Can You Spot COVID-19 Misinformation?

We’re all seeking the latest on the COVID-19 pandemic and what might be coming next. But how can we spot and avoid the false information that is also circulating, especially on social media? Here are some things to look out for.

Have you received a message from your friend Did you see a statement being shared on social that says her aunt/teacher/colleague knows networks that looks like it has come from the someone who works in the ER and has the government or a health authority? following information?

If so: Be cautious. If so: Be a detective. Lots of copy and paste It may be ‘imposter

are spread content’, which is

this way.

when it’s not. Action: try pasting the

Action: social networks. If you website of the organization see lots of examples, it quoted and check whether has likely travelled a long the information on their way before it got to you. site is a match.

Maybe someone sent you a list of top tips to Did you see that very dramatic video on social media avoid the virus, like eating certain foods or using showing the latest updates relating to COVID-19? home remedies?

If so: Be skeptical. If so: Look closer. There’s no food or Sometimes videos and supplement that can stop pictures being shared on you getting this virus, social media aren’t quite and there’s currently no what they seem. treatment - you can only try to manage the symptoms. Action: try reverse image searching pictures ? Action: consult the latest to see if they have been guidelines from the World used before. And pay a Health Organisation and regular visit to trusted your country’s and state’s news providers to stay health authorities. up to date.

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