the cause, which is the THROUGH TICKETS »odationg. L'ke a soul in agouy.” RIVERSIDE PRESS, By Col. Thomas W. Knox. A comprehensive and Fare iucluding Berth and Meals Cambridge 3entlemen and ladies can »12M; time ta 39 Newbury street! Ydnuuic ui lueeuumnes ui Li- From via to Nortolk, 48 hours. To dctl cApusiuon nidoivti, I can warrant a perfect care la each PORTLAND, BOSTON, all point. lr. B.ltlmore 65 hours ATbe rceommodated with board. uol7dtl cases, and a the SOUTH jfor “Nay, ’tig a soul!” oli, eagerly, beria, China aid Russia as they are to-day. Match- fall and restoration of the WEST, AND NORTH-WEST, furnlsh- further information anplv to healthy urinary organs. eU at the l.wc.l The maiden answered iken; ing our Richardson's “Beyond the Mississippi,” and Persons who cannot consult rain, with choice of Route... at E- personally the Dr., the „„ SAUlPSOH, Agent, “And. what if it should be ■m«.wwvvvvv v-'# salesmen n anieu Mark Twain's “innocents in style, &c. ONLY UNION TICKM.’ Junc2tf 3.-1 Central lather, be, Abroad,” oan do eo by writing, In a plain manner, a descrip- OFFICE, Wharf Ha,inn Come back to us again!’* honorable. No competition, liberal Send for circulars and see oar extra terms. Address tion of their diseases, and the appropriate remedies No. 49 1-3 American Conn. Exchange Street, Beethoven pay given. S. W. KENNEDY, 8 S. 4th St., Publishing Co., Hartford, dc3f4w will be forwarded lmmed ately. She the Letter?, 1790-1820, clcth,.$200 BUSINESS W- D. LITTLE A stops; portal open flies; Lite ot Beethoven Edited Mo- Philadelphia. dc5 4w JA11 correspondence strictly confidential am, will CO., Agent.. For Hci tear is turned to [Schindler.] by Mar 24- tvaather And there wil! be no empty chair MAN to take charge of the carding, spinning and producing time. 3.40 P. M. i*r. Nor heart in their home. LADIES will find it Invaluable in all cases of oh mlttlngf<,*y empty weaving ot one set of woo’en ma hinery. GETTING VP CLUBS Freight train with passenger car a'tarli- Cabia wttb State Room. ta McQBEGOB A sanction! after ell other remedies have been tried lo passage, * 00 ISAIAH POPE *2fc CO. ed leave Allred for Portland at 5.30 A. 31. Meals extra. AncJ as they see their and vain. It ie purely vegetable, containing in they think, j >y pride, Windham, 12th mo., 2nd, 1870. dc3dlw&wtf nothing Leave Portland for Alfred at 12.30 P. M. Through tickets may be had on b sale t>a k in (he least injurious to the and be ard to »uuveabove t.iio sheltering told, health, may tans" connect as tollows: points. Great with at all times. Stages Of the Child that was burn at Christmas-tiJe Consumers perfect safety At Gorham tor West Savingjo Bent to an Gorham, Standislr, Steep ,eaY8 0n Wed* In Bethlehem of old. part of the country, with full directions Falls, 3al\ MONTREAL, having been titter ot ibis Furnace trom time to time of consequences 29,1*70, ,][( al GREAT with parents is that the first teeth are of little im- the greai •* !*«■*•■ with a and the reproductive system, with remarks on marriage, JEgSa^lS^Xup" 1 largo IMPORTANCE, McSSreaor Furnace and seem Wben the dentist ntimber ot beautiiul portance, they surprised and the various causes of the loss n kState Rooina bas been 8 O’CLOCK. of manhood, with will, run the THE FAVORABLY KNOWN, said in Exten- other meaDS ot season as follows: recommends tilling, biu.tbinand * tnll instructions for its sive Use tor the last Fifteen Years. It has oecl4tlw complete restoration; & Portsmouth R. R. one know that a dis- __ p®rtlanu at preservation. Every should also a chapter on venereal injection, and the mea*s Portland,Saco, .„a81Ti?,g 3,UanttWkar1’ T o'clock Proved to be the Most Mnksftaotial and Re- a and India eased condition ot the te^th and gums, and pre- the most work on Whan, Boston, everyday at 5 o’clock? liable Fn rupee ever of cure, being comprehensive the M, Sanaa offered in this Market, mature loss oi the first cause contraction ot SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. vs excepted.) TRIALS OF SANTA CLAUS. teeth, subject ever yet published, 150 pages.— ind at the time there are more them comprising Cabin u prevent of in the jaw, with which it is impossible to have a Mailed free to address for tare,.. a, use than all other any 25 cents. Address, of patterns. healthy and handsome set or permanent teeth. We would reter to the Commencing Deck..i.eU following persons who have With tiiteeu yeais* practical experience in the Dr. Jourtlain’s Consulting Office, Monday, May 29*7©. Freight taken as usual, our McGregor Furnaces in use. At Told by Him,elf. profession, I am tully prepared to treat and fill 31 Hancnch Maas. PASSENGER TRAINS le:ive Port- Hon,]. Washburn, jr. Gen.G. F. Street, Bastaa, JMME BK‘LJK«a.ARen>. Sheplev. teeth, or insert artificial teeth I am using West- laud lor Hon. Wm W. Thomas. Gen. F. Fes junl4dlyr daily (Sundays excepted) Mavl,18o9-dtla- j enden. ern’s Metal, which tor under plates has many ad- Boston at 6.15, aDd 8.40 a. m„ and 2.55 and 6.00 p.m. Rev. B. H. Gen. J. M. Brown. Bailey. vantages over every 0‘her material. Leave Boston lor Portland at 7.30 a. 12.00 FALL Sam’l Geo. M. m., m.. RIVER I know I am considered a jolly old fellow, Ro'te, Esq. Harding. Esq. Teeth Extracted Without Paio. 3.00 and 6.00 p. m. LIJfB, o. M. & d. For New with to do but to drive down cbim w.Nash, 1 have introduced iuto my practice the Nitrous Biddetord lor Portland at 7.30 A. York, Philadelphia, nothing 1870. 6 Carriage M.,—returning Baltimore,Wash September 21, No, St. shall be to administer it at all \ at 5 20 P.M. and Exchange OxiucGas; prepared ington* all the neys with a broad grin on my face ;but I Lave sep21eo .3-m principal pointa hours: have bad five years* experience m its use as Portsmouth for Portland at 10.00 a. m 2.30 and West, South and my tiials, like all other saints and sinners. It an ansestbesae. 5.30 p. South-West, m, and on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday Via Vail is not Christmas-eve the whole Office at 74 Free near Con- \ ®TOB;r, at 8.00 p.m. Tanuion, Hirer and (Newport. year round; my residence, street, Deck there is a and and if think 1 gress Square, Port and. The 6.00 p. m. trains from Boston and Cabin, $5,00; $1,1*0 checked before alter, you Tor (Express) and Baggage ocl4-neweow O. P McALASTER. D. D. S. \ Portland run via Raslern Railroad through transferred in N Y tree ot charge. bavi jolly times then, you are mislakeu. Just ^lAllr^toK^OH- Tuesday,Thurs New York trains Salro^ day and Saturday, stopping only at Saco, leave llieO'.d Colony and New- Biddeiord, Kailwav uow it is the before, that worries me; I must port Depot, corner ot Sooth and Knee land ^ ii>u ,, Kennebunk, Portsmouth, Newbury port, Salem and have, before the 25th of December, private Portable Steam parties-^ Lynn; and on Monday, Weunesday and j Btreets.dany. (Sundays excepted,las follows: at4..10 Engines. Friday P M, arriving in Fall Htver 40 consultations with at least five millions of fa- via Boston & Maine Railroad, stopping at minutes in advance cl dura- only Saco, the regular Steamboat COMBINING the maximum ot efficiency, and Biddetord, Kennebunk. South Berwick Train, which leaves Boston thers and mothers, brothers and un- Is already recommended by rnr For sale everywhere, lor sale wholesale only by Junction, at 3..IO p sisters, leading physician?, and with the minimum ot Dover, Exeter,Haverhill and Lawrence. M, connecting at Fall Elver with the as a tonic rxd a nutrient (ESPECIALLY ADAPT- bility economy weight the new and cles and aunts and cousins, to say notbiDg of trains each magmheent steamers PaovtDS sex. Cant. ED To LADIES with the most and are and Freight way daily (Sundays excepted). husbands and lovers and and satisfactory results. price. They widely favorably known, FRANCIS 5: “• Simmons, Bhistol, Capt A. SlmmonsT- wives, friends; This is used where all CHASE, Superintendent, These steamers beverage extensively spiritu- more than 800 being in use. All warranted satistac- Great Atlrntic and Pacific Tea Co., Portland, April 28,1870. if are the fastest and most reliable this is no trifle I assure when look ous and are boats on you, you liquors ales discarded, as it (litters the Scund, built tor trom al. oiber malt ory, or no sale. Descriptive circulars sent on ap- P. O. BOX 5506. 8 Church St., N. Y. and expressly speed, safety at it seriously, as I have to. preparations, being ALMOST comiort. his line connects with all the South- FhEE FROM and Addre3S for circular. Take as an the Rubbs—about an ALCOHOL, thereiore neither in- plication. pySend Tbea-Nectar decl714w Maine Central Railroad Li,1<:s lr“® New York example, nor wl ?°.a,!n going toxicating irritating: as it contains MORE NU- J C. HOAD LEY & CO., Mass, aml culivc"'ent 'to the average family. There is and 1 RIM ENT Lawrence, Lalllornia grandpa grand- THAN PORTER, ALE, OR THE julldtim rTas««J Live Wanted tor PORTLAND AND BANGOR Steamers*!>outl1’ ma Kubb to and aunt STRONGEST BEER. Agents STE INFEED’S LINE. “To begin with, Melinda; Whipper. of Freight.” this Lins, with SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND its new and then there is and mamma and GROCERS. -IsSSTS—- Trains will leave Grand extensive depbt accommodations mBoa- papa Rubb, WOMEN OF NE CJEUflLUMJ Trunk TARRAbV A Gne*winh N. \ W-TOKK, Depot ton, an*l larce in New Minnie and and Lottie and and €o.,i7N St., Y., Hard and White Pine Timber. SMKS^Rat Portland lor Auburn and Lewiston pier York, texclnsively tor the Tom, Harry sole Agents for itsd »” etc- Or,Social Life in the Great City* FRENCH COGNAC business oi * lie irsi, BITTERS at 7210 ATM., 1.05 P. M. Line), Is supplie*! with facilities tor the baby, besides Nora, the nurse, and decl9 2w on hand and sawed to dimensions. Wonderful the PRIZE freight and business \ -Xd S»cistos’ developments among aristocracy. (FIRST PARIS EXHIBITION, 1867.) Leave lor Waterville, Kendall’s Milts, Newport, oasseuger which cannot be sur- Bridget, the cook. It is easy to HARD PINK PLANK. Married Women exposed, Arc,, &c. Price $3.25. pass.d. Freight always taken at low enough man-, Au°tmy0 the blood and the Dexter, (Mooseliead Lake, and Baugor, at H.SP. rates and for- the and the two four and six OF THE The best book to sell published. The best terms Purify strengthen system, eradi- M, with the wartled with dispatch. age baby year METROPOLIS HARD PINRKLOWRIN'U AN» STEP. cate the effect ot Connecting European & North Ameri- to Agents ever Y. Book 145 dissipation, maintain the human can Train there are candies and and blocks J^ANK .>r given. Address,N. Co., R. R. tor towns north and east. „^~w York **l«" leave. Boston at 1.30 P olds; dolls, COS-1- Nassau N. Y. dect7t4w frame in condition of healtniuhiess, dispel the Blues ln New York Nos- 41 and 43 Slate Street, BOARDS. For Sale by street, Freight train leaves Poi Hand tor Bangor and in- .•"*’* next rooming about ( and and and \ and all mental distempers, and relieve those who e ¥’J00!!‘A II. Prelght New picture books, jumping-jacks termediate stations at 6.S5 A. M. leaving Yotk reaches Bostonsn STETSON & habit* them open to the of that sort lor but think of POPE, s*^ sedentary lay depression. They Trains leave Lewiston and following day at 8.15 A AL things them; Auburn lor Wanted tor prevent and cure and Portland BOSTON. Wharl and corner of E Street. Office Agents bilious other Fevers, Fever anf Poston at 6.20 A. For tickets litrihs ami grandpa Rubb! and of aunt Melinda! How Dock, First, \ and Chills, M., 12.04 t*. M. staterooms, spply at tha Nq. 10 Sitate Street. Boston. mrl9 llyr Containing Fleetwood's Li e of Christ” Ague, Diarrhoea, Dysen eru. Dyspepsia, Train from and company’s office at No 3 Old State can I know what wiil suit an old maid of fif- 1 Cholic. Ch Bangor intermediate stations is House, ebrnar o* ftTLI, Bank, having remodeled its Banking-House, &■• THE and “Lives of the A post Its, bvangeiisfs Sea-Sickness, olera, Cholera Morbus, and due in Portland at2.iOP. Washington and stale streets .and at Old c to M.,and item Lewiston Colony and ty, who can’t have caps, because she dyes her making it one of the most pleasant and convenient and Martyrs.” Doddridge’s “Evidences every mpiaim incidental diet or atmosphere. and Aubnrn at Newpott kutlroad corner of 23 _ _ only 8.10 A. 31. Depot, South and Knee- ot access in the will continue to receive de- GET THE BEST ! \ P(f1)le fet” Vortl»»d’ EIGHT ot ot the Jews” Ladies wil. find them a soverign bocn, as eradi- land streets, Boston hair, and don’t care for bows or books, nor city, Christianity,” “Bis.cry they The only route by which tickets are sold discount for and of ab cate a 1 traces of Debility, Inertness through stearoers leave New nor nor nor posits, promptly customers, buy by JOSEPHUS; “History Itelig- Nervousness, to Dexter and all intermediate stations York dally, {Sundays excen- pictures, portlolios, sugar plums, and Diseases to 'ho sex. Bangor, sell‘Bills ou London, Dublin, Paris. Amsterdam, Bush’s Argrnlinc Hair Bye, long and favor- OF ions Denominations,” with treatises and peculiar east oi the Kennebec '“r,b and who would Le of- ”_-—- River, and baggage checked “"«• pincushions, mortally Frankfort-on-the-Main, and all other cities ot known to the stands peerless and un- tables 'elating to events connected with BdP^Thcusanus of Testimonials can b3 seen at the St ably public, office of through. ?;*££¥ fended if 1 carried her a new dress or shawl, I Europe, Asia and Africa. and issue Letters ol Credit rivaled. It is the best, quirk* st, the THE Bible Hi»o*y. Replete with many fine PRINCIPAL DLLOT. dec!6tf Geo. Suiveaick, Passenger ami cheapest, 61 and NOYES, Supt. Freight Agent. “as if she was too to clothe herself!’’ Pa- for travelers (which will be honored in any part ot the most natural, harmless and effectual Hair engraving*. The whole lornib g a Com- 66 Water St., N. Y. _EDWIN JAMES $ JR. poor durable, M T) cnmvs 1SK, PicsKJent world,) upon tbe most ^favorable terms. Parties in the world. It colors heir or whiskers Brown WORLO plete Treasury ot Christian knowl- JOVBNH. pa Rubo is almost as he’s had Dye (0*9T£LB.0jA|ent, MaBa