United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 4,830,221 Mazzanobile 45) Date of Patent: May 16, 1989
United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 4,830,221 Mazzanobile 45) Date of Patent: May 16, 1989 54 TOOTHPASTEPUMP FORMULATION 3,885,028 5/1975 Cella et al. ............................ 424/52 4,292,304 9/1981 Barels et al. .......................... 424/52 75) Inventor: Salvatore Mazzanobile, Haworth, 4,421,527 12/1983 Wason ................................... 424/52 N.J. 4,425,322 1/1984 Harvey et al. ........................ 424/52 73) Assignee: Beecham Inc., Clifton, N.J. 4,533,069 8/1983 Drobish ............................... 222/209 21 Appl. No.: 878,008 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 0.075410 4/1985 Japan . 22 Filed: Jun. 24, 1986 2152152 7/1985 United Kingdom . 51) Int. Cl."......................... A61K 7/26; B65D 35/00 Primary Examiner-Margaret Moskowitz 52 U.S. Cl. ........................................ 222/92; 424/49; Assistant Examiner-F. T. Moezie 424/58; 222/260 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Jacobs & Jacobs 58) Field of Search ...................... 424/49, 58; 222/92, 222/153, 260, 386.5, 387, 498, 505 57 ABSTRACT A plastic toothpaste dispenser containing an aqueous (56) References Cited toothpaste that includes a flavoring oil and a non-toxic U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS oil in an amount effective to reduce the loss of the fla 3,475,533 10/1969 Mayrand ............................... 424/57 voring oil escaping through the plastic dispenser. 3,574,824. 4/1971 Echeandia et al. ... 424/50 3,705,940 12/1972 Kirchgassner ........................ 424/49 17 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet U.S. Patent May 16, 1989 4,830,221 F. G. 2 2 YN NA ANA NSN Nin 4. SIN N en Rs Xe s Ales ZIII / S 8 4,830,221 1.
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