Celtis Occidentalis
Celtis occidentalis - American or Common Hackberry (Ulmaceae) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Celtis occidentalis is a tough tree for urban or rural -lateral stems often die back a few inches to give a sites, growing rapidly to provide shade, windbreak, ragged appearance to the ends of branches and/or erosion control under stressful conditions. Trunk -light gray to gray-green FEATURES -very corky to warty ornamental bark, slowly Form becoming platy with age -large deciduous tree -often to 3' or more in diameter on old trees, with -maturing at 70' tall x significant basal flair 50' wide -wood is much stronger than Silver Maple (another -upright oval growth quick shade tree) habit in youth, quickly losing its central USAGE leader and becoming Function rounded to irregular in -shade tree (for highly stressed, poor soil, or wet soil habit with age sites where rapid growth is needed), deciduous -rapid growth rate windbreak, pioneer invader tree Culture Texture -full sun -medium texture overall in foliage and when bare -prefers moist soils but (fine-textured twigs, but bold and irregular branching is adaptable to many pattern) adverse conditions, -average density in foliage but thick when bare including wet or dry Assets sites and poor soils -urban tolerant (dry sites, soil compaction, pollution, -propagated primarily wind, heat, acid or alkaline soil tolerant), ornamental by seed but also by rooted stem cuttings or grafted bark, rapid growth, adaptable to wet
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